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CTGR History Presentation Calapooia Watershed.Pdf CTGRCTGR HistoryHistory PresentationPresentation byby TheThe ConfederatedConfederated TribesTribes ofof thethe GrandGrand RondeRonde CommunityCommunity ofof OregonOregon CulturalCultural ResourcesResources DepartmentDepartment PrePre EuroEuro--AmericanAmerican TribesTribes werewere herehere fromfrom TimeTime immemorialimmemorial 14,50014,500 yearsyears atat leastleast basedbased onon OralOral traditionstraditions 14,30014,300 yearsyears atat leastleast basedbased onon archaeologicalarchaeological recordrecord ArchaeologicalArchaeological ConceptsConcepts onon HistoryHistory DiagnosticDiagnostic ToolsTools DefineDefine AgeAge andand UseUse BretzBretz FloodsFloods 14,500 years ago MaryMary’’ss PeakPeak KalapuyaKalapuya Name:Name: tcentcitcentci’’nDunDu’’ AlternateAlternate KalapuyaKalapuya Spelling:Spelling: chantchantʰʰimanwiimanwi Now the water (flood) came up (rose). And some of the people, the large birds carried them (up) on their backs. They took them to a big mountain (Pike’s Peak or Mary’s Peak, west of Corvallis). All those people went to that big mountain there. Now the water was coming up higher. All the country was filled with water. Then skink took an oak puff ball (i.e. an oak gall), and he made a hole in the oak puff ball, he got inside that. And to be sure that oak puff ball floated on the top of the water. Now all the people were running along, they climbed up the big mountain. Now the water pretty nearly got to the top of the mountain. Then those people said to panther, “What have you taken? This water does not want to go back (to recede).” And so he said, “I took nothing, I took only my child, and I took that woman’s hair.” “Oh,” the people said, “Throw away that hair of hers. Maybe it is that which is pursuing.” So panther told him, “Throw that hair into the water.” Sure enough small chicken hawk threw hair into the water and to be sure the water went down then, it went back (receded) RegionsRegions ColumbiaColumbia RiverRiver WillametteWillamette ValleyValley UmpquaUmpqua BasinBasin RogueRogue ValleyValley ColumbiaColumbia RiverRiver hayashhayash TsuqTsuq NchNch’’ii--wwáánana TribesTribes alongalong thethe ColumbiaColumbia RiverRiver MultnomahMultnomah ClackamasClackamas SlahalaSlahala –– CascadesCascades TumwataTumwata BandBand ofof thethe ClalliwallaClalliwalla Villages Along the Columbia River Village Site Source Location ______________________________________________________________________________ Yehuh Coues 1893:1248 Above the rapids Clahclellah Below the rapids Wahclellah Below all the rapids Neerchokioon A few miles above the Multnomah River No Name Recorded Thompson 1916:498 At head of the upper rapids Waiáxix At present Cascade Locks Wahlála Curtis 1911b:181 Opposite Cascade Locks Skamányăk At Middle Cascades Kĭhaiagĭlhŭm Just below Skamányăk Kaiuchŭkhlqtĭh At Lower Cascades Kamigwaíhat Just below Kaiuchŭkhlqtĭh Waíahih At Cascade Locks Swapapáni Eagle Creek Wała’la Spier and Sapir 1930:167 Ten miles below Wind River Sk!Ema’niak Near town of Skamania Łxaxwa’lukł Two miles below Sk!Ema’niak Nimĭcxa’ya Spier and Sapir 1930:168 One-half mile below Castle (Beacon) Rock Name Unknown Adams 1958:6 At head of upper rapids Waiáxix At Cascade Locks Wałála Adams 1958:7 At Bridge of the Gods Skәmámaniak Between rapids below Bridge of the Gods and Bonneville Dam Qiq ayakílxam A little below Skәmámaniak Swapanáni At Eagle Creek Wimałgíkšat Near Bonneville Dam Gayačaqłqtix At Lower Cascades Kamigwáixat A little below Gayačaqłqtix Łxaxwakukł Lower on the river Nimišxáya Below Beacon Rock Wašúxwal Below Cape Horn WillametteWillamette ValleyValley walaNptwalaNpt NuLtnoNahNuLtnoNah tsuqtsuq TribesTribes andand BandsBands ofof thethe WillametteWillamette ValleyValley Tualatin Kalapuya Marysville Kalapuya Muddy Creek Kalapuya Long Tom Kalapuya Yamhill Kalapuya Luckiamute Kalapuya Calapooia Kalapuya Mohawk Kalapuya Winnefella Kalapuya Santiam Kalapuya Tekopa Kalapuya Chafan Kalapuya Yoncalla Kalapuya Santiam Molalla Northern Molalla LocationLocation CalapooiaCalapooia RiverRiver MuddyMuddy CreekCreek WaltonWalton SloughSlough ButteButte CreekCreek OverOver 450450 MoundsMounds locatedlocated fromfrom AlbanyAlbany toto EugeneEugene UmpquaUmpqua BasinBasin TribesTribes andand BandsBands ofof thethe UmpquaUmpqua BasinBasin UmpquaUmpqua CowCow CreekCreek BandBand ofof thethe UmpquaUmpqua YoncallaYoncalla KalapuyaKalapuya SouthernSouthern MolallaMolalla RogueRogue ValleyValley TribesTribes andand BandsBands ofof thethe RogueRogue ValleyValley Southern Molalla Applegate Creek Bands of the Rogue River Rogue River Quilsieton Band of the Chasta Nahelta Band of the Chasta Cow-nan-ti-co Band of Scotons Sa-cher-i-ton Band of Scotons Na-al-ye bands of Scotons Grave Creek band of Umpquas Shasta TraditionalTraditional FoodsFoods andand BasketryBasketry MaterialMaterial Willow, Cedar, Cedar Root, Spruce Root, Bear Grass, Bitter cherry, Dogwood, Cattail, Tule, Juncus, Hazel, Maple Bark, Maiden Hair fern, Woodwardri fern, Sea Grass: phyllospadix, Silver Weed: potentilla, Iris, Dog Bane, Nettle, Milk Weed, Huckle Berries, Salmon Berries, Thimble Berries, Wild Strawberries, Wapato, Camas, Western Bistort, Black Berries, Freshwater Mussels, Crawfish, Wild Mint, Yerba Buena, Balsamroot, Skunk Cabbage, Eulachon, Sturgeon, Lomatium, Wild Carrott, Eels, Bitterroot, Killdeer, Yampah, Tarweed, Insects, Honey, Wild Onion, Acorns, Hazelnuts, Myrtlewood Nuts, Tobacco, Quail, Grouse, Chipmunk, Cougar, Bobcat, Raccoon, Timber Wolf, CatsCats Ear,Ear, WhiteWhite TailedTailed Deer,Deer, BlackBlack Tailed Deer, Roosevelt Elk, Ducks, Geese, Beaver, Bear, Cattails, Wocas: Yellow Pond Lilly ContactContact 18051805 LewisLewis && ClarkClark 18121812 TradersTraders –– HudsonHudson BayBay CompanyCompany 18431843--18451845 OregonOregon TrailTrail 18501850 DonationDonation LandLand ActAct 18511851--18551855 TreatiesTreaties withwith TribesTribes First Treaties were negotiated with Anson Dart in 1851, these treaties were not ratified by Congress. Negotiations started again in 1853 with Joel Palmer, he forced the Tribes to cede all their ancestral lands and relocate to the Coast Reservation. Coast Reservation 1,440,800 acres ReservationReservation boundariesboundaries prepre-- termination:termination: 60,00060,000 acresacres Today:Today: 9,8119,811 acresacres 18551855--18571857 RemovalRemoval ofof TribesTribes TribesTribes andand BandsBands RelocatedRelocated toto GrandGrand RondeRonde AgencyAgency Tribes and Bands relocated to Grand Ronde Agency: Tualatin Kalapuya Marysville Kalapuya Muddy Creek Kalapuya Long Tom Kalapuya Yamhill Kalapuya Luckiamute Kalapuya Calapooia Kalapuya Mohawk Kalapuya Winnefella Kalapuya Santiam Kalapuya Tekopa Kalapuya Chafan Kalapuya Yoncalla Kalapuya Umpqua Cow Creek Umpqua Thomas Band Chinook (Oregon City) Williams Band Chinook (Oregon City) Johns Band Chinook (Oregon City) Clackamas Chinook (Oregon City) Santiam Molalla Southern Molalla Applegate Creek Bands of the Rogue River Rogue River Quilsieton Band of the Chasta Nahelta Band of the Chasta Cow-nan-ti-co Band of Scotons Sa-cher-i-ton Band of Scotons Na-al-ye bands of Scotons Grave Creek band of Umpquas Shasta Salmon River Tillamook Nehalem Band of Tillamook Nestucka Band of Tillamook ReservationReservation QuoteQuote fromfrom TomTom ShastaShasta YouYou wouldwould bebe ashamedashamed ifif thethe IndiansIndians couldcould writewrite thethe truthtruth toto WashingtonWashington themselves.themselves. WhenWhen thethe moneymoney andand thingsthings arrivearrive herehere theythey gogo intointo thethe storehousestorehouse andand thethe IndiansIndians