Alfred Saker, Missionary to Africa! There Was, As You So Well Know, a Grand Sim- Plicity About Our Friend
6^ ^/ aT**^! *i \jr<S^ '11 ore 1 ALFRED SAKER, A BIOGRAPHY. EDWARD BEAN UNDERHILL, LL.D., Ilonorarij Sccrctavij of Uie Baptist Missionary Society. PUBLISHED BY THE BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY, 10, CASTLE STREET, HOLBORN, E.G., AND ALEXANDER & SHEPHEARD, LONDON, ISSl. : LONDON PHIIfTBB BY ALBXANDBB AND 8 H B P H E A B Bv L0N3DALB BCtLDINGS, CHAJfCKBT LIIIK. Paul's love oF Christ, and steadiness unbribed, Were copied close in him, and well transcribed. He folloAved Paul : his zeal a kindred flame, His apostolic charity the same. Like him, oioss'd cheerfully tempestuous seas, ForsakiuL; country, kindred, friends, and ease : Like him, he laboured, and, like him, content To bear it, .suft'er'd shame where'er he went, COWPF.R. PREFACE. Alfred Sakeh wisliod to be known under no other designation than a " Missionary to Africa " ; and it is under that aspect of his character that the following pages have been compiled. All the energies of his nature were concentrated on that one object, and its fulfilment he held to constitute his one claim to our regard. But in otl^er respects he was a man worthy of admiration and of the deepest affection; and in the pursuit of his aim he never ibrgot the claims ..f family love, of Christian dut}^ or of the Master to whom with great joy he gave the life he had received at His liands. Tor the purposes of this biography, I have been much indebted to Mrs. Saker for many details of her hus- band's early life; and the (Jommittee of the Baptist Missionary Society, whose honoured servant he was, have freely placed at my command the correspondence in their hands.
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