OREGON BOARD OF RABBIS INTRO TO JUDAISM “THE HEBREW CALENDAR” Congregation Neveh Shalom 7:00-9:00 p.m. Portland, Oregon Thursday, January 30, 2020 5th of Shevat 5780 Presenter: Rabbi Mel Young Email:
[email protected] I. Activity #1: “From Jerusalem to Congregation Neveh Shalom” Identify an annual activity that you engage in or would like to engage in on an annual basis Recorder will jot down on chart paper Discuss with your tablemates Learning points from this exercise II. “Our Shehecheyanu Moment” Read aloud in Hebrew the Shehecheyanu Blessing Read aloud Shehecheyanu translation Discuss the meaning of the Shehecheyanu blessing III. Abraham Joshua Heschel: “On the Mystery of Time” (Video) Pair and share: Discuss with partner themes and learning points Share with class IV. Activity #2: “From January to December/From Nissan to Adar” Line up by her birthday/not year—from January to December Sit at your table designated by the month of your birthday Read the piece on your Hebrew month associated with your birthday Recorder will jot down learning points, including holidays/special days Oregon Board of Rabbis Intro to Judaism “The Hebrew Calendar” Presenter: Rabbi Mel Young Congregation Neveh Shalom Thursday, January 30, 2020 5th of Shevat 5780 Page 1 Hebrew Date Converter: https://www.hebcal.com/converter/?gd=09&gm=8&gy=1951&g2h=1 V. The Hebrew Calendar Background and History The Four Jewish New Years Rosh Chodesh VI. “Yahrzeit: Remembering on the Anniversary of a Death” ] VII. “Jewish Time (Vayechi 5777)” by Jonathan Sacks: Popcorn reading—read aloud passages of writing VIII.