nevernever seesee them.them. SoSo withwith allall thethe agents.agents. TheyThey nevernever givegive usus whatwhat isis sentsent forfor us.us. –– ReportReport ofof thethe CommissionerCommissioner ofof IndianIndian AffairsAffairs 18711871 Fort Yamhill established 1856 Abandoned August 13, 1866 Blockhouse moved to Dayton in 1911 OPRD purchased the Lands in 2006 for restoration CTGR has consulted on this From its inception. First Train arrives in Grand Ronde 1869 Timber Industry creates jobs in Grand Ronde Yamhill Lumber Yard flooded in LossLoss ofof ReservationReservation LandsLands 1887, the General Allotment Act became law. Under the law 270 allotments totaling a little over 33,000 acres were made to the inhabitants of the reservation – These allotments were approved on April 29th, 1891; by July of the following year 265 patents were transmitted to the Agent at the Grand Ronde Agency. Several of the allotments had been inadvertently placed on areas outside of the donation land claim and one person had been overlooked entirely. 1901 – Surplus Land sold to US Government – Docket No. 238 before the Indian Claims Commission the Kalapuya and Grand Ronde Community filed a claim to recover the value of the land ceded under the McLaughlin Agreement. 1936 under the Indian Reorganization Act, the Tribe was able to purchase 536.99 acres to provide homes and land for the tribal people TerminationTermination 19541954 CongressCongress passedpassed TerminationTermination ActAct –– TheThe onlyonly parcelparcel ofof landland thethe TribeTribe waswas allowedallowed toto keepkeep waswas thethe TribalTribal cemetery.cemetery. – The Grand Ronde Restoration act was RestorationRestoration passed Nov 22, 1983 - Public Law 98-165 – 1988 Grand Ronde Reservation Act established 9,811 acres – Public Law 100-425 OverviewOverview TribalTribal HistoryHistory Dynamics.Dynamics. VarietyVariety ofof Tribes/BandsTribes/Bands andand theirtheir useuse ofof thethe environment.environment. InheritorInheritor CommunityCommunity –– notnot aa descendantdescendant community.community..
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    ranlinr - 4. Ii.(fI4O1 cl r9\ 5s C ' ETHNOGRAPHIC s'..L- tcH p' )T\' r SKETCH :sci41J OF THE f: Pr5T1 -11E1 L 1 ttc!f\\ \AKLAMATH /\MATII INI)IANJRE,SEThT y C: Et I. L/"° kt, INDIANS ckt1IPK / 41(chat,rc F % A" .. OF SOUTHWESTERN OREGON N 'I S j bli C' ''U OX] by ALBERT SAMUELGATSCHET 4 I'VYA - I) S. C Cm DIP. TIMPEN '4?. .1 4f.thrth' DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U. 8. GEOGRAPHICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION J. W. POWELL IN CHARGE Ethnographic Sketch of THE KLAMATH I.XDIAKS op SOUTHWESTERN OREGON ALBERT SAMUEL GATSCHET An Extract from CONTRIBUTIONS TO NORTH AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY, Vol.II, part I. WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1890 FACSIMILE REPRODUCTION 1966 THE SHOREY BOOK STORE 815 Third Avenue Seattle, Washington 98104 SJS # 118 ETHNOGRAPHIC SKETCH OF THE KALAMATH INDIANS FOURTH PRINTING Of Facsimile Reprint Limited to 150 Copies November 1973 ISBN # 0-8466-0118-4 (InPaper Covers) ISBN # 0-8466-2118-5 (InPublisher's LibraryBindings) CONTENTS Page Letter of Transmittal Vii Ethnographic sketch ix Introduction to the texts 1 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. SMiTHSONIAN INSTITUTION, BUREAU OF ETHNOLOGY, Washington, D. C., June 25, 1890. SIR: I have the honor to transmit toyou my report upon the Kiamath Indians of Southwestern Oregon, the result of long and patient study.It deals with their beliefs, legends, and traditions, theirgovernment and social life, their racial and somatic peculiarities, and,more extensively, with their language.To this the reader is introduced bynumerous ethnographic "Texts," suggested or dictated
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