; )


of Garter. G.C.T.E. Knight Grand E.G. Knight the of the Indian Knight > E.T. Knight of the Thistle. E.C.I. E. Commander Empire. E.P. Knight of St. Patrick. CLE. Companion j G.C.B. Knight Grand Cross) G.C.V.O. Knight Grand Cross K.C.B. Knight Commander > of the Bath. E.C. V.O. Knight Commander of the Royal Vic- C.B. Companion ) C. V.O. Commander torian Order.

. M. V.O. Member 4th or 5th Class G.C.S.I. Knight Grand Commander ) f t <.*„- nf ) K.C.S. 1. Knight Commander D.S.O. Companion of the Distinguished Service Order } . C.S.I. Companion A.D.C. Aide-de-Camp. G.C.M.G. Knight Grand Cross Y.C. Victoria Cross. Commander ^ o{ st Michael and St. E.C.M.G. Knight George. C.M.G. Companion J

Abinger (4th Baron). —James Yorke Mac- Alexander. —Lieut.-Col. H. Alexander, 10th gregor Scarlett. Late 3rd Battalion Hussars. Entered 18S0 ; Lieut.-Col., Aug. 1900. Queen's Own (Cameron Highlanders). Staff Service—Adjt. Yeomanry Cavalry, 1890-95. Acheson (Viscount). — Archibald Charles War Service— S. African War, 1S99-1900 ; twice Montagu Brabazon, D.L. for County Armagh. wounded (once severely). 2nd Battalion Coldstream Guards. Alexander.— Lieut.-Col. Hon. W. P. Alex- A Court. —Lieut.-Col. C. A Court. Entered ander, Royal Scots Greys. Cor. 2nd Dragoons, Service Adjt. Rifle Brigade, 1878 ; Brev. Lieut.-Col., 1899. 1869; Brev.-Col., July 1900. Staff — Staff Service—Staff Capt. (Intell.) Headquarters Aux. Forces, 1884-89. War Service— S. African of Army, 1890-93; D.A.A.G. (Intell.) Head- War, 1 899- 1 900. Allen, quarters of Army, 1893-95 ; D.A.A.G., Egypt, Allen. —-General Ralph Edward Brig.-Maj. Soudan Ex. Force, 1S9S J.P., A.A.G. South African Field Force. En- 1897-98; ; — Mil. Attache (temp.) Brussels and the Hague, tered 1865 ; , 1896. Staff Service 1899; D.A.A.G., S. Africa, 1S99-1900. War Brigade Major, Belfast, 1S84 ; D.A.A. and Major, Service—Afghan War, 1878 (medal with clasp) Q.M.G., , 1884-85 ; Brigade Nile Ex., 1898 (Despatches, May and Sept. Eastern District, 1SS6-87 ; D.A.A.G., Chatham,

1898; Brev. of Lieut.-Col.; Egyptian medal 1S87 ; A.A.G., Curragh, 1896-97; A.A.G., South

medal) ; S. African War, 1S99- Africa, 1899-1900. WarService—Bechuanaland with clasp ;

1900; with Ladysmith Relief Force; Spion Expedition, 18S4-85 (honourably mentioned ; Kop (Despatches). Brevet of Lieutenant-Colonel) ; South African Airey.— Lieut. - Col. H. P. Airey, D.S.O. War, 1899-1900; on Staff. Major-General Allen, This dashing officer commanded the New South born in 1846, is the son of the late Major R. Wales Imperial Bushmen. Shuttle worth Allen, J. P. , D. L., and the daughter Airlie (8th Earl of ).—David William Stanley of Sir Samuel Cunard, Bart. Ogilvy, Baron Ogilvy of Airlie (see vol. vi. p. Allin— Lieut.-Col. W. B. Allin, A.M.S.,

IS)- P.M.O., Natal Field Force ; Lieut. -Col. R. A.M.C., Albemarle (Sth Earl of). —Arnold Allan 1893. War Service—Afghan War, 1S7S-

Cecil Keppel, Baron Ashford, Viscount Bury. 1SS0 (medal) ; Soudan Ex., 1884-85 (De-

; Colonel, C.I.V. ; late Dorset Militia ; late Scots spatches, 1S85 medal with clasp; bronze

; Guards. star ; promoted Surg.-Maj.) Isazai Ex., 1S92 ; Alderson.—Lieut.-Col. E. A. H. Alderson, S. African War, 1899- 1900.

Royal West Kent Regt. Entered 1878 ; Brev. Appelbe.—Col. E. B. Appelbe. Lieut.-Col., Lieut.-Col., 1897. Staff Service—Spec. Serv. 1S98. Staff Service—Employed with Egyptian S. Africa, 1896-97 ; D.A.A.G., Aldershot, Army, 1887-93; Ord. Officer 3rd class, 1896-9S; 1897-99; Comdg. Mounted Inf. Cav., 1st Brig., Ord. Officer 2nd class, 1898. War Service— S. Africa, 1899. War Service—S. African S. African War, 1879-81 (medal with clasp);

War, 1881 ; Egyptian Ex., 1S82 (medal with Soudan Ex., 1S84-85 (medal with 2 clasps; clasp; bronze star); Soudan Ex, 1884-85 (2 bronze star); Soudan, 18SS-89 (3rd class clasps); Op. in S. Africa, 1896 (Despatches; Medjidie) ; S. African War, 1899-1900; Chief

Brev. of Lieut.-Col.) ; S. African War, 1S99- Ord. Officer, Lines of Communication.

1900 ; Comdg. Corps of Mounted Inf. Armstrong'.—Lieut.-Col. F. W. Armstrong. Aldworth. —Lieutenant - Colonel W. Aid- This officer rendered valuable service with the worth, D.S.O. Commanding 2nd Battalion East Griqualand Mounted Volunteers. Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. For career, Arthur. — Sir George Compton Archibald tee vol. iv. p. 60. Arthur, 3rd Battalion Herts Yeomanry Cavalry ;

1 The military details do not exter. . beyond the information contained in the Official Army Lists of 1900. 152 MAJOR-GENERAL BARTON, C. B.

Photo, Debenham & Smith, Southampton

- ;

Biographical Record

Lieutenant, 2nd Life Guards, 1880-86. War South Westmorland since 1892, County Coun-

Service—Egyptian Campaign, 1882 ; Nile Ex- cillor for Westmorland, Parliamentary Private pedition, 1885. Born i860. Secretary to Financial Secretary to Treasury. Ava (Earl of). —Archibald James Leofric This gallant officer (serving with Yeomanry Temple Blackwood (late 17th Lancers), son of Cavalry) retired as Captain in Grenadier Guards 1st Marquis of Dufferin and Ava. For career, in 1886. Prior to that date he acted as A.D.C. see vol iii. p. 90. to the Governor-General of Canada in 1882-83 and 1888-S9. He is the eldest son of Colonel

Babington.—Major-GeneralJ. M.Babington. Charles Bagot, Grenadier Guards ; was born in

Entered 1873 ; Colonel, 1S96. Staff Service 1854, and married in 1885 to the daughter of — A.A.G., Punjab, 1896-99. War Service— Sir John Leslie, Bart. Bechuanaland Expedition, 18S4-85 (De- Bainbridge.—Brev.-Maj. E. G. T. Bain- spatches) ; S. African War, 1899-1901 ; A.A.G., bridge, The Buffs. Entered 1888 ; Brev.-Maj., afterwards Commanding 1st Cavalry Brigade. 1898. Staff Service—Employed with Egyptian

Babtie.—Major W. Babtie, ID. (J., C.M.G., Army, 1S96-98 ; D.A.A.G., S. Africa, 1899- R.A.M.C. (See Recipients of the V.C.) En- 1900. War Service—Ex. to Dongola, 1896 tered 18S1. This notable medical officer, the (Despatches, Nov. 1896); Nile Ex., 1897 first of the Scottish heroes to earn the V.C. in (Despatches, Jan. 1898 ; clasp to Egyptian

South Africa, was born in 1859, and is the son medal) ; Nile Ex., 1898 (Despatches, Sept. and of Mr. J. Babtie, J.P., of Dumbarton. He Deo, 1898; Brev. of Maj.; clasp to Egyptian served with distinction in India, , and medal; medal); S. African War, 1899-1900;

Crete, and was decorated for services rendered on Staff ; Commanding Corps of Mounted Inf. during the international occupation of that Ball.—Maj. J. W. Ball. This officer rendered island. His action at Colenso is described valuable service with the Queenstown Rifle elsewhere. Volunteers. Bacon. —Maj. W. Bacon. This officer ren- Banfield.— Lieut.-Col. R. J. F. Banfield, dered notable service with the Queensland The Welsh Regiment. Entered 1871 ; Lieut.- Mounted Infantry. Col., 1896. Staff Service—D.A.A.G. for Inst. W. Baden- Powell.—Lieutenant-General Robert Dist., 1887-92. War Service— S. African War,

Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell. Special Ser- 1S99-1900 ; Op. at Paardeberg ; severely vice, Mafeking. Entered 13th Hussars, 1S76 ; wounded, 18th Feb. 1900. Major-General, 23rd May 1900. Staff Service— Bartlett.— Sir Ellis Ashmead Bartlett, M.P., A.D.C. to G.O.C. Cape of Good Hope, 188S; Lieutenant, 4th Battalion Bedfordshire Regi- A.M.S. and A.D.C. to G.O.C. Cape of Good ment. Sir Ellis was born in 1S49, and married Hope, 1888-90; A.M.S. and A.D.C. to Governor in 1S74 the daughter of Mr. Walsh of Phila- of Malta, 1890-93. Special Service, Ashanti,— delphia. He was M.P. for Suffolk from 1SS0-85, 1895-96; South Africa, 1 S99- 1 900. War Service for Ecclesall Division, Sheffield, since 1885, Operations in Zululand, 1S88 (honourably men- and Civil Lord of the Admiralty from 18S5-86, tioned) ; Ashanti Expedition, 1S95-96 (honour- 1SS6-92. ably mentioned ; Brevet of Lieutenant-Colonel, Barton.—Major-General G. Barton, C.B. Star); Operations in South Africa, 1S96 (Despat- Commanding 6th Brigade Natal Field Force. ches ; Brevet of Colonel) ; South African War, Entered 1S62 ; Major-General, 1S9S. Staff Ser-

1 ; 899- 1 900 Mafeking. Afterwards on Staff. Pro- vice— Special Service, Ashanti Expedition, 1S73- moted Major-General for distinguished services 74 ; A.D.C. to Brigadier-General, Aldershot, in the field. The heroic defender of Mafeking 1S74-77 ; Special Service, South Africa, 1S7S- is the son of the late Prof. Baden-Powell, who 79; D.A.A. and Q.M.G. (commandant Foot married the eldest daughter of H. Police) ; W. Expeditionary Force, Egypt, 18S2 ; Smyth, F.H.S., a descendant of the gallant Assistant Military Secretary, , 1SS4-S5 ; Captain John Smith of Elizabethan age. Their Assistant Military Secretary to Lieutenant- son, Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, General, Expeditionary Force, Suakim, 1S85 ; was born on the 22nd February 1857. He was A.A.G. Thames District, 1895-97, North-West a godson of Robert Stephenson, the celebrated District, 1S97-98 ; Major-General Infantry engineer. He is a keen soldier, a smart scholar, Brigade, South Africa, 1S99. War Service— fine actor, a and a born wit, and to these Ashanti, 1873-74, wounded (Despatches ; medal qualities, combined with his amazing versatility with clasp ; promoted Captain) ; South African and excellent spirits, he owes his popularity War, 1879 (Despatches; medal with clasp; and success. In 1S70 he was nominated by the Brevet of Major) ; Egyptian Expedition, 18S2 Duke of Marlborough for Charterhouse, where (Despatches; medal with clasp; bronze star; he distinguished himself not only by his mental Brevet of Lieutenant - Colonel, 4th class, qualities, but moral while his irrepressible Osmanieh) ; Soudan Expedition, 1885 (clasp) spirits caused him to be looked upon as the life South African War, 1899-1900; on Staff; of the school. In addition to his other accom- wounded February 27, 1900. plishments he is a first-rate polo-player and Basing (2nd Baron). — George Limbrey pig-sticker, a capital shot, and an ambidex- Sclater-Booth. Entered 1st Dragoons, 1S82 trous artist. His favourite mottoes are: "Don't Major 1898. War Service—S. African War flurry; patience gains the day 1" and "A smile (Despatches). Lord Basing was born in i860, and a stick will carry you through any difficulty and married, in 1889, the daughter of Mr. in the world." John Hargreaves, Maiden Erleigh, Berks, and Bagot.—J. F. Bagot, J.P., D.L., M.P. for Whalley Abbey, Lanes. 153 The Transvaal War

Bayly.—Lieut.-Col. A. W. L. Bayly, D.S.O., Service—Brig.-Maj. Royal Engineers, Head-

I.S.C. Entered ioSth Foot, 1874; Lieut.-Col., quarters, Ireland, 1S90-95 ; Staff Off. Boyal June 1900. Staff Service—D.A.A. and Q.M.G. Engineers, S. Africa, 1899. War Service—

Burmese Ex., 1SS6-87 ; D.A.Q.M.G. Dist. Afghan War, 1878-S0 (Despatches ; medal).

Staff Officer, 2nd class ; D.A.A.G., Bom- S. African War, 1899-1900 ; on Staff. bay, 1SS7-92 ; A.A.G., India, 1S96 ; D A.A.G., Bethune.—Lieutenant -Colonel E. C. Be-

S. Africa, March 1900. War Service —Afghan thune. Entered 1875 '> Lieutenant-Colonel, 1900. War, 1S79-S0 (medal with clasp) ; Soudan Ex., Staff Service—Garrison Instructor, D.A.A.G.,

18S5 (medal with clasp ; bronze star) ; Burmese Madras, 1887-94; D.A.A.G., India, 189S-99;

Ex., 1SS6-S7 (Despatches, Sept. 1887 ; medal A.A.G., India, 1899; D.A.A.G., South Africa, with 2 clasps; D.S.O.); S. African War, with 1899; Special Service, South Africa, 1899.

Ladysmith Belief Force ; wounded 24th Jan. War Service—Afghan War, 1878-80 (medal with

Beale. — Col. Beale. This officer rendered clasp) ; South African War, 1881 ; South valuable service with the Ehodesian Begt., African War, 1900 ; on Staff ; raised and com- British S. Africa Company. manded Bethune's Mounted Infantry. Bearcroft. —Capt. J. Bearcroft, Boyal Navy. Bewicke-Copley. —Lieut.-Col. R. C. A. B. Entered B.N. 1864; Capt., 1895. War Service Bewicke-Copley, 3rd Batt. King's Royal Rifle —Commanded Philomel, and landed in com- Corps. Entered 1876; Lieut.-Col., March 1900. mand of , S. African War, 1S99- Staff Service—A.D.C. to Lieut. -Gov., Bengal,

1900 ; C.B., Oct. 1900. 18S0; D.A.A.G., Barbadoes, 1890-92; Head-

Beckett.—Colonel C. E. Beckett, C.B., 3rd quarters, Ireland, 1892-95 ; A.M.S. and A.D.C. Hussars. — Entered 1869 ; Colonel, 1898. Staff to Lieut.-Gen., India, 1896-98. War Service

Service—D.A.A. and Q M.G., Egypt, 1S82 ; Soudan Ex., 1884-85 (medal with clasp ; bronze

Brigadier-Major Cavalry Brigade, 1882- star) ; in Egypt, Op. Chitral, 1895 (medal with clasp) ;

S3 ; Assistant Military Secretary to G.O.C. N.W. Frontier of India, 1897-9S (Despatches;

Forces, Ireland, 1886-88; D.A.A.G., Head- Feb. 1898 ; 2 clasps) ; Tirah, 1897-98 (De- - quarters, Ireland, 188S-91 ; Assistant In- spatches; April 1900 ; clasp) ; S. African War, spector General of Ordnance, Headquarters of 1S99-1900. Army, 1898-99; A. A.G., Natal, 1S99; A.Q.M.G., Bingham. —Maj. Hon. C. E. Bingham, 1st Headquarters of Army, 1900. War Service— Life Guards, A.D.C. Entered 3rd Hussars

Egyptian Expedition, 18S2 (Despatches ; medal 1882 ; Major, 1st Life Guards, 1898. Staff Ser- with clasp ; bronze star ; Brevet of Major, 4th vice—A.D.C. to Maj. -Gen. Cav. Brig., S. Africa, class Medjidie); Soudan, 1884-85 (clasp) ; South 1899- 1900; A.D.C. to Lieut.-Gen. Cav. Brig.,

African War, Dundee, severely wounded. S. Africa, Feb. 1900 ; D.A.A.G, S. Africa, May Belcher.—Maj. B. Belcher acted as second in 1900. War Service— S. African War, 1S99-1900; command of the splendid corps known as Strath- on Staff. cona's Horse. See vol. iii. p. 147. Blagrove.—Colonel H. J. Blagrove. Com- Belfield.— Col. E. Belfield. Entered manding 13th Hussars. Entered 13th Hussars H. 1876 ;

Col., 1899. Staff Service—Brig.-Maj., Aldershot, 1875 ; Brevet-Colonel, July 1900. Staff Service

1890-93 ; D.A.A.G. (and also for Inst.), Aider- — Staff Captain Remount Establishment, 1SS7- shot, 1893-95; Spec. Serv., Ashanti, 1S95-96 ; 92. War Service—Egyptian Expedition, 1SS2 A.A.G., S. Africa, 1S99. War Service—Ashanti (medal with clasp; bronze star) ; South African

Ex., iS95-96(hon. mentioned ; Brev. of Lieut.- War, 1 899- 1 900.

Col. ; star) ; S. African War, 1S99-1900 ; on Blomfield. —Lieutenant-Colonel C. J. Blom- Staff. field, D.S.O. Commanding 2nd Lancashire Bell - Irving. —Lieut.-Col. A. Bell-Irving, Fusiliers. Entered 1875; Lieutenant-Colonel,

R.A. Entered 1875 ; Lieut.-Col., 1900. War 1898. Staff Service—Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, Service—Afghan War, 1878-80 (Despatches; 1884-89; D.A.A.G., Bombay, 1892-97"; A.A.G.,

medal with clasp) ; S. African War, 1899- 1900. India, 1897. War Service—Nile Expedition, 1898 Benson. — Colonel F. W. Benson. Joined (Despatches; D.S.O. Egyptian medal with clasp;

2 1st Hussars, 1S69 ; Colonel, 1898. Staff Ser- medal) ; South African War, 1S99-19CO. Colonel vice —A.D.C. to Lieutenant-Governor North- Blomfield, born in 1855, is the son of the late

West Provinces, India, 1877 ; employed with Rev. G. Blomfield and the daughter of the late Egyptian Army, 1893-94; D.A.A.G. for Inst., Bishop of London. He married the daughter Dublin, 1895-9S; A.A.G. South-East Dis- of the late Major E. Bristoe. The gallant

trict, 1898-99 ; Special Service, South Africa, Colonel, whose splendid regiment distinguished 1899-1900; A.A.G. South Africa, 1900. War itself at Spion Kop, had the misfortune to be Service—Fenian Baid, Canada (medal with taken prisoner on that occasion [see vol. iii.

clasp) ; South African War, 1899-1900; on Staff. p. in). Bentinck.—Lord Charles Cavendish Caven- Bodle.— Lieut. - Col. Bodle. This officer dish Bentinck, Lieutenant 9th Lancers. Special rendered valuable service with the British S. Service, S. Africa, 1900. Africa Police. Bentinck. —Lord Henry Cavendish Ben- Bowles. —Lieut.-Col. H. Bowles, Yorkshire tinck, M.P., Yeomanry Cavalry. Lord Henry, Reert. Entered 1S76; Brev. Lieut.-Col., 1S99.

born in 1863, is the son of General Bentinck. Staff Service— StaS Capt., Egypt, 1884-85 ; He married in 1892 Lady Olivia, daughter of D.A.A., and Q.M.G, Egypt, 1S85-S6. War the late Earl of Bective. Service—Soudan Ex., 1S84-S5 (Despatches;

BetheU.—Lieut.-Col. E. H. Bethell, R.E. Brev. of Maj.) ; Op. on N.W. Frontier of India

Entered 1S73 ; Lieut.-Col., Jan. 1900. Staff (Despatches ; Brev. of Lieut.-Col. ; medal with 154 ; ;

Biographical Record

2 clasps) ; S. African War, 1899- 1900 (De- 15th Hussars), and the daughter of the late Sir spatches, May 1900) ; Paardeberg, wounded. W. H. Palmer, Bart. Boyes.—Major-General T. E. Boyes. Com- Bradley.—Lieut.-Col. C. E. Bradley, North manding 17th Brigade. Entered 1S61 ; Major- Stafford Regiment. Entered 1874 ; Lieut-Col.,

General, 1899. Staff Service —Brigade-Major, 1S99. War Service—Op. in Zululand, 1888 ; S.

Straits Settlements, 1869-70 ; Major-General African War, 1S90-1900. Infantry, Aldershot, January 1900 to March Brassey. — Captain Hon. T. Allnutt Brassey, 1900; South Africa, March 1900. War Service B.A., J.P., West Kent Yeomanry Cavalry. is of 1st —Egyptian Expedition, 1SS2-S4; (Despatches ; Captain Brassey the son the Baron medal with clasp ; bronze star ; Brevet of Brassey and the daughter of 1st Marquis of 4th class Osmanieh) Abergavenny. Lieutenant -Colonel, ;

Soudan (2 clasps) ; Soudan Expedition, 1S84-85 Bridge.—Col. C. H. Bridge, C.B., A.S.C.

(clasp) ; South African War, 1900. Brev.-Col., 189S. Staff Service—D. A. Q.M.G.,

Brabant.—Brigadier-General E. Y. Brabant, Headquarters of Army, 188S-91 ; D.A.A.G.,

M.L.D., C.M.G. (Brabant's Horse). Entered S. Africa, 1S96-97 ; E. Dist., 1897-99; D.A.G. joined for Transport, S. Africa, 1S99. Service— 2nd Derby Militia, 1S55 ; Cape Mounted War

Kifles, 1856, and retired in 1S70. Commandant Egyptian Ex., 1882 (medal ; bronze star) ; Op. of Colonial Forces, 187S; C.M.G., 1880; Com- in S. Africa, 1896 (Despatches; C.B.); S. manding Colonial Division in South Africa, African War, 1S99-1900 ; on Staff. 1900. Brabazon.—Major-General J. P. Brabazon, C.B., A.D.C. to the Queen. Commanding Im- perial Yeomanry, South Africa. Entered 1862 ; Colonel, January 1899. Staff Service—Acting as Volunteer with rank of Captain, Ashanti Ex- pedition, 1873-74 ; A.D.C. (extra to Viceroy of

India), 1877-79 ; Brigade-Major, Afghan Cam- paign, 1870-80; A.D.C. to the Queen, 1889;

Colonel on Staff ; Commanding Cavalry Bri-

gade, South-East District, 1899 ; Major-General, Cavalry Brigade, South Africa, 1S99-1900. War clasp) Service—Ashanti, 1874 (medal with ; Afghan War 1878-80 (Despatches ; March,

November, 1879 '> January, May, December, 1880; Medal with 4 clasps; bronze star;

Brevet of Major) ; Egyptian Expedition, 1884

Brig.-Gen. Robert George Broadwood Photo by T. Fall, London

Broadwood. — Brigadier - General R. G.

