Do Your Holiday Shopping Early -- Only 14 Days Until Christmas

' MMD A M nscHA. METAI, MARKETS, Rl Pasm Morning Time ea el anion Plt6dfoo dlsrio que llega a todo el Copper electrolytic 114 .17 Vtl 4...0 puhll-cad- Buroeete el mbrmo dfa an que ea 811 ver. par oa 5T sleodo flel a mi fecha cada dfa l.ead, per lev lha. drl afto. I A psa-th- It eontlene laa li.H.N ultimas not Ida del a espall!. fclne. per 100 lha. I.10M.M V Vv Usrgest Fid. P.M OmMIn JBW V - l lamla a. Ik w rat. T 34TH YEAR. EL PASO. TEXAS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1913. SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS ATTACK ON TAMP! CO BKUAX TaVRKIIIV NOON. RAYS UK PORT. ANTI-SALOO- MENAGE GITY SENATE VOTE PLAN ATTACK . N HAVE Ag the Mil. Prrnt MR MEASURE CANNON Vera Crux, Dee. it. Aa at- tack on Tamplco began shortly before noon today. The reb- OsT!. KNATIDBR HAYS VILLA CAV. els were advancing on the city 1 I OWSTITtlTtOWAa, ATTACK OR TA. ON ADMINISTRATION CVRRENCY THHKATENH TIM CONFISOATION IfMil A Mil WOMEN'S CHniHTIAN FEDERAL I AT from various points The OIK IX i.M. PICO IS HXPRCTED AT Bn.Il PROBABIiK FOR M VT A I. It I 19 MAXIMO RATIO MARCH United States battleship Lou- OP KORKU. VI Its- PROPERTY TKMPERARCR FMOM NAYK WKM, SI PPI.IKD WITH I TIME. WEDNESDAY". TO OJIRACIA. isiana haa been ordered to IN STATE OF MN.tLOA. IIKMONST RATION, M I 111 NAYR AltT Tamplco, and will leave Vera Crus. Up to a late hour tonight no HASN'T OVERWHELMING FORCE THERE SPEECHES NEARLY CONCLUDED HERRERA COMMANDS BRIGADE detail of the attack on Tamplco FEDERAL GOVERNOR ASKS MEN AND WOMEN IN LINE SUPERCEDED MERGADO had been received and It was TH considered probable that th rebel advance on the city was In Oeaeral VDhutel and f'an'ra Jolatly Partisan Squabbles ami Sharp Pan (eaeral Tessa I ralaa seat to Hospital th nature of a feint. Five Per Cent Arbitrarily liii to Rearers of Petlllsas lleaaaadlag th Inner Had Not Reached Ojlnagn Wednesday Night movi with esse Mea Between Members Attended at Seee ef His Mea Revise Revenue for Payment ef a restltUsBMl Are Still Agabaat Yesterday's Debate. Oe Battle. Hard FUthHag Reported. of ! Troops. Amendment. 4. naming Refugees. (. By the associated Press Mexico City, Dec. 10 Only the most meager Information is ob- OF LATTER OVER RIVER COLORADO AND MICHIGAN STRIKES ARTILLERY TO BE IN FOREIGN MINISTERS ARE PROTESTING HOBSON AND SHEPPARO PASSA6E IS SLOW WOULD REMOVE ALL THE FOREIGNERS SECTION THE FIGHT tainable here regarding n PROMINENT righting at Tamplco. According to a dispatch town was at- the Alabama Representative tieneral Terrains anil Many of Hid Native ta thai icrfeei Haa Reen Glvea May Be Subjects for ee, Proclaimed tioverwnr ef tacked st 11 o'clock this morn- Hnerta Oovernment Claims It Is aad Texas Including Kalo-Ir- ta the tmrrlrai Investigation In the Near State ef t'hlhuahaa. staaitsheo ing and at 6 o'clock this aft- State Measure and Mexico City Active Parttelpant la Rdativoa. tltn Future. ernoon hard fighting was in Cannot Interfere. Msvesseat. Reach Presidio. Capital at OHsusea. progress. By the Attociated By the AHoeiatrH ttlf s,,., ::i wire to The Time Bv the Aimciatfi Pre Pre A column of 1800 constitutionalist Ay las Associated Press Pre 10. A vote Wsshlngton. n. 10 -- Presidio, Tex. (Via United Vera Crui, Mex.. Dec. 10 An over- Washington, Dee. final soldiers I approaching the rederal Mexico City, Max.. Dec. 10. The C.. Dee. niler the currency senate next dome of the rnpllnl. two States Army Telephone whelming force of rebel threaten to on the bill in the fortress at OJinaga and a battle will NEW ADGLUB MEETS American charge d'affaires. Nelson thoussnil men to sml women attack Tamplco at any moment, ac Wednesday, December 17, was the take place within a few days Gen. o'Hhaughnesay, has recently notified representing the Ami si Marfa). Dec 10. II P. M goal which Democratic lead- Washington the property of for- l.rngiie of America sun the Woman'!! cording to advices received by wire- toward E. Agulrre Benavldes. commandant at that General Orozco denies the report eign residents In the state of Slnaloa Chrfitssju i ers today bent efforts. It was I 11 I Tampers Usloa sssmnlilsil less telegraphy th la morning; from their Juares. was advised from the Chihua- It 'I IN Ml VIII Its MIDI II was In imminent danger of confisca- today current at Juarez that he haa believed all speeches could be con- for s deuionniratlnn igalust the Clarence A. Miller. American consul at hua cuartel general yesterday' that the Hill. i s j THE LAST WKF.K. tion by the federal authorities as a liquor traffle. taken the situation into his own early next week and with- re- that port. cluded that Villa cavalry brigade had made rapid war measure. The charge has The men nod women msrchisl In hands here, and he has pro- in a few days an agreement can be progress across the desert from Chi- ceived Instructions to investigate the separate lines from the down i"vn act A messenger from VlllareaJ, the rebel I constitutionality or military made for a vote. The auccess of this huahua to OJinaga to attack the fed- Fake and profitable" AdveMlalng of the act and If he the city to ih. m front of t h. claimed himself governor commander, reached the American con- erals, but the location of the force Adopted finds that It is not sanctioned hy law. ipltol. Bneb bore petition., dclllilhlllnu , thai h haa re.Uoat.rl plan would make it possible for con- Are Listed la ill ill fi iirnlill.llt.,,, .ww " ' ' sulate at Tamplco last night with the yesterday was not mentioned in the to register a protest with the Mexican I.. r...,l" gress to adjourn for the holidays. by Organisation. government. amendment. On the steps rnpltol, Mercado to the rear. Information that 4000 rebels command- messages. of the Senator Crawford, Republican, who General Marlovlo Herrera has been The confiscation of property has the isKlttea Wee received by Kepn He admits that he is in charge ed by Generals Vlllareal and Castro de- In sentatlve Richmond I'. Habsen, also signed the Hitchcock report, placed In command of the brigade be- is being been threatened default of payment f That a lively Interest taken S niitbor of affairs at Ojinaga and that he. were approaching: the city. The rebel clared he would vote for the bill cause or th Gen. of a pet cent tax arbitrarily Im- of such nroBBe isaend that Illness of Tomes In the" El Paso Adclub and lumi- by tnent and Senstof It aa the senate completed it, believing who ha been "removed to that posed the governor of Slnaloa, hr Morris BsTejlpird "f together with General Salazar advance guard. was said, was at the Is lexaa. either draft to be an Improvement hospital at Santa Rosalia, Chlb. Al nous men feel the need of it was never whose headquarters now at have been in disposing, Lagans Puerlte, nine miles from Tam- only large In Another Reaalntlen. active the upon the present system. though their leader I unable to con more In evidence than last night when the place tho plco. squabbles and sharp pas- organisation state still under government control. The tegislitora ulao received from n federal forces, both regular and vParttsan tinue in the OJinaga campaign, the the met at the Chamber lasslal committee of these General Vlllareal declared his Inten- sages between Republican and Demo- 3000 troops of Urbina's brigade are of Commerce. Thirteen new members Foreigners generally have appeal 3d null ll.iuor volunteer, for the defense of the resumption throagh their consuls to the diplo- forces s copy of unother resolution to assaulting city cratic leaders marked th continuing on the march to OJinaga were secured during the week. fori, hi tion of the with th currency In the senate matic representatives in the Mexican ssis of intoxicating liquors eteepl town against attack, should one of the debate and uen. Jose E. Rodrlgnes has been In a letter to President Claiborne r snerituirutul purposes. least possible delay. He said he had Nelson, Republi- W. capital. and uiedlcnl be contemplated by the rebels today when Senator Kent to command them, being second Adams, Qua Thomaason, state The iesutie fnraSs wata leil given his followers strict orders to re- can, continued his attack on the ad- In president of the Associated Adclubs, The order of the governor requires command to General Herrera. payment by llrUriidler lieaeral A. S lingtett. Mrs. under General Villa's command, ministration bill and supporting the Artillery said that the El Paso Adclub had set the of a lax on all real and .V frain as far aa possible from destruc- Fare Addea. porsonal property, regardless tho Illlsn M. Stevens, of Mnlne, president but that he has done so under di- Hitchcock substitute. Beside th arm a record In the number of charter of W. C. tion of property and to protect the small forces which nationality owner, a warn- grnersl of tlie i'., mursliiille.1 the Strike Investigations. have been sent to wipe out the federals members, being so far as he knew, of the and men who wsred rection and with full knowledge lives foreigners, he feared they ing is Issued that unless the tax is hsnnrra ns tliev of but Congressional inquiry into the Colo- at OJinaga, a section of the Villa ar- the largest In the history of adver- psrnded down Transylvania avenue. the Mercado, would be gravely Imperiled In th at- tising organisations. The Adclub was paid hy December 18, summary con- on part of General rado and Michigan mine strikes was tillery corps commanded by Col. Man ensue, Kallvealeg Ncsae. tack on the city and 'he consequent urged today before the house rules uel Bauche Alcalde, organized with nearly 100 members fiscation will The scene the front tbe esnltol who is still at the rear supervising rea- ha been A 200 young women in of fighting in the streets. For this committee by Representatives Keat- to assist in the attack. present at the first meeting. When parade of and nn tbe epniide between the mnln the bringing in of the laggards son ha earnestly requested the Ameri- ing and McDonald of The town OJinaga Is on Mr. Adams read this letter to the the capital today reflected the Im- teps slid the congressional of Colorado of situated poverished condition tn many library ivns among the civilian refugees. can authorities to take Immediate Michigan. a knoll and I one of the moat diffi meeting last night it was greeted with which u enlivening one ss the hosts of nrnlilhl steps to remove all foreign residents Representative Keating said g and shouts of approval. of the smaller towns have been re- tionlsts arrived. Berore the procession Morcado HUH at Hear. that cult towns to attack in the state of They were seamstresses from th place. the strike in the 'Colorado coal fields Chihuahua and so .Colonel Alcalde's After a short discussion of un- duced. reached lis destination. It bad hern swell-a- Oenerul Mercado with about 2,000 employment by If. Up to the time f the dispatch of haa become so involved with political battery of ten guns will take a promi- profitable advertising schemes the thrown out of the by hundreds from tbe streets and troop is camped tonight about ac- - closing factories where the ex- hew Consul Miller's ad Ices no definite j an(j industrial problems that the state nent part in the shelling of the fed constitution and ware adopt- of the ceremonies began, observers miles vtithw'tst of DJinaga and prob- tlon had been taaen on this request. round it impossible to separate mom. eral positions. ed. Byron W. Orr. chairman of the clusive output consisted of soldiers' estimated more than four inonssud per ably will not arrive in ojlnuga Saatil - They went to the palace. packed but Rear Admiral Fletcher, commander The only hope for industrial peace, The division of oonstitutlonatlst rules committee, read the rules and - sods were on the eapltol an Friday or Haturday. he Urn of hie of the United States fleet, has roads in his opinion, was congressional ac- troop was they were adopted aa rend, no change The president refused to see them. prose aad Ike broad driveways. Loud- arrival depending almost altogether which sent eastward front Afterward thsy marched through tho climbed .preparatlonx to take all foreigner on tion. He declared the coal companies Moetesuxea .whoa Villa was n route being made. Ihr hiisr alone sml nea which upon the ability ol the refugees to Use the and ted The out be- hoard his vessels st a moment's notice wer operating In violation, of the to ocrurJy Chihuahua last to- - Warned of Fait A mil i lias. east' Irani i covet the dTstance and bring their wk. deor andlenre In singing "Auierlen." "On- - longings and to land marines If it was advis- Sherman law and repeated other harraas the fleeing foderals who One moat questions MjgBr to the border. on of wr of the vital of "We all want work." waro Christ Inn Soldiers" other hymns While no artillery Is In able charges he has made the floor crossing th desert to OJinaga from advertising which Is embodied in the mighty sd evtdeni It Is understood that the captain of the house. The husband of many of these in clieer. Mind OJinaga, llcm rnl Oroaco says Chihuahua, la reported to he tn tne rules is unprofitable and ''fake" A- women In the army and the wo- tfehsea sad Mbrppard, tin' German cruiser Bremen conferred Representative McDonald asserted vicinity OJinaga. no are that they havi .'I cannon, HO field of but will make dvertising schemes. The rules adopted men are dependent upon their own riwprraciitaltve Huttmii nud Sennlor guns With Admiral Fletcher on the question that conditions In the copper districts demonstration against the city nntll night in a thor- of nm.ill calibre. 1 rapid fire as- Pres- last cover this matter resources. Mheppnnl were cheered 11s they ribs bed guns,, guns, of landing marines and courteously of Michigan were acute and that they are reinforced by the main col- ough manner and strong campaign to the lop of the and r0 mnchlne of admiral he Mdyer the Western Federa- a 'resident Huerta has asked bags stone iilruii which he admits are sured the American that ident of umns under General. Herrera and Is going to he waged against all un- exe- ciisewrnl the bonds with Morcudo's de- urged to ap- again to vest him with full share of the tin out troop use Hlioulil would act in harmony with his tion of Miners had him Rodriguex. The force- - has taken up profitable schemes. The rule which where they receives1 the resolution for for he be attacked sires. peal to President Wilson in behalf of cutive powers to conduct the affairs by rebels and be forced to fight u positions several miles from OJinaga covers this feature Is aa follows: of ho departments of war. finance s iistloiutl prohibition coustltutioaal the labor leaden. escape Kl un- ronr guard notion to prevent the of the federals "The I'aso Adclub defines and tho interior. A bill to this effect amendment. Warships ea Seen?. President Wilson's trust legislation Into the state of Coahulla. profitable advertising mediums as fol- en tot Hheppiml spoke on behalf of Nurrniiinh l hy Itcbcls. Hg Pre program was discussed at a confer- was introduced In the chamber today. is admitted tut Atteclatei Kederali. Have .won Men. lows: Hotel registers, church direc- That the reactionary Catholic party himself uml Mr. Ilnbson. it that rebels are Washington, Dec. 10 The placing of ence at White House today be- Is tn come up frmn dlrSC the Through their agents at OJinaga, the tories, and all other directories 'ex element in congress has been Induced "There no higher duly thut we en nil the scout cruiser Chester and the gun- tween the president and Chairman conceive." said the In- lions, though III small parlies, but Villa forces have obtained an esti- cept authorised city and state direc- see things from the president' h aonninr. "thsn lo Wheeling Tamplco yesterday Clayton of the house judiciary com- to troduce In have not yel the body boat at mate of the real fighting force of the tories), programs, guides, booklets, point of view was Indicated by a both houses of congress this sttacked muin by navy department mittee and several of Its members. BStloo-Wi- of Msrcsdo's guard. was intended the federal troops at OJinaga. time cards and all other similar adver- speech In congress today by resolution lulling for pro torn Occasional just an emergency OS The committee already has begun made hlhlrion i,v skirmishes oc- to meet such a The total number, according to Gen. tising and advertising raedluina that Francisco l'iisiiie rjirein, louder ot cnisiiiniinniii nwenduinl between scouts have rebel attack on the city. The Chester hearings on a number of bills and the E. a. Benavldes, will not exceed 8000 are known to he of an unprofitable We lire ntriilnst the liquor truffle liecnilsc curred but no casualties have been of president will send to congress the party. In which he declared thut it Is IS worst enemy of reported and Wheeling, ships light draft, later men, but they have plenty of rifles nature to the advertisers of this club. was necessity our cttvtltSStled supply a special message. he convinced of the of because we it driiukenless republic It ia with the Taenia and the ship and ammunition. In this number "This section does not apply to cir- country being by a dictator, generally believed that tho had not been determined wheth- the ruled nnd an tiutulntcd flag." 1,, C'llKoa. also at Tamplco. can approach It there are the Fifteenth. Twenty-third- . culars, novelties, road signs or any ad rebels will nn,. pi tn surround the anti-tru- bills in the hut he believed that the acts of the near enough to the city to take off er all the house Thirty-third- , Forty. fourth and vertising tbut any member may federals on lite west nnd south, catch- - will be handled by the Judiciary com- etr dictator should be subject to con Nhrptisrd Introduces Amrndmenl. Ing Americana and other foreigners who on Page 3.) (Continued on I'age 2.) gressional approval them between lha Rio Conoho and may be endangered. mittee, or whether some will be taken Washington, I', lie, 10. SaasteS tha Rio fjrande If the federals have in hand by the committee on Inter- Klieppnnl Introduced the proposed pro- - all the artillery In claim tn hav e RalllflealUa RlertlOM. state and foreign commerce. In the bJhltion eousiitutfoniil sutendataal iste they can hold the reliela bay of lodsy The galleries only at for U the Ae'Otlatcd Pre senate the legislation will be In charge acre hnlf filled some lime, but how an urtlllery duel Washington, Dec. 10 Nullification of Senator Newlands of Nevada, chair- lott his address in support of the auiisn n fought at Jlnogu without the recent election by th Mexi- man of the Interstate commerce com- nun! ere piinci.ted t ef ,utigering property live, of ,, ,.. whiei, Me,. Marshall nnd on the can uongress and ratification of Huer-ta'- s mittee. Prldk( American Bid. ot the river cannot ha oontlpu NEW CITY'S NEED lllade no effort to check by provisional presidency to T BACKS WASHKU WAV. "rrshlbltioa win embrace the understood those familiar with until other election ore held, prob- GIF l Un nee itr:i pin nnd topography of the SGH o't' within coiupnmt ably next July, occasioned no surprise III mil. proposed batUS ground. Ds , ea O. H. A Are l.pir short time." Senator Shcppunl. Smiling among official here. Reports reach- Assailed. movement Is SO strong throughout tin. lliurd or t'hivarn be- ing the stat department say that Owing to tbe great smount of trscksge tlon that nothing In lie world CSS Nothing Ins been heard from Col- fore the elections lists of congressional wssbed awsy snd tbe bridges destroyed Building now used is declared insanitary and unsafe, with poor lights and bad air. Pupils crowded real Us ultltunte success." onel Chlvura and his little command n n d Idate. drawn from among th by the floods Id east Texas, Q, II. & in rooms and have no library or auditorium gymnasium. Senator Hliepjiurd declared "lite i.f L'.'.o rebels who evacuated OJinaga Huerta supporters, were sent out with 8. A. passenger trains de luxe, No. 101 or Music department and commercial safe wuy to handle the llqu ilfflc N upon the approach of the federal virtual orders for their election. Dip- snd 102, hare been teraporurly annulled. - classes greatly handicapped by cramped quarters. Bond issue for building would win destroy it." army They have nut been reported lomatically, th situation was un- Nos. 0 ssd 10 sre running between Kl many supporters and give El Paso children opportunity for more thorough instruction. Senators Thompson anil captured nnd It la believed now thut changed. Peso snd Ssd Antoulo, but sre unable the Sudor Ill of tbe pr tin y creased Ihe Kb, (Irande to Amer- to proceed further east tban thst point. IRIIII, ican soil and continued through the heavil) wooded river bottom on the While there haa been a movement their studying In rooms or in There Is no library room and the 111 l( l in Ill Ani. ri, mi aide of the river untULthey launched to declare a bond issue for the halls. honks are kepi locked cases in the III M II Hi MatHlif hud passed to tho rear of Orosco's Clubs, Societies and Churches the purpose of building a combination If Kl i'aso had a modem High hallway snd the students seldom huve 0AI mini; hku UMI fedetal volunteers. city and county building, Kl Paso's school building there would be from in, opportunity to read them. Few Refusers Cross. greatest nerd at the present time is 700 to hoo students nroUd, accord The school Is without a librarian Hy Ihr l.sacfalrd Vc, omparatlvsly few of the refugee Join In Good Fellow Movement a new High school and more street Ing to estimates made yealerduy. The and therefore the Looks are locked Mexico City, Dec. 10. A Hoop have ss yet crossed Ihe river. paving. These two things arc essen- reason why many of those who aal Up lo prevent them from getting lost, lain Is reported In have been Among the first lo cross Wednesday tial If the Pass City is to become a High school education do not at- fdbrurlea have always consid- '1. none, north of Meniere) mot .,s lion I. ids Tcrraxaa with his sons, Helper., I been Snaahlae Voaaa Matrass ef C II r Realise Value of aeration aad the metropolitan city of the south- tend ia that the building is ulready ered one of the potent factors in lie los of lie is said lo ha grand sous and nephews in five Regis Plaaa far Helaiag te "Bread Hapalaea Aaseag I'm t hlldrra ea west, as It has often been referred ovsrerowded. iind if they derlte to High schools and for this reason tin heavy. Tha train was on its way t secretary Oaatd Ra- - Nui-v- brtslaaaa Oar ef Pellevra Duo lavratlsatlag Case to by her citlsens obtain a commercial education It re local students are again handlo ppi d to i.ardo to relaforag tag General Trusses, though II years of the and mothers of this quires five or six as be- grrlon there. Fourteen cars age. rode on horseback all way If fathers limes the time in receiving ineir nnai education , the city would visit the present High It takes In the business colleges of fore racing the world as men uml loaded with troops, it Is lion, Chihuahua, and stood the Journey II !s w succeeded In reaching well. He said lit Th spirit of Uood Fellowship, cu- - I by school and see what a fire trap (he city. omen that trip had been of bring held out you Santa Claus In advance of the uneventful operation. Is growing. Formerly each Hie Oood Fallows' and note the congested condition During Ixxturr s, el of an Auditorium. train verj nod thai ho far en his and mail the there, the rrusade for a new building Yesterday when a visited which was blown up. (Continued on i'uge club in El I'aso, each Sunday school, secretary. If you wish you may In- sepoiirr There ia no auditorium at M'l" l.) society held Its own I'ttU would become so strong that it would the achool the dally lecture was In each Christ clude a donation, a memberahlp fas be Ihey progress. school such as others have. The lec- fastlvlty; the individual spirit pre- Oood Tonight you only a short time until would The different classes did mas Into tbs Fellows. authorise an election to vote un bonda not have sufficient seating capacity turer are handicapped, a are the vailed. Now th community lotareat will he blggar nd better for It. students, because of this fact This growing upon us It has rapidly with which to erect a modern and In the hall and many of them were ia been found Coatrtbutlona to tbe growing sanitary High school. Because these standing up around the walla, while Is one of the crying needs for a new Be3t Christmas Present that combining foross and drawing to- Oood Fellow Christmas fund recelvi-- building. The organisations of varying Inter- citlsens would then see that a new others were peeping in from the hall- gether yeeterday were: Catholic laidles' Is greater Importance way. As The students cannot give entertain- est, Is better. Benevolent society. $1; Williams, school of far a result but a few of tboae Bert than a new county or any other build- present really followed and under- ments like they do In other lilies, One of the best exsmpie of th tl; "Tor the Kiddles." II: attain a neither huv the debating classes a spirit Joining ing. stood the leeiure. The others became You can't give better Christmas present nor one that would be is th of "Uood Fallow' 1. "A Friend." II: Building s Fire Trap so tired from standing unable to proper ravcllltlea for holding their Municipal plan by th "l I and more acceptable than a year's subscription to the El Paso Morning the Christmas aah." II: Hun.hln." slaking u visit ttuough the present hear that they lost Interest In tho meetings. An Rudllorium In connec- Helper. young social) Your v. y h Sunshine Theee names haven't appeared. Diin'l High school building yesterday a re- tion the school would alo fur- Times. Fill in the coupon below, and enclose check for $8.00, giv- Iv get tu you you In- otatroiis have realised thst want them thars? Iion't want porter found It both Insanitary and Is almost impossible to glee nish an Ideal place for musical tboae who are worthy and to tho to be included In of s At present is no ing the name of the person to whom you wish the subscription sent all the roll honor: unsafe. Instead of modern cement musical Insti 1101 ion to the students struction. there who will not otherwise have Christmas roll that mean no much to llltl flours, like the High school of other because of lack of room There are place at the High achooi where music and we will be glad to take care of it for you, sending a pretty in their bornea. It la better to Join in waifa, orphans and cheerless kiddies"" cities, building wooden floor more iessnns can lie given properly Christmas card with your name thereon stating that the ha teachers than uluas room at the All Braarhes. TIMES is being a large. movement Their Haven't you seen the peaked ans tela atep . - re- Tears of and wooden school and classes are to found All lirasehes In lb rerieUl daparl fo the party addressed as a Christmas present from you. gifts will be sent to tbe secretary little face standing before s bakery, The floor and steps are saggy, and ceiving in sent their lessons the ladias' Sleet i"iigbl I other high schools the Oood Fallows cluh along with th window, longingly admiring some when the students are marching out waiting room or Jammed In eloak said names of worthy case which aeed In- doll or toy, or perhaps a warm llttl the he taught in Kl I'sso sad the boys of the structure the plank creak and rooms. sud girts of the stttSSSS would hsve vestigating cost. Havea't you felt of pity sag with their weight. If a fire were In Hie Itaaeiueul. in Yesterday morning the secretary of and sorrow when you saw some hungry opportunity to Meare s good su educa- to break out In the building and it Down In the basement of Ih High tion ss the children of other elites do. the Oood Fellows club had published little afee standing before a bakery, gained headway it is doubtful if any- school are several class rooms Here coupon can be by freshly There sre uiany high school stiolrnia X I'o Hie Morning Times. a that filled out the odors of baked apple cake thing could save it from destruction. the boys and girls, bent over electric w any know of a worthy case. or cook penetrating through ftlioiM! Barents ranches la Ihr rslley. one that las the Heiog only a structure with lights, are ruining their eyas In an They ib sire to study Irrigation engineer to empty atock-in- are so tight I I SH.0O H wants bsnisb tha doers tkat closed to him a basement, the students might all effort to receive then Instruction. m 11, in Insed riiid lor white please acuil fsssj In an you be big generous lua I' iheui for future work Ion make Christmas Pass a Can't hearted, escape should a fire break out be The room utilised fut the i,. m. owing lo the already eroadrfl and one will long kelp to de- ,, fSalllsk real Cbrlairass that and noble snd fulfill tha cause of the large number of exits, laboratory t dark that is Is neces- of the area school It Is Isipuaalblr to paper otic year lo During tbe sires and loaginss of those llttl "kid- i he raimberd aftrnoou but It la doubtful, and tbe rlik sary tn have it lighted with electricity kssek loin ibis Aa a resell thr t spd night vry mail brought In a die?" Join the Oood Fellow today greater than it should be In a city during the entire afternoon. Tic receive ths proper qUHlllcstloas lo fit number of those coupoa filled oat aae The tune la growing near when It will of Kl Paso else and wraith students In this department are han- them for their life's work Is Ike Kl Fsso com i,i you will i the secretary has been palled to be too i. and then feel re t ongenie! ..0,1111,0, dicapped and do not receive the bene-fi- t high school sod uisay have lo go to higu here eek hlp la Investigating th various morseful, you will drop ropr eyes There are 171 scholars enrolled at from the course that they should schools or collsge la other elite lo coal eases But the work Is pleasant, and wha you a some little kiddi' eas ljlhe High school The neatlng capac- - The hcnuul Library. plete their educatlou My he Is glad that he can be of seek serv-le- e erly devovrlng 1 rt or a cream pubUKty hut HI. aad wheu more than Ths High school has s library of Weald lawreaa All acs to se 'faring humanity Total (it see on proud I y wearing a ItltieTihi number are In alien, 1, 0 there about volumes, but n might as If Kl I'sso succeed Is securing new there la auuther coupon If you know red cost or a u Pali of m I,, aeal Ih.m lha.' well lie st the Elephant Hull dam Uiwder htgb si hind hy the next achool of A4IV4M, fill out M Jsllie Llauks It aasf is lb j tevf ciier u rstutu iiouiv u do lei ail lb good 11 lo tbe pujiil. ((.'ouliauvd on i'ag I.J J. EL PASO MORNING TIMES. Thursday. II,

Ing out thrre on the vacant lota wtt?l STATE EXECUTIVE HERE bared head singing Joyful murle f HIGHLY ENDORSED j GLASS OF SALTS BY VETERINARIAN fioversnw McDonald nml Party A rived In Kl Faan .i I nlng i CLEANS KIDNEYS Now Is the Time to Win Highway. church work of Kl Paao In gcner,il. Well Known Citizen of Fort Worth D. r. N,,M anng a sol,., after artilct Itev. Mr. Porter made a brief addreas. Gives His Views of Plant If far Hack . nr lltaibler Ile spoke of the faithful work of his Hi. t congregation In Its effort to secure Juice the Tonic. i. drink lots of water sufficient funds for a new churrtv&nil ami rat lews meal. of Its final success on good I were met by lr. K K. McNeil. II. C. lie touched the that has I ir. W. O. Taylor, who the owner UaUley 11. been accomplished In the old struc- Of a fine ranch near Stockton, Texas, and II. Itnllcy of La Mean. When your v. kldnvn hurl and and of the bright in the I practising Thin morning party will i ture future and who a veterinary the leave hack feels aore, don'l get geared and new one. surgeon, says: in automobiles for a run up the val- your in liroceea to load stomach with h Work on the new building b I severely a Comfort will over ley on the Went side of th.- Rio lot had suffered for of drugs that excite the kidneys rushed to completion. The congre- year with a complication of stomach (Irnnde. Thuy will depart prnrnVtty nd irritate the entire urinary tract. nt 8 :30 o'sUnck. The party will take Keep your gation expects to hold service In the and kidney trouble. Two weeka ago kidneys clean like you keep new church during early summer. began taking Plant Juice and now dinner at Im Meaa with Ueneral J. J. yotir howela clean, by flushing the them The Cathollca are now looking for 1 reel that I am all right. It Is a Vlljoen, the noted Boer leader. They with a mild, harmless salts which re- will later be given a reception at the moves the hody'a a suitable site to build a handsome great remedy and I am telling all the urlmma waste and new cathedral. The present one at sojrs how It haa lieqefltted me and Iji Mm achool house. At thla point stimulates them to their normal ac- a ileiegiitlon from CruOM will tivity. The Myrtle and Campbell la too awialt and recommending It to tpem." for soon the rush of Christmas business will be here. Although the service in lia function of the kidneys Is It la expected that the new church Plant Juice Is the world's latest, meet the party and ew.ort them to lo filter the blood. In 24 hours thry City, by way will he bull! during the coming spring. na feet and most efficient norvc tonic, of yeaqtilte. strain from It 00 grains of acid and gen- M' mi Plans have already been drawn. revltallrer. brain awakener and store is always good Park and HtAte College. waste, so we can readily understand at- our as as additional help can make it, you will feel like tak- A Another synagogue msy be ererted eral Invlgorant. It strengthen, rerepMon will be given them In tho the vital importance f keeping the dis- evening nt Her- kldneya In the city. The Jew are arranging tack diseased tissue, banishes lts Cruree. tieneral active. struc- couragement, dullness, ring Insjieet I -- to hnve plan drawn for a new wraknea and ing more time now to make your selections than you will when will the Ijis Crurea rink lots of water you can't 1(14. pain and In place brings later on many of militia during the stay In drink too much: also get from anv ture during their pharmacist brightness, strength and clear that city. about four ounce of Jad HI r'OHP.CAST. Those who take It find the They will remain in laa Crucee Knits; take a tablcapoonful In a glnaa flg e i ..... i.u. Prtmt others are doing their buying. of water change tome rapidly and the resnliH over night, departing Friday morn- before hreakfaat each morn- Washington. Ii. C Dee. 10. Want art lasting. ing for Albiniiieriiiie. CIoernor ing for a few dnya and your kidneyn Texas, New Mexico and Arltona iT.ilr will Thumdny and Friday. Men and women whose nerve force mid Knglneer French are act fine. This famous aalta Is is gone, are run over made from the acid graprn who down from member ot the New Mexico good of mid Y.. work, worry or causes, who suf-- , shopping is I, lemon Juice, BENEFIT PKHFOllMAXf other The additional advantage of early the fact that now dur stock is most roud oar, and will make an In combined with lithia, fer with stomach, kidney, liver or spection of the highway now being and baa lieen used for generations to blood trouble will make no mistake built from Union up the valley. clean and stimulate clogged kidneys; ?A octal Highwayman" Will He Pre- la also to sented by Sunshine Society. If they try Plant Juice. For sale at complete and greater satisfaction attends your choice of large variety. The party will also Inspect the roada netttrallxr the acids In urine Kelly A Drug It i Pollards Store. In the vicinity 'of ... - Crucea. ho no longer n source of Irrita- Under the ausplcca of the Sunshine ) tion, thus ending bladder won kn ess. society, a company composed of local la Inexpensive: in- Cured of UthW Complaint. Jad cannot will present James K. Hackett'B "1 jure; makes a delightful effervescent talent waa suffering with liver a FLEECED BY AMERICA N 8, The most complete line Xmas Presents suya Iva Smith of Point r drink which everyone successful play, "A Social Highway- for Men lllank, Texas, try should take now and then to keep man," at the Kl Paso theater the eve- "and decided to a ning 20. Clyde Twttrists in up (ompluln to Con-s- 25n box of I'h. iiiti, ii. s Tablets. meir Kiunryjt clean and active. Try of Ucremher las of Boys' in the tin this, nlao keep drinking, a well knuwn director, has Edward. Boys and am happy to say that 1 am com- tip the water and than all other ' und no douht you will wonder what charge of drilling the company and Consul Thomas D. Edwards, of Jua-re- pletely cured unrt ean rccommen l your already hMng Southwest. Headquart- them to every one." For aale by all became of kidney trouble and rchearnals ate held. la endeavoring to have the Juarex druggists. The play deals with a wealthy stores in El Paso com- Advertisement. young society man, who Into officials drive out some of the alleged ers for Boys' Play Suits. turns American "bunco" mea who Infest CHURCH BBOUlf. a taffies, robbing hi companion. It roriTio haa many thrill and ha been a suc- the town. Several cnmplainta have We show more useful the congregation who had gathered been made to him of late by tourists bined. i.e., on, For First M. E, Chun Ii Mir to ttltness the ceremony. cess In eastern cities. Tlckcta are now iitoityan'a drug storo. who claim to have been fleeced of lin, 1,, Yintcnlay. Many of'thnee present gathered up on sale money by American who Improsnltc their the marked tho a handful of the dirt as a souvenir BVlatl FKJHT AT Jl'AKi:.. have met them at the street car and bunking of ground yesterday at the of the occasion. The ground hns been offered to wuide them about the city. corner of Montana und lice streets cleared off and v icli in a short time Mnnugcr tionzalcs Secures Four for the new 1D0.O0O Klrst Methodist the excavating will start. Animal-- . S10 Riward RpUsr-op- re- church, which will be com The ceremonies yesterday were In- For information leading to the pleted next spring. Manager Uonzules, of Ihe Juaren covery one Evergreen tree, which Hip off!'- n ii S augurated wjfh the doxology, afty of 1001 lltnr uatoina noil Tiiking a new ihevel In gloved ring, night my yard Dec. 8, Phone For o'0l0k In flip inoiiiinK thpy NEW ADCLUB MEETS her whlch prayer was offered by Itev. bull last announced that was cut from front until linnds, Mrs. M. 11. Whitfield, urcsl- - 1211 Kansas street, said In- iri.H n clciMixl orlopk In "'III In front !: K 1.) Herman Porter, pastor of the ehurrh. there would he a hull fight- In the North i nl the deht of the Aid aocterV. it be turned In to chief - Many ii. lit thpin ladies' who gave thanks to 111m for the op- arena Munday afternoon. Four vici- formation to l Aptri- of hi nil with o'clock plunged the shovel Into of detectives' office. Now, boy, get hiMiHoh'thl goodl aueh a thov hail not Plata for the pri.inntion of hla own portunity to build such n beautiful ous animals have been aecured by Individual the earth und threw a shovel half temple of worship and for the pros- the management and Ihey will bo buay for Christina money. (Adv.) nth fort ml to fthnintof) on the lofiu; builuee. full at the feet of tho membnra of dpnart trip Tho of thin ftaat "An advartuih medium, nutffastas, perity nnd welfare of the congrega- fought to death by the noted mata- imnftUKr tion. now tp throtiffh lh- iistnniH hOtiaa n nva-aatll- booklet or new paper of the traimient dor who under contract HAVE CANNON iialuie nhli h ml8ht ordinarily bv The choir and members of the con- Manager Uonanles. Because he waa alow bacaiiNi' uf tho examina- sang Phone 1001 For ' 'iTtf nunl fruiii BMN 1.) tion which liavp to made. of a profitable nature. muHt gregation then "The Corona- unable to sSot'j'S the bulls It waa nec- tion." It waa most Impressive, theae essary for the manager to declare t ijlnnua la atlll a Kreat "in ra- hate iiji.l hIx ri'Knlar ImueH in Kl Paao i:.aonn33jg t - men and women of the - Sunday. - p,rty Wun ri.jM rrni'il lml eiwJurcil ltu( tion en inn. ih- Tvw n fuiT' wno tvera uoniMdered hy the rtvUaaca Beat- We Will Be Our church itand- the off last Fxrrl- IwitAmIiIih, mil in JVur (HoukH lie atlnilttc.f tliitt io liroot. tim ing Wrl im swIm y tec mid the membori of thin club." lHjiir1 of (hp IffttgaM Imrtv hint ntaklnic lid afMO'f tnhli- Inroad upon the Women rr Marred. (nlf) aiul and miff?rrt ovorpltiH Iiuuk'.v popnlnt Ion. The ramp f traa A Hhort dlfi uhhIoii whh precipitated Kigali) durlnu tin Ioiim mo Id lrk. of. tho t'fcfimePH and tho It r light Whall the word "map" wun road an l or n a tlanj llnnkrrH .m. ho ami Hutu ahd went ak oh a far being eligible for memhernhlp. One New Location ua pyo h. It In l.ellevt- -l tlmt Ufm-ra- TMTUM ti rim na' member of the rluh ntiKKented that the .bruuKht thoumindf of rinllitra frum Cht plirune "man or woman" he auhntl- - Mnny ll. n. li Mnrfn. titiHhiiji. tun OH t h In otnl hr non-- 4 luted hut Mr. Orr Informed him thnt nor will titiy of lb fptlritil II II,, I ' I"h In the I'nited Staten eOMtt 208 Texas Street Offlcm dUniK" tli Muhjppt. Aocom Maifn. TfXHH, I ff 10. Tim iifntirp ered a aomnn dttgible for memhernhip. cjiiirriti TvrrttMfl Metnrnl 'pnnlnK WW frmii MVflkN) li.'Kiiii lo In memhern wanted to make an S Ju iinivo ilrovin Yua I'mIophIi, manager of the Bunco exception and allow women Are atisfied? Knrftl to enter In alty khortly mur noun tuilay Ml tire and hIh.i director Of the Na- thin the aaaoi'lution. hut they were over- The former El tional Mn of Mft.ho anil Krum Im o KBil up to Intu Imur oiiIkIiI were ruled. location of Km loin i rnnhlor antl 6tiFt of tht? ntlll loinlnu In. Thi early nrrlvnlH Trlur to the rending of the inlnutea Paso Co., Wat- linn, it Mlin aUn iPimrtorl to havp and roll rail, next to io art' arc Hi. in' are hy .lake Miller, chairman of hi oujttil vast auma of immoy with who lrnvtllnu oltler the vlKllanCH committee, reported thai son's Grocery, them. Uii'lryown Milomuhlleii r red a carnival company wen ifoliiK to open OttftM! Family ( riiNMPa. which ,iri' nl inn thin here within the next few nnyn and Seriously, that a benefit lo Thp family of (naiiial Oroa- - viiy n.i rreHhiio. a nitfflbw who lent tin the Huiinhlne n- lrtTl oddy they were M.llrltlnit advertising i I a Wudueaday art 1'renldlo thiil are rniiipiil " hl naff niormilK nal for an arch thai wan to he plnioil over rnoon m the k ml' h rvan iiawpinn- - Klmflei IoiiIkM mid will he her to- il Saturday, Dec. .' .l,M. rftrancl to the midway. Thin wan 13th Itn. morrow "Uliooed" hy the rlub. l'i Pvaatdlo daaparataly nhon or rood Two tiimle upon or three memhern Informed the owitiiT to the it mei tliiK that they already not only hy the rertiKi'.'n hut hy i,la had agreed te buy npnre on the urch. hut it wan Mr anldlera d In that they nl In eh Ik) n llfaaapi siiKiented Just donate the faul would El Paso Piano Co. Contented In Kin iimoiint the advertising cost to charge uf 'nl itnfacl (he Munshlne norlety not purchase Aligclcn I' II UUCkatt, Siinihin nnrt n. Y. and M the ad. "Thai kind of advertinliiK In oJgsrlra t h I h III Raakln, at I'mml. mom-11- , After hum all annvad lhh unprofli.-il- i. and we not un- LChUM in Kl I'lmo mid Hatuly left nhould house lh left in llll'lr mi lur k in, Imm" coil rune It," nald to go on living in a rented house, year after year, paying out a large percentage of Murlii. 111) will ti.r I'l.Nldlii njlnaiia to roimult President Ada ma Oldest Piano House in from which ixilnl and I'r, -- l.h III AdaOM BMW a nlmrl fin Hun Anlonlo. OraMB and citli.r- - In nildrenn ntrnlii with IJinei'al ii, iia- .lull, aitvlniug the rpfntirri to what you by hard work, just keep roof head? IIMMI I upon ndylaahillfy earn to a over your Mmiui iimr lliri. ouiiuaiiil the af at" Uead in, (tfa looveBUoit la OreaavtM El Paso. Ill All. Illilllll' 1000 lentptttll 10 .etui mmiiii train loada ul In reliniiiiy nml Brand tbetu to try ami M Hll.l If not, then take the bull by the horns and buy a home for yourself. ft "1 INII'IIM til I'll! Illl. .Mire the IMS eoliiUnlon for Kl 1'nno, He Kit lil thai he had heea lafon hy netenii iioiaiiei uf um rarioan rlalx in Cor. Myrtle and Campbell. If you think you haven't enough ready money, you had better investigate. naatera Texsi thai (bey w,.uhi hab) n ,, mi. tho nasi eoatreotioa. It does not take as much, perhaps, as you have been figuring on. CLOGGED NOSTRILS OPEN AI ONCE, "I'licy bate 4iuil coin tut Ions In nil of tin iiii- - in that teetloa,' Mr AdaoM nald. "and I feel aaadMd Hint they favor El And don't let any scruples against assuming an obligation deprive you. If PSPtf - the nan RMsftlas ptaea. l nee uo reanen why of ua ennaot attend everybody had to wait until they had enough saved to buy outright mighty few HEAD COLDS AND CATARRH VANISH the ,, .iiv.iiiIi.ii and bring It buck to the rapidly I'mwlug 'city of COBeeatlooa,'." Mr. people would be living in their own houses. Most homes nowadays are bought Adniun' atopi thWreta i.m irreatad wiih ElPasoTheatre iWI'tU'a and npplaiine. (mm Noaa 11. in Minute Vutii aUiffj and rlla H. C Da Tin, u uieiuiier uf lite - on the extended payment plan A plan that means saving that monthly ( It. nl h'Hi- sum inn nml Moan flamed, itwullan membrane which ttwm Koraatv" .oiniiii rim, repurfd thai one a Flaariaj iiuiiniiiu noil hn the now. bead ami throat; eli'ara the Memlier. Mbrj Pradarti Oock, had al- - rent is worth considering. Uuoa. air paaaagaa; hioph naaiy dlaaMHiM ready agreed to attend Hie Toronto Nn- - j December 11 Try "Kly'M (.'renin Balm and a fi'i'llnn nl leaiiHliiK. OOI I1I11K 01 annul i.nitie anyway. Juki to relief eomi'K Iniflleilllllely. Arthur Tobias, tin and Wednesday Matinee If you can't buy a home now on easy payments, but a lot and lay the foun- 11 ItApply llllli' in the mmtrll Uon'l lat awake chi Ntt'ilKKllKK ckalrsna of the fdsmthuud rouualtba, and Inalnntly your rlo((d noM anil lor hreulh. with, miairila iipoiiitl that he hn.l narurm .. tertea uf atopped-u- air pHUWlte or the head Oloaadi hawliiiiK undblOWlnjt. Catarrh umten atlde Iwtoraa, proridet the dation for your future home. will oprn; you will tiraatha freely; ,r u 1, .hi with its rtinaini none, foni laitalier- - wnnie.l 1,. put g for the .ii.i. ii. nml hpadarh diaapuaf 9 droppliiR Into the tht.ial. and lie- lie Hpokn mi the relative value of The Play of the Hour Rnomltur l hi ealurrh, 04 raw dfyMH lit illvlreHvlna bill truly in- in ii ii aakeO Hint the That lot should be bought in Government Hill Addition, the logical home mre tlmml will he Kone. lll'l,. rdncattoual coMwIthM Iw riapowerad to E. E. catarrhal secure Ibeta. The By Roae Knit am h mtary now! Oit Ijiii your h- Hmt mire--I- tuittar lafamS m tha f.ill- Ibe dlrevtWMS, place. Prices are very low now; they will advance 100 per cent or more 111. II 1. .tile of "Rljf Balm" "Biya Cream Rafm" ami your oold m i'rmn Two laaeheuna itill im tin- at any iliuantnre Thn nweei fraKran win nitre!) dlaappear. tAd- - laid lartag laianh and - 111, u only three IihIiii eii hy the heat ul the alb. in,, ehru within two or years. erttaastianti Uaportaul ntnllera are to he nettled, to the action of the ergtalaa-Ho- Why not give your wife a Christmas present of a lot in Government Hill? hiKt slgbl. Ii wa deelded to have THE Hie liiaclieoua u whl.h time In, it papern on adrcrtlalng will Ik- - read $10 to $20 will start you. The balance can be paid in monthly installments ,,ml tartt given. TIiiim added 10 the luherahlp !al without interest or taxes. Let us start you on the road to financial success. Hun- niuiii mi' R II BBIOtni re, H I. Hl. k tun itexter Maple. Ueuli Keiger, I, H Grand Opening , dreds have profited by judgment. Why you? See now! Wlniu-I- It' "It Ntitl, II II Jo, our not us M. kin II. Ithontiea. Ai. vimder At QtH ROSARY W I., lialura. J. J Drniala-e- , nml II N K. httahe. Crawford Theatre 1 he Great New York, Chicago and Boaton Success. Buy GRAND STAND BURNED El Paso Real Estate Lake the Song and the Poem It Will Live Forever December 14 rtr Her. a;. ..titi laaaaagn nl Waihiaat.a You not wrong wherever fark Orlghu ' MOM can go you invest in this city. I Company. Production, Elec- The Biggest Musical Comedy Success Ever Staged. i trical Effects, Stage Settings I ne uf unknown origin Ucalroyed our .,11. ,n uf the grand at a ad, Lka bitMebem and Coatumes Beyond Com- aud Ibe i,.ii .'i"i nml biilldiug nt Waake "A Stubborn Cinderella" liiajtuu park lam ulglit Too Itina la nail parison. in., i pTHS AUSTIN about The nerUoa & i,, uetv MARR uf tin liuiut'li-- e aland It t uut dmangetl PRICES: AIUmWSI "' ' " roop of railed Hgtaa lealrf atatluueii Hie park, u.tue 304 San Antonio Street of the aeutlien saw the iituea uutll they 50c to $1.50 bait spread ueyuud ran roinhle proper Miss Jessie Maker as "Lady Leslie," Mr. Bobby liun- - be tibiae started ttWfngJ the innlii Mat. 25c, 50c, $1.00 t , tloa ,r itie gfasd Mas ibe klanp aafa as "Mac," and 15 Other Bp Ka.l Kl I'nnu flu ilt lutriuiebt waa the tit t to arrive nl tiir a. ,,f Itm fire, aud rcullalun Him uaej acre ii mil. le lu Well Known Actors. eafat uh the rapidly t M rtao TMKATRg the tut rigtitvla railed, a. mum grt- - aa and Sua MMIM LATTA & HAPPER delta it mem uud the Ir b.ra.a. v."';::'""1'" i PRICES: auto track frtau the Put uwlug to the dlataaie a Morgan Boulevard AGENTS i ul, ..nil In small Matinee, 15c and 25c a Our owa .retmtre. liun uf bo 111 hi wa VV aud eitn itllt. II W m.i. u t si. ae Night, 15c, 25c, 35c end 50c. Mabi Mb l. miy ale tartliuj vtt lot k

