Abel Lunt 1769-1806
THE ANCESTRY OF ABEL LUNT 1769-1806 OF NEWBURY, MASSACHUSETTS BY WALTER GOODWIN DAVIS PORTLAND, MAINE THE ANTHOENSEN PRESS 1968 THE ANCESTRY OF ABEL LUNT ;;,,'._I•·' ,·'.- . ,.: ,' .... ,. ;,;t\tri.1i/:,.,, _, .. '~~j, .. \';:: ··: ·. ~\,r)? \("\ff.,./ •t ► l ··~!e~t,;.:z .i : · 1 CONTENTS .. INTRODUCTION. vu I. LUNT, OF NEWBURY 1 II. CoxER, OF NEWBURY . 43 III. PETTINGILL, OF NEWBURY . 49 IV. INGERSOLL, OF SALEM . 61 V. NOYES, OF NEWBURY . 69 VI. CUTTING, OF NEWBURY • . 79 VII. ALLEN, OF SALISBURY . 89 VIII. GOODALE, OF SALISBURY . 99 IX. HAYWARD, OF BEVERLY . 109 X. DIXEY, OF BEVERLY • . 117 XI. MARCH, OF NEWBURY . • . • . 123 XII. FOLSOM, OF EXETER • . 139 XIII. GILMAN' OF EXETER . 151 XIV. ANGIER, OF CAMBRIDGE . 161 xv. BATT, OF BosTON . 173 XVI. ST. BARBE, OF SALISBURY, ENGLAND . 189 XVII. EAYNTON, OF WILTSHIRE, ENGLAND . 199 XVIII. WEARE alias BROWN, OF WILTSHIRE, ENGLAND . 249 INTRODUCTION THIS is the sixteen th and final hook in a series dealing with the ancestry of my great-great-grandparents. It is a relief to have accomplished a task which I have often regretted having begun and which I do not advise any one to undertake. Here is the re sult, however, of much labor and research for my kinsmen and fel low genealogists to study as much or as little as they choose. In several previous books I have acknowledged the aid of Miss Sybil Noyes in reading proof with an eye for additions and corrections as well as accuracy in printing. Miss Noyes has a personal interest in the present volume as she descends from sev eral of the families dealt with-once from Lunt, twice from Noyes, Ingersoll, Allen and Goodall and three times from Cutting.
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