Broadwood. Entered 12th Lancers 1881 ; Brevet of Colonel, 1898. Staff Service—A.D.C.

to G.O.C. Belfast District, 1892 ; employed with Egyptian Army, 1S92-99; Brigadier- General, Cavalry Brigade, South Africa, Feb- ruary 1900. War Service —Expedition to Don- gola, 1896 (Despatches; Brevet of Lieutenant-

Colonel ; Egyptian medal with 2 clasps ; medal); Nile Expedition, 1897 (2 clasps to Egyptian

medal, 4th class Osmanieh) ; Nile Expedition,

1S98 (Despatches, May and September 189S ;

Brevet of Colonel ; 2 clasps to Egyptian medal

medal) ; South African War, 1899-1900. Maj.-Gen. Brabazon Brocklehurst. — Major - General J. F. Photo by H. W. Barrett, London Brocklehurst, M.V.O. Commanding 13th Cavalry Brigade. Entered 1874; Colonel,

(Despatches ; medal with clasp ; bronze star 1899. Staff Service—D. A.A. and Q.M.G., Egypt,

Brevet of Lieutenant-Colonel) ; Soudan, 1884- 1884-85; to the Queen, 1899; Major-

85 (clasp) ; South African War, 1S99-1900 General, Cavalry Brigade, Natal, 1899. War (Despatches). General Brabazon, born in 1843, Service — Egyptian Expedition, 1882 (medal

is the son of the late Major Brabazon (late with clasp ; bronze star) ; Soudan Expedition, 155 ;

The Transvaal War

1SS4-S5 (Despatches ; clasp ; Brevet of Major) 21st August 1879; medal with clasp; Brevet

South African War, 1899-1900. of Lieutenant - Colonel ; A.D.C. to Queen ; Bromley Davenport. —W. J. P. Bromley ID.C, C.M.G.); Egyptian Campaign, 1882-84

Davenport, M.P., Yeomanry Cavalry. Born (Despatches ; medal with clasp ; bronze star,

1S63. Son of late Lieutenant -Colonel W. 3rd class Osmanieh ; K.C.M.G.); Soudan, Bromley Davenport, M.P. 1S84 (Despatches, March, April, May, 1884 ; 2

Brooke. —Col. L. - G. Brooke, 1st Batt. Con- clasps ; promoted Major General for distin- naught Rangers. Entered 1869; Brev.-Col., guished service) ; Soudan, 1884-85 (Despatches, Start' Service 1899. —Adjt. Aux. Forces, 1881-86. March, August, 1885; clasp; K.C.B.) ; South

War Service—S. African War, 1S79 ; Ulundi, African War, 1 899-1900. Sir Redvers Buller, slightly wounded (Despatches ; medal with born in 1839, is the son of the late Mr. J. W. clasp); S. African War, 1899-1900; Ladysmith Buller and the daughter of the late Lord H.

Relief Force ; Colenso, dangerously wounded. M. Howard. He married in 1882 the daughter Brooke. — Captain R. G. Brooke, D.S.O., of the 4th Marquis Townshend and widow of A.D.C. to Sir George White. Entered 1885; the Hon. G. T. Howard. The General's char- Captain, 7th Hussars, 1896. War Service — acter has been much discussed, and it is Operations in Chitral, 1895 (Despatches ; universally allowed that for pluck, obstinacy, medal with clasp) ; Operations on North- and bluntness he cannot find his match. The western Frontier of India, 1897-98 (2 clasps) deeds that won him the Victoria Cross are Nile Expedition, 1S98 (Despatches, May and now world-famous {see vol. i. p. 6o), but the September 1S98 ; D.S.O. Egyptian medal with public is less acquainted with the story of his 2 clasps); South African War, 1899-1900; gallantry at El-Teb, and the way he saved the Elandslaagte, severely wounded. Captain situation at the desperate little battle of Tamai. Brooke is the son of Sir Victor Brooke and Of this Mr. Charles Lowe, in his interesting the daughter of Sir Alan Bellingham. book of "Our Greatest Living Soldiers," says: Browne.—Maj. R. S. Browne. This officer "Buller's square, composed of the 'Gay Gor- rendered valuable service with the Queensland dons,' the Royal Irish, and the 60th Rifles, Mounted Infantry. amongst the ranks of whom he had first won Bryan. — Major Hon. G. L. Bryan, Im- his spurs, had been assailed in the same furious perial Yeomanry. This officer, born in 1S57, manner as that of Davis, but had blown away is a son of the 3rd Baron Bellew. He spent all opposition to its advance, about five hundred some years in the 10th Hussars, and served in yards on the right rear of its fellow-brigade, to the Nile Expedition. whose support it now moved up, steady and Buchan.— Lieut.-Col. L. Buchan. This officer machine-like, as if on parade. Encouraged by served with distinction with the Royal Canadian the splendid steadfastness of Buller's embattled Regiment of Infantry. men, Davis's disrupted square was quick to Buchanan - Biddell. — Lieut. - Col. R. G. rally, and then the two brigades began to rain Buchanan-Riddell, 3rd Batt. King's Royal Rifle such an infernal fire of bullets on their savage

Corps. For particulars see vol. iii. p. 1 1 1. foe that the latter were forced to break, and Buller.—General Sir Redvers Henry Buller, the day was won." Of his obstinacy an amus- 1D.C, P.C., G.C.B., K.C.M.G. Commander-in- ing anecdote is told. While he and Lord

Chief of Forces, Natal. Entered 185S ; Colonel, Charles Beresford were serving together in 1879; General, 1896. Staff Service—D.A.A.G., Egypt, an argument arose as to the direction Ashanti Expedition, 1873-74; D.A.A.G., to be taken by the river steamer. Each dog- Headquarters of Army, 1874-78; Special Ser- gedly defended his own opinion, but finally, on " vice, Cape of Good Hope, 1S7S-79 ; A.D.C. to gaining the day, Sir Redvers triumphed. I ! the Queen, 1879-84 ; A.A. and Q.M.G., North was right after all " he cried, when his pro-

Britain ; Aldershot, 1880-81 ; D.A. and Q.M.G., gramme had been fulfilled. "And so was I,"

South Africa, 1881 ; Brigadier-General, South replied Lord Charles. "I merely recommended

Africa, 1881 ; D.A. and Q.M.G., Intelligence the other because I knew you would go against " Department, Expeditionary Force, Egypt, 1882; anything I said ! A.A.G., Headquarters of Army, 1883-84; Bullock.—Lieut.-Col. G. M. Bullock, 2nd

Major-General (Chief of Staff), Egypt, 1884-85; Batt. Devonshire Regt. Entered 1872 ; Lieut.- D.A.G. to the Forces, Headquarters of Armv, Col., 1897. Staff Service—Brig. Maj. S.E. Dist., 1885-86; Special Service, 1S86-87; Q.M.G. to 1882-87; Station Staff Off., 1st class, Bengal, the Forces, Headquarters of Army, 1S87-90 1889-91 ; D.A.A.G., Bengal, 1891-94. War

Adjutant-General to the Forces, Headquarters Service — S. African War, 1S99-1900 ; with of Army, 1890-97; Lieutenant-General com- Ladysmith Relief Force ; Action at Colenso manding troops, Aldershot, 1898-99; General (Despatches) ; wounded. Commanding-in-Chief, South Africa, October Burdett-Coutts. — W. Ashmead Bartlett 1S99 to January 1900; General Officer Com- Burdett-Coutts, J.P., M.P. This gentleman, manding Natal, January 1900. War Service— whose dissatisfaction with the hospital arrange-

China War, i860 (medal with clasp) ; Red ments in South Africa caused considerable stir River Expedition, 1870; Ashanti, 1S73-74; in the country, acted as Correspondent of the wounded (Despatches, November 1S73, March Times. Mr. Burdett-Coutts, born in America in 1874; medal with clasp; Brevet of Major; 1S51, is mainly notable in consequence of his C.B.); South African War, 1878-79 (thanked marriage with the Baroness Burdett-Coutts, in General Orders; Despatches, nth, iSth one of the most benevolent and esteemed ladies June 1878; 5th, 15th, 28th March; 7th May, of the Victorian Era. 156 ; ;

Biographical Record

Burger.—Schalk Burger, the reported "Act- clasp ; bronze star) ; South African War, 1899- ing President" of the Transvaal, vice Mr. 1900. Kruger, was born at Lydenburg in the year in Campbell. — Lieut.-Col. W. P. Campbell, 2nd Rifle which the Sand Kiver Convention was signed. Batt. King's Royal Corps. Entered 1875 ; His grandfather, one of the original Voor- Lieut.-Col., Jan. 1900. Staff Service—Adjt. trekkers, had the distinction of having the price Volunteers, 18S9-94 ; Dist. Insp. of Musk., of ,£300 set on his head by the British Govern- N.W. Dist., 1896-98. War Service — Soudan ment, in consequence of his share in a Natal Ex., 18S4-85 (medal with 2 clasps ; bronze rebellion. His grandson is more of a politican star) ; S. African War, 1S99-1900; wounded. than a soldier. Enlightened and shrewd, but— Capper. —Lieut.-Col. J. E. Capper, R.E. progressive though he was inclined to be —he Entered 1S80; Major, 1899. Staff Service—Dep. could never have rivalled Mr. Kruger in his Assist. Dir. of Rlys., S. Africa, 1899. War influence over his countrymen. Service—Op. on N.W. Frontier of India, 1898

Burnham. —F. B. Burnham. This mar- (medal with clasp) ; S. African War, 1 899-1900 ; vellous Canadian scout and tracker was invited on Staff ; Commanding Railway Pioneer Regt. by Lord Roberts to join his Staff. He was Carleton. — Capt. F. M. Carleton, D.S.O., formerly a cow-boy, and has had unlimited Royal Lanes. Regt., A.D.C. Entered 1888; experience of warfare. His hairbreadth 'scapes Capt. W. African Regt., 1S98. Staff Service— would form the nucleus of a library of ad- Employed with Egyptian Army, 1896-97 ; venture. His services have been invaluable. A.D.C. to Maj.-Gen.^Inf. Brig., S. Africa, 1899- Burn-Murdoch. —Brigadier-General J. F. 1900. War Service—Ex. to Dongola, 1S96 (De-

J.P. ; Nile Ex., (medal) ; in Sierra Burn-Murdoch, Entered 1878 Brevet-— spatches) ; 1897 Op. Colonel, 1st Dragoons, 1898. Staff Service Leone, 1898-99 (Despatches; D. S.O. ; medal

Brigade-Major of Cavalry, 1890-91 ; Brigade- with clasp) ; S. African War, 1899-1900

Major Cavalry Brigade, Aldershot, 1S91-94 Ladysmith Relief Force ; Spion Kop, slightly employed with Egyptian Army, 1894-95 ; wounded. Brigadier - General Cavalry Brigade, South Carr.— Lieut.-Col. E. E. Carr, 2nd Batt. Royal Africa, February 1900. War Service—Soudan Scots Fusiliers. Entered 1873; Lieut.-Col.,

Expedition, 1884-85 (medal with clasps ; bronze 1S98. Staff Service—Adjt. Aux. Forces, 1885-90 ; star); Expedition to Dongola, 1896 (Despatches, Dist. Insp. of Musk., N.E. Dist., 1S93-96. War Brevet of Lieutenant-Colonel, Egyptian Medal Service—Op. on N.W. Frontier of India, 1897-

clasps) ; with 2 clasps) ; South African War, 1899- 1900 ; 98 (medal with 2 S. African War, on Staff. Colonel Burn-Murdoch, born 1859, is 1899-1900; Ladysmith Relief Force; severely the son of the Rev. Canon Burn-Murdoch. wounded, 27th Feb. Buston.-Lieut.-Col. P. T. Buston, R.E. Carrington. —Major-General Sir Frederick

Entered 1S72 ; Lieut.-Col., 1899. War Service Carrington, K.C.M.G., K.C.B., 1897. Entered

—Afghan War, 1878-79-80 (Despatches ; medal the 24th Foot as Ensign. Promoted Lieutenant with 2 clasps) ; Hazara Ex., iSSS (Despatches 1867. Commanded Mounted Infantry in the ; " medal with clasp ; Brev. of Maj.) ; Hazara Ex., Griqualand Expedition, 1875; and Carring- 1891 (Despatches; clasp); S. African War, ton's" Horse in the Kaffir War, 1877-S1 (De-

1 899- 1 900. spatches) ; Commandant of the Transvaal and

Butcher. —Lieut.-Col. G. J. Butcher, Army Volunteer Force (Despatches ; Brevet of Major

Ordnance Dept. Entered 1SS0; Lieut.-Col., 1900. and Lieutenant-Colonel, also C.M.G. ) ; Com- Staff Service — Dep. -Assist. Com. Gen. Ord. Store manded Cape Mounted Rifles in Basutoland

Dept., 1885-95 ; Assist. Com. Gen. Ord. Store Campaign, 1880-81; promoted to Colonel; Dept., 1895-96; Ord. Off., 3rd class, 1896-1900; Commanded 2nd Mounted Rifles, Buchuanaland Ord. Oft'., class, — 2nd April 1900. War Service Expedition, 18S4 ; promoted Major-General S. African War, 1899- 1900. 1S93. Commanded Native Levies in the opera- Byng. — Lieutenant-Colonel the Hon. J. tions in Zululand, 1888. Commanded Infantry Hedworth G. Byng, 10th Hussars. En- Brigade at , 1895. Sir Frederick is tered 1883 ; Colonel, 1898. Staff Service— the son of Mr. E. Carrington, and was born in D.A.A.G., Aldershot, 1897-99; Provost-Marshal, 1S44. He married the daughter of Mr. Elmes, South Africa, 1S99. War Service —Egyptian Colesbourne. Expedition, 1884 (medal with clasp; bronze Carter.—Lieut.-Col. H. M. Carter, Wilts star) ; South African War, 1899- 1900, Command- Regiment. Entered 1868 ; Lieut.-Col., 189S. ing South African Light Horse. Colonel Byng, Staff Service —D.A.A.G., Bengal, 1879-81. War born 1862, is a son of the 2nd Earl of Straf- Service—Afghan War, 1879 (medal) ; S. African ford. War, 1S99-1900; severely wounded. Byron.—Lieutenant-Colonel J. J. Byron, Carter. — Lieut.-Col. S. H. Carter. Lieut.- Royal Australian Artillery. A.D.C. to Lord Col. R.A.M.C, Sept. 1894. War Service— Roberts. Wounded at Majesfontein. Afghan War, 1S78-80 (medal with clasp) Egyptian Ex., 1882 (medal with clasp; bronze Cameron. —Maj. C. Cameron. Maj. Cameron star); Op. on N.W. Frontier of India, 1897-98 served with distinction with the Tasmanian (medal with 2 clasps) ; S. African War, 1S99- Mounted Infantry. 1900; Sen. Med. Officer Inf. Div., Natal Field Campbell.—Major-General B. B. D. Camp- Force. bell, M.V.O. Commanding 16th Brigade. En- Carthew-Yorstoun. — Lieut.-Col. A. M. tered 1864; Major-General, 1898. War Ser- Carthew-Yorstoun, The Black Watch. Entered vice —Egyptian Expedition, 1882 (medal with > Lieut.-Col., Service— Adjt. ; 1875 1899. Staff 157 ; ;;

The Transvaal War

Volunteers, 1S90-95. War Service—S. African Chauvel. —Maj. H. G. Chauvel. This officer

"War, 1S99-1900 ; Paardeberg ; wounded. distinguished himself with the 1st Contingent Castletown of Upper Ossory (2nd Baron). of the Queensland Mounted Infantry. — B. E. Barnaby Fitzpatrick, B.A., Lieutenant- Cheatle.—G. L. Cheatle, F.R.C.S. ; Prize- Colonel 4th Leinster Regiment. Retired from man in Surgery, King's Coll.; Assist.-Surg. the army in 1S75. South African War Special W. Lond. Hosp. and King's Coll. Hosp.

Service Officer, including Service under Base Teacher of Practical Surgery, King's Coll. ; late

Commandant, Cape Town ; afterwards A.A.G-. House Surg, and Assist. House Surg., King's

Cecil.—Major Lord E. H. Cecil, D.S.O. Coll. Hosp. ; Demonstrator of Surgery and As- King's Coll. Entered 18S7 ; Brevet-Major, 1S98. Staff Str- sistant Demonstrator of Anatomy, ike—A.D.C. toG.O.C. Forces, Ireland, 1891-92; Mr. Cheatle rendered service of incalculable

Special Service, Egypt, 1896 ; employed with value at a time of abnormal pressure on the

Egyptian Army, 1898 ; South Africa, 1899 Army Med. Dept. A. A. G. South Africa, 1900. War Service—Expe- Chermside.—Major-General Sir H. C. Cherm- class side, G.C.M.G.,C.B. CommandingThird Division dition to Dongola, 1896 (Despatches ; 4th

Medjidie, Egyptian medal with 2 clasps ; Brevet on the departure of General Gatacre. Entered of Major) ; Nile Expedition, 1898 (Despatches, 1S70; Major-General, 1898. StaffService—Vice-

May and Sept. 1S9S ; D.S.O.) ; South African Consul, Anatolia, 1879-82; D.A.A.G. and

1 Edward Cecil, whose Q.M.G., Egypt, 1882-83; A.A. and Q.M.G., War, 899- 1 900. Lord splendid ability and services in Mafeking have Egypt, 1884; Governor-General, Red Sea Lit- made him world famous, is a son of the Mar- toral, 1SS4-86; Consul, Koordistan, 188S-89; quis of Salisbury. He was born in 1867. He Military Attache, Constantinople, 1SS9-96 married the daughter of Admiral Maxse. Commissioner, Crete, Colonel on Staff, Crete,

Lord Edward's tact, patience, and good sense 1896-99 ; Major-General, Curragh, 1899 ; Major- smoothed over many a perilous situation. General Infantry Brigade, South Africa, 1899- Division, Chamberlain.—Right Hon. Joseph Cham- 1900 ; Lieutenant-General Infantry berlain, J.P., M.P., Secretary of State for April 1900. War Service — Military Attache with Colonies, 1S95, M.P. for Birmingham, 1876-S5, Turkish troops, Russo-Turkish War, 1S76-78 Expedition, 1S82- and thrice Mayor ; President of Board of Trade, (Turkish medal); Egyptian

star, ; Expedi- 1S80-85 ; President of Local Government Board, 84 (medal, bronze clasp) Soudan

1886. Mr. Chamberlain, the foremost man in tion, 1885 (Despatches ; clasp, Brevet of Lieu- of the drama of the Transvaal, the originator of tenant-Colonel) ; Soudan, 1S87 (Brevet the great Colonial movement which has made Colonel) ; South African War, 1899-1900. a united family of the Empire, began life as an Chesham (3rd Baron). — C. C. W. Cavendish, advanced Radical. On the principle that ex- J.P.. D.L., Honorary Colonel Bucks Yeomanry tremes meet, he became at last the chief of the Cavalry. Commanding Brigade Imperial Yeo- Tory Cabinet. That he is well hated as he is manry. Entered Coldstream Guards 1870. well loved, is the natural consequence of his Lord Chesham, born 1S50, retired as Captain staunchness in friendship as in antagonism. from the 16th Lancers in 1879. He married a He has iron nerves, iron will, and an iron con- daughter of the Duke of Westminster. stitution with which to wield them. He has Cheyne.—Watson Cheyne, M.B., F.R.S.. supreme confidence in himself, and thus main- Consulting Surgeon. This notable man of tains a youthful and cheery optimism even in science rendered valuable advice and assist- the face of the vilest abuse which the members ance to the medical officers, and worked in- of his sometime party take a delight in hurling cessantly to promote the comfort and save the at him. Mr. Chamberlain, who was born in lives of sick and wounded. i836,hasbeen thrice married: first, to thedaugh- Chichester. —Capt. SirE. Chichester, Bart., ter of Mr. A. Kenrick (mother of Mr. T. Austen , C.M.G. Entered Navy 1863 ; Capt., Chamberlain, Civil Lord of the Admiralty, 1SS9. War Service—Lieut, of Thalia during Transport Officer, M.P.); second, to the daughter of Mr. T. war in Egypt, 1882 ; Principal

third, daughter of Mr. W. 18S4-85 ; served on various committees con- Kenrick ; to the

Endicott, Secretary for War, U.S., late Judge nected with North Sea fisheries ; commanded Supreme Court, U.S., New York, 1888. Immortality in China during Spanish and Ame- Chamberlain.—Col. N. F. Fitzgerald, I.S.C. rican War; A.D.C. to Queen, 1S99; S. African Officer at Entered nth Foot 1S73 ; Col., 1S99. Staff War, 1899-1900 ; Naval Transport Service—A.D.C. to Lieut. -Gen., Afghan Cam- Cape Town. J. Chiene, M.D.. F.R.C.S., F.R.S. paign, 1878 ; A.D.C. to Com. -in-Chief, Madras, Chiene.— (Edin.), Prof, Surg. Edin. Univ. since 1882 18S1-85 ; Persian Interpreter to Com.-in-Chief of ; in India, 1S85-89 (D.A.A. and Q.M.G., Burmese Member of the Royal Med. and Surg. Soc, Surg. Association, Ame- Ex., 1S86-87) ; Col. on Staff, India, 1S99 ; Priv. Edin. ; Hon. Fellow Paris ; late Pre- Sec. to Field-Marshal Commandine-in-Chief rica ; Educated Edin. and the Forces, S. Africa, 1899-1900. War Service sident of Roy. Med. Soc, Edin. Rendered —Afghan War, 1878-S0, wounded (Despatches, valuable service at a time of extreme pressure Feb., Jan., May, 18S0; medal with 4 clasps; on the Armv Med. Dept. Lieut.-Col. H. C. Chol- bronze star) ; Burmese Ex., 18S6-87 (De- Cholmondeley.— - Rifle Brig., City of London spatches ; medal with clasp; Brev. of Lieut. mondeley, London Mounted Inf. Lieut.-Col., Col.) ; S. African War, 1899-1900 ; on Staff. Imperial Volunteers Chauncey. —Maj. H. Chauncey. This officer Aug. 1889 (late Capt. Rifle Brig.). War Service rendered valuable service with Lumsden's Horse. —S. African War, 1S99-1900 (Despatches). 158 ;;