I Thursday. DecrmKer 11. I9t5. EL PASO MORN IXC. TIMES 3 Worth Thousands " 1 Notice to Owners of Dollars rChristmas tor the Entire ramiiy T. C. Gilreath Writes Drs. flf Prices Yon Can Easily Afford Pay of Chickens Young and Hinton of the to Actual Worth of Y(1 R mother, istor nr any member of your fmily r frlenda will apprc- - We fully believe that you are interested in your t iatf a useful Christmas Offt. Then why nftgive Ihem a nice pair of chickens to the extent that you wish to feed your i louse Mippci's e hav llicm from the l;ili size up 1t tlu- - kind grandma hen the heat The Worst Form of Stomach wears. EGG PRODUCING FOOD Trouble Yields to Drs. Young WOMEN "COMFY" SLIPPERS M.iuh and Hinton's Kinuinti.W c have them in pink, that can he found. Therefore, we beg to say that Efforts. blue, lavender, pur-pl- red, gray, arttl we have" secured the Southwestern agency for broWn, niarij other cturf lit nat turtn oi colors nol mciitionetl .ttr ti Mr. T. (Sllreeth, a ipl.3U r. farmer I., "NUTRO HEN FEED," living at (irand l(lv-r- . was so WOMEN'S "COMFY DE LUXE" SLIPPERS with hlH stomach that he new x- -f ihinp, in Foot wear. Come In ink, blue, which is without a doubt the greatest egg produc- hail to take to his I., .i lie had ifil. i, lil rose .mil taupe shades foojd drill. I. vomiting spells; pains In Miss Grace Kmnecotl h 7C ing ever placed on the market. It is com- A pair p 1 . 3 posed the bach and aide; spitting up of a new secret composition of nutritious blunil; hla r soured; hia diges- MISSES AND CHILDREN'S "COMFY" organs SLIPPERS foods known only to the manufacturers of tive hepatite weak; hla food Fell In was only hnl( digested: hud lost antl "Julicls" Put up artistic Christmas In .,. hla grlp-Ini- r Priced sccordina to appetite; had heartburn,, Co. sic. In bowels, constipation, hend-arh- Poller Confectionery A pair 50C tO nervousness, dixxincas. and $1.25 eould not sleep. It Is no wonder Mills Itullding. TAILORED "COMFY" SLIPPERS fin' wtimeii in "Nutro Hen Feed" that Mr. (illreath wan moved to Kl Pi so, Texas. the following colors: W ine, brown ami express a hla thanks, aa he does In Centlemen: may. Special, a pair the followlitK letter: ipl.UU Our introductory price is: Urand HUcr, .Inn. t, IS 10. Dra. I have been reiiuested by Miss WOMEN'S EIDERDOWN SLIPPERS, in pink, blue, 8 13 lb. Sack, for 25c 100 lb. Sack, for $2.50 Young mid lllnton. Dear Doctors: (Jruee Klnnecott, the prima donna l'lcase aend me another month'a in the rtOBH MAID, to select some Extra good bran in 00 lb. sacks for $1 .65 treatment. I hHve been trying- - to beautiful roses, box of choice 25c and 50c Kindling Wood, per sack 20c see If I eould get along yet with candy, also selection of lea cream mil th.' rntdteine, bat find that i and Ices, to be used by her In the Special price in 5 or 10 sack lota. We will gladly piny, which is to appear In Kl cannot. Yotir treatment haa done "He" Will Enjoy the Comfort of a Pair of Slippers , ship to any point in West Texas, New Mexico or me thouaanda of dollars' worth of I'sso on December 12th, 13th and Arizona. good so far, and I believe that It 14th. tVE "linn" pair i . lhej make a useful ami appreciated ift. We have ' will clear cure me in time. Yours visiting your them in lilai'k. tan, uim ami red kid tan calf, brown and red morocco, black T. C. After bountiful browtt truly. Clllroath." I f store am fully convinced that Ittd uray felt, priced What these eminent specialists you can supply al did for Mr. tillreath they can do her needs. Jackson-Standar- for other sufferers If they will ap- l'lense deliver one doxen of your $1.75, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 d ply to them. Their modern beautiful roses, twenty (201 Indi- $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, equipped offices are the finest In vidual Ice creams and Ices, and They ctime in "Opera." "Kvcrett," Romeo." "Fatilt anil "Cavalier" styles. the state and are located over the one box of your choice candles at Clothing Store, corner Union Ore the stage door of the l"l I'nsii SLUMBER SLIPPERS X ice warm Slumlvr Slippers that uil! gon and San Antonio Streets, i:i Theatre Friday evening at eight i'uao, Texae. All Interurban cars o'clock. ippreciated. Pair ' 35c and 50c Grocery Company pass their door. They do not take Incurable cases, and their examina I understand you carry a full tion, consultation ana advice & Every grocery store in the Southwest should sell are line of Allegrettl. I'nrk Tllford. free to all. Millard's and other leading Knot-er- "Nutro Hen Feed." Get our wholesale price. brands of candies.. Please use Women s Bronze Button Shoes $7.00 Pair Judgment In jour theselecllmi. have just received a new shipment ui Imported French Brorfzc Kid Button Phone 3532. 2 Mills Street. city remains quiet, being under mili- irt.ary very truly, WE Shoes the season's latest creation in . These shoes are made 0 tary nil,', and so far the rigid Honor the finest imported bronze kid, with pearl buttons in match. Marie mi the new Paris ruling put into effect by li.ncrul s has nol been violated. "THE kOSF MAID CO." trie. With Louis Cuban heel. The heels nu these shoes have a brass nlate protector In keep ihe wood heel from wearing off. Cnme anil see these. A pair oi them II U 4 use Ixaitly. I III IAI,. WHAl'HfcH Ul IIKAl HUM 111 I.I.I. I IN. Mt Christ-ma- Ml "When father was sick about six Advunce ManWiT. will make an .acceptable present, Priced at. ;t pair $1.00 Observations taken at S p. nl. lath Meridian Time, irecriuber IS. nil.: year ago he read an advertisement Precla.- - of Chamberlain's Tablets In the pa- Temperature Wind Itutiun pers that fit Ills case exactly." writes 5 Iuwest Vclorliy last 'it Mlas Margaret Campbell of Ft. Smith, the Children Department Highest last Stale i. f oer limn, appeal, il t KitHt Kudor-- Gifts from s station - p.m. tudny. m. in Wenther. Direction, hour. Inches. Ark. "He purchased a box of them At, Havt- licr frtun arr ,8 they had J in to sd- - Alillsuv its ."li XH Clear NK 4 .0(1 and he has not been sick since. My of It . , HWKATtCRM We realist now the tune give our trade tha 4 II done before. , mum Aniiirllln .1. Oinr X .00 sister bad Stomach trouble and was l h raataaa f s treat special. Those eblll) momlasi 41 SO SB 14 .011 HiirrniniHe ii Lv u l.iwl vtriiurH t Atlniitii Clear SV also). benefited by them." Kor sale by jtrmk Bwaatsrs Ifor the children, i some here today and select Mine, iiinii nt :m W. N 4 .tin Villi Ifi qa :i PUhr druggists. he left (he hall Uefore Ihc ; ., . 1...... 1, .. 40 41 I'M all Advertisement. u Botou rioinly' SW 12 .00 rrnetiiifr ended. At MM Hamt- UtXM u nac 4M 4il SW 10 .no 1. .111, "I (hlrngo :l Clear " diVKM'il t nm1mmF VVIATION Vl's 'i I" Chi.liiiinll :in 42 H a .no Beware of the linimi." dUmaiV lifi wun I A t'lear W 'JrtJMfr&y$L. e Ml, e In Sail Dearer i 11 clear s 4 .011 At the Ilijou Friday. rarrled from the reur door. The police ctullj the llllt'ln til 1C Hcimli :u 40 .10 CintnlT N .00 Also the turkey trot and hrllnMl he diverted by the ( ilHlNT.MAS si (l(;i:sl lti liny tin little chlltl .. ..I our t'nm ; ' nine and HiiliiHi. iii, ii ::i :. Pt. ciilv. v 4 .00 The hesitation wultr Vilvertlsentent. n a Hodden rush upon MIhh Punk-h'l- i Sets, oomposed of sweater. Uearaltun ami IB M rt iiintitinn Knitted do qj II. I'AMt it (Ml RK .00 si. whom Up apt uretl hefui M "4 0 Clnttilv K III .00 her '"np' "' lislveslolT Mr MIL I. ii a Ilraw. IIMsyHI Mont 44 SI 22 Clear K .INI bodyHunrd Rot Into Hutlun. Three ttf lluvre. NV jtssoctMnU Jiicksulivlllc .4 83 :l Clear NV 4 .00 Hn lie Prew her followers uIbo were uiicMci l.lll'e B M IB NW 4 .00 Nt V.trk, He-- 10, rBob .M, AlllMi-i-- 1.,.- - Angeles IW 74 Ml ClnnUy W H .00 the Ciillfornln Welterweiclil. DtaOS bis Ileal Metropolitan Airs. Nashville 40 112 24 Clear W 10 .00 flrtit iippeiirsaee UpH tioilglit lu n ten Drleiins W Clear 4 .00 To have li fellow tt good vole- New W ruiiiiii ' with Hike Douovan "f Ml with New Yelk 32 41 2S Mllnw KV .02 slnKlng through the crowds ss ui-- 4H ills S4HS ilverly untpoliiteil the kbrl Mftalla 44 34 Clear XW I .00 nip the latest soft di inks hasn't quits Ham-al- ill TO 44 Clear K 4 .00 boxer tSmtsjrknut MeAlU staff weighed in UW .spread in a way Ihrougli lliiild City, H. I) IB Clear W 4 .00 .it iHnHHta mill Donovan al IS& StlfrU (mwell Ul at 'J4 Clear K 4 . .00 from Uuthuin. hut the Mas si l..,ul 41 H 32 Oar MV IS .00 Phone 3)0. has hit Kl Paso flrat in the uauul way. Huh l.ii k.' cirj- 3d in 24 (tend si: mi At the Klltc confeel lotiery each after- Hull Alltettl.i 4N 4N M Cloudy NU I! .:4 noon the young man pusses tbroutia Kali Kisnrlsco M M Ml llnlll S PI .00 rt.yiA i it ii gardens Minna IV 2 4H SO XK li .00 ths Interior of ferns, foun- IW :il Cl.iiuly KK 12 tains. StC., Sat) StOBS sweet melo.ll. Seal lie " l Yu.liln!.-i"- ! 3J M rsondy XW a to Yoiinaer I'aakhursf amaa alletl to The idea Iiiin inude a hit - Aiii ) Wl.hltii. Kim 44 :i Clear XW 4 Oil I'rofK by Hae. y tuna on H 42 Clear X I .00 tin ilv 4actacd 'ri - llesllnx. I" 10. Nell In lig the AtmttmlM Press fores availed to prevent the sj oriemis. id "Wildcat if Miss Sylvia I'ankhurst a ..f K was pnielieally PLAN ATTACK ill of fill the battle Tiel ditch, where she addressed u Ins nut by Mil-- ; nf si. run m. Blat tt tilo-h-l held lo III III "a".V. ' hi tin tied from Page 1.) lo organize a li t J 'isii Tlu- i.pitla.--- We Carry t'.tniplfif 4'apllsl at iiii,i.ti, uy of "her people s army rniiml bats), ? unusually ,,i , Uncs orSteiTs Well j.lxili HattaHOas of the tegular army Oeit. rasi-tia- firosco. coinmander in tikhtirst seemed naored three tim ... ,wi...,- earty In Kerin, m&fUiiat nine numbering about 1800 men and the chief of the federal volunteer fares the rountl, I 'VW") I J rVnUWtl I OVSi .sk In I in state, wnlil I are the volunteer tor es of the lias succeeded tlenurnl See Theni. remainder Mercado as milltat' of San Antonio Street. MMM.U.4.W iroxeo, Snlaxai'. Carnven anil Rajas. pro. They neither artillery nor ma- and has established the have visional capital of the state of t'luhuu-hu- I chine guns as their entire artillury ,. til OlasasMT ".i" Becli :'.;o at sa, In ', iifi.ii: aecordlnK IS a mes-sa- yestenlay by received Hafael Christmas 'li. ,ne fur Taxicsb. (Ail i.) MaSqUlS, cHiistitutlonnllst aaent at Kl llL' 1'aao. tletieral Mereado will remain Msnriol in llnril I ixlll. scp-ll- In eonimaud of the In tlotllestlc e and ami Trust for a proposed new school as I. federal rcaular Hit Ihr islatrtl ll stlliltnls the mental eilllclKiol II would fmeeH in the state, but will be Campaign riim an departnteni da their nimhing while which equipped would entail an ex- have room a subt Windsor, ins-- in. for go ui library, out jot atssdi of MOdiSSa, Hul a BLOOD POISON ordinate li UfOSOO. The aeelalmitia of e Otleasa I'm Urontllsrd, sltllad mi old fashioned stools ami penditure about such ier place to leach a i branches plai-- sM Hie a building forty be I,. Oroxco as Ko'ernor took imme- Wludaer llutx l working mi latllaSi Itisleuil at would coniain from a ol. line will answer battled rlt rooms, a modern and SKIN DISEASES diately nfter the arrival of the federal sossds aere imiiKiit. Tss puptilar proper seals and desks. The students to fifty us tier. Is of BI I' for itari forosfl at 'ijinaica. Organizations u taking free hlllld tllawlng also us,' SUdltol s gym. for boysitul girls I I V I Stat U'lie Miiuilut SbadS tile Is'tle I'KKM K lit HV Ot B I Messagua received yesterday at Jua-re- s I lie him I. si. ii Is and tables ami ihcv are glial every olh frooi t'hlliuahtia said that the city ly handicapped in HiIh work. I Is to be fo high BRITISH CURt was iulel. with General Villa's tnops In appreciation of the Interest The manual (ruining and domestic. Phone 1001 Fc ii.i Fit Nil, nipticr oh. ifil palrollliiK the town. The city has re- being token In lite awarding of Si I, nre SlaSSSS huve lo wnlk five I Wlllll.l gIV b be students kimiK. eruptloHH, milliirC bulr, or nu b field, giving I lite. Mymptotiifi. sumed its normal condition with muny the Ptaysf-Ptaa- o to ih. blocks to tin Bailey school day lair athletic SIGNS throat nelilnir. craekluu faslHsa Need rlasftex' Ii phy.-- 'V3- ii;ijisnrri co putt-l- nny of the business houses reopeuitiK, al- li lake part of ilieir lessons as thru .rt ii ii lo ecure u l III,.., Itiiiii'H. niti it or "f the lodaTt) o der pi organisation staad-In- g tyfuptouiH of Itliiod PolMitt, Diir though .the saloon are at 111 closed. is mil sufficient room in the High vvlll run- Tin- ft irililc The railroad line has been reparred highest al the SjOSs Of The Phone 177 for a Taxlcah. Adv. School for llnir work. The nine rf f t f Itluod I'nlstai. Mtieti lis throush Irom Juarez lo t'hlhualiua and (lift walking in froth the Hailey mxI itliiidiiexM, i'malyaU. Times' Christinas t.'uinpuign annul?! and Atuila. yesterday a containing eight Von wopry as Inns 11s hot r i s many ih. i s Urain tind NervtaiK dUturb-um-e- train cars we have decided to award a $7 7& null during Ihe school and lost memory, rfeep on Ilk of saa)l several carloads of provisions im litis ami offer me belna served icTm, Md if nl1 lost. thlff In ttie night. Can yon really and passeitKer coaches In which t.teut. Cactilan iDstruroaot in plaoc of ths ee at the rnpular. Ask Sbulll It, ClaniBISMSnl Wink. to t.ike thU liuio HymptoniN t'nl. CsrltM C'arransa. a iiephew of lltl Player previously savorttsott The (Commercial dcpiirtinenl. Is tha beKltt t dlNitipDar pd kly after the llenersl Carransa. t'npiain Navarro and most handicapped at the uigii acl aduilnUlrntloii of our remedy. Kven thirty Villa thotiuh other trentmeiitit huve fit,: or about of the soldiers wno Henare of thr nus.. Many of ihe boys and girls dealra I" renuUii, If you Inivp Itlood lol-o- have recovered from wounds received At the Uljiin nl. lake ii shorthand, bookkeeping or Piano left In any MM ht form do f.ill It, the Juares and Tlerra lllama bat- 4 the turkey trot an some other commercial course, but t tbU wonderful treatment tles, and ara returnlna; to their com- Itutiun waits Ativan awing to the congested condition nf wltleMit dehiy. mands, traveled. the school tiiis department is very ZM?XMAS A A Sure Cure for Small Fee Trala Nervlee x n sou Insdesjuste, II Is impossible to sllorlhalld "Tou i in announce that regular NEW HIGH SCHOOL gl.r over lessons more than twice u week. When The One Gift train aervlce the Mrtieaii Nation (Cunt timed from Pass 1.1 ., al railroad will "be established student Is Inking a course he Often thruuKh (lasses lie learn- - fiom Juareg to Torreon on Daft, 1ft. forgets between what yesterday. lenu i, of hciuK shunt IT! atsdeata eil and II la a greut ilruwl.a. k to Ihe General Henavldes aaid enmlled Hie number will Inercj.r type- - "The railroad line Is in operation in ri, lastraolloa. They practice on the Whole Family ft - riling a las at a &is. Al'" northward from Torreon to CsaohOf, sfdaies I'refrssor writers few mlOUtes a week. iiniiiii-- uud Prstsssst Tisiie Tin. mean There is only a portwn t I the reul and news are now at work repairing Is- Hull there will tulle lie SUM be I of eoiiimerelal work being taught at tha tbc Una from Chihuahua lo Oaacfcaf stadsats iii 1:1 ram ... asd fitted k erlenee. School now. iiwnig lo lark of loom Will Enjoy and will have the line opened in order f..r life's work hn- i. X there ut BresilU Is Impossible to teach more. esirs that trains will be runntig on Mac. 1. ii i. Kl I Th. t euaty Hulldlnx-Tli- cannot receive lessons in bank The train service will consist ol f nl prrsent Hty buildlug l s irg. railway work, Irrigation. ' aveen In freight, express a mall sea It will adorn your home with a beautiful object, fill it .ii ii. to be our iiffU'e. prr iimderll mid Hie I,, ill, i cr other work that la ii. i - tialua Kor tha present they will be rouat) H tm be lle etprrl mid lrt iusll- IliK la fireprisif 1: ,n, pj of In eoiiimerelal and vocullonsl it love. ii- J hpreUIMa tm Kl run under the supervision of the con- ,,,,i.j, with music, pervade with sweetness, joy, and answ.rliiK the needs of lbs A stitutionalists and each train will be i slid work. Don't Give Up Visit Will Tell he cnaiily fur some years II No Htmli-iils- . All this at cost which, considering the returns, is sur- amply guarded by soldiers in order to The CaoUiaa to slven Is in easts. Is (.un fur a w by n.,- mid lawt true th ,i In nf Hal nu - also ran guarantee safety to travelers aud the most durable for this Setsxri in Tin- present uigii school is without prisingly small. letbods KlimiMlUm. Catarrh, Nas there I. s little i .nigral ion hul It ,i "gym" the boys and girls, dur- .,..i shipments. Is for aa TniiUo, Msmsssa clratate and equipped with he rnuipureil lu III. lu l,e tin- - , llydro-fwi- Itapld progress In eulise.liull ing past fun tin- football team had rliar, Nrn-- the restoration of fuuud lu Ihe high school where pro- 'srtrrrlr. Uupture IMrrnlsl, the Mexico Norths YYeslrn line tl.e to rent a playground to practice, This !. south fe.sor'a ufflee I. s raillulur In uue ttf lln la Prwlslr, of Juarez Is being by "MKT II VMhM money was collected from Ihe stu- Specially Low Prices for lUsddrr ami Irlaary 1 made tha crew Ai. KM hulls. Kbiar. ....! ommsnded by Supt Oeorgs Rutledge dents, other nigh schools have HI, Clous'. Fllula sad If M I' to .let Isle a huiid bsttts "gyms' for the buys and girls uil,,. II.. .1 MS all - at- which is rebuilding ths destroyed II should he ror a high haul - In no a In relieve have u basketball floor rial of Mrs and Hwura. Midge- yesterday the railroad gang other I'layer will this tbe existing lu The slrla llearr - eeadltlnai the prtatal Is being the Holidays I'ONalXTATION. Alitlll-- AMI was working- neat (iuzman. about hair be found. The air chambers fire trap hullillug. H ihe in the main hull. It fur from K tMISAIKJ.V I HI I eltlsssi its In to play, riling being Hit oral la Casa Orandaa. speail mure mono It surely good place tin wli. are all constructed of MKT A I,, afeoald bs ..o low when they play lliey 4 fur Ihe conifurt i sad have Aaetber 'rets leaves. covered by U. 8 patent. thru rkiidraa and lei to out EASY PAYMENTS P. Clarke, Ibelr edueatlunal xdreetage. If the illy move the hatrucks and desks Interna.! nai Specialists J. superintendrnt of the nf the room. The only exercises the Chihuahua division of tha Mexico Ask the sales force of Kl la la make lasaenreatasli why sat build the I'aao a students receive Is walking to and Us. h.i.i...... t a da Not railroad, left on ins, uimlerii high seh.sil ti J fit the fin me Heetanl I'leor. lUauiirll corner llano Company more about it. til a us fur their itranla in nr.- r iioio school or In playing on Ih. Si. uud Menu Ait tCI Pnao, Tax. flight train for ihlhuahua to take Specialty. Work Guaranteed. Zeia barge of a work train ersw This is far mere Inipnrlaiii ihnn streets. Tuning and Repairing a KuiraiH Ilil Arr which Also step Into their store and a huud fui s Hate a (sand Mic ui. t I p. a, u, ,. will begin repairing the Mexico North- issue joliu imini) ar. have pbty your se- Slid hullillug ., Tht baa a good M s. ui t, 1 p. m. western railroad out of them favorite ell) Tbl. Mrurtlll, i, board ' sxtavatloa suada. Chihuahua. wliboul Ii lirlug a hsudieap sue which . .mains four blin ks lor a The uonteiirplalad movement of lection on this Instrument. aslt bi aa) isrrsuo. Hn every year the high i. new ins i, school building It is local foreas from Juares to aaalst In tha at- JENKINS PIANO CO. Is ueglected mean, d Virginia Angle streets, tack on tha fsderals OJinaga Aaalst your favorite to win be- ibat there see shorn :.i si unit ami at has not youug iiiaa and auuien who u high if a iaaue Is lo et begun. In fore the close of the campaign want bond BMaeatad tha BIG PIANO HOUSE" Phone 1001 Fo Tha foreas lbs city ara sehoul eduealluu sud are saable lu voters of the city It will undoubtedly THE getting a supply of ammunition un I'b rial mas eve. It . beisaae ul Isek of fs.lliil. W'bii h a handiaume new structure 211-21- Ftflrc guns froax caret sad 3 "Fi'iiiimflm the Aanerlcau side and will i. ihe mure Impurtnntt lie Phone 2958 Texaa St. i probably leavs within a few days. The In tha bastiiucnt of the bulldiiis (he l . in sic bviiig prepared by Tioal j FX PASO MOTRXTVO TTMF.S rhurnrlny. Dseambcr II. 191 J.


Featuring Schloss Bros Suits, and Ready-to-we- ar Apparel at Specially Reduced Prices 25 $18o Suitsand $2022 Overcoats $152 $152 Now selling at $11:5g DECEMBER DECEMBER SPECIALS ON NIGHT DECEMBER SPECIALS ON PANTS SPECIALS ON DECEMBER SPECIALS ON SWEA1ERS AND $7.00 $5.25 $3.00 N $2.25 $7.00 $5.25 N 2.50 1.90 6.00 N 4.50 $1.60 6.00 4,60 $2.00 N 2.00 1.60 5.00 1.50 1.20 5.00 O .r.75 O O 3.75 n 1.50 1.20 4.00 3.00 1.25 .90 4.00 r 3.00 w 1.00 W .80 3.00 W 2.25 1.25 W .90 3.00 2.25


nrv those who ar tlieln o tt ii nt'Mixi

Bend in your name today and gat started on the road to obtaining one valuable glfta. Permanent Roads and Highways. will In Y. DAZZLES GIRLS COMPLETE LIST of these Christmas I It costs nothing to enter. You do One county after the other are getting the "semi"' and voting not have to be a subscriber to bonds for sood roada. Pre- - i Ik .1. .. ii. i. or Tba rooi Times to win one of the Christ a ho when one nood wide awake family gets to owIiih to IIh il. ini.ii, l made Upon OF PRIZES pnintlng up thinga .... XBAT WHITR WAY BLAMED glfta. the germ usually takes hold of the neighborhood, and before Ml not only by lhi refuge. liut by di- matters In case of a tie the prize will be are quieted down there have been homea nicely painted. iot Int. Mm. Annul.. Vuh soldier mill being annulled by MinT: J Kviih ow cashier. IN THE TIMES' CHRISTMAS GIFT vided between those tiring. Wo are en eblMran, tor party beinu iih fast us tranaportatlon tot It bi for willing to help you in any way. eh CAMPAIGN For further Information write r r Cot. itiifHt'i Um founS phone CanipaiKti Manager, Telephone r. ii. i.n.keit. M ni r. f By la UhwUMI PtaOa on Earlli If Yuu Su.'.o. Branch 18. in Inn ii. ii tin uato i: I. in. nil .f lltmi Drink, Says Closing Christmas Eve An ouaee ef Done la ..orth more TUTTLE PAINT AND GLASS CO Prisoner. than a tea of Golag To tin. UHAS. APITAI. IMIIZK. enr? la your name today. Nominal, 4.O0O allforala Uueaalev, " iBted your lodae. By AI.HK III ill K. i la .'luralagalde Helghta Addition, THR Mini M Mi Mill:, I PAaO, TKIAH, New Vork. Dec ID. The lure ot built by Ike "Staadard Home Build- New York beckon mil to ruin and er.," the DINNER the. OraWl WMta Way llghta of tin III. Independent office WHERE TO DINE only iluszle und blind My advice 1: pabu. Assay mica Ktm If TIBlIIHID IB. to tka no. .in. of girls the country 114 llulck Model HH Touting Car, D. W. ItarcHART. CM Proprietor pome New Agtnt for 0r ShlpptrM A$ayt aMO over who lire hiixioub to to electric lighting and Chtmltal Analytic. 1 1 u Hint Ctamlnt Dinner 50c From :30 A. M. York unit lhapa career la 'slay al tattit.g ayatem; value, 11,110. d aa ffararr' Upon. Bullion Worn NOW home.' BAZAAR OPEN ALL DAY fiotn Siockarii-Churc- lalarua- - p.o. no. Sc.ited in th Tombs prison today OfAce and babarutory OPES La Ucinlre, tiunul . company. MIk Urarn Car. lea Fraacitct k CMkaaka Its, KVliRVlHlXG IS HtST intelligent, educated, him opting her I 1, OUT.OK-TC- X. L HHST I'ltl.K rao. Tijtaa. V.i own fate ttolcally, Mounded I wHriiiuit 1U14 Mupuiobil Tour- boutli Paaii Street. fws to Gem Saloon. lo thn yountl Kill, of tht- country who ing Car. lull, (.quipped, including UKN and H Ml. Proprirtora. dream of a business ut professional M eatuiKhouae tUHlt tetn of igni- M Ii .in tion, electric alaning and, lighting. lit IIIK thr Klilllti ett.; value, ll,i9, t'chaaed from u. robbing the, ' 11. liauin, C'liulmera coropany. Tllh HKT Ii IM At RIM BANKING BY MAIL H. MOflR AT Willi II TO CAT, Just aa to open a ea.lng aocooatt with aa aa lawmgh rou One t each uf the fulluwlng gill, Oulck arrelca Luaeh CaaaUf lived nail door. will go to tftu city ul i.i 1'uao anil bill' Cut Rate Hardware, FLORENCE CAFE lot rrlfate Uovtha. rapulai B Learn Ml I cli,u-lll- . aiunulug highaai mi I'AV 4 per oant Inleroot corapoamtrd Twine Every Year. We canuiuataa and Glass. fflcea. r Th daai city lift. does not after lb nuiigaluw and louring Ml Paint tD Taia. a. do under fbe Iefmaltnra Guaranty law of Uie State of Tm ly In pitfiilla ogva TEE POT. Pre. are a lie th .called winner been decided. S0t Koath Fl Paso St. and (.oarunty Fnnd Bank aa provided by each laa. which bava given tin. plios and ., v tiuiiialre Oiamonu and drill il. sr i, ii, 0t plan. In addition to being convenient, la aafe, profitable novcU their plutf," be auld. a King, pun ihaeeaf from the Ulxton liberal Nobody baa erer loot a dollar In a Mate Bank tm Tesaa. have been Written about white Jewelry cuniputiy, h.1 1'aao write today for tree booklet "BANKING BY MAltr aa luvery, hut (hern are mote InaldloiiM oh;t'tNlJ '1 o lluu Alerchandla Or- - EAT AT ataaply mail roar deposit.hi trap nl temptation nwultlng girl jen culling lor Una aiiiouui in goon. The N'fwcal and Heal Restaurant dig ill Ion anil they are not ii .in jiuaie a aeleciion from the While Phil Young Cafe EL PASO BANK & TRUST COn El Paso, Tex. innrki ulth the danger signal, like t iuh and the Popular Hiora. UBBER Club House Cafe ivery. would not hum been IIIIKH Two v u iur Mcttola. tn ' in prism i hud I' not been for drink tat w old lr. lalaing niachlu, put R STAMPS had I n ol Ireen afraid of the tuunttt ?haed from and on exhibition at the him l u ii mi. li ill y of my fr had I not nought to be ,V, U Mala company, El I'aae I I l BHUS. 1 il Kull uud Complete i i hi. ii f'RMST AT tin inniMi. ami threaten to overtop the lb 'KTIi Two II H. drrgoa SI. "I 110 Theae bualnea OPEN ALL NIGHT n,i ihr 4ctefrd '. which heretofore haa protected thi blame one but myattlf, how- lluainea Kducallon. n ) r ever- myaelf and thla upoH n.ejn a full and complete Jlou.t. Tesas, I Tka eraal tie city flood. A fut which coutce 110 South El Paao Street from all New York cgat pleaauru-aerkln- uooi.kacping. ahuiihanU tka Rraaoi rival flood tonight la paaa-I- heavy over all loiita til aitu AUTO tlae would iic damn? typewriting I'urchaaed from Uraugb CAFE Harlaa A Blaleca, Prop. Richmond, a town of uoo people, aom Do ' girl. Ulrla nun chafe at the rctiudlna lowland, mile of un a Huainia. college. gulf, are Inundated iteport luck entertainment in amall towna. Custom Assay Office th If they only DIM FIKT1I Two t.oi .Yierrhandlae Orders In throughout but knew the price I ItITi HKTT IHROIHOV. iidltlonal nic pay for the plaaaurt-- i of New York which entitle th recipient to thi 1001 For flood dldrlrt today have brought life, they would cling aa a amount of of u.. own lalaatlaui Sucreaaora to Hughe A Crltchott. Phone 1115 to home iWfffiVfffVsfnffifliVfiaVfW total to Of thla number the chllii to it unit hi at the Hoaiou Mora Assay era ( hem lata Mrtallurgtata SIGNS to were ngroa. work mum T? 3REV Ktacue Women Etielavral to Itrink. SIXTH Han.laoin Standard t A.IM FOR I IRK SUIPPKHS continued until tonight. "1 have been In New York acveral 'luld , purchaaed from the 110 Kan rVaiuulhco St. yeara and 1 know lhat New York lllxaui Jewelry company, all Pau. Dell Phene iH. 3 Educator Brand Cookies IIK. PRIKkS. women are rapidly becoming enalaved lBt IAL M.ATIU. uf by Why. Wuahington CacJIIan flayer Piano, purrha- - Made Educator Wheat Bran and Educator Entire Wheat drink. in uml Flour. Hoatun, In weaiem iliiea where I vla- - ad from and on eahlbltiun at the CI Uwreiened with Moluaae. A natural laxative. Send in Flat Packages Do Not Roll ii. .1 have never ecn women drink Paao Plana Company Thi gift will be Assayer and Chemist Pecked in tin Each 30c aa they do here Inatoud of ufteiiioou awarded to the lodge, order or organ- - j tea a ao'called provincial habit- - It tialloii atandlng lug), cat Cbrlatma GEJO. W. t ll ll'iN afternoon cocktail and highball Ev. Rapreaantative Shipper te taw Norwegian Fish Balls for women on Broadway am! Fifth During the campaign a prmi when Fcr Zbc El pPaeo riDorntno Uimes avenue. Juat look In any New Yurk voting for uundidat lo win the BI Paao Smelter. are the very beat In the market They are made of freah Had-doi- cafa any afternoon or night and aee bungalow, touring car or one ef the S Baa FYaaclaoo St.. U Paao, Tata boned and skinned and gi ound luto a very fine dough, the women of all age drinking. other 'prlar may aUu cast the aame P. O. Bos a. miaed with cream for flavor, and with a small portion of alarch CHRISTMAS GIFT CAMPAIGN "It la the reault of the (train put number of vote for their favorite to obtain the deaired flrmneaa. lodge or order Aak ua about upon women by the mud truggle fur the The Fiah Ualla are thoroughly cooked and preserved in $8,000.00 In new new awarding of the Cecillan Christmas (lifts eenaatlona and thrill. The cans in the gelatine IwuiJ obtained fruui the flab. la like glvea a girl a kink la her moral MtTK.-Ti- rate a al. In the Chrlat-m- a It aae lhat dura not gel itralgbtened gift campaign will decrraaa after by phyalclaa aa being one of the. flneat meat ration tZZJTZTJS. Qood for ONE VOTE out in time to aave her from dlaaater Decamber 1th. and after that dale for a human being-- ..... laaa vote be allowed It will readi- Vataa. eua-e- Ill kJMt Oil ill alll 25c per Can - $2 75 per Dozen Uuin by "New York la the lonelieat apot on ly be n by thi that an early alart will Pwr, UlrapatrUk Cast For earth for the girl who trie to go work wonder in the campaign of any Spend! teeaaaar traight 11 I that lonellneaa lhat candidate cat out. finally become unbearable The falae Dorlae thla eaaaeelga paper, "lit Franco-America- n Plum' Pudding 35c, 65c and $1.00 rtrt j aetd I fog Car. plraaurea, the alar viewpoint, riglng net be far the vetae iherela. hi. Your f'hriaioia money a alrk Taarta Plbt. NO.... la peatllve aad wUI be atrlcily eaaerea glr.i Ola afiTjawg with bubble in a wine glaaa. then do pair of lota la Woel Yalela. their work la. Void after Dwe. 16, My TL".".'"ca,?u 1013 t and eoedMatee e catab. SI a Iii eel eeaapel eaeepl far th aaaalun. SIS moalli. WATSON'S GROCERY 1001 Oar eutoaaeblle awl go t - Pane. a SIM lot. Tobin, pbour sua. Hioiie Fr Da. aatleaaahll weal ge eel ef tewa- . i MUST BE CLIPPED NEATLY in. rnrni-n.iJiw.- Thla a eel lea te all el her gift ear d fc.peii eaeh e ell aa eet-- ten a. TriurarJay. December ! 1. PL PASO vnRVTVr, TIMES.

