Clue # 1 Did you know? In 400 BC, the first Mayan incalendars 1587. were carved into stones.

The Mayan Civilization began in 1800 BC. Although their civilizations were similar, the Maya came thousands of years before the Aztec. Some Mayans still live on the Yucatan Peninsula today. The Mayans began to develop during the Mesoamerican civilization. The Mayans occupied areas in Belize, Guatemala, the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico and Honduras. The Maya were one of six Mesoamerican civilizations. They are known for art, architecture, hieroglyphic writing and astronomy. They believed the stars, sun and moon were gods. They noted their eclipses, solstices and equinoxes in their temples. The Mayan civilization consisted of a large number of city-states. Each city-state had its own government. Every city-state was ruled by a king. The king was given the right to rule by the gods. At the peak of the Mayan civilization, there were hundreds of Mayan cities. Although southern city-states collapsed, Mayan cities in the northern Yucatan Peninsula continued to thrive for several hundred years. In 600 BC, the settlement at Tikal was formed. Tikal was a major city in the

Mayan civilization. Question What areas did the Maya occupy? A. Honduras B. Belize C. Guatemala

D. All of the above Question The first… ,

© Think Tank 2020 Clue # 3 Did you know? The Mayan Kings were considered to be direct descendants of the Mayan Gods. The Mayans had social classes. The highest social class were nobles and priests. The middle class consisted of warriors, craftsmen, and traders. The lowest class included farmers, workers and slaves. The Mayans believed that a cross-eyed baby had traits of nobility. Mothers tried to flatten their babies foreheads with boards. A flat forehead was another feature of nobility. They also used putty to shape their nose like a beak. The Mayans had two calendars. The Haab calendar had 365 days. The Long Count Calendar had 2,880,000 days and ended in 2012. The is one of the most accurate in history. The calendar, stars, moon and sun were important to the . Some calendar days were considered lucky or unlucky. Like the Aztec, Mayans grew maize or yellow corn. They also lived off of avocados, pineapples, tomatoes, beans, chili peppers and papayas. The Maya believed in numerous gods of nature. was the god of fire who they believed created the Earth. His name means "lizard house". Bolon Tzacab was the god of wind and storms. The Mayan believed he would flood their land if the Maya angered the gods. His name means "one leg." The Hero Twins in were Hunahpu and Xbalanque. Who was the god of fire? Question A. Viracocha B. Hunahpu C. Pariacaca

Question D. Itzamna The Mayans believed the twins fought…

© Think Tank 2020 4 Digit Code First number of code : The number of years the city-state of Chichen Itza ruled ______MINUS 198.

Second number of code : The number of surviving Mayan ancestors in millions. ( ____ million) ______

Third number of code : What number is represented by ______“ . _ _ _ _ ” ?

Last number of code : ______What number is the letter “I” in clue #1?

1. Which Mayan books still exist 4. What was a popular Mayan food? today? A. Papayas A. B. Maize B. Paris Codex C. Pineapples C. D. All of the above D. All of the above

2. The Maya were one of ____ 5. Today, there are approximately ___ Mesoamerican civilizations. Maya languages still used. A. 6 A. 70 B. 7 B. 80 C. 8 C. 90 D. 9 D. 100 3. What are the Mayans are known 6. What was the last surviving Mayan for? city? A. Art A. Tonatiuh B. Architecture B. Yucatan C. Astronomy C. Tayasal D. All of the above D. Chichen Itza

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1 D B E C

2 K H I/J F

3 P N O M

4 T R Q S

5 Z X V W

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