The Coastal Plain

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The Coastal Plain BaptistBaptist HistoryHistory AnAn OverviewOverview 06/17/12 Baptist History – Prior Lake Baptist Church 1 WhyWhy studystudy aboutabout Baptists?Baptists? ►WhoWho areare we?we? ►WhereWhere diddid wewe comecome from?from? ►WhatWhat dodo wewe standstand for?for? ►WhatWhat dodo wewe standstand against?against? ►DoesDoes anyany ofof thisthis reallyreally matter?matter? 06/17/12 Baptist History – Prior Lake Baptist Church 2 06/17/12 Baptist History – Prior Lake Baptist Church 3 DoDo labelslabels reallyreally matter?matter? 06/17/12 Baptist History – Prior Lake Baptist Church 4 What’sWhat’s forfor Dinner?Dinner? 06/17/12 Baptist History – Prior Lake Baptist Church 5 BaptistBaptist HistoryHistory –– AnAn OverviewOverview ► BaptistBaptist BeginningsBeginnings 1717thth centurycentury . GeneralGeneral BaptistsBaptists –– JohnJohn SmythSmyth andand ThomasThomas HelwysHelwys . ParticularParticular BaptistsBaptists –– JohnJohn Spilsbury,Spilsbury, WilliamWilliam KiffinKiffin . AmericaAmerica –– RogerRoger WilliamsWilliams andand JohnJohn ClarkeClarke ► GrowthGrowth AmidstAmidst StruggleStruggle . JohnJohn BunyanBunyan . HenryHenry DunsterDunster . ThomasThomas GooldGoold . ObadiahObadiah HolmesHolmes . IssacIssac BackusBackus 06/17/12 Baptist History – Prior Lake Baptist Church 6 BaptistBaptist HistoryHistory –– AnAn OverviewOverview ► ControversiesControversies . CommunionCommunion . HymnodyHymnody . MissionsMissions . SlaverySlavery . LiberalismLiberalism ► MissionMission PioneersPioneers . WilliamWilliam CareyCarey . AdoniramAdoniram JudsonJudson 06/17/12 Baptist History – Prior Lake Baptist Church 7 BaptistBaptist HistoryHistory –– AnAn OverviewOverview ► GrowthGrowth AroundAround thethe WorldWorld . JohannJohann GerhardGerhard OnckenOncken . MissionMission expansionexpansion ► BaptistsBaptists inin thethe PewPew andand ParlorParlor . MenMen –– J.J. D.D. RockefellerRockefeller Sr.,Sr., WilliamWilliam Colgate,Colgate, . WomenWomen –– LottieLottie Moon,Moon, HenriettaHenrietta Shuck,Shuck, CettieCettie RockefellerRockefeller ► BaptistsBaptists andand theirtheir MusicMusic . BenjaminBenjamin KeachKeach SamuelSamuel StennettStennett . RobertRobert RobinsonRobinson JohnJohn FawcettFawcett . AnneAnne SteeleSteele BasilBasil ManlyManly 06/17/12 Baptist History – Prior Lake Baptist Church 8 WhoWho areare thethe Baptists?Baptists? ►BB BibleBible asas thethe solesole authorityauthority ►AA AutonomyAutonomy ofof thethe locallocal churchchurch ►PP PriesthoodPriesthood ofof thethe believerbeliever ►TT TwoTwo officersofficers ►II IndividualIndividual soulsoul libertyliberty ►SS SavedSaved churchchurch membershipmembership ►TT TwoTwo ordinancesordinances ►SS SeparationSeparation ofof churchchurch andand statestate 06/17/12 Baptist History – Prior Lake Baptist Church 9 FourFour TheoriesTheories ofof BaptistBaptist OriginsOrigins ►TheThe SuccessionismSuccessionism ViewView ►TheThe SpiritualSpiritual KinshipKinship ViewView ►TheThe AnabaptistAnabaptist ViewView ►TheThe EnglishEnglish SeparatistSeparatist ViewView 06/17/12 Baptist History – Prior Lake Baptist Church 10 TheThe TrailTrail ofof BloodBlood ViewView ► TheThe