IOI --)HCZ30IZ)5fc 51foTlcaoirzoiF3ocrrzig mm is in jail Send It By The Box! tftSAftlt Kltri 4SK FROM MatXl ft IS MOVED i mom MOsrtTAt.

rjwelnr Relieves lrpr TreataMHSt aad New Christmas Hints Medlral Atteaftaa Will tte-- FROM Br MRS. Jl'UA A. SHAttr Jim McCrary, the remgs from Ma ico. and s former rnitlneer. who was 0 picked up without clothing on the i county road Nov. 13 and confined In the Insane ward of the county hos Most dealers The Old Store pltal. has been moved lo the county jail. Dr. II. E. Stevenson went to the )sll now sell Will Sold Exclusively yesterday and examined him. II pro clean, Here You Find Gifts nounced him Insane and said there was no occasion for an operation as by Us New and "Different" had been thought He believes that pure, healthful all the man need is proper care and The Newest y- With Vogue Chat$" in Stationer- Compare Oars "Boudoir medical attention, which It Is Impoa-albl- e The Finest Leather Goods for Men. Bible. Prayer Books and Hoaarlea. to give him In the Jail. ,'r. Stev enson said he should be taken at once WRIGLEYSk. Brass Desk sots. Library anil Office Heaulirul Text Calendar. to tha asylum end that In time prob- de- raaaf.Y-a- a V 1. AcwKsorlrs. lUrrman Importations. ) (Last year we could not supply the ably would be cured. T I I f I f J Fountain Pens, Poker Sets, Traveling mand for then.) Mr. Ten Eyck. the Jailer, expressed Books, Diaries, Perpetual himself In very forcible terms on me Ma, Address ItM matter, snylng: "There Is no way of thrumm- - lriiiutlons and Holly Boxes. Journal. giving the man the care and attention Donnlson's Complete Christmas line. Tourists' Writing Portfolios, In fine he needs and It is slow mm in to He be In Games. Including; I'arclieeal and I dirge leathers. leave him here. should the asylum and will dn all c n to got Game Hoards. Bayberry Dip. him there." Tom Lea. Ir. Hugh Whits for 85 cents a hoxl Foot nulls. Holler Skates, Pum-hln- (In gift boxes, direct from Maasachii-- ' and t'nited States Consul Kdwarna art Hair. setts. Offered for the first time In El of the same opinion. Kl Puso county has never had her Kodak-- . Pom Auto Trip Paso. A useful gift with a choice bit of -- Cards and of assistance from tha asylums mon t and hand painted card.) share It's the biggest looking, Album. sent In the slate and something should be Remember our book department is our pride Special attention given to done lo relieve the crowded condition longest -- lasting Christmas of the county Jail, for the taxpayers Juvenile Books. are now with the crim gift you can find! Send acquainted with such illustrators as Rackham, Fanny Cory and without having to care lor it Are you inal rtsss 1 Jessie Wilcox Smith? the Insane as well. to young or old, sweetheart interestingly beautiful. During all Mcfrary's mental wander- Never before have books been made so ings he talks of the poor children and or friends- - alone or "for AFTER ALL "There is a peculiar dignity attached to the gift of a Book that the suffering of the people. Poverty and the need of his own little family good ' is in no way affected by its price." seems to prey upon his poor diseased measure." mind. Where Is the sense of Justice with which this grcst slave Is credited In the outside world? Why should peo- CAUTION' The International Book ple pay such enormous taxes and then have no place to tske their Insane? The great popularity of tho clean, pure, healihfu. WRIGLEVS If II takes a pull" to get this man put In the proper plsce. let us all pull ix.Miifp is causing unscrupulous persons to wi.ip rank imitations and Stationery Co. together and send him there. that are not even real chewing gum so they resemble genuine WHgley'a. HERALD BLDG. IN Ittb COURTS The better class of stores will not try to fool you with these imitations. They will be offered to you principally by street fakirs, peddlers and the Write Complete Book List Thirty-Fourt- h District Court. for Dan M. Jackson. Judge. candy departments of some 5 and 10 stores. imitations Henry Millch, nllus Henry Duke, cent These rank hsrged with obtaining money under cost dealers one cent a package or even less and are sold to careless false pretenses; esse with Jury. The state vs. William Thompson, people for almost any price. If you want Wrig ley's look before you charged with murder; on trial. buy. Forty-Fir- District Court. A. M. Walthall. Judge. Clara Goadman vs. L. C. Goodman, Robled. So. 3 Fifth street, Dec. 2, Burial In Concordia county cemetery. for divorce; filed. VITAL RECORD a girl. LOYA Antonio Loya, aged 60 Get what you CASTRO To Mr. and Mra. Perpe-tr- o years, 3513 T. A P. street, Dec. 9. Special District Court. 7, Burial In Concordia Catholic ceme- M Nugle. Judge. KOBLE8 To Mr. Mrs. Fermin Castro, 711 Kansas street, Dec. and a girl. tery. Thomas Mlchuelson vs. G.. H. & S. pay for HKRItKRAS O. Berre-ra- per- To Miguel Rosende A. Ry. Co., suit for damages for JALOMA Mr. and Mrs. aged 3 yegra, Canal street, Dec. on four friends 21 Canal street, Dec. 8, a sonal Injuries; trial. Jaloma, 10. Burial In Concordia Catholic H. A. Kczer vs. Southwestern Port- abroad would girl cemetery. Terpe- land Cement Company ct at., suit for appreciate end FLOKK8 To Mr. and Mrs. NIGO Luero Nigo, agAd 56 years, ror plulntlff Flores, Virginia and Eighth damages; Judgment for a box by ns Hotel Dleu, Dec. 9. Burial In Con- $4,000. parcel post. streets. I ice. 8, a girl. cordia cemetery. Safety OU2MAN To Mr. and Mrs. Mar- Broadway and County Court. iano Gutman, Fourth Marriage Licenses. A. 8. Eylar, Judge. 4, , J. m rents. Dec. a boy. Moon-ai:DO!- E. Sylves- S. Moon to Enrique Huge, churged With theft; COLLINS To Mr. and Mrs. Mary E. Ardoln. complaint filed. ter M. rolllns, 410 Hill street, Nov. KILGOHE-VOLI- First Charles Kilgore Luz Mo. ins. charged with aggra- 24. a boy. lle-ll- to Vollta de Volin. vated assault; complaint filed. KKLIH To Mr. and Mrs. John aiTLIiliA-FLoUE- Carlos street, Dec. 9. a boy. Guerra Our officers and direc- 90 Capla to Anita h loren. Justice Court. I.AKA To Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Amos E. Murphy. Judge. No. 6 street. Nov. 27, James J. tors conduct the affairs of Lara, Stevens Potts to Eva Brackenn. Ivor McFadden, charged with ex- a girl. KMITH-oRAI- John Ring $6 idea of Thom-ii- h ir.Al ceeding the speed limit; fined and this bank with the MURPHY To Mr. and Mrs. Smith to Mary Oration sal. Murphy, 918 Magoffin street. Nov. costs. FIRST affording safety Juan German Trlvizo, charged with In- 19, a girl. Morell to Anna Gullhuumet. sanity; transferred to the county for deposits, knowing Deaths. court. Be SURE McNKAL Lewis Lincoln M. Building Permits. Ed Mackey, churged with assault; that this policy assures aged 48 years, B18 Montezuma El Sign We tr iwrtloff th Paso Company, electric fined $10 and costs. it's WRIGLEVS &7KA Dec. 8. Burial in Kvergreen sign 208 S ahore caution o a steady, substantial street. at Texas street, $75. Jr r prolert mir riitinmsr. cpmflTy. Thomas Holland, to make repairs Supreme Court. arr ronttnuallv writ- growth. gTEPHBNSON Joans A. Stephen- at 200 South Oregon street, i.'.OO. It II SfOVial II U l 1" Timi t ing that rhrv havr lirt-- son, nged 72 years, at Cruces, N. l'hoenlx-E- l Paso Building Com- Austin. Texas. Dec. 10. The follow deceived bv imitalMna win. h This is a GUARANTY M., Dec. 7. Burial In Concordia Cath- pany, to make general repairs, Houth ing proceedings were held In the olic cemetery. Virginia street, $500. court today: FUND BANK, operating RAMSAY Bert Ramsay, aged 25 Realty Transfers. Judgments affirmed: Agnes Snipes under the exacting bank yearn near Las Cruces, N. M., Dec. 6. J. H. Buckner to W. II Elliott, lots et al. vs. Kumar Cotton Oil ( Cooke Burial In Evergreen cemetery, 1 and 2 and west half of lot 3, block county. ; MiiKars eporting the largo from the Alvnrado owners of the bullion. also ace ing laws of the State of li'iN'ZALES Savaston (Jonr.alcs, 67, Government Hill addition; other Applications granted. Klrby Lum- C Lollar, Hop Mining Milling company mines m punicd the stllpmaiit Texas, which gives an ad- aged 14 years, county hospital. Dec. considerations and $10; Nov (, bal Co vs Jainea J. Williams. Jeffer- 81. L 8. VV. My PSrral to OJInaga and three days from This Is one or Hie largest cons 3. Burial In City cemetery. K K. Dabney et ux to O. W. Troxcll, son: Carman Lumber natty .,. the Mexican border town to Maria, mints of silver bullion shipped ditional guarantee of safe- WILSON Helen Francis Wilson, section 38, block 71, T. & P. grant: et ul June Robins et ul., Khciny the hMIr station. A strung rebel of Mexico In many years and the aged 33 .Yearn. Hotel Dleu, Dec. 7. $5,084.64; Dee. 1. Applications rafUSadi Robert B, guard accompanied the sliver lis Mr ond thai ha been brought out ty to depositors. Remains shipped to Wilcox, Ariz., for Minnie Ker to H. A. Knr, lots .1 Moas et al. vs W. II. Rlaworth. Hexai ; us OJInaga, Two officials or the Alva- - Wagon tram .Sixteen wagons conij interment. and 4, block 32, Alturu Park addition, 0, H. & S A. Ry. Co vs. . rank Huta-grl- radn Mining mid Milling company, Sd the train. SCHW1NK Laura Cass Schwlng, and lots 21 and 22. block 12. Military Medina; J. C Chambers vs. M A. Valley aged 27 years. Hotel Dleu, Dec. 7. Heights addition; other considerations Qiisham et al., Martin; ffoGRANOC Burial in Concordia cemetery. ami $200; t let. 1. 1912. Vineyard Co. vs ft Stockton Irrigated SAPP Nudley Sapp, aged 32 years Dabney et ux to O W. Troxel Ma II 125 Leon street, Det Remains section 10, block 82 public school I' II lUHla Hi express Co AUDITOfG, ACXMMTNTIJfOi SYSTIOMATIZINO & Co shipped to Shreveport, La., tor Inter- land: $3,967.20; Dee. I. Da, vs. E T Hill vs Bank Trust ment. Bias Martinez et ux to Luis Taran-go- r.iiuk L Travl. .laffrny itealty LA ROSA Matilda De Larosa, aged lot 8, block 64, Magoffin's addi- dull, II K Whttaket vs. Mrs. Miitv of J Mi Dec. 10. .1. CO. V 40 years, 292 Pera street, tion; $600; Dec. 4. Carty, Baylor; R. Power vs, J. Pari Worth l. C. By. Co. vs. THURSTON AUDIT A. B. Carroll et ux to Miguel lM Mulonr, Wise: Dollle Doiilhltt ei Harihers el al.. Potter: Max 1 Fellow of the American Association of Publtn to mm quez, lot 23 and east 16 leet and vs. A, P. Kurnar, admlnlHtrutot vs. Wesley A. Umg el al, I Inches lot 24. block 62. East El Paso 1'ianche, General Bond A Casualty J W. I'stlls et al. va. Jeff Dsv City Building addition; $2,115; Dec. 6. vs Bans HI Is Indopendenl sihool Navarro: T. ft Krvln st al National Bank George W. Sharp to O. E. BikkI'i, II let et al.. I'eanola. Ht L, ft, W liiipont Denemours I'owder Co Phono SIS. Kl Paao. Texas lot 11 and westerly half of lot 10, Ms Ith: Motion permission to flic 81, for block Bassett's addition; $3,340. rntc IP, Merit foi mandamus grunted K Mi Cut Prices Oct. 22. va r. Lane, comptrollei ei C. M. Mlckle et ux to Mrs M Applications dismissed Motion to advance oveiniluil 20, a Thommee. lot block 32, Sun rlsdictlon: M. L. Kelly gjargsant, r. vs lioldsn Blanru; $250; Nov. 4. Oocxla Co et Dallas. Von al Felix lirlesen el us to C. W Mi Bretz. lots 26 and 28. block 97. High- land Park addition; $10; Nov. 27. C W. Bretz to Daisy Von Hrlesen Thin Folks Who Lead Poor Values lota 26 26, block 97. Highland to and et al., from llarrb Park addition; $10; Nov. Would Be Fat rs were directed to be Donaclano Escarano to t.Joe lumnc, i ntricate of civil appi lot 4 and wcaterlv 20 feet of lot 3, block 8, Latta's Woodlawn addition; nrrraae Is Wright I, Puunda Mors the jewelry business is founded on known $1,150: Dec. 10. rhraiclsn Adtict livable A JS "I'd glvs Bank COCNCIL MKKTK TODAY. etltalaly luoal . ta Account ,,). Man Values, it is impossible to cut prices and lie able lo fut up a few pouuila sad stay vtt. in Bay." III Hank etc Harris Canal IHgliU for I S. Hun declares etery ewea'lvrly Ihlu maintain a high For this the .oeriimeni to ma)' ur s oil). in Hu. s result U nut liu Causes sat for Jan II. standard. reason he Decided. pttaaibi. deaplls puat fslllirss. Tula cl al vs John H. At weekly Tnrr.ei the session of the city mi' rlei luif of niabiiuirlilou. a cuadl Sal. Augustine: Tom a one-bric- c lieu wUb li prevents t lie fstty Hixson Company maintains, at all times, a council thla morning the amended iriueala 'it vs U O Oil ordinance giving the f from fielug taken up by Hie lilood (lieen Urand I'nlted States aa ltie the pnners of al Faystte: Mis. J. K Mo and lire Opportunity government siiu natrilloli system. You never find a confusing scale franchise rights for the are noriiiul iastags of setting iuto tbe af Texas. Tarrant. Through Eighth - canal street will be I.I. ....I, all lie fit ,ili! fleali elp- Causes sat ror Jan. 21, I finally passed. oieiils sin) In ike latestlass until ihey Co vs K oi prices here, or, in other words, a price quoted Dasg ft In tbe l",d as r.xprsss nard It la expected there will be material waste. Almon Cotton vs changes In the provisions 'In ion,-.- Hits ....itii.M nod la pre- - Midland: A of lb dUCi f fMt John M I Bank Account and opportunity are you today and a lower or higher one quoted - nee s biiiltby .in,. ...1 illr cl at. Tarranl. amended osdlna when put upon antrlllve proreasst mini i,e srtifleitli) A Hawkins. Travis; ta paaaaa;. MpisUad ii.- - power so closely its final Kith which nature baa sa i w I'osl. Travla. related that they are mutual your neighbor tomorrow. If you are interested Other matters of importance un- denied IbaW. Tbla call I... be scroiu expected come up b aaUua a nurit"' tablet uitb benefactors. to for consideration eeerj meal Kargol Is s in jewelry the highest type and want to pay at the meeting. ai'lsmlri. con Ill I LION MIII'MI S I HI HI of liiastlaa of ali of i be lesi aireugih slvlug By fal Uludllclllu clelnelll" Whom II In Hie opening an account with the First only a nominal profit, We invite your inspection Mrs. to i'. i tried. medical orafesaboi Taken a in, in- -. I., li nu ll t urgo t mm Manrawi la lb. mixes wllb lbs fnuil sag ISSas the sugsrs to Kast. National Bank a"d making weekly hlxth Hearing on Murder Charge May and atari lute rb k. rue i, of our present complete stock- - fur the ai d ilUil ll l ipid Nearly three quarters of a mil deposits you the strongest Ink In January. la ni, li. ul- -, ,,f are laying rr,it reiimrsaoie 7 of ailver bullion District Attorney W. W. Brldgers Ii.aa On lellll-fh- pnlllida III dollars, bar ... foundation for protection. says the sixth trial of Mra. Agnes alUifle saa lafreiiui ni vrtghlng liit pounds, which had future et 11. i) iiuiiirsi nun unci charged with the murder of. abaolulely nJ I. . ...i i,.i her daughter, Lillic, will more than A K ky (oihI drusgl.ia 'bib 4' Interest Paid on Savings Accounts. likely up Thirty-Fourt- h ever) a be r n Sagr W. T. HIXSON COMPANY, tome here In the rvalalua Kl yestriiluy fi. .i, district court In January. a guaranl resss or aiuu y rived In I'aau iiio Mra. ' rner ha been tried In Kl bark. n a special guarded Welln Farg.. Kx twice laullMi M'hlir Hsrgul prod ii, e.l Roberts-Bann- Building Paso. on. c in Peooa. once In Marfa rewsrssble ri.ulls la ike preaa car Four guards accompanied and once In Van Horn each trial hav- the silver. It we loaded at Marts the Southwest" ing reunited In a hung Jury, Tuesdgf night The bullion will ba 'The Gift House of Hhv objected lo being u led again shipped over tha U. i'. at H VV. to In Kl Paso, but tha slate decided I an eastern refinery. against her. j Two weeks war coosumed iu tran- - j EL PASO MOl TIMES. Thursday. December 11. 191 J

present In I hla chamber tonight: that la this trying i trie nprlngs. In Cottle county, in the direction of Justice. Heard on ihe,City Street. an ositon there lb hut one duty far all of us. and lhat Ki Paso This road la a Frisco property. It Is aald. By i.i m. i MATTMKW ADAMS. "T1e Texas state law reqwlrlnxj art ending physi- Is to stand by the president of the Unltdd fttatee. and Sam Lasarus of 81. Iconic, a former Texae bank- every Much of the serenity of this world Is cian or parenta to register the birth of child." ! Von may rr.fl II diplomatic hnartneks. may er, la president. Mr. lamarus when ashed con-' IKIT tfcf Year hf feu Its wrapped within Ihe ordinary principles of J aaya Dr Howard Thompson. "Is a good law and KI. PAWl 1 VII- MIVI'tM call it executive bualnees. but It l fair ' aaeume that cerning the extension of Ihe rend to KI Paso not long simplest thing of It all Is thai should tie rigidly enforced for the protection of the aerosn And Ihe rrtared In th .i Ki Pass. .Tasaa. es the preefdent la In pueneaalnn of Information vastly ago sold the line would be built Juat as fsst an the Justice for each one of us Ilea within each one children." They had been discussing the trouble of II matter a man who elected prosecuting attorney Cor superior to that which even all o the members of company could obtain the necessary capital, and the of us. Juat as soon as we become convinced had been of the Justice s Man or a Cause or a Fart, his district and his competitor iiintcated the banning BriV'nlv!' wthBET the Chamber of Commerce possess Me knows what survey additional finy-mll- e extension looks of altt T1MM Ti'a HTtoWEno for the we become Immediately reconciled to the per- of hi certificate on the ground that the successful he Is about. Me knows what he la aiming at. ar If money for Ha construction must be available. sonal relationship which lhat Man or Catine or candidate was not eligible' to hold office, becande he thing we are sure of: that he Is for peace, Fact has toward us. And If our Viewpoint Is j was foreign born. A the prosecuting attorney-elec- t "ne had been away since he waa a that he m for' preserving peace at all hassrds and that The refuael of the Texas land office Io accept ap- correct, without heeltatlon, we trust Ihe Just from hla oldUiome we year old he was unable to ev4h establish the by nn act of his shall thla nation be plunged Into n plications for the repurchase of Texas Isnda under Man, we become a part of the Just Cause take ownership of the Just Fact. of his birth and was kept out of his office ten destructive and dreadful war. He la entitled to that the respprslsement set which were delayed by the If ('months, when he finally found the old doctor Who POMKIUfv AllVKIITIKIMi II ICI IH "HKNTATI VWI Justice Is the twin brother of Tn:lh. And jgew v. r k front us without regard to party and without regard floods beyond the lime limit may be In coneonance our attitude toward Ihe Truth which la a com- officiated nt hi birth. "KurTi trouble." said Dr. ChtcarA special Agency. rli;.in ""'J'1'"; Thompson, .. C Ueckellh Io creeda. We mast stsnd by our president brinish with the land office Idea of the law, but will hardly) posite of Ihe highest thlnga In life Is correct, "can be avoided by the enforcement of Lee Angeles Millet aoTfiu.iai ' I lu have within u i and to distribute It to the law for Ihe registration of birth. Recently was K. thick md through thin, and ae shall come out right pass Jodlclal revision. The msa whose application Justice 'traveling Agent a 111 per liarnard. Charles M'kr, those about Us, Is the highest Happiness. called upon to prove up the date of the birth of two Uoaa I. y J K luy. Hcrherl height lay. in the end." , beer a date prior to the expiration of the ninety-da- Indig- persons born before we any registration law and Authorised Collect nra- -li Morgan Miller. u.i. ' There is nothing that so arousss the had Oil ,i fortunately I I..H. I. M ' it After the prolonged cheering had ceased Mr limit is pretty sure to get hla Isnd If he has compiled nation and d of a man as to feel lhat waa able to certify lo the exact date of each of those blrtha. You know, of course, Gen- MU Ml UK KATKB. Choate proceeded: with all Ihe other prosislnna of the law. Injustice Is being done to anr one anywhere thst BSC I'll eral Poesy, the first governor of Indians and the iUf Mull IB vn i" son "Thla president of ours has lieen In office now for For Justice Is an Instinct as deeply rooted in Pally and Sunday, one yr.,r our consciousness s - our wise of Right and only child George Washington ever had. Was an Il- Dallj and Hutidny, ait ui nlli nine months, and he has been working very hard, with Two weeks from today will be Christmas day. Have legitimate." and hyn.ttj Hire uioritna Wrong, of which indeed It Is psrt and parcel. Ih I be- you uy inn nunnay. uii. in. tun 3i the most honest purpose in the world, with, as done your duly as an El Paso Good Fellow? Will Bo that Ilv carrier! lieve, no dealre In his heart except to serve the Amer you have the happy consciousness on thst day that For you to fully reel Justice In Ihe outer world Charles Davit, who has Juat relumed Irom Host Dslly and Sunday, one inimtli AtXl :zi hgf you happy to you must first be Just toward yourself, when It Texas, aaya: "I sm certainly glad I am not farming piiper regularly are ican people with Ihe best of ability, and he haa have made some one else eupremely KnhK nun fall In rccrlva chelr will be In your opinion and Judgment on Ihe Rraxoa thla year. The plantation 1 laat III- ! to your reflected sold squealed to notify hullieaa IBl ,,- - accomplished a great deal. whom happiness would not have come but fur year Is Ulve postoflm addresa In full. including couBty asd of Justice as a wur'-;- principle toward other ten feet under water, and the owner lost all hnnlf by muMr order, draft or registered inter "lie haa passed a bill for the reformation of the generosity your compliance with the promptings of people. of his corn 8,00 bushels all of his cotton arid corn da- UhTttf. I Joy- fifty .VIKVn all do not know whether that la a sore or the real Christmas spirit? If things about you appear to be all out of aced. or sixty haad of mules and ten of his negro telephone I'Nvnt liranrli urtidepartment Tell operator which employerlr'i' wliat I thing you can possibly do workmen, and his buildings were away inriDirnia 6 p. ni. and n ful subject In this company, hut. for one, think he kink t:.e most foolish washed or rlaii and iiiniii'TlKin win nf uiaoe tiler Is ami out moved. Mr. Lewis, a nephew of the late Dr. Batton, nndaia and botblaya the f.llonlng rtepnitniept WW has done exceedingly well in lhat business. He ftcslorntton of railway service south Into Mexico lo begin to criticise outside forces SOil. Advsrtlalug ""'and ln 110 Irect' Mam OUOo. Begin right where you are and lost hales of cotton which he was holding for a Manjger. Ldliurlal. KI side conditions. lirmlatloa. satisfied Ihe yearnings of the American people that means a great deal for the. business Interests of take account of yourself. Muster your many higher price. Many farmer In the Braaoa vnliry have hnve i. een suppressed Ihe twenty years," ruined, sixty If lb carrier futia 10 dellrer the paper promptly. for last abilities and powers together. Take account of been dead bodies have been recovered over any of ll above telephone Tba lireulatloB lpart-B- their activities, la each doing Its share? Re- from the flood, and the valley was swept clean . to p. Bi. ; Dummya. rf M opra ct daya trout a. . n a new plane and you mules, horses, hogs and cows. For days while from I p. m. io I organise. Oct started four Arizona Homesteaders Displeased. English Opinion of the United Stales will be surprised at whai a great amount nt I was In Austin there was not a trait) fn or nut of Any 'ron Is everywhere and all inn the city," reputation of That rule Just promulgated by Kecretary of The American people have been the butt of so Juatlce there at Spear In flip i.f The 'llmf. IH M gladly the Interior department which proposes to limit much ridicule from Kngllshmen en tour that It Is vbob lia beltii ilglit I" the attention St 'I" "Yea, I have quit the railroad business," homesteeda under reclamation projects to unite of delightful to hear that there has been among us one "I Told You So." who has us at close range and feele moved to the former ohlef detective of the Hunta Fe and now forty acres has stirred up much resentment among studied By 8AVUYARI. manager The Navajo Indians. compliment the people of the west. Unlike many of of the Ben Williams Detective Agency of the settlers In the Halt river valley of Arhtona, under America, particularly westerners, It was De Qulncey who maintained "Rarer than the thla city, "because 1 have always wanted to live In has arisen In the Navajo the critics of and Renewed Interest ihe Hoosevelt project. A meeting attended by more this Englishman la an untitled, unknlghted subject of phoenix Is the virtuous man who would consent to El Paso. There is no money In catching criminals, by of the recent newspaper uprising prosperous because It waa n lie." That tor there are too many aherlffa engaged In busi- virtue than 100 homesteaders wax held In Phoenix a few King George, who no doubt Is much the same In ap- lose a anecdote that hurried dispatch la almost as true as any decision we find in the multi- ness. The real money Is to be made and the beat re- among them, which occasioned Ihe ago, by pearance, taatea and Inclinations aa the Americana. daya and organlced the election of 8am Webb plication table. It Is a weakness or human nature, sult obtained by preventing crime, and that la the Of General Hugh L. Hcott of thla city and troop of After reading his estimate of the people of the west as chairman and J. J. Qould as secretary. remembering but a frailty that came to us in the fruit on which work I am engaged In. If a man has $100 stolen front United cavalry to the Rhlprock acancy In and the critical remarks of other Statea The purpose waa stated by the chairman as "to one Ukea to believe that he la typical of the the mother of us all fed the father of us all. him, that's all he wants to lose on the deal, but the the purpose of far large companies and corporations pay northeastern New Jelco for take such steps as may be necessary in order to pro- rnce that has bullded the greatest empire of the world And there la another set, all too numerous and will a few e save many the trouble. Ueneral Scott declares the and that he la our blood related "cousin." more vicious, who would welcome death and famine thousand to thouaand and at the name time tect ourselves." He stated that It In no time for ani- want and woe they might have save some one from becoming a penitentiary bird. trouble was octsaloned by Koaslp, pure and sim- After touring the west, and ateerlng clear of news- and pestilence and that mosity or vindictive feeling, but for a calm consid- paper Englishman follows occaalon to gloat over the opportunity to administer No, I cannot give you a story today. You know, the recalcitrant bucks reaponelble for the reporters, this wrllea as ple, and the eration of the ruling of the secretary and the taking reaching Chicago on his way to New York, where the Ignoble rebuke, "I told you so." most successful detectives never talk for publication." have given after apparent defiance of the fovnrnment ot such action aa may best preserve the Interests of he will sail for Liverpool: themneivea now serving jail sen- Perhaps Is "Several days ago," aaya T. J. Caasldy, "I thought tip and are short Ihoae affected. He said that, for his part, he had "By the time you receive this communication the Professional Jealousy it proverbial. it writer will be in Chicago and speeding homeward. I most acute among the artlates of the operatic or his- we had Just as well close ur otflce until the people tences. entered his land In good faith and bad spent between ' In your city ten days, but did not mall Hani Jordon, "I'm tired of filling got through with Christmas. But the shortage of The meaning of the word "Navajo" Is said to he hnve been trionic stage. Mrs. 11.000 and 112,000 on It, and lhat he did not relish this while here becsuae I did not wish to Incur the Mrs. Slddona to run away with alt the residences has caused several newcomers to buy, and Nuvajoa of the Hhlprock the theater for ''grenl planted flelda." The the Idea of losing all but forty acrna, even if he were risk of being located and Interviewed. had several applause." If our politer ears would tolerate It I could today we have application for several house for In trouble I refugees (agency region who were Involved the puld for his Improvements. He claimed on reasons for this. did not feel too Important, neither relate you passages between Peg Wofflngton and Kitty from Mexico. This trouble in Mexico win thai the In ii was dsvoleil to agricultural did f think my time too valuable to give to repre- Cllve thajt would, bring a grin on the severe counte- result many Americana doing business In that are part of tribe that lunda In question, too far out for Intenalve farm,inK. preas. I reporters. I , country buying homea In El Paso and keeping piirnulta when the American continent was first n sentatives of the for like find nance of the deacon, over yonder. their the "standard of living Io which an American n tin in a clever lot of fellows who do a great amount And the doctors! There are all sorts of Jealousy families here, und putte a number of wealthy Mex- . reservation consists principally red. The Navajo Ja entitled" could not be maintained on forty of good. and bickering nmong them. In thftr profession, how- icans from Chihuahua are buying homes here and of deserts, and Is not admirably adopted to agricul- acres. "But I preferred lo go about your city as I have ever, they have what- they call an "etiquette" that has will have their families spend their winters here la the Indians gone your country, quietly without many graveyard. 1 thought you would even after peace la restored In Mexico. I believe that ture, init dry farming practiced and President Orme introduced, on request, the letter about entire and fnlted a If pretense. 1 hnve not come here to receive publicity, It I you Irue It happened In January business will pick up In every line and hnve between tO.000 and 100,000 goats nnd nearly rrom stand would tell a tale and the secretary, and In answer to a question aald but to atudy your people without bias, and return more than fifty years ago In Barren county, Kentucky that all of our real estate men will be busy. The n aheep. half million that the board of governors had represented to the home after three long yean of roaming about the when Alec Butler, confronting a runaway bum, had only drawback now seem to be the Mexican trouble weavera, There arc Navajo blanket sllversmltha secretary that these lands would not support a family world. been run through the brisket by a wagon tongue, or and the currency bill hanging fire In congress." an and shepherds. la the chap who has never been about, don't it, was nearly the same ami l.iiHket makers as well farmers properly on forty acres and that they had recom- "ft a big splinter from which are, you know, who can not appreciate the oneness of all thing. Alec was given up for dead and was attended "I have Juat returned," aaya Architect H. C. Thi- Navajo blankets of the present time like mended H.n acre the unit. humanity. Do you know that language, manners and. doctors, each flrat couain to the two. "from Albuquerque, I Japanese vases, examples of the degeneracy of art by three other Trost. where went to perfect Secretary Gould aald that the settlers had filed even religion, are to a great degree superficial. At A question aroae among them. The youngest. Just out plans for that city' new high school tSulldlng, which of of the Inartistic tbni comas meeting the demands and made Improvements In good faith and that, al- least I huve found that underlying all provlnClullsms of medical college, declared he was dying of peritoni will $100,000 nnd will be large enough to ac- patron. The delicate tints of the native dies have though they had notice at the time they filed that the and peculiarities there Is a fellowship and a unity ot tis, whatever that la. The other two awore that whut commodate that city for twenty years. Albuquerque thought which prove our common kinship beyond the particular moment was physical ex i prosperous the are doing Ken place, to anallne colors, und the doslgns have unit might be reduced, ailed Alec at that and merchants there a the department ahould nut lightest doubt. Alec needed waa a atlff drink of Kood business. The people very what the white person likes to believe churac-torlstl- haustion, and what there are proud of become have accepted their fees and ttllowed them to do the "The world moves on, not one sided ly. but In har apple brandy. The brandy was admlnlatered. Alec re their public schools, and they ure going to inn. They are bolder and to Ihe the of the Indiana. ..oik unless It Intended to validate the original filing. mony, like soldiers abreast In Ureas parade, roil can covered unci lived long years after, indocd, he sur handsomest high HchAcil building In the West when ..I tho tenderfoot more striking than they form- A committee was appointed to draft a telegram to not ihlnk of progreas In America, but that they are vived one of the doctors, who died many years later. population Is concerned. While Albuquerque Is a thinking of It In Bulgaria and Korea at the same time. real live place. It. of course, cannot compare erly were. ihe senators and congressman, It with El und wits xuggeated Recall the facta In Kuropean history and you will You not find so much of Uils professional y Paso, for, many or The Navajos recognise no single or aupreme Ood. do while our people do not know It, , that every one present write u personal letter to the remember the spirit of adventure and the love of among lawyers, tor they have a trade that Is more El Paao in the swellent city of 100,000 population in bui have almost as many deities as there are In Die representative. diacovery broke out all over Europe practically at the nearly a science. But when It comes to verdicts by the whole ceuntry." jttm Pantheon, or as ihere are In the list of Hindu same time. Jurlea It Is different from Judgments of courts, and In goiln There are beneficent gods to be prayed to for "When Columbus Balled westward In the hope of nearly all communities you will find JcaloiiJes among "When the grand Jury toduy returned a true bill discovering a new route to India he did not this K tit) egg In bullrtliiK. planting, fluhtlua, murrylng. The Penalty of Bossism. start lawyers. charging Charley pvtep with attempted subornation If onlliient-wld- o movement; merely responded to Jealousy, theirs . he Mulhematlriatm have least for is of perjury." says Attorney It. M. Heed, "Mr. Owen elliiK. hunlli K and Othef There sra "'New Mexico la paylnK the penally for a long he cull of the spirit of the times. When the KngHah an exuet science, capable of abaolutu demonstration, yyaa promptly office, period of political boeslam one of the moat here and went to the aherlffa u,.,l. ..lent goda, genii and devils to be feared und iiaBr vera thinking about it. and Ihe Dutch were preparing theoretical and physlrul. And yet that mischievous old and made bond In the sum of $600. was grossly He in placated. political machines that was ever created In the for It, the Intrepid Christopher Columbus did It. Joker Frederick the Ureal managed to foment and Phoenix when he learned his case wus to be consid- political religious In touching The Navajo Indlunn have fought the United Htates history of the Kouthwost. That political machine "Economic, and conditions prosecute a terrific war between two schoola ered, so he voluntarily came to El Paao and called ut Kurope were in such a stale that brave and fearless mathematical measurements and mathematical cal- repeatedly. In the war of 861 their losses were made Its plans to grab and control the entire state the sheriffs offlco to uwult the action of the grand men, and men who reniued to he moral aiuves, nsa culations. Jury." Mr. Owen was counsel for the defense in bill b.. compelled to sue upon its admission Into the Union, but It wan not be- mostly In mutton, were for nek some new field In which to give vent to their And that brings us to the politicians they, too, noted Drner cose, Mrs. beinK charged strong enough accomplish purpose. so the timer with p.". Kit I'arsoti was sent to leach the Navajos I to Its entire It ambition and work out their Ideals. Kuropenn long to the speculative philoaophem, and they have poisoning her own child, and Mr. Owen la charged was rotten and honest men were repelled by It brought more mlaery on mankind than all the others leaaon when, was decided in In transfer them did gel a port rOff of the atate offices and conirol of lely with endeavoring to biro a witness to swear falaely in cork Is repelled by polished wax. Bo the beat together million of tlmea more. For ages the doc- to eastern New Mexico. He killed a goodly number the stale legislature, huvvovcr. but lost the governor, In order to save Mrs. orner. blood of the race gathered on the trine of the politician was this: "Thou ahalt do as I 4 and captured more. Itut when the government bad the people electing un honest and fearless Democrat, western continent to Tit. lid an empire, where such direct, and no else." Moses, Ihe prophet of God, sought "While bUHlneas In not us good us It I, bo in j mill Him portion tribe who baa proven the beat executive who has ever Indlgnlllea Ihey suffered In the old n to correct it and made laws, the most of which have spoil supporting the of the as my line." suyn J. II. Pollard of Ihe wholesale drug over the destinies of tho people of New Mex- nul- l- would be unknown. never been approached for the Justice and charity that had been bluffed into a tmndnnlng the Navajo firm of Kelly I'olktrd, "the reason might ac- "Therefore, If there be any moral In this com- they Inculcate. Hla was the only genuine democracy ii be on country 1,000 of homesickness ico.'- BI Paso Times. count of the exceptional good health of this section, and Indiana had died munication It la: Americana, do not forget your cos- yet Invented, from Moses has sprung all thut "'I it la we are in and still our business in nol no poor as to cause com- and unco genial surroundings It was realised thai bus evident that understood mopolitanism. This rault threatens you, and If u men like you und me call liberty. How did the bar- plaint. I think I can tell you why money la so e Bloody Chelly oibei slates where the Internal uffuirs of New Mex- Englishman may aid in reminding you of destroyed Home get It? an- Carmin ralda In the Canyon dc bore humble barian hordes that The scarce. You aee, when Wall put ico are familiar, und our neighboring city your obligation he will be well repaid. swer la, they were of the "lost" ten tribes. street derided to on no valuable frnlt. no Ihe government appropriaieil a ha kept Thai. a little money scare to influence politics at Wash "I Ihlnk the world pretty well agreed on the however. Is speculation. Moses was the Inventor of to give 7,000 members close tab on the affairs of this slate for many years. ington all of the little country banka having de- half million additional dollars principles of right and wrong. And al the thing, and makes the Holy Bible the book nice "We can ace ouraelves aa others aee us when fundamental that posit with the HI Paso hunks called for their money, of the tribe a new atari In their wld hunting and such though fanatlclam seems to he dying out, und blind that ull tongues and peoples ahould rend, contemplate. expressions as and the same thing happened all over the country, planting . round" are set forth thut pronounced In the the dictates of traditional auperlort Is accept and follow. adherence lo Hut I believe everything will be all right we get ki u conception right end I my lust when Navajo laborers earn about 2bl),000 a year and I'uso Times fast becoming Joke, a truer of If ahould die tomorrow, request would rid of 1913." wrong, a desire for the eslubllahment of the Hunday he heard been gath- ase credited with living good workers, and as a people "II In all too true. We have been and und keener bo lhat after hyl right and Ihe elimination of wrong, are evidenced ered to my fathers, some good man, pastor of u under the absolute dictation of a few politicians, and "As long aa have any sayao In says they have been peaceable and industrious for s long cveryVhorc. Men are becoming rational. Men are South, ii flock, would read to hla asaemhlud broth- It." Frank jjjgpx home of them ailll cling to Ihe old custom of II has been long the habit of Ihe high-u- boaaea to becoming educated. And when some of your nar- ers and sisters St. I.uke. xv, and have the congrega- Bimmons of the city id of achool trustees, "lh city of El PastV wi" build having "heap, many miiiuws," and as the Ureal While conic Io Huntu l''e ut the opening of the legtHlutlvc rower cltixens voice aenllmenta against races und re- tion sing the hymn, "The Ninety and Nine." I court ""' another nehoolhouso own, they do ao from sheer lack of obsequies. thai is nut throughout, w. now need ., leather at Washington has decreed lhat one wife Is a and stay until Hie curtain waa rung down un ligions not their no other aympalhy and underalandlng. high school, and should build one to cost not less en- Hit) final act of a aesalon of Inactivity and Inefficiency. $300,000 sufficiency for nii Navajo buck the attempted "The time will be here presently when the terra But I was lefe. off What I in- than for Its. first unit. Al present our high "II la a generally recognised good many building in not large enough forcement of the law in.- the pno lice of polyKamv fact that a 'undvslrable foreigner will be meaningless. For tended to wrlle about waa the preaent attitude of the achool to hold our high school pupils. Hut If we build u big new haa been a constant cause of friction and figured io legislatures look upon themselves aa a law unto them- will be known an an Individual lark, or standpatter in politics. After predicting a thousand high schupl then every eighth grade pupil in thut people o one man may be as guilty as another, and not tlmea lhat any measure lifting taxation oTf the peo- the city ran eome extent In the recent Khlpiock troubles. selves and the dealres of the are not lie which sent to the present high an a racial matter. If an Italian is undesirable It will ple such aa the Underwood-Slmmon- tariff would be achool buildlpg, which Mcott, possesses e considered only as they coincide with, those of Ihe plenty In Ueneral who a wonderful be because he is an Italian, but because he la Just bring universal dlsuater, wreck and ruin on the peo- would afford of room the other schoo. A members Individually. not exclusively to over these Indiana, went anion, litem entirely aa bad aa many Americans. Kngllshmen and Swedes ple they find lhat Industry Is so unpatriotic so school devoted eighth grade pupils would be more efficient." June when undertaking hla successful work of "There hue never been In any slate, however, the are bad. treasonable aa to "keep on" and not close up shop, many your pacification, and soon goi to Ihe bottom of the llagrant disregard of Ihr voice of Ihe people that has "The reason there are so foreigners In and ao Ihey take another tack and aay that reduction toduy Is that you have nothing but foreigners In of taxation has not reduced the cost of living. "Mexico ts buying horses for the Mexican war," and It out. ine of old been exhibited In Ihe state of New Mexico, and It Is Julls trouble smoothed the chiefs country. Home of you are a few generations re- The day the Hon. Urrioot. perbupa the most says W. P. B. MrKain In Chariton, Iowa. Here si an encouraging sign Ihe cillxens are awakening yottl other who was among the parly who gave ihemarlvea up that moved, and have Ihe advantage of a longer acquaint- un mm cuss" when he la serloua congress ever paper from that town containing the following ad- said lhat he could not leil a lie to ijeneial S. oil the tc the real alluatiun arffl at the laat election Hllowei ance with American customa. Bo you ahould not de- saw. and the Hon. Qulllnger, who thinks the only vertisement i '100 heud of horses and raarea are wanted for the Mexican wer. 3 7 truth bud ut - and It was on thla ImibIs Ihe thai It la nut ao much a question of party any iiore"aj splae the foreigner. Underneath the awarthy breast "science" of government there Is, and that absolutely Must be from lo la felt, sometimes, the perfect. Is to tax one man t enrich man, got years old, weight from 100 to 1,200 and fat. Will trouble was finally settled. II la of service and honest administration. of the -' brutish lloitentnt another throbbing of u new heart, which forewarn an Into a ehlndy with BUI Rtoue of Mlasouri and John be at the Thomas Imrn In Charlton. Iowa, December "Rvery one admires an Independent man. one falnient ' who from Hottentot lo civilised man. Sharp Williams of Mississippi. , Bring them In Harry Hill, who algna the carry evolution it. Choate's Tribute to Wilson. la nol afraid to out hla own bcllers and express "And your America! Your fair land Is to be the The humor of the thing was that those two advertisement, may be buying horses for the United hla own cdnvlctlons, but we all desplae Ihe automaton melting pot Here, where all races meet to live their and Inveterate standpatters could not sxclalm, Htates army." That was a nutgulflcent tribute paid to Woodrow and the man who la the tool of Ihe houses and wears a Uvea according lo their belter desires. Is the best place "1 told you ao!" to try out Ihe experiment making Washington. tier' Wilson by Joseph II Choate, former ambassador to collar which destgnalee sn ownership on the on the planet of Decern It. getting nowhere, unless our statesmen's idea Is to let purl of la above the mean and the trivial. Kngland, at the Waldorf-Astori- dinner a few eve- the new man who Mexico exhaust herself and then go in and take and others I "And you Americana ughl to be ashamed that country. there Is something uuwhple-somel- y nings ago In honor of the one hundred and furty-flft- Anent Our Mexican Policy. run the But "The one encouraging thing about the future la there are among you educated persona who would pre- mean about doing a thing like that, aad I feel anniversary of the Chamber of Commerce. Ills this stale la lhat Ihe volera are beginning to get their vent, or even retard, this experiment. If the beat Ger- Editor Ki Paso Morning Times: pretty sure that It cannot he a United States policy. I it, president stirred up the patriotism of ail who heard him, eyea open and are determined that the man, the .est Frenchman and the lies! Italian are Aa undeartand Ihe wants to aee the Al least the people wouldn't stand for It if they fellows who not new man. rebels overthrow the Huerta government. and that portion thereof relating io the uduilnlstra-Uoa'- good, why would the made from the Mexican thought it was. OLIVER HBkBKIIT THOMAS. played with stacked hands in Ihe games of the past these, be superior to any set of men whu now Also he wauls a government in Mexico more like our toward Mexico provoked a must best of Klcbraund inn. L I.. Pee. I. 113. attitude will either play the game on the aquare In the future exist I own government. 1 auppose he has the right to aay demonstration. Mr. Choate said: or stajy out, altogether. The old atyle of pluy la no "You sre less provincial here In the West than what he would like to see In Mexico, but It seems to You can generally measure a man's commurjity by "What Is the most stirring thing that sgitaies the lunger popular." Benta Ke New Mexican. they ar In the East, despite the fact lhat you come me that In wanting the re'vela to win force of arms activity by the number of men who hold him In high Beans of the American people today T It la Mexico la contact less frequently with the foreign element. he Is not prumoisng constitutional methods If these esteem. You have mors pur air and blue al:y. I like the rebels should win to power by raising a ruction, would we going to do with Mexico or what is Mex- It la a Wlm are looks like there whole lot of trouble In frank, forward way you have out here. I believe most It not be encouragement for others to try to do the Every clllseii, however humble, ahould have m. im- ico going Co do with usT should Ilka very much to store for Ihe men who milked the pour old Frisco of you are what you term 'on the square ' True, many same thins;? And where would It ever atop? For the parl In the development and upbuilding of his discus the poltey of Ihe United Htatats In regard to railway cow until ahe went dry Iteaiitutloii sun a are of you are profane, and practice certain personal hab- life of me I ean't aea where we are belpiug the cause I I ev exoeaa. but I regard thla as merely a nervous of constitutional government by trying to overturn the Mexico think could uacupy the whole ruing being filed to compel them lo dlagorgt the pruflts its lo How much ut your time, thought or energy Is de- have no bad Instincts. only government there le In Mexico. If we realy want wub It -- M I only knew what thai policy was. they pocketed In selling new lines to Ihe old voted to public service? com "You are hard workers. You are good, to Indul- to if would It not be the moat direct and effective "But there la only one man who knows that pol- peny. v gence, to your women and children. The average thing lo with the government dowa there icy, and be very wisely keeps his own ouuusel n ... man yau meet on the street Is elean and nently and work with It In trying lo apply our Ideas at far as A grain ot willingness la worth a pound of latent ability. a very tryAng aliuailoa, it Is a vary dangerous situa- It d thai a aurveylnc party dressed. There Is no iar- Your people are they can be applied In Mexico If we don't do thai It i , PlUfJi 1 healthy an look one directly lo eye and looks like a nontlnuatlon of Just auch oondltlons aa tion, but ett thing 1 know, and for one thing I ap- field tin mile extrusion of tin the are violent in their Ueterinlustion to give and is exist In Mexico today, whether they overthrow th Perpetual propagation of public pride will bulb) nea! to the heart and the bsstd of e raury geuileuieu Acme allway liuw lie present le Huerta government or not. In other words, we are city beautiful. Thursday, Dec I9U. EL PJ NO TIMES.