Biographical Record

Churchill.—W. L. Spencer Churchill, M.P., Service—South African War, 1879 (Despatches, Post, War Correspondent to Morning afterwards March and August 1879 ; medal with clasp Light Horse. joined South African Entered Brevet of Lieutenant-Colonel) ; Egyptian Ex- retired the army 1S95 ; 1898. This well-known pedition, 1884 (Despatches, March and May politician is young soldier, writer, and a son of 1884 ; medal with 2 clasps ; bronze star Churchill. the late Lord Randolph Though he promoted Colonel, C.B.) ; Soudan Expedition, was but three years in the army, he contrived 1884-85 (clasp); South African War, 1899- to see more service than many officers have 1900. General Clery, who is renowned in done in their whole lives. With the Spanish the class-room as in the field, was born in forces in Cuba, with the Malakand Field Force, 1838. In the art of war he has long been the with the Tirah Expeditionary Force, with the recognised authority, and his "Clery on Nile Expeditionary Force, he was always in Tactics," has passed through several editions, the forefront, fighting and writing, until the and become a text-book in Germany, Russia, authorities determined to disassociate the two America, and Italy. In addition to this work, occupations, whereupon Mr. Churchill ex- his influence has made itself felt at the War changed the sword for the pen, and decided to Office on behalf of the British soldier, to whom fight for the cause of Imperialism in the House he has always been a sincere and practical of Commons. friend. He is popular in all ranks of society, Clarke. —Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Marshall save perhaps with the Cadets at examination

Clarke, K.C.M.G., late R.A. Resident Com- times ! missioner in Southern Rhodesia. Sir Marshall, Clery.— Col. J. A. Clery, M.B. Col. R.A.M.C, retired the who from army in 18S2, has had 1899 ; Principal Medical Officer of the Lines of considerable experience— both civil and mili- Communication. War Service—Soudan Ex., tary—of South Africa. He served in the first 1884-85 (medal with clasp bronze ; ; star) Nile Boer War of 1881-82 (Despatches), and com- Ex., 1898 (Despatches ; Egyptian medal ; manded the Turkish regiment of Egyptian medal) ; S. African War, 1899-1900 (Despatches). Gendarmerie in 1882 (Order of Medjidie, 3rd Clowes. — Lieut.-Col. P. L. Clowes, 8th class). Before the Boer War, he acted had as Hussars. Entered 1875 ; Lieut.-Col., 1897. Resident Magistrate at Pietermaritzburg, as Staff Service—A.D.C. to Com. -in-Chief, Bom- A.D.C. to Sir Theophilus Shepstone, as Special bay, 1890-91. War Service — Afghan War,

Commissioner, South Africa, and as Political 1879-80 (medal) ; S. African War, 1899-1900. Officer and Special Commissioner, Lydenburg. Cochrane.—Hon. T. H. A. E. Cochrane, Later on he became Commissioner of Cape D.L., J.P., M.P., late of 93rd Highlanders and Police, then Resident Commissioner in Basuto- Scots Guards, is a son of the nth Earl of Dun- land, and from 1893 to 1898 was Acting Ad- donald. He married the daughter of the 6th ministrator in Zululand. . Clarke.—Colonel R. F. Noel Clarke. War Coke.—Major-General J. Talbot Coke. En- Service— Soudan Expedition, 18S4-S5 (medal tered 1859; Colonel, 1898. Staff Service—Ad- with clasp ; ; bronze star) South African War, jutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1875-81 ; A.A.G., 1 899-1900, Chief Ordnance Officer. Headquarters Ireland, 1891-94; Curragh, 1894-

Clements.—Major-General R. A. P. Cle- 96; A.A.G., Aldershot, 1S96 ; D.A.G., Aider- ments, D.S.O. Commanding 12th Brigade ; shot, 1896-98 ; Colonel on Staff, Mauritius, A.D.C. to the Queen. Entered 1S74; Colonel, 1898-99; Major-General Infantry Brigade,

1899. Staff Service—Brigade-Major, Burmese South Africa, 1 S99. War Service—Fenian Raid,

Expedition, 1885 ; Assistant Provost-Marshal, Canada, 1S66 (medal); Soudan, 1888 (Des- Burmese Expedition, 1885-86 ; A.D.C. to Queen, patches ; medal with ; clasp bronze star ; 3rd 1896 ; Major-General Infantry Brigade, Alder- class Medjidie); Operations on Nile, 1889; shot, 1899; Major-General Infantry Brigade, South African War, 1899-1900 ; Ladysmith South Africa, 1 899. War Service—South African Relief Force. War, 1877-78-79; (Despatches ; medal with Colleton.— Lieut.-Col. Sir R. A. W. Colleton, clasp) ; Burmese Expedition, 1885-89, severely Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Entered 1874; Lieut.- and slightly wounded (Despatches ; medal Col., May 1900. Staff Service—Adjt. Nagpur with 2 clasps Brevet of ; Lieutenant-Colonel) ; R.V.C., 1885-86; D.A.A.G. (Musk.)Bengal,i886- South African War, 1899-1900; (Despatches). 91. War Service—Hazara, 1891 (Despatches) Clery.— Lieutenant-General C. Francis Clery, Op. on N.W. Frontier of India, 1897-98 (medal K.C.B. Entered 1858; Major-General, 1894. with 2 clasps); S. African War, 1899-1900. Staff Service— Instructor Royal Military College, Colvile. —Major-General Sir H. E. Colvile, 1871-72; Professor, Tactics, 1872-75; D.A.A.and K.C.M.G., C.B. Commanding Ninth Division Q.M.G., Headquarters, Ireland, 1875-77; D.A.A. till June 1900. Entered 1S70; Major-General, and Q.M.G.,Aldershot,iS77-78 ; Special Service, 1898. Staff Service—A.D.C. to G.O.C. Cape of

Cape of Good Hope, 1878-79 ; Brigade-Major, Good Hope, 1880-83 ; D.A.A. and Q.M.G., Nile Expeditionarv Force, Egvpt, 1882 ; A.A. and Expedition, 1S84-S5 ; A.A. and Q.M.G., Egypt,

Q.M.G., Egypt ; D.A. andQ.M.G., Egvpt, 1S82- 18S5-98 ; employed, Uganda Protectorate, 1893-

; Brigade-General Chief Staff, 85 of Egypt, 95 ; Major-General Infantry Brigade, Gibraltar,

1886-87 ; Command Staff College, 1888-93 ; 1899; Major-General Infantry Brigade, South

Major-General, Infantry Brigade, Aldershot, Africa ; Lieutenant-General Infantry Brigade,

'895-96 ; D.A.G. to the Forces, Headquarters South Africa, 1899-1900; Major-General, Gib- of Army, 1896-99 ; Lieutenant-General, In- raltar. War Service — Egyptian Expedition, fantry Division, South Africa, 1899. War 1884 (Despatches, March and May 1884 ; medal 159 The Transvaal War with clasp; bronze star); Soudan Expedition, 1S81-82; Burmese Expedition, 1886 (medal

1SS4-S5 (Despatches; clasp; C.B.) ; Soudan, with clasp) ; Expedition to Dongola, 1896

Colonel) (Egyptian ; ; African 1SS5-S6 (Despatches ; promoted ; Un- medal medal) South War,

; ; South 1 900. yora Expedition, 1S94 (medal C.M.G.) 899- 1 African War, 1S99-1900 ; Kimberley Relief Cowan.—Colonel H. V. Cowan. Entered Force (Despatches, January and March 1900). R.A. 1873; Lieutenant-Colonel, 1899. Staff General Colvile, like many keen soldiers and Service—Brigade-Major, R. A., Woolwich, 1897- honourable men before him, has discovered 99; Assistant-Military Secretary to G.O.C. the that South Africa is " the grave of reputations." Forces, Ireland, 1899; Assistant-Military Secre- Nevertheless, it must not be forgotten, that tary to Field-Marshal Commanding-in-Chief the even in the present war his services during the Forces, South Africa, 1899-1900; Military long and trying time prior to the relief of Kim- Secretary to Field-Marshal Commanding-in- berley, and the capture of Cronje, were notable, Chief the Forces, South Africa, February 1900. though perhaps his most distinguished service War Service—Afghan War, 1S78-79-80 (De- was rendered in the Soudan in 1S85 with the spatches ; medal with 3 clasps); Egyptian Ex- Frontier Field Force. Sir H. Colvile was born pedition, 18S2 ; severely wounded at Tel-el- in 1852, and is the son of the late Colonel C. R. Kebir (Despatches ; medal with clasp ; bronze

Colvile of Lullington and the daughter of the star ; 5th class Medjidie ; Brevet of Major) j 23rd Baroness de Clifford of Kirkby Hall. He South African War, 1900. married, firstly, the daughter of the Hon. R. Cowley (3rd Earl). —H. A. Mornington, Daly, and after her death was united in 18S6 to J.P., Imperial Yeomanry. Lord Cowley, born the daughter of M. de Preville, Chateau des in 1866, was Captain in the 3rd Battalion Wilt- Mondraus, Basses Pyrenees. shire Regiment. He succeeded his father in Colville.—Lieut.-Col. A. E. W. Colville, 1st 1895. The fi rst Lord Cowley was the brother 1st Batt. Rifle Brigade. Entered 1875 ; Lieut.-Col., of the Duke of Wellington. Service D.A.A.G. for Inst., Curragh Coxhead. —Lieut.-Col. J. A. Coxhead, R.A. 1899. Staff — — Dist. , 1891-96; Comdt. Naauwpoort, S.Africa, Entered 1872; Lieut.-Col., 1898. Staff Service 22nd Jan. 1900 to iothFeb. 1900. War Service— A.D.C. to Capt.-Gen. and Gov.-in-Chief, Jamaica, Afghan War, 1878-79 (medal); Mahsood 1883-87. War Service—S. African War, 1899- and Wuzeeree Ex., 1881 ; Op. on N.W. Frontier of 1900 ; Comdg. Brig. Div. R.A., Elandslaagte India, 1897 (medal with clasp); S. African Reitfontein ; , slightly

War, 1899-1900 ; on Staff. wounded. Compton.—Lord Alwyne F. Compton, M.P., Cradock. —Maj. M. Cradock. This dashing Bedfordshire Yeomanry (Compton's Horse). This officer commanded the 2nd Contingent of the officer, born in 1855, is a son of the Marquis of New Zealand Mounted Rifles. Northampton and the daughter of the late Hon. Cranborne.—Viscount, J. E. H. G. Cecil, Sir G. Elliot, K.C.B. He served both in the Q.C., M.A., M.P., Hon. Colonel, 1st Volunteer Grenadier Guards and the 10th Hussars, and Battalion Essex Regiment. Lord Cranborne, was present in the Soudan Campaign of 1884- born in 1 861, is the eldest son of the 3rd Marquis 85. of Salisbury. He married the daughter of the Congreve. —Captain W. R. Congreve, Rifle 5th . Col. Crawley, 8th Batt. Imperial Brigade. Entered 1885 ; Captain, 1893. *See Crawley. — list of V.C.'s. Yeomanry. This officer with his corps per- Coningham.—Lieutenant-Colonel C. Con- formed excellent service at the action at ingham. For career of this gallant officer, who Faber's Put. was mortally wounded at Rensburg, see vol. iv. Crichton.—Viscount H. W. Crichton, Royal p. 166. Horse Guards. Lord Crichton, born in 1872, is eldest son of the 4th Earl of Erne. He has Cooke.— Lieut.-Col. E. Cooke. Entered 1876 ; the Lieut.-Col., Scottish Rifles, 1899. War Service— been acting as A.D.C. to General Brocklehurst. S. African War, 1899- 1900. Cronje. — Pietrus Arnoldus Cronje. The Cooper.—Maj.-Gen. C. D. Cooper. Entered Commandant of the Boer Army to whom the Doornkop. 103rd Foot 1868 ; Brev.-Col., Royal Dublin Jameson Raiders surrendered at from Fusiliers, 1 899. Staff Service—Adjt. Aux. Forces, He was responsible for withholding Siege of Potchefstroom 1884-89 ; Maj.-Gen. Inf. Brig., S. Africa, March Colonel Winslow, at the 1900. War Service— S. African War, 1899-1900; in 18S1, the fact that an armistice existed, on Staff. thereby causing unnecessary anguish and dis- Cooper.—Colonel Harry Cooper. Entered tress. In spite of his tricks and tyrannies, he 1865; Colonel, 1896. Staff Service — Special has shown himself a first-class fighter, and a Service, Ashanti Expedition, 1S73-74; Vice- remarkable leader of men. He profoundly de- Consul in Bosnia, 1877-78; D.A.A. andQ.M.G., tests the British, but the British, while returning Headquarters, Ireland, 1S78-79; Vice-Consul, the compliment, have a generous appreciation

Asia Minor, 1879-80 ; D.A.A. and Q.M.G. Head- of his abilities. Cuming. This quarters, Ireland, 1882-84 ; A.D.C. to Viceroy, Cuming.— Lieut.-Col. H. B. service with the Kaf- India, 1884-88 ; D.A.A.G., Jamaica, 1892-93 ; officer rendered valuable Rifles. D.A.A.G, Dublin, 1893-95 ; AA.G. Egypt, 1S96- frarian 99; A.D.C. to the Queen, 1S98; A. A.G., Western Cunningham. — Brigadier - General Glen- D.S.O.,DerbyshireRegiment. District, 1899 ; Colonel on Staff, Commandant cairn Cunningham. — Brevet-Colonel, 1900. Staff Base, South Africa, April 1900. War Service Entered 1S81 ; Army, 18S6- Ashanti War, 1S74 (medal) ; South African War, Service—Employed with Egyptian l6o H.H. PRINCE CHRISTIAN Photo, Russell & Sons, Windsor

; ;;

Biographical Record

Special clasp bronze 5th class Medjidie) 94; Civil employment, Uganda, 1S91-96; with ; star ;

Extra Eegimental Employ, 1896-97 ; Brig.- Soudan Ex. 1885, wounded (clasp); S. African

General, Mounted Infantry Brigade, South Af- War, 1899-1900 ; with Kimberley Relief Force ; rica, 1900. War Service—Egyptian Expedition, Belmont, seriously wounded.

1882 ; twice wounded (Despatches, September, Dalrymple-Hay.—Brev. Lieut.-Col. J. R.

November, 1S82 ; medal ; bronze star ; 5th class M. Dalrymple-Hay, West India Regt., Comdt.

Medjidie ; Brevet of Major) ; Soudan Expedition, at Volksrust. Entered 21st Foot 1879 ; Brev.

18S4-85 (clasp) ; Soudan, 1887-89 ; wounded Lieut.-Col. , 1899. Staff Service—Garr. Adjt.,

(Despatches ; clasp) ; Unyaro Expedition, 1895 ; Cape Coast Castle, 1889-90; Adjt. Volunteers wounded (Despatches; medal) ; Nandi Expedi- 1891-96; Special Service, S. Africa. War tion, 1895-96 (Despatches, D.S.O.) ; Operations Service— S. African War, 1881 (Despatches); on the Niger, 1897 (Despatches ; Brevet of Lieu- W. Africa, 1897-98 (Despatches ; Brev. of tenant-Colonel; medal with clasp) ; Operations Lieut.-Col.); Op. in Sierra Leone, 1898-99 in Sierra Leone, 1898-99 (Despatches ; Brevet of (medal with clasp) ; S. African War, 1899- 1900 ;

Colonel; clasp); South African War, 1899- Special Service Officer ; afterwards Station 1900; on Staff. Comdt. and Dist. Commissioner. Cunyng-ham. —Lieutenant - Colonel W. H. DalzeU.— Lieut.-Col. Hon. A. E. Dalzell, 1st Dick-Cunyngham, 1D.C Commanding 2nd Batt. Oxfordshire Light Infantry. Entered 12th Battalion Gordon Highlanders till 6th January Foot 1870; Lieut.-Col., 1899. Staff Service—

1900 (see vol. iii. p. 89). AD.C. to G.O.C. Brig., Malta, 1884-85 ; Insp. Cure.—Major H. Capel Cure, D.S.O. 1st of Gymnasia, Bengal and Punjab, 1892-96.

Battalion Gloucester Regiment. Entered 1878 ; War Service—Burma, 1889-92 ; S. African War, Major, 1895. Staff Service—Special Service, 1 899- 1 900. Burmese Expedition, 1887-88. War Service— Dartnell.—Colonel J. G. D.Dartnell, C.M.G. Burmese Expedition, 1886-87 (Despatches Colonel commanding Natal Volunteers and

; African War, Police (see vol. iii. Entered medal with clasp, D.S.O. ) South Mounted p. 167). officer, born I 899- 1 900. 1855 ; Retired 1864. This gallant Curran. —Lieut.-Col. A. E. R. Curran, 1st in 1838, was severely wounded while serving

Batt. Manchester Regt. Entered 1872 ; Lieut.- with the Central India Field Force in 1857

Col., 1898. Staff Service—Adjt. Aux. Forces, (medal and clasp ; Brevet-Major). He acted as 1884-99. War Service—S. African War, 1899- A.D.C. to General Tombs in the Bhootan Ex-

1900 ; Elandslaagte, wounded. pedition, and served at Isandhlwana under Lord Chelmsford. Davidson.— Lieut.-Col. W. L. Davidson, R.H.A. Entered 1869; Col., 1900. Staff Ser- vice—A.D.C. (extra) to Com. -in-Chief in India, 1875-76; A.D.C. to Gov. and Com. -in-Chief, Gibraltar, 1881-82; Col. on Staff for R.A., S. Africa, April 1900. War Service— S. African War, 1879; Ulundi, slightly wounded (Des-

patches ; medal with clasp) ; Afghan War,

1880 (medal); S. African War, 1 899-1 900 ; on Staff. Davies. —Maj. R. H. Davies. Major Davies rendered excellent service with the 4th Contin- gent New Zealand Mounted Rifles. Dawson. —Lieut.-Col. H. L. Dawson, 9th Bengal Lancers. Entered 2nd Foot 1873 Lieut.-Col. I.S C, 1899. War Service—Soudan

Ex., 1885 (medal with clasp ; bronze star) ; Op.

in Chitral, 1895 (medal with clasp) ; Tirah,

1897-98(2 clasps) ; S. African War, 1899-1900 ; Commanding Mounted Inf. Corps. De la Warr (8th Earl).— G. T. R. Sackville, D.L., J.P. Lord de la Warr, born 1869, is the second son of the 7th Earl and the LIEUT.-COLONEL DALGETY daughter of the 1st Lord Lamington. He Photo by Healey, Queenstown, S.A. married the daughter of Lord Brassey. He joined Bethune's Horse, and was present at Dalgety.—Lieut.-Col. E. H. Dalgety, The the unlucky affair near Vryheid (see vol. v. gallant defender of Wepener. See vol. v. p. 54. P- 177). Dalrymple-Hamilton. — Lieut.-Col. Hon. De Lisle. —Lieutenant-Colonel H. de B. de N. de C. Dalrymple-Hamilton, Scots Guards. Lisle, D.S.O., Durham Light Infantry. Entered Light In- Entered 1S71 ; Lieut.-Col., March 1900. Stuff 1883 ; Captain (Adjutant, Durham 1885- Service—Brig.-Maj. Home Dist., 1883-85 ; Brig.- fantry, 1892-96). War Service—Soudan,

(Despatches medal ; D.S.O.) ; South African Maj. Guards Brigade Ex. Force, Suakin, 1885 ; 86 ;

; Brig.-Maj. Home Dist., 1890 ; A.D.C.to G.O.C., War, 1899-1900, severely wounded Com- (Despatches). S. Dist., 1891-93 ; A.D.C. to G.O.C., Aldershot, manding Mounted Infantry Corps 1893-94. War Service—Egyptian Ex. (medal This dashing officer, who has made himself

VOL. VI. l6l ;,;

The Transvaal War remarkable for his talent in the field during Donne. —Lieut.-Col. B. D. A. Donne, Royal this war, has long been associated with polo, Sussex Regiment. Entered 1875 ; Lieut.-Col., and sport of all kinds. He was born in 1S64, and 1S98. Staff Service—Employed with Egyptian is the son of the late Mr. R. de Lisle, Guernsey. Army, 1S83-93. War Service—Egyptian Ex.,

De Montmorency.—Hon. R. H. de Mont- 1S82 (medal; bronze star) ; Soudan Ex., 1S84- distinguished career see (clasp); (Despatches; clasp morency, U.C. For 85 Soudan, 188S-89 ; vol. iv. p. 167. Brev. of Major); Actions of Arghiri and Toski

Denison, The Royal (Despatches ; clasp 3rd class Medjidie) Denison. —Major S. J. A. ;

Canadian Rest, of Infantry. This officer per- Tirah, 1897-9S (medal with 2 clasps) ; S. Afri- formed valuable service as A.D.C. to the Field- can War, 1 899- 1 900. Marshal Commanding-in-Chief. Donovan.—Lieutenant-Colonel W. Dono- Denman (3rd Baron). —T. Denman. Lord van, R. A.M.C. Principal Medical Officer Staff,

Denman, who was formerly in the Royal Scots, Cavalry Division. Entered 1S72 ; Lieutenant- served with the Imperial Yeomanry. Colonel, 1896. War Service — Afghan War,

De Villiers. —Right Hon. Sir John Henry 1879-80 (medal); Boer War, 18S1 ; Chitral de Villiers, K.C.M.G. Chief-Justice, Cape of Relief Force, 1895 (Despatches ; medal with Good Hope. clasp). Dewar. —Lieut. -Col. G. Dewar, Army Pay Douglas.—Major-General C. W. H. Douglas.

Dept. Entered 1SS0 ; Lieut.-Col., 1898. War Commanding 9th Brigade. Entered 1869; Service—S. African War, 1S79 (medal with Colonel, 189S. Staff Service—Special Service clasp) ; Soudan, 1S85-S6 (medal; bronze star) ; Expeditionary Force, Suakim, 1885 ; D.A.A.

