Christian Amendment Movement Was Formed in 1946 to Continue That Witness and the Christian Amendment Movement Is Is Being Blessed of God Remal.Liably
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What The Movement Is The Christian Amendment Movement was formed in 1946 to continue that witness and The Christian Amendment Movement is is being blessed of God remal.liably. Many an Association of American citizens who groups of Christian people, hearing its mes- are uxited in the effort to bring the United sage, have given it their enthusiastic sup- States of America to an acknowlcdgment of port. Representatives of many denominations the Lord Jesus Christ, which shall be ex- have expressed their approval, including pressed in an amendment to our national n~oderatorsof four Presbyterian assemblies, Constitution. the General Secretary of the Assemblies of God, editors and educators in the Baptist, The Proposed Amendment Methodist, Christian, Nazarene, Mennonite, SECTION I. THIS NATION DEVOUTLY and other churches. The Board of Adminis- RECOGNIZES THE AUTHORITY AND tration of the National Association of LAW OF JESUS CHRIST, SAVIOUR AND Evangelicals has endorsed it, as has the RULER OF NATIONS, THROUGH WHOM Woman's Christian Temperance Union 01 ARE BESTOWED THE BLESSINGS OF eight stales. ALMIGHTY GOD. Dr. Peter Marshall, while chaplain of the Section 2. This amendment shall not be United States Senate, preached to his con- interpreted so as to result in the establish- gregation at the New Yorlr Avenue Presby- ment of any particular ecclesiastical organi- terian Church in Washington on the need of zation, or in the abridgment of the rights such an amendment. He said: of religious ifreedom, or freedom of speech "It is strange. and I believe tragic, that the Constltutlon makes no reierencc to God . &Tally and press, or of peaceful assemblage. efforts hal'e been made at dicerent tllnes to in- Section 3. Congress shall have power, in troduce such an amendment, but there has been such cases as it may deem proper, to provide opposition and indifference, so to this good day the Constitulion of our country ignores the prln- a suitable oath or affirmation for citizens clples upon which our countly was founded. whose religious scruples prevent them from Forty-three of our States have already wrltten giving unqualified allegiance to the Con- into their const~tutions vague reIIgtous acknowl- stitution as herein amended. edgments . but not one Statc honors Jesus Cllrist . All pious, vague affirmations about History of the Movement God as the Suprelnc Being. etc., are valn unless supreme honor IS specif~cally given to Jesus From the time the Constitution of the Chr~st." United States was written, there has been At the suggestion of Senator Harley M. a constant witness to the need of such an Kilgore, this sermon was placed in the amendment. This witness has borne good "Congressional Record." It was also chosen fruit. "Sermon of the Month" by the "Christian Herald." 3- "The Christian Patriot" is the monthly periodical of the Movement. Its numerous subscribers appreciate its regular arrival and timely messages on this great subject. The Christian Amendment has been nations to His Son, fhe Lord Jesus regularly introduced in Congress since 1947 ; and requires the nation fo acknowled and must be kept before our nation until \ through Whom He bestows divine gu America is willing to confess her faith in Christ. The Christian Amendment is ne Why The Amendment Is Necessary for the nation just as a confession of is necessary for the individual. In the The Christian Amendmenf is necessary because civil governmenf is ordained of God and He should be acknowledged by the nation. be angry, and ye perish from The Scriptural ideal is set forth in these words: "The Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our King; he will We cannot preserve otlr cherishe save us" (Isa. 3392). This covers the whole 1 heritage unless Jesus Christ field of civ4l government-the judicial, the at the center of our national life. legislative, and the executive. The founding fathers realized all this and dedicated our nation to God. The Mayflower Compact, the compacts of the colonies, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Northwest Ordinance confession of Christ by were all undergirded with acknowledgments of God and the Christian faith. When we were young and struggling to become a nation we recognized our depen- dence upon Almighty God; but when we became strong enough to adopt a cbnstitution of civil government we forgot God. At least we made no acknowledgment of Him what- soever in that fundamental law of the land. In the supreme law there is no Supreme and obey Him as Lord is to reject Him. This The Christian Amendment is is not onIy our greatest sin; it is also our because it is imperative that our n greatest peril, for we know from the Scrip- to match its material and scientific progress tures and the exan~plesof history that the wifh a similar moral and spiritual develop- natlon and kingdom that will not serve God ment. shall perish. The Jewish nation rejected Him, and the nation disappeared. The Romans rejected Hlm, and the Roinan nation has gone doum into the graveyard of nations. The Christian Amendment Movement is calling Uncle Sam to repent and acknowl- edge Him Whom God has appointed the Ru!er of nations. ETHA NATl0N:BUT SIN 15AREPROACH TO ANY I Used by permission of THE CHICAGO T-IRIE Men and nations do not live by and scientific progress alone. b word that proceedeth out of the God. What we need is not mor 1 Copyright by the Sunday School Times Co. producing industrial machines, h Y and reprinted by permission or increased proflts. We need str -9- - and spiritual underpinning, and we need The Amendment alone will n it badly. nation, but without it there is Can anything less than a national con- foundation upon wl~ichto build a fession of faith in Jesus Christ provide the society in our country. necessary foundation upon which we can The state is not a secular institution make a sufficient spiritual progress? speaking of the state's relation to God, "The powers that be are ordained o What the Amendment Wi Do (Romans 13:l). The state has a d recognize the source of its auth For Our Country Constitution should not be on t the atheist. Ii will provide a Christian foundation for our governmenf. Christ did not redeem us as in and neglect the redemption of soc' we pray, "Thy kingdom come. T done in earth, as it is in heaven," our national life as well as our in lives. The acknowledgment of Jes is a necessary foundation if Christ's is to be fully realized on earth. The Chridian Amendment will church and siaie io wo~ktogether fo righteousness. Church and state must be kept so far as government and organizati concerned. The church should n with the state in political affairs. nation should ever be set up as lished church in this country. Neither should the state e with the church unless, through it is interfering with public instance, polygamy must be since it interferes with moral sta the state should never pass laws tain to matters of church gover worship, such as the choice of church offi- cials or the observance of the sacraments. Forty-three of our forty-eight states now make religious acknowledgments in their constitutions, but that does not unite any 7 church with these states; neither would an acknowledgment of Christ in our federal Constitution unite any church with our , federal government. The ackno~vledgment of Christ by our nation and a union of church and state are two entirely different things. If the state must be completely separate irom God and entirely secular, then the church and the state are going to work against each other. "A house divided against itself cannot stand." Rather, let both church and state acknowledge Jesus Christ and cooperate in establishing Christian principles of conduct. Used by perrnlssron of CHHlSTIAq IlLiiALL) The Christian Amendmenf will give and Mr. Alexander support to Christian political leaders "The position taken by a government with regard to moraIs and religion will in Every citizen has a definite responsibility the long run, if unchecked, bring to its own to God that no institution or office can take from him. "Every man must give account likeness a majority of the people" (W. J. of himself to God." But a Christian in Coleman). For example, bad government political life in America works under the and wicked leadership in Germany, Italy, I severe handicap of serving a government and Japan lowered tragically the moral that is not Christian. To which does he owe standards of otherwise great peoples. If his first loyalty? If we had a Christian civil government, there would be no such problem Christ were in our government, however, of conflicting responsibilities. Such a govern- 1 and Christian men in office, we could then 8I ment would attract to its offices men of expect a corresponding rise in moral stan- high Christian character. i j dards. The Christian Arnendmeni will afford a to Live in a community where Christian consfifutional basis for Christian legislafion , influences mere not evident. such a and judicial decisions. munity, devoid of Christian ideals, the value of property \vould decline, neighborliness \vould wane, the ties that bind society woulrl weaken, many oi the blessings we enjoy \\.auld disappear. To Jews and others who do not believe in Christ, the Christian Amendment \voultl work no injury but \vould be rather for their protection. Three representativcs of the Christian Amendment Movernent went to call upon the leaders of the American Je\-vis11 Comnlittee in New York City. Those leaders were told that this is a Christian movement, under Christian leadership.