DonatistsDonatists (4(4thth andand 55thth centuries)centuries) ► TheThe PauliciansPaulicians (7(7thth century)century) ► TheThe BogomilsBogomils (11(11thth && 1212thth centuries)centuries) ► TheThe AlbigensesAlbigenses (12(12thth century)century) ► TheThe HenriciansHenricians (12(12thth century)century) ► TheThe WaldensesWaldenses (14(14thth andand 1515thth centuries)centuries) ► ThisThis viewview tracestraces BaptistBaptist lifelife backback toto thethe NTNT throughthrough theologicaltheological antecedentsantecedents whowho heldheld toto BaptistBaptist viewsviews James M. Carroll 06/17/12 Baptist History – Prior Lake Baptist Church 11 TheThe TrailTrail ofof BloodBlood byby J.J. M.M. CarrollCarroll 06/17/12 Baptist History – Prior Lake Baptist Church 12 SpiritualSpiritual KinshipKinship ViewView ► rdrd TheThe NovatiansNovatians (3(3 century)century) ► TheThe HenriciansHenricians (12(12thth . A strict view of church century)century) membership ► TheThe PetrobusiansPetrobusians (12(12thth . Orthodox view of major Orthodox view of major century)century) doctrines ► BothBoth groupsgroups ► TheThe DonatistsDonatists (4(4thth century)century) . Rejected infant baptism . Biblicists – devoted to the Word . Rejected crosses as objects . Separatists – from the corrupt of worship church and government . Rejected the sacrifice of . Purists – the Church should be the Mass morally pure . Rejected the Mass, sacrifices, alms for the dead . Rejected the need of church building 06/17/12 Baptist History – Prior Lake Baptist Church 13 TheThe AnabaptistAnabaptist ViewView ► BaptistsBaptists camecame outout ofof thethe radicalradical wingwing ofof thethe Reformation,Reformation, thethe AnabaptistsAnabaptists ► EspeciallyEspecially thethe earlyearly EnglishEnglish GeneralGeneral BaptistsBaptists who,who, asas separatists,separatists, fledfled toto HollandHolland andand joinedjoined upup withwith thethe WaterlanderWaterlander Mennonites.Mennonites. ► JohnJohn SmythSmyth (c.(c. 1570-1570- 1612)1612) isis thethe primaryprimary historicalhistorical figurefigure 06/17/12 Baptist History – Prior Lake Baptist Church 14 EnglishEnglish SeparatistSeparatist ViewView ► BaptistBaptist movementmovement tracedtraced directlydirectly toto thethe SeparatistsSeparatists inin EnglandEngland ► EnglishEnglish ReformationReformation beginsbegins inin 15341534 withwith thethe ActAct ofof SupremacySupremacy when,when, byby actact ofof Parliament,Parliament, thethe ChurchChurch ofof EnglandEngland brokebroke withwith RomeRome ► TheThe AnglicanAnglican ChurchChurch –– aa mixturemixture ofof Rome’sRome’s theologytheology andand ReformationReformation theologytheology ► PuritanismPuritanism arosearose withinwithin thethe ChurchChurch toto opposeoppose thethe theologicaltheological errorserrors William Kiffin andand thethe SeparatistsSeparatists wentwent aa stepstep furtherfurther andand brokebroke withwith thethe ChurchChurch ofof EnglandEngland 06/17/12 Baptist History – Prior Lake Baptist Church 15 ReligiousReligious ShiftsShifts inin thethe EnglishEnglish ReformationReformation Roman Catholic Anglican Puritan HenryHenry VIIVII HenryHenry VIIIVIII HenryHenry VIIIVIII EdwardEdward VIVI MaryMary TudorTudor akaaka BloodyBloody MaryMary ElizabethElizabeth