Mays, H. R McDowell, W R. MrKenna BBS Mrs A. M Plllabery The mem- WANTED: SO MEN ANO WOMEN bers present were Meedames Oeorge Webster. C K. Welf, Charles S. Resits. Gifts for All Members of the Family and the Friends You Are James K. Mack in. W. R. Fort. O. H. To Take Advantage of Special offer Planning the Made I.. A. K. Ryan. Going to Remember Will be Found in the Various and W. R. Rebb. j "O. - A. B. Ryan, the enterprising drug-glx- t, Departments of This Big Store fifty men Woman's Crab Meeting is sdvertlstng todsy for and women to take advantage ef ths in paper in an attempt to tell you of the many The Women's club tld its first special half-pric- e offer ha Is making MIGHT take several panes this meeting yesterdsy In til rt new on Dr. Howard's celebrated remedy Holiday Goods now shown in the various departments of this In the Chamber WEinteresting lines of lets for constipation and dyspepsls. and stock, so we simply children The day wss given ovei o the music get s package at half price, store and then not be able to do justice to the immense lines we have in depnrtment. bargains arranged for this week-end'- s selling, which should T. wss to ti cents tall of soma very interesting Mrs. l,ella Moore nnablr So positive Is he of ths remarkable buyers buy at saving prices attend on sccount of Illness and her power of this remedy to curs these prove very attractive to Christmas gift who want to pises on the program was filled ny diseases, as well ss sick headaches Mrs. Wilson. and liver troubles, thst hs agrees to Tailor-Mad- e Suits The concert for Miss Llssle Garrett, refund the money to' any customer Advance Xmas Sale of the blind girl who Is s rrlend of the whom the medicine does not tvulokly Corns In coarse, rough mixtures, also In line, smooth materials; dubs, will be given St the federated relieve and cure. wide range of colors Chamber of Commerce Tuesdsy. Deo. With Dr. Howard's remedy St hand It. She will be assisted by Miss Vir- you can est what yon want and have S9.Yajn arm now Mean Moore. for 24.' ginia snd Mrs Frances , no fear of III consequences It S40.00 Nl ITS NOW FOR After ths regular business yestsr-day- strengthens the stomach, gives perfect Mrs. Will T. Owen, director Tor digestion, regulates the bowels creates ths day, prevented the following pro- an appetite snd mskes life worth the gram: living Psrt I.. Lsndon Ronald. If you cannot call at A. E. Ryan's Kxrellsnt models In (he popular rutnwny effect shown ut Mrs. Owen. Brief sketch of his lite. store todsy, send him II cants by velvet, broadcloth, slhellne snd plush. Three-quart- length Piano, "Dsnss de Pierrots," Miss mall and he will send you a package Bryan. promptly, charges paid. kimono and drop shoulder. Songs, (a) ' Have Tou Forgotten;' A. B. Ryan has been nble to secure SIS.00 COATS NOW FOR ."" b Love," F. Q. Bil- "My Realm of only a limited supply of the remedy, S2R.00 COATS NOW FOR SIS.TS lings. Is you so great the demand, and St.Mi. no COATS NOW FOR S2S.T5 Song. "8unbssms." Mrs R. V. Pear- should not delay taking advantage ucat is easy when son. ion of this liberal offer he Is making this Duet, "O Lovely Night," Mrs. week. (Advertisement.) Howe. Mr. Billings, Cello obllgsto, Senor Munos. your In designs In wanled Bongs, (a). ''A Smile;" (b) "Down Well worth notice, exclusive youve a banK account Philosophies." and will he given to- eponge, broadcloth, etc. In the Forest," Mrs. Leila Moore. night, Friday Saturday evenings. material, silks, wool, hengallne. Psrt II., Edward Klgar. and Owen. SIM on RRKSNF.S NOW FOR Brief sketch of his life. Mrs Salvation Army Bosy. s NOW FOR SU.S5" Ine whole ot their future is made Song, "After." Mrs A. H. (loldsteln. S35.00 DRKSSl Piano duet, "Bavarian Dance," Mrs. The Salvation Army is huay with Brown, Miss Semple. arrangements for the Christmas fes- clear when you have the necessary money-Ope- Song. "Pleading," Mrs. W. D. Howe. tivities There will be the usual FURS baskets sent to the fsmM.os and the Trio for violin, cello and piano, you spend n large or small sum of a special account while they are yet "Salut d'Armour," Miss O'Neill. Sonir army is also planning a free dinner A purehAse In Furs whether Munos, Mrs. Pearce. for tho poor who have no nomos and money. Our Furs sre always reliable In quality, They ire sold ' no way to prepare The young. Two sea pictures, (a) "Where Corals dinner. exactly as represented and arc always ut bottom prt (b) Haven," Mrs. W. W. Christmas tree will probably be given Lie;" "In In order, Evans. ss usual to distribute the SIM.00 RS NOW FOR Stl.7.1 You owe it to them, as well at to your shoes and clothing thst Is sent In, but Ft Chorus. 'The Snow" (obligate for army S2S.II0 FI RS NOW FOR SI 7. .Ml self, to wtc. You are responsible two violins), Mesdames Howe, Moore. the will with The S2I.7& Ooldsteln; Times In the municipal tree as far as S35.00 FI RS NOW FOlt they are help lew depending on you. Adams Rueker. Evans. possible, so children w) violins, Mrs. Fonnessy, Miss O'Neill; that their t Itll.UKFVS S Open that account this day. sccompanlst, Mrs. Pearce. share with the rest. 0 So.00 RS NOW S2.RM Kllgore-d- e Vol In Wedding. FI Mill We Pay 496 on Savings. ST. SO ami SS.00 Ft RS NOW FOR SISH Roclierclso Luncheon. , A quiet wedding took place yester- Mrs. W. K. Ramsey was the hostess day afternoon at 4 o'clock st the e yesterday at a bridge luncheon In tho of the First Methodist Epis- Colonial tea rooms In honor of Miss copal church, when the pastor, Rev. OUR BASEMENT SALESROOM Ruth Thomas of Catasatiqua. Penn., Herman G. Porter, united In marriage ITEMS FROM FrJTRfTYfRusr N. V. and Miss Alma Ward of Queens. Charles W. Ktlgore and Miss Vollta do underselling. Come while the stocks are still complete, make your sclec A luncheon was served. Yolln, both of Marfa, Texas They We continue our savings BAX K Beside the beautiful lace dollies, tho were sccompsnled by Mrs. J. D. Dun- Ron We will deliver your purchases at your convenience. tables were decorated with American can, sister of the bridegroom, and Mis 210 MESA AVE. In """- s Beauty roses, and with red candles Elisabeth Fields of El Pase. Mr. and Schoenhut I'lanos fJC . UP - A green Christmas 65c brass sticks Mrs. Kilgore are at the Hotel McCoy frum The Bank for Everybody. wreath, studded with tiny red candles, for a few days, after which they will wss laid on the cloth around each return to Marfa, where Mr. Kilgore Is Iron Ktu p candlestick and the candelabra. enguged In the stock business. complete 29c 29c Ths guest prizes were beautiful - 0- - Doll Trunks drawn work handkerchiefs. The first Ml.. Heed Hosteea. 65c Dressed Uolls. prise was won by Mrs. R. E. Hlnes. Miss Florence Reed entertained the for eyvs 48c After the game twenty-fiv- e young Beta Beta club yesterday at her home, Tool Chests. , men called and a pleasunt hour was 60S Beat Rio Grande street. The guestB complete $3.75 Mi . hggieal Th 11 spent In dancing the Tango. enjoyed the afternoon with the thlmblo needle which a dainty lunch- Never Tip Rubber Tire from . . . r. . . 25c Society High School. and after $1.50 Gossip of Singh Speaks to eon wss served. Sulkies for Mils. J I LI A A. SHAH!'. bociety Luitor. 1'liuuc ousS. Harrl Singh spoke to the teachers 0 Leatherette Rocking and pupils or the High school yester- D. of Will Khvi officer... $2.25 for 75c day morning on the ancient and mod- Kuggles Thee." M. Ashley; chap- Tho Daughters of Krln will meet 'I l'ray That God Protect treasurer, Mrs. R. ern customs and manners of India. Friday afternoon In the Knights f lain, Mrs. Annie Brubaker; sergeant-at-arm- The rooms were crowded and a very und I pray protect Levlne; M. A., Columbus hall elect officers for that God the Charles at enthusiastic greeting was given to the year ENAMELWARE AND KITCHEN UTENSILS From all that might deface; Mrs. Dora Bakofsky; I. D. K Mrs. Mr. Singh. The talk was Illustrated 1 pray thee U. D. Mur-ti- gSnSBSSl Nu that God direct Sadie Ives; K.. Mrs. Anna with lantern slides and was Instruc- PEOPLE TALKED ABOUT. 2 Quart (3rey s Q Crystal Water In every doubtful place. musician, Mrs. Anna Knox; trus- tive. IOC 'lorul designs. S fur.. 10r Sugar Bowls, ni-- tees, W. Bulger and K. E. Vsn Nat-te- Covered Buckets Mr. Singh spoke last night to the Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Hitchcock Japanese Cups und ules and iluMHesr Choice ie. Id this thy day of waking. finance committee, Mrs. Flora Christianity, and k Quart lircy Enamel 1ll Dep bright. Society of Practical of 1107 North Stanton street left yes- Hhuuiti laC'zC lingers' Silverware, Silver When life la clear and Graves and Mrs J. A. Sharp. beginning tonight will give a series of Chamber Tails 59c 1HiupH (:lnsswure. and Bedding! To see U10 new light .breaking Plve new members have been Ini- audi- terday on the Golden State Limited Heautlful Decorated Parlor Ituifs fiee lectures in the High school Tor They will spend udVAUOSd own eye be light. tiated during last month. Mr. "Easte-- n the east. tho 4 large globe, com specially priced for May thine the torium. The subject will be holidays with friends and relatives Quart Grey Enumel and Mrs, H. V. Boyer are managers Tea Kpttlcs 49c plete My purest hopes attend thee. for the district now and are doing in northern New York, returning And peace that Is a pray"r; good work with the lodge. home about January 15. -- May Love If defend thee HOME OF LOW PRICES- - From perils unaware. Trinity Woman's Meeting. HENRY ALBERTS, S. Silverman and family have, An Interesting meeting of the Wo- MsnufscturlBg Jeweler, Fine Watch moved from 408 East Roulcvard to discerning. HepulrlnK ami Kiigrnvlng. Maker, of 1131 Montanu street. Unskilled to keen man's Missionary Boclety of Trinity Spcctal Educator Yet In thine Innocence church was held Tuesday afternoon at rnroimnon Jewelry from re- sign to Order. No Job Too Soisll. W. R. Bedford arrived In the city Queen May love bo thy best learning. the church. The meeting was opened Order Too Difficult. And love thy sura defense. with devotional exercises, conducted No Tuesday and Is the guest of E. E. Shoes for A. L. 8almon In the Churchman. by Miss Frances Montague, and tho t ami IS, II mill BLOCK. Ryan. While In New York reobntly subject for the afternoon was the Mr. Redford attended tho Terplschor-es- n Quality Bovs Brotherhood Elects Officers. third chapter In the Mission Study convention and assisted In creat- and Text; "The King's Business." ing some of the new dances that are The Fraternal Brotherhood met book. In C- & 1 E. OvERLrWP ST. Thursday-nig- ht fol- Rev. C. W. Webdell made very help- Just being Introduced the east. Shoes -g 16 8 (liric and elected the O V I. B. ful on the lesson, and Mrs, AN0 lowing officers: President, Dr. remarks BLOOD POISON RHEUMATISM R. has CLOTHES FOR MEN McCul-loug- KI. W. Shine conducted a quls on tho DISEASES THE BLOOD CURED AT HOME J. Harrison returned from KUPPENHEIMER Bishop; vice president, Anna ALL Of the Grand Canyon of Arizona, where secretary, Mrs. M. C. Hsmple; important facts brought out in the WRITE SAM J.DAVIS. SECRETARY OR chapter. TRIPP'S he has been for some month, and is REMEDY COMPANY the guest for the holidays of Mi's. Miss Israfel Parker played a piano ' solo, and Miss Norwood Wynn's class M. i llemple and family. .06 Olive Fresh Shipment of of Mexican boys from the Lydla Pat- street. Miss Iennard's own studio. She is wllb .VI Iks Jessie Maker In Iho tills terson Institute sang "Precious Jew- 0 AMUSEMENTS ably assisted by her own star com- role. Tho settings are going els" The meeting closed with prayer Mr. snd Mrs. George R. Reeves and pany one of tho strongest dramatic to bo the most elaborate yet attempted Maillord's & Huyler's by the leader, Mrs. Q. B. Oliver. two sons have arrived In the city Mil BIJOl moving picture companies in Amer- by Iho Amusement The meeting next Tuesday after- in. in Iieming and will make their opportunity ica today. You must not miss II. The beauty chorus of ten girls aguln. The public will have an Today tomorrow only. Admission Is being New York Candy noon will be a literary and social ses- home here al and drilled and rehearsed, ami o or aeeing a good program today in cents. Watrh for our daily a Judging from the spicy way they go sion, and will be the last one for De- greatest or cern her. W. W. Carpenter has returned from the Bijou, which will Include "Alkali the world's features. through the rehearsals under the di- comedy, ( ... o a trip to Phoenix, Ariz. Ike's Auto." a good western Advertisement.) rection 'if Mlsa Maker, I.I la. his will Allegretti & Lowneys Merry Inert. of which wss made In have an opportunity of witnessing una MarB t:ler. the mention " Ctjsderella." ap- Chicago Candy The Merry Matrons were entertained I.. T. Deck snd family have moved last Sunday'a paper on the Sutbtwrn of the' beat choruses that has yesterday by Mrs. C. K. Wolf at her from S14 2 South 101 I'uso struct Thla release Is considered I" lie "A Stubborn Cinderella," one of the peared here. 807 Paso Ml liveliest und brightest musical com- by 214 Went ltlo Orande street home. to North El street. on" of the best which Alkali Ik. Received Fresh Express. played prises seen. The ride In lb" edies on the stage, will open ut the rhuno Bridge was snd after the Is. ever been Sunday were awarded, a three oourae luncheon Mrs. Ida Tobln has returned from Is Indeed S affair and titers Crawford theater afttrDoon where she has uto The Elite Confectionery Co. was served. The table wait attractivel- been for is fun galore. See It. y decorated m. ferns and carnation. several weeks. Krlday. the much talked of ant o great-es- t The first prise wan won by Mrs, dreaded "Tango Dance." Kalem's Charfss and wss a hand em- Rev. J. 11. Fitzgerald will return achievement, will be seen In three broidered handkerchief case. The club from Alumogordo tomorrow, wnrre "The Turkey trot ' spent a few days. parts, also nov CHRISTMAS TREES in ne. a handkerchief case, went to lie Walls," the greatest CLIFFORD BROS. Hesitation pi. I I Mrs. George Webster, and the consola- the Invention of moving M l, .Ml III IMM.IM WHOLKSALK AND Hi Ml Ureea toping, cm Flowers Mrs. Will Quigley will entertain tho elty since i.l it tion, a fanny vanity cloth, fell to Mrs. (ores. 1 Orders Given I'r.nnpi Attention. 0 H. overland. lhone The Flower Shop tally were FrldAJ Sewing club ut her home in msnagement bus been en- 0. H. Rollman. The cards Very Recent apartments. Ti e BIJou N. Stanton tit. hand painted with Jspaneae figures. Piano the Nagley deavoring for a long lime to obtain STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. In mil Early to Avoid CbrUtsim r The guests wsre: Mesdames Max films, whlrh have been so much Frank M. Stanley, Cnited States the arrange-ment- Purchasers immigration Inspector demand everywhere. Muhn at Tucumcarl, to the matin.- - SS II N. M., Is spending a few weeks of his now attend. a added to the large list of satis- assy be next to Impossible to obtsin annual vacation In this city, en route night Alsrtlement.) fied of the to his new assignment at Tucson, sent at - customers Ariz. DOI BI.K HIM. ftt WUIWAsl. today a III offSi On Miss 1'hllllpa Ths Wigwam Save Money Groceries Lillian has moved bU 'Salome." the European from 'East Boulevard to 710 North ioelila ret three-ree- feature, will be shown F. G. BILLINGS Vlrgiula street for the winter. l last lime and I'atlie Weekly No II SHOES Ihe HANAN offsred. There are two and 25c J. M. Richmond and wife have will also bs California Navel Oranges, per doz 20c It. pictures taksn at Houston. Including PIANO CO. returned from an extended visit m In (lie edi- Good Large Cooking Apples, 6 lbs. for 25c the east. Hi. recent carnival thsrs torial section will be found something and Per box of 50 lb $1.50 PALACE OF SWEETS Mr. Mrs. of Interest to sutomoblllsU and Reagan Curtwrlghl la a dsvlcs that scat- of Alpine. TV stopped over In alike It 20 lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 CAPT. WARREN DEAN i the dlace with the auto's i usr city Mondsy und Tuesdsy to visit the ters Secretary of W. A NORTH M. an accident occura. 2 Cans New Pack Tomatoes 15c former's sister. Mrs. C PhsgrelL when party are seen MRS. F. GARVEY They are on their way to California Wsr (la rrisen and his 2 Cans Rancho Corn 15c th slide. This picture to n the winter. rurararha govern- BEST by U THE H. A. SEAMANDS bgs been sdopted ths 2 Cans Soaked Peas 15c slid C. G. KEMPER O. L. ment as an official record Mutt Christie snd wle, who hava lu the comedy sec- 4 Pkgs. Krinkle Corn Flakes 25c R. S. GRAIN been vlalting Mrs. J. M. Burroughs Jeff are a feature Mr. Christ iu'a mother, wsre called tion. . 2 Large 3 lb. Cans California Fruit in heavy C. WHISLER Tomorrow "A Proposal fi"in ths L suddenly to New York yesterday Who Will MISS NONA WILSON They left on ths Oolden State. Sculptor." (be third of Hie syrup, for 25c . o Marry Msry" series. BEN GALATZEN -. - New Sauerkraut, per lb 5c Mrs. s Hsrskovltz of 10U Man An- Haturuay- nww... ON production EARTH Fielding WIGWAM CLUB tonio street, who has been very III othei llumalns 2 lbs. Fancy Peaches, for 25c Ml rielOing. JSSS "U Dried A. H- VALKENAAR with pneumonia, is improving and With will soon be out again. utb.r KI Haaoaus In me cast. Breakfast Bacon, per lb 21c r. H. ELLIS (ir.w Smoked Hams, per lb 20c (Guarding Against Croup. M mi Loouaril al u.ii The bast safeguard sgslnst i roup is Marlon Leuasrd. one of ills blavssl Diamond M Flour, guaranteed to bake, good bread or Quality Pianos. a buttle of Fetor's Honey snd Tar lavorltes o. the American scresn star., Compound in the house, p. II CHaa. will be seen st Ihe Oreclun (oday and your money back Low Prices Easy Terms. Mlddletun, Us., writes: "My children ..row In her latest wiumph. ''In are very susceptible to croup, easily it,, of the Night," complete 24 lb. sack 75c 48 lb. sack Player-Pian- o $1.50 The Store t cold I give them Foley's Hon. three reels. The alory oi inis atch lu of and Tar Compound and In every in- deals with the heroic efforts stance they gsl prompt re.lef and are a young eatress who has married a hon cured We keep It at home end aclon of an old family to save the. F. G. BILLINGS, prevent croup." Use It also for coughs, family name from dlagrm. Miss LION GROCERY COMPANY colds, hoarseness, tickling throat, lxonard has wonderful opportunities Proprietor bronchial and lagrlpps coughs. II con lu display her remarkable talent In tains no opiates. Refuse substitutes this feature, and the result Is lhrJ 109-1- 1 S. -- ( ) grltva thit will Phones 2406, 2424 Stanton St. 102 N. A. si. Rysn. Advertisement reels of dramatic slees glasses Ssgaji, .id Mass 'II. EL PASO MORNING tflMES. Thursday. Decmbr II. 1913.

when yon squatted down nil' the floor and played there was a fire near the A CHILD'S LAXATIVE loothoard of the bed and made a mad BEGIN MURDER TRIAL to ttesy fir bells making a thrilling sound. IS "SYRUP OF FIGS" Then there were the drama n I Ktt.HT Jirtowi AtvKrricn in Brownell Didn't Know horn. Can't yoa remember when SODDIRR THOMPHO yew received your first ones and made or life miserable for the neighborhood Made From troll Can't Harm Tend- R. E. Brownell of the Brownell Christmas for weeks the holidays With er atusnatlt. Liver ami Bowet. rrrjuribv Against Ckmvtolon on after dr. Shoe Co., Meadville, Pa., didn't the other kiddles on the street you i ataullal Kvldevtrv Bam paraded by the doors beating a tattoo If your little one' tonga I coated. Many From Sex than. know he could get a complete de- and If any person who worked at It Is a sure sign stomach, liver night was in the Immediate vicinity the tailed of sales, purchases they got sleep and bowel need a gentle, thorough statement little cleansing at one When your otilld is The selection of the Jury In the case and expenses by Hohtry Himss. cross, peevish, list leas, pale, of against Thomp- by departments, Nearby on another counter Were tile loesn'f the state William They same leep, eat or act naturally: If nraeth son was begun yesterday afternoon In salesmen and by classes of goods in hobby horse. ware the la bad, stomach sour, system full of dappled hobbles d Thirty-Fourt- h with their cold, throat aore, or If feverish, give the district court and eight stores, all with one book- manes and tails, all saddled a eight Jurors were selected before Ihe and bridled, ready to start, their I teaponStil of "California Syrup of keeper know it until he gave tin Flea." aad in a few hour all the special didn't Sis eyes standing out Joel like real . ventre of fifty men and the thoroughbred clogged-up- constipated waste, sour regular weekly Jury panel of the one of our men fifteen minutes one bile aad undigested food will gently court was exhausted. Another special Across the aisle was found the ntov very busy day. which springs out out of the bowel, and you have venire of twenty-fiv- e men waa order- with a grinning faee when you pre a well, playful child gln ed by Judge Dan M. Jackson for ap- a button. ' The Sick children needn't be coaxed to pearance at o'clock thla morning Now he says: "If it had cost us with his ugly face, bounced np and take this harmless "fruit laxative " and deputy sheriffs were Immediately down when you' pulled the string Million of mothers keep It handy be- sworn In to go out and summon this thousands of dollars to find it out Then there were the building blocks cause they know It action on the number. and to get the means of doing it, we and blocks that made picture when stomach. Itvcr and bow) I prompt The defendant, a private In Troop properly and sore. They also know a little C, Thirteenth cavalry, la charged would consider it money well laid onL given Tiling for Girl. todsy save a alck child tomor- with having murdered Miguel Car-lll- In the glrhV department of th row. b Mexican bartender. In a saloon spent." More were to be found the doll!, Ask your druggist for a bot- out near th smelter on August S, big doll, little doll and dolla of all tle ..r "California Syrup of Figs," but the state Is dependant absolutely If it was worth "thousands of dol- kind, ilome were double-Jointe- d and which contains directions for babies, upon circumstantial evidence to sub- other went to sleep when laid In children of all age and for grown-up- s stantiate It cas. Because of the lars" to Brownell, it will be worth a Gifts That Mean Something their little beds and cradle that were plainly on the bottle. Beware of coun- prejudice existing In the minds of stamp to you to know all about it. clone by. The miniature dressers, terfeits sold here. Get the genuine, many against convictions upon cir- everything' little made by "California Fig Syrup Com A LL the family will appreciate and enjoy the fttrnl-- " doll clothe and a cumstantial evidence trouble wee ex girlie likes to find on the Christmas pany.- uont be Tooled! (Advertise- perienced yesterday In (electing Jury, ture one member receives. The pleasure of the tree ar In the El Paso store. It's ment) men. Burroughs Adding Machrrie Co. gift lasts indefinitely. Every the same old toyland, Juat as a circus W. W. Brldgers, one is pleased and District Attorney Manager proud. We illustrate some especially attractive articles Is Ihe same old circus, but It doe In questioning the venireman, stated W. H. LONG, Salsa a fallow good to visit them during of Midland are stopping at the Hotel that the state was depending entirely P. 0. Box 70J. for Father, Mother, Sister, Brother each a real gift Christmas time even If he Is grown up. Zelger. upon circumstantial evidence, there Bl Paso. Texas v. that will afford a world of pleasure. being no eye witnesses to the shoot- The Man Who Neglect Himself. John P. 81mm of Texarkana Is a ing so far as he knew. It Is said that The Hooaaer Cabinet, by saving millions of steps When his condition point lo kidney guest at the Hotel Paso del Norte. Thompson had a quarrel with- - the trouble take an unwise risk." Back- and hours of time, makes cooking easy and pleas- Mexican and the shot killed Car-ill- o ache, pain and soreness over the kid- W. H. Rvans Dyer that ant. What present would mother appreciate more? and John of Fort was fired through the screen door. i neys, nervous or dlssy spells, poor Worth are guests at the ilotel Zelger. Thompson waa arrested by a military leep, are symptoms dis- A luxurious Morris chair, a pretty drawing table, a foot t do (or all that will guard while returning to camp. tired feet each will delight Indefinitely. appear with the regular urn of Foley Mrs. J. F Edwards of San Antonio The remaining four Is - Jurors should Kidney 1111. They put the kidney registered at the Paso del Norte.- oe chosen this morning the, sec- We Invite you to call and took over our big itock of handsome, and bladder in a clean, strong and from worthy gift furniture. Prices are moderate. healthy Egan ond special venire. Jurors chosen condition, and rheumatic John J. of Eagle Pass hi a yesterday were: D. B. We hold your selection Christmas lumbago the Hotel Paso R. Clark, H. lor Ere delivery. pain, stiff Joint, and irreg- gut at del Norte. Cox. George Dennis, J. C. Boone. C. UMBm Better than Santa Claus, to have ear wagon drive up ular bladder action are all relieved KILLS 8KLP WITH PISTOL. F. Kelly, J. M. Phlpps and C. K. Fos- to your house. promptly when Foley Kidney PHI are ter. DAILY DOIULbAR HD taken. A. B. Ryan. Advertisement) By Hptmial Wire to The Timet Alaniegordo. N. If., Dec. 10. Despondent Hoar to Bankrupt the Doctors. PICKED UP IN over III healtb and flaaaelal difficulties, A prominent New Tork physician Harvey Davidson, ged no sent ballet says: "If It were not for the thin HOTEL LOBBIES crashing throngs his brsln in Alameda and thin soled shoe worn x park this afternoon dying Instsntly. by women the doctors would prob- DINNER I'ssslng through his bead, ably be bankrupt" When you con- Ohrlst-mn- s the bullet "There are twice a many ped 3H0 a de- packages going ysrds aero a vacant lot, lodg- tract cold do not wait for It to thiough the mall ing In a wall a few Inches shove the hesd velop Into pneumonia, but treat It at now a were being handled this time of Duthrle Smith, newspaperman, once Chamberlain' Cough Remedy last year on our division," said James farmer Ii! editor of the Alamogordii News. He wns is Intended especially for cougne and Hawley, railroad mall clerk on the passing through the park when Davidson colds, and won from Hock Inland lines luat night the baa a wide reputation Served 5:30 to 9 P. M. at fired the shot. by its cures of these diseases. It Is Hotel Rheldon. "Increased volume of was aa business Davldaon for some time employed most effectual and is pleasant and has been much greater than foreman of a steel construction gsng safe to drug- waa anticipated and It la ex- take. For sale by all Spanish j s causing daring the hulldlag of the Cloudcroft rail, gists. Advertisement Special Dishes a la Carte tra work for the clerks who have not rosd. Be worked on otber He yet sufficiently How- road. been reinforced. recently returned here after a stay la , LAWYER GIVES BOND. Prepared by a Famous Spanish Chef ever, there-ar- e many extra clerks be- and waa tumble to get work. ing pressed into service. He Is survived by shis mother, aged Sri. Charier) Owen Returns, to Answer "The prosperity of a country or a not requesting that his watch be Charge In Indictment. Business community can be told by the quan- given to bis son. His death was the Charles Owen, Kl 50c Men's Luncheon 50c tity gifts by th Paso attorney of Christmas bandied the watch be given him. ills death waa the who has been in Arizona for a num- railway mall clerks. And from this fifth suicide In this town. ber of weeks, returned yesterday and Served Daily from 12 to 2:30 p. m. fact the West seems to be more pros- voluntarily gave perous this winter ever. himself up to the than office, having In- "When people have money, the vol- sheriffs he been ume of Christmas gift increase, and dicted by the grand Jury now In ses- despite the war in Mexico, all commu- COMB SAGE TEA IN sion for "subornation of perjury." Music Every Evening from 6 to 8 p. m. nities are sending out a large number He was released on $600 bond. His of gifts to friends and relatives case Is In the Thirty-Fourt- h district by Prof. Reyes' Famous Orchestra throughout the country." court. Paso Toy land Contains All LIFELESS, GRAY HAIR The indictment of Owen grew out El "The Bait River valley yielded more of alleged efforts of himself to pur- of Seven 'Pieces. crops this year than any two previous chase testimony from a witness In the year L oase of th state vs. Agile the Wonders the Kiddies Want In Its history." aald James WIUi Sulphur Mr. Orner Kennedy, of Phoenix, at the Hotel If Mlte It Darken during its fifth trial in Van Horn Paso del Nofte yestorday. "Hundreds So Naturally Nobody some time ago. He waa arrested then Like n , It - the Heine Old To land. Iltit ll Him- - One Joh1 to of .I'M It hum acres have been placed Can Toll. and a complaint sworn out here In Miii-I- tlir Palnl nml the TJiIiibn Hi. t c,i lo nay With Ntorv under cultivation during the fall and the court of Justice of. the Peace ThronKtsjl With MotJicrri ami I'atlirr. liuylng Tlii-l- Until Onn Glfta. next summer the yield will be much Murphy and after giving bond he Sheldon beauti- Hotel larger than during the past aummer. Grandmother kept her hair moved to Arlxona. He was notified of There ia a big Influx of farmers from fully darkened, gloasy and abundant the returning of the indictment By B. B. CADDl.K Kladneas to the hearts of millions of the Hast to the Halt River valley and with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. against him the other day and return- After one "drifts around" for year boys and girls on Christmas. that section Is becoming well popu- Whenever her hair fell out or took ed to Kl PaBO voluntarily. Many shopper,. In or o. nml hln only home la a hoti'l or opart-me- lated. on that dull, faded att'eaked with fathers and mothers, this simple mixture was ap- STOVE HITS lie nnturally In PIPE GIRL. loa Interest ttie interiors of the stores had an air Jean de Kreko. of San Antonio, la plied with wonderful effect. By ask- Cafe Christmas to some nxtent; that la, the of that Is ulwaya found registered at the Hotel Orndorff. ing at any drug store for "Wyeth's Antonla Crux Receives Ugly Wound spirit of Rift giving liorntni'H lost and when you are looking- around for Huge and Sulphur Hair ilemedy," you While in Store. jiomnthlns you think will bring e with it the ami tlirtlln of that W. a. Kelly of Wlnslow. Arlx., ia will get a large bottle of this Antonla Crux, of Tenth and South Km Jus Joy to the rhildn-n- With their arm a Motel recipe, ready for use, for Oregon streets, po- . - Kuest at the Paso dol Norte. about waa taken to the the yulctldi-- Only thorn- who, with loaded with bundles of all kinds of 50 cents. This simple mixture can lice station emergency hospital yes- thi'lr 1. Mini KaLher around the bril- toys the fathers and mothers were John T. Kvans of Dallas la spending be depended upon to restore natural terday afternoon about 3 o'clock, suf- liantly illuminated pirn- on walking from counter to counter, buy several days In the city. He Is regis, color and beauty to the hair and la fering from a bad wound on her head mornliiK know how to appreciate this, ing everything they saw, and when tered ut the Ilotel Sheldon. splendid for dandruff, dry, Itchy scalp which had been Inflicted when a stove the gniutest holldny of all the yi'ur. at lust the pocketbonk was empty and falling hair. pipe In a Chinese store, 311 South The Two Republics Life Insurance AMalKd lo rover StOry from they wended their way homcwurn B. P. leavers of ax redo of J A downtown druggist Stanton street, fell on her. She was Company iHtrday. the writer. Who In one with a auttsfied smile on their tapes. ut the Hotel Hheldon. nays everybody uses Wyeth's Sage and delirious. The wound was dressed by of thorn- unfortunates thai line The smell of u toyland brings a Sulphur, because It darkens so natur- Police Surgeon Dynch. and the girl ED PABO, TEXAS. drlftlns with hotels and hoardlns of your boyhood or girlhood Albert B. Hall Of Port Arthur, Tox., ally and evenly that nobody can tell It sent to her home. 8he Is ubout 18 euunt for homes, visited the toy de- days. There Is something about the la a guest ut the Hotel Paao del Norte. has been applied It's so easy to use, yeara of age and had been in the store A. KRAKAUBR. partment of several of ihi local odor of the palm, the sawdust stuff- too. You simply dampen a comb or buying candy. Presld. stores. And there, 1.. wogdrou eyes, ing of the dolls, the huas of the little L. Mandell of Dallas Is registered at soft brush and draw It through your Good Man Wanted to Sell Policies That Guarantee Protection were thr thina Ihat hrliiK Joy and engines, and the many new novelties the Hotel orndorff. hair, taking one strand at a time. I K. 11 IN SALOON. make their appearance each year gray disappears; C. K. RUSSELL LOUIS ST. J. THOMAS. that By morning the hair Supt of Agenta Bec'y that makes you think of the days .ml, 1,. Howard of Houston Is reg- after another application or two, It s Man ArreMied After Bartender Is Cut and Oen'l Mgr. when you went shopping. Hasping istered at the Motel McCoy. restored to Its natural color and looks In Face. SIMPLE REMEDY IS Ihe hand of mother or father and glossy, softand abundant. (Adv.) Charged with assault to murder, saw the many things that Old Hanta AM roungblood and C. W. Hearell Francisco Rechey was arrested In a FAVORITE HERE had made during his retreat at the saloon on Alameda avenue last night The simple mixture of huiikthorn North Tole, many of which you and is being detained at the police sta- ii ii slyceriur. Sid., known oa Adler-l-k- lo flml lii your stockings or PHTl'HKH TKACHXBS tion pending the outcome of a scrloua the remedy which beOSSSe on lire Christums tree. loll Till . II 1.1 KI N wound Inflicted on the face of P. by OUlinS appendicitis. Is a icreat Same Old Toys. Loya with a long knife. HI condition (avorlti with 101 Paso people. Adu-r-- Here on one counter was to be ilotli InstrucUon and Amusement De- Straight Talk I conaldered serlou. Loya th Enjoy Xmas arts on KOTII the lower and found the. Noah's ark. They are the ri von I From Those bartender In the saloon where the upper bowel and drains off such aur-- p same old arks that you got when you Illustrations. fight occurred. rising amount of foul matter from ware) a kiddle. They contained the Knowledge presented to children in t i W Hi. I.ody thai A SI Mil. K OOHK re- same miniature animals and people; such a way that they do not gladly all for da oman Serbian! Alarmed. Are Your Teeth in lieves sour atomaeh, and the same wagons and harness. Next readily It does them but "A short time ro I contracted a and (rasp MEN severe cold which my lunga IMMKD1-ATKI.- TO settled on aaa on the etomueh almost to the ark were the Iron fire horses little pood. Propar Condition to Enjoy Kelly I'ollard. druggist. attached tu the engines and cart. It has been said that during the and caused me a great deal of annoy- ( Advertisement.) They made you think of the time first seven year of a child's life ance. I would hav bad ooughlnsj a Good Xmas Dinner ? practically education should oe spells and my lunga were so sore and all I began be in through the eyes. During all HPBX'IALIHTH Inflamed to seriously taken TSI WKI.I. KNOWN alarmed. A friend recommended' time living creature on this earth ma MEN'S DINBAHKH. Remember, we meet all legiti- have been educated by the eyea alone Chamberlain' Cough Remedy, saying and all animals except man hav she had used It for years. I bought mate competition In prices. practically no education except that a bottl and It relieved ray cough th who ran claim llrat night, and in a week 1 was rid which the eyea can glye. to b perfect In We defy competition in work- As twig is the tree I In- of th cold and aorenea of my lungs," You Lock Your the bent the treatment of Mlaa Doors writes Marie Oerber, -- clined, so as we hvcuate older w still human allnieuis Sawtelle, DIDN'T HI BT A BIT - manship and material used. eyes for Hence To attain the Cat For sale by all druggist. (Ad.) use our Instruction. highest possible Illustrations and th things which degree or The Boat tart for s Buy or Ulrl Ask the dental supply people what kind of ma- we read that ltnpreaa us moat are In sll de- An Ansco Buster Drown points of Camera. terial buying if you have any doubt To Insure Safety! those that have the main part ittiti Anaco Busier Brown camera are we are in your medical science brought out In picture. designed especially youthful pho- pic- wo 14 require for mind concerning the material we use. Uive a child a book containing s tographer. While all the I hslf doim tures and he at once instructed a lifetime, of Brown camera take perfect pictures, It has been said that we were using brass and base well a amused The Bible which the of study as as tney ar elmple of operation. W to rusnr mor of show making We will Time distribution Its readers styles In cess-ra- metal for . give $50 to any Money deposited in a bank insures against loss of cover cover practical severe! Buster Brown la filled from to and will be glad tu help you se- With w teaching pictures one proving that we have put on a made of less Iky these lect th style that Is beat suited to any kind. You can your hands on it at any time. Bealda the full page color plat OI K HrtSISMVL the requirements of th particular than 22 karat plate gold. from the famous Ttasot collec- has been so large with VAHH o r.l.B. boy or girl you hav In SSO mind. Whll It It is also beyond reach of wasteful spending. tion tin if ar more than Illustra- HYDKtM' ki fit BB, oaaTBUO we suggest an Anaco camera aa the has also been said that we were students and tion printed in with the type, taking bast for a boy or girl, we enow up a particular text or vers and pic- sift could not do good work. We def y the party or parties bidnby iii i ratoaTATic other acceptable gtfta, such as foun- turing 11 bo as to more vividly linpr iii.ii pens, stationery, with workmanship. Put it away now and avoid useless waste. on DISBASBS Pit. B aa Ail saVi tain knlvas, to compete us in its meaning the reader. Pel, i. UUae f MEN. thai we saa owing sets, toilet and manicure ar- This Bible t th ueirkl, dlaesr the am t IB ticle, etc We will compare credentials with any one in this only on of It kind published and trestle. We will tail what eiooa While St Company. Mills Bid. work is absolutely guaranteed. the volume bound In genuine limp frankly job yu (Advertisement city. Our any- leather would sell for IK or more Oar charges are moderate Lady attendant. ex- eilreuttlr where. Thar Is alo a II volume, and Include our personal attsatlo A culled meeting of Harmony chap-M- r actly th earn 11 every respect ex- WeeSIr r MealBly Pajaaiatl No. SI I, O. B. 8., ba Office hours, 8:30 a. m- - to 7 p. m. Sunday, w mls. will held cept for th blading. Then th twb rOt BLOOIt POISON use the tonight at I o'clock at Masonic tem- style are also duplicated" In a Caikfo-1- Biarvelwus OBaUSAN SISKDV. 9:301:30. or Sll" asd such I m pro red remedies pi. All member ar urged to attend, edttlos.. Douay version, which Is used far Ihe cure of tats disease important ffrnk by busine. NION endorsed Cardinal Gibbons and delaultoo from busli MATILDA BUR ROUGH, W. M Bak-Tku- st Archbishop (now cardinal) Parley, us u!LT'll.ed"' i I EDEN MEAD. Secretary Ga Well a by th various archbishop of (Adv.) New York Painless Dentists trmv re SI oris th vital for.-e- t health th com. Ii) The Illustrations in th I I CBraale Musi as oar patients Catholic edition constat of full page sr r led I leas tune, quickly, and Meet your friends any day fits Car. Meaa Ave. aad Texas St., Over Siiberberc Jewelry Stor, plate and maps approved by the ids lauesi iiuproKsi mafaooa wuek at th Popular, t ot fee and hot know that business will go where it is church, without th Ttasot and lest sll or biscuits lo all. "e picture invited and stay where it is treated best." Clip the certificate a explained on SET FOUR AND SCATTBK another page, and bring them to this German American Doctors Beware sat BW TWB " office. "The small item of cl. en, en- At lb BUJou FrMay. titles you to your choice of them vot- - s , BJSsSA At K. kl raao. rax. Also the turk trot aa. TIMES' WANT ADS GET QUICK RESULTS Th haaltseUoa walla AAv imhuiimii. Thtmdur. Dseonfccr 11, 1913. EI PASO MORNING TIMES. l7T C. W. Keanon Ill softs, at tire head of winning owners. James Lyme West. Shelby West's (8) Their arrival swells the list of coming was a civil AS THE HORSES FINISH IN JWT I year olds at the Juares track to engineer hefore he became Interested ILL 37S more 100 head, and 11 la safe to In horses. He was among the first than in Three year olds and upward I 1 say that a greater band of youngsters, settlers of Georgetown. Ky. He furlongs. so far as pedigree, promise and value rated there as early as 1737. For CLOSING OUT THE 8718 Pater Orttnlh M Is concerned, were never before quar- continuous connection with race TODAY'S RAGES; OPINION OF EXPERTS Nifty tered at a winter race course. horses the record for the five gen- 287 11 erations Is ss unique as It Is remark 2781 Chantlclor v MOO Trainer Benson met with good lurk 2881 Mandadero M03 on his trip, and the royal bred colts able. IT1 Cool 1M and nines shipped In fine shape and CURIO CO. are now safely housed In the new Barly Wright brought nine horses KLINE 71 Ormonde Cunningham .. 11 W. 287 Mile 1M barn which was built for the occu- for the California turfman H. De FRANCISCO CHRONICLE. . pancy of Mr. Butler's horses, near the lts la shipment to the Juares SAN 2711 Buss 1M Bight of the number are 888 Gilbert Rose 108 need of the new chute, last summer track. (Frank Patterson.) at this course. yearlings and on I a bay Third Ri gelding, High Stretch. Save of the Selection here given are based on public form in race, trial 274. yesrllngs are by Salvation and one by Three year old and upward l W. G. Tank, his wife and Jockey C. Ray Hindoo, gallop and all other information obtainable, by one who not miles. Borel were visitors at the Juares course yesterday. They, are on only obaerrea, bat investigate: 2712 Kelsetta ....12 their The horses Lamb's Tall, J. B. Mal- Little Plan Opposite Sheldon Hotel. 371 Lord Blam M3 way east from their home In Califor- daughter. Miss low and Violet May, which J. B. 2870 Fairs da' M08 nia, where Tank's Cloer now has at the Juares track, 50 1. Rockdale, Bed a, Ave. Defy ,. 101 Gladys, Is attending school. Borel has No goods reserved. Discounts from 20 to for 277 on were trained early this year by 2. Bum, Gilbert Rom. Nifty. 277 81epland 108 been the coast for five weeks and. "Lidge" Brewster. Cloer says Brew- 877 Jack Laxson 108 In fact, ever since the wlndup of the days. Great opportunity for Christmas 3. Falcada. Kelaetta, Jack Laxaon. Latonla fall meeting. ster and he agreed to disagree and the next sixty 4. Truly, Dorothy Dean. ( the latter is now connected with Stan- Fonrtti Race. ley Koont. the alderman-turfma- n of Bargains in silk , art 5. Frazzle. of Allah. Temple Forhl and Palatable wear Chicago. and wedding presents. "Commendation. Garden "San Lorenso Handicap." furlongs added to the schooling list yesterday, Koont has had a rather 6. Dynamo. Thiatle Belle, Gemmell. 3741. and Helen Hawkins. Song of Rooks unfortunate experience of late years, leather goods, etc. Show cases, 1722 Osaple and Zulu were taken off that list by never being able to get hold of a horse goods, antiquities, 3706 Henry Walbank 100 orders of Starter Casatdy. of winning class. It may be that XX PASO MORWINO TIMES. t. Stanley 8., Compton, Graggle. 3407 Trnty 102 Brewster will have some luck with his fixtures and safe for sale. (B. B. Caddie.) 8. Oemmell. Orlmar Lad. Chllla. 2738 Dorothy Dean 105 stable In 1014. as the train- TrojRn Bell, Rookdale, Helen 30( Useelt 108 Orbel Lad, the favorite In the last er is a capable man in his profession Hawkins. MORNING TELEGRAPH. ( race yesterdsy, struck his leg going and has handled a lot of good horses Cool, Chantlolor, O. Cunningham. (Dave Leigh ton.) Fifth Race Selling. around the first turn and came to a in his life time. Brewster Is the first 6 walk after leaving the half-mil- e American trainer to ever win a race Jock Laxaon, Falcada, Kelaetta. 1. Rockdale, Hasel C, C. A. Ken-no- All ages furlongs Dorothy Dean. Henry Walbank, 3742. ground, being lame and sore as a re- In Mexico. That was back In 1103, 3714 Angle D 02 sult of the accident The old horse has when R. C. Pate made his racing ven- Truly. I. Orlmonde, Cunningham , Buss, on In City. In S., Hwlftsure, Compton. Fort Sumter 10t long since been shaky his pins. ture Mexico The horse Stanley Chantlclor. The winner, Superstition, In this race Brewster's stable won the first rare of Industry, Dynamo, J. Laxson. Falcada, 3728 Frassle '107 rrlncees Kelsetta, Jack 107 was slso afflicted very much in his that meeting. That was the first year Lad. 4. Dorothy Dean, Useelt, Truly. 2715 Garden of Allah ' 107 front legs, which accounts for him of the running of the Mexican Derby, 5. Stanley S.. Ben Stone, Frassle. 3716 SwIfUure KLINE & CO. Army 107 dogging It a little In the last six- and that event that season was won ARTHUR A. ED PASO MORNING TIMES. (. Oemmell, Dynamo, Orlmar Lad. 303 Maid teenth when the shot Sugar by the American bred horse Francis 3720 Near Abbey 110 Lump on Cope. (T. H. Sohnetdau.) 2183 New Capital 113 closed him fast and made a Rockdale, Trojan Belle. CINCINNATI ENQUIRER. 112 bid 'for tin- race. Jockey J. Gross, Hasel C, 2428 Lady Adelaide yes- Cool, Buss, Chantlolor. (C. A. ) 2718 however, nursed the old horse most Trainer Mow Goldblatt stated Berlin Stanley a lit skilfully snd he lasted out In the terdsy that, barring any Lvrd Blam. Kelaetta, Falcada. 1. Trojan Belle. Rockdale, Beda. 2718 Commendation 112 Just mishaps, he La Casadora, half, .62. Wal- 3. Rose, Buss. final strides. The race was remark- would send J. Livingston's great horse furlongs. 1.03 Dorothy Dean, Truly, Henry Cool, Gilbert 3703 Joe Woods 115 able by the way the field was strung: Iron Mask to the nost RahiM.v MANY H0RSESWORK0UT Crex. five bank. t. Jack Laxson, Lord Blam, Kelaet- 388 Dahlgreh 113 n.vl Little Jake. half. .66. ta, out. With the exception of Ocean in the 3600 five and a half furlong ' furlongs. 1.06. Fraxxle. Compton, Stanley 8. 3706 Ben Stone 115 Queen, handicap ages, Dalghren, five 4. Dorothy Dean, Truly. who finished third, and Orbed for all as a prepara- Boy, five furlong. Gemmell, Dynamo, Orlmar Lad. Useelt. 3716 Compton 118 stopped tion for his engagement In Parlor 5. Frassle, Stanley 8., Cotflpton. Lad. who at the end of six the 615,000 Yearlings Step seven furlongs, 1.32.I.. (16) furlongs, sll the other starters were Navldad handicap, one mile, which Two Year Okls and Tahoe. furlong. CHICAGO RACING FORM. 8. Gemmell, Dynamo, Princess In- Sixth Race Selling. Home Klghthx ami Quarters Black Eyed Susan, five badly beaten off. will be rua at the Juares course as the Fast - (Peter Clarke.) dustry. Three year olds and upward 6 2 feature of the Christmas day sport. During Morning. 103 furlongs. Blase IV. five furlongs, 1.07. Trojan Belle, Haael C. Rockdale. The great Hodge, leading Iron Mask Is the first performer to 1.50. Cool, Nifty, Chantlclor. IRISH LAD. V 3743. set the circular Cousin Fuss. mile. winner of his age this season, with track record for tlx Swish, nflle, 1.47. Lord Blam, Kelaetta, Jack Lax-so- McCarthy.) (J709) Dynamo M05 furlongs In 1:10 The most spsrkllng work at the (Harry 107 fifteen victories to his credit, is being yesterday 1. Trojan 3730 Orlmar Lad Jockey Club Juares course Belle, Ave, Rockdale. worked at the Juarez course with a by yearl' CARS OF BULLION. Dorethy Dean, Uaeeit, Truly. 2. Buss, Nifty. 3713 Chllla 108 pony Is Jury Scrip Cash. morning was none several THIRTY Cool. 108 lend and' looking unusually sensational Ben Stone, ,8wiftsure, Stanley S. 2. Kelsetta, Laxson, Falcada. 3730 Russell McGill good. Trainer K. Spence All jury warrants registered In my lngs which breesed most Hi, tar Atseeisfra rrru Jack intends to ,m young Dec. 10. Thirty car- 4. Dorothy Henry 8441 Thistle Belle 108 office up to and Including .!.,,, .,n,i miartera and one Laredo. Tex.. Dean, Walbank. begin shortly to set him to run In one December H. reported last SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER Useelt 3871 Gemmell 108 his engagements 8th, 1913, will be paid on presenta- ster In the staple of Veller reel loads of silver bullion, of stake here soon In 22 2 seconds. to Laredo, are from (AI Dobson.) 5. Stanley 8., Frassle, Commenda-tltn- . 5700 Princess Industry 108 after the first of the year. tion at my office. J. D. Ponder, County ouarter night en route Beda, Rockdale, Trojan Belle. (3691) Doo Allen 112 Troas. (Advertisement.) Olhe works were: the vicinity of Monterey. Max. The 5 furlongs 1.33. probable arrival here is Cool. Chantlclor, Peter Grimm. 6. Gemmell, Dynamo, Orlmar Lad. Note: lbs. apprentice allowance Downland. seven date of their Lord Blam, Laxaon, Falcada. Shelby West, who Is racing partner furlongs, Jack claimed. as- KILLING OF NORKRTSON. Nllu, three .. not known. Dorothy Dean, Henry Walbank, of L. P. Doerhoefer and, with the Frank Bhaw, half, .63 CONSENSUS OF OPINION. Flights. sistance of his father. P. M. West 1.02 PHONE MISS CLAMirflim Useelt. Pssseaser Details Jast Made Pablle After Three Lucky Ike, five furlongs, to 1. Rockdale, Trojan Belle, Hasel C. Ralph McMillan, licensed aviator, trains the members of this stable at Droll! six furlongs, 1.30. Advertisers Winnie J''"' "h.A 3. Buss, Chantlclor. passenger flights the Jockey Club Juares track, is the Months. AcfOint Want J Cool. will make from Fort By thr Caj ("urn, quarter, MlflO nsk for T.Vm7 3. generation of horse- Attoolatrd frets .3. should ' nil snd Lord Blam, Kelsetta, Falcada. Bliss parade grounds any day that fifth successful Htevsta, half .64. She will promptly 4. men in West family. Nogales. Dec. 10. Details have fled n Dorothy Dean, Truly, Useelt weather permits Rates reasonable, 'he This firm King Elk. five furlongs. 06 Ihe phone and send yon bill Vfow OPEN ALL NIGHT E. Stanley 8., FTaxxle, is racing eight horses, namely, Oold Just reached here of the killing of morning. Amounts sr. psysbls on Ben Storm. Address or call Angelus hotel (Ad.) William Robertson last September Lord Elam. six furlongs. 1.32. Prescriptions Filled and Delivered 8. Gemmell, Dynamo, Orlmar Lad. of Ophlr, Ursula Emma, Ttllle's st .29. day of first Insertion. Nightmare, the Lobos ranch. SO miles from Gold of Orphlr, three furlongs, Any Time Day Night. Jlmrale Gill, Baron De 1.02 at or PADDOCK NOTES. Kalb, George Karme, Senator James Slnaloa. Janus, five furlongs, Mall Orders Filled Promptly. WEIGHTS AND ENTRIES fiobertson ami William Brown, with Lillian K.. six furlongs, 1.20 and Grover. Shelby West's .38. Is around a Lyme West, whom he had been sssorlated In min- Dutch llock, three furlongs, A. E. RYAN FOR RACING Much Interest centered James .63 & CO. TODAY'S band of yearlings that arrived at the at one time owned the two celebrated ing In Durango, were traveling with a King lladford, half, Ckropody Drugglsta Jockey Club Juarrx yesterday from mares Maria West and Black Sophie, party of six or eight Americana. On Lady Young, five furlongs, 1.05.. Entries Tor Thirteenth day, Thurs- Butler farm on Long to which many of star performers approach to the ranch they found con- Moller, six furlongs. 1.32. day, 11: the James the quarter, .28. and December Island, i.. charge if Trainer R. Ben- of the present day trace their ances- stitutionalist soldiers In possession. Knfleld, First Race Selling. son. They are part of the bunch of try. His Preston The rebels Immediately disarmed Just Red. three furlongs, .89. All ages 6 furlongs. yearlings Mr. Butler bought from the West was the first secretary of the them. Robertson had fallen behind Quick Trip, half .67. Manicuring PARTICULAR PRINTING sm. R. Krone estate for more than Lexington (Ky.) Racing Association, and on coming up reached for his gun Ask Ma, five furlongs, 1.03 James furlongs .29, 37 Ave 90 160.000. They are by the famous and his grandfather, Orvllle O. West, to hand It over, his friends say. Tha Vono Von, three MRS. GRACE A. BBSNSoff The kind necessary In your busi- 5718 Trojan Belle 102 sires Disguise II. Imt Voter. Del was a successful trainer, dying about soldiers declared they thought Robert- Amity, half, .52. ness, delivered promptly. o641 Lady Pender 110 and Ben Brush, and are a good three year ago at an advanced age. son Intended to fire on them and so , five furlongs, 1.04 Phone 864. 303 Herald Building. ."722 furlongs, .10. Phone BOB. Haael C 110 looking lot of Individuals, all near rel- Hla father, P. M. West now here with shot killing Robertson Instantly. The Charlie Brown, three El Paso, Texas. 8896 116 of party way Inland, half, .57. SOUTHWESTERN PRINTING CO. Beda atives to performers that made James him is one of America's best known rest the made their to Open Evening 108 Chihuahua Street, 3726 Rockdale 115 R. Keene's name a familiar word on horsemen snd hss been a successful Masatlan and came north on the trans Tight Boy, five furlongs, 1.06 1(88 Helen Hawkins lis the turf and put him, for several sea trainer for more than thirty years. port Buford Ston- man, three furlongs, JOCKEY CLUB JUAREZ Racing Season Now Open Every Day Except Mondays 6 HIGH CLASS EVENTS Racing Begins at 2 p. m.


