
Polarizers, &

Examine the polarizing sheets (the greenish sheets). Observe what happens when you hold two together and rotate one. Make a polariscope by clipping two polarizing sheets on either side of the wooden stick, as shown. Position the sheets in CROSSED position, i.e., the darkest position. After building the polariscope, insert samples of glass and crystalline samples ( , and (CaCO3). What difference do you observe between the amorphous glass and the crystals? At what angle do you need to hold the samples to get the best effect? Try plastic, e.g. a piece of the plastic bag included or scotch tape. Stretch the bag and see if that causes any changes. (The latter are examples of orientational order.)

For AAPT – examine one of the flat Jolly Ranger bars. Is it amorphous? Rinse one end with some water and look again.

PolariscopeExaminingStructure Heffner, version 2/2/12

Sources for :

Arbor Scientific: 1.800.367.6695, carry multiple sizes: http://www.arborsci.com/shop-by-topic/light-optics/polarization-diffraction/polarizing-filters My choice would likely be Polarizing Film Sheet 30cm x 38cm at $41 http://www.arborsci.com/polarizing-film-sheet-30cm-x-38cm

B&H Camera Shop and other carry: Rosco #7300 Polarizing Filter - 17" x 20" Sheet $48 http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/45130-REG/Rosco_101073001720_Polarizing_7300_Filter.html

Even better process at: .com at: http://polarization.com/ - a very interesting website with useful education info. PF030 - Linear by the foot fully laminated $35 per foot – the thicker 30 mil stuff 17” wide. They also have PF06, a 6 mil thick 17” wide material at $15 per foot and polarization demo cards. Phone 210-545-6867 or email the company: [email protected]. I used them and was quite satisfied.

Polarizing Sheet: http://www.polarizingsheet.com/ Good prices with several options.

PolariscopeExaminingStructure Heffner, version 2/2/12