II JamesJames II CharlesCharles II OliverOliver CromwellCromwell CharlesCharles IIII JamesJames IIII WilliamWilliam IIIIII 06/17/12 Baptist History – Prior Lake Baptist Church 16 from Charts of Reformation and Enlightenment by John Hannah BaptistBaptist HistoryHistory WEEKWEEK TWOTWO 06/17/12 Baptist History – Prior Lake Baptist Church 18 JohnJohn SmythSmyth andand thethe GeneralGeneral BaptistsBaptists EducatedEducated Christ’sChrist’s College,College, Cambridge,Cambridge, 1594;1594; ordainedordained toto thethe AnglicanAnglican priesthoodpriesthood InfluencedInfluenced byby FrancisFrancis JohnsonJohnson atat CambridgeCambridge JoinedJoined withwith PuritansPuritans inin criticizingcriticizing thethe ChurchChurch ofof England;England; SufferedSuffered imprisonmentimprisonment BrokeBroke awayaway fromfrom thethe ChurchChurch ofof EnglandEngland (1606)(1606) andand joinedjoined thethe SeparatistsSeparatists ledled byby FrancisFrancis JohnsonJohnson Group includes Thomas Helwys, a wealthy layman Pilgrim fathers - John Robinson, William Brewster and William Bradford who all emigrated to US on the Mayflower TheThe groupgroup splitsplit withwith Johnson’sJohnson’s group,group, emigratingemigrating toto HollandHolland inin 16071607 SmythSmyth rejectedrejected infantinfant baptismbaptism andand becamebecame convincedconvinced ofof believer’sbeliever’s baptismbaptism byby 16091609 06/17/12 Baptist History – Prior Lake Baptist Church 22 JohnJohn Smyth,Smyth, cont.cont. SmythSmyth baptizedbaptized himself,himself, se-baptismse-baptism,, andand thenthen baptizedbaptized aboutabout 4040 othersothers (affusion(affusion // pouringpouring)) 16101610 SmythSmyth writeswrites TheThe CharacterCharacter ofof thethe BeastBeast toto defenddefend believer’sbeliever’s baptismbaptism RepudiatedRepudiated hishis baptismbaptism andand appliedapplied forfor baptismbaptism atat thethe handshands ofof thethe WaterlanderWaterlander MennonitesMennonites ThomasThomas HelwysHelwys,, aa membermember ofof Smyth’sSmyth’s church,church, brokebroke withwith SmythSmyth overover thethe repudiationrepudiation ofof theirtheir newnew baptismbaptism andand returnedreturned toto England.England. TheThe groupgroup startedstarted thethe firstfirst GeneralGeneral BaptistBaptist churchchurch onon BritishBritish soilsoil atat SpitafieldSpitafield SmythSmyth dieddied inin 16121612 06/17/12 Baptist History – Prior Lake Baptist Church 23 TheThe RiseRise ofof thethe ParticularParticular BaptistsBaptists ► TheThe formationformation ofof thethe J-L-JJ-L-J ChurchChurch . HenryHenry JacobJacob (pastor(pastor 1616-1622)1616-1622) . JohnJohn LathropLathrop (pastor(pastor 1624-1633)1624-1633) . HenryHenry JesseyJessey (pastor(pastor 1637-1663)1637-1663) ► DatesDates fromfrom 16161616 whenwhen JacobJacob returnedreturned toto EnglandEngland fromfrom exileexile inin HollandHolland ► JohnJohn SpilsburySpilsbury (1633/8-1656)(1633/8-1656) (a(a cobbler)cobbler) . AnAn advocateadvocate ofof particularparticular redemption,redemption, hehe formedformed thethe 11st ParticularParticular BaptistBaptist congregationcongregation . Co-authorCo-author ofof thethe 11st LondonLondon ConfessionConfession,,
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