II Mil 7. M I. Wednesday. December is. ittl. inti Day Weather lnr. Tract rid. r. "r.Min Jodge. Mara Startst. . : n 3732 nir rurioart. wih ro-y- nii. set nine to n one man Wt.'st K Sir hn,U. jjp. CT No to Lose S Lome What ll i 0 i' P P kirsrhbaum t Fl up! Lhance i.h 71 si 41 I Bniun f ..lot f II 11 ! Wnoda in r .iM 7 6 4 Is 4l OrnM W no 4 II i si nreyer In 4'i " 6ive$ Another nn 3 tat e oeniry 10 JMsl ' by ...M 8 Wf f' t" 7" Wo""" Or Be Disappointed in a Piece of Jetrelry Made Us! i.. M t K'l HI 7 Mv..ti - lull ..mill t 7 rum ll Practical present are what men J'! Ann a nislW nodfordi ...... I'd U II ll1 (o 10 VanDusen M' li" r.7 Maul of Wfolk (HVsmall' ...IU3 r. ti li Ford io Alloods in our showcases arc SOLID GOLD or give each other. Who ever heard ' - .,!, tt II MM If If 18 (loatd Hi II PLATINUM. Al ".i Itt miDule. ofr at ? is. Time :W I I, :4tl-t- . 1:84. Hlrka I place. - show . Prices a man say that a pair of fine street Transact 3 lar. . itm show. Winner b. f. by Sohialrr are very reasonable for the quality. Trained by M. Trolier.!,. Standing start awd Won In gallop, second and third If you looking something unusually for gloves were useless? driving winner entered Tor $ivo. .10 Md. Oxerweirhi suuiiiierliill ?. Alabama Bani are for fine a f, Blrka I. Christmas gift, we have it or can make it on short notice. Blrka went rlftil to lb from ami opened a big nap, winning easily all the way. We handle the well known DENT'S English lrena.i, .,11 tli "iitlde all Hie wav. came wilh a nun at end and finished gamely Alabama nam well up throughout nr. Bailey ran a ralr raea. Leford alupped badly. Positively Work Done in Our Factory. Gloves, the Fownes in English stock and Jill 371.1 scoM MACE-- Sli ruriuDr. Selling. Three-yea- r olds and upward. Net Have those diamonds remounted into the latest, Meyers New York Gloves. value In Winner 5, ). second third W. styles platinum 14 kt. or 18 kt. Imle. Horse and (inner. NVI hi. 'ij Sir, fin, Jockey. Op- - CL Your old jewelry made Selections from $1.50 to $5.00. W Hose "I Jeddab. 4 'CWo'i'lrord trel i . W (' i rteylon 7io t refinished like new or into mt Palalahie 3 Lau.- - log 4 1 S'l ! t" Blddle ft 7 other jewelry. Let help you save few nickels. a;i Annual Imereai, a (Kennedy). m t .. ft J u'Brlen ( 1 us a I'Uf While, k (PolkJccn) nn vi i Clatrer . c JfM h ..wnhron ll J 44 4" 4 S (truth 30 M Open evenings till Christmas. S7IS ."So Ouarier, a (WHTulleyi iiki hi ' 9l 7 6 Booker W f aTuS ! oriy lleyw,d. JllWalkei ,im 7 H'1 fi " I Man " 10 13 l. i.arier. 3 i.lanryif.oi H A 6 7l a R McDnnaM to .TTrn wirkei, l icniii.nd li"iiiisni.ll(i I .. 10 10 fl' r.oUm V) Sffl mm 0771 10 0 f 100 AFTERS wHIRTMAKer cbarlea Koi. AWMvone. .. .I0H 8 I" S 10 Holeaworih too CURTIS & KING At poat miniilB. orr at 9 47. Time :W it t? :.. ieddah place, 109-11- 1 TEXAS out liow. Palatable plaee, I allow. IntereM 1 aliow. Winner b. m. by Ceaarion Manufacturing Jewelers, Diamond Setters and Engraven ST. .Marcte. Trained by I'.' T. Cbinn. scratched 30H UaJilfrrea 0, 37J Frank Wooden ELPASOTEXAS. lai, kitui Balrmiia lot. 371a Cornpton in, The Fad 108. Htandln atari poor. Won eany, aecond drlvlnf, third easily, lllfb price. Pofc or Jeddah Winner enterod a second rloor rirst National bank Blag. I lor (4km. v. bid. urerwurbt I'alauhle .. Annual Inlereal I. Wlrket i. Hoar of iedilah lay wall up lo atretch turn, where lie took the lead to win (rchut away. I'alaiahle. mi ihe para all the way. oinaainrd Annual IntereM at end. Annual Inloroi iinjiped arier abowlng plenty of early apeed. Eye. While outrun all the way. Will be opened for business No yuaner no r banco with atart 1714 Minn HALE Pl ami a lialf furlonira. Fune. r hi- Net ralua to " winner s, aecond H, third $2S. Indej lurse. Aye and Owner. Wt. SC H Sir. Fin. Jockey. Op CI. -1 About December 14th calTa JBHeapaaf) JOB- P 1I IM OCirr.ili TtO .114 I v ." Taplln f 4 (SdiWHinaia iHVelller) .. 3 3 3M Wood 4 S .IK ' i.rrit Huh Hen.'ley ( .lit I 6i M 4 4 Marco a 10 8708 HiHhiiido (MBFarmer) ,I0S 4 .. - :. v Taahan U I'tO Florin n n ... .10 7 4. 7 7 6'l Loflua If 3.MI Prlnreaa ianlce UW.ii .IQt t 8 8 H 7 Croat W IS yy - Clarllici icwiiaaaer) .. .lot 3 4 71 8 Wkalaey so 100 Tnmiile Foe III (JFNewm .104 t f f kliKrlibaum 90 100 At pnai minute, (iff at 1.16. Time O, :I7, 1:01. Oaka place, out inw THE WISTERIA Rednaih place. I t almw. Hinata ahnw. winner b. r. by Dick Welles Ulena. Trained by A. I.. Klrby. Standing atart fair. Won In a rallop, aecond and third afl aUalBBBaaaw titlifatkWw vaally. Overweight I ample Fochl . Hcarlet oaka oulclaaaod her field, Jual breeted In front all the nay. rtedpatb hard ridden throughout waa easily heal of others. Illnala ran her race. Bob llensley afll JIWeaaaT closed strorhy. Teuipio Fochi ran green. BbB 3735 rui MTII e and a ialf furlongs. Selling. Three and up- 218 South El Paso Street ward. Net value lo winner 1400, aecond t7s, third ttt- Imlei. Hoftf and iwner. Wi st. V, Sir. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. 3W0 Dominica, 0 iACAlrCafferty)....104 a 7. II 1' i T Neylon J7i.' laisgruvc. 4 .lot I i ." VI Eatap Class Home Cooked Meals Popular . First German at Prices :m Seneca, 6 iJTlguei .105 t .. ' 3 3f liorfman t I .ii Hob Lynch, il 'JKaiiflnlDh). .105 4 . 7' a 4'4 4 Oenlry 1 4 ai.vii Itar-a- 3 (Mllerdel) .105 7 8 8 41 M Tea nan It to low The Cinder, 3 (CWclark .lot I 31 It M MrDouald 15 vo u llrtelo lien, 5 (JFMcwinan .nr. 5 .. i - 7 7f Klrsciibaum to 3u ROBERT C. DORNHECKER, - - l ady Ullllc, 3 (OrecnleafliFter)fOH 0 4' 74 8 8 Middle W I0U , N At potl U miuute. OfT at 4. Tlino :44-t- Dominica J 5 place, Proprietor mil ahow. coagrove place, t4 show. Henera I ahow. Winner ch. m. by Sail Lye. Trained by w. Davis. Maiming atari good. Won oaally, aecond and third driving. Winner entered for 87U0. No bid. Overweight Baraac 1. iMiiiimca set a fast pace and hung on well In final drive, coagrove forced the pare Sanitary with Best Service City all the way and fliiiKhed gammy. Senera dWail as barrier arnso, closed a big gap and Clean and the in the may have been best today. Hob Lynch, outrun rally, fallod 10 flmah wllb his usual courage. The cinder some early apeed, but stopped. Baaak FIFTH I1ACI Five and a hair furlongs, selling. Two year-ol- Net value Ik 3736 to winner 5, second tto, third lib.

20-PASSENG- Iiidei. Horae and Owner. Wt. Vt Sir. Fin. Jockey. ( ER i A BIG 30o Barbara Lane (Fit Weir). lib 4 3" ! Mccabe i la ttttl old (aotch (JTlgue ttu I'l t 1l I't II, ,11 man will and not taking hla so with the mi Durln (JLowet 113 8" 7'l 5'l 3 Loftua youngater lightly. The old head went 3543 La Lsirella lUllamseyAco) 100 .11 s 4 4 c.avanaugb THORP TRAINS RARD for a long run In the morning, again wn Irish Ann iJFNewmon) t(4 i l klrschbaum climbing to the lulls north of tbe city. (teu a (RRUUeyiCo) 101 f Ma In the gym he had six rounda or hard SIGHTSEEING CAR a00 uoorgu (WMcLemore) 104 71 ilh boxing. K.I.H.. Duffy, Jockey Hp! Hay (jMhank&Cn; n I ,. fl" liner :I4 4' 8' 8 liawsmi HOIKS MSI HIIIMIS AFTKH ware hla apurrlng 1741 Ada kennody Mllerdel) nil 8 0 u v Teahan Mtl and Hart Gordon i i.iiibim; k i i. i s. purtnera. Tommy has had a had optic At pnsl J minutes, off at 4:17. Time - i3. :7 Iffl. Lane place. show. that waa damaged aoveral daya ago iioich 3 place. ahow. Dunn I show, winner ch. f. by (leneral Itoherla Playful. in the gym. The eye la much better Touring Cars, Taxicabs and Limousines rained h I D. Wen scratched Ml Ave tj. .1,118 Eve 103. Standing By .IACK BnAl'K. and will not bother him fight night. Man giHiil Win driving, second easily, third driving. High prlco Old iiotch 10, Irish Lola of work, with n world of CFRourko has a record that la about Ann 1. Winner entered for WHO. No bid. overweight tioorgo I, liiso Ann 1, La Is roundiiig Flghtine Thorp long an 3. faal aa an ordinary aurvayor'a Touring Cars $3.00 per Hour. Taxicabs 50c per Passenger into the beat of condition. With but chain, and ho looks pretty good. Tom- harhara l ane outrun early came with a tremendous rush and Juil did get up. a faw days more to work. Thorp aaya my aaya be will add one more old Oolrh MM a pace, appeared a an eighUt that rati certain winner out, bul could not will bo rlaTbt lor bla 1, utile victory to alresedy Mat. stall off Hie winner. Durln closed a gap gamely. La Estrella well up throughout. he the long Thla. with Tommy O'lloorko ut thu new however, ia IrUh Ann in el chasing old Oolrh. Ada keiuiedy broke slowly and trailed her field ulao the atatemont of Ibroaghout. arena in Owboy park ut Juan a next Thorp, and hla manager. Local fana Hunduy nlarbt. will know more after the bout. Phone 877 IX,M K Thorp wnrkod like a vatoran at the or 644 "Al inlloa 1737 """ VlKkl Kink! Ilellarfela Kauaa. ward, m ralua lo winner (too, WOOM fi s. m i ia iKixInir with Benny Cordova. BlgT I'atrick and othara. The The fana are delighted with the fact index. Horse and owner. Wt. 31. H 1 Str. Fin. Jockey. Indoor worklnar I' Juat llie thiiiit to that the fight la to be ataged al night :i;m uja-i nnmi. a win '.11 ..108 n.iu, wolaTb(, accordlnat to I'rlnce giving every one tlni chance to have I'.MI ugar Lump, 5 Ill Mu II ,3" Hill Howald. hla rmnumrr, who aaya that Sunday dinner before going over the .;,.i ocean yurrn, a A mnlap Henl1.11 bla buy w ill enter llie aing at tha prop. river. Under the old arrangeraenta It Co. " vi - Hotel Taxicab & Auto jdim. a w nawk ull'i- vv. be In to put wua a cake of going mid- miit and without the 37U1 I "in-- , (TAHavlea) ir oiion Jmm a lilddla Ufa. day meal or mlaa fight. kept ... Heard, 3 iW'HTullry .100 s up thu flcbt of bia Ihe It noi Improvement the many from taking the trip to Juarea. O. G CR1SMORE, Manager (HMti nrled lad. a IMFoley... .III I l ulled ui The marked that mi cliniun ahowa as aatonlahed lo ..I Vic Ilaneon and Fred Winaor arrived At poat I minulf. "ir al 4:15. Time 81. :aff-t-, 1:11. 1:408-1- , 1:538-6- . ttupersll-11- , tana who saw him lo bla laat appear- from Joplln yesterday to meet Jack Office Hotel Sheldon and Hotel Paso Del Norte I place. 1 S ahow. Lump a place, :i ahow. iiueen ahow. Winner b. g. by ance hare. Thorp la a comer nud will in lin k iii January. Fred aaya that M inn l.vangehne cisneros. Trained by W. B. t:arson. Scratched 3781 Mary Emily Klva a good account of hlmeelf when he will moot llorrlck on any ternix lui. Standing starl good Won ridden mil. second easily. Kurd driving. High prlrn pitted attalnat the aggraaalva O'Kouike that la aatlafactory to tha Herrlek orbed ad 7 ... W1111111 entei td lor 4io Nu bid. ovrrwelghl Blue Beard 1, Joliu aide. aaya every l.outa 3. Hla clover footwork, with bla excel- Fred that thing la lent Judcmani, will make ipm one of going to be all right with him thla Superstition showed plenty of speed today, rared ocean gueeii Into submission, boya to that haa ovor 'Day and Night Service to Juarez" bul had 10 stand a drive to stall orf Sugar Lump at Sugar Lump up the hardoat Uet time, thing la aura: not and. well atepped Into the Juarea arena at 133 inie he will Ihroufhotit, DnltlMd gainriy ocean Ouaen was slupplug al and. sir John closed a have an argninent the ringside Ho tremendous gap and was going strongest al rtnlah. orbed Lad airuck himself on pound a. at first turn, pulled up after going three quarlera, very lame. O'Kourke worked yoatrrday with a aaya that ordera are orders "otra Lado."

I .atMaaktaaaaaaaaaEtaaaaaaaa ji-jmtl-k .aaataaaHaaaaaaaaaafl Kaaf MBiBaaxaaMaaT-LZ- Tr" TM " OMaaaaJL LvaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaalLEMMBAJm.lBaaaPaaaaaaaBv'Baaaaaaaal MM JtV 'M .' aaaaiT Thtirndajr, December 11. 1 M. F., TMSO !OK!T, TTMF.S 1 1 As the Horses Went Under the Wire In Hidalgo Handicap Sunday