S. African War, 1S99-1900. and Q.M.G., Egypt, 18S5 ; Adjutant Volunteers, - De "Wet. — Sir Jacobus Albertus de Wet, 18S6-91 ; Brigade Major, Aldershot, and K.C.M.G. Formerly Member of Legislative D.A.A.G., 1S93-9S; A. A.G., Aldershot, 1898-99; Council of Cape Colony, and then British Agent A.D.C. to the Queen, 1898; A.A.G., South in the Transvaal. Africa, 1S99-1900; Major-General Infantry De Wet. —Christian de Wet, Commandant Brigade, South Africa, 1900. War Service — of Boer Forces. This brilliant Dutchman, who Afghan War, 1878-80 (Despatches, July and clasped about him the mantle of Cronje, was December 1880; medal with 3 clasps; bronze said to have been a butcher at Barberton, and star ; Brevet of Major) ; South African War, a potato dealer in Johannesburg. Whatever 1881 ; Soudan Expedition, 1884-85 (Des- his past, he certainly missed his vocation, for patches ; medal with clasp ; bronze star) he is undoubtedly a born warrior and keen South African War, 1899-1900; Kimberley sportsman. Though he can scarcely be de- Relief Force (Despatches). scribed as a great general, he may be called a Douglas. —Lieut.-Col. W. Douglas, Royal bold and cunning Guerilla chief ; a man whose Scots. Entered 1st Foot, 1878 ; Major, 1895. powerful and dominating personality is en- Staff Service—Adjt. Militia, 1888-93. War dowed with both the magnetism and the passion Service—Bechuanaland Ex., 18S4-85 ; S. African of a leader. He displays withal a sense of War, 1899-1900; Comdt. De Wet's Dorp. soldierly chivalry, and has striven to contend Douglas-Pennant. —Hon. E. Sholto Doug- against the treacherous and cruel instincts of las-Pennant, M.P., J. P., D.L., was born in his rude followers. 1 1S64, and married in 1SS7 to the daughter of Dickson.—Major-General J. B. B. Dickson, Lord Southampton. From 18S5 to 1891 he C.B.,commanding4th Cavalry Brigade. Entered served in the 1st Life Guards. 1800; Colonel (Staff employ), 1897. Staff Ser- Downe (8th Viscount).—Colonel Sir Hugh rict, Special Service, Cape of Good Hope, 1S79 R. Dawnay, CLE., M.A., Bart. Entered — > 1865;

D.A.A. and Q.M.G. Nile Expedition, 1SS4-85 ; Colonel, 1S97. Staff Service—A.D.C. to Major- Colonel on Staff (commanding CavalryBrigade), General Cavalry Brigade, Cape of Good Hope,

Eastern District, 1897-99 > Colonel on Staff, 1S79-82 ; A.D.C. to Major-General, Bengal,

Straits Settlements, 1899-1900 ; Major-General, 1883-85; A.D.C. to Commander-in-Chief,

Cavalry Brigade, South Africa, February 1900. 1S92-95 ; Colonel on Staff Commanding Cavalry War Service—South African War, 1879 (De- Brigade, Curragh, 1897-99; A.D.C. to Field-

- - spatches ; medal with clasp) ; Soudan Ex- Marshal Commanding in Chief the Forces, pedition, 18S4-85, severely wounded (medal South Africa, 1899 ; Staff Officer for Military with 2 clasps ; bronze star) ; South African Attaches, February to July 1900. TTar Service

War, 1899-1900; on Staff. — South African War, 1879 (Despatches ; medal - Dickson Poynder (6th Bart.). — Captain with clasp ; Brevet of Major) ; South African Sir J. Poynder Dickson-Poynder, J.P., M.P. War, 1 899-1 900. (Wilts Yeomanry), born in 1866, was formerly Downing. —Maj.-Gen. C. M. H. Downing, in the 3rd Battalion Royal Scots. R.A. Entered 1866; Col., 1S99. Staff Service— Donald.— Lieut.-Col." C.G. Donald. Entered Chief Inst. Sch. of Gunnerv, 1897-99; Col. on

1874 ; Lieut.-Col. Royal Fusiliers, 1898. Staff Staff for R.A., Natal, 1899 ; Col. on Staff for Service—A.D.C. to Maj.-Gen., Madras, May 1S83 R.A., S. Africa, 1S99-1900; Maj.-Gen. for R.A. to Dec. 1884, and Dec. 1884 to Jan. 1886. War S. Africa, March 1900. War Service —Abvssinian Service—Afghan War, 1878-79 (medal); S. Ex., 1867-68 (medal); Afghan War, "1878-79 African War, 1 899-1 900. (medal); S. African War, 1S99-1900; Lady- smith; O.C. Corps Artillery; afterwards O.C. 1 This was written prior to the display of R.A. brutality towards the Peace Envoys. Drury.—Col. C. W. Drurv, A.D.C. This l62 ;

Biographical Record

notable officer commanded the Royal Canadian (medal with 2 clasps) ; South African War, Artillery. 1S99-1900, Stormberg. Dudley (2nd Earl). — W. Humble Ward, Edwards.— Lieut. -Col. A. H. M. Edwards Major Worcester Yeomanryr Cavalry. War Ser- (5th Dragoon Guards), Commanding Imperial vice—South African War, 1899-1900 ; D.A.A.G. Light Horse. Entered 1883; Major, 1897. Imperial Yeomanry. Staff Service—A.A.G., S. Africa, May 1900. Duff. — Colonel Beauchamp Duff, CLE. War Service—Hazara Ex., 1888 (Despatches);

; Entered, Royal Artillery, 1S74 ; Major, Indian S. African War, 1899-1900 Ladysmith, Jan. Staff Corps, 1894 ; Colonel, 1898. Staff wounded 6th 1 C. Bletterman Elliott LL.B., C.M.G. Service—D.A.A.G., Bengal, 89 1-95 ; Military Elliot.— Secretary to Commander-in-Chief, India, 1S95- General Manager of Cape Government Railways. Maj. Sir Henry George Elliot, 99 ; Assistant Military Secretary for Indian Elliot.— ; Magistrate, Affairs ; Headquarters of Army, 1899 ; Assist- K.C.M.G., created 1899 Chief ant Military Secretary to Lieutenant-General of Tembuland, Cape of Good Hope. Born 1826 ; Natal, 1899-1900; A.A.G. South African War, son of the late Maj. J. F. Elliot. Married, fir^t,

1900. War Service — Afghan War, 1878-80 1865, a daughter of Mr. J. Drummond ; second, a daughter of Mr. W. Gardner. (medal) ; Isazai Expedition, 1892 ; Waziristan 1879, Expedition, 1894-95 (Despatches, June and Entered the Army, Royal Marines, 1841 ; re- tired (Major), served in the Crimea, July 1895; medal with clasp ; Brevet of Lieu- 1870; Balaclava tenant-Colonel) ; South African War, 1899- 1900. 1S54-55, including Sebastopol and Dundonald (12th Earl). — Major-General (Despatches; medal with clasp ; Turkish medal Douglas Mackinnon Baillie Hamilton Cochrane, 5th class Medjidie) ; S. Africa, 1877-78 (C.M.G.). Bart., M. V.O. Entered, 2nd Life Guards, 1870 ; Colonel, 18S9. Staff Service—Colonel on Staff Eloff.—Grandson of President Kruger. This Irregular Mounted Brigade, South Africa, 1899- young man, some years ago, made himself ob- consequence of his disrespectful 1900 ; Major-General Cavalry Brigade, South noxious in Africa, March 1900. War Service—Soudan Ex- reference to her Majesty the Queen. He would pedition, 1S84-85 (Despatches; medal with otherwise have earned the esteem of even his enterprise of his assault on 2 clasps ; bronze star ; Brevet of Lieutenant- enemies for the

Colonel) ; South African War, 1899-1900. Lord Mafeking (see vol. v. p. 109). Dundonald, who took so prominent a part in Ennismore (Viscount). —R. Granville Hare. the and the subsequent Captain 4th Battalion Royal Munster Fusi- sweeping of Natal and the Eastern Transvaal, liers. Lord Ennismore, born 1866, is the son was born in 1S52. He is the son of the nth of the 3rd , and was formerly Earl and the daughter of the late Mr. W. A. in the 1st Life Guards. Mackinnon, of Mackinnon, M.P. He comes of Erasmus. —Boer Commandant, son of the a fine fighting race, the 10th Earl (Lord Coch- sometime Acting President of the South African rane) having distinguished himself not only in Republic. destroying Napoleon's fleet in 1809, but sub- Erroll.—(19th Earl of). —Brigadier-General sequently during the wars for the independence Charles Gore, LL.D., D.L. Entered R.H.G., of Chili and Peru, and in Brazil. His kinsman 1869; Colonel, 1898. Staff Service—A.D.C. to promises to make as great a mark in history. Commander-in-Chief ; A.A.G., under I.G. of

Cavalry, 1898-99 ; Special Service, South Africa, Earle.—Major Sir H. Earle, Bart., D.S.O. 1899-1900; A.A.G., South Africa. January,

; Brigadier-General, Imperial Entered 1876 ; Major, York. Light Infantry, 1900 ; March 1900 1894. Staff Service—A.D.C. to Brigadier-General, Yeomanry Brigade, South Africa,' March, 1900. War Service—South African War, 1899-1900; on Expeditionary Force, Egypt, 1882 ; Adjutant, Volunteers, 1891-96. War Service — Jowaki Staff. — Right Hon. Harry Escombe, Expedition, 1S77 (medal with clasp) ; Afghan Escombe. War, 1878-79-S0 (medal); Egyptian Expedition, P.C., LL.D. Commandant of Naval Natal Vo- lunteers, and late Prime Minister and Attorney- 1882 (medal with clasp ; bronze star ; 5th class Escombe, who Medjidie) ; Burmese Expedition, 1SS6-S9 (De- General of Natal. Sir Harry asso- spatches; 2 clasps, D.S.O. ); Operations on North- died at the close of 1S99, was intimately West Frontier of India, severely wounded ciated with affairs connected with Natal, and

{medal with 2 clasps) ; South African War, universally esteemed. 1899-1900, severely wounded (Despatches). Essex (7th Earl of).—G. Devereux de Vere Eddy. —Maj. Eddy. This gallant officer, who Capell, J.P. Lord Essex was formerly in did splendid service with the Victorian Mounted the Grenadier Guards. He retired in 1SS2, but Rifles, was killed in action. instantly offered his services when the need for Edg^e.—Lieutenant - Colonel J. D. Edge, them arose. R. A.M.C. Principal Medical Officer, Staff, Third Eustace. — Lieut.-Col. F. J. W. Eustace, Col., Feb. 1900. Staff Division. Entered 1871 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, R.H.A. Entered 1870; Afghan 1896. War Service—Engagement Orange Walk, Service—A.D.C. to Lieut.-Gen. Comg. B. Honduras, 1872 (Promoted Staff Surgeon); Campaign, 1880; A.D.C. (prov.) to Com.-in- South African War, 1879 (medal with clasp); Chief, E. Indies, 1881-82; A.D.C. to Com.-in- Afghan War, 1879-80 (thanked by Government Chief, E. Indies, 1883-84; A.A.G., S. Africa, 1900. War Service—Afghan War, 1S78- of India ; medal with clasp) ; Egyptian Expedi- Feb.

(medal) ; S. African War, 1899-1900 (De- tion, 1882 (medal with clasp ; bronze star ; 4th 79 class Osmanieh); Burmese Expedition, 1887-89 spatches, May 1900). 163 ;;; ;

The Transvaal War

Evans. —Lieut.-Col. E. S. Evans, Royal India, 1S95 and 1897; Special Service, Egypt, Monster Fusiliers. Entered 1S74; Lieut.-Col., 1S96; A.D.C. to Lieutenant-General, Infantry 1S96. War Service— S. African War, 1S99-1900. Division, South Africa, April 1900; War Service Evans. —Maj. R. W. Evans. Commanded —Operations on North-West Frontier of India, Natal Mounted Rifles, Ladysmith. 1897-98 (Despatches; November 1897, January Evans.— Lieut.-Col. T. D. B. Evans. This and April 1898, tD.G.); Dongola Expedition, dashing officer rendered valuable service with 1S96 (medal); South African War, 1899-1900. the Royal Canadian Dragoons. This notable officer, born 1871, is the eldest son Ewart.— Lieut.-Col. J. S. Ewart, Queen's of the 7th . Own Cameron Highlanders, A.A.G-. Entered Finlayson.—Lieut.-Col. R. A. Finlayson. — 1SS1 ; Brev. Lieut.-Col., 1898. Staff Service This officer commanded with distinction the Garr. Adjt,, Egypt, 1885-86; A.D.C. to G.O.C. Kimberley Regiment, composed of the Diamond Rifles. Scottish Dist., 1893-94 ; A.M.S. to Gov. and Fields Horse and Kaffrarian

Com.-in-Chief, Malta, 1S94-98 ; D.A.A.G., W. Fisher.—Lieut.-Col. R. B. W. Fisher, 10th Dist., 189S-99; Special Service, Natal, 1899; Hussars. Entered 1874; Brev.-Col., Aug. 1900. Brig. Maj. Inf. Brig., S. Africa, 1899-1900; War Service — Afghan War, 1878-79-80 (De- A.A.G., S. Africa, Feb. 1900. War Service— spatches, May and Dec. 18S0; medal with 3

Egyptian Ex., 1SS2 (medal with clasp ; bronze clasps ; bronze star) ; Mahsood Wuzeeree Ex., star); Soudan Ex., 1884-85 (clasp); Soudan, 1 88 1 (Despatches) ; S. African War, 1899- 1900 class Medjidie) (Despatches, May 1900). 1SS5-S6 (Despatches ; 5th Nile Ex., 1898 (Despatches; Brev. of Lieut.- Fitton.—Major H.G. Fitton, D.S.O. Entered

; Col. ; Egyptian medal with clasp ; medal) ; S. Royal Berks Regiment 18S4 Brevet-Major,

African War, 1S99-1900 ; on Staff. 1898. Staff Service —Employed with Egyptian Exham.—Colonel R. Exham, R.A.M.C, Army, 1894-99; D.A.A.G., South Africa, 1899. P.M.O., Natal Field Force. Entered 1871 War Service—Soudan Expedition, 1885; Suakim Colonel, 1899. (medal with clasp ; bronze star) ; Soudan, 1885—

86 ; Expedition to Dongola, 1896, wounded

Fairholme.—Major W. E. Fairholme, C.M.G., (Despatches ; D.S.O. ; Egyptian medal with. R.A. Entered 1879; Major, 1897. Staff Service 2 clasps); Nile Expedition, 1897 (Despatches; — Staff Captain (Intelligence), Head-quarters 4th class Medjidie; clasp to Egyptian medal);. of Army, 1893-94; D.A.A.G. (Intelligence), Nile Expedition, 1898 (Despatches; Brevet of Headquarters of Army, 1894-98; employed Major, 2 clasps to Egyptian medal; medal); with Turco-Greek Boundary Commission, 189S ; South African War, 1899-1900. Assistant-Commissioner, Crete, 1898-99; Spe- Fitz Clarence. —Captain C. Fitz Clarence, cial Service, South Africa, 1899-1900; A.A.G., Royal Fusiliers ; Special Service, Mafeking,. South Africa, 1899-1900; Assistant-Military twice wounded. See V.C. list. Secretary to Governor and Commander-in- Fitzgerald.— Sir T. N. Fitzgerald, L.R.C.S.,

Chief, Gibraltar, July 1900. War Service— Ireland, 1857; F.R.C.S., 1SS4 ; Senior Surg.,

South African War, 1899-1900; on Staff. Melbourne Hosp. ; Consulting Surg., St. Vin-

Festing.— Major A. H. Festing, D.S.O. cent Hosp., Melbourne. Born Ireland, 1S38 ; (Royal Irish Rifles). Entered 1888; Brevet- late President Inter-Colonial Medical Con- Major, 1898. Staff Service—Special Extra Regi- gress of Australasia ; President of Medical mental Employ, 1895-98; employed with West Society of Victoria, 1883-89. Sir T. Fitzgerald African Frontier Force, 1898- 1900; Special Ser- rendered valuable service at a time of abnormal vice, Rhodesia n Field Force, 1900. War Ser- pressure on the Army Medical Dept. vice—Operations on Niger, 1896-97 (Despatches Flint.— Lieut.-Col. E. M. Flint, R.A. En-— medal with clasp ; Brevet of Major) ; West tered 1871 ; Lieut.-Col., 1S97. Staff Service

Africa, 1S96-97-9S (Despatches, D.S.O.) ; South Adjt. Aux. Forces, 1883-88. War Service— S..

African War, 1 899-1 900. African War, 1S99-1900. Fetnerstonhaugh..—Major-General R. S. R. Folkestone (Viscount). —J. Pleydell Bou- Fetherstonhaugh. Entered 1867; Colonel, Au- verie, M.P. Major, 1st Wilts Rifle Volunteers. gust 1900. Staff Service—Station Commandant, Eldest son of the 5th . Captain J. H. Ford- South Africa, 1899 ; Infantry Brigade, South Ford-Hutchinson. — Africa, Nov. 1899, Feb. 1900; Major-General, Hutchinson, D.S.O., Connaught Rangers. En-— Infantry Brigade, Aldershot, August 1900. tered 18S5 ; Captain, 1891. Staff Service War Service—South African War, 1879; Soudan Special Service, Egypt, 1S96-97 ; employed Expedition, 18S5 (Despatches; medal with 2 with Egyptian Army, 1897-99 ; Railway Staff clasps; bronze star; Brev. of Lieut.-Col.); S. Officer, South Africa, June 1900. War Service African War, 1899- 1900, wounded Belmont — Expedition to Dongola, 1896 (Egyptian

(Despatches). medal) ; Nile Expedition, 1S97 (clasp to (De- Fiaschi. —Maj. J. H. Fiaschi, New South Egyptian medal) ; Nile Expedition, 1S98 Wales Medical Staff Corps. This officer has spatches, May and September 1898 ; D.S.O made himself notable for the zeal and skill 2 clasps to Egyptian medal ; medal) ; South with which his humane duties were carried African War, 1899- 1900. out, and the efficient condition in which he Forestier - Walker. — Lieutenant - General kept the ambulance under his command. Sir T. W. E. F. Forestier- Walker, K.C.B., Fincastle (Viscount). — A. E. Murray, C.M.G. Entered, S. F. Guards, 1S62 ; Lieu- Captain 16th Lancers. Entered tenant-General, 1S95. Staff Service—A.D.C. to U.C, 1891 ; Assistant Captain, 1899. Staff Service—A.D.C. to Viceroy, Major-General, Mauritius, 1866-67 ! 164 ; ;;

Biographical Record

Military Secretary to G.O.C. Cape of Good Lieutenant-General, Cavalry Division, South Hope, 1873-78; Military Secretary to Governor, Africa, October 1899. War Service—Soudan Cape of Good Hope, 1878; Special Service, Expedition, 1SS4-85 (Despatches; medal with

Cape of Good Hope, 1S7S-79 ; A.A. and Q.M.G., 2 clasps ; bronze star) ; South African War,

Home District, 18S2 ; A.A. and Q.M.G., South 1899-1900; Elandslaagte ; Relief of Kimberley

Africa, 1884-85 ; Brigadier-General, Aldershot, (promoted Major - General for distinguished - 1889-90; Major General, Egypt, 1890-93; service ; Despatches). General French, who

Lieutenant-General, Western District, 1895-99 ; is now world famous, was born in 1852. He Lieutenant-General, South Africa, 1899. War is a brother of the well-known Commandant

Service—Expedition to Griqualand West, 1875 ; of Colonial Forces, New South Wales, who South African War, 1S7S-79 (Despatches, March himself volunteered for service in South Africa, and May 1879; medal with clasp; C.B.) ; and was informed that his services were too Bechuanaland Expedition, 1884-85 (honourably valuable to be spared. mentioned; C.M.G.) ; South African War, 1S99-1900. Gallwey. — Lieut. -Col. E. J. Gallwey, 2nd Fortescue. —Lieutenant-Colonel Hon. C. G. Batt. Somersetshire Light Infantry. Entered Fortescue, C.M.G., Ritle Brigade. Entered 1870; Lieut.-Col., 1898. Staff Service—Adjt.

1881 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1899. Staff Service—Em- Aux. Forces, 1885-90 ; Comdt. Sch. of Inst, for ployed Gold Coast, 1S97-99; Private Secretary Mil. and Vols., Aldershot, 1S91. War Service— to Secretary of State for War, 1899 ; Brigade- S. African War, 187S-79; Sekukuni and Zulu

Major, Natal, 1S99. War Service—Burmese Campaigns ; Ulundi (medal with clasp) ; S.

Expedition, 18S8-89 (medal with clasp) ; West African War, 1899-1900.

Africa, 1897-98 (Despatches ; C.M.G. ; Brevet Gallwey. — Colonel T. J. Gallwey, C.B., of Lieutenant-Colonel) ; South African War, M.D., R.A.M.C., P.M.O., Second Division. War 1 899- 1 900 ; on Staff. Service—Afghan War, 1879 (medal with clasp) J. Fortescue. —Commander Hon. Seymour Egyptian Expedition, 1882 (medal with clasp ; Fortescue, M.V.O., Naval A.D.C. to Com- bronze star); Soudan Expedition, 1884-85 mander-in-Chief. Com- Entered Navy, 1869; (Despatches ; clasp ; promoted Surgeon-Major); mander, 1890. This distinguished officer, lately Expedition to Dongola, 1S96 (Despatches

Equerry-in-Waiting to the Prince of Wales, C.B. ; Egyptian medal with clasp) ; Nile Ex- served in 1882 in the bombardment of Alex- pedition, 1S97; Nile Expedition, 1898 (De- andria in the Egyptian War (medal ; clasp spatches, May and September 189S promoted ; ;

Khedive's Star) ; in the Soudan (Suakim Colonel ; 2 clasps, Egyptian medal) ; South olasp). He is a son of the 3rd . African War, 1899- 1900. Foster.—Colonel W. H. Foster, M.P. Com- Garstin.— Col. A. A. Garstin, A.A.G. En- manding Yeomanry Cavalry. This gallant tered 1871; Col., 1898. Staff Service—D.A.A. officer, who for many years has been associated and Q.M.G. Ex. Force, Suakin, 1885 ; Spec. with the 2nd West Yorks. Yeomanry Cavalry, Serv., South Africa, Feb. to April 1900; volunteered immediately he found the country A.A.G., S. Africa, April 1900. War Service— had need of his services. Like many other S. African War, 1879 (medal with clasp) wealthy and notable volunteers, he had every- Soudan Ex., 18S5 (medal with clasp ; bronze thing to lose and nothing to gain in fighting star); S. African War, 1S99-1900; Spec. Serv. his country's battles save the esteem of a Officer, and on Staff. grateful nation. Gascoigne.— Captain E. F. O. Gascoigne, Fowler,— Captain J. S. Fowler, R.E., D.S.O. D.S.O. Entered Grenadier Guards, 1892. Staff Entered 1886; Captain, 1895. Staff Service— Service — Brigade- Major, Aldershot, January

Director of Telegraphs, Orange River Colony, 1900 ; South Africa, March 1900. War Service 1900. War Service— Isazai Expedition, 1892; —Nile Expedition, iSyS (Despatches; D.S.O;

Operations in Chitral, 1895 ; wounded (De- Egyptian medal with clasp ; medal) ; South spatches ; D.S.O. ; medal with clasp); Opera- African War, 1S99-19CO ; on Staff. tions on North-West Frontier of India, 1897-98 Gatacre. — Lieutenant-General Sir W. F.

