Chapter 1, a Spare, Poetic Account of the Six Days of Creation

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Chapter 1, a Spare, Poetic Account of the Six Days of Creation To Johannes Mayr, whose Grace, Heart and Intelligence inspired this work ... rayappa a. kasi an appeal to save life on earth united nations international year of biodiversity 2010 LTD Media Publications, Chennai, India © Copyright LTD Media All rights reserved. This book is printed in India. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Contact Address: Rayappa A. Kasi, A. Kattupadi, Vellore – 632011, India. Email – Mobile Phone - 09443537885 Earth - Designed for Biodiversity. Life will find a Way! Day of Publication 15.8.2010 LTD Media Publication, Chennai, India Other Publications from the Author: Earth-The Lost Paradise of Happiness, 2009 Global Warming - Everything you want to know! , 2010 Biosphere - The Fragility of Our Natural Heritage, 2010 Lithosphere - A Destructive Creator, 2010 Hydrosphere - The Giver of Life, 2010 Atmosphere – A Thin Line Between Life and Death, 2010 Front Jacket Illustration: Picture of Trilobite – Trilobites means “three lobed,” and they are extinct, exclusively marine arthropods, known fondly to everybody who has read much about fossils. In size, they ranged from a few millimeters to more than 60 cm, and are among the most common fossils— and the most distinctive index fossils—of their time. They appear suddenly in great abundance in the Cambrian, and evolved into a wonderful diversity, particularly during the Ordovician, 450 million years ago before gradually dwindling away towards extinction some 300 million years later, in the Permian. An understanding of their history is central to any hypothesis of the development of the marine biosphere during the early Paleozoic. Trilobites Symbolize the Fragility of Our Biospheric Natural Heritage. Cover Page designed by Rayappa A. Kasi Cover Photo – Fossilized Trilobite from 350 million years ago Printed at Lokavani Southern Printers Pvt. Ltd., 122, Greams RoadChennai-600 006 Contents The Beginning Chapter I – The Story of Life from Monday to Saturday * Life the Wonder on Earth 3 * The Power of Creation 10 * Cell - The Cryptex of Life 11 * Fish – The Big Brother 14 * Amphibians – The Conqueror of the Land 16 * Creation of Green Color 18 * Flower – Plant’s Enlightenment 19 * Reptiles – The Most Extreme on Earth 21 * Birds – Air Force One 24 * Mammals – The Last Passenger of Earth 28 * Dream of a Penthouse 31 * Ape – Who wants be an Angel 34 * The Handy Man – Maker of Tools 40 * Homo Sapiens – Man of Wisdom 43 * Humanity in Dreamtime 46 Chapter II – The Kingdom of Life is the Kingdom of God * The Kingdom of God is All about Life and Biodiversity 51 * The Saga of Life in Ancient Thought 56 * Aristotle’s View on the Origin of Species 60 * Early Christian Reappraisals 63 * The Pyramid of Life – An Ancient Wonder of the World 66 * The Kingdom of Life – The Habitat of God 67 * The Classification of Two Organisms 70 1. The Kingdom of Bacteria:Monera – The Planetmates 71 2. The Kingdom of Protista (Protoctista or Protists) 79 3. The Kingdom of Fungi 84 4. The Kingdom of Plants (Plantae) 88 5. The Kingdom of Animals (Animalia) 92 * The Wilderness Experience – Reconnecting with Nature 95 * Rush to Riches – The War on Creation 98 1 Chapter III – Life Will Find a Way * Living Planet and the Gaia Hypothesis 104 * Resurrection – The Immortality of Life 105 * Phoenix – It shall Rise Again 107 * How to Define Earth Life? 110 * Life in Solid, Liquid, Gas – Cells 112 * Genetic Code – The Stamp of Earth Life 113 * DNA – Deoxyribonucleic Acid 115 * The DNA Record of Evolution 117 * Natural Selection – The Engine of Life 118 * Mutation – We are all Mutants 123 * Life – The Most Extreme 125 * The Bizarre Style of Life - An Eerie Contras 128 * Extremophiles – Some Like it Hot 132 * Panspermia – Astrobiology 134 * Life on Mars 136 * The New Environmental Revolution – Ecopsychology 137 * Biophilia, Biophobia and Ecopsychology 141 * The Vision of an Ecological Universe 143 * Healers or Hecklers of Biodiversity – Ecological Unconscious 145 * Things we can’t Change 149 * Things we can Change 150 Chapter IV – An Appeal to Save Life on Earth * Planet Earth is Dying – Save Planet Earth 154 * Divine Origin Makes an Appeal 158 * Human Responsibility Makes an Appeal 160 * Appeal from the Symphony of Species 163 * Protect Diversity and Habitats 165 * Save All Ecosystems 162 * Save Grassland – A Remarkable Endurance 177 * Save Rain Forests – The Green Cathedrals 182 * Save Microbes – Life Down Under 186 * Bioethical Evaluation and Principles 187 * Save Organic Agriculture and Bioethics 189 * Transgenics: Agricultural Biotechnology – Save us from Evil 191 * Bioethical Determinants 193 2 Contents * Our Food is not “Natural” 194 * Changing the Nature of Creation 196 * Addendum: 7 Principles of Human Sustainable Organic Agriculture 196 * Save Humanity from Spiritual Corruption 198 * An Appeal to Pontiffs to Save Life on Earth 203 Chapter V – Planet Earth is Designed for Biodiversity * Deciphering the Design of Biodiversity 206 * Species Design – How Many Species? 