Do Your Holiday Shopping Early -- Only 14 Days Until Christmas ' MMD A M nscHA. METAI, MARKETS, Rl Pasm Morning Time ea el anion Plt6dfoo dlsrio que llega a todo el Copper electrolytic 114 .17 Vtl 4...0 puhll-cad- Buroeete el mbrmo dfa an que ea 811 ver. par oa 5T sleodo flel a mi fecha cada dfa l.ead, per lev lha. drl afto. I A psa-th- It eontlene laa li.H.N ultimas not Ida del a espall!. fclne. per 100 lha. I.10M.M V Vv Usrgest Fid. P.M OmMIn JBW V - l lamla a. Ik w rat. T 34TH YEAR. EL PASO. TEXAS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1913. SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS ATTACK ON TAMP! CO BKUAX TaVRKIIIV NOON. RAYS UK PORT. ANTI-SALOO- MENAGE GITY SENATE VOTE PLAN ATTACK . N HAVE Ag the Mil. Prrnt MR MEASURE CANNON Vera Crux, Dee. it. Aa at- tack on Tamplco began shortly before noon today. The reb- OsT!. KNATIDBR HAYS VILLA CAV. els were advancing on the city 1 I OWSTITtlTtOWAa, ATTACK OR TA. ON ADMINISTRATION CVRRENCY THHKATENH TIM CONFISOATION IfMil A Mil WOMEN'S CHniHTIAN FEDERAL I AT from various points The OIK IX i.M. PICO IS HXPRCTED AT Bn.Il PROBABIiK FOR M VT A I. It I 19 MAXIMO RATIO MARCH United States battleship Lou- OP KORKU. VI Its- PROPERTY TKMPERARCR FMOM NAYK WKM, SI PPI.IKD WITH I TIME. WEDNESDAY". TO OJIRACIA. isiana haa been ordered to IN STATE OF MN.tLOA. IIKMONST RATION, M I 111 NAYR AltT Tamplco, and will leave Vera Crus. Up to a late hour tonight no HASN'T OVERWHELMING FORCE THERE SPEECHES NEARLY CONCLUDED HERRERA COMMANDS BRIGADE detail of the attack on Tamplco FEDERAL GOVERNOR ASKS MEN AND WOMEN IN LINE SUPERCEDED MERGADO had been received and It was TH considered probable that th rebel advance on the city was In Oeaeral VDhutel and f'an'ra Jolatly Partisan Squabbles ami Sharp Pan (eaeral Tessa I ralaa seat to Hospital th nature of a feint. Five Per Cent Arbitrarily liii to Rearers of Petlllsas lleaaaadlag th Inner Had Not Reached Ojlnagn Wednesday Night movi with esse Mea Between Members Attended at Seee ef His Mea Revise Revenue for Payment ef a restltUsBMl Are Still Agabaat Yesterday's Debate. Oe Battle. Hard FUthHag Reported. of Fedora! Troops. Amendment. 4. naming Refugees. (. By the associated Press Mexico City, Dec. 10 Only the most meager Information is ob- OF LATTER OVER RIVER COLORADO AND MICHIGAN STRIKES ARTILLERY TO BE IN FOREIGN MINISTERS ARE PROTESTING HOBSON AND SHEPPARO PASSA6E IS SLOW WOULD REMOVE ALL THE FOREIGNERS SECTION THE FIGHT tainable here regarding n PROMINENT righting at Tamplco. According to a dispatch town was at- the Alabama Representative tieneral Terrains anil Many of Hid Native ta thai icrfeei Haa Reen Glvea May Be Subjects for ee, Proclaimed tioverwnr ef tacked st 11 o'clock this morn- Hnerta Oovernment Claims It Is aad Texas Including Kalo-Ir- ta the tmrrlrai Investigation In the Near State ef t'hlhuahaa. staaitsheo ing and at 6 o'clock this aft- State Measure and Mexico City Active Parttelpant la Rdativoa. tltn Future. ernoon hard fighting was in Cannot Interfere. Msvesseat. Reach Presidio. Capital at OHsusea. progress. By the Attociated By the AHoeiatrH ttlf s,,., ::i wire to The Time Bv the Aimciatfi Pre Pre A column of 1800 constitutionalist Ay las Associated Press Pre 10. A vote Wsshlngton. n. 10 -- Presidio, Tex. (Via United Vera Crui, Mex.. Dec. 10 An over- Washington, Dee. final soldiers I approaching the rederal Mexico City, Max.. Dec. 10. The C.. Dee. niler the currency senate next dome of the rnpllnl. two States Army Telephone whelming force of rebel threaten to on the bill in the fortress at OJinaga and a battle will NEW ADGLUB MEETS American charge d'affaires. Nelson thoussnil men to sml women attack Tamplco at any moment, ac Wednesday, December 17, was the take place within a few days Gen. o'Hhaughnesay, has recently notified representing the Ami si Marfa). Dec 10. II P. M goal which Democratic lead- Washington the property of for- l.rngiie of America sun the Woman'!! cording to advices received by wire- toward E. Agulrre Benavldes. commandant at that General Orozco denies the report eign residents In the state of Slnaloa Chrfitssju i ers today bent efforts. It was I 11 I Tampers Usloa sssmnlilsil less telegraphy th la morning; from their Juares. was advised from the Chihua- It 'I IN Ml VIII Its MIDI II was In imminent danger of confisca- today current at Juarez that he haa believed all speeches could be con- for s deuionniratlnn igalust the Clarence A. Miller. American consul at hua cuartel general yesterday' that the Hill. i s j THE LAST WKF.K. tion by the federal authorities as a liquor traffle. taken the situation into his own early next week and with- re- that