(Despatches ; 2 clasps) ; South African War, Gatacre, K.C.B., D.S.O. Commanding Third 1S99-1900. Division till May 1900. Entered, 77th Foot, Fowler.— Sir Thomas Fowler, Bart., Lieut. 1862; Major-General, 1898. Staff Service— 2nd Battalion Royal Wilts Yeomanry Cavalry. Instructor in Surv. Roval Military College, Franks. — Mr. Kendal Franks, M.B., 1875-79; D.A.A. and Q.M.G., Aldershot, 1S79-

F.R.C.S.I., Consulting Surgeon. Mr. Franks 80; A.A.G., Madras, 1880-81 ; D.Q.M.G., India, rendered untiring service by using his skill 1885-90; Adjutant-General, Bombay, 1890-94; for the benefit of the sick and wounded, and Brigade- General, India, 1894-97; Major- thus saving many valuable lives. General, Infantry Brigade, Aldershot, 1897-98; French.—Lieutenant-General John Denton Major-General commanding Brigade, Egypt, Pinkstone French. Commanding Cavalry 1S98 ; Major-General commanding Division,

Division. Entered 1874; Major-General, 21st Soudan Expedition Force, 1S98 ; Major-General, February 1900. Staff Service —Adjutant, Aux- E. District, 189S-99; Lieutenant-General, In- iliary Forces, 1881-84; A.A.G., Headquarters fantry Division, S. Africa, 1899-1900; Major- District, Service— of Army, 1895-97 ; Colonel on Staff, Command- General, E. June 1900. War ing Cavalry Brigade, S.E. District, 1897-99; Hazara Expedition, 1888 (Despatches; medal Major-General, Cavalry Division, Aldershot, with clasp; D.S.O); Burma, 1889-90 (clasp);

1899; Major-General, Cavalry, Natal, 1S99 Operations in Chitral, 1S95 (Despatches ; C.B.) ; 165 -;

The Transvaal War

Nile Expedition, 1S9S (Despatches, May and Lieut. -Col., March 1900. War Service—S. 2nd class Medjidie African War, Med. Officer September 1S98 ; K.C.B., ; 1S99-1900; Sen. thanked by both Houses of Parliament ; Egyp- Inf. Div. tian medal with 2 clasps ; medal) ; South Goold-Adams. —Major H. J. Goold-Adams

African "War, 1899-1900; on Staff. CM. G. , C. B. , Resident Commissioner in Bechu- Gawne. —Lieutenant-Colonel J. M. Gawne, analand. Entered 1878 ; Major, 1895. Staff R. Lane. Regt. Entered 1874; Colonel, February Service —Employed with Bechuanaland Border

1900. Staff Service—D.A.A.G., Egypt, 1895-97. Police Force, 1895 ; Delimitation Duties, War Service—South African War, 1S79 (medal Bechuanaland, 1895-96 ; Delimitation Duties, with clasp); Bechuanaland Expedition, 1S84- Barotseland, 1896-97 ; Resident Commissioner,

85; South African War; died of wounds re- Bechuanaland Protectorate, 1897 ; Special Ser- ceived in action, December 1900. vice, South Africa, 1899. War Service— Gerard.—Col. Lord W. C. "Gerard, Hon. Col. Bechuanaland Expedition, 18S4-85; Com- Lanes. Hussars Yeomanry Cavalry. War Ser- manded in Matabeleland, 1893. vice— S. African War, 1S99-1900; A.D.C. to Gordon.—Brig.-Gen. J. R. P. Gordon, Com- - G.O.C. Natal. manding 3rd Cav. Brig. Entered 1879 ; Lieut. Gifford.—Hon. Maurice R. Gifford, C.M.G. Col., Feb. 1897. Staff Service—A.D.C. to Maj.

This remarkable officer, now associated with Gen., Madras, 1887-89 ; Adjt., Yeom. Cav., 1SS9- the Rhodesian Horse, is the son of 2nd Baron 91 ; Spec. Serv., Lagos, 1892 ; Recruiting Staff Gifford. He has seen an immense amount of Officer, 2nd class, Dublin, 1892-94, London, fighting in various parts of the world. He 1894-96 (Spec. Serv., Ashanti, 1895-96). Brig.- served in the Egyptian Campaign, 1882; as Gen. Cav. Brig., S. Africa, Feb. 1900. War scout in Canada (medal and clasp) ; and again Service —Afghan War, 1SS0 (medal) ; S. African in the Matabele Campaign of 1893 (medal). War, 1881 ; Bechuanaland Ex., 1884-85 ; Bur- " " He raised Gifford's Horse in the Matabele Re- mese Ex., 1887 (Despatches ; G.G.O. S64 of '87 ; bellion, 1896, when he lost an arm. His ser- medal with clasp) ; Ex. against the Yebus Lagos, vices were rewarded with the C.M.G. 1892 (Despatches ; medal with clasp) ; Ashanti Girouard. — Lieutenant - Colonel E. P. C. Ex., iS95-96(hon. mentioned; star); S.African Girouard, D.S.O., R.E. Entered, Royal Engin- War, 1899-1900; on Staff. eers, 1SS8; Brevet - Major, 1899. Staff Service Gordon. —Col. J. M. Gordon. This gallant —Railway Traffic Manager, Royal Arsenal, officer commanded the South Australian Bush- 1S90-95; employed with Egyptian Army, men.

1896-9S ; Special Extra Regimental Employ, Gore.— Lieut.-Col. St. J. C. Gore, Command-

189S-99; Director of Railways, South Africa, ins; 5th Dragoon Guards. Entered 1879 ; Lieut.- 1899. War Service —Expedition to Dongola, Col., 1899. Staff Service—A. M.S. and A.D.C. to 1S96 (Despatches, D.S. O.; Egyptian medal with Lieut. -Gov., Bengal, July to Oct. 1898. War clasp) ; Nile Expedition, (Despatches Service — Soudan Ex., (medal with 1897 ; 1884-85 clasp to Egyptian medal ; Brevet of Major) clasp ; bronze star) ; S. African War, 1S99-

South African War ; on Staff. Colonel Girou- 1900 ; Elandslaagte. ard is generally recognised as one of the fore- Gorringe.— Lieutenant - Colonel G. F. Gor- most organisers and engineers of his day, and ringe, D.S.O., R.E. Entered, Royal Engineers, it has been said that what he does not know of 1SS8; Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, March 1900. his craft "is not knowledge." He was born at Staff Service—Employed with Egyptian Army, Montreal in 1867, and educated at the Royal 1S93-99; A.D.C. to Major-General (Chief of

Military College, Kingston. Staff), South Africa, 1S99-1900 ; D.A.A.G., Gleichen. — Count Albert Edward W. South Africa, February 1900. War Service— Gleichen, C.M.G., Major. Entered Grenadier— Expedition to Dongola, 1896 (Despatches, Guards, 1SS1 ; Major, 1898. Staff Service D.S.O.) ; Nile Expedition, 1S97 (Despatches;

Equerry to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, 1892 ; Brevet of Major); Nile Expedition, 1898

Extra Equerry to H.M. the Queen, 1892 ; Staff (Despatches, May and September 1S98 ; 4th

Captain, Headquarters of Army, 1895-98; class Medjidie ; clasps to Egyptian medal ;. D.A.A.G., Headquarters of Army, 1898-99; medal); Nile Expedition, 1899 (Despatches;

Special Service, South Africa, and D.A.A.G., Brevet of Lieutenant-Colonel) ; South African

1900. War Service—Soudan Expedition, 1S84- War ; on Staff.

85 (medal with 2 clasps ; bronze star) ; Expedi- Gough. —Maj. H. de la P. Gough, 16th tion to Dongola, 1896 (Egyptian medal) ; South Lancers. Entered 1S89; Capt., 1894. Staff

African War, 1899- 1900 ; Kimberley Relief Service—S. Africa. War Service—Op. on N.W. Force; severely wounded (Despatches, January Frontier of India, 1897-98 (medal with 2 1900). clasps); S. African War, 1899-1900; Special Godfray.—Lieut.-Col. J. W. God fray, King's Service Officer. This excellent Cavalry officer Own Scottish Borderers. Lieut. distinguished himself as a leader of the Com- Entered 1S71 ;

Col., 1898. St' iff Service—Adjt. Aux. Forces, posite Regiment, Mounted Infantry, during the relief 1S81-82 ; D.A.A. and Q.M.G., Jersey, 1SS2-S7 ; operations for the of Ladysmith. D.A.A.G., Cyprus, 1893-94. War Service— Op. Graham. — Lieut -Col. E. R. C. Graham, in Chitral, 1895 (Despatches; Brev. of Lieut. - Cheshire Regiment. Entered 1S7S; Lieut.-Col.,

Col. ; medal with clasp) ; Op. on N.W. Frontier 1900. Staff Service—D.A.A.G., Headquarters of India, 1897-98 (2 clasps) ; S. African War, Madras, 1S95 ; A.A.G. India, 1S95-99 ; Assist. 1 899- 1 900. Prov. -Marshal, S. Africa, Feb. 1900. War Ser- Staff. Gog-gin.—Lieut.-Col. G. T. Goggin, R.A.M.C, vice — S. African War, 1S99-1900 ; on 166 ;

Biographical Record

Graham.—Major H. W. G. Graham, D.S.O. Guinness. —Hon. Rupert E. C. L. Guinness. is Entered 1884 ; Major, 5th Lancers, 1899. Staff Mr. Guinness, a notable oarsman, another /Service—Employed with Gold Coast Constabu- patriotic nobleman who placed his services at lary, 18SS-90; employed with Egyptian Army, the disposal of his country. He is the eldest 1891-93; Special Service, Ashanti, 189^-96; son of Lord Iveagh, and was born in 1874. D.A.A.G., Natal, 1898-99; A.A.G., South

Africa, 1899. War Service— Operations on West Haig. —Major Douglas Haig. Entered 1885 ; Coast of Africa, 18S9 (Despatches; D.S.O.) Major, 1899. Staff Service—A.D.C. to Insp.

Ashanti Expedition, 1895-96 (honourably men- Gen. of Cavalry, 1894-95 ; Employed with tioned; star); North-West Frontier of India, Egyptian Army, 1898; Brig.-Maj. Cav. Brig., 1S97-98 (Despatches; medal with clasp); Aldershot, 1899; D. A.A.G., Natal, 1S99; Tirah, 1897-98 (clasp); South African War, DA.A.G., S. Africa, 1899-1900; A.A.G, S. 1 on Staff. Africa, Feb. 1900. War Service—Nile Exped., 899- 1 900; Grant.—Captain P. G. Grant, R.E. En- 1898 (Despatches ; Brev. of Maj. ; E. medal

— clasps) ; S. African War, on tered 1888; Captain, 1899. War Service with 2 1899-1900 ; Operations in Chitral, 1895 (medal with clasp) Staff (Despatches). South African War, 1S99-1900; A.D.C. to Hall.— Lieut.-Col. R. H. Hall, Commanded G.O.C. Infantry Division. 1st Batt. South Lancashire Regt. on death of Greene. — Lieut. -Col. E. M. Greene, Com- Col. M'Carthy O'Leary. Entered 1873 ; Lieut.- manding Natal Carabineers. Col., Feb. 1900. War Service— S. African War, Greer. —Lieut.-Col. J. Greer, Dir. of Mil. 1S99-1900. Postal Services. S. African War, 1S99-1900. Halliwell.—Maj. H. L. Halliwell (late Royal Grenfell— Lieut.-Col. H. M. Grenl'ell. En- Scots). This officer rendered valuable service tered 1st Life Guards 1892; Brev.-Maj., 1898. with the Queenstown Rifle Volunteers. Staff Service — Spec. Extra Regimental Em- Hamilton.—Maj. -Gen. Bruce M. Hamilton. Service ployment, 1895-96 ; A.D.C. to Maj. -Gen., Egypt, Entered 1877 ; Brev.-Col., 1897. Staff 1897-98; A.D.C, and afterwards A.M.S., to —A.D.C. to Gov., Bombay, J883-85 and 18S5- Gov. and Com. -in-Chief, Malta, 1899; Spec. 89; D.A.A.G., S. Dist., 1894-97; Special Ser- Serv., S. Africa, 1899. War Service—Nile Ex., vice, Ashanti, 1895-96 (Employed with Niger S. Africa, 1898 (Despatches, 1898 ; Brev. of Maj. ; Egyp- Coast Protectorate, 1897); A.A.G. Brig., Africa, tian medal with clasp ; medal); S. African War, 1899-1900; Maj. -Gen., Inf. S. 1899-1900; Commanding Regt. Brabant's Horse. April 1900. War Service—Afghan War, 1879- (Despatches) Grierson.— Lieut.-Col. J. M. Grierson, R.A., So (medal) ; S. African War, 1881 Ashanti M.V.O. Entered 1877; Brev.-Col., 1900. Staff Burmese Ex., 18S5 (medal with clasp) ; Service — D.A.Q.M.G., Indian Cont. Exped. Ex., 1895-96 (hon. mentioned ; Brev. of Lieut.- Force, Egypt, 1882; Spec. Serv. Exped. Col. ; star); Benin Ex., 1S97 (Despatches;

Force, Suakim, 18S5; D.A.A. and Q.M.G., Brev. of Col. ; medal with clasp) ; S. African on Staff; with Ladysmith Eeypt, 1885 ; Station Staff Officer, Bengal, War, 1899-1900; 17th to 24th 1889; D.A.A. G., Headquarters of Army, Relief Force ; Colenso ; Operations 1890-94; Brig.-Maj. R. A., Aldershot, 1895- Jan. ; wounded. 96; Mil. Attache, Berlin, 1896-1900; Spec. Hamilton.—Lieut. Hon. G. G. Hamilton- Serv., S. Africa, 1900; Staff Officer; D.A.G., This officer, serving in Compton's Horse, was China. War Service—Egyptian Exped., 18S2 formerly in the Scots Guards. He is the eldest (Despatches; medal with clasp; bronze star; son of Baron Hamilton of Dalzell. — Major H. I. W. Hamilton, 5th class Medjidie) ; Soudan Exped., 1885 Hamilton. Entered 1S80 Major R. W. Surr. Reg., (Despatches ; clasp) ; Hazara Exped. (De- D.S.O. ; to 3rd Inf. spatches ; medal with clasp ; Brev. of 1898. Staff Service—A.D.C. Gen. Lieut.-Col.); S. African War, 1899-1900; on Brig., Aldershot, 1896-97; employed with - Staff. Egyptian Army, 1897-99 ; A.D.C. to Lieut. Grove.—Lieut.-Col. A. W. S. Grove, Royal Gen. Inf. Div., S. Africa, 1S99-1900; D.A.A.G., West Kent Regiment. Entered 1873; Brev. S. Africa, 1900. War Service —Burmese Exped.,

clasp) ; Nile Exped., Lieut.-Col., Aug. 1900. Staff Service—Garr. 1886-88 (medal with 1897 ; Inst., Egypt, D.A.A. and Q.M.G., Egypt, Nile Exped., 1898 (Despatches, May and Sept., 1 1884; Nile Exped., S. African I884-85 ; D.A.A. and Q.M.G., Canada, 1885-87; 1898, D.S.O.); 1899;

D.A.A.G., E. Dist., 1887-88. War Service— War, 1899-1900 ; on Staff. Mon- S. African War, 1881 ; Egyptian Ex., 1882 Hamilton.—Lieut.-Gen. Ian Standish (medal with clasp; bronze star; Brev. of Maj); teith Hamilton, C.B., D.S.O. Entered 1872. Soudan Ex., 1884-85; S. African War, 1899- Col., Gordon Highlanders, 1898. Staff Ser- 1900. vices — A.D.C. to Com. -in-Chief, Madras, Com.-in-Chief, E. Indies, Guest. — Hon. Ivor Guest, M.P. Imperial 1882-85 5 A.D.C. to Yeomanry. Mr. Guest, who is the eldest son of 1886-90; A.A.G, Bengal, 1890-93 ; Mil. Sec.

Lord Wimborne, was born in 1873. ^ e volun- to Com.-in-Chief, E. Indies, 1893-95 ; D.Q.M.G. teered with other patriotic politicians in Eng- in India, 1895-98; Comdt., Sch. of Musk., land's "dark hour." 1898-99; A.A.G., Natal, 1899; Maj. -Gen., Guinness. — Lieut.-Col. H. W. N. Guinness, S. Africa, 1899-1900; Lieut.-Gen., Mounted Royal Irish Regt. War Service—Soudan Ex., Inf. Div., S. Africa, 10th April 1900. War Service (Despatches 1884-85 (Despatches ; medal with clasp ; bronze —Afghan War, 1879-80 ; star; Brev. of Maj.); S. African War, 1899- medal with 2 clasps) : S. African War, 1881,

1900. severely wounded (Despatches) ; Soudan Ex., 167 ;);

The Transvaal War

1SS4-S5 (Despatches; medal with 2 clasps; S. Africa, March 1900. War Service—Op. in bronze star) ; Burmese Ex., 18S6-87 (De- Chitral, 1895 (Despatches; C.B. ; medal with spatches ; Brev. of Lieut. -Col.) ; Op. in clasp) ; S. African War.

Chitral, 1S95 (Despatches ; C.B.) ; Op. on N.W. Harris. —Rear-Admiral Sir R. H. Harris,

Front, of India, 1S9S (Despatches); S. African Royal Navy. Entered Navy 1856 ; Capt., 1879 ;

War, 1S99-1900 ; Elandslaagte ; Siege of Lady- Rear-Admiral, i89> This gallant officer com- smith. This distinguished officer, born in 1853, manded Training Squadron from 1893 to 1895 ; is the son of Col. C. M. Hamilton and the daugh- was Rear-Admiral. Mediterranean Fleet, 1 896-98; ter of the 3rd Viscount Gort. He married in and Commander-in-Chief, Cape of Good Hope

1877 the daughter of Sir John Muir, Bart. No and West Coast of Africa, 1898-1900 ; K.C.B. better idea of his remarkable personality can Harris.—Lieut.-Col. R. H. W. H. Harris. be obtained than that suggested by the graphic Entered 1S70; Lieut.-Col. East Surrey Regt., pen of Mr. Winston Churchill in his unique Dec. 1896. Staff Service—Adjt. Aux. Forces, record of the campaign: "A man of more 18S4-89. War /Service—Afghan War, 1878-80 than middle height, spare, keen-eyed, and of (medal); Mahsood Wuzeeree Ex., 18S1 (De- commanding aspect. His highly nervous tem- spatches); S. African War, 1899-1900; Willow perament, animating what appears a frail body, Grange ; Ladysmith Relief Force, wounded, imparts to all his movements a kind of feverish 22nd Feb. energy. Two qualities of his mind stand for- Harris.—Lieut.-Col. V. D. Harris. This ward prominently from the rest. He is a officer rendered valuable service in command singularly good and rapid judge of character. of the Kimberley Town Guard. He takes a very independent view on all sub- Harrison.— Lieut.-Col. C. E. C. B. Harrison, jects, sometimes with a slight bias towards or Lieut.-Col., Royal West Kent Regt. Entered affection for their Radical and Democratic as- 1876; Lieut.-Col., March 1900. War Service— pects, but never, or hardly ever, influenced by S. African War, 1881; Transvaal Campaign; the set of people with whom he lives. To his Egyptian Ex., 1SS2 (medal; bronze star); S. strong personal charm as a companion, to his African War, 1899-1900. temper, never ruffled or vexed either by internal Harrison. — Lieut.-Col. R. A. G. Harrison, irritation or the stir and contrariness of events, R.F.A. Entered 1874; Lieut.-Col., April 1900. his friends and those who have served under Staff Service— Adjt. Volunteers, 1S86-91. War him will bear witness. He has a most happy Service—S. African War, 1899-1900. gift of expression, a fine taste in words, and an Hart.—Maj. -Gen. A. Fitz-Roy Hart, C.B. acute perception of the curious, which he has Entered 1864; Maj. -Gen., 1898. Staff Service- preserved from his literary days. But it is as Spec. Serv., Ashanti Ex., 1873-74; Brig.-Maj., a whole that we should judge. His mind is Aldershot, 1876-78; Spec. Serv., S. Africa, built upon a big scale, being broad and strong, 1878-79, 1S81-S2 ; Special Employment, Egypt, capable of thinking in army corps, and, if 1882; A.A.G., Belfast Dist., 1896-97; Maj.- necessary, in continents, and working always Gen., Aldershot, 1897-99; Maj. - Gen., Inf. with serene smoothness, undisturbed alike by Brig., S. Africa, October 1899. War Service — responsibility or clanger. Add to all this a long Ashanti War, 1873-74, wounded (Despatches, experience in war, high military renown both Feb. and March 1874; medal with clasp); S. for courage and conduct, the entire confidence African War, 1879-81 (Despatches, 2nd March and affection of the future Com. -in-Chief, and 7th May 1879; medal with clasp; Brev. the luck that has carried him through so of Maj.) ; Egyptian Ex., 1882 (Despatches many dangers, and the crowning advantage of medal with clasp ; bronze star ; Brev. of Lieut.- being comparatively young, and it is evident Col., 4th class Osmanieh) ; S. African War, Force. that here is a man who in the years that are to 1 899- 1 900 ; on Staff ; Ladysmith Relief come will have much to do with the admini- This notable officer, who represents the back- stration of the in times of peace bone of " Ould Oireland," was born in 1844. and its direction in the field." He is the son of the late Gen. H. G. Hart, and Hanbury-Tracy.—Maj. the Hon. A. H. C. married in 1868 the daughter of the late Hanbury-Tracy, R. Horse Guards. Entered Mr. M. S. Synnot, D.L., J.P., Ballymoyer, co. 1892; Brev. -Maj., March 1900. Staff Service— Armagh. Employed in Brit. E. Africa Protectorate, 1897; Hartley.—Surg. Lieut.-Col. E. B. Hartley, Special Service, S. Africa, 1899; D.A.A.G., S. VC, Cape Medical Staff Corps. This already Africa, 1899. War Service—Uganda, 1897-98 distinguished officer, as P.M.O. of the Colonial Zanzi- Forces, worked with untiring energy and skill (Despatches ; 3rd class brilliant star of point of bar ; medal with clasp ; Brev. of Maj.) ; S. both from a military and a medical African War, 1S99-1900. view. Hannay.— Col. O. S. Hannay. Commanding Heath.—Lieut.-Col. H. N. C. Heath, York-

1st Brigade Mounted Infantry. For career of shire Light Infantry, A.A.G. Entered 1881 ; this much esteemed and regretted officer, see Maj., 1898. Staff Service—Staff Capt. (Intell. vol. iv. p. 60. Headquarters of Army, 1898-99 ; Spec. Serv., Harley—Col. G. E. Harley, C.B. Entered S. Africa, Oct, to Nov. 1899; A.A.G, S. Africa, 1S64; Col., 1897. Staff Service—Capt. Inst, of Nov. 1S99. War Service—Egyptian Ex., 1SS2 Sch. of Musk., Hvthe, 18S2-85; D.A.A.G., N. (medal; bronze star); Soudan Ex., 1SS4-S5

Brit, and N. Dist., 1886-89; D.A.A.G., Sch. (Despatches ; 2 clasps ; Brev. of Maj.) ; S. Af- of Musk., 1889-91; A.A.G., Belfast Dist., rican War, 1899-1900; on Staff.

