T H E N E W S L E T T E R O F THE ZEN STUDIES SOCIETY View of Mt. Fuji from Mt. Dai Bosatsu W I N T E R / S P R I N G 2006 Teisho on Rinzai Roku, The Book of Rinzai, Chapter 14 Eido T. Shimano Roshi 2 Dharma talk on Mumonkan, Gateless Gate Case 19 Roko ni-Osho Sherry Chayat 8 Dogyo-ninin (We Two Together) Shoshin Anne Hughes 13 Diary of Our Pilgrimage 2005 Seigan Ed Glassing 18 Dream? Fujin Zenni 25 My Impressions of the Pilgrimage to Japan Doshin David Schubert 26 Yamakawa Roshi performing Dai-Hannya View from inside the Genkan of Shogen-ji Our Trip October 2005 Yayoi Karen Matsumoto 27 Sesshin at Shogen-ji Saiun Atsumi Hara 29 Mandala Memories Banko Randy Phillips 31 Dai Bosatsu Zendo Kongo-ji News 33 New York Zendo Shobo-ji News 36 Zen Studies Society News 37 Dai Bosatsu Zendo 2006 Calendar 39 New York Zendo 2006 Calendar 40 Published twice annually by The Zen Studies Society, Inc. Eido T. Shimano Roshi, Abbot Offices: New York Zendo Shobo-ji 223 East 67th Street New York, NY 10021-6087 Tel (212)861-3333 Fax 628-6968 offi
[email protected] Dai Bosatsu Zendo Kongo-ji 223 Beecher Lake Road Livingston Manor, NY 12758-6000 Tel (845)439-4566 Fax 439-3119 Roshi stands on top of Mount Dai Bosatsu offi
[email protected] Editor: Seigan Edwin Glassing; News: Aiho-san Y. Shimano, Seigan Edwin Glassing, Fujin Zenni, Jokei Megumi Kairis; Graphic design:Banko Randy Phillips; Editorial Assistant and Proofreading: Myochi Nancy O’Hara; Teisho Transcription and Editing: Jimin Anna Klegon; Final Editing: Myochi Nancy O’Hara Photo Credits: Junsho Shelley Bello (pp.