port. cluded that Villa cavalry brigade had made rapid war measure. The charge has The men nod women msrchisl In hands here, and he has pro- in a few days an agreement can be progress across the desert from Chi- ceived Instructions to investigate the separate lines from the down i"vn act A messenger from VlllareaJ, the rebel I constitutionality or military made for a vote. The auccess of this huahua to OJinaga to attack the fed- Fake and profitable" AdveMlalng of the act and If he the city to ih. m front of t h. claimed himself governor commander, reached the American con- erals, but the location of the force Adopted finds that It is not sanctioned hy law. ipltol. Bneb bore petition., dclllilhlllnu , thai h haa re.Uoat.rl plan would make it possible for con- Are Listed la ill ill fi iirnlill.llt.,,, .ww " ' ' sulate at Tamplco last night with the yesterday was not mentioned in the to register a protest with the Mexican I.. r...,l" gress to adjourn for the holidays. by Organisation. government. amendment. On the steps rnpltol, Mercado to the rear. Information that 4000 rebels command- messages. of the Senator Crawford, Republican, who General Marlovlo Herrera has been The confiscation of property has the isKlttea Wee received by Kepn He admits that he is in charge ed by Generals Vlllareal and Castro de- In sentatlve Richmond I'. Habsen, also signed the Hitchcock report, placed In command of the brigade be- is being been threatened default of payment f That a lively Interest taken S niitbor of affairs at Ojinaga and that he. were approaching: the city. The rebel clared he would vote for the bill cause or th Gen. of a pet cent tax arbitrarily Im- of such nroBBe isaend that Illness of Tomes In the" El Paso Adclub and lumi- by tnent and Senstof It aa the senate completed it, believing who ha been "removed to that posed the governor of Slnaloa, hr Morris BsTejlpird "f together with General Salazar advance guard. was said, was at the Is lexaa. either draft to be an Improvement hospital at Santa Rosalia, Chlb. Al nous men feel the need of it was never whose headquarters now at have been in disposing, Lagans Puerlte, nine miles from Tam- only large In Another Reaalntlen. active the upon the present system. though their leader I unable to con more In evidence than last night when the place tho plco. squabbles and sharp pas- organisation state still under government control. The tegislitora ulao received from n federal forces, both regular and vParttsan tinue in the OJinaga campaign, the the met at the Chamber lasslal committee of these General Vlllareal declared his Inten- sages between Republican and Demo- 3000 troops of Urbina's brigade are of Commerce. Thirteen new members Foreigners generally have appeal 3d null ll.iuor volunteer, for the defense of the resumption throagh their consuls to the diplo- forces s copy of unother resolution to assaulting city cratic leaders marked th continuing on the march to OJinaga were secured during the week. fori, hi tion of the with th currency In the senate matic representatives in the Mexican ssis of intoxicating liquors eteepl town against attack, should one of the debate and uen. Jose E. Rodrlgnes has been In a letter to President Claiborne r snerituirutul purposes. least possible delay. He said he had Nelson, Republi- W. capital. and uiedlcnl be contemplated by the rebels today when Senator Kent to command them, being second Adams, Qua Thomaason, state The iesutie fnraSs wata leil given his followers strict orders to re- can, continued his attack on the ad- In president of the Associated Adclubs, The order of the governor requires command to General Herrera. payment by llrUriidler lieaeral A. S lingtett. Mrs. under General Villa's command, ministration bill and supporting the Artillery said that the El Paso Adclub had set the of a lax on all real and .V frain as far aa possible from destruc- Fare Addea. porsonal property, regardless tho Illlsn M. Stevens, of Mnlne, president but that he has done so under di- Hitchcock substitute. Beside th arm a record In the number of charter of W. C. tion of property and to protect the small forces which nationality owner, a warn- grnersl of tlie i'., mursliiille.1 the Strike Investigations. have been sent to wipe out the federals members, being so far as he knew, of the and men who wsred rection and with full knowledge lives foreigners, he feared they ing is Issued that unless the tax is hsnnrra ns tliev of but Congressional inquiry into the Colo- at OJinaga, a section of the Villa ar- the largest In the history of adver- psrnded down Transylvania avenue.
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