a 4 Ay dfc fete Sjk'"r"; II AH

The fininsh in the Hidalgo handicap at the Jockey dub Juarez track last Sunday, December 7. Blarney first ; Edith W., second and Bird Man third. The three place jockeys being Cross, McBride and Neylon, respectively. The order tht other horses as in the picture was Manganese, Milton Roblee, Bing, Emerald Gem, Redpath and Osaple. Several of the two year olds who ran in this event are sure to figure as. eligible in the Derby and Oaks races in 1914. Four Favorites Flash Past the Winning Post In Front at Juarez the men with chalk and slate. Blrka stretch, It was evident to even the will parade to the post. That good ngalnst. cruel methods of trapping ani- reason why the animals started the afternoon agoing well by most casusl onlooker that something d colt Dynamo a double mals. should not be made fo suffer, he sab!, NEYLON PILOTS taking the first event of the after- was wrong. He continued to struggle winner at this meeting will be asked CRUELTY TO ANIMALS Dr HamlUon F. Bigger of Cleve- was thu fact that the skins would be 10 noon In easy , and Hose of gamely, In spite of his Injury, to the to meet horses of an older age In this land, personal physician of John D. better. He expressed the opinion that Jeddah followed up by scoring In the far turn, where he became so lame event and his admirers will watch his liocKofcNer. spoke lii lavor or re- some day most of the furs worn would second, carrying the heavy support that Jockey Moore wisely pulled him performance with Interest. W. C. striction of vivisection to smallest come from animal farms, where ea-i- othi:k iiMHj; itovi pres. of the public Scarlet Oaks made it up and dismounted before returning Clancy's good thoroughbred Oemmell VIOOKOI'M.Y DKNOUNCKD possible proportions. death was Inflicted. KNT TO WITNKKS SI'OKT. three in a row by landing the third to the stand. will probably have the call In this ANIMAL CONOIIF.SH. "Scores of dogs," he sold, "are Frederick P. Bellamy of Brooklyn event in hollow fashion, and when Scarlet Oaks Wins. event snd this honest performer will :1a lightered In laboratories In medical declared no Investigation could he Dominica, one of the best played Scarlet Oaks, the remarkably fast prove troublesome all through thu collenes for no other object than forced, of reports lhat at certain hos- Coop on Irish Ann Failed When the horses of the afternoon, landed the daughter of that wonderful thor- race. Denunciation Appllcil Alike to Insti- grandstand exhibition with nu pital children were Inoculated with Mare Was Item Out Old fourth event it looked as if the talent oughbred, Dlek Welles, made her Sec- Neylon tute Kxnrrimcntcrs and Men results to medical science." serums of loathsome diseases by a clean sweep. Wins Honors. and dangereus tests Were Uotch sii.,s Well. would make ond appearance of the meeting in the Jockey Neylon again carried off the Who t'so Traps. Miss of London, Irish Ann Well Played. third event of the afternoon and again famous English worker in the move- often performed on healthy Ignorant riding honors of the afternoon, a people, He said one physician had Irish Ann, backed down from cored in hollow fashion, winning eas- feat which Is becoming a dally oc- ment, spoke. a ' acknowledged In a recent issue of .1 By T. H. SCH.NEIDAU. high price of fours Into the position ing up all the last fifty yards. This currence. Yesterday he scored on Hose Hit the 4$$9wHtt4 t'n sit Mo, ileal history," she (lectured. ''Is filly Is without doubt one of the fast- Washington. Dec. 10 Crtieltl one vast medical Journal that he bad sprayed The officials of the Jockey Club of favorite, carrying the colors of the of Jeddah in the second event and structure of mlstukcs. Them of smallpox, fevat est that has ever raced over this animals by vlvlseqtors utnl lined must be other ways besides vivisec- the poison scarlet Juarez played hosts yesterday after- Newman stable in the fifth event, was made it two when' he landed Dominica and diphtheria into the throats ami the first favorite to fall by the way- course. In both of her starts she has home first in the fourth event. Klrsch-bau- infliction of pain In any other fo tion of get ing at the facts." noon to another large crowd, which speed, winning were vigorously denounced at jtrnoet lungs or seventeen healthy people side. In the sixth the talent went to shown remarkable Gross. Carroll and McCabe Thompsun Baton saiii there was treating, as they sup- witnessed the same stirring sport upon both occasions with her Jockey opening session here today of was no good rcuson why skins or ani- whom he which" has featured Orbed Lad with supreme confidence, divided the rest of the winners among posed, for of the throat. the racing since although heavily-b- easing her up all the last one hun- International Vivisection and Anl mal slioiibl not be worn, there catarrh present meeting Superstition ruled a them with one each. Klrachbaum but the opened. While second choice. favor- dred yards. In spite of the In Protection Congress. The speei should be no unnecessary sufferlric, nothing In way g The landed his winner In the very first b the of a ite In event which she has won, both of her vic- ranged from a bitter attack by for the animals. He deplored the use Optical moved feat was accomplished, rac- the struck himself while race of the afternoon when he got Avt the rounding the first turn and failed to tories have been scored In remark- Birka, the favorite away well to a word n. Tenement of Boeton, pf of the steel trap. which, he sai l, "ess ing was spirited and formful through- ably Yesterday came dent congress, upon Rot out, finish, pulling up lame, after going fast time. she good start and immediately sent her of the ihe animals are sometimes held for days the success of four successive It home In one minute a,nd five'aeconds teller Institute experimenters, to slowly or heavily-backe- three quarters, and will he some into a long lead which she maintain- siarve favorites and one d sec- by A lime before this well known per- flat, and there was not a horseman ed easily to the finish. Transact, awuy nunotatlon Urnest Thompson Si lie Ith good mi ond choice enabling (he large attend- former again present who did not doubt that hud ance to wend its way In faces the barrier. slow and coming on the outside all home a happy The fall down of Orbed Lad was the she been extended nil the way I'an frame, of mind, having once more Zareta's recent mark of one minute, the way finished second with Alabama gotten the worst blow the talent ha.t received Bam In third place. best of the argument with for some time, as this son of 8mlle four and three-fifth- s seconds would the bookies. have been lowered and the first Rose and Jeddah was easily best of Day has performed so consistently that his her field, laying well up to the stretch iool for Public. admirers backed him with the utmost world's mark placed fo the credit of It was one of the best days the the Juarei! Jockey club course, turn where the lead to win has had (he confidence. In going to the first turn easily. The tori In this race was a public since present meet- the horse struck himself In some llor Third Victory. ing opened, all of the winners betng manner. filly poor one, of the starters hav-- I heavily backed When he failed to go toJ This brilliant has little chi with the break, The with a confidence that the front, as is bis usual custom on faced the barrier upon but three oc- played havoc with the bank rolls of rounding remarkably choices, hov r, all got away well the turn into the back casions in her short but and had no uses. Annual Interest brllllunt career and all of her vic way tories have been scored in the name showed the to the stretch turn, Sunday Night, 8 P. M. easy manner in which she romped tiring badly near the end however home yesterday over a good field of and Just managed save the short horses of her same age. Shu Is u end of the purse, Palutabl ttlng AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY rapid breaker, with a remarkable turn the place position. Irish Ann of speed, and in her three starts hus posed to be a good thing In the flfil run as if able to carry a dis- but could never get to the front am1 v AND ACCESSORIES tance of ground. She will probably after chasing Old Ootch to well withlr have this section of the country with the stretch, tired badly and finisher an unbeaten record, at least by any outside of the money. Old Ootch ap thoroughbred of her age, ana" wilt pea red a certain winner fifty yardi prove one of the leading contestants from Ihe wire but Barbara l.ano com AutomobaesforHirelgj in the rich stake events to be de- Ing with a powerful rush thr Jgh the cided In the cast next spring and sum- stretch just got up to g( th verdict mer, in the laat few strides, Durin landing Dominica In I rout. the small end of the purse BOXING Goodyear-No-Rim-C-ut For the first time since the meeting Tires opened there was uu handicap down DIAMOND CAREER OK AUTO 116 on the card for decision yesterday, a NEW PRESIDENT OF INTERNATIONAL CO. Aceots. Texas Street Ptwnc five and furlong sprint, the THE NATION Ah i.K.MiVK. m conditions of which brought out the KL PASO AUTO SALES CO. best ;unong the higher selling platers K BUS. K. Johnson, at the track, taking the place of the CONTEST J. Jr., Mgr. r of Joh WINTON SIX Tit N. Ochoa St. . Tel. SMS feature It proved a rattling good contest and incidentally saw the col- cted pre. AUTOMOBILES ors of the wll known and popular turfman, A. C. McCafferty, first past lb Richardson Motor Car Co. Distrib'tors the post at this meeting. Dominica ii- lo STUDEBAKER Mct'ufferty land lr this oiun 20 ii. riled the colors of the try wh tied in Pitt" HI Son Antonio Phone this event and was a Thorp St flU stable in math' "Fighting" burg, e tie as educated in the strong favorite in the betting. Upon public ois. His first employment ber last appearance at the banter she He EL PASO RUBBER of fas as a clerk. broke down ami & AUTO had shown a remarkably fast burst as advised by pi to out- - Rounds speed, but hud stopped as If In need seek vs. VULCANIZING SUPPLY COMPANY of rose. oor work. Aa a clerk he earned 16 that Meek pitching on Saturday after-oun'- Phone MS No. S s. El Paso Away lo a t.oinl Start. St. Yesterday she was away well to a good unci was right Ills It I'M Kiigllgeniciit. 133 Lbs. 0 PS As Mcpalrlag aae start taken to the In IhKa Teller received bis first nro- Str Oral front by little Neylon who hud the I opening up a fesslonal engagement us first base mount lead of two man of the l'ntsbiirg club. 'At that 'Tommy" O'Rourke American barage - lengths OVar her nearest opponent r z: strongly time lie stand 6 reet i Inches tall and the bucked second choice weighed 200 pounds. was Coagrove. Klsep on Ihe latter evident- He released ly before the season was over and Joined w & had orders to lay off Ihe fust ear- re- LONG ELL AUTO TRUCK SALES ly pace for he held his in the Baltimore team. At his own Co mount quest he was released and Joined the OVERLAND & COLE 120-12- to the head of the stretch where CARS. WILLYS 2 Sam Haverhill I Mass. ) team, when- he UTILITY TRUCKS. 1. he sent him after the leader. Answer- played until the close of the season. H. C. JRUCKS. & ing gamely to the call, hut mount be- Bart Gordon vs. John Patrick frcc gan to appreciatively out down the In the winter he secured a position advantage with a i'lttsbiirg business house but Ee leaders but the latter, continued to play ball Whenever MIDDLES AT CATCH WEIGHT P. & S. W. BUILDING ticking It out flashed post the pool an opport unity. Cor. N a winner by a little mure than a half Played Willi Franklin nJ length, with Heneca in third position Anson. AGENCY OS C" He Joined Bop Anson when thai 6 Opener Rounds. Pk one 51 P M The latter dwelt Just as the barrier pilot H Special Event Rounds; Cracker Jack 4 H. to a a famous had the Chicago mi r arose gnd start and lost great Mloi klngs and for three years twirled Ksmjisoa deal of ground, which he was forced Elecuio signal up during ' with aucvess on that club, lie went Horn to make the running of the with Anaon's team fur a tour around C. O. PKEKMAN race. He came around on the outside . Stock Michelin Tires impressive raoe, the world in ll-l- He then gave 2 and ran an one that SI Mesa Ave. II Paso. Teg. up baseball tu go in business In Char-lero- I'bouti led his admirers to believe that he might have been best as the race was on, run. For a quarter at a century he, drop- Do you know what the real enjoyment ped out uf baaeball and ABER-CLEMEN- TS your Good Card Today. Boy of oar Cow amounts toT you when Park Have Secretary he aided the late William Lock used a Jasper has arranged an to purchase Philadelphia Nallonals one of his fine .., I bin her audi from Charles p. Taft, of Cincinnati. I afternoon's entertainment one that AUTO SUPPLY CO. Lee Puncture promises close and exciting sport with III ATKINS III I n Ii wh Proof sll. driving finishes the order of the day hi A " ssssseli Hrttn ACCESSORIES w Aa a feature he has scheduled the Itoswell. N M ii.. 10- .- Thoinss ML AUTOMOBILE ""iTLSl." " San ljrenzo handicau at ma furlonva Tillotsun. reglstrar.Cnd Mi P. Harold I Sunday Night, 8 for all ages for which a fine field h tecelver of the United Htstes land accepted the conditions. This race will fiee bsre, today reeeived formal WESTERN MOTOR "1SK TIRES bring out to the post for the first time quests from the department of lb ,w rremewe acre at this meeting the good d tenor for their resignations, te Aimm t AAliniUU Jn filly Truly, ihe full slater to Mea- com effective upun the selection i DECEMBER 14 52a dow and a winner wherever she has qualification of their successors 1 dUrrLT uummnT fw been asked tu race. Opposed to ber local officers will not i their and probably holding the position "f nmval Tber are no charges f favorite in the batting will be anoth- nected with the reqaast WRITE FOR CATALOGUE er Texas bred Illy Dorothy Dean (rum Popular Prices S. G. GONZALES, Mgr. UKHVICK STATION the atable of 1. W. Fuller. Phone s7 lor a Taxloab. (Adv.) REMY MAGNETOS Igultlou aud lighting Dividing honors with the handicap WISKMAN ANDKKSON will probably la-- the last event of the Kl Paso Optical Ce, It Twum Hi. rl HW IMS. Ignition hp. . I.. afternoon win. is a (tva and one half 101 Texas bt furuisrly lurloiuj eprj-i- i in which a, lins livid AUV. EL PASO MORN IXC, TIMf Thursday, December If. 1913. Seccion Caste liana de Interes General para los Mexicanos raar of Ino Tum street, and the AVISOS OE OCASION Central fire d penmen! .ailed in City extinguish uarj lh Ami II on by A Hit A I A MA MlB AAl.Hlo. HICK OJINAGA LI SITUACION be erte m ado. Dr. Jssileac.n. CeeltnCrlesry. Bkla iM I "!?, tt Serial Diseases IS Mill. Building band and eeal ef M'h'.pslabraa, ee jj Kl I HOLIDAY RATES! flaws mm T1 VXA Mil l.l Mllir . coRTniRuctoN nillMW la dk famtiw Dt. Ann. Seem, Buckler Bldg -- PAKK W. PITMAN, On Hole Dee. It. SO. SI, 21. Ml A PARA ATAt AR A MM I I impi i a pimm'ikra- - paeo la Tbe sweilest air It tews. Plsesf gseds clerk. un. .t Court Kl County. Tens Points IS. S4. SB, SS. St. Tl,M A AN tTIMbiw. a. Js'. Hagge. DKHALKN ; IORTAI.KXA - i Texaa. imiied to Jan. S. ii Minvnius By C. A Ft A N A. Iieputy. Tellfoso till. . Woria. laued thla (th day of December, A. On Sale Dei-- SS. 24. SS, SS. por D. 11 Arkansas. Louisiana & Oklaboraa MERCANCIAS m em pecan Walking srourd the world. F. J. PITMAN, SI. Limited to Jan. . EL FUERIE DE LOS FEDEBALES NECESITAMOS TODAS PARK W. M Irasportan mueblea. TRABU3 Kmpeon. i ...n frnm gydnei. jr. t'lerk, County Court Kl Paao County. foifono I4M 14(4. W., who In port owner of tho Sydney lexaa. ti Herald, la In Kt Paao. 'DA. D puty KASTHKHIA sMMIllll HI spending severs! Mi r. ml., ii. r ii, -- i,, I "or i ii.,.-.- , Hat Hucrta Vuclvr a IVdlr I m iilistlr. Ex- - Im taking hi. niton of Intorcat bar TAMiubr.X sombreros umpiados and at Juarsx II Ii alao gathering r. Mi. mi ...lii I i.n.lnr I novados por un expert. UNION del iraonllnarUM "am I'toter Manrjar dam cm lha Moxlcaa eltuatlon for a Tailoring Co., im ('all Texas. ...l.l. mi Provisional. (.norm, Mai leniln y t.obrrnaclon. aeries of arllclaa for his papor. iiK ir iiKiMiNKii iit Tin i.'irr nova- Pacific pi iimi i;o- - II. 11K 1111 i KL PAAO Imported beer oa draugat frv OP Texas i nn rolumna d 1,10 hombraa a D la Asotladn. at the 0a. Thai aertloo IR of au ordlnunee kuonra an V I A ul I'm I'liinililUif .i i.mi. P.naa the dairy ordinance, paaaed anil npprored In (l)lnaga. y Mexico. D. y.. IS. Bl 11. 11.. t in n trabajo uor menoa pracio. "Prox'rna forUileaa de Olclembra i..i.e, lOI.'l. be aad tin aaiue la No. X1U4. Camp una batalla puedo denlrn encargado Mexico, hereby aoiended by addm therein tbe Phone 7 for Rates Ten (II Call Nona registrars de negoclog de roliutcing boll. de poena dlaa. Kl general Bcnavldee Nelson o Saugnnessy, reclentnmrnte Paae drl ri Kectlon IS la). For the etirpnae of Men mi4 liiimi - que - l.nnrb Ina eetiun 1.1 of thla mil in e. aa well es lu uolitlcudo dn ios vunrtclee genera- r.otmcn a Washington la pn.pie- 30 ui. BE NECESITAN doa buenos agent j la the Kill', at II a. m. ta 3 p. m an all que la dad exlrunjera en Sinaloa eetaba en other aectloaa thereof, erery dealer para una com pa A la da oeguroe, qua Chihuahua brlgiidn In uillk or n un aad bla ugeuta and ein Ha marc-hab- a travea del dealeno Inmlnente pellgro de cr conflcnda peraon habkn Inglea y qua dan ' Kl faeo Optical Co., roc, moved t" ployea aad unr other liinilling ii n atacar a In federalea, aunque n i P"r la auloridadea federalea, tomo llll or cream For any aiieb dealer, 'mil booms reforenclas Huena propoalcl6n - lw Texniv m fmtnerly 224 Meen Ave. persona Dlriglrse a aiwla la de aa fueraaM 'cnerlbocfAn de guerrn. lil mlamo en- at all time permit Ufa preruUe Player-Pian-o para una active. he - iltl milk la bundled or kept, bl Times Cecilian cargo i ilieldea. (urgHdo hu reclbldo Inatrucclonea pa. aad It. ail, Times. inventlgar delivery wagon or wagooa, and milk haiiw Vii ten Manda la Brigada. ra la cnnatltuclonalidad de milk depoi, 10 be uiapected l la y at que eatA i.r the I'liy SB NECESITAN hombroa y raujaree, Rl general Maclovlo Herrera a rurdida encuantra no Tubercular Inapeclor or by any lnane-::o- Better Than First Promised para que aprendsn ol iifkilo de bar- - mnndn de etaa brigada debldo . i. annclonada por I ley, preaente una of the Board of Health or any police of- berla. la cullura de la belles fomenll enfermedad de TomM L'rblna, oue Prnteala ante el goblernc Doctores ficer of the city of HI Paao. for the la manufaclura a costlios. 8 psga tut neceearln cnmblarln del hnapltal 1... cnnflacatdn ha atdo nmenexa of enforein aeetlnn lo of the raid On Aoronnt of Ihc Intcreat in tbe Organisation Chrtetmaa Cllft, tlu Ttmea tm por Alfmmei Americano ill ry ornujnnce, aa aa rnr lie 77S to Winner. ueiiin arsae ei comienxo jrsnajo de SaniH Koealla; pero aua fuerxaa la falia de pago del clnco por lifori Ine ery other section and Will t.lve a Instrument the mux harato. Knaenamna a maestro compueatna de 2,000 hombre van con clento de contrlbucldn, arbltrarlamen-- I calle Me. iirovtalon thereof: id If lealrr aprrndlree el Idtoma Ingle Kl l'a- ge- tt lmpuealo por el goblerno In milk or cream. cut or employe la aegunda brigada al mando del de Slnaloa. Al i'i. me L "Krea" ROI.r, B. pat. .its and can be found la NO ao Barber College, esqulna de Kl Paao 1; que abora tleen au capital en Masn. any other per re enumerated, OF HONOR. neral I.... Kodrfgueg. Rj Bl Paao, Tex. Ou.ll refn "aid Inupcetl'in other player. y Ban Antonio, arnba del Banco. AdemA tIAn, el dnlco lugar de imporutncia de eataa tropaa una or abnll prevent the tai '. be ahull lie CALIFORNIA BCVtJAlrOW. MISB TITI S LKADH. corn-ne- l bajo el domlnlo del goblerno. Ixia ex- - j N K. NATIONS, plomeiia. (21 Calle de arlillerla al mando del deemed guilty of a 'tola n of thla .'nil M ss ADDA TITUS. Had the campaign closed Inst night Bttuchc Alcalde aerA tamblen tranjeroa han apelad.i a aua repreaen- - ance atid lie subject t tbe pa lim aad in Campbell. nennltlea thereof SI. ISO liriCK TOFRIVt; OAR. Mix Adda Tltua would thto morning para fa-- 8 ii ntea por n edlo de loa cflnoulca. Rl ayudar al ataque de lo u great y been possessor of the Handsome lea, mlnlatro francee ha pedldn inairucdo- - Whereus, eae of publle MliB. W.' R. STEVENS. the S'l'AM.KV HACKBTT guruntlxa tndo era Com lu poblaclon de OJina. exists, and II Is Imiierntlre thai (hla Cullfornlan Bungalow. Thto energetic-candidat- plomerla. 10 gn eitA alruiidu en una emlnencl ea ! h a au goblerno: loa de Alemtnla e seetlon of urdlnanee be paaaed in PMomr.r: toi ring car. trabajo de Calle - this at thl morning ahoots to the Oeate overland. inn de lea man dlffcllea de aturar en Inula term han aconaeladn aua eon- j once, tbe charter rule retpilrtug tbe read-- . CORA O. MATTHEWS. top entire list by a neat major- qeu - Ina of two nieet-- I of the todo el Ralado y la artlllerln, de 10 niiclnnuiea paguen lu contrlbu- an orillnsnce at regular Ml I. IT It Dl MOND IllM.S ity. I'LUMUHICH u n bajn protenta. Bl encargado ame- - lugs of the t'lty I'minell U hereby bus- PBOArrO Traliaju grundce pleaua, JugarA un important peniled I.r Muyor K. B. CREEU QAtNei 601 rlcano eatg preparendo un memoron- - the ronseui ..f tlie and OTHER Calle Trxa. papel. the unanimous vole of the t'lty I'ountll, MI8B MAYEK YOUNG. on the thla morning Hi- I dum para preeentarlo mlnlatro de IK s ID II a loa il. rali al i:spi; AI.IBTAB and tbia ordinance bdl take effect and lie S100 MKKt II AMIISi: ORDERS ON It will be noted that Mrs. W. R. Mtul oi folumna qua fue miindnda dea- - rolaclonea, Moheno. In force from and After Its puaaage. ap- li I . Kn enfermcdndee crdnlca ye proval Tbe White Stevens' name appeurk under that SE KIONTAN laa mAqulnaa While y dn nor el eenernl Villa na- - n Ciiiiltibiu-lo- de mid 'uiiMlcatton. Hue. I 1a. mulea del eatAmago, hlga- - Passed and approved lieeeinlier 4. 1018. The Popular Store. Buick touring car, while Cora G. Mat- standard, laa mtjorea en el mundo r,. on. h,..iniM . i... ,,,1,.. ha a orden dice que a" debe i..irar E, ' do. rrflfinm. coraxdn, catorro, Attest: C. KBtLT. M IBB H17BY thews of Demlng for the time being para uio de fnmiila, reparaclonee Informndu que hu llegado cerca de por tpa" real y peraonal propledad, ve' W. PABPKTT. Mayor. i HADlrOCK. llga, debllldad nnrrioeo, eatrechex. M KB. haa thnt Hup. There are other changes Oflclna MAqulna de Coaor pero IrarA manl- - on ' naclonaildud City flerk. ETHEL ALIJSN. njlnagn; no nlnguna J'" Inn in 1.1. aangre y en- all along the line thto morning und a W.iUe. Agente, H. L. Stewart. 211 Ion - ' !"T que a inenoa "I. todaa mpnovEo vurrRtiLAs. f.'atii. hoetll bHUa mie aen refor- noiuiranoo melius ..nil a a ConaultaB gratia. victor general shake-u- In campaign Caile Bur Btanton. Ixia que "".ae haga el pago pura el 18 de 1)1- - Wall Mualc Co. lida. rebeldea hun tornado tioal 8 a. m. ( p. m. Domingo, ( a 12. developed yesterday. donee a varina mlllaa de OJInaga pa- flnmhre annUi eln mania aa MI88 HI I.I.I i: KYLE. la propledad MIIS. G. E. PAGAN, DR C;ilOX"S AHEAD. ra que loa federalea no puedun ret Draughon's College rarae hI Informea del cAnaul dlcen que X Business this III iCS'.s metodoa, Idlomu correcto. Katitdo de foahulla. lll'sl EBS EDUCATIONS, morning In Organ- 1 y - la- - I el goblerno conajdera necrearlo itbao. holds the lead the lTofeaor UonxaJea. Cuartoa 11, Kl Kucrli- de imtaio. I'clrral Draughon'a College. isation division and are right there Bdlflclo rnie I 'or medio de aua ngentea loa re- lutamente levantar dim it. para pugnr bbbbbM xafxa. a Ina tropaa. Dob y ea MIS8 JULIA KELLY. after that 17711.00 C.eclllan Player, beldea HHben el uumero exaclo d huncoa vurlna .in Mr.DONALD. In a MISB TEUB8A However, other organlxatlons are clpac M,M ICKNAJB fuerxaa que tlenen loa federalea. Be- i.u.i ae ban vlato preclaado a aua puertaa y ge- SMI MERCHANDISE ORDERS, behind them and a new leader may l.l lt tin el general BeunvldeN no exede de cerrar el pueblo en VAURICA de l'eiaca l'aao, nuevo ,1 HOY The Boaton Store. forge to the tomorrow. 3,000 hnmhrea, aunque y neral en elluaclAn deaeapernda front almacen, local aeguro. preclo bujoa. tlenen rlflea MISS LEACH. munlclonea. Bn eate ndmero eatAn por la falta de dineru. Ultimo juevea que trabajara ANNA TIIK VOTE DECREASE. 10t4. I KENNEDY, T.'fono comprendldoa parte loa Im que Dl t.olilernn. MISS LEA Saturday night at 10 o'clock will de bntHllnnea en el III WATCHES, Ml IMI.I III Si:(,lM).l MA NO 15. 2,'l, 33, 44 y 4( del ejerclto regular, Rl aetuante mintotro de flnanzaa sol tiOLD come the close of the second voting dljo ul mlnlatro de Krancla que era Hlxxon Jewelry Co. period und Btartlng Monday con- J. WATTS. ToTcalle' San Frun-i-- que Hi Kan aolo a 1.100, y el reato aon and :a8. Itiipi.Bllile para In- .. TeKfono 4(4. volunlarloa perteneclentea a Orogco, el goblerno central HAND I A MISS ESTHER GARZA. tinuing until the close of the rane lea Halaanr y KoJha. No tlenen nl artl- tervene, porque algnlficArtu Infrlnglr Teatro Crawford M1KB EKKIE CURRIE. votes will be allowed the randldstcx J'AuA yl f: deaechar aua inuelilea llerln nl ametrn llndnraa, puea todn loa derechna del Rptado. Bin embargo, SPECIAL FEATURE CECILIAN PLAYFR-PIAN- on their subscriptions. The logical uaadoa, noaotrua aomoa loa que fue cpturad por Villa en Tlerra dljo ue hat. (a telegraflado nl gober. La Cia. Dramatica de Adolfo El Paao Piano Co.. conclusion Is that' every one In the mejorea precioa por mueblea nudor de Blnalna, Biipllc&ndule mode- - At our and when the Valued at $775.0 , race will put forth their best, effort Hlanra. Gutierrez en la colosal a de aei(und:i manu. Tlenda de Hegunda Mcn-ail- tn no ea i.nlu raclfin. material i especially fine we URAUGHONB RUBIN ESS COLLEGE this week. To date all are ahowlntt y Nuevo. Teltfono 400 s. loa j Hpeed Mono (41. Hi- ill, qui. el general Mercado ha Ki.n Informea conaularea Ina de Shakegpeare, hand waah the garment alao. El Paao, Tcxu. great and on the results accom- Calle Hur Kl I'aan. aldo depueat.i gobernador, y que caaua comerclalea, Incluyendo la ex- - plished by the candidates and their rumii being VKNUAN aua muetilva por tudo au en au lugur Ornxco hu quedadn al trnnjerna, hahlan contrlbuldo con Ladies' fine white waiat and On account of the intereat friends prior to this vote reduction valor, ceiufe y pura hlelo. frenle del goblerno provlnlonal que ae (116,000 pur el fondo de la tru- - Icirta, often elaborately tucked taken the awurdlng of the Organ-Ixatlo- o will depend the outcome of the Gift cJ Tuilan Trnhajo." in Campaign. Companla de Mueblea Texan. h eatablecldo en OjHMa Mereado, and trimmed with delicate lace, Gift In the Tlmea Chrlatmaa 40;. 400 Calle Hur Bl l'aao. in embargo, quednri com Jufe la Una prncealdn de doaclentaa coatu- - TIME IB SHORT. Ifti troftag pero rerua en lit capital reflejd hoy la ghould be aent here where they Campaign la haa been decided to give Candidates, do you reallxe thai you d fedemlea regularna; M. CumI'KAN mueblea aegunda a aegon condlclAn de pol.rex'i a lu que much to the aucceeaful lodge, achool or have but u short time In which to get C. L.. y xubordlAada tiroseo, aato im OTELO will receive special attention. mtno. Brvln Cta. Teletuno pobfacion pequeftaB necessary Mitlclua reclbldaa ayer por el cdnaul hun quedado a Coclllan Player-Pian- o the voles lo win the prlxe 137. 116 Calle Bur Buuiton. reducldna. Kran coatureniB ecparadna All work called for and de- on which you have set your conatltucloniillatn en Kl Paao, Kafael 77o.00 Ihe heart? clojte Mdxqulx. de loa tallerea por el clerrv de lu (A- - valued at inatead of Do you know you MITST have the si. i.M a toila de mueblea. ' livered. that "Nuuiitroa iiagnmoa el inejor preclo lilliiiHlnia ia Tranqtilln. lirleiia en dondp nolo ae coaen tinlfi.r- - IG60.00 Inatrument originally ad. vote to win between now and the mea de KbIiib niule-rc- ELITE LAUNDRY you en la eluded. Weotern Furniture Co. 'hlhiiuhiiu. aogdn bm ineuHaJea re- - aoldadoa. inlBtmia El Moro de Venecia. vertleed. night of December 21th? If hvo Kl II, apeUron nl prealdente It r: got enough votes Telrfono 14H2. 20 Calle Bur l'aao. '.doa en Ju&rex, permnntice tranqul-la- , haco dlaa. SANITARY AXD PI PI toor On account of the vital Intereat be- not nt that time tropaa - y hoy volvleron ul 1'alai lo; pero el 12 - II I 8. Oregon Bt. you will never have another chance Bfc. Nt.CI-.Hri- ' AN i.iH. rebeldea initruliiin la clu- I ing ahown the management of the todn de nun" b- l.retlidenfe He rehlluA 11.,an,.aa Beneficio de la a. Actriz, SITT. to get them. Tol4--- dhd. que hii vtielto h au movimlen Phono blea. Be venden y c tmblun. Tlmea feela that the Player ehould be e in nOrfUMl, iibrlemloNe ulgun eatu- - rmurcharon por laa vullen principal, j way, In We are doing our share. We hat fono bZsi IV, Cullo Btanton. eon que Maria Gonzalez. the beat In every one that give bleclmlentoa, iuiih ae muntienen oanoeriiB neciun: years to come will give the mombera arranged to Christmas Gifts M.yjl in srin-- cerradiiM lua c.intlnua. "Todaa necBltanioa tralmjo." organisation every valued at over $8,000.00. Now; II Is laia marldoa de niuehua de of the winning up to yon to get the votes to qualify y l.a vul ae ha rrcnmpiiealu, y uyer reus.., proud of, and In aelect-In- MAiji. 1NAB de aaqrlblr aurildo para en el ejOrclto y oolo Precio, 30c, 20c to feel thern.'YOT' have to y ae inuiidd paru Chihuahua un tren ontn dependen 50c, expensive Player the for done well oflcluuM, : reparuu reniuu loda de aua proploa rncuraoa. La the more not lose out on Ihe last few days. claae de miquliiaa, Telefuno (II. lleviindu provlainnna y ocho carriia de Tnnea feel that this will be the i i'rlinn. Tn carro con el Olra IMde l n iiIihiIc- -. Victory Is nt hand, grasp It. Calle Mtlla. Kl genenil - ABOUT THE PLAYER. tit eobrlno del generul del mla- llueria hu nedldo ntie- to be given In the (IIIIIAI. ( amenle nl Cnngreao que lo The Ceclliun OUR DEPOSITORS Alt AKKOS mo nnmhre, el cnpltdi Nuvnrro y a Invista Legal Notice Campaign la the moat durable in- aoldadoa de Villa, que aanud-- de nmnllON noderea Dnrn iioder eon- - Ciudad Are asked to ieave their aavlngs pass COKHAL pura curruv. u la hun atrument made for thla DRY climate. Ircnlu aua duclr Inn iiauntoa de guerru, flnanxiiB y IN TIIK COITNTT Cul'IlT OK Kb PA HO books for entry of inter- , curn y alfalfu a precioa de herldna reclbldaa eu Tlerra It "la equipped with METAL MECH- .i. tune 111. gobernaclAn. 10I NTY. TKXA& eat to December 1st. ISIS. un y un a, Ibun toiiio puaiijero. ) m&a bajoa la iludad. Be vendu Vn proyecto KtiBEItTT NKIUU de ANISM. All air chamber are RIO GRANDE VALLEY BANK A y IN Alirlni .1 IS H TrAfUii. fue preaenludo eate to positively ctitnpru aauudu. Uverlaud efectn en In hoy. I.iib dlptttn- - of metal which TRUST CO Cainpoeli. Tcierono t. Kl geneial Benuvldea dijo: CAmara a.NTOINKTTE "dWYKK et ul) by climatic condl-ii- . "PU4a doa eprohnron em- - not affected the f Advertisement.) dei ir que el Irfifku ae la medldu de un by ..r paet i i ,Vy .ns It haa been handled for the r.M i.i. i huata Torredn pura el del orrlen-te- . Interior de (100,000. al rlnco aagTloJlgwel out f tiie ib por que '""t IJ yeare by The Bl Paao Piano Co. Special winter rales. Hotel Angcliis. tuplx a au proclo. Im fu ealA i.perando deade To- ilonto. deberA llenHrae Inme. of Kl Paao Couaty, Texaa, on a Mexico unqualified guarantee I'A'ijl. juato and y Kate ea el primero de lu ment rendered in auld court un the their Win... i. CO. nun 40(4. rredn haatu fonchox. de alll a It. The "Metal Me. h Li. 111..- y May, 1811, In of atanda behind ae Irubuja. yu aerie de ctneo, al el ' rtX favor the Calle Bur Blautuu. con cuudrlllaa "obert T. Nelll. and the aniom" la a feature controlled by U. pura que at- abra haalu Chlhuahuu. fnngieen uprueba el pedlmento del si l OMI'ICA Todn la linen paru lu feeha Indlcada - r"mo'" z per- - MJL .,. y ae nbrlrA.' pura ,,,m numbered 3419 011 the docket of Almacen Until notice no candidate will be permitted to poll more M.i I., i.i.t ''TfsySil further uriuua i.:i n.ui.i. rxr,r"i:'rrel poder - 1. I 10.000 dm aeguuuu muno. M. Mohr, (V Los treiiea llevarln pnaujeroa. innnecer en aln m&a formall- aald emu did. on the lat day of votea on any one day than will place her ahead of the leader QUIa Bur y ggpreaa, yendo eon una dudea. December, A. 1 113. at 12:00 M levy of the day before. For example, If the leader today has IS, 000 votea l'aao. fuerte ,ne t eacoltii paru dar aegurldud al convoy. t'uando el pale eatuvo aln Cnngreao, "P,,n ronowing gaeerip trai to her credit no candidate may poll more votea for the Hat to aj 1.. 1. clarivi-denie- . que In panela of land altuated in the County ..I.. uumirable Kl Icrrociirrll Noroc-i- e Tanildeii inAa con el que eat& en c&rcel de Ropa morrow thun will make her total 16.000. luvciuraa giaim 1. uu au tomA BObre l dl- - I'oi tiran aciltiudd ae nntu en la llnea lluertn .1 la arbltrarla I The d AntoTnu DwyaV CHRISTMAS GIFT ENTRIES. , oompiau artlculoa -- ,.n ioni,, de tocudor. mi. i - s .n. , v t loa puen- . '" " ;to it. All that certain tract or parcel 5e toma el dinero Conatitucio-nalista- . Su PL aln. auiViiV ,. I. .. W nuevn Congreeo 1 Entire City of El ten la Via V h.i. nlurlllaa !... rerlentemento of land lyina the founty of El Pas District No. Fmbracina Paao. 10..I1 uprnbd an Eaquina de las bh. imttUAH dlavipulue que uabieii una Hi. 11..... care de QuxmAn. Callea Xdds Tltua, 00 Myrtle sve nue ... .113.19 I ra permltlrA que si..- - depHrtamrntOB larly deactlbed hi followa. towlt: Sevan Miss eapaftoi para Inotrulrloe en ei in punto medio en re Ju&rex y Caaua Overland y 'El Paao. 01 Portland . . . glfa. t!4(4. aenn conducldoB por aua proploa and s (7.124) aorea within the Mrs W. It. Stevens, 30a,f Teielonfeae al iidmero Urandea. Kl aupc rlntcndente de la di. Jefea of what la aa B. Creel, 415 Upon avenue , 441 d Hegdn In preecrlpctdn ennui It in boundaries known the K 10. vlaldn t'hlhiiiihuu ealld p ,,arn Jonea tract. Yaleta Grant, Rl Paao Miss Ruby Hadlock, city sanitary commlaalon Z1S, 4(4 Uafioa Turooa 406 N. Oregon. t'hlhuuhua an UP tren de earga para iVunlv. Texaa, and la of laud E. 1T2S Boulevard El Pari l.l., ( atoll, o. unit the Sambrano & Son Miss Bllile Kyle. ....lll.t lomar la direccldn de la mi.i, deeded to O Buquoi by Abaaln Muss Anna Leach, 111 Sun Anto nlo street U4.167 clOn del in. fueru de Chihuahua. Ullr el eleitn nli. .lei pa M i a e .i l'u,,,nl.i wltc. lillrn I'umnhrv. be Kelly. 711 Brown eiraet 16,7113 ;iii AOn no BumlgfUH ratAlico n el Cungreso ha aldo ginning a set on the aoutn Proprietors m... Julia el movlnilenlo de hum at atk Miss Garxu. 30l Magoflln avenue . ... Inducldd ii eoeaa desde el pun- - boundary Una of land owned by E. R. Esther M7 b.N1ja BUi Ml tropiia de Ju&rex para ayudar a Lucrene Apta (.tTK por mat. to , prealdenelal fuA farpenler. the north boundary llae of Mrs. Jane Baker. que ICaiOfaa de ojinagu. La Iropna se eat&n de Indlcudo H Western Union Tel. Co., Union uqpot vale. de loda claeaa trhe, Mr J Mercer. 1,373 aleniunea, linoleum, refrlgetadorea. pri.t'eyendo de arniHa y parque del eTc d";7! WtSSS, "I Miss Sudle Samuels, 201 MIIUl street .... 17.(4 Uasae abora mlamo. Phone 401. americano y anldrAn p'robablemen-l- e inr u.oU'r;i , r,i mlnuiai .linn. Miss A. B. Loosley. Loekle Hotel !7.1 (Inrcla. del piirtido, en Hal ,1,,, TEXAS PUHN1TUHE CO. de poena dine. Ju&rex contl-1.0.- 1 Jefe v of ai. .nit's i.t. varas t Every Woman Mr Glenn Goodwin, 101 Magoffin avenue 16.417 g tl. que 77 .. V Mtoso-ir- l Kl Paao St Iranqutlo y bujo el regimen mill-la- an eetuhu convencldo de la N degress and mlntitea W. V Holler. 411 E. street 11.411 44 M ' iBterested and hould us Margie lata dlepoalclone por neeealdad de que el pais ealuvlera re. 17 0 varas to a stake aet on the east & Hotel Paso del Norte 11.161 ItBPCUl Alii IS SI buat dadaa el Ss! rtiPi "4 know sboul tin tvondsflul Miss Ursula Gutters. un un hugar. general Benavldea no ae h.m olvld'ido gldo por un dlrtador; pero crel quo boundary line of the County Itoad tne Murray. 711 E. Boulevard veAnaoa Trnrmoa loa in- - N. W. corner Survey; M. Mark t.ttl mejorea lugarea n In aua at deherlan ealar aujejloa a la of thla thence 06 avenue . ru punlo venta de llcore. .Mi K Marel C. U. WilllaniB. Mesa ... 6.14 lotea en la eluded Hey doe eutoe a aprohaclon del Cnngreao. Ill degrees minutes along said SS uoucne eervlclo. T11UIN K A County Boad 141 1 versa to a stake; Embracing All Territory Outside of City of El M MAX I 1 District No. 2 PaKi N'u. I sllio llll ItTADOS. thanes S II degrera mlnutea R. Kdiflcio Morgan MenHjl' I - ii la N M to along aald Cuunty Itoad 41 I varaa to Cor Q. Matthew, Demlng. de oflcinu de t'nrreoa Be "En la Ciudad de Mexico " nl en a set tne. n. w. corner or Aak your draggitt I J Young, Alpine. Tex U.J CLABKiS laquiu 203. dan ftmm para que i.,s stake lor II, up Mis Mayer ...14.140 I'uple de ropa. toman I mon-.d- s Survey; thence N. (1 degrees 0 irrtacnnot City. N. M in rli nun,, se Lllx this Ir lbs I4ARVKL. Mr. Ethel Allan. Sllvar l,83a y venden muy barut... minutes Kast Ilk varas to a stake, no oil. sr. hut B. Pagan, Bli Je la Prensa Aaoclada N 4n ob E 12.0 Mrs G. Port .. .11,470 de laa callea Overland y El Pa- thence varas to a ataks sand stamp (or book .M. d. Ulobe. Arbx . Paaudeua. Cat., Olciembre 10 set the B K corner of thla Survey. I Mse Tereau lioua ..131.17 THAI it 111 UVK SA141AN, so. (Ad- for E. T CutnxoSAs, N. M Nuevoa puaoa ae para obte-ne- F Kumhrano and Son, Props. N 1 4 Ca. 44 234 II. a Knadjr. 313.734 Bl conaul Kduurtfa ealA han dudo thencs II degrees t minutes B. Mi. de JuArex la llbertud de W. S. Windham y vertisement.) varaa to the place of beginning, ano on Miss Efflela Currle. T cumcarl, IV 160.104 galrandii in dt que lua autnrl-dade- in.iiifiH J N. Dunn, veclnoa de eat a eluded, the 4th day of January ,114) being alra H. M it Big Bpriuga, Tex 110.731 dvpurien de pi llu don loa y first Tuesday of aald month, be- - t Cot .n, Tovtih. Tex. deu nldua par loa rebeldea de Slna-lu- BRiLh the Miss Myrtle 14.711 "bunruea" aineiiciinoa ipjr uu I vecl-I- I por la t'&maru de que an tiws tween the hunre of 10 00 o'clock A. M Miss Ruth Lout In. Vulcntine. Tex ... 14.711 u loa t.'omercio. nd 4:00 o'clock P. M. on dale DR. ' vludbd tatafan tourtolu. telegrnflA ul Bryan aald CARL SMITH Miss I.ol.llie vford, P.oswll. N. M ... (1.17k abtiid.indo loa tranvlua pidlendo aer arcrrturio el (Adsfrilsemoott.) al the court houae doer of aald bounty. T menaaje: I will offer for aale and sell at public Sseabsllal. Kiith Odesoa. (ulaa paru moalrar lua nolabllidadea ... . , .... Unerue I . , A T l, N kl into "Nueve dlaa han paaado y nad ae1 Or Bbeet. Deatlst. tia-li- kfiiVe Mg. am tion for rash all lbs right, title and Dteeaees af las LI vat, gtoeiars. . .. 71.13 del lugat. ion eatna prelextua W oi nwyer Bos, I.. Keet Kdwine K Moffelt. Alumo..rdo, N. M 71.147 de au eulie de S Wlndhnm. del lliterea, ine ssio Antoint.iie am Kidney, and Mias ... dineru. uriut ami laa Hunet, Naclonal de fomarclu, que Soldier Indicted. In and to aald property. Bladd, r Treaimegt Flactrlr and Mra. Henry E Phllllpa, Marathort. Tea. ,,, t 76 uuejaa que el Meglrisat I ha recibldo cOnaul en Mexico por An indictment agnlnat Joe Qulnn Dated at El Paso thla Ith day of Hours te 1. ta Miss Margaret Illckersuii. La t:rucea. N. M. ... S7.ll lo dricnido reaeate. nr. A. D. M. a ente reapei uh wto a laa charging criminal aaaaull haa been December. 11$. WT a.m.. .,i n Mrs. M. O. Blacks. Tutoros. N . . . 43.(17 pure dlenlemente pedlmoa quo ae tomen PEYTON J. KIIWAHDS. as aulnrldadm que exputoen a eaoe returned by Ihe grand Jury. fa, M - Erost, Blancu. Teg nuevoa peine para conaegulr an liber-la- Qulnn Sheriff of Kl Paao County, Texas Hsttie ... 4163 ilellc Ininedlutamente. a anldier. and waa given an examining n s (kmSd, Deputj Misa iorothea M. Relnburg. Canulillo. T. x 3 190 trial In the juallce court Ihe . t KVKDO El prlalonero era gerenle del ran. olhr IMC! Ol day. Vliaa Carlota Mayaea. Pruvsni, Jiiureg, M xn I. ayudanie Da- t ho Qulmlchta, de Teple. propledad II street. ... U.J.7 de B. Hulcomb. Jr.. II B 16th atreet. Rlchm do por la pollute del aenador americano Tboraae R. Cha. Ind 7.0S6 t l lunea y l..e autorldadea Bard, olro rlcm caliroroloa. Dunn luiidla Organizations Entered in Gift Campaign for Cecuian Player Piano. 11. ca au Mi. io. Haco elgunua lua dtoron II buraa aeinanaa Drauglion s Buslne Collage. Kl PaUKi, f, Windham remltIA un el Or Paget. Dentist gob A Sax. Texas .317.1 para aalli dad. Inmedittla menaate en Blg Chamber of Commerce. Iteming, N. M poblacldn que decla que retubun detenldoa .1II.0K8 - 1. O O. Moos. Silver Clky. fuer-iag-ira que a pedis un Garrett Btoajaeb loteetloea later- KM unlr a in la reaeate de I&.000 Dlaaasas Ml Roberts Baeo.r Bldg W. O. W.. Tornlllo Camp. No Kl Paso. an. Carranxa ordenA au llbertad ha- It. Tex... .11. mf O. K 8.. Alpine Chapter, No. S 17.467 re diet dlaa, aegdn un manaeje SAOO de Releases! on Bond. El Paxt Fire Depurltnant .317.34 bre Hlpuleca de ilariiioalllo: pero nad a h aabldo Manuel Kodrlgurx. Indicted by Ihe Movae, que lo doa LOO. El Paao Te .11031 no II Kdlflclo de americano bayan aid., grand Jury on a charge of burglary, Sunahine Society. El Paso e Kreea pueatos en llbertad. waa released on bond yesterday T.. 14(.03 in tbe Ton sis hereb coninta ntted. that by Miners' Union. No. I. W. W., Oiob. Aria, IS sua of 110. A A i N. lit. I I. E M 'err M .231 467 Ii... 1... H. lo... Null. I. tseaka in a newspaper printed i V Ei Paso, Ike Cart aa (Tab etsslte LONGWEU'S ii E Tea 144 706 Lor aieinAn, U II nil, 1,1. Bn "La Ciudad de Mtsioo." alma-cf- i Jala TRANSFER Lodge, No. 41. ropa. ae notlie to alt In Frontier Ii oP.. Big Sarlnaa. Tea .17 II:. de Ionia la moneii cons peieoua interraled the P O B Rvawadi. N. M tltucit.nuilat y a veade loda class T" Acoounl rtnal Settlement of said a . It 46 JSr fr School Midland. Tax '.'.'.'."I'.'.".' . fi.lo-- j de inert ancles a precioa muy cAmo-d- rrtssfffj"- Ratals slid nslgaallon a Ousrdlse kateestabllas. Hacaa. I vary Hn ." theisof to appear and contest same Alameda Drove W. Kast Bl Pa so .'. . Raqulne de laa callea Overland y A Busrsxs. lbs A ode atojsjgqr fc.ii.' si. Ban If lhay se piopcr. on or before the T.u.k. The Ctagrcfa of laimacaiatu u ,,. n . Bur de la Ai El Paao. E Baiubranu and Son, Props Hot ashe bjnlted a y Light aad Heavy Hauling. Chur.-l- 1741 Iraab box I S natal I Temi llll. of aabl uuet) Union Valentine. Ta . 6( 3 ytiajncui.i lAdierltoeiDBUl.) ; luornUkf at o'clock ui lbs Co ait. couiUisntin aad U be Uvldaa al W. O. W.. Cs'UP 31. Ciiftou. Arta. . t EL P! rhurtday, December II. 1915. Some More Letters to Santa Claus From Good Boys and Girls

