
COVID-19 Summary of Best Practices: What lies ahead?

COVID-19 has presented challenges that affect everyone. Capitol Petroleum Group has continued to do its best in taking steps to help ensure the safety of the essential operators and customers at the service stations thru distribution of PPE materials, cleaning supplies to clean highly touch surfaces, references on best health practices per CDCs guidelines, as well as safety recommendations from industry leaders. As we continue to learn more about the pandemic and how the virus will affect our communities, we will continue to monitor closely and support the communities we serve. Below summarizes additional latest critical steps taken and in progress:

1. Safety:

a. Attire: i. Wearing Protective Masks and Gloves ii. Plexiglas barriers in place iii. Floor Spacer Decals installed b. Cleaning Supplies i. Hand Sanitizers ii. Cleaning dispensers with bleach solution more frequently. c. Daily Activities i. Regularly cleaning and disinfecting all high-touch surfaces i.e. Pin-Pads, Fuel handles, Dispensers, Door handles, and Food preparation areas as well as restrooms. ii. Adhering to CDC recommendation on proper hand washing.

2. Messaging There are many signs and stickers that encourage social distancing. Many chains have marked off increments of six feet to encourage public safety.

• Example signage to encourage social distancing:

• Example signage to encourage mobile payment:

New Industry Trends & Helpful Resources:

Retail Site Experience – “What’s New?” a. Store Pickups. Encouraged. Aaron Cheris, head of Bain & Co.’s retail practice, said curbside pickup comprises 40% to 50% of e-commerce orders at some retailers. “It’s super-convenient and feels super-fast,” he said. If any operators have additional food offerings, it may be of great benefit to have online ordering available. Some service stations, space permitting, have simple site offerings such as Amazon Lockers to allow for package pick-ups. b. Local will reign. According to a recent NACS report, customers will be more frequently visiting their local stores, such as c-stores, to get the products and basics they need. c. Comfort grocery shopping to stick around. A recent study by NACS showed that shoppers have moved to the center of the store for trusted brands and longer shelf life products, such as canned and dried foods. There are various services offering help with customer shopping needs, such as: i. o Instacart’s current focus is for grocery stores o https://www.instacart.com/ o After entering zip code and creating an account, there is the option to shop from these stores:

d. Last Mile Delivery Service (ExxonMobil) C-Store item delivery is now available for ExxonMobil sites. ExxonMobil has negotiated delivery offers with DoorDash, , Instacart and Eats.

“The industry is rapidly changing due to COVID-19. Delivery is growing and shows no signs of slowing down. As well as traditional (like pizza or prepared meals), consumers are also interested in getting C-Store items delivered to them”.

e. Meal Kits Thrive during Coronavirus Lockdown There are a variety of resources available to create convenience for stores and customers: i. Customers have the option to choose a weekly meal delivery plan or choose a la carte meals. The weekly protein, keto, paleo, and vegan plans range between $8 a meal to $11 a meal while the a la carte options vary in price. The meal kits are easy to warm up! https://www.freshnlean.com/locations/washington-dc-meal- delivery/ ii. Customers can order family sized or individual meals through this service as well as groceries. The prices vary and there is a $10 on the orders. Orders should be placed on Fridays, 48 hours in advance of Sunday, as it is a weekly service. https://www.healthyfreshmeals.com/

f. E-commerce and mobile payments will continue to be popular. Mobile payment applications such as Exxon Mobil Rewards and the Shell App will be important as ever as customers continue to minimize touching “high touch” surfaces. • TOUCHLESS PAYMENTS - Exxon, Shell and BP locations have the capability for the tap and pay option. • Apple Card – “Apple Card members can pay for fuel and C-Store items where NFC readers are available. They can also connect their card with and pay for fuel through the Exxon Mobil Rewards+™ app. Apple Card with Apple Pay is a contactless payment method that gives consumers a safe and secure way to purchase fuel and C-Store items”. • Alexa – “Amazon and ExxonMobil have teamed up to enable millions of Amazon customers to pay for gas quickly and securely with Alexa. Using the power of their voice, customers can use Alexa and their existing Amazon account to purchase fuel. No additional account or sign-up is required”. • Waze – “When drivers arrive at an Exxon or Mobil station and come to a complete stop, the Waze app shows a notification promoting them to safely and securely pay for fuel using the Exxon Mobil Rewards+ app.” • AARP – “AARP members who enroll in the Exxon Mobil Rewards+™ program receive exclusive benefits and even more points-earning opportunities.”

g. Hand Sanitizer Program “COVID-19 has impacted consumers’ focus on cleanliness and sanitation. It is playing a greater role in where they choose to fuel, and we want to meet their evolving needs and expectations”.

Hand sanitizer dispensers will be installed at every ExxonMobil pump island across the US and will be included in it’s brand standard going forward.

h. National Retail Federation Foundation Introduces COVID-19 Trainings to Aid Retail Employees “Made possible by American Express, the COVID-19 Retail Operations credential will train customer-facing retail workers, distribution center workers and job seekers to help safely operate during the pandemic. Designed to assist retailers meet state and local requirements for COVID-19 trainings, the course helps educate employees to recognize COVID-19 symptoms, take appropriate actions if exposed and understand CDC best health practices and tools used in retail.”

If interested and want to know more click https://nrffoundation.org/riseup/special- training

SOURCES: https://unitedsign.com/collections/gas-pump-hand-sanitizer https://www.consumerreports.org/cars-how-to-protect-yourself-against-coronavirus-when-pumping-gas/ https://www.citynews1130.com/2018/11/04/food-delivery-apps-a-double-edged-sword-for-restaurants-looking-to-grow-business/ https://www.newyorker.com/culture/annals-of-gastronomy/are-delivery-apps-killing-restaurants https://www.instacart.com/help/article/360039161192 https://help.uber.com/restaurants/article/how-do-i-become-an-uber-eats-restaurant-partner?nodeId=d6e6924b-5f14-4041-a1e9- ec1709940283 https://squareup.com/us/en/townsquare/what-is-a-contactless-payment https://squareup.com/us/en/hardware/contactless-chip-reader https://cleanmethod.com/electrostatic-commercial-cleaning- company/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2c2rooHD6QIVTJyzCh3MkwFVEAAYASAAEgLFE_D_BwE https://get.grubhub.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=sign%20my%20restaurant%20up%20for%20grubhub&utm_conte nt=&utm_campaign=1880431358&gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzvnwn43I6QIVksDACh2JPAQ6EAAYAiAAEgIBrvD_BwE https://www.convenience.org/getattachment/Topics/Operations/Disaster-Preparedness/Coronavirus-Resources/Cleaning-Products-Services- Providers.pdf?lang=en-US https://nrf.com/media-center/press-releases/nrf-foundation-introduces-covid-19-trainings-aid-retail-employees https://fuels.exxonmobilmrc.com/us/bw-consumer-resources/loyalty-partnerships/aarp/ https://fuels.exxonmobilmrc.com/us/bw-consumer-resources/loyalty-partnerships/alexa-pay-for-gas/ https://fuels.exxonmobilmrc.com/us/bw-consumer-resources/loyalty-partnerships/apple/ https://fuels.exxonmobilmrc.com/us/bw-consumer-resources/loyalty-partnerships/last-mile-delivery-service/