. Braceby . Humby chapel . . Lenton . . . Sapperton

Pew Sheet – 6th December Advent Two & St Nicholas

On the Second Sunday of Advent we light the second candle on the Advent Ring, and we remember the Prophets – those who speak out about what God wants his people to do. Today is also the Feast of St Nicholas, the patron saint for Sapperton. He was a Bishop in Myra in the 4th century. He too spoke out about the will of God; and he also demonstrated God’s love in his love for the people he served.

Online Worship: There is no online worship this week, as the lock down has lifted and we shall be worshipping in church. However, there will be an online service next Sunday, which will come from Ingoldsby, and feature the blessing of the Reverse Advent Calendar; and there will be an online service for Christmas, available from 18.00 on Christmas Eve.

This week’s Diary:

Mon 7th 17.00 Rectory Evening Prayer 19.30 by Zoom Benefice Council

Wed 9th 10.00 Ropsley Morning Prayer 10.30 Rectory Anna ‘at home’ until 12.00 15.00 by Zoom Bible Study 17.00 Old Somerby Evening Prayer

Thurs 10th 10.00 Ingoldsby Morning Prayer 11.00 by Zoom Coffee Morning 17.00 Rectory Evening Prayer

Fri 11th 17.00 by Zoom Evening Prayer

Sunday 13th – Advent Three 10.00 Old Somerby Morning Worship 10.00 Ingoldsby All Age Advent Worship Advent 2020 in North

In the name of Jesus, welcome the stranger, the homeless and the refugee.

Don’t stop reading this page – it’s all happening here!

Creating the Crib: Each day we will be adding a character to the knitted Crib in Ropsley Church. Visit the Crib at Ropsley Church, or see it on the Ropsley Church Facebook page.

Wonkey Donkey and Little Donkey have arrived, but the shepherds have mislaid their sheep.

Living Village Advent Calendars can now be seen in Ropsley and Ingoldsby: From 1st December start looking out for Advent Calendar windows in houses around Ropsley and Ingoldsby. Each day someone will add a window, so that by 24th you will be able to see them all. The best time to view them will be at night, when they are lit up, and the windows will stay in place into the New Year.

A Star for Christmas: The stars are coming out – keeping putting them up, and keep spotting them.

Used Stamps for Charity: When you open your Christmas cards, don’t discard the stamps. They can be used to support charities. Whizz them along to Muriel Harrison at Manor Farm, Boothby Pagnell, or pop them through the Rectory letterbox (in an envelope!)

The Reverse Advent Calendar

As we tuck into the chocolate in our Advent Calendar, and lots of other goodies as well, there are people who do not have enough to eat, especially in this pandemic year.

A HUGE thank you to all the people who have brought donations, from across the Group of . The Calendar now looks like this!

Your gift will go to Foodbank and will make a huge difference to someone’s Christmas.

Sunday 13th December, 10.00 All Age Advent Celebration Service and Blessing of the Calendar

Christmas worship around the group of parishes

Now that the guidance about worship has been published, plans are going ahead for Carol and Christmas Services.

In order to keep us all safe, please worship at your own church this year. Contact your Churchwarden, or refer to parish websites and Facebook pages to find out what is being offered at your parish church.

Churchwardens: Boothby Pagnell Tom Blake 01476585898 Braceby & Humby Colin McGarrigle 01476585909 Ingoldsby Kate Welbourne 01476585812 Hilary Gilbert 01476585979 Lenton Tony Clayton 01476585711 Peter Dobney 01476585766 Old Somerby Len Watson 01476568439 Ropsley Helen Sloss 01476585433 Sapperton & Humby Fred Mann 01476585905

Please remember in prayer

In the world: • All those prepared to speak out for faith. For modern day prophets. • Giving thanks for all who have played their part in the speedy development of vaccines, and those who will oversee roll-out programmes. • For the success of renewed attempts to secure a trade deal with the EU.

In the community and society: • Those who are alone and lonely in these darker days; giving thanks for all those who look out for and look after their neighbours. • Those in our own communities suffering from Covid-19.

The sick: Richard Hanmer; Kathy Cheesmond, Joan Todd, John Todd, Steve Welton.

The Departed: Yvonne Bullen (Susan, John and all the family), Keith Clements. Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord; and may light perpetual shine upon them.

Please let Anna know if you would like anyone included in the prayers – [email protected]

The Collects: Father in heaven, who sent your Son to redeem the world and will send him again to be our judge: give us grace so to imitate him in the humility and purity of his first coming that, when he comes again, we may be ready to greet him with joyful love and firm faith; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Almighty God, the light of the faithful and shepherd of souls, who set your servant Nicholas to be a bishop in the Church, to feed your sheep by the word of Christ and to guide them by good example: give us grace to keep the faith of the Church and to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

Zoom news for lockdown Coffee morning – 11.00 on Thursdays: Meeting ID: 842 2551 0035 Passcode: 7wmjy8 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84225510035?pwd=VnJ2d2M2Z3ZnUTFYdXVQSVQxN05rZz09

Friday Evening Prayer: Meeting ID: 771 3498 6391 Passcode: 9xGUEt