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13Th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS of OTTOMAN SOCIAL and ECONOMIC HISTORY (ICOSEH) 1St-5Th October 2013 13th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF OTTOMAN SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC HISTORY (ICOSEH) 1st-5th October 2013 XIII CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE HISTORIA SOCIAL Y ECONÓMICA OTOMANA 1-5 octubre 2013 Program 13th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF OTTOMAN SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC HISTORY (ICOSEH) 13. ULUSLARARASI OSMANLI SOSYAL VE EKONOMİK TARİHİ KONGRESİ 1-5 October/Ekim 2013 Universidad de Alcalá SPAIN San Ildefonso College, Universidad de Alcalá, Plaza San Diego/ San Ildefonso Major College, University of Alcalá, San Diego Square Alcalá de Henares With the Contribution of Turkish Embassy to Spain/Türkiye’nin İspanya Büyükelçiliği’nin Katkılarıyla Organizing Committee Özlem Kumrular Bahçeşehir University, İstanbul Fernando Fernández Lanza Director de Asuntos Culturales de la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares Emilio Sola Castaño Prof. of Modern History, Universidad de Alcalá Jesús López-Linares García Universidad de Alcalá Linda T. Darling Member of the Board of IAOSEH Claudia Römer Member of the Board of IAOSEH Mahmoud Yazbak Member of the Board of IAOSEH Oktay Özel General Secretary of IAOSEH Secretariat Nahide Işık Demirakın Maria Durán Vaquero Natalia Garcés Fernández Ignacio Garcés Fernández María Luisa Rodríguez Frade Alicia Puñal González Luisa León Tierraseca TABLE OF CONTENTS İÇİNDEKİLER I. CONGRESS PROGRAM KONGRE PROGRAMI 1 II. ABSTRACTS ÖZETLER 16 a. Panels and Workshops Panel ve Atölyeler 16 b. Individual Papers Bireysel Bildiriler 56 III. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS KATILIMCI LİSTESİ 111 OCTOBER 1, 2013, TUESDAY 1 EKİM 2013 SALI REGISTRATION KAYITLAR 9:00 Registration Kayıtlar ♦ All sessions and panels will be held at San Ildefonso College, University of Alcalá, Plaza San Diego, Alcalá de Henares. Room A: Salón de Actos (nº. 1 in map II) Room B: Sala de Conferencias Internacionales (nº. 5 in map III) Room C: Aula 3M (nº. 3 in map III) ♦ Registration desk will be placed at the “Patio Santo Tomás de Villanueva” (nº. 2 in map II) ♦ The Congress Inauguration will be held in “Paraninfo” room (nº. 6 in map II) on Tuesday 1st at 12:00 with the presence of Prof. Javier Rivera, the Vice Rector of the University Extension and Institutional Relations; Prof. Elena López, the Vice Rector of International Relations; and Mrs. Ayşe Sinirlioğlu, Ambassador of Turkey to Spain. ♦ A projector and a PC (Windows XP and MS Power Point) will be available at the room. Using this PC is recommended in order to speed up the sessions; please bring your presentation on a USB memory stick. Presenters should load their presentations one hour before starting the session, or in the late afternoon of the day before, in case of early morning presentation. ♦ Coffee breaks will be at the “Patio de Filósofos” (nº 7. in map II). Lunches will be served at the restaurant of San Ildelfonso College (nº 8 in map II) at 13:00. On the first day (October 1st), the lunch will be a cool meal or cocktail and will be served at the “Patio de Filósofos” (nº 7. in map II). ♦ Internet access: Internet access will be available at the “Sala del Consejo Social” Room (nº 3 in map IV) in San Ildefonso College the days 1, 3 and 4, between the 10:00 and 13:00 hours. Computers will be provided by the Congress Organization for participants. There will be free Wi-fi: SSID Name: OTTOMAN CONGRESS Password: OTTOMANALCALA 1 OCTOBER 1, 2013 TUESDAY (MORNING II) 1 EKİM 2013, SALI (SABAH II) SESSION A OTURUM SESSION B OTURUM SESSION C OTURUM Port Cities Liman Şehirleri What’s New on the Tanzimat’a Dair Panel I: The Reshaping Panel I: Tanzimat? Yeni of the “Ottoman Modernitenin Araştırmalar Economic Mind” in the Eşiğinde Wake of Modernity “Osmanlı İktisat Zihniyetini”nin Yeniden Şekillenişi Chairperson Oturum Başkanı Chairperson Oturum Başkanı Chairperson Oturum Başkanı Mustafa Soykut Butrus Abu Manneh Kadir Yıldırım 10:00 Osmanlı Modernleşmesi Sürecinde, Şark Ticaret 10:00 Rethinking the Tanzimat Fermanı 10:00 Indigenous Precedents of the ‘National Yıllıkları Işığında, Doğu Akdeniz Liman Kentlerine Berrak Burçak Economy’ Thesis in the Ottoman Empire Karşılaştırmalı Bir Bakış Seven Ağır Tülin Selvi Ünlü 10:20 Shaping the Built Environment in Mediterranean 10:20 Tanzimat Döneminde Kent Mekânında 10:20 Economic Sensibilities in the Late Ottoman Port Cities at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century Devletin Erki ve Temsili: Hükümet Society: Novels as Reflection and Instrument Tolga Ünlü Konakları Deniz T.Kılınçoğlu Yasemin Avcı 10:40 İzmir Kentinde Siyasi Protesto Kültürü (1908- 10:40 Millet, Millet-ism, Nationalism. Missing Pages 10:40 Sakızlı Ohannes Pasha’s Mebadi-i İlm-i Servet-i 1912) in the Creation of Modern Public Space and Milel: Wherein Resides its Originality? Umut Karabulut Identity in the Late Ottoman Empire and Alp Yücel Kaya & Eyüp Özveren Beyond Darin Stephanov 11:00 Discussion 11:00 Converging and Diverging Nationalisms in the 11:00 Discussion 19th century Balkans: Bulgarian and Greek Ottomans Eleonora Naxidou 11:20 Discussion Break Ara 11:50 – 12:15 2 OCTOBER 1, 2013, TUESDAY 1 EKİM 2013 SALI INAUGURATION AÇILIŞ Room Paraninfo 12:15 Opening Speeches Açılış Konuşmaları Javier Rivera (Vice Rector of the University Extension and Institutional Relations) Elena Lopez (Vice Rector of International Relations) Ayşe Sinirlioğlu (Ambassador of Turkey to Spain) Emilio Sola Castaño (Universidad de Alcalá) Halil İnalcık (President of IAOSEH) 13:00 Opening Cocktail Açılış Kokteyli 3 OCTOBER 1, 2013 TUESDAY (AFTERNOON I) 1 EKİM 2013, SALI (ÖĞLEDEN SONRA I) SESSION A OTURUM SESSION B OTURUM SESSION C OTURUM Diplomacy Diplomasi Ports and Merchants Limanlar ve Panel II: Ottoman Panel II: “Homo Tüccarlar Subjects as “Homo Dictyous” Olarak Dictyous”: Osmanlı Tebaası: Reputation, Authority Şöhret, Otorite ve and the Power of Kelimelerin Gücü Words Chairperson Oturum Başkanı Chairperson Oturum Başkanı Organizer Düzenleyen Mahmoud Yazbak Canay Şahin Zeynep Dörtok Abacı 14:30 The Ottoman 'Ahdnâmes (14th-mid 18th Centuries): 14:30 The Merchants and Consulate of the Dutch 14:30 Small Blue Spider is Knitting Its Web: An Essay in Definition Republic in Cyprus (1600-1700) Testimony, Suretyship and Trusteeship Güneş Işıksel Mehmet Demiryürek Documents as an Indicator of Social Relations Zeynep Dörtok Abacı 14:50 A Papal 'shuttle diplomacy' between Philip III of 14:50 Evliya Çelebi’ye Göre Ankâ Bâzergân, Ankâ 14:50 Modernity and the Humiliation of Word Spain and the Austrian Court during the Ottoman- Mellahân: 17. Yüzyılda Büyük Tüccarlar ve Gökhan Yavuz Demir Habsburg War in Hungary Armatörler Mustafa Soykut Mehmet Ali Ünal 15:10 La política otomana de la Monarquía hispana en la 15:10 Interaction Between Levants: The Bouligny 15:10 Politics of Keeping Your Honor Intact: Gender transición del reinado de Felipe II al de Felipe III Family Case and Defamation Cases in the Seventeenth Evrim Türkçelik Pablo Hernández Sau Century Bursa Court Records Nurcan Abacı 15:30 Brazil and Ottoman Empire: From 'Incognito 15:30 Birinci Dünya Savaşı Öncesi Osmanlı 15:30 Discussion Relations' to Permanent Ties (1850-1919) Pazarında Fransa’nın Rolü Monique Sochaczewski Damla Ayoğlu Duman 15:50 Discussion 15:50 Discussion Break Ara 16:20-16:30 4 OCTOBER 1, 2013 TUESDAY (AFTERNOON II) 1 EKİM 2013, SALI (ÖĞLEDEN SONRA II) SESSION A OTURUM SESSION B OTURUM SESSION C OTURUM Principles of Ottoman Osmanlı Communities Within Topluluklara Panel III: Panel III: Administration Yönetiminin and Without İçeriden ve La Perspectiva Europea Avrupa’nın Türk’e İlkeleri Dışarıdan Bakış Sobre el Turco. La Otra Bakışı: Parte del Cielio (I) Gökyüzünün Diğer Tarafı (I) Chairperson Oturum Başkanı Chairperson Oturum Başkanı Chairperson Oturum Başkanı Yusuf Oğuzoğlu Sophia Laiou Luca Lo Basso 16:30 Osmanlı Siyasal Düşüncesi Açısından “teshîr” ve 16:30 How to raise a church? The Franciscan 16:30 Litigios de los capitanes de embarcaciones con “zabt” Kavramları Bize Neyi Anlatır? strategies concerning renewal of Catholic pabellón otomano en el puerto de Barcelona: Özer Ergenç churches and monasteries in Ottoman Bosnia 1797-1808 Vjeran Kursar Eloy Martín Corrales 16:50 17. ve 18. Yüzyıllarda Osmanlı Taşra Yönetiminin 16:50 Irak Sâbiî Cemaatine Dair Bir Asayiş Dosyası 16:50 La cuestión nacional turca en la época de la Paz Mali-İdari Yapısını Şekillendiren Yeni Aktörler: (1873-1898) Armada (1871-1914) Muhallefat Kayıtları Işığında Diyarbekir Voyvodası Selda Güner Laura Lara Martínez Özlem Başarır 17:10 Recording Village Boundaries as a Vehicle for 17:10 Living Abroad: Romanian Community in the 17:10 La edición en el ADF de la crónica turquesca de Reaffirming State Authority Ottoman Empire (1878-1916) Herrera Tordesillas Michael Nizri Silvana Rachieru Fernando Fernández Lanza & Emilio Sola 17:30 18. Yüzyılda Osmanlı Taşra Yönetim Düzeni 17:30 Sermaye-i Şefkat-i Osmaniye (The Turkish 17:30 La plataforma del Archivo de la Frontera y el Açısından Hüdavendigâr Sancağı’nda Yörükler Compassionate Fund): A British Relief Imperio Otomano. Características técnicas, Campaign for the ‘93 Refugees (1877-78) recursos disponibles y potencialidades para la Nilüfer Alkan Günay Sena Hatip Dinçyürek docencia y la investigación. Laura Massimino & Emilio Sola 17:50 Discussion 17:50 Discussion 17:50 Discussion 18:15 A tour to Universidad de Alcalá 5 OCTOBER 2, 2013 WEDNESDAY (MORNING I) 2 EKİM 2013, ÇARŞAMBA (SABAH I) SESSION A OTURUM SESSION B OTURUM SESSION C OTURUM The Rural Economy Kırsal Ekonomi Panel IV: Rebellion, Panel IV: Geç Panel V: Panel V: Resistance and Osmanlı Modernization Efforts II. Abdülhamid Obedience in the Late İmparatorluğu’nda in Educational System Döneminde Ottoman Empire İsyan, Direniş
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