1 897- 1 900 ; A.A.G., Aldershot, 1900; A.A.G., Hegan.—Col. E. Hegan. Entered 1S76 168 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL SIR FRANCIS CLERY, K.CB.

Photo, J. & S. Cumming, Aldershot


Biographical Record

Lieut.-Col., 1S99. Staff Service—Comdt., Sch. Henniker-Major.— Lieut.-Col. Hon. A. Hen- of Aux. Cav., Aldershot, 1882-84; A.D.C. to niker-Major. Entered C. Guards, 1875 ; Lieut.- G.O.C. W. Disk, 1889-90; D.A.A.G., Cork Col., 1899. Staff Service—Comdt. Sch. of Inst, for

Dist., 1890-93 ; Spec. Serv., S. Africa, 1899- Aux. Forces, Wellington Bks., 1886; Assist. Priv.

1900; A.A.G., S. Africa, Feb. 1900. War Sec. to Sec. of State for War, 1888-91 ; D.A.A.G.,

Service— S. African War, 1881 ; Tirah, 1897-98 S. Dist., 1891-94; D.A.A.G. for Inst., Home

(Despatches ; medal with 2 clasps) ; S. African Dist., 1S96-98; D.A.A.G., Headquarters of Army, War, 1 899- 1 900. 1898. War Service—Egyptian Ex., 1S82 (medal Hely-Hutchinson.—The Hon. Sir Walter bronze star); S. African War, 1899-1900; Bel- Francis Hely-Hutchinson, G.C.M.G. Governor mont (Despatches). of Natal and Zululand, and Special Commis- Henry.—Col. St. G. C. Henry, Northumber- sioner for Amatongaland since 189 ; Bar- land Fusiliers. Entered 1880; Brev. -Col., March rister of the Inner Temple, 1877; Private 1900. Staff Service—Employed with Egyptian Secretary to Sir Hercules Robinson, Governor Army. War Service—Ex. to Dongola, 1896 of New South Wales; for Fiji Affairs, 1S74 ; for (Despatches; Egyptian medal with 2 clasps);

New South Wales, 1S75 ; Colonial Secretary of Nile Ex.. 1897 (clasp to Egyptian medal) ; Nile

Barbadoes, 1877 ; Chief Secretary to the Go- Ex., 1898 (Despatches, Sept. and Dec. 1898; vernment of Malta, 1S83 ; Lieut.-Governor of Brev. of Lieut.-Col. ; clasp to Egyptian medal medal); Nile Ex., 1899 (Despatches; Brev. of

Col.) ; S. African War, 1899-1900; commanded 4th Corps Mounted Infantry. Herbert.— Col. I. J. C. Herbert, C.B., C.M.G.

Entered, G. Guards, 1870 ; Col, 1898. Staff Ser-

vice— Brig. -Maj. , Home Dist., 1882 ; Brig.-Maj., Ex. Force, Egypt, 1882; Brig.-Maj., Home Dist.,

1882-83 ; Comdt. Sch. of Inst, for Aux. Forces, Wellington Bks., 1885-86; Mil. Attach^, St. Petersburg, 1886; G.O.C, Mila. Domin. Can- ada, 1890-95; A.A.G., Home Dist., 1898-99;

Spec. Serv., S. Africa, 1899- 1900 ; A.A.G., S. Africa, Feb. 1900. War Service—Egyptian Ex., 1882 (Despatches; medal with clasp; bronze

star : Brev. of Maj. ; 4th class Medjidie) ;

Soudan Ex., 1884-85 (2 clasps) ; S. African War, 1S99-1900; on Staff. Hicks.— Lieut.-Col. H. T. Hicks, Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Entered 1872; Lieut.-Col., March 1900. Staff Service—Adjt. Militia, 1S86- 91. War Service— S. African War, 1899-1900. Hickson. — Lieut.-Col. R. A. Hickson, 2nd Batt. The Buffs (East Kent Regt.). Entered 1867; Brev. -Col., 1899. Staff Service—A.D.C. to Brig.-Gen., Aldershot. 1883-84; A.D.C. to Maj. -Gen., Gibraltar, Service— Hon. Sir W. Hely-Hutchinson 1884-S8. War Op. in Chitral, 1895 (medal with clasp); S. Photo by Elliott &* Fry, London African War, 1899-1900; Driefontein, severely wounded. Malta, 1884; Governor of Windward Islands, Hildyard.—Lieut.-Gen. H. J. T. Hildyard, 1889; Governor of Natal and Zululand, 1893. C.B., Commanding Fifth Div. Entered R. Sir Walter is the second son of the 4th Earl of Navy, 1859; Army, 1864; Maj. -Gen., 1899. Donoughmore and the daughter of Mr. W. Staff Service — Brig.-Maj., Cyprus, 1878; Brig.- Steele, and was born in 1849. He married in Maj., Gibraltar, 187S-82; D.A.A. and Q.M.G., 1 88 1 the daughter of General W. C. Justice, Ex. Force, Egypt, 1S82; Brig.-Maj., Gibraltar, C.M.G. (commanding the troops in Ceylon). 1882-83; D.A.A.G., Headquarters of Army, 18S3- inaugurated He the system of Responsible Go- 89; A.A.G., Aldershot, 18S9-91 ; A.A.G., Head- vernment in Natal, and completed the annexa- quarters of Army, 1891-93; Comdt. Staff Coll., tion of the Trans-Pongola Territories, which 1893-98; Maj. -Gen. Inf. Brig., Aldershot, 1898- form an integral part of Zululand. 99; Maj. -Gen., Inf. Brig., S. Africa, 1S99- Henderson.—Col. G. F. R. Henderson. En- 1900; Lieut.-Gen. Inf. Div., S. Africa, April tered 1878; Lieut.-Col., 1899. Staff Service— 1900. War Service—Egyptian Ex., 1882 (De- Dep.-Assist. Com. -Gen. Ord. Store Dept., 18S5- spatches ; medal with clasp ; bronze star; Brev.

; 89 ; Inst. R. Mil. Coll., 1890-92 Prof. Staff Coll., of Lieut.-Col. 4th class Osmanieh) ; S. African ; 1892-96, and 1897-99; Spec. Serv. S. Africa, War, 1S99-1900; Willow Grange; Ladysmith Dir. Intelligence, 1899-1900 ; of S. Africa, Relief Force ; Colenso (Despatches). This bril- Jan. 1900; Specially Employed, Headquarters of liant officer, who has vastly increased his repu- Army, Aug. 1900. War Service—Egyptian Ex., tation in the present war, is the son of the late 1S82 (medal clasp bronze with ; star ; 5th class Mr. T. B. T. Hildyard, M.P., of Flintham Hall,

Medjidie ; Brev. of Maj.) ; S. African War, 1899- Newark. Like many other able , 1900. distinguished alike for valour and versatility, 169 ;

The Transvaal War he began life in the Royal Navy, afterwards Hoskier. — Lieut.-Col. Hoskier. For par- electing to join the sister service. He is a ticulars regarding this patriotic Volunteer strict disciplinarian, and a recognised authority officer see vol. iv. p. 168. on military tactics and strategy. Houdin.—Maj. Houdin. This officer ren- Hill—Capt. A. Hill, M.P., 5th Batt. R. dered energetic service with the Royal Canadian Irish Rifles. Eldest son of Rt. Hon. Lord Artillery. Arthur Hill. Howard.—Maj.-Gen. F.Howard, C.B., C.M.G. Hime.—Col. Hon. Sir A. Hime, K.C.M.G., Entered 1S66; Col. 1899. Staff Service —A.D.C. Royal Engineers. Prime Minister of Natal. to the Queen, 1895; Maj.-Gen. Inf. Brig., Rendered valuable service throughout the Natal Natal, 1899. War Service—Jowaki Ex., 1877-78 Campaign. (medal with clasp); Afghan War, 1878-79 Hinde.— Col. J. H. E. Hinde, 1st Batt. Border (medal with clasp); Burmese Ex., 1888-89

clasp ; Brev. of Lieut.-Col.) Regt. Entered 1867 ; Brev.-Col., 1899. Staff Ser- (Despatches ; vice—Adjt. Aux. Forces, 1883-88. War Service Nile Ex., 1898 (Despatches; Good Service

Egyptian medal with clasp ; medal) — S. African War, 1S99-1900; Willow Grange. Reward ; ; Hippisley. —Lieut. -Col. R. L. Hippisley. S. African War, 1899-1900. Entered 1873; Lieut.-Col. 1898. Staff Service— Hughes.—Lieut.-Col. S. Hughes. Lieut.- Officer, Assist. Inst. Sch. of Mil. Eng., 18S6-88 ; Inst. Col. Canadian Local Forces ; Spec. Serv. service as Staff Officer. Sch. of Mil. Eng., 18S9-91 ; Dir. of Telegraphs, including Railway S. Africa. War Service—Egyptian Ex., 1882 Hughes - Hallett. — Lieut.-Col. J. W. Lieut.- (medal ; bronze star) ; S. African War, 1899- Hughes-Hallett, D.S.O. Entered 1872; officer, Col. Seaforth Highlanders, 1897. War Service— 1900 ; on Staff. This indefatigable who rendered such valuable service in keeping the Afghan War, 1878-79 (Despatches ; medal with Commander-in-Chief in touch with his large clasp); Egyptian Ex., 18S2 (Despatches; medal in Chitral, force, was born in 1853. with clasp ; bronze star); Op. 1S95 with clasp) S. Hoad. — Col. J. C. Hoad. This officer served (Despatches, D.S.O. ; medal ; with distinction with the Victorian Mounted African War, 1899-1900; wounded with Infantry. Kimberley Relief Force. Hobart.— Capt. C. Vere Cavendish Hobart, Hunter. —Lieut.-Gen. Sir Archibald Hunter, D.S.O..G. Guards. Entered 1S90; Capt., 1S99. K.C.B., D.S.O. Entered 1874 ; Brev.-Col., 1894. StaffService—Employed in Uganda Protectorate, Staff Service—Employed with Egyptian Army,

Off. Station Comdt., S. Africa, 18S4-87 ; Gov. of Red Sea Littoral and 1897-99 ; Staff to 1899-1900; Staff Off. to Assist. Insp. Gen., L. of Comdt. Suakira, 1892-94; Gov. of Frontier C, S. Africa, Feb. 1900. War Service—Uganda, and Comdt. F. F. Force, Egypt, 1894-96; F. F. Egypt, 1897-98 (Despatches, D.S.O. ; medal with clasp); Gov. of Dongola and Comdt. S. African War, 1899-1900. 1896-99; Maj.-Gen., India, 1899; Maj.-Gen. Hobbs.—Lieut.-Col. G. R. Hobbs. Entered (Chf. of Staff), Natal, 1899 ; S. Africa, 1899- ArmyOrd. Dept. 1880; Lieut.-Col., 1896. Staff 1900; Maj.-Gen., Chief of Staff, Natal, Jan. 1900; Service—Ord. Off., 3rd class, April to July Lieut.-Gen. Inf. Div., March 1900. War Ser- Off., 2nd class, July 1896. War vice —Soudan Ex., 1884-85 (Despatches ; medal 1896 ; Ord.

clasp bronze star ; Brev. of Maj. 4th Service— S. African War, 1879 (medal) ; S. with ; ; African War, 1S99-1900. class Osmanieh); Soudan, 1885-86-89; severely (Despatches; 3rd class Med- Hofmeyr.—Hon. J. H. Hofmeyr. This wounded D.S.O. ; gentleman for some years has been a prominent jidie); Toski, wounded (Despatches; clasp; Brev. figure in S. African affairs, and intimately of Lieut.-Col.); Ex. toDongola, i896(Despatches; associated with many leading men. With Sir promoted to Lieut.-Gen.; medal; Egyptian Henry de Villiers and Sir Charles Mills, he medal with 2 clasps) ; Nile Ex., 1897 ; De- represented S. Africa at the Ottawa Confer- spatches ; 2nd class Osmanieh, 2 clasps to

ence, and in the same capacity was present Egyptian medal) ; Nile Ex., 1898 (Despatches,

at London (Salisbury-Knutsford) Conference, May and Sept. 1898 ; K.C.B ; thanked by both with Sir T. Uppington, K.C.M.G., Q.C., and Sir Houses of Parliament ; 2 clasps to Egyptian Natal, John Robinson. K.C.M.G. medal) ; S. African War; on Staff ; Lady- Div. officer, Hope.— Lieut.-Col. L. A. Hope, C.B., A.S.C. smith ; G.O.C. Inf. This remarkable Lieut.-Col., 1892. Staff Service—D.A.A.G., Cur- whose services have been so invaluable in the ragh Dist., 1892-95; Egypt, 1897-1900; Spec. present war that he has run the risk of being overworked, not long ago enjoyed the distinc- Serv. , S. Africa, Jan. 1900. War Service—S. youngest Maj.-Gen. in the African War, 1879 (medal with clasp) ; Soudan tion of being the Ex., 1884-85 (medal with clasp; bronze star); British Army. The Boer Campaign has carried still of honour, and his Nile Ex., 1S9S (Despatches; C.B. ; Egyptian him farther on the road attributed to medal with clasp ; medal) ; S. African War, almost magical success is to be Serv. Off. his marvellous gift of observation, his ready 1 809- 1 900; Spec. Hore. —Lieut.-Col. C. O. Hore. Entered grasp of character and situation, and the 1878; Brev. Lieut.-Col. 1898. Staff Service— keen foresight which enables him so to organise Spec. Serv., S. Africa, 1899. War Service— as to suit the deed to the word. Like Lord Egyptian Ex. (medal with clasp; bronze star; Kitchener and Sir Leslie Rundle, he has a pro-

5th class Medjidie) ; Soudan Ex., 18S4-85 found knowledge of Oriental languages and (2 clasps); Nile Ex., 1898 (Despatches; Brev. character. He was born in 1856, and is the son of Lieut.-Col.; Egyptian medal with clasp; of the late Mr. A. Hunter and the daughter of medal); S. African War, 1899-1900. Maj. Duncan Grahame of Perthshire. I70 ; ;

Biographical Record

Hunter-Weston. — Maj. A. G. Hunter- April 1900. Staff Service—Brig.-Maj., Gibraltar,

Weston, RE, Entered 18:54; Brev. Maj., 1S95. 1888-92 ; Inst. R.Mil. Coll, 1892-96; Spec. Serv., Staff Service — Spec. Serv., Egypt, 1896; S. Africa, 1899-1900; Brig.-Maj. Inf. Brig., S. D. A.A.G., S. Africa, July 1900. War Service— Africa, Feb. 1900; A.A.G., S. Africa, June Miranzai Ex., Ex., 1891 ; Waziristan 1894-95 ; 1900. War Service—S. African War, 1S99- wounded (Despatches, June and July, 1895 ; 1900 ; on Staff. Brev. of Maj.) ; Ex. to Dongola, 1896 (De- Innes. — Hon. James Rose Innes, LL.B., spatches ; Egyptian medal with clasp ; 4th class Member for Cape Division in the House of

Medjidie ; medal) ; S. African War, 1899- 1900 ; Assembly. This well-known politician, who is on Staff. Maj. Hunter-Weston, who is "distinguished by his great ability and volu- associated with many daring acts during bility," is the son of Mr. J. Rose Innes, Under this campaign, comes of an ancient Scottish Secretary for Native Affairs. He entered the family. His father, Col. Hunter-Weston of Cape Parliament in 1884 as Member for Victoria Ayrshire, served in the Indian Mutiny, and East; joined the Rhodes' Ministry as Attorney- commanded one of the outposts during the General in 1890, and helped to break it up in Siege of Lucknow. 1S93. He married the niece of Sir Gordon Hutton.-Maj.-Gen. E. T. H. Hutton, C.B. Sprigg.

Entered 1867 ; Col., March 1900. Staff Service— Ireland. — Lieut.-Col. R. Ireland. Col., 1899. A.D.C. to Maj.-Gen. Ex. Force, Egypt, 1882 War Service—S. African War, 1 899-1900.

Jameson. —Leander Starr Jameson, C.B. This notable Scotsman, born in 1853, who has played such a prominent role in S. African affairs, gave up his medical duties to become Admini- strator of Rhodesia from 1S91 to 1S95. (For story of the Raid see vol. i. p. 156.) Dr. Jame- son lately assisted the defenders in the Siege of Ladysmith. Jarvis. — Maj. A. M. Jarvis. This officer made himself notable for excellent work with Strathcona's Horse. Jenner. — Sir Walter K. W. Jenner, 2nd Bart., Maj. 9th Lancers. Entered, 9th Lancers, 1880; Maj., 1898. Staff Service—D.A.A.G. for Inst., Curragh, 1896. Jennings.—Capt. J. W. Jennings, D.S.O., R.A.M.C. Capt. 1 89 1. War Service—Ex. to Dongola, 1S96 (Egyptian medal), Nile Ex., 1897 (clasp to Egyptian medal), Nile Ex., 189S

(Despatches ; D.S.O. ; 4th class of the Medjidie;

clasp to Egyptian medal ; medal). Jervis.—Maj. Sir J. H. H. Jervis-White- Jervis, 4th Bart. Entered R.A. 1877; Maj. 1S95. War Service—S. African War, 1879 Maj.-Gen. E. T. H. Hutton, C.B., A.D.C. Zulu Campaign (medal with clasp); S. African War, 1S99-1900 (Despatches). Photo ly Freeman &* Co., Sydney Johnston. — Lieut.-Col. P. H. Johnston,

Assist. Mil. Sec. to G.O.C., Egypt, 1S82-83 ; R.A.M.C. Lieut., R.A.M.C., 1897. War Ser- Brig.-Maj., Aldershot, 1SS3-84; D.A.A. and vice—Afghan War, 1879-80 (medal) ; Hazara

Q.M.G., Egypt, 1884-85 ; D.A.A.G. Aldershot, Ex., 1S88 ; S. African War, 1899-1900.

1887-89, 1&89-92 ; to the Queen, A.D.C. 1892 ; Jones. —Capt. Edward P. Jones, C.B. Naval Col. Comdt. Forces, N.S.W., 1893-96; A.A.G., Cadet, Sept. 1863 ; Capt., Jan. 1, 1895 ; is serving Dublin, 1896-97; Curragh, 1897-98; G.O.C.Mila., as Captain on the Victory at . He Domin. of Canada, 1898-1900; Spec. Serv., S. was Lieutenant of the Cari/sfort during the Africa, 1900; Maj.-Gen. Inf. Brig., S. Africa, Egyptian War of 1882 (Egyptian medal; Khe-

March 1900. War Service—S.Africa War, 1S79- dive's bronze star) ; also during the naval and 81 (Despatches; medal with clasp); Egyptian military operations near Suakin in the Eastern

Ex., 1882 (Despatches ; medal with clasp; Soudan, 18S4 (Suakin clasp) ; highly commended bronze star ; Brev. of Maj. 4th class Medjidie); by Gen. Buller in his despatches for the manner ;

Soudan Ex., 18S5 (clasp) ; S. African War, in which he fought his guns and silenced every

1899-1900 ; on Staff. This gallant officer, who one of the enemy's guns that could be located has himself in energetically interested the at Colenso on Dec. 15, 1899 ; also for the smart Colonial patriotic movement from its inception, manner in which the heavy guns of the brigade is the son of Mr. E. T. Hutton of Beverley, were brought into action on Sunday, June io, Yorks. He was born in 1S48, and married in 1900, when the troops concentrated on Klip 1S89 the Charles daughter of Lord Paulet. River at the junction with Gans Vlei Stream ; C.B. October, 1900, for services during the war. Inglefield.— Lieut. -Col. F. S. Inglefield,East Jones. —Maj.-Gen. I. R. Jones, Scots Guards. Yorkshire Regiment. Entered 1S74; Lieut.-Col., Col., — Entered 1S66 ; 1S90. Staff Service 171 The Transvaal War

Maj.-Gen. Guards Brigade, S. Africa, April spatches ; medal with clasp ; bronze star; Brev. 1900. War Service—Soudan Ex., 1SS5 (medal of Maj.), Soudan, i8i>8 (Despatches; 4th class with clasp; bronze star); S. African War, Medjidie) ; S. African War, 1S99-1900 (Brev. of

1899-1900 ; on Staff. Col. ; Despatches) ; Siege of Kimberley. Jones. —Lieut. -Col. M. Q. Jones, C.B., 2nd Kelham.— Lieut.-Col. H. R. Kelham, High- Batt. the Royal Warwickshire Regiment. land Light Infantry. Entered 1S73; Lieut.-Col., Entered 1873; Lieut.-Col., 189S. Staff Service— 1899. Staff Service— Fort Adjt., Hong-Kong,

Adjt. Aux. Forces, 1SS6-91 ; Comdt. Sch. of 1878-79 ; Brig.-Maj. (Act.), Straits Settlements, Inst, fnr Mil. and Vols., Aldershot, 1891-94. 1879. War Service —Egyptian Ex., 1882 (medal

War Service—Bechuanaland Ex., 1SS4-85; Nile with clasp ; bronze star) ; S. African War,

Ex., 1S98 (Despatches; C.B. ; Egyptian medal 1S99-1900; with Kimberley Relief Force; with clasp ; medal) ; S. African War, 1S99-1900. Majesfontein, slightly wounded, also severely Joubert. —Gen. Pietrus Jacobus Joubert, Aug. 1900. Vice-President of the Transvaal Republic. Kelly.— Lieut.-Col. N. W. Kelly. This dash- Com. -in-Chief of the Boer Army. Born in ing officer served with the Victorian Imperial Cango, Cape Colony, 1831. Defeated Sir Bushmen. George Colley at Laing's Nek and Majuba Hill KeUy.—Maj.-Gen. W. Freeman Kelly. En- in 1S81. Suppressed the Swazis in 1S95, and tered 1867 ; Maj.-Gen., 1900. Staff Service— captured the Jameson Raiders in 1S97. See vol. Brig. Maj., Egypt, 1884-87 ; A.M.S. and A.D.C. iv. p. 191. He was of Huguenot descent, which to G.O.C., Cape of Good Hope, 1888; D.A.A., may have accounted for his civilised at titude as Cape of Good Hope, 18S8-90; A.A.G., S. Africa, statesman and politician, and the wide views 1890-93; D.A.G., Headquarters, Ireland, 1894-99; which some of his countrymen failed to appreci- Spec. Serv., S. Africa, 1899-1900; D.A.G. (Brig.- ate. The General was an inveterate smoker and Gen. on Staff) S. Africa, 1900. War Service— a shrewd thinker. He had been to England N.W. Frontier.India, 1876 ; Egyptian Campaign, several times, and knew better than his com- 1882-84 (medal; bronze star); Soudan, 1884 patriots the risk of embroiling himself with a (Despatches; 2 clasps; 4th class Medjidie; mighty nation. Nevertheless he went into the Brev. of Lieut.-Col.); Soudan, 1885 (De- field as a brave man, determined to meet the spatches; 2 clasps); S. African War, 1S99- inevitable — fighting. 1900 ; on Staff. Jousey.—Maj. T. Jousey. This dashing Kelly -Kenny.— Lieut. -Gen. T. Kelly-Kenny, officer commanded the 3rd Contingent New C.B. Commanding Sixth Division. Entered 1858; Zealand Mounted Rifles. Maj.-Gen. 1897. Staff Service—A.D.C. to G.O.C., Cape of Good Hope. 1859-60; D.A.Q.M.G., Bom- Kekewich.—Brev.-Col. R. G. Kekewich, bay, 1869-70; A. A.G., N. Dist., 18S7-89; A.A.G, N. Lancashire Regiment. Staff Service — N.E. Dist., 1889-92; A.A.G., Headquarters of D.A.A. and Army, Dist., Q.M.G., Egypt, 1884-85 ; Brig. Maj., 1893; A.A.G., Aldershot 1893-96; Maj.-Gen., Aldershot, 1S96-97; Insp. Gen. Aux. Forces and Recg. Headquarters of Army, 1897-

99 ; Lieut. -Gen. Commanding Troops, Aldershot, 1899; Lieut.-Gen.. S. Africa, 1899. War Service —China War, i860 (Despatches; medal with clasp); Abyssinian Ex., 1867-68 (Despatches;

medal) ; S. African War, 1899- 1900 ; on Staff ; also commanding portion of Lines of Communi- cation. Kemp.—G. Kemp, M.P. (Yeomanry Cavalry). This patriotic officer, Capt. Duke of Lancaster's Own (Y.C.), born in 1866, is the son of the late Mr. G. Tawke Kemp. He married the third daughter of the 3rd Earl of Ellesmere. Kenna.—Capt. P. Aloysius Kenna, ID.C,

21st Lancers. Entered 18S6 ; Capt., 1895. Staff Service—Assist. Prov. -Marshal, S. Africa, 1899.

