NOVEMBER 2, 1970 First Baptist, Dallas to Begin Bible
.-.. .• - .- - - - - - .- - - - -- BUREAUS ATLANTA Walker L. Kni~ht, Chief, IJ50 SPring St., N.W., Atlanta, Ga. JOJ09, Telephone (4041 87J·4041 DALLAS Billy Keith, Chief, 10J Baptist Building, Dallas, Te"as 75201, Telephone (2141 741-1996 NASHVILLE (Baptist Sunday School Board) z."nn M. Da"is, Jr., Chief, 127 Ninth A"e., N., Nashville, Tenn. J720J, Telephone (615) 254·16J1 RICHMOND Je..e C. Fletcher, Acting Chief, J806 Monument A"e., Richmond, Va. 232JO, Telephone (70J) J5J-0151 WASH I NIiTDN W. Barry Garrett, Chief, 200 Maryland A"e., N.E., Washington, D.C. 20002, Telephone (202) 541·4226 NOVEMBER 2, 1970 First Baptist, Dallas To Begin Bible Institute DALLAS {BP)--First Baptist Church of Dallas, largest congregation in the Southern Baptist Convention, has announced the establishment of the Criswell Bible Institute, named for its pastor, W. A. Criswell. Classes will begin in January at the institute with instruction on the college or seminary level, said James Bryant, an associate pastor of the church. "This will be a Bible institute encompassing Christian training of a conservative and evangelical flavor on a high academic level," said Bryant. Simultaneously, the church announced that a Conservatory of Music will be established "within the framework of the Criswell Bible Institu~e, teaching our people and church musicians from across the city and state how to build a music program which will glorify God ...•" Criswell, immediate past president of the Southern Baptist Convention, will be president of the institute in addition to his duties as pastor of the lS,OOO-member Dallas church. Bryant will serve as academic dean.
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