211 * Biosphere – The Fragility of our Natural Heritage 213 * Free Services from Nature – The Life Sustaining Matrix 218 * Biosphere is Designed for Biodiversity 219 * Humus: Detritus – Resurrection Factory 224 * Magic Kingdom of Marine Biodiversity 228 * Terra Incognita and Vita Incognita 232 * Estuaries and Wetlands – Biodiversity’s Nightmare 236 * Biodiversity – The Apex of Evolution 238 * Sociobiology of Edward O. Wilson 239 * Sacred Depths of Nature is Designed by God 240 * Awareness and Consciousness – The Latest Designs of Biodiversity 244 * Race - Designed by Natural Selection 247 * The Credo of Continuation – We are Designed to Believe 251 * Ethical Argument – Advocate for Biodiversity 254 * New Design – A New Heart and a New Soul 256 Chapter VI – War on Biodiversity and Extinctions * Man has Declared War on Biodiversity 259 * Extinctions Cascades – Old and New 260 * The Five Mass Extinctions 262 * Quaternary-Holocene Mass Extinction – Right Now 267 * Extinction – A Destructive Creator 268 * A Voice of Doubt on an Alliance of Hope 270 * Biodiversity Loss – Quick Facts 272 * Marine Over-harvesting – The Massacre of the Innocents 281 * Mysterious Disappearance of Amphibians 282 * Frog – A New Canary in the Coalmine 284 3 * Habitat Loss and Extinction 286 * Gaia – The Mother Earth: The Long Road Ahead 289 * Can Evolution Account for Ethics? 290 * World’s Most Important Unknown Target 293 * Climate Change and Water Stress 294 * Water Danger Zones 295 * Bees and Cellphones – The Compass Awry 297 * 35 Hotspots – Nature’s Gift to Future Generations 300 * The Good Samaritan 302 * Sacrifice – The Key to Conservation 304 * Conservation – A Good Investment 305 Chapter VII – Life Yet to Come * Extinction – The Creator of Future Life 309 * Are we still Evolving? 311 * The Future of Evolution 312 * Eight Pillars to be Defended 315 * Old Age – When Natural Selection Retires 317 * Future World is Opaque 321 * Biodiversity Crisis – Six Undeniable Facts 323 * Three Urgent Options and Three Useful Strategies 328 * Man in the Future – War with Ants 332 * Human Population – The Human Juggernaut 335 * Environmental Despair 337 * Restoring Habitats, Communities and Relationships 338 * Love for Life in Ancient India – Sangam Literature 339 * Seven Sacraments of Ecology 345 * Top Ten Reasons to Care for Creation 347 * Man – The Avatar for Conservation 349 * Faith as Guiding Light 349 * Our Aspirations for Future Life 350 * Sermon on the Mount – Magna Carta on Sustainable Development 351 * The Real Stewards of the Earth – Microbes 355 * Finally … 357 Bibliography 359 Index 367 4 The Beginning Are you aware that the planet is dying? We all are equally responsible for the state of the planet and equally affected by it. We must become more aware. And contribute that awareness rather than our denial to the stream of human consciousness. We must become part of the solution rather than part of the problem. What is the responsibility of a person on a dying planet? Physician, heal thyself! We could heal the wounded planet, if our disposition is that of a Good Samaritan! The wounded man from the Bible was saved, because “someone, a Good Samaritan cared.” “If you want to Cultivate Peace, Protect Creation,” wrote Pope Benedict XVI. Today, as desert sands advance across Africa like conquering armies, India and China with their rising human populations like desert sand, and the Biodiversity is on the retreat in every continent, it occurs to me that the Earth is unfortunately in the advance state of exhaustion. We go to church, temple, and mosque while outside the air gets fouler and the oceans’ ecosystems break down. Meanwhile hundreds, perhaps thousands of species, have vanished forever from the Earth. Each hour 8 kilometers of rainforest are destroyed; by the end of a year, this area of destruction is the size of Sri Lanka. We are facing an unparalleled global crisis, a disaster much greater than Hitler, Stalin, or the Khmer Rouge could ever create. Open your eyes and see the situation we are in right now! I don’t see any—Good Samaritan, or redeemer, or savior coming on the way. What is the “status quo” the “sitz im leben” or “situation in life,” in the field of Biodiversity? Let me say something about the status quo. The status quo is that the hole in the ozone layer is again under pressure. The status quo is we are crossing 7 billion human-population-mark and by the end of this century we will be 10 billion rivaling ants and termites, and definitely— we would have made planet Earth—one big anthill. The status quo is that some scientists are predicting that by the middle of this century global warming will result in most of the coastal cities around the world being below sea level, and make most of the habitats would be water-worlds, including Chennai, Mumbai, London, New York, Boston, Amsterdam, and many other coastal towns.

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