War Service —Nile Ex., 1S98 (Despatches; U.C. 5

Egyptian medal with clasp ; medal) ; S. African War, 1S99-1900 (Despatches). Kenney. —Lieut.-Col. A. H. Kenney, C.M.G., R.E. Entered 1873; Lieut.-Col., 1900. War Service — Afghan War, 1878-S0 (medal with clasp); Soudan Ex., 1S84-S5 (Despatches; medal with 2 clasps). Coloxel Kekewich Kerr.—Capt. F. W. Kerr, D.S.O. Entered Photo by Browning, Exeter 1SS6; Capt., 1896. War Service—Op. in Chit-

ral, 1S95 (Despatches ; D.S.O. ; medal with Egypt, 1885-87; Mil. Sec. to Com.-in-Chief, clasp); Op. N.W. Frontier of India, 1897-98; Madras, 1891-93; A.M.S. and A.D.C. to Lieut.- Dar^ai (2 clasps) ; S. African War, 1899-1900 ; Gen., Madras, 1893-97. War Service—Perak Ex., on Staff. 1875-76 (medal with clasp); Soudan Ex. (De- Kerry (Earl of).— H. W. Edmund Petty- 172 ;;

Biographical Record

Fitzmaurice, Lieut. Irish Guards; A.D.C. (extra) Zulu Campaign (Despatches ; medal with to Field-Marshal Cora. -in-Chief the Forces, S. clasp; Brev. of Maj.); S. African War, 1899- Africa, Feb. 1900. 1900; Col. on Start'; Advance Depot, Lady- Kirkpatrick. — Lieut. -Col. J. Kirk- W. smith ; Lines of Communication ; afterwards patrick, 1st Batt. York and Lancashire Regi- G.O.C. Inf. Brig. ment. Entered 1874; Lieut. -Col., 1S97. Staff Kruger. —Stephen J. Paul Kruger, Presi- Service — Adjt. Aux. Forces. War Service— dent of the Transvaal Republic from 1S82 to Egyptian Ex., 1882 (Despatches ; medal with 1900. Born at Colesberg, Cape Colony, 1825. clasp ; bronze star ; Brev. of Maj.). For character sketch see vol. i. p. no. Kitchener of Khartoum. —Maj.-Gen. Lord Kitchener of Khartoum, R.E., G.C.B., K.C.M.G.— Lagden. — Sir Godfrey Yeatman Lagden, Entered 1871 ; Maj.-Gen., 1896. Staff Service K.C.M.G., C.M.G. Commissioner of Basuto-

Employed with Egyptian Army, 18S3-85 lancl ; Clerk to Secretary of Government of the

D.A.A*G. and Q.M.G., Egypt, 1884-85 ; em- Transvaal under British Administration, 1S78 ; ployed with Egyptian Army, 18S6 ; Gov.-Gen. Private Secretary to Sir O. Lawson, Sir W. Littoral Red Sea and Comdt., Suakim, 1886-88 ; Bellairs, and Sir Evelyn Wood, while adminis- A.D.C. to the Queen, 1SSS-96 ; Maj.-Gen. tering the Government ; Secretary to the (Chief of Staff), S. Africa, 1899. War Service— Transvaal Royal Commission for Compensation

Soudan Ex., 1SS4-S5 (Despatches; medal with Claims, 18S1 ; War Correspondent in Egypt, clasp; bronze star ; Brev. of Lieut.-Col.) ; Op. 18S2 Colonial Secretary of ; Sierra Leone, 1883 ; roundSuakim, 1888, severely wounded; Soudan, Secretary and Accountant in Basutoland, 1SS4 ; 18SS-89 (Despatches, Jan. 18S9 ; Despatches, Assistant Commissioner, 1S85 ; Acting Com- Sept. 2 clasps; C.B.); Ex. to Dongola, 1889; 1896 missioner of Swaziland, 1892 ; Resident Com-

(Maj.-Gen. for distinguished service ; K.C.B. missioner of Basutoland, 1893. Sir Godfrey,

1st class Osmanieh ; Egyptian medal with 2 whose splendid diplomacy and tact have kept clasps); Nile Ex., 1897 (Despatches; clasp to the Basuto Chief and his tribe from launching

Egyptian medal) ; Nile Ex., 1898 (Despatches, themselves into the South African complication,

May and Sept. 189S ; raised to Peerage ; G.C.B., is the son of the late Rev. R. Dowse Lagden, and thanked by both Houses of Parliament and was born in 1851. Lady Lagden, whom he clasps to Egyptian medal ; medal) ; S. African married in 1 881, is the daughter of Bishop 1 War, 1 899- 1 900 ; on Staff. Bousfield of Pretoria. Kitchener. —Brig. -Gen. F. W. Kitchener. Lambton.—Lieut.-Col. Hon. C. Lambton, Entered 1876 ; Brev.-Col., 1898. Staff Service D.S.O., 5th Fusiliers. Entered, 5th Foot, 1876; —D.A.A.G. for Inst., Bombay, 1891-96; Spec. Lieut.-Col. Northumberland Fusiliers, 1900. Serv., Egypt, 1896; Specially employed with Staff Service— A.D.C. to Lieut. -Gen. and Gen. Egyptian Army, 1897-99 ; Brig.-Gen., Inf. Gov. Ireland, 1886-89. War Service—Nile Ex., Brig., S. Africa, 1900. War Service—Afghan 1898 (Despatches ; D.S.O. ; Egyptian medal with

War, 1878-79-80 (Despatches ; medal with clasp; medal) ; South African War, 1899-1900 clasp) ; Ex. to Dongola (Despatches ; Brev. of. (Despatches, 26th Jan. 1900).

Lieut.-Col. 4th ; ; Class Osmanieh Egyptian Lambton.—Capt. Hon. Hedworth Lambton, medal with 2 clasps); Nile Ex., 1897; Nile R.N., C.B., H.M.S. Powerful. Entered the Ex., 189S (Despatches ; Brev. of Col. ; 3rd class Navy 1S70 ; Capt., 1889. War Service— Egyptian

Medjidie clasps ; ; 3 to Egyptian medal medal) ; War, 1882 (medal with 2 clasps ; 2nd class

S. African War, 1899-1900 (Despatches) ; on Medjidie ; bronze star). This gallant officer, Staff. who performed such excellent service at Lady- Knox.—Maj.-Gen. Charles E. Knox. Com- smith and was decorated for his bravery, was manding 13th Brig. Entered 1865 ; Col., 18S9. born in 1856. He is a son of the 2nd Earl of Staff Service—Maj.-Gen. Inf. Brig., Aldershot, Durham, and brother of the present earl. He

1899 ; Maj.-Gen. Inf. Brig., S. Africa, 1S99. acted as Private Secretary to the First Lord of War Service—Bechuanaland Ex., 1884-85 (hon- the Admiralty in 1894-97. ourably mentioned; Brev. of Lieut.-Col.); S. Law. — Lieut.-Col. C. H. Law, 2nd Batt.

African 1 War, 899-1 900 ; on Staff; severely Dorset Regiment. Entered 1869 ; Lieut.-Col., wounded at Paardeberg. 1897. Staff Service—Adjt. Volunteers, 1887-92. Knox.—Lieut.-Col. E. C. Knox, 18th Hussars. War Service—Afghan War, 1878-79 (medal) ;

In ranks three years ; Lieut., 18th Hussars, 1882; S. African War, 1899- 1900. Lieut.-Col., 1900. War Service—Soudan Ex., Lawley. —The Hon. Arthur Lawley, Ad-

1884-85 (medal with clasp ; bronze star) ; S. ministrator of Matabeleland since 1898. Born

African War, 1S99-1900; Ladysmith Relief Nov. 12, 1S60 ; fourth son of the 2nd Baron

Force (Despatches). Wenlock ; married a daughter of Sir Edward

Knox.—Maj. -Gen. W.G.Knox, C.B.,R.A. En- Cunard, 2nd Bart., 1885 ; formerly Captain tered 1867 ; Col., 1899. Staff Service—A. M.S. 10th Hussars ; Private Secretary to the Duke and A.D.C. to G.O.C., Bermuda, 1892-94 ; Col. of Westminster, 1S92-96. on Staff, Natal, 1899-1900 ; Maj.-Gen. Inf. Brig., Lawson. —Brev. Lieut.-Col. H. M. Lawson, S. Africa, 1900. War Service—Abyssinian Ex., R.E. Entered 1877; Brev. Lieut.-Col., 1S98. 1887-88 (medal) ; Ashanti War, 1873-74 (medal Staff Service— D.A.A.G., Dublin Dist., 18S9-92 ; with clasp) ; Afghan War, 187S-79 (Despatches ; D.A.Q.M.G. Headquarters of Army, 1S93- medal with clasp) ; S. African War, 1879 98 ; Specially employed with Egyptian Army, 1S9S-99; A.A.G., S. Africa, 1899. War Service 1 Now Commander-in-Chief in S. Africa. —Egyptian Ex., 18S4 (medal with clasp ; 173 ;

The Transvaal War

Medjidie) ; Ex., to question. is said bronze star ; 5th class Soudan made of them open He to

188 [-S5 (Despatches ; 2 clasps ; Brev. of Maj.) be Mr. Kruger's alter ego, and he has certainly

Nile Ex., 1S98, dangerously wounded ; (De- worked hard in the cause of the Krugerites. spat dies; Brev. of Lieut.-Col. ; Egyptian medal Lloyd. — Lieut.-Col. F. Lloyd, D.S.O., with clasp ; medal) ; S. African War, 1899- Grenadier Guards. Entered 1874 ; Command-

1900; on Staff ; Ladysmith. ing Guards' Depot, Aug. 1896; Lieut.-Col., Leary. — Lieut.-Col. T. G. Leary. This officer 189S. Staff Service—Comdt. Schools of Inst, served with distinction with the Transkei Terri- for Mil. and Vols., London, 1894-96. War tories Contingent. Service—Soudan Ex., 18S5 (Despatches; medal

Le Gallais.—Lieut.-Col. P. W. J. Le Gal- with clasp; bronze star) ; Nile Ex., 1898 (Des- lais, Sth Hussars. Entered 1SS1 ; Brev.-Col., patches; D.S.O. ; Egyptian medal with clasp; 1898. Staff Service — A.D.C. to Maj. -Gen., medal); S. African War, 1899-1900.

Bengal, 1S90-92 ; Employed with Egyptian Lloyd.— Col. G. E. Lloyd, D.S.O., West

Army, 1S97-9S; Mil. -Sec. to Viceroy, India, Riding Regiment. Entered 1876 ; Col., 1897.

1S99 ; Spec. Serv., S. Africa, 1S99 ; A.A.G., Staff Service—Employed with Egyptian Army, S. Africa, 1900. War Service—Nile Ex., 1897 18S4-96; Gov. of Red Sea Littoral and Comdt.,

(Egyptian medal with clasp) ; Nile Ex., 1898 Suakim, 1894-96. War Service—Jowaki Ex., (Despatches, May and Sept., 189S ; Brev. of 1877 (medal with clasp) ; Afghan War, 1878-79

Lieut.-Col. ; 4th class Osmanieh ; 2 clasps for (medal with clasp) ; Soudan Ex., 18S4-85

Egyptian medal ; medal) ; S. African War, (Despatches; medal with clasp; bronze star

1S99-1900, Commanding mixed force. This Brev. of Maj.) ; Soudan, 1885-86-87, 1888-89 distinguished officer was killed in the engage- (Despatches, 1SS6 ; D.S.O. ; Despatches, 1887 ment at Bothaville on the 5th of November. 3rd class Medjidie ; Despatches, Jan. 1889 Legge.—Lieut.-Col. Norton Legge, D.S.O., Despatches, Sept. 18S9; 2 clasps); Ex. to

20th Hussars. Killed in action on 13th Dec. Dongola, 1S96 (Despatches ; promoted Lieut.-

1900. Entered 1S82 ; Major, 1S98. Staff Service Col. ; medal). This distinguished officer, born —Employed with Egyptian Army, 1S94-96 and in 1855, lost his life while gallantly leading 1898. War Service—Soudan Ex., 1SS5 (medal his men in the fierlit of 29th of Nov. 1900. with clasp ; bronze star) ; Soudan, 1885- 86 Loch.—Capt. Lord Edward D. Loch, D.S.O.,

(Despatches) ; Ex. to Dongola, 1896 (De- Grenadier Guards. Entered, Grenadier Guards, spatches; D.S.O.; Egyptian medal with 2 1893 ; Capt., 1899. StaffService—Div. Signalling clasps) ; Nile Ex., 1897 (clasp to Egyptian Officer, S. Africa. War Service—Nile Ex., 1898 medal) ; Nile Ex., 1898 (Despatches, 1S98 ; (Despatches ; D.S.O. ; Egyptian medal with clasp to Egyptian medal ; medal) ; S. African clasp ; medal) ; S. African War ; on Staff. War, 1S99-1900, Comdg. Mtd. Inf. Corps. Longford (5th Earl). —Thomas Pakenham, Lessard. —Lieut.-Col. F. L. Lessard. This Capt. 2nd Life Guards. Lord Longford, who gallant officer served with the Royal Canadian has been serving with Yeomanry Cavalry, was Dragoons. born in 1864. He is the son of the 4th Earl Leuchars. — Lieut.-Col. G. Leuchars. This and the daughter of Lord Dynevor, and was officer commanded the Umvoti Mounted Rifles married in 1899 to the daughter of the 7th with distinction. . Lewis.—Brev. Maj. Vernon Lewis, 2nd Batt. Lonsdale (5th Earl). —Hugh Cecil Lowther. Royal Scots Fusiliers. This promising young This patriotic peer, now serving as A.A.G. with officer, who lost his life at Pieters Hill at the Imperial Yeomanry, has occupied the positions age of twenty-eight, had seen a considerable of Hon. Col. of 1st Cumberland Volunteer amount of service, both with the Chitral Relief Artillery since 1SS4, and Hon. Col. 3rd Batt. Force and with the West African Frontier Border Regiment since 1891. He was born in Force. He took part in operations on the Niger 1S57, and married in 1878 the daughter of was mentioned in Despatches, and honourably the 10th Marquis of Huntly. mentioned by the Colonial Office ; he was Lowe.—Lieut.-Col. W. H. M. Lowe, 7th awarded the medal with clasp, and the Brevet Dragoon Guards. Entered 1881 ; Lieut.-Col., of Major, dated October 10, 1S99, his com- 1899. Staff Service—Spec. Serv., Burmese Ex., mission as Captain bearing date of the preced- 1S86-S7. War Service—Egyptian Ex., 1882 ing day. Throughout Gen. Buller's operations (medal with clasp ; bronze star) ; Burmese Ex., he greatly distinguished himself by his intelli- 18S6-S9 (medal with 2 clasps) ; S. African War, gence and daring, and through his exertions 1S99-1900. the passage of the Tugela, which ultimately Lumsden. —Col. Dougall Lumsden. This proved to be the key to Ladysmith, was dis- patriotic volunteer, through whose exertions covered. "Lumsden's Horse" came into being, has passed Leyds. —Willem Johannes Leyds, Doctor at much of his life in tea-planting in India, but Law, Plenipotentiary Extraordinary of the nevertheless has perpetually interested himself S. African Republic, Attorney - General S. in the Volunteer movement. When the de- African Republic, 1SS4. Dr. Leyds, who mand for extra troops for the Transvaal arose, has been the principal wirepuller in the he cabled an offer to provide a corps, and soon political intrigues of Mr. Kruger, was born at after Lumsden's Horse with its gallant pro- Java in 1859. He was recommended to Mr. moter (who had spent over ^3000 in his dashing

Kruger in 1S84 by Professor Moltzer of Amster- work), took ship for S. Africa 1 See vol. iii. dam University as a young man of promise. P- 159- His abilities are undoubted—the use he has Lysaght. — Lieut.-Col. J. D. Lysaght. En- 174 ;

Biographical Record

tered Army Pay Dept. 1881 ; Lieut.-Col., 1899. A.D.C. to the Queen, 1898; Brig.-Gen., India, War Service—Soudan Ex., 1885 (medal with 1899-1900; Brig.-Gen. Inf. Brig., S. Africa, clasp ; bronze star) ; S. African War, 1S99- Jan. 1900. War Service—Afghan War, 1879-80 1900. (Despatches ; medal with 3 clasps ; bronze Lyttelton. —Maj. Gen. Hon. Neville G. Lyt- star; promoted to Second Lieut.); S. African

telton, C.B., Commanding 4th Brigade. War War, 1881 ; Majuba (Despatches); Soudan

Service—Jowaki Ex., 1877 (medal with clasp) ; Ex., 1885 ; Soudan, 18S8-89 (Despatches, Jan. Ex., 1882 (Despatches; medal with Egyptian 18S9 ; 3rd class Medjidie; Despatches, Sept.

clasp; bronze star; Brev. of Lieut.-Col.; 4th 1S89 ; medal with 2 clasps; bronze star;

class ; Nile Ex. (Despatches pro- Osmanieh) ; D S.O.) ; Capture of Tokar (3rd class Os-

moted Maj. Gen. for distinguished service manieh ; clasp to bronze star); Ex. to Dongola,

Houses of ; thanked by both Parliament Egyp- 1S96 (Despatches ; Brev. of Lieut.-Col. ; Egyp- tian medal with clasp; medal); S. African tian medal with 2 clasps) ; Nile Ex., 1897 (De- Staff. War, 1 899- 1 900 ; on Gen. Lyttelton is spatches, iSq8; 2 clasps to Egyptian medal); not only a remarkably fine soldier, but an Nile Ex., 1898; battles of Atbara and Khar- excellent cricketer. is the son He of 4th Baron toum (Despatches, May and Sept. 1898 ; A.D.C. Lyttelton, was born in 1845, and married a to the Queen ; Brev. of Col. ; thanked by both

daughter of the Rt. Hon. J. Stuart Wortley. Houses of Parliament ; 2 clasps to Egyptian medal) S. African ; War, 1899-1900 ; on Staff ; Macbean.—Capt. J. A. E. Macbean, D.S.O., wounded at Paardeberg. This remarkable 1st Batt. Royal Dublin Fusiliers. War Service officer, the hero of exploits too numerous to —Nile Ex., 1S97 (Despatches; 2 clasps to mention, well has earned for himself the title Nile Ex., Egyptian medal) ; 1898 (Despatches ; of "Fighting Mac." For ten years he served D.S.O. ; 2 clasps to Egyptian medal) ; S. African in the ranks, and then was offered his choice War, 1899-1900; Brig.-Maj. Inf. Brig. Killed between a V.C. and a commission. Wisely for in action, 13th of December 1900. himself, and luckily for the British Army, he MacCartie.— C. F. MacCartie, CLE. A chose the latter, and was able at once to make retired Indian civilian attached to Kitchener's his rapid way to the foremost rank among the Horse. The son of a Yorkshire parson, he was warriors of the age. well known in hunting, sporting, and steeple- Macdonald.—Maj. R. P. Macdonald, D.S.O. chasing circles in India. He served as Private (Reserve of Off.) Joined Hampshire Regt.,

Secretary to Lord Wenlock, Gov. of Madras, 1878 ; Maj., 1892 ; retired, 1897. War Service

and also joined the mounted infantry in the —Afghan War, 1879-80 (medal) ; Burmese Ex.,

Burmese War, and hunted dacoits with Sir 18S5-89 (Despatches, 1S87-89 ; medal with 2

Penn Symons. At the outbreak of the S. clasps ; D.S.O.) ; S. African War, Spec. Serv. African War he volunteered, and at Driefontein M'Donnell—Lieut.-Col. J. M'Donnell, R.A. " achieved the dearest wish of his heart, to Entered 1872 ; Lieut.-Col., 1897. War Service " in his ! die boots —Afghan War, 1879-80 (medal) ; S. African M'Calmont.— H. L. B. M'Calmont, M.P. War, 1S99-1900; Klip Kraal, severely wounded. Major M'Calmont was among the first who volun- M'Donnell.—Hon. Schomberg Kerr M'Don- teered to go to the front. He wr as formerly in nell, C.B. Mr. Schomberg M'Donnell, who is the Scots Guards, and for some years has been numbered among our noble citizen -soldiers, associated with the 4th Batt. Royal Warwick- was born in i86r. He is the fifth son of the shire Regiment. Like many other wealthy 5th , and till the war acted men of this marvellous period, he left the lap as Principal Private Secretary to the Marquis of luxury for the risks and hardships of the of Salisbury. fight rather than neglect the duties of a Mackay.— Col. Hon. J. A. K. Mackay. This Briton. valuable officer commanded the New South Mac Cormac.—Sir William Mac Cormac, 1st Wales Mounted Infantry.