a a I bring ma soma nut candy and orna nr Him ctawa My ruar rarHves the books. Jack and the bean stalk, indrella. send me doll hurrr. pair or skates same a nla book or sawing box have no and El atnmtng Tttm l that 111 ttny paper doll furniture I warn Tom swtrt and his air fltder. ball and randy and fruit, and I thought would sisters ..r bmthera living, but I hate one frnlt. Bdith WoahVar ro iwl rNt he yon At E. Paaa, Tax prt or 11 paper In which you ay thl rmlt, candy, nuts and rruit. I want you football sun, t Inches around the want, a tall yon about my little alster ea aha ran a Merry Xmaa and a Happy Maw Year ster and two brother In beaten. II you Itfl Roulevard. r.l ynu will give pr inapt 10 every tatter you to atvn everybody something, too. I am big rack nf randy and nut, aome palms not write; want a baby doll and ell I will rloae Hoping y.n tin bring m haven't any toy to pare. ir you need them sh Daar bring ma a run. receita, o win ill you whet I want. I etfht yaara old. Your loving mand. and a paint bonk named Mutt and Jefr by andv Aa aver, ynnra. I will cme, wish Cloy nun. knight all rnr poor children that won't have muni Santa Clan Plea vnt two wheeled hyelele and 1 llltl lour bud risher, and Cothlola Athletic Ateortlon. ing you a Marry Christmas and a Happy Christmas, you don't need to mind sanding horn, drum and soma sokltari. a fir angina, iirmabra. randy. I eiprea wtssra I can rarry thing In. I am Smelter, Pino. Texas hallon. riaahllfht Mam. lantern ami Dims. New Year. Ida Ft. Dalgndo, 701 Mugnrrtn ine anything. I wish you a marry rhnstma a mm and tome nuts. rrHlt and II year old (M In IIm third grade and I go ante Madera hi. Oeorge Dillon. Dear Santa Clawa I am a little girl eight and happy new yaar. rmodhy. your loving alan wnl a funny story hook. Rring tries yeara I Ml K. Boulevard. to in Clirton rhool anal this la all I will Pear Santa Claus I am going to tall yea My Pear Canta CMwi: I want you bring old. would like you 10 tiring me a rrlrnd. lance Dalrymple. Cheler Woehler. ISS I doll atory book I forgot to tell yen I have a baby wrlta you lata yaajr. Don't for art me m what I ant for Xmaa because you are I'eai Santa clans- I would like ror you to a flfura and randy and a doll pretty. My skates stove and a bed La Crura. It. M. r. inglv your. Lao H Santa Ana. a dear old man and you never have ror briny me a pair or shoes ror my doll ami age la I rears old. and my address am glad thai Christmas coining. Your lter and she wants a bahy buggy. r. O. Hm 7M. cnrton. Arts. trot ten ma. an briny in a trunk and set the number la alt, and a little dreee. I am Soled ad chat aria. III Thlra St. rrlend. Marion Faulkner. Daar Santa want a Dnll and a trunk. I or randy, and Yowra or yaara go to Laa crarea, N. M. . am a llitla girl seven old. hopa yon Dear sanla Claus: For Chtiaimas I want a dlahea. and nula rmlt. a nine girl etyht old and a a pair of Dear ftanty: I am 10 yean old and I iu trdty. Katharine Oalitt school Youra truly. Pnmpusa Cordova. Dear Santa claua- 111 write you thla raw will coma to sea me Your friend, doll and buggy and rredle. vary Pear Claws- J ror my doll a llttla tn Meileo. Lait yean' Hanty waa I01T S. 11 Kl no I I want Santa am a llltl girl tan Box Pecos. Tax. Mary l.yfle. skates, a violin, hone, Miami W. Main, Paso. Tat. lines to let ton what want I lt. my Plaaae. food to ma. Thla yaar I want a now run the tallowing thing, a born, nuta, train, yeart old would like for you lo bring doll tnve and a for doll. a hat and a bait, a en with a track ma a lorkat and chain a doll a camera a Dear Santa hope yon will hrlng ma a Myrtl Ave. Margaret l ane. and tin Dear Santa: Plaaae briny me a llttM auto- Dear Santa Claua: A naual we will be cannon, randy and fruit, any thing till and station and a nice little watch ami riri, automobile dolly a Hing a Bracelet a ael train. I am a little boy 1 years old Your mobile and a horn, candy, nuta and rrult. glad to see you, and I am looking forward yon want to give to me. Thla all for IBM chain Will you plaaae aand ma a fcnira. of doll dimes a pretty drags a Ribbons Roy. Jack Lytla. Dear Santa Claua: I want you to and me I am ft yaara old. Youra truly. 10 I yon time. I wish you a marry Christmas. pair I ran not think or any thln alaa, an I will the pretty girt hopa will briny I lire at Moron. M. M. Ulan, lie k'nlfht. box Tax. a cowboy If you wood. From your . vii-- David Oantt. I II. Peco. Milt aand you Iota. Hopa you ire well, becuso 1017 mta. me here the thing I want moat want a TOt Mafomn Ave. Charles Melton. menu. Jamas l.awiea. I II curly If you we won't gal any loya. Yours big baby doll want lo nave long near Santa dors.- I read in Sunday Daar Santa claws plaasa sand ma a Me ain't I or S yaara I b h gun Wyoming 8L reapertrully. Pa trick Howard Pynch. Pear Mania am a little girl hair and I would like a doll bad and aoma Pear Santa Clau: want and paper that you said that you wanted every fnxey grtndpx book and a Indian suit being I am thinking or you all tha time, I a or row boy pants. I Illyh Roua. M- 15 old and Candy and aoma applea. Ooodby, eword, want pair girl and bog to hare a t.hrltmas present thai you was so good last yaar thai I all Santa Clam: I am a little girl II a want you to me a doll and a years I want some and Dar and brlnf Your little child. r Lancy. am tan old. randy I nnly want one thing, that la a big plalr I will ask you for. I am a yaara. old and I you most. nuta and Daai't atory book years old will tall wht wnt doll buggy, randy, mill. fruit. Be aura and bring ma a piano Ilka my Ant Martha I don't some marbles alsn. Your mend. rollowmg I nt a big doll Balpb Pyaatt. ha. They ra a the forgat me. Youra truly, Pear Santa Claua: I want big Doll tblt ours truly, mean a toy plalr but a big ladlei plalr. Frank T. Urummond. hair and brown ayes that can go 1917 ft. Virginia. Caroline Oantt. Ten with brown Ysleta, Taiaa. Hf Xmaa and a Poll bad and plaaae bring fterond St. Pougla. AH. daar Santa Clnr my name I Rox M. eroa. Tax. to leep. and a at or chin dishes. Rrlng Mama aomallitng and nady. too. I am now K.telyn Eufke. address H07 Migorrin. something, too. She g I to month old my little tter dear aanta: plaaae aand me a row bov Dear Santa: am a baby Mo. 4 target Your Pear Santa: I wtah yon to send ma a My Dear Santa clause I you will a a living at Brain, to don't wih year old. I m. your rrlend. milt I was eight year old laat aunday I and want you to bring me rattle and Oliver. gin you Ilka to tend ma. I will be satis Pear Santa Claus: I love you to sand tna now a engine and car nd gun, nibaon. Muriel oantt. mile ciri. Zena murh Altura Park, tl Pao. Hie have a little hro.ncr year old and a alster rubber doll. Youra truly, P. 8. And plaaae bring a alory Book. fled with any girt like playthlnga or any- and I think so much of you. Mnw please randy and nuta. am a llttla Roy. don't years I I01T orrer girls mrgat me. I the 3 two old live in clarendon. 8. Vtrfinta. thing else that you tha boyt and bring ma a doll and a little piano and tome Santa. rind this on mnrninf Dear Sanlt Clau: am a little girl yeart My la yaara. My I I Marshall Tartar. Dear Santa Claua, care Times I would be of El Paao. aga aroele randy nuta and apple am a girl ti tun. Your truly, Simon I tell yon what wnt. want a Miami. old. will o aa want tome . Dear Santa Claua: Seamy your kind offer- glad to have you bring ma a aull of close. addrest Manuel Melendex. year old. with Iota to yon Santa clau. Utile doll and a little wagon. Rrlng my ing In. the Morning Tlmea that you would I am a poor little boy yaara Old. I have your dear Friend. Jennie tktnsalax. mama and papa omethlng. loo. want a dear Santa Clause: I want a Poll f raal Ilka all boya and glrlt 10 write you a letter no father, and mania work to feed ua. and Dear Santa Claut. my dear Santa Claua. Leon (it., v. 330. Daar Santa clause I am a Utile girl. I iory book about you. Thl I all l want, tall and a doll buggy and a pair or roller I am fnlny to write you and tell you what Will you my aomething 10 care Morning Time: Santa Claua, plaaae want doll and a sat of dlsbet and candy (loodby. I remain, your mend, bring brother I skates and a bicycle that la all I thank you I would Ilk to have. would like a wrlit warm, if you please be la I give me one gun, one big wagon and one Dear Santa Clause. want an angina that ror my brothers. I have two more llttla Helen Gould Olbson keep him soma play ror this add in the paper. Your little walch and a cameo rinf and a bicycle yaara old. Prom your loving little boy'a, train and one drum and that It all. Your run on a track and nldirr and one, ir you don't forget them wa will Altura Kl Pa". Tex. I cannon. My Margaret who Is you Jacquex. Prk. rrlend. Hatal. basket. I think that all would ilka this Jamas Benton a Joe M. Benton. rrand your dear Ruparto Marin. little sister thank rr it. Franca Clarendon. Texaa. P. O. Box im. Chrlatmaa. Thankltif you and wlahiny the and tyar St., room 7. ick would like a doll with a pretty dress Miami, Arlx. please don't rorget me. Lincoln Park. Manxana St, care F. Lopet buggy, you can plaaae Dear Santa claws Mommy Time and ita emplnyeea a Marry on and a doll ir I or to you liafora now but I Grocery Store. your Truly. would written Dear Santa Claua: Please bring ma a Chrlatmaa and a Happy New Year, youra My Pear Canta Claua: I yon remember u. Sanla Claus I know you have bean very sick with the earache, hul at want bring Whlltlnglun. IMS Wyoming St. Pear have been tryricie. a little train and a utile bahy truly, Lucille M. Lyon. me a hear and a a Russell good lo me every xmas. I thought would cured ma now I will lell ynu pear Santa claus: Plaaae briny mo a bahy horse and a ball and I g yeara Dr. Camp has biunpa doll. have been a buy all Kl elephant am old. you I Tor I ma a little trunk food :ti W. Wyoming. Paao. doll with real hair. I have a little brother and a Cadlnn no anld In Dirk write and tell you what want what want. Please send year. hardly I No 13. I am 0 yeart tha ran wait until Christmas s yaara old. Will you please briny him a elgrk. My age I years old. My address Xmaa. want a doll trunk and baa, that and a pair or red shoes ror you my Lovingly, ror you I a they to brlna me Ihlnra. Dear Santa Claua: I would like wagon horses, please forget Cayrlano Juaraa, Ul Third St. Dear Santa Claus. care ""The Paao Morn- all, a doll, and also my part or tha inl- old and a pair or rait storking, rrom your Claude Powell. a wiih don'l little mend. to briny ma a rootball and yale prnnate. truly. Hoaarlo Jlinrnei. ing Times": write this leiirr rir tall yon and and rrult. Marfle Lewis. don't have any here Ml Prospect Youra that I Ilka a passenger soma Cuervo, N. M. Ancr Rutb Drummond. ir you plaaae. Yuan truly, P. o. Box Ml, Clirton. Aria. Dear Santa Claua. I am a little train atory loon. Jennie Hgemlro Cordova. boy thraa yra old. I wlal you would hooks and two skates. Please sard ma ff Box Sri. Pacot, Tex. Hear Hants clans I am only H years old raao, ran you. am year. old. My i Dear old santa chins pleas send me a tittle SI W. Main, El Tex. My I you 10 .Icaaa bring ma a rocking horaa and aome ll address I want you to bring- peace to Mexico hear Santa Clans: want bring HUT V. S. a Xma-- and andy. Lovingly. Waller Ferrel. Overland St.. Room had and doll to Mornlnf Times. Dear Santa Claus: Don't forget me or ir my Dear Santa not visit thai in a blf doll and una piano and one stov Your Diend, If. M. does I 10 yaara old and Parol, Tex. Box :w Salradnr Vldal. Tularosa. l.ala Fields. I wani a tea set and table. Youri truly, country, plaaae briny Inaplrallon or Pear Santa Claua: am ami think you will. have twelve yaara Cleo Kcliey. I nunc- - want ihlesia, Tel. Mr. president, want a pretty hit or Flrt, old. I waa In tha lyntlu School, thla is all. I alae to Wilson, the that dear old Daar Santa- waul a Utile doll and little Daar Sanla Claut: t want a locket and a will rauae him lo awake to the fact that a bait, rlove ball. Mark train auto motor- your little prlenet, Tomaa Miranda. tanta claus please sand ma a doll a a big you to a B. B., huge and a little an a dre..e and Utile dnll trunk and braeelat and doll that has human hair Mv daar Sanla Clatu want bring are that are cycle, Street Car, Pop flun and 1316 E. train mile hyslrkle. oranges I condition! awful In Mexico I St nuts candy und apples. am a and eyelashes, and want a suing hot and me a big doll and one machine and one keeplny a lot of Ida talbjeet on tha tramp vim Plalol, Drum. horn, doll bugyte, knir. Utile girl old. a hot praruriu. So hy by. one I t year! of tamper and one home for dolls and country. marble. Harp canoe. want one thtng, Pear Santa Claut: saw in tha Morning IM brown In ii" Pear aanta claut: Juai Times you St. Christine Williams Ralmorhea, Tex. Ylvlan Webb. and one piano and one stove and mm. Merry Police suit. I a McBrlde. that would give averv child that rtrie. Waller Dial one dog and one desk or books and the chair I Bear, inn Home Steam you a latter a present. Vm one I Hear Santa clans- want a Kewpie doll, iberlock Valentine, J Dear Santa Clau: want a doll had nd Daar Santa clans win write to ynu lo or the. and one um- ror Skates, doll air nip. Text. or the children. Tha bast or all. I want a and this dress doll's a baby doll and. aome rlothea It. angina. lome dlahe. doll's nursing at and doll dremier rnr 1 lei .vm know am fatting along alright I 7 St., No. blf Arrow, toma pair or pants and a brella. Mv age Is year old. Tlra some clotbea ror my "other doll, too, a box transparent picture, Box and Santa Claus: I read your kind otrer-In- rap and shoe and llttla baby doll to In. long mrr Inrhet want a pair or kid gloves and a ring. hope Mary Miranda. Pear stockings. That's all I rtM, and my name it In lha Kl Paso Time that you would want. Byby. Santa. irs n we will all have a nice tlina Christmas and Yours sincerely, BUI C.raanwood. Cyrene may gal I want, so tend a present to every little girl who William what will close. I want a big dnll with you W0 T. P. St Yours truly. t. laity Dear Santa Claus: would notiry you. Dear Santa, will Atkinson. a pink dress and hat on. Lois or little rork-- ; enrt me a baby doll with real hair Dear Santa Clans. I wish you would aand Nfl I'era St.. cliy. plaaae Pear I Iny chairs and little piano, a little doll huffy my Josephine and Mary, Santa Claus: am a little ylrl three Kdgar brewer something ror Chrltmt lie DO NOT ROLL OR FOLD and to little kltera, yaar old. I ror my dnll and a bed ror her to sleep on. a baby doll each. would like to have tar Xmaa live In Duncan Arlt. his parents are very Dear Santa clau: pleas send me a dnll plea sand them a doll a Sanly, don't forget Jim and Ionise. ..or baby la s yaara old. and a huffy and llttla sal or poor. Your loving mend, and a mile bega. Nornlng limes la 1 year and dishes. It Is all ror thla Margaret Rlltiugsley, lilllo glti, Ruth Kspy. Fort Davla. Tex. Pray every night to you will not forget ua. time. Yourt Duncan. Arlt. Tularosa, Tax. Susana Fields, truly. Flnlsa A. Uallefoa. pleas sent me that things. truly. Anita Alrarei. I you Youra Yaufhan, N. M. Box SS. Dear Claua: I am a girl 4 Dear Santa claus want lo let know paso Aborning THmes p. Box 10S. Clirton, jtartt little ror Chrlatmaa, Ubc El a AH. years old and vary Poor will you please Dear Santa Claus: Aa you are so good and that want an automobile jilt! a one ror mama mysair, and Pear Santa Claus- Heading your Invita- send me a over coat as It Is vary Bold and kind please don't rorgei lo bring in my little and I a rive years old and wich that you to bring me. am boy tion tar Children not over 13 years or Aga baby Doll an a set or dishes and randy and ctirlattnai I shall be vary happy ir you anything else that like me a Donkey on Christmas E. Overland, opposite tha CHRISTMAS GIFT CAMPAIGN Santa Claus sand l partake or lha presents, I nuts I am your mend Juanlia hi. mem please bring a doll anil a piano, and Please call al Manuel, ojalavlx. lake the nia Thanking you very kindly, your morning. plaaae lo write you In retard lo same. I ion St., No. Kl Paao. tell you. ton. that the shoes that you hrought lire Italian. box sm, Clirton, Arlx. am a scholar or Cloud cron school. am me last year are worn out. and would like de.i mend,- Frank Webster. eleven years or age and I would appreci- Dear Santa Claus. I want you tn bring you to hung me a new pair yaar. That I ft. send me some Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl II ate your present. Also am deslrou or re- ma a toy piano. am is all I ask of you. With love and kisses, Dear santa Clcus Please a steam engine Organization Division. years old and I aw your name in the n ceiving anything rrom Santa. I would Ilka Rlanrha llearn. I. as Cruras. N. M. your Utile rrlend, itheT Perex. Christmas. want horn and randy and a rocking Paso Morning Time some inters to you to have a Koadar, but would he IM s kansos kl., Kl Paso, Tex. and nuts and some plcci hm Willi L. Stevens. telling what was wanted. I want a doll, a with anything he may give. Yours lov- My daar Santa Claus: waul you in I am seven years old. Good for ONE VOTE. a 18th Douglas, Arlx. doll buggy, a work basket and a pair or ingly. Ellin East. bring me ir you please a little ireln with net St., a moving mlttana. I will aky goodby to Santa claus. Box 05. Clondrrofl, N. M. machine and picture machine. luar sum claus: want a big baby doll ia all I want you in bring me becaus a I a horn, a set or Dear Santa Claus. Plnate send ma a Doll A little rrlend. Ooldle Odell. This and cradle. dsn wani I you came vary poor this year This mid and Ruggy and piano fur the doll and box For Balmorhes. Tax. think dishes some nuts and some candy and Pear santa cutur I am a girl nf g yean is nil icll yon, Lorem.o (lament). Plea bring ttsMtt to or and nut. Julia Sleveus. Nssifl of lodae. Order, I'rvrch ar school Void after Der. in. I jrrull. old and am a good ylrl. wish you Kl I Douglas. Alii., lOd IRth St. Santa: enclosed these letters tar nd Paso, Tex. aiiraine Wuehler. leg boulevard. Pear me a doll ami a tea set and a nlca piano. p. s ror got to tell you had a baby my little brother and sisters tar you. You Your bring me anything you want to me. rrlend. Catollna Hamlrez. My dear Santa clause: saw at tha sister and she wants a baby buggy. Urnr sunia Claus: lieaso sand tna Christ- can Michigan Ave. you going a engine drum and a SEND IN FLAT PACKAGES Yours trulv. Hobart Lytla. im times urrice thai are l" gl'" mas. want a steam and I girl I some candy Box US. Paroa, Tex. preaetl! am a food Utile have Dear Santa Claus: Plcsao bring me a baby train that runs on track, and Daar santa claus. plaasa sand ma a sol veai s old and I want a good present Hood doll, liens,, bring me a cradle. Please bring and rrult. am twelve years old. Dear Santa Claus: read in tha Morning dlar aull and a rifle and nlca pony Wall by Santa Clause, Ysavel Cordoba. me a funny ttpry book. Please bring horn rank U Steven. Please send me one gun and one santa claus I think that be all ror this time. Virginia Street. 4H. South. Please bring me a doll parlur sal. Please Address l(i:.a tstli St., Douglas, Arlx. Times. ;ll:fif rootball. I am yaara old. Michigan Ave. Krederlco Ramirez. Morales. Arlx. lilrardo Oreen. Dear Santa Clause- For Ihls Chrlltmtl Santa Claus. plaaae bring ma a box want you lo please bring ma a mile piano orIar and a big doll Dear Santa Clina. am writing you a let- domino and some marbles, thla all, and a trunk full vr dresses I dear Santa. I am 5 years a big buggy and litis all for this ter to h i you know what I want Xma. old with love and Hilly snow, care Mrs. I guess you hate enough loyi wnt n big doll, a box or randy and a box W. Snow. Maxilla Christmas or stationery and a story book. Wlahlug Park, H. M. BANK nappy new year, sand me lha thing ask ror ilien in lo STATE NATIONAL you a merry Xins and or big doll ask you truly. Lora Kelley. l'aar Santa Claus: Please send ma soma bring me mos all lha yoljra thing j.iii want, any thing to be ror a girl ror am a girl or yr old. Truly Youra, Ilox tat. Odeaaa, Tex. I f:stbushi:i Ai'iim issi. will be pleated to anything you will send i.lll Park St. oriiiaiiiiaiis. me. My address u tt kSOO.OOO.OO I want a doll and a iih st. CAPITAIj, BURPIiUS AND 1'HOKITS Pear Santa Claus: I you in Kl a and a set of Carolina Rodrlquei. Dear 8nt clau: her ate doll carnage and little sinvo I hope you will come lo saa me. a little bed. Wishing you a Pao. dishes and My dear santa hero I you bring me a Jumping dog and a cow xmas, yours viviau aeuey. rlaws. write liease Interest Paid on Savings Accounts happy truiy, ihls letter so you send roe a lea sat and a Your little girl. Dorothy l.ytle. Odessa, Tex. large bad and bahy doll, and candv your box 118, Pecos, Tex. R. MOIlKlt KAD, President. JOBKPII MAGOFFIN, V. Prf, Truly Itn a year old. Elolia n'melas. uno lTFrary rOffllf Dear Santa How- arc by thla time? clirton, I a ten OFIO. FT..OR Y, ' m aVraham Lincoln saio: is complete clans: Arlx. Dear Santa Claw: am lull'' cirl N. BASBICTT. Vice I'realdent. r. Caahlar. S3 WITHOUT TWO CERTAIN BOOKS THE BIBLE AND IrtffllX bqpg rou will roach Three Rivers heroin yens old. I live on ine miiiioui man i I,.- U J. OILCltniST. Aaat. Caahlar. .11 invM will Would vou Hear Santa Clause- Plaasa remember ma hope vou will remember ine rhrislmin and 'rcj fiffljf please brlnf me some candy, nuts, a little wiih a luilsy rifle that shoots rahhols, noma liriiur me aomethllig would like to have 'bugfy with a Utile horse and a eled I want candy, rrult and mils. Hrlng Sister Mary a red one. and pleaae bruif me aorne other candy, a book called Hornthv Dale The abova Certificate with five oth rs olconsecutive dates mill- ibinirs Well. I will close, roodhv. and another railed KMse filnsmores cjlrl grjgl Three Rivers, M. M. trthur Relrhrlt. hood. I am 10 yaar old. Your llitla friend, Entitles to tbls $5.00 1 Artesla. K M. Mildred Doss. r bearer No. a. Illustrated Bible presented al Timet Hraorb iva leva. St.. or Branch l Dear I would like to have a MrCoj. a HI. test K.- SI Santa claus l.oSbj of Motel loaether the St. .mourn thai cor- toy pistol and lour very small boiea or Dear Sania cjause My parents are read- pistol and a hag or candy. I think that ers of Hie limes I sw your dd In tha ft all four! truly, ltewey Smith. tlmea want lo tall you In sand ma a Mtairal. I want a llttla present ror MAGNIFICENT C"ce illustration in announcements from day to day) it Three River. N. M. a re tiieinhrarire. I am year did I have a bound in full flexible limp leather, v. ith overlapping coven 3 I brother years old ha wants a llttla ILLUSTRATED in Hear Sanla Ulaus: am almost year and title ttamped gold, with numerous platet are want a little old present with lota to you and your wire old. lluw old you? your Utile in color trom the world tamou lisn.t collection, together house with a woman in It. a drum and rtiend, Ernest Rill. me UlUeae Las N. M with tlx hundred superb pictures graphically illustrating lo my angina and a nlggar boy Crura. Christmas soma can Gift a the P, - Remember rill my atorklnga. making plain verse light of modern Biblical a on a board that will roll. ei and and the in the and horse My little brothers name la Jnnnle. Olay I1C1 knowledge and research. The text conformg to the candy. Thank you. From authorized edition, it with copious Three Hlvert, v M. Kenneth Dennett. Hair Santa Claus care of Morning Hinc, marginal reference, mapt and helps; printed on thin j Amount Daar Santa: I am a little boy or two years near santa Claua: am writing you a or age bible paper, flat opening at all pace. ; hramifi'l. read- - (g- VCPtHSE and could like for Xmaa a big X letter and will you give me a Chrlttmas Toddy bear and a hm e nig ror me lo rido able type. Sis Consecutive Free Ceitificatc and tha present. will be very thankrul, and on Ha back that will be all ror thla year am writing ror my little tiller, too. And I'M arrald you will not htva enough ror says aha wants you lo give her a Candidates! The $3 is exact! the same as Also Edition Catholic the some many rhllilren wishing you and the $1 book. earrr,t in an for Cbrlalinaa present, loo. everybody else a merry Xmas Oood by ILLUSTRATED th atvle ol trnidn Through an exclusive arrange mrn', we Avarel Lane, Vanola l.ane. daar Santa claus. Mromedr Orlego. hicfa it fn ailk cloth hive tirrn most fortunate in securing the I83U h Rio UratHle HI., II Paso, Tex. Vaughn, ft. M Rnx aw. BIBLE Catholic Bible. Douar Version, endorsed " a maps. I 7 by Gibbons and Archi.uhop My I want you to I a big rockay (now srdinal) Farley aa well sa by dear Mania claus: Dear Catita want horse I lha one a pair taddy a 7 various Arcnbithops ol the country. The bring me a bear and clock and and drat big bear and nice kitty of shoes. I want oma nuta and a box or nu.i a doll buggy and an F.xpre wagon Be of page You the lull plates Victorious illuatraUons consist Would and mans aooroved hi the Chutcb. with candy, and pleas don't forget me. Thank- and lot or candy and nuts oranges and out th Tisaot .ad teat picture!. It will be distributed in the same bindings ft the Pro ing you kindly, Uregoiio Miranda. apples and please aand ma mamma and oooaa asvo at taa same Amount cspeaae ltcma. won 10c ntcoiiui tec III.. It., id 81. papa tola or Christmas things Santa claus flam is bring my jraiuiiimtnei tots or tinngi Bowk by Mail, 23 Eatra iar An Cat. Dear eanta :iau I drop you this few sanif claua bring my dog a hone. lines lo let you know what I want. Hoping On iiei city I. line I W. Iluall Ir. thlt will reach you In good health. Please - o Hear Santa Clause: fluni lorgel me this Compare These Schedules! hrisima. Your rrlend, Aurora Uarcia. Ysiala, Tax. Dear santa clans I want a big foot ball ami soma jack straw and a Foxy tlrindpa siory book alto hone and aeroplane and soma root ball shoes. From This Sra e Will Be io Effect rom This Scale Will Be in Effect Until Morning Times Harold Johnaon. lirai Santa Clause: Don't forget me tiua December 13th to the C ose Saturday, December 13th Good frellows Club Christmas Your rrlend, Itamoua ailvat. , Tex. 1 HI Till Out and Iianiah tin- Empty Vote New Voti-- i id Price Votea New Vote-ol- Price Ktix klu;. I am a boy eignt Mar Santa claus little I gubacrlptlon tUO 200 I 2 Z0 I Month' Hubaertptlon (00 100 f i.20 Secretary, Good Kellowa. years oM I liare two llltle brother mm a Month' 1CI i.i... Morning Tlmea, II tie sister, onu of my brollois la t yaara ( Month' riuhectlptloii i.r.oo 7f 4. 20 Month' Hubacriptlon 2,400 1,100 4.2 I.I ami the other aim ine ..itici is I Kl I'uao, Toxaa .n . . 4,00 l.Cou a 00 I . t.OOO 1.00 in., nibs old and my i.uu- 3 years. They Year Hubacriptlon Year Hubacriptlon. 1.000 have thla family Inveatlaated . Pleaae ui. write hul plea.e l.illig IIiciii im 2 Yeur' Hubtscrlpllon 10.(100 (,000 16 00 2 Yaara' Hul.w rlplion . 16,000 7,600 00 and If worthy place on tbe Good Kel- lldiig I bope I will liava a present lor t.OOO 00 . lowa Chrlatmaa Cheer Hat; t sin.s- - My lime oroineis want a lau.a I Yaara' gubarrlptlon It. 000 24 I Year' Subacrlptlon 26,000 12,600 24.00 of Kamlly candy loo my Utile sister want a 4 Hubacriptlon 16.000 12,600 22 00 4 Years Htilii rlptlon 16,000 17.600 22 00 Head big doll ami a buggy ami a pair or Year' nlca tnoaa no. n ror ror my baby 6 Yaara' Hubacriptlon. 60,000 16.00U 40 00 6 Yaara' Hubacriptlon.. 40,000 10,000 40.00 Addrraa brother a wre mi t beU and a cat' and a Number In Kamlly... i. ice mile Haulier, ror ma I want a u. vi- and a Utile aiiioiooioie and a train and a Boya' Nam and Agea horse aal gnd candy oran, nuts, sours rlitcerly, cobto Ltvatio tilde' Namra and Agea T. P. HI., tl Far, Daar Mania ci.wa I want you lo bring Thing Moat Needed.. ua a ball and a atory book how ay your I Saturday I'aindeerr wani you to bring m Votes giua Less After Ramarka am well ant nop you are well loo "ant you to bring late a pair of rkaies a fooihall and a airship bva m Law Crucaa Nam of Informant.. iwi hop you will titil my hoiue in la. cruea I am glad that christniat I com Addrea iug want wheel that a boy can ride i: yaara old. Much love to you and Mr . "WesJaTM aaaaaaaaaa: VIS Telephone Number..., SaeMa Clau. Your llttla rrieLvl. raulknar vvilliauit Hurry!

a pi city djea a 14 EL PASO MORNING TIMKS rhuradfty. Deeemlxt ft. 191).

WEA T ARE YOU GONNA DO WITH JT? --By Goldberg. I opjrlhl. IBIS, bf R. t, UoMhrrf.

J Arrest Xbuwd ( peoPtc tewtbcj . f th stone AsiA ;TfJ?nve SCHOOL- - 7I BoV-- 1 think, ill A , op AMb I ,, Pt- - LZ svco,evToM vCfMMbuc Aetfc r erer t.ou o i V f Qo "TO MK3HT SCHOO ill k -, ' X rx-- r- O- Yh ) CAM wOWr J

,fcS you cam Mof-yrirr- ; I f I 'vAT ( MO AIR KUST OF MATTRGSS Ae N ? w CKiMy evieftr $57J

- Sfte Times' Classified Ads Find Ready Christmas Buyers Advertising Rate Card Pcraonnl For Rent Room Housekeeping Rooms K0MuNB MOUSES A B C OF EL PASO Hiiy I'.l iiicii Ju. HElt Jacobs candlea, '.made laat 0 nltrbl," nt Tlu ulgbl," at Time Branch Mo. U. 103 room bouae, north side .$3:10 Pxlnona, Ilestanranta, BUY HElt Jacobs candles, "mad laat nr.v t.i s f. R Trina at. Texu at room bnuse, north side . 400 Barber Bhopa, Pool Halla. uigbt," jtt Tlmea Branch No. u. loo classi t lit room bouae, north side . 00tl Texaa at. le per word Inatrtlou. a Grocery Stores, be per word encb 7 Iiisertinas. TMH BEN I.I.I A MH IMn-IIr- Agency. UOUkUUWi-l- boo MB la ear old black 11 rooms, rent g3.". 1.00 per month, luveatltfjitlotia ntade In rlvll and crim- north of Maaonto Tempi. 1001 N. Bl lit rooma, rent tSO Hta) Itnoms, Fists, Light Housekeeping Booms line jotr 4UU. th you. od, 2H inal caaaa. Tfl Mill Hi. In l'boor - I'aao HI. 20 rooms, $00 000 For Rent. No taken for Iran (linn cents, and NKWI.Y ftirtilabed and decorated houae- rent U. L. Haulel Euru. Co. Pbouea caah iu t the ordrr. M - e In MiAMi: RKKBO, 1' I'aal, A BARGAINS. Display advertising on classified Pg'. .. oater FEW OF OUR n ARHWAB2-- and Guns, new or second-- nd fntiirr cettln; nt Nntionnl X double price Duly outline tyie permitted. II. .tel. .'in Kl Paao Kt.. over Uljoti hand, bought, sold or exebsnged. No cuta pcrmltlrd. 'I'lienier. Hiirtafarilou 1,1 til IT buHiaekeeplug rooma, clone la; A. Yuite. 400 s. Kl Paso. Pbone 1040. KUarautecd. Houra 415 Hi to lit. in. children; no doga. Upaon. Pbone 40S7. YOU USE The Times' Classified you CREEL & GREER IF are aure at reaotta Pol Light iiocmkbekpino i sieeiy TIME1S BRANCH furnlabed rooms In private family. U. NAVA 1 make good clothes; make (.UKK.V 51 A V. HAWKINS IIUOS ' them right here lu town ; make tbem reitillnita uttat to fit you exactly aud Horn nil wool OFFICES One M I, fnim NICK, newly puiured bouavxeeping auttra BOO MB furaUBad fur light bouaekeep-lug- : Such Profits! only. The price la uot very high Fat Ibt conranlenea, of In palrona very raaaonuiile. gunny Houtb. I'bona no alck: ao children. 1201 N. El ettuur. 121 Cblbuauua. Tb Tlmaa malotalna offlma Male Help Wanted tWU Tenia at the follonlat ulanai UO1KL CABMEN, 2n Ban Krauclaco. KltttNT room, fiirnlahed for boiiaekeeplng. Lobbr Holl McCoy; lob Teiaa 8t.j Newly furutabed. ltuuulng enter. Bum- im, liable fur Koouilng ltuuae.) with EMt lliur B.aud, rorner Taina and mer mica, buc, ..'.. aud gl.UU. u million mill'!- uf territory to draw froni. ffyUUYINU. Btorage, Trauafer, Packlug Mma aTenu; lllRhland Dm !or, t'UKF t i hih, tntnlna enmp 7;. HOIHKKKKPIM; KOOMH. close In. 601 Slice, to Hermau Trsuxler Co. McBln-ne- y HUhlaud Hark: Rati HI l'nao DruB ti wire for dairy iv. i;itMMIIKll N luTi N. Oregon. M. s;i Phone 4U31. & Cobb. Ph. 253b. U15 N. Cnmpoell. St. .re. Alanirtla at:et llotilrrard hotel, M pfj ,. Store,3ll Uuularard aud Klorenrc It. It. teniuntera, aerapcra. New Meil..., HOCMKKKKPINU BOOMS. 1001 K. W. W. Lewis limit ll.Ta fris- fare 8ta. mi. J.t; Bokrvar.l - Hie lending The only office where they louu Vol: money to buy a WITCHKbL, v one Healer the with and tnkan ai.i. I'AVKTTK llOOMb, IIU Milla Ml. rOH liouaekceplug They bave a Haudlee Rooming Ilonaes ONLY. The Inrgeat list. clean, bast Regular Went ada auharrlntlona SI Hun ITmadatM Ml. Kal a hi inked IUU4. block from 1'. O. buc, 7bc, l par day; HUNT rooma. staff that QUICK, up weekly. n02 I'paon Phnne oDD7. They HKI.I. Foil I. EMS. 20v. New niaaugeuieBt. Occ- aud CARKFLM.I.Y NOTE the following partial list. Note the low renta and realise idental Cafe. 105 B. Stanlou. Wong Mou, HI. I, M.MI. 417 N. Btnulun. Hot and cold Two Kienm healed hotiackceplni; rooms. tbnl these are the licet location In the City near the Poatofftre ALL of these Prop. week- 22T0. from to 100 per ceut per annum should Immediately. water, free batba; oUcsfl.Ou day; Phone tiny aud be investigated THE TAILOR. All work ly. ISbfifll upward. Kany terms on moat of them. Ralston, Mt'KI.V ftirulalierl holiaekecplug and the premises. Suits and Over- Mlenoarruplirr, New Mel Ice. MS) lap. UOVKL em ionic. 311 K. Uverlund. bedrooxnx nmb aoaaaetlun. ,1s n. coats $20 to $50. Phone 350. 217 Mills. boy, New Mexico, H r. A ; tilcely tin nisi.. rwiuia, moderate, gl.txi Oregon. l. Jan duy up XI SUNSET EATING HOUSE Better than ihwaaber, New Mexico, IfiU, r. It, uud to regular rooinera, aud Rooming Houses all the Dinner every day. Luucb .1,. fO per week, muuagcmeut. Mra. HolSKKKKPINt; rooms. Cheup real. Arlionu, tl, r. & b.i cbaiul.enimhl. uuder uee for Rent. Itius. Rent. Prior. 108 Mary Craig, proprretreaa. rliouo 424b. couple. 11)17 Hun Antonio. Itina. Prlci Pile counter, short orders. 8. El Paso. 0 $50 $ 4i $1200 $1450 HKti. rooma, icreeueil porcbea. Ph. 0070 II .V, 030 1500 7 1MES WANT ADS get results. Let tb 12 00 HTSJ 330 050 ":xxi Classified Columns get you buyers or 450 000 llil Jaai rent your rooma. I. l KI'lt.MMIlKH room. BUI N. I.I I'aao. Hpeclul 1050 130 WANTKLI 'I..-- reverberulury front Business Chances 2!W CLASSIFIED E. iii 100 2100 SE THE COLUMNS of M. II klnituer one In oil ft. III :i H. ciperleui cd flrlnu AND MANY Tbe Time sad be sure of reaulta. n preferred ; m be competent UI.V OTHERS K. J. li to lake HElt Jacoba caudles, "made laat TODAY 0 ROOMS, Opp. 'barge of ablft no bouaer apply u. luO WE HPKCIALUUS Ave.. 'ANT TO SELL OR TRADE anything? o..l night," at Tlmea Uraucb No. : 10 rooma Eaay pcruiiiueiit for Ibe right man; KOK NICK, cleau. viulcl rooma try tbc at. t$50Oi $25 monthly also San Aiifniilu this, dial Kaaex Ho. Oregon; 1 block Tenia ma. $050 uud $9 Roc II witt(i' M.ti pit 8 bottra. Apply to Ooaa. llolel. in.;, Columns of Tbe Times snd get results. II. O. 2U4B, FORGET 1 444. K Ariiona Hiueltlng Humboldt, Aria., from I'. I'boue INVESTMENT PllOPOHlTION 12 room UONT l'HONE C to IM, uoo.MlNi; EXCHANGE. TIMES only when th occasion X 4 HI aliitlUK fully untl glvlug ref- - ateam healed bouae; walkltig dlstauce; P. HtirsK XTRA A II O. B minutes; lot Box2tx); room for 40 It II t rooma; $16,000. 9073. more Pbone Creel CAN RENT y aut rooms if II 1. N1CKI.Y fiirulabed room Iu private at tlreer, 421 Me, opposite Water Co. YOU. K .i Sale you us Times' Want Ads. ' nice locatlou ; rutea renaonithle. office. Rooming Houses for Rooming Houses for Sale I'boue U27. yi.MMlK. that wise weather ywl on tba m I l 10 bALK Large Hull Uerrlugtou data BUY HER Jacoba randies, "made laat " MKX KKKI' t'l.KAN Hhuve .V. Il.ilr cut ua good u new. "We Can It Branch No. , U front page, says you needn't use Times' I'll Shop." night," at Tlmea Want Ads unless you wsnt results. Frnerna! inc. II U.irber Colleg.. Kl Ml Mvrtle Ave Texas at. Want to Buy ROOMS AM, KINDS ROOMS. BZ pAMJ l.aUUb. NU. UU. '. 4 Hell, trade or rent 7 We bave all kluda Wanted Buy flrai aud LEWIS KHEK INFORMATION BUREAU. uf In rooming houses, to u.guli.r ulug to lueraaaa rapldl) arowiug bual- - PRICK Rooming llouae l.lal Low rates. averaged over $400 per mouth clear for FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE propositions bualnesi W ibliil Wdimadaa of i,n ucaa hike inmltinu In uffb'r ua liens. . past five mouths. Address P. 0- Box 870 chances, house, lots, valley lands, rentals, or clerk, I. Ilk., etc, Miittci.. Apnrtiucula, l" luaua. Insurance, etc. BUY "HER Jacobs candles, "uisde last urer luteatlaailou Itnited. Write, PRICE phono, i.i If you uicuu bualuesa. If you don't, don't Tb Time nulntslns np town Autoiitobtl to show ulghl," at Times Branch No. 0, 105 v. B. Warn. w. H. typewriter. M Come around. Phone OOP. branch offices at 105 Texaa 81. Teiaa at. K Molgun. KM. and the McCoy Hotel cigar tiro Tauipla eotnar Kl ITRNiTI'RK aud hardware store for sale at Uaonlu M'KAM HEATED rooms. Oil N. Saulu Fc. Stand. You can place your Want WANTED TO Anything In house- Mla.ourl .iraau. WANTKU Card writer for dopiirttiieut at Involve price paying well In on aubacrlptlun mi l aao and atore lie I'lione liliu. Ada, lire your and hold good. Bio lirniid Co., Kallef Hoard; Uoura. work iiiiini runld. Apply to Arlsunii in ill mm town of 10t)0ii; very low pay bills braacbea. Furniture Ma.nlc wlmlow U - t 111 st these 407 N. Oregon. Phone 800 in a ... lo 12 to. irlmtui' r. I'opular IMy o. I l.T ROOM I'nrunce hi nt I'hoiir :541 rent: center or town, or will set oue-- For ft, 7 p. iu- Interest mauage It. W Rent Houses ine'tliiK rc ... lo rtgbt party lo Y fall Apply Kl r STEAM heated loollla; close lu 327 W. 1'. O. Box - t El Paao, Texas. WANTED TO M Hood paying suloou, nd olid third dufrtwa. . Mlaaourl St. BUY HER candies, -- mkI ball, cigar store, or grocerj. for U WANTED Ouick; party with $200 or $300 rooming house, near post office, Jacobs made last cosh ; particulars In letter; i I O. 110. B O 1 U INTH1) A working night." Time Branch No. 8, 10S stsle ftrit l.t as.. LM pHrttier. Iu autnll Nlt'KI.Y furiilabeil front rooma; cluai lu. to li.,.. for movlug picture coiupsuy. doing: food busiuesa; owner leaving city st mean bualueaa. Answer al once. Address v.. rerlewa Tloiraday t j"V lllilUUflielllltliu I. ss r; N Tesna at. vr in 'M, Mil Slnllloli Call or El Puso Film Co.. 725 sod will aell at a bargain. Addreaa HI, J. W. 8.. cor of Tlmea ) i t..ll Vlaltlnv ln.thr larUert to KHt write MRU f n t gplial reiulrr.l: prefr Texaa. Salary com are Tlmea. FOR RENT BY HAWKINS BROS. uiiiii wbo caa Imt uecca-nr- . WARMEST, fineat room lu city for uieu. and WANTKll apot a l.ep hook. uol 560 141.1 Rio liruude. 8 rooma $43.00 cash five or Hii Miiutira.luiiiig Uualueaa, I'boue 377V 5 it., collage, dandy ..$ si. n...... are of 1100 1411 N. El Paao, 4 r 22.30 modem furtiiahed or '1 in,. - CAFE SOB 0 II.. trnnsTeut, rem $40 mo .. lie - ONI FPU NiMH room: UP.' Arlsuun. RAROAIN. PHONE 500 531 Copper, 4 rooma m otherwlae. Muat modern uud Ell Cafe aud cuudlea coinblued, good place, ti R., $35 nil., bargain ...... fRi.OO dale ill all Steam heat M UKU Jucol.. .undies. uiadv"l WAKTKIt Kiperlen. eil fur Phoue 2IM2. Cull III the mumlug! 0 It $40 In .. 550 4000 block L, I...'. 4 rooms uew .$30.00 ..tnlnmenl. lilt "Muiea No, u. io.i Junltor rrut only $40; good location. $054). Phone rent mo., close Ireaa. Phone :r7S or 020 N Oregon. mi; nt. at Uraucb aoaae i 11 It . son 800 W. Roulovnrd, II rooms fur. auartaiem uinat un.h raiand FOR UK NT rooms, near South- rent $15 mo., moneymaker ..$73.00 Takwa at- - sj.,,11, Furnished LA ROE LIST AT OFFICE. second-ban- Apply in in. & Murr, .ut western ahopa. I'boue 1235. 510 Plfdraa. 12 it., rem $U5 mo., uew. ace tbla... .. noo WANTED to buy toils snd Him Antonio XL FOB SALE Cheap, bakery 15 locsttou, .. 1400 H 3UU a. . M m H i n. Mar. ig with good U new, beat boat guns MOHH. El Psso St uiaui MUb l.' I.AROE FRONT atore trade. Addreaa Mborty'i $0 R. transient, bean Iowa... .. 2700 FOR RENT. VlnVI ji4 Menu I'boua. WANTKll Men I., learn ibe Iteilauraut. bm. U Ar barber trade. Douglaa. Aria 27 R . all barguln .. 1450 IJ'il Boulevard, r. fur... $!si.iai nngea iron the loola. diploma' 4000 1411 N. Kl Pumo, 4 y XTjOM given lrt, 33 It., hotel, rTiuulhR water .. Wanted to Rent aud bl Tiilllott ralea cut. Kl LEA VI Nil CITY, will aell rooming .nil Kl It., $175. bargain .. lftSO Hit N. El i'aofl, 4 r ... 21.00 keati Uraicii K. rent tUlC i'aM. llarber College, Mt Kl I'aao. hoarding houac at 1 block Hotel cleaning $liaal mo., wuut II KlUg'a Iligbwa) an. I'arl. WANTED TO RENT Sll or 7 room fur- V made laet li,..... north of track. Pbone OTHERS. HERS. nlabed or hiHise: best of til llbilt Juioha .uudlo. I.AKOK ROOMS U13 N. Florence. fraEiii :ojuo. OTHERS. Ol aparnaeni ulgbl," at Tliuea Utau. b No. b. to.. Heip If you want to sea the bargalna i ud get See me for REAL ESTATE IIAROAINS. 3UI Sheldon Hotel. Wanted Femaia Hotel si, .a i by 'i rk a a at, ' i A N'T baai playing le your money s woriu caii Phoue ii27. "TT f l ' Vol' the aildlea. niada laal tlona, Ilpa, ratluga. aya- - FOR RENT lleaee' kleauu el Ibe laUlug h.wl ulgbl.'' at Jlmoa Uraucb No h 10.', Special Notice Katmte Agaala l Kl I'wae. tems, etc You must use t.iislueaa met bulla 13 room bouae on olive St. : 8 rooms Second Hand Goods ilua uiuiuoii us.-- Addreaa Lewie, furnlabed furniture can be bougbt very CO. U lis Mb Are. New York Auto at Yoar Bervlce. Phone 523a. AUCTION SALE OF EMIT III ANUBlinu.s I'U.LBlt Ui.Al.Ti AM'l:i Chaiotierinald. gig K. Mlaaourl. litj cbrap; will give leuae ou this for $03 Soturdny. I3tb. . oiumeu. Ing ul 10 1 aad a limil.i It.Og srrnmeiTTaVorg per month. 'at V, About $aoo will buy a amall A RAROAIN Furniture of 0 room bouae: a. in. All of McKlnuey W'Ti:i Cook for foailly of two. licit ulgbl,'-- ' at Tlmea Uraucb No. lit furniture. 4 room house. II. P.. $30. ..ills furniture. 1.. stoves aud bualueaa; very rooma all rented; price $450; $35; aud Cobb and Storage on Camp-he- ll of wages not pbone: apply 1IHI7 repair low rent 4 room, $20. Transfer rant; baa made over $125 every mouth ao ageuls 810 Texaa. ft, El I'aao St.. hi., between Mlaaourl uud Wyoming WHY throw your old away when 5 room. River St., $32. Vi St., 015 N. Cauiphrtl. of U. R. furuliure alnce It opened good reaaon for selling. WEST Jast north H'A.NTCIi W'oiuuu for general bouae wa ar kHiestlvely Ibe blgheat payers for 510 Overland St.. or I'boue toss. TEXAS REALTY I'll track ou Caiupliell; don't ml a thla tig work. Apply uioruluga at N. Mania second hand furniture aua houasbold no Capiea III. I. Phone 1173. (.iron. ire sab. Tbla Trauafer ami Storage 0UCUO atClil tlTBB Vt 11.. Li Paso New nad Svcoud-llau- Htore. ROOM1NO Hot si llouae Is ebanglllg loin. Is Will be fcnuwu to I'boua 311)1 4O0 B. Kl I'aao frum now ou as Hltlle Wllllaiua Co., Motel Mbaldou Bulb I'bouea .vii:i Keal and bouaekeeper, Board and Rooms $ M. N. aide $ISU; 15 B. rent $50. $ln0ti; Dellv wbo gJbuoti Uilrroogba Addlug 0 N. side $335. 13 K.. aleam beat. XI30H; Trauafer. Storage and Auction llouae. 613 and thoroughly uiiderainuds Dokui one mucblue. N Bl M A. COLBB a Bit On Bool Batata 4 auly 11 N. side $7tai; 22, ateam heal, uew $luO;'l.i'll Ao. lion aaie us f Block I'boue IW aud bouaewurk Apply at oni. I'boue only Usui moutaa for at bargelu in ... a u. Taauranre. Moralioua. fur cash 510 E. Overland. 10 N. side faei. 25. lona leaae. $1.5tSI: For Sale rVTucenaneous piomplly st 12 N. aide $400; 32. rent (125. 27oO; I V CHEAP- - A uew Jewel base and 15 N. 21, $00, $1400. UCAftM HKAl ciillur. hair burner side fflOO; rent candles, faeiurlug, waxea paid Uaauty CON.ALE8CK.vr HOME rOB TUDBB Rooma. Flats.. I.. 11. keeping Rooma. Bl II HEB Jscobs "made last I'aluier'a at Tlmea Uraucb No. 'A 105 aV V. UAMMBIT BON Bbop, I0U Bau Antoiilo ITLOSIS tatcrtug lo poopby wbo deaore CREEL UUEKR. uigbt." Block rn high ciaaa crcoiuiuodatlon and careful Phone 5075. 421 Mess. Texaa - at. For Rent Unfurnixhed Rooms Hauiiocti nursing. Z uitlea from city. Fort BUsa car Situations Wanted BULL YOl!B FURNITURE fur peases door Telephone 40bl llaiea A FOR SALE Bookiunker'a blackboard. sll lu lit DANDY 12U - r worth Range, stoves, all klnda: bait par week up. u ."uii'leir with eifwa. So. Sao Fran- irrTimTotr-ts- yrTaVt Wsni.... rlsco SI UnuM-- rrs. Ituobnini, le boiea. Texaa Furn. Co. l 'I'liuaa Bo U. laJ g 4007 To REST 25c MEAL $10 Beat Missouri 400 El Paao. I'boue FOB BALE Combination pool kail and THREE uufuruUhc.l rooms. $17a: lights reaiaurani,' seven tsblois, nay and water furnished. 015 K. MlaaoorL I'boue as 10. JAaV J. 1H' restsursut, aoda fouulslo and cbgsr M ..i.i. MM Man rranelae Bt. Kkoaa Staalou Bt. Pbone Excellent stsuil, doing good buslnesa. lit ROOM and nleeplug porch for two "young C It. so N. M. WANTKU aa a II Foster. HI. foaltlon bouaekeeper by WANTED All kinds of furniture W men in private family ; good lioaru 2714 I..' - to Salt You... For Sale Livestock middle aged widow with a girl T yeara; your goods any PARK Auto pay ao It bwhmI pay more for tbsu firm BBOB A AMiwriM auiall la a bone. I'boue ilia a&S B Bl Paso ford Tboaler HI. FOB MALE IT est, milk nt IBB lu ctt. vretera ROOM AND Hi ItH Mil Myrtle A law Is good BUJT 01x11 laat Co Phone 148. a i payhieula lu reepoli HKU Jacob Furniture iif H 44X1 Uiaucb No. u. Iu.". A KB Ri HIM AND 520 West J Nslious nlgbl," at Tlmea KXl'KHT I'll and office El. PASO STOVE UEPAIUIKti CO I'boue BOARD. Mleeoltr Taxaa at. luau wlahea lo eouuaet wllb rlgbl pao price paid pte. IV O Box ld. Illgbeal for aeeead COLI'MIIIA KLtXTUIc lOK BALK Bar band aiovaa. Pet Stock & PoaaMry Auction Sale gaiu for ass I'Buu saw. WANTED To buy. aril or trade, any BUY 11 KB Jacobs . aud lei. -- xaad cylludera. tblag lu household goods Phone BUY HEB Jacob caudles, "mad la.t laal OKACKKU or Broke aluuluuui hilt UswaW aaad liaBrtiaif MaUnisJ li. nlgbl." at Times Broach . IU or gee raaaa Auy metal (.null tlKNTI MAN lo; g Htanlu uigbt." al Tlmea Branch No. 105 N. crank bnka alaao pur. hnl at- Teiss at. nana ef your car. weldod good a aaw Kl dou'l read uiuale. ulaya Iota of owu cm MY HElt Jacoba cuudlea. Toad last Texai Faao Welding o poallloti. for dauefng Hum partett l i Moaayw to uigbt." st Tunes Branch No. 0. kit W. A WILL! A MS. suet lea eat oatf com pn tuie allow, aulerf ana ala.-- T Texaa el mlaaloa broker I aajU svaryialoa. al auction or private aal. 811 your fuialtur haya I.I All building materials FOB 8ALB Mao! tkvebsso. strain of Ba la your house Second hand aatomoblle Bocks ever akwiwu lu Bl Paao. 2 I a SPECIALTY If you waal le bay of Alau i iiuhiuu baton. 2 breeders snd all kinds of dr sell anytktag. sea car al fUU. b. , IKI.I' BUI't'l IKK Howell Emom.aai lag and fWdiog troagba tor thickens W A WILLIAMS Agaoc, lb Morgan BlaVg, M ml bargain 1'boa 2W Office. Kutronoa of tropica Bids Thursday, December II. 1915. EL PASO MORNING TIMES The Wants of All Mankind Are Quickly Satisfied Here For Sals Real hstate For Sale Real Estate EL PASO CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY OWNF.H will sell 4. room cottage, cloaa la, aarrlfli-- If taken quick. Phen T8B. At CTIONBRM. $1B I AKII gftnm to loan tor balld. Modern 5 room brtek bouse, 2 fall loti, . Inc port aulimlt Mini 4I.LIAM.. .mi.Hoii and PA1 and money oa yoar CURTISS-MANNIN- fencce and stable. TroWbrlAas at- alee vuiK-e- Capias sll tare G III, ; - propoaltlon eat rasas is plumbing work, we only ebargs 7.V an CO. to hm.. o,l price ,. bal- WIIITE PAliEX RKAt.TI Phone sol ance eaay monthly payment. Address i'i hour All work guarantesd. Tel. Mgf 'frowbrldaa, rare Time. Kl Paso Plumbing Co. lt S. Virginia. I Nt'ftltrtlRITKII. l s Hoi si OKFKHIKUS. ' in N TA T CO. U TRY CITY PLUMBING Better $S 2 KM. MS K. T 11, H K I'l., no plumbing far lass. Phono ANN Mil- THINK I Nil or RCYIMI Ul.MJNM KKH a it AH ( amplell St. Man Antonio, mi I v I HOME HE DM It OWN? 334 Anier tiank Bldg I'. O. Boa tM. 11.. on aiagunin. mn tw.. . 4W ClOUt ROOM If ao. drop In and see ua We Mt. M. NATION'S PMfMBINO Ml N B) rant 5j... honae on two aoutb front iltCHSTuN AUl'ilf Ctl Panne STOCKS AND BONDS a 'o, tiiem In all part of the city at prices City National Bank Building. Camnbell St Phnns Em N. aide, rent $U3. Iota on Bonlerard. Price and terma linn will ault you. h Two t7.V41.oti. Eaay ,103 It N. Oregon, rent $30. .j terma. We have n complete Hating of honaes PRONTO PI.UMHKHS. Texas Phnns 10 ii.. on Myrtle, lent new. uux NEW FIVE lltMiM HOI SK and Iota enrefnllr nclertcd from the AbDINti MACMISRa. lOfja Work guaranteed. 607 AMERICAN BANK BLDG u.. do la, mauugsuy tornltarc. 3uu hi pared street n two cleam uf lilgli aonth Iota; the rlnaa illatrleta. front sidewalk CASsfllV ADAMS. .At.iu.V Adding Machines. 21$ Mills 81 AND CLKAVINtl SOMH CHOICE WITS UP TO DAT. In. i'h ua lyaletu nnd mnSINO EL PASO, TEXAS NYK modern In all resprvla. MAKE A SPECIALTY of city real I H l M s Kk aWKKr. - Room brick, 2 full corn lata, larva Price KVaaioti: tm eaah. calate See our Inrgi Hat. praastag, rspa All Local Securities Bought, sheds, feaced, fruit tnees, flow era. la am. balance Ilka rsat. II VWKINS BROS. CHIMNEY s Eufatoves act up re- ate, clow to A, W. kbope. Lot ua ehdw SKY F.N ItllUM IIOt'HF. paired Phun ask lor Joe All Sold and Quoted. Ton tbla. caak ar terms. nicely furnished. Close in. CLOSE IN A roo gusrsaleed. Sous on 2 Iota; every- Will aril ror li" down, $2S li as 8lory Moniaaa. furniture num. Cash Orders Executed in All Listed and thing that goes to wake aa aktrruiely Ueut M per Btontli. walk, Kurrilture Packing. K. M. Bagga Pa. Oik contorts his houn; for ivaa than eoet to I'onld rent out aevernl II WKIXS BROS 1IVI1. kM,INkgkS. Unlisted Securities in I'M id caah. Will ba a lee- - lUISl Bl.ltttf ST JlCV- . u. SbhLL, M. AM. C. Room lire to snow yuu iina. lIltOADDCfs A I.K HAKOV Rl auc United States, American flunk Bldg. JlAWKINS 111 all Irust uuiidiag. Canada, Mexico, Europe.' Ilnnl F.stnte. Valley Land A PICK CP- - (i lota In Alt Vtata. levst, WINII HINKa. All Klnda of Insurance. aollth frotil; ii III of Bllaa St. Cut Commercial Paper. Phone 135$. from $.D) to uall $1n; Till l lieap enough. eaay .Mm- - inig. on. RENT the running Whit and Stand- HAWKINS BROS. ard, beat machine in the world tor fam- Loans on Local Securities. u. . loan, utmost, uua A. uiug ily uae: repatra guaranteed. NKW BUNGALOW, :. looius, nirna.-e- SEWING MACHINE OFFICE. Inl'ge floors, WHITE Inquiries Invited. I; aleeplag porch, hardsood 223 II. L. Stewart. Agt . ., 1:1 Ml elegant a Staaton. Vlfe fixture, while enamel and flnlah: i, ii ih for pnrtlculnr people. Cable Address "Curtman.' Mother monthly.; W A Kl H'.ll 8K. Daughter $37i. ri aah. t& By Buying HAWKINS B1IOH. Telephone 376. r'LUNACJK real hast, EL PASO TRUNK FACTORY New Them ( fur aafcat locution. Positively lower HO.MES- - HOMES, in i 4s Phuse laou. Tltat 3 Boom Nasi a 800 in huouu, rntea. Ball 1034. ; honae. t lot ..$ Tbe cheapen and beat lota la the city Bungalow hardwood :t room ii.iu 2 floora: brum celling, panel lota ison UASUUML Our monthly Hat will quote tin- Bid are la ... 4 rnnlii hnltae 3 lot . ITMI nml nkril . walla, furnace heut, j., STOVE REPAIRING. l COTTON ADDITION. aleeplng .. I room honae 2ADO pilies. hIwi laxt s,ii,- ,f nil In Kl l Went porch. Tularoau St 2 lota. 21 New Only walk from poatofflce, ... . Or any of our bargains STUN EH put up alrad. Phon 702. Texas. Mexico anil Arlnuut. Ymi Htity ohtiiln it free tan mtnntaa 4 room ho 2 Iota. .. ISttO I'.IMLOKs. on tbe beat treets of the city, I'rlcea $300 CHFKL UHEKK. on eaay ll.tlHUntiBelNU tiipy or thka IWt ench inonlli hy IwllIgJMna M tfMk your up. 3071. 421 payment. and Terma rub. balance I'bonc Mcaa. CREEL A ORKEIl. WORKS nnnie ami siMnw, 1. 2, S. 4 and 6 years, par Interest. Mill unit real 421 Meaa, i i - uucaisr. ACME SHEET METAL WORKS After Jnniiary first our permnilcnt ol'fii-- will he on the Call aa ebstt metal coutructors ot all kinds teeontl floor of the new First Hunk Hills. 4. P. COLICS BBO. J mv 411 si Phon M60. M N. Oregon. $1100 Us.ii.siis, 'lexaa 4 room frame, 2 full lota. $H0 UNDER VADtn 1'Aso ii.i.A at ii.. i . i. isWo oau $50 cuali, $10 I'l l mouth. New 5 room ii. ruuusr, $2SS0 bungalow, Autuulo. "tsiaiers in scrap iron, urtl lAI.Isi FOB extra large rooms, full uppati in. ics, uvues, etc. lien 4uu. 4 room liungalow. $100 basemeut, 30 ft. corner. GOVERNMENT III LI. BAHUA1N. down, $23 per iiionth. Will aiiVpt vacant lola or $2000 CASH good note ua first pay- lu block M). Addrcsa Or 8 room. Country Cltth j ment. Ack quirk. Winona Beat It (HOICK j6c. SIGN PAINTING. OWNBU wil l. SELL. $221 HI builium; sites urrauied cryaiaia verlne Near high achool, beauti- pfri LIT Kqulty In acrea valley land la Socorro. 3 room and bath, lot 200. overlooking l.L PASO SIGN CO. Phun 1132. 414 Mesu $260 cash. Address U. vara Times. ful location International Paper IVi F.I Pass Metal. H.. feet deep; pay what you city. Beat huva El Paso. VtATi.UEB i aut-- oux, main apiiuga Ave. Sinus of all kinds. place la International Pump pesos can down; tbla It T Wtnlli crystal 1j All WOlk (USIallUa-- 4t Mexican (Kl Paso buying prlca), tin, near the new Alamo oau Knnana City Southern Mill" buy 2 aoutb front corner lots on 200H Mesa. Phone 2070. yeuin. Gvuei Jvocny Co., tui i, 10..1 Will sell to colored M. .,i Oas Mexican nirreacy (Kl Paso buying pries), IIucco St.. In Government Hill, on car line. lunlo Vallay ...w... 35. Terma. Addaaia 2a, people. Ijehigh ... care Tlmea. New York exchange In noo H.S .NCttlM. KI'KAHMI. Iaulsvllla Nashville Mexico City, 2.TT. AUIZONA 8THF.KT UOMF.. 0 room bungalow; heating ksaUMlit Minn, St. P. a S.i HI. M room modern red preaaed brick, large plant, tbla honae ha( TO TBAHE. LOCAL Uciaa.MltU AUibACk. AUTO PAINTING, $1300; decorating, Missouri, Kama a Texaa.. Weekly Averager. ball, fine basement with 2 rooms, aoutb new featurea, never LAND NEAR SANTA N. M. Reports auu ruuug ot luuiviuuuis, 23 I. ' ' aoraylna. etc. Graphite Palutiiur Co.. Mtaaourl Pacific (Douglas Btneltcr Ouotatlona.) front terraced lot. price only $4, GOO. aeen in Kl Paao. Terma to :t20 acres 0 mllea south of Snutu Fe. Mauibcrs ut tue Assu. 14.41. you. Aauuuai 203 N. Kansas. National Biscuit IIS'A Copper lalre bnrsi. Good terma. Address Home, care Tlmea. auit J30 with' water rights and (2000 worth ok aACiculiuie Agencies. National 4.11. $2800 of Improvement. Price $40 per acre. i A Mgr. laad Til BEE full on corner, lu part MAURI l i.MAN. Nat'l Itys. of Mexico Id pfd, . 13 lots beat in Artaona, ft room. You Will trade for El Paso property. lleraid Uldg. TAXIDKRMIST. COTTON MARKET. of Government Hill addition, (for pricu could not build tbe house JAY r. h.NU.X New York Central. . 92 and terma address W. K.. care Times. for tbla. 2011 Mills St. Phone 84a M. CLUUSTON. 3U24 Morrncl St. Ph. S2M0. New York. Ont. W astern.. . 2$ AlilU MAUk LlNSt. WJatern .103 New York Cotton, One 8 room, one 10 room Norfolk ft ftp fnr Attovlatrd Prrse on Kl Paao ; cloae In UPPER VALLEY LAND McLKLLAN 1IHOS. Ph. 700. 30U Frisco St. North Amnrican Maaonic Temple. From 40 to 1M acrea to trade tor El GLUUI. XU PHOENIX Nrw York, Dec. It! Cotton spot Got to cara Northern Pacific tniddlng IS.45; 14.30. FOB SALE sell Paao property. la sulo. leave Globe Mall M Vs upluuits, gulf, $470.00. par duuy. a reservations TYPKWRJTKKS. Pacific acre. Wll hi: PA LIE V REALTY. CO. JAY F. KNOX. lime, hours Jaska Pennsylvania 5 acre fronting on County road and t 2W Mills St. Phone S4.V ul uomiuleu liuu-l- GJuUS. Gila Valley loss Morgan Uldg. Typewriters 41 Office Supply Co. All makes People'a Oaa .116 er n rtutii Hue, perfectly leva! land, luloway 1549. amu Mage Line. betweeu LI Paao aud Vuleta. At this prlra l'houe LAND NEAR DEMI NO. sold, rented and repairta. 210 Mills si. riltabui'K. (. C. St. Louis xor a anort tiinu ouiy A40 acrea. Improved, shallow water, Phone 8.12. J'ittaburg Coal 181 Will trade all or part for Kl Paao prop- Oi l ICIA .NB Preaied Steal Car 26 'on- Table No. S3. u 'lion,; 454. erty and would assume aoms Indebted- u mil ii Palace Cur It9 Klfertlve l: Wood. All t. Ovsr- - WINDOW WASHING. No amber II. llg. ness. Heading 13 (Mouutuln JAY F. KNOX. Republic Iron Steel 1 Tim Only.) 209 Mills St gTione 84.1. WANTKD Wiudows to clean. Phone 72S. prd $0 do I. P. A s s.i BUY HICK Jucolia candles, "made lust K I N A K 1 BUnOBOlig. Hock Island Co 13" W. stem. night," at Ttiuea Branch No. 0. 100 WAGON I Aim. do pfd ...s- 101 Fraai North and RaSt, i Tosaa at. Lost and Fouiw St. ft Snn Id pfd - T 1 Callfnrnian Loula Fran :i Uoldaa Btata Limited BUY Jiicol "uiude rtaavbosrd f Hlill coudle. laat $30U). BUY HER Jacobs candles, "made last grain : MOMYK the duiry feed Air Line 1"' 7 Tucunicarl--K- I Paso Local 7; nlgbt," at Tlmea Brunch No. u. 100 103 do pfd 44' u ROOM HOUSE night," at Times Branch No. 0. LhlNE the boras feed, better aud cheaper From the West. Texas at. Sloaa & Iron 211 K IHMi i.ik on Itlu Texas at. than all the rest. UORSKS and Ml l.i Sheffield Steel Copper City Special 7:3(1 nm Grande. Bold H7 4 Lltulteil CIIKAI' HUME. Will take auto ua flrat uud carrlsuxu L and hoarded. Thoroughbred Southern Pacific Golden State 2 :'.1l pin ; room houae, 50 bull for eervice. Corner Overland Southern Hallway 2:'t 0 Mall suit Lxprass 4 :0U pui modern brick ft. aoutb payment, or vneuut lota. Weat Bound East Bound "41 front, corner lot, feoces and atublea; cloaa 7 ROOM I 'KM E NT BLOCK Arrive Arrive ua csuipueii sts. i none not. do pfd For the North and Bunt. Depart. to Atta Vtata school und car Has; a LOST A 0:01) Roswrll 4 .23 p. m. Tenneaaee Copper I'" 5 CI Local bar. HOUSE. 4 (.olilcn gula at ati.oUO; d00 caab". balance aauie 2 atory concrete block months V:00( 1'lcachu 1 ;40 p. iu. WALL PAPKX. Texas A Pacific Ill Stale Limited aa rent. Addreaa Cheap Uwinc cars bouae,. 10O acres of laud or Conar St. u ;o a. m. 'i'lliule J :13 p. m. Union Pacific I65t 2 Culiforniau , 3 For the West Timrn. a full aectlon lu 3ts miles 0:39 a. m. Houdo 12:30 p. m. do pfd 3 Dealing, 11 .43 u. Ft. 10:1)0 a. Realty 3S Mall ami llxpress ;j of to trade for El ui. Stnnto in United State 9 (iolileli IVj to l.i S, W. MO. any loca- For Sale or Exchange 12:20 p. m Cupllau nu m 34 Stale Limited At your owo terma. Paao property; in Itnlted Stales Ruliber Copiier CRy Special prlca and ihi block tion iu city. Give ua your 1 :20 p. m. Nugsl 0:00 a. m United States Steel 6fi seat of library. Chcapeat Inalde vacant trodrri. we make them. BUY HER Jacobs candles, g :.tu p. m. Currixoxo h.oo lll.AI KSMI1 HIM. AND IIIIHSKSUOKIMU Kronud lu El Paso. Sea and Judge for TANDY. With night." at Times Branch Through tare, one way. $10.30: luteruia MARKET. Bis Grande A Kl Hallrvad. yourself. Texaa at. FOR SALK Hoi sea, Fresnos, plows, t STOCK Pas WHITE-PAIIE- REALTY CO. dun c points, 10c per mile. Fifty pounda I ItAMSKY REALTY CO. and other contractu V Implements. (Santa e Syalem.) atorgan Indg. FOR EXCHANGE, baggage free; excess carrleil. Donnelly. Horseshoeing, 410 Mills St. Closlag Slack List. From Hie N ui Ih Arrive. lOUOtl CASH Oil i.i:ss Phone UH9, ouse uud lot In Robert Lee. Tessa ROSW1CLL AUTO CO. By thr AmoMainl Prr& SOU Mcllco Ciliren I lo no .nu (mm and Opurutors. Phone ISO. i; Benta will pay balance. New, north aide, county seat of Coke county, for second is 111 I 18 sis il Paso Pa sal ugr io pui JINK II lls New York. Deo. For the improved, modern, monthly rent $240. Tbe li. iinl auto. Must lie lu gooil comiltlon. Amalgamated 70 North. Depart. pays. Buy D. F. COM. CO. Copper $10 Kansas City and Chicago kind of Improved property that WHITE. SPANISH LtCSSONS.. HTnmvmocrracT, American Agricultural 43 Pa now while owner ueeus money. 702 Amcrlcun Bank Bldg. Ive., Pbuue 3l3.'t. Hlt;hi-M- prices paid euger I 'JO sin REALTY CO. NEWMAN INVESTMENT CO. old bruss, cupper, ruliber, liuues, hides, American Iiaet Sugur 33 bio Chicago Fust Mall b;00 pi Real Estate, Insurance and Bonda. 104 t'orrcNpomleiice kollelted. American Can S$ $1I,WM UK Sun Autuulo Street. do pfd $7 Ranches Galiestun. Ilarrlsburg A San Autonlo It i Make tbla JOUU. Uwuer needa $ 21)0(1 $U0O0 Beautiful ii room bungalow, Allien. .111 Car ft Foundry 43 (Southeru Puclflc System.) caauv Wlll am equity worth $4000 to get hardwood finish, buseutenl. hcutllic plant. BUY HER Jacnbi American Cotton on 37 it. Beautiful S room, 2 etory base- garage, cloae tn, exchange for good 0 'I Inn-- slantial tipturu. 31 From the Fast. Arrive and nlgbl." at American Ice Securities 0 Kxpress ment, hliiw plant, etc. ; W. Rio Grandu room house. Bal. caah. Texas sa Corn ii. under heavy eelllug pressure American Llnaeed 8 sons." 3;.l0pu St. Don't miaa thla chance. $5300 New U room bungalow, Mundy most of the duy, but lu the last half 3$ 101 Snnset Limited 10:00 pi FOR RENT A (he IN STOCK MARKET American locomotive From the West. REALTY CO. Heights: basement, bcuilng plant. f3O0 chicken ranch, fence wolf hour luurkct rallied owing to signs Anier. Smelting SOU proof 4I IUI 17 In ild- - llefg ... 1112 Sunset Limited casii. bal. suit. of acres. clilckeiis. Hist pit offerlugs were going Into stroug NiiKar KefinliiK 101 :;.. in room modern home. South aide; Ings. Cbeap. Addreas B. bauds. Reports varied us to whether Anier 2 i'sllforiilan 4 2(1 MU HUppllca from farmers snowed any decided Allien. an Tel. ft Tel ....11 io Sunset F.xpress 0 30 pill trade for vulley laud. IMi. ToIimcco $4200 New 3 room bungalow, baarllieut. lncreaae hecunae of improved weather, WEAK SPOTS AND Hull-Al- NT For the East. lienart imda Mining Co. . WANT TO III 11. 1.; beating plant. G. V.; aniall ensb pay- Musical t.'oliimisslon house buying steudled osts, Il2 Sunset We can do It tor you. Ws monthly. but shipments from Canada were said to S Alt HUM Alchlnon HI Siinarl F.ipr. ment, bal. BUY HER Hie have the money. You can $3700 -- 3 room bungalow, Rio Graude light." be Again a factor In the east and there do pfd lies pay ua like rent. payment, bal. monthly. at were routiuued liberal receipts lu the Atlantic Coast Line llfoi iilan 0 :B3 am St.; amull caah Texaa at. s( the I .no REALTY CO. $;UJ73-- room bungalow, Myrtle Ara., Canadian northwest. Market Has ncertain, niilllmnte ft Ohio pin llnsactt Add.; small cash payment, bal. Packera took an active hand at buying Appeared Metier Than Muring Bethlehem Steel et Limited .10:13 pm suit. pruvlalons when the market curly gave Preceding Day. Brooklyn Ranlf Trnnaii $;i.V00 Nrw 3 room bungalow, 4 lots, way In sympathy with a decline In the CunadlHii Pacific Texas A Parllio Railway U. amull payuieut, bal. luouthly. RUTH .Mci TROY, piano, pupil of George price of hogs. were forced to cover V.: cash and . Central leather From me East. $,12011- -6 room uindcru home. Walnut Su, Frauleln lu a lively manner. ftp I'ic ('hoaupease Ohio 3 Fast Kxpresg IT'S GOOD) acres near Itwawell. N. M. ; Germany. $4, Buckler Blug. Aso Kllrd Press a Bussctt Add ; will exchange fur valley Studio Chicago (Irani Western fj Cannon Bull S.,"SI put riowlng well; 40 acrca in alfalfa, bal. LIVKSTOCK MAHKCTS. New York. yc., 10.- - There were few iu cultivation; of will oxebauge land. Chlcaso. 3111. A St. Paul. For the East, clear debt; $'IOUii uome. . run spols In market, r. t or valley A. G. Mo- iooui uionerii ioib. seuk todays stock but Chlcaso ft North Western sunon Ilull for illy property. Wyoming close In $200 cusb. $20 hi Livestock. 4 Kip res (1:30 lilalia, No. 4 Stevena Bldg. Phone 20711. St.; Miscellaneous "no be general luovauieiil was narrow. The c.., niln Fuel ft Iron Fat pm monthly. ftp the A nsoi in fed Press n I., .i Oa RM tone, while micerlslu. aim batttt lion $2Ihi 0 room honae. ft. frt. Tularosn lit Kit Jacobs Corn pioducta K. bal. auR or will Chlcairo. III.. Dec Dog- - Receipts yesterday Induced St., El Paao;$20U canh. UK slid sborls lo lake the ft Autoulo property. nlghl," at Tlmea Branch Nu. 0, ."2,iJ0: market dull 3 cents under yesier-dsy'- Delaware lludaon .... MM exchange for San Texaa at. average. light. j.roflt shown lu slock aHtlaa had de i" I. a itio i,. ,ii Buya lola on I. a Dua St., $2700-- riKiiii buugalow aud 2 room bulk. $7.037.ov: All trains suspended InrlafltittrlT three mlxeil, I7.."4at7.SO; heavy. $7. .'si cllucd sharply aud covering operuliuun do pfd two bloeka from Alta Vlata aehool. frame In rear, E. El Paao. 73 ft. frt.; $4U0 alao tarpaulin. G1U $7.23ttT.73; arrange good caab. bal. suit. 7.b3; rough, $7 VuU7.oo pigs. $3,300 caused a number of sharp upturns. Distiller' iiiritia Can terma. Theae Ei I lota ara eaay worth you $1700- - .'! .room modern hone, DO ft. frt. a$o. At tbe opening (he a hole list $:ai If ODOM'S TRANSFER CO. illle Itecrlpts 2li.0nn: lllillkrt aluw, eased off lal pfd .. waaf a bargain, V. A., . El Paaa; $300 caah. bal. suit. ' New do address ; Hy Uaven equalled ItaJow record of TIM pfd 34 care of Times. tl3U 4 room atoue houae, G. V. $130 I'cllvcr It Right. 10 cents lower. Reeves, wi.3o(U.30; ' do 2nd cash. per month Phone 10347 Texus steers. $0I3W 7 70 wralern steers, uud New York Central touched Ihu General Elsrlrl .134 l a feeders, $4 OUU 01. N'orthai-- .134 $7002 room frsmc bouse, good screen- $.VIJU7.13: slocki sod buKom price for five year. Canadian Orsat pfd. ed la sleeping porch, G. V.i small cusb 0.00 cow and heifers, l.i'i i' calve. Illinois Central iiiu payment, bal. suit. Dressmaking $7 mull. 00. i'arlfio broa three poluta. Interborough-Mat- . sins-,- Mexican points 1$0 acrea near Corona, will Receipts 40,000: market ateady to Pstrslsoai alllinfieil alt do pfd BUY IIKII a $4 On mid tbe preferred nearly us much mi the for automobile. Jacobs caudle, "uiade last shade loner Native, 2ih(3 oestcin i No. V. report the had Inii flarveater $100 CASH 10 acres Socorro, County Road. $35 per uigbt," at Times Ilfauch l jmui.wi. ySsrllugs. S'30ai.0O: lambs, that directors passed the do pfd (13 per month. 3 room native. Bl.40ai.i Ati, western, $U 3OU7.0O dividend on the preferred Ruck Island Is- acre. sues aud Wesieru Msrylaud were Utah Copper liimgiilott. 2 corner Iota. Ill ,., Yaleta (2.300. heavy Chi $1,760. OUF.KN CITY COI.I.EGK of Dressmaking The Improving tendency of the msiket Virginia Carolina rbjo acres upper valley, $40 per acta. t on Maaaaa CHy Llvcaisca. fWO suu i snoring, ail lor llilurmatlou In the ianer part of ihe day was ascribed Wubaah CASH. Kl acres, 1 mile Rlncou, all valley laud, complete course. OOS K. $23 per month. 3 room Overland. My the Assecialcu Press In part to the uaexpis tndly good show- do pfd Uli yi lea at All I'rk'os. Why Not Huy $1110 quick aale 0- Hog Receipt ing mudc lu 110.1, Maryland liuugaluw ; cawae In on well Impruved, Kansas City, Dec. 1- niieil stales Steel s ml) Weatern Hoy ,' 30 ueres ChamberUio, ateady B itemeiit of Union Your a fur lirint mas Nevada St. $4,000. IH acrea alfalfa. 2 noma i::,ii; market to cents loner unfilled loniiuge. Wsatara bouae. barn, heavy 7 men pack-er- loreigu selling Influenced VVeaHrigiioiiae Klectrli $100 CASH 40 acrea $123 par Bolk, $7.337Mi; tin market CAN in cultivation: und butchera. I7.5b4A7.72Vj : light. $7 30 f. r a nine Auuthcr factor was con- Wheeling Krt "WE FIX IT SHOP" $23 per month, new $ room acre. Will eicbsngf for El Paao prop-- the a Lak buugalow; 2 lot; oloee to IN DRAIN MARKET 417 03- pigs, $ i; tinued firmness of uiuaey. Call louns Mere $47 Myrtle Ate Kl Fltsu, Tei car and school. $2.tM Cattle Reeeint 3,000: market steady. renewed at 3 per cant as ugalusi 3 yes Tolul snlea for Hie day 720.100 nliarus. Plmai ' Morning Side llgta. lots best suburban 1. 1. lu) sir MASON REALTY CO. real market. Prime fed steers, $ dressed beef and lime rules were higher - Investment lu Kl Paso relate S 13. steers, $o.lSTH (Ul 41U mil Bldg. leers, $7.isil western Hoods eased off uftel sllollllig some VI .1 The future realdenco ectlou. Inalde Ii4s $3 si M ill s STOCK. Phono 337$. per Nu Interest. 7.73: aoutbarn alerr. ."l7.25 mws. priivemeiit Total sales, par value, $l,:is3. 200, ski cash, $5 mo. BLYING GAVE MHMAT .4tMM7.23; 000. heifers. BsJOUU.25: atockers I I.. 'Sab; 7.33 ; bulls, $3 On. (By special Mire Is Tlmea mm J. UNBWMAN INVESTMENT CO. MONK THAN ON$S CKNT and feeder. $3.: ili.t7 lllled Htatra ami ralinuni liond. lost Your For till cslve. $7asjU1I.0O. meir aiivanees of to mudc Oterlork. Blskee.) NUT trder Miieen - Ueielnts O.lsSi; market Illsliee. Arlx Dc. in ( bin.. Ray. PRKSI'I AVE. II. mi r"laiskrd Irregular Quarter Inspiration. Ohio. 4.' ihalluck. (sra aad s MINIM, gTOCK MAKKET. i; It's 3 risuoi modern cottage, lot 3Txl2S; Dos a, W hlU Oats Kensalsed wythers. $1,304(3.23: e .'I l oiiopun, a I Coal, Wood Feed I rooms In rear. Price $420$, or A MONEY MAKER sennits distance 1'rarllially Namlaal. M4NMKTM. good irrna: ualklua Pert W'srlh Lleealork. sslas tlsslag M lulus MMTAI. LAND $63" PER ACRE p $he AssecMlid ' Will Be Apprislated By MO acres adjoining valley. nt to (My apaetal sslrr lo Iks Tlasss frost mar iig ih. Assoc la led Prase CassAdy asalkwrslern Cam. 0a.) Allouas Sew Ysrfc Mel. i. Aiiiaigatnulad Coppsi :o ft a ih land, good 11.1 Ml M III.IGHTS. Chicago, Use. 10. -- bnylag for Worth. Tea , Iter, lo Hogs He far issoclafr' t'rrtt Spirited 101 Aas'a Lsrad A 14 $ room aaoderu bungalow, has, mi nt 1.200: closed 3 ceuts lower. Ton. Zinc Sm ... New Yurk. Dec. lo. Capper easy ; aland-ari- l I BADGER FUEL CO. cloae to porch. promiueul epscbUtore gave a lift today to elms Commercial s aud heutlug plum, large sleeping $7 so: bulk. $7 30B.7.70: llglu. $7.2.'aT.oo I.,,,. spot snd f mures not quoted I The market closed for , site Iianjuou.1 floors; all the hulltlu fea- wheat. sliest i nasvy, au: pigs. Calumet a Arlaona mixed. ootui in, si.ouvii l $11 o7rl14.30. than ture.. 2 full lots, hlubly lluiroved to iy net higher. Com flulsued Irregular, 23 I'uluniet A HeCla Elect rol tic, rstahHalVvd 1S$7. Phone SM. 1 $B..'att $31 23 1 I Owner gruanda: paring, paid This property Is Receipts 4,0IIU. lucluillng PSl cute ,1,1. il Tin sternly, spot and December, ,1,1 ioaer to a Una advance aud oata Cattle A lo,, priced sell: jiood leruia '.'i',. steers slow. $S73 ; Copper Itange Con Co 37.75 la the same as laat uigbt lu a shadu decline. wives Beef lop. bulk. linehsnared t Times $'. 304,4123; Mexican. $4 a3A3 10. itocker 1,-- Unit Cop .Mi... lloll (lllet. order eg court, modern 3 rosai Provlsluua aouad up at a rls of stesdy, atocker cos.. l.oinlon market closed as follows: Uf sl.cts $&3023: franklin i ,1. sleadl I, 03, led. cut to ItaflO for a ijulck sale. Terms $4 '23fA23; calve, $4 2347.0ti; Uranay i St-- ' i. mi to ai aaati 7f starker ousolldaled Futures, 04, As 3d ts salt. Sales to exporters were responsible for I., r .us wsak. lop. $3.t; bulk. $123 Orasn Cauanss easy 7Ht OLD m SUABLE anno t la! SA.OB4ga.7n- Tin nt. III. prospkct avk. houf much uf the bullish erullou-a- regarding belters, bull leady, Isl Koyalla Cupper) - 3 2 i. 7 ...u, brick, modern: lot 40x .'ifcoR); $4 nm 173, heal one boUM sera disposed of a Mexicans. 30iu4il. caliea Kerr L..U. li - gssHi Iron icliilid win ants. IV terma. bushels for It Igskc (If. 7d. "sartor million Lisbon Cupper lead iiliel. $'1 03(1 I Loudon. 17 lis CABSIDY A ADAUS said alao Unit City was sell- 3 Mills SI aaa Kasaa Halle "i'i,. $4 21 ing wheat back to lutrior Kansas for 21 $Ra IHtWN. $S0 MONTHLY sill buy 3 Miami ('upper iUiei. If'. I04J 3.20 Loudon. 21. 3s milling, and that Nebraska farmers call Mohawk 3 i.ooi red preesrd brick, neat uf Colls mated $3 per cent uf the crop lit their Cut to $30uu. Nevada Consul Ids tsd 11 New York Silver. Air state would h fed lo Utcstock. Nlpissing Mines HAWKINS BROS Favorable sesllier tot the Argentine is "il. a Picas offs. t by continued North Butts York, IMS' in r silver, FOR RKNT harvest wa. sdtluu l.iSi- .'.'S'ew II. .37. rh-l- Ihere was -- poor North VP k mi 45 IS07 sous thai las short la, ' i dollar. Art 2: tnsllty, aud of light wolgbt. rurther-arn- old HO Nevada, nances of killing by K. Vlrgi the sinter l. Totals Melal. U$ K m the raoeut freise lu las tail aosn fields Spanish - EngUsh of Chicago wars steadily Uli Ike AntMc4 Prrss ROYAL south aad west 10. CAFE Dec - K- - by On - SI Louis. Mo. laud loser. gl ALITY- SLIiVIl CLKANNBlia heat IS snlad Ills trsdera. the Boflketping StfsMgraphy sprltar ouh-t- $5$9. SALE Mo lit. Ww. 4 other Band, bcarleh gossip i current $33Ss0; FOR aaa Bungs n, nun- p opie room brka hi i all the bulllla tea that ssstrra roada Is tba L'altad Stste ao.rii, r qsslatlsas would loan all the ears reetulred V. DAVIS, Mmmgn I). S. Mm I., Mi SI Lunch I ssalei-Sk- srl Urdus. l.lMlei Yon u ssll, rnl, buy or ex oruer lot Price thla h. ) $7sll arts 1ST gfaia lu parts ii Ually or..N SSI. MlikT. Sajurs any ihJug In luruUur. Usees sod caah. bal. $30 par aad Inter ts assfs Atlaatlc du pfd ... a. tugs lth foots a flakier. 113 K Mis Keallsins asles on the ssrlU a. led sa Pk- m- 144 144$ lwuttBtm. Utah ( 'ousolldaled Bar silver, 31. in iua. I'boue 1M. lAOOlDl a ADAMS. an additional Uistk against a Savors .uo- U lak Copper Co Land, 4.00. EL P.


There is Character



(Why Not Own the Best)


Would be is the best the best finish lumber Xmas present 1 in the world. Easy Terms American Lumber & Investment Company Tri-Sta- te Motor Co. "THE MADERA YARD" 321 Texas

Perry-Kirkpatri- ck Realty Company's Homes GOOD CEMENT DO NOT BE

The beautiful house shown cornice-roo- f basement, beating plant and

WORK this morning was built by covered with e, medicine cabinet, are some of DECEIVED Realty Co. which is the latest bungalow the numerous, attractive fea- Sidewalks, Curbs, Flower Bed Copings and Concrete. tures of this modern home. It at 2332 Montana St., is one roofing. This house has six Work of All Kinds. Always do the best class of work. has created lot comment is Here rooms and glassed-i- n sleeping a of Winter All work is guaranteed. I am here to make good any of the most handsomely fin- room, hardwood floors during course of construction defective work. Look for the name on the walks. ished bungalows in El Paso. We throughout, tile bath, beams, and has received more com- and So Are This home U built of a rough-face- d bookcases, buffet, kitchen pliments than usual from those PHONE 531 buff brick and has a cabinet, clothes chests, full interested in modern homes. NICK H. CARSON R. C. SEMPLE, P. O. Box 876 1019 San Antonio Owner

How to FindSafe Investments (4 -- Look- or Desirable Investors Kern Place HURRY UP CALLS We Buy-Sell-- Rent Make Your Money Work. Let Our Little Want Ads Any- - Find Those Who Can Hitch it Up." and Exchange ARE OUR DELIGHT The New Addition De Luxe on the Mesa, will be placed The savers are the winnartl And the winners are the investors thing in Make the money you have make more. Whether you put it to work in on the market in the next few week. Meanwhile I good land invettmenU, good stocks ; high-da- bonds or other securities will sell a limited number of lots for cash or monthly it matters little, to long as the money brings you a fair return. Or if you FURNITURE would like to put your money into a strong, well organized business, you payment if desired. This Addition is close in, has will hud our Want Ads they cost but a rifle will locate an opening for When you have a call to be made or an errand you quickly and cheaply. Send your Want Ad in now. 'And if you have natural facilities for scenic beauty, parked streets, and to be run. call a Cactus Messenger Boy, and to offer whether it be land, buildings, stocks, bonds. s desirable investment will be thoroughly restricted to make it the high class STOVES you may be sure it will be done right. Noth- or an interest in your business you will hud a Want Ad the best way la locate a buyer Just send in a little Want Ad like those below. We close-i- n residence district of the city. An investment ing but bright, courteous American boys on will your ssasssge into thou canv sscfaiM far Ymm a Astspfl the job. day and night. sands of homes where it will almost (Jf worth while. and RUGS iHrctTMBStT WAirrao sa imni owe- - surely and good purchaser for dollar. vkl raM Ilk ta tonal to ..l. iiiMlmti wliii Ikmimi you. Start new to use MS b SWtsHS pj amtUl aaa Mf "New and Second Hand" t r mm. tMrtm IMTSSTOBS Iwf ft asl bmwMSbi Is Ik at basis. Bast toari- - um Iniff sStoiaUS I.Saalilil ssmSi akin CASH OR TERMS mi M pas noa syjm ss niu STeast Use r f. E. W. EARL, FOUTZ & ZINKLER Cactus Messenger Service 413 Caples Building "7n Want Ad Way Phone 1106 113 H Stanton Phone 4225 of The Morning Times J