Baronet. Created, 1897; Kt., 1S81 ; K.C.V.O., Mackenzie.— Col. Colin John Mackenzie,

1898. Consulting Surgeon to the Forces in Seaforth Highlanders. Entered 18S1 ; Brev.- S. Africa ; President of Royal College of Maj., 1899. Staff Service— Spec. Serv., Burmese

Surgeons of England and Member of the Ex., 18S7 ; A.D.C. to Com.-in-Chief, E. Indies,

Court of Examiners, Royal College of Surgeons, 1890-92 ; D.A.A.G. in Bengal and Bombay, and Examiner of H.M. Naval Medical Service. 1S92-96; Dir. of Mil. Intel]., S. Africa, and

Sir William is covered with medical honours Mil. Gov. , Johannesburg, 1900. War Service—

acquired in England, France, Italy, Prussia, Egyptian Ex., 1S82 (medal with clasp ; bronze Sweden, Portugal, Bavaria, Spain, and Turkey. star); Burmese Ex., 18S6-88 (medal with 2 He was created a baronet on the occasion of the clasps); Hazara Ex., 1S88 (Despatches; clasp); Queen's Jubilee in He is the eldest son Ex., 1897. Hunza-Nagar 1891-92 (Despatches ; Brev.

of Dr. Henry Mac Cormac, M.D., and was born of Maj. ; clasp) ; Waziristan Ex., 1S94-95 (De-

at Belfast in 1836. He has performed signal spatches ; clasp) ; Nile Ex., 1898 ; Khartoum ; services in the cause of science and humanity S. African War, 1899-1900; on Stall'. during the present war. Mackenzie.— Lieut.-Col. G. F. C. Mackenzie,

MacDonald. — Brig. -Gen. Hector A. Mac- Suffolk Regiment. Entered 1S76 ; Lieut.- Donald, C.B., D.S.O. Became Lieut. Gordon Col., 1900. Staff Service—Adjt. Volunteers, — Highlanders, 1881 ; Col., 1900. Staff Service 1S90-95. War Service—Afghan War, 1S79-80

Employed with Egyptian Constabulary, 18S5- (medal) ; S. African War, 1899-1900.

88 ; employed with Egyptian Army, 1S98-99 M'Kenzie.—Maj. D. M. M'Kenzie. This ; 175 ; -

The Transvaal War officer served with distinction with the Natal but he has already shown wonderful zeal and Carabineers. activity in the affairs, political and military, of Mackinnon. — Col. W. H. Mackinnon. En- the nation. He owes not a little to America, tered Grenadier Guards, 1870 ; Col., 18S9. where, in 1S95, he married the daughter of Mr. Staff Service—Assist. Mil. Sec. to Gov. and William Vanderbilt of New York. The Duke

Com. -in-Chief, Malta, 1S84-S5 ; Priv. Sec. to is staunch Conservative, a keen sportsman and Gov., Madras, 1885-86; A.A.G., Home Dist., dashing polo-player. 1S93-98; A.A.G., Home Dist. (temp.), 1S99. Marling-.—Maj. P. S. Marling, ty.Q., 18th

This officer commanded C.I.V. troops, and held Hussars. Entered 1880 ; Maj., 1896. Staff Ser- a unique position "hitherto unprecedented in vice—Adjt. Yeomanry Cavalry. War Service the annals of our military history." —S. African War, 188 1 ; Egyptian Ex., MacMunn. — Captain G. F. MacMunn, 1S82-84 (medal with clasp; bronze star);

D.S.O., R.A. Entered 1888; Capt., 1898. Soudan, Battles of Teband Tamai (Despatches ;

Staff Service—Station Staff Off. (graded Staff 6th May 1884; 2 clasps; D.C.) »' Soudan Ex.,

Capt.), S. Africa, 1900; Assist. Prov.-Marshal, 1884-85 (2 clasps) ; S. African War, 1899-1900. S. Africa, May 1900. War Service—Burma, Marshall.—Maj. G. Marshall. This officer

(Despatches medal with clasp ; D.S.O.) commanded the gallant regiment known as 1892 ; ; Burma, 1893; Op. on N.W. Frontier of India, Marshall's Horse, which was composed of the

1897-9S (medal with 3 clasps) ; S. African War, Grahamstown Volunteers and the Witenhage 1899-1900; on Staff. Volunteer Rifles. MacNeece.—Lieut.-Col. J. G. MacNeece. Marshall. — Maj. -Gen. G. H. Marshall,

Lieut. -Col. R.A.M.C, August 1898. War Ser- Commanding R.A. Entered 1861 ; Col., 1897. vice—Nile Ex. , 1898 (medal with clasp; medal) Staff Service—Chief Inst. Sch. of Gunnery,

S. African War, 1899- 1900. 1893-97 ; Brig.-Gen. Commanding R.A., Alder-

Mahon.—Brig.-Gen. Bryan Mahon, D.S.O. shot Dist., 1897-99 ; Maj. -Gen. Commanding

Entered 1883 ; Brev.-Col., March 1900. Staff Ser- R.A., S. Africa, 1899. War Service—S. African 1 vice—Employed with Egyptian Army, 1 893-1 900; War, 899- 1 900. Serv., S. Africa Commanding Colonial Marshall. — Capt. W. T. Marshall, Spec. ; V.C.,

Mounted Troops, Kimberley Column, S.Africa ; 19th Hussars. Served for ten years in ranks ; be- Brig.-Gen., S. Africa, May 1900. War Service— came Hon. Capt. 20th Jan. 1895. War Service—

Ex. to Dongola, 1896 (Despatches ; D.S.O. Egyptian Ex., 1882-84 (medal with clasp j

Egyptian medal with 2 clasps) ; Nile Ex., 1897 bronze star) ; Soudan, 1884; Battle of Teb and

(clasp to Egyptian medal); Nile Ex., 1898 Tamai (Despatches ; 2 clasps ; D.C.) ; S.African

(Despatches ; Brev. of Lieut.-Col., 2 clasps to War, 1899-1900. This dashing officer received bravery Egyptian medal) ; Nile Ex., 1899 (Despatches ; the Victoria Cross for his conspicuous

Brev. of Col.) ; S. African War, 1899-1900; on during the cavalry charge at El-Teb in bring- Staff. This dashing officer, whose name will ing Lieut.-Col. P. H. S. Barrow, 19th Hussars, ever be associated with the relief of Mafeking, out of action. That officer, having been was born in 1862. He is the son of the late severely wounded and his horse killed, was on Mr. H. Mahon, of Belleville, Co. Galway, and the ground surrounded by the enemy, when the daughter of Col. Seymour, Ballymore Quartermaster-Sergeant W. T. Marshall, who Castle, Co. Galway. stayed behind with him, seized his hand and Main-waring . —Col. R. B. Mainwaring, C.M.G. dragged him through the enemy back to the left Entered 1871 ; Col., 1899. Staff Service—A.A.G. regiment. Had Lieut.-Col. Barrow been

S. Di.st., 1899 ; A.A.G. S. Africa, 1899-1900. behind he must have been killed. War Service —Ashanti War, 1873-74 (medal) Martin.— Lieut.-Col. H. Martin, M.B., Lieut.-— Burmese Ex., 1885-86 (medal with clasp) ; Col. R.A.M.C., March 1900. War Service

Hazara Ex., : S. African War, 1899- Zhob Valley Ex., ; S. African War, 1899- 1891 1900 ; 1884 on Staff. 1900. Makins. —G. H. Makins. Mr. Makins acted Martyr. — Lieut.-Col. Cyril G. Martyr, as Consulting Surgeon to the Forces in S. D.S.O. Entered 1880; Brev. Lieut.-Col., 1S99. Africa. Staff Service—Employed with Egyptian Army, Mapleton —Lieut.-Col. R. W. Mapleton, 1886-96; Spec. Serv., Egypt, 1896; employed

M.B., R.A.M.C. Lieut.-Col., 1893. War Ser- in Uganda Protectorate, 1897-99 ; Spec. Serv.,

vice—S. African War, 1881 ; Soudan Ex., 18S5 S. Africa, 1S99-1900; Brisr.-Maj. S. Africa, (medal with clasp; bronze star); S. African April 1900. War Service—Egyptian Ex., 18S2 1 star) Ex., War, 899- 1 900 ; Sen. Med. Officer Lines of (medal with clasp ; bronze ; Soudan

Communication. 1884-85 (2 clasps) ; Soudan, 1888-91 (clasp ; 4th

March (Earl of).— C. H. Gordon-Lennox, class Medjidie) ; Toski (clasp) ; Capture of

eldest son of 6th Duke of Richmond. Col. Tokar, 1891 (4th class Osmanieh ; clasp to

3rd R. Sussex Regt. bronze star) ; Ex. to Dongola, 1S96 (De-

; with Marlborough (9th Duke). —C. R. J. Spencer- spatches ; D.S.O. Egyptian medal 2

Churchill. The Duke of Marlborough, who clasps; 2 clasps); Uganda, 1898 (Despatches ;

was the first of the British to greet our pri- Brev. of Lieut.-Col. ; medal) ; S. African War.

soners in Pretoria, has been serving with the 1899-1000 ; on Staff. Yeomanry Cavalry. As was natural to one Maxse. — Lieut.-Col. F. I. Maxse, D.S.O. of his glorious martial line, he volunteered Staff Service—A.D.C. to G.O.C. Scottish Dist., at the first sniff of battle. He is as yet a 1893-94; A.D.C. to Gov. and Com.- in

very young man, having been born in 1871, Chief, Malta, 1894 ; employed with Egyptian 176 MAJOR-GENERAL H. L. SMITH-DORRIEN, D.S.O.

Photo by Bassano, London


Biographical Record

Army, ; Spec. Serv., S. Africa, 1899. (A.A. and Q.M.G.), Ex. Forces, Egypt, 1882 1897-99 ;

War Service—Nile Ex., 1897 (Despatches ; A.A. and Q.M.G., Home Dist., 1882-84;

Egyptian medal with 2 clasps) ; Nile Ex., 1898 D.A.G., S. Africa, 18S8-90 ; Maj.-Gen. Home

(Despatches, May and Sept, 1898 ; D.S.O. ; 2 Dist., 1S92-97 ; Lieut.-Gen., Inf. Div., S.

clasps to Egyptian medal ; medal) ; Nile Ex., Africa,i899. War Service—Ashanti War, 1S73-

1890 (Despatches ; Brev. Lieut.-Col.) ; S. African 74 (medal); Egyptian Ex., 1882 (Despatches;

; Transport Officer Mounted medal clasp star War, 1899-1900 with ; bronze ; 3rd class

Inf. ; Assist, to Mil. Gov., Pretoria. Osmanieh ; C.B.); Bechuanaland Ex., 18S4-

Maxwell.—Maj. -Gen. J. G. Maxwell, D.S.O. 85 (hon. mentioned; C.M.G.) ; Op. on N.W.

Entered 1881 ; Brev. Lieut.-Col., 1900. Staff Frontier of India, 1897-98 (Despatches ; medal

Service—Staff Capt. Mil. Police, Egypt, 1S83-85 ; with 2 clasps); S. African War, 1899-1900. employed with Egyptian Army, 1^86-97, and Lord Methuen, born 1S45, is the son of the 2nd

1 897- 1 900 ; Spec. Serv., S. Africa, Feb. 1900 to Baron, and was married in 1 S79 to the daughter April 1900; Maj. -Gen. Inf. Brig., S. Africa, April of Sir F. H. Hervey-Bathurst, Bart., and after 1900. War Service—Egyptian Ex., 1SS2 (medal her death to the daughter of Mr. D. A. San-

with clasp ; bronze star) ; Soudan Ex., 1884-85 ford. This officer, at the commencement of

(Despatches ; clasp) ; Soudan, 1885-86-88-89 the war, enjoyed the distinction of being the

(Despatches ; D.S.O.) ; Action at Gamaizah youngest Lieut.-Gen. in the Army. He had

(Despatches 4th class Osmanieh ; clasp) hitherto taken a prominent part in promoting ; ;

Action at Toski (Despatches ; Brev. of Maj. ; the efficiency of the Metropolitan Volunteer clasp) ; Ex. to Dongola, 1896 (Despatches ; Corps, which services cannot be too highly esti- Brev. of Lieut.-Col., Egyptian medal with 2 mated. Owing to his remarkable and increas- clasps); Nile Ex., 1897 (Despatches; Gaz. ing activity during the present war, he has

Jan. 1898 ; clasp to Egyptian medal) ; Nile Ex., proved himself one of the chief mainstays of

1898 (Despatches ; Brev. of Col. ; thanked by Lord Roberts's operations.

both Housesof Parliament ; 2 clasps to Egyptian Meyer.—General Lucas Meyer. Boer com-

medal) ; S. African War, 1899-1900 ; on Staff. mandant, who got into bad odour with his May.—Lieut.-Col.E.S. May, R.F.A. Entered compatriots for his precipitancy at the battle 1875; Maj., Nov. 1891. Sta'f Service— Inst, in of Glencoe.

Mil. Topog., R. Mil. Acad.,' 1885-91 ; Prof. R. Micklem.—Lieut. H. A. Micklem, D.S.O., R.E. Mil. Acad., 1891-95. War Service—S. African Entered 1S91. Staff Service— Employed with War, 1S99-1900; Ladysmith. Egyptian Army, 1897-99 ; Rail. Staff Officer, Mellor.— Lieut.-Col. L. S. Mellor, Liverpool S. Africa, 1900. War Service—Nile Ex., 1897

Regt. Entered 1873 ; Lieut.-Col., 1899. Staff (Egyptian medal with clasp) ; Nile Ex., 1S98 class Service—Adjt. Aux. Forces, 1886-91. War (Despatches ; D.S.O. ; 4th Medjidie ; clasp

Service—Afghan War, 1878-79 (medal with to Egyptian medal ; medal) ; S. African War, clasp); S. African War, 1 899- 1900 ; Ladysmith. 1899-1900. Severely wounded. Superinten- Menzies.—Maj. M. Menzies. This dashing dent of Works, and on Staff. officer served with the Ceylon Mounted Infantry. Mildmay.— F. B. Mildmay, M.P. This Merriman. — Hon. John Xavier Merriman. patriotic politician and notable polo player and Mr. Merriman is the son of Bishop N. J. sportsman, born in 1864, is the son of Mr. Merriman, of Grahamstown. He entered the H. B. Mildmay, Shoreham, Kent, and Flete, Cape Parliament as Member for Aliwal North Devon. He was originally a Liberal, but after in 1869 ; strongly opposed Responsible Govern- 1886 became a Liberal Unionist. ment; joined Mr. Molteno's administration in Miles.— Col. H. S. G. Miles, M.V.O., A.A.G. 1875 as Commissioner of Crown Lands and Entered 1869. Staf Service—Garr. Inst., Alder- Public Works. He was dismissed by Sir Bartle shot, 1881-87; D.A.A. and Q.M.G., D.A.A.G. Frere, February 1878, and returned to office as for Inst., Aldershot, 1887-88; D.A.Q.M.G.,

Commissioner under Sir Thomas Scanlen in Headquarters of Army, 1889-93 5 A.A.G., Aider-

1881. He retired in 1884 ; sat for Namaqualand shot, 1893-98; Comdt. Staff Coll., 1898-99;

since 1878 ; turned Transvaaler and manager A.A.G., S. Africa, 1899- 1900; Chief Staff of the Langlaagte Estate in 1889 ; a few Officer, 1900; Col. on Staff, Natal, 1900. War months later he became once more a colonist Service— S. Africa, 1899-1900, on Staff (De- joined the Rhodes' Ministry as Treasurer- spatches). General in 1890, and helped to smash it in 1893. Miller. — Sir James P. Miller, 2nd Batt. Metcalfe. — Lieut.-Col. C.T.E. Metcalfe, Rifle Yeomanry Cavalry. Sir James, born 1864, was Brigade. Entered 1874; Lieut.-Col., 1898. formerly in the 14th Hussars. He retired in War Service—Burmese Ex., 1886-87 (medal 1892, but promptly got into harness when his

with clasp) ; Op. on N.W. Frontier of India, services were required. He is Master of the

1897-98 (medal with clasp) ; S. African War, Berwickshire Hunt, and won the Derby with 1889-1900; severely wounded. "Sainfoin" in 1890. In 1893 he married the Methuen (3rd Baron). —Lieut.-Gen. Paul daughter of 4th Baron Scarsdale. Sanford Methnen, K.C.V.O., C.B., C.M.G. En- Mills.— Lieut.-Col. G. A. Mills, 1st Batt. tered S. F. Guards, 1864; Col., 18SS; Lieut.-Gen., Royal Dublin Fusiliers ; Commandant at Est-

1898. Staff Service—Brig.-Maj. Home Dist. , 1871— court. Entered 1873 ; Lieut.-Col., 1898. Staff

76; Spec. Serv., Ashanti Ex., 1873-74; Assist. Service—A.D.C. to G.O.C., Ceylon, 1879-82 ; 1S85-87. Mil. Sec, Headquarters, Ireland, 1877 ; Mil. cm ployed with Egyptian Constabulary, Attache". Berlin, 1878-81 A.A. Q.M.G. War Service — S. African War, ; and 1899-1900;

Home Dist., 1881-82 ; Comdt. at Headquarters, slightly wounded.

VOL. VI. 177 M ; ;

The Transvaal War

Milner.— Sir Alfred Milner, G.C.M.G., 1897 ; to Gov. of Madras, 1S69-72 ; A. D.C. to Viceroy

K.C.B., 1S95 ; Governor of Cape Colony and of India, 1872; A.D.C. to Com. -in-Chief, E. S. Africa since Indies, High Commissioner of 1895 ; 1S72-73 ; Adjt. Aux. Forces, 1881-86 ;

Private Secretary to Mr. Goschen (Chancellor of Insp. of Gymnasia, Aldershot, 1897-1900 ; Spec. for — the Exchequer), 18S7-S9 ; Under-Secretary Serv., S. Africa, 1899-1900. War Service

Finance in Egypt, 1889-92 ; Chairman Board of Afghan War, 1S78-79-80 (Despatches, May,

Inland Revenue, 1802-97. Sir Alfred Milner, the July, and Dec. 1880 ; Brev. of Maj.; medal with

for star) ; only man who has been a match Mr. Kruger, 3 clasps ; bronze S. African War, 18S1 j was born in 1S54. He is the only son of Dr. C. S. African War, 1S99-1900. Milner, M.D.,and the daughter of General Ready Nash..— Lieut.-Col. W. F. Nash. Entered

(Governor of the Isle of Man). He had a dis- 1881 ; Lieut.-Col., S. Africa, 1899. War Service tinguished scholastic career, and was alluded —Burmese Ex., 1889-90; S. African War, to by Dean Church as the " finest flower of 1S99-1900. culture that the University of Oxford has pro- Nesbitt.— Lieut.-Col. R. A. Nesbitt. This duced in our time." His masterly handling of dashing officer commanded the splendid volun- affairs in South Africa has earned the admira- teer corps known as Nesbitt's Horse. tion of a grateful nation. He is popular both Nesbitt.—Capt. R. C. Nesbitt, ty.Q. Mas- as an individual and as a statesman, and Lord honaland Mounted Police. This gallant officer, Rosebery's opinion that he has that " union of who was taken prisoner early in the war (see intellect with fascination which makes men vol. ii. p. 58), has seen a considerable amount of mount high," is very generally endorsed. irregular service in Mashonaland and Gaza- Milton (Viscount). —W. Charles de Meuron land. He was decorated for rescuing a party

Wentworth Fitzwilliam, M.P. , is among the at the beginning of the Mashonaland rebellion gallant volunteers who have served with the Im- in 1896. perial Yeomanry. He is the son of the late Vis- Newall. — Lieut.-Col. S. Newall. This gal- count Milton, M.P., and a daughter of the lant officer commanded the 5th Contingent late Lord Charles Beauclerk. He was born in New Zealand Mounted Infantry. 1872, and married in 1S96 the daughter of the Nicholson.—Maj. J. S. Nicholson, D.S.O.,

Marquis of Zetland. 7th Hussars. Entered 1874 ; Maj., 1899. Staff Money.—Lieut. -Col. C. G. C. Money, C.B., Service —Spec. Extra Regimental Emplovment, 1st Batt. Northumberland Fusiliers. Entered 1896-98; Comdt.-Gen. B.S.A. Police, 1898.

1872 ; Lieut.-Col., 1897. Staff Service—Em- War Service—Op. in S. Africa, 1896 (Des-

ployed with Army Pay Dept., 1885-80 ; Adjt. patches ; D.S.O.) ; S. African War, 1899-1900, Volunteers, 1889-94. War Service—Nile Ex., Commanding 1st Brig. Rhodesian Field Force.

189S (Despatches ; C.B. ; Egyptian medal with Nicholson.—Maj. -Gen. Sir W. G. Nicholson,

clasp ; medal) ; S. African War, 1899- 1900. K.C.B. Entered R.E. 1878; Col., 1891. Staff

Morris.— Col. W. G. Morris, C.M.G., Col. on Service—A.A.G. for R.E., Bengal, 1885-90 ; the Staff., Commanding Roval Engineers. En- Mil. Sec. to Com. -in-Chief in India, 1890-93 ;

tered R.E. 1867; Col., 1898. Staff Service- employed in Mil. Works Dept., India, 1S93-95 ;

Assist. Inst, in Surv., of Mil. Punjab, ; Adjt.-Gen. in India, Sch. Eng., 1877-82 ; D.A.G., 1895-98 Assist. Comdt., Sch. of Mil. Eng., 1895-98 1S9S-99; Mil. Sec. to Field-Marshal Com. -in-

Col. on Staff, S. Africa, 1898. Col. Morris, Chief, S. Africa, 1899-1900 ; Dir. of Transport born in 1847, is the son of the late Lieut.-Col. Maj. -Gen. S. Africa, 1900. War Service—Afghan

W. J. Morris, H.E.I.C.S. War, 187S-79 (Despatches) ; 1S79-S0 (De- bronze star Mortimer — Col. W. H. Mortimer. Col., spatches ; medal with 3 clasps ; ;

1S99. War Ser rice—Egyptian Ex., 1882 (medal Brev. of Maj.) ; Egyptian Ex., 1882 (medal star class Osmanieh) with clasp ; bronze star) ; S. African War, with clasp ; bronze ; 4th ;

1S99-1900 ; Chief Paymaster (Maritzburg). Burmese Ex., 1886-87 (Despatches ; medal with

Munro.—Sir Hector Munro, nth Bart., clasp ; Brev. of Lieut.-Col.) ; Tirah, 1S97-98

Hon. Lieut.-Col. 3rd Batt. Seaforth High- (Despatches ; K.C.B. ; medal with 2 clasps) ; S. Staff. landers ; embodied Dec. 1899. African War, 1899-1900 ; on Murray. —Brig.-Gen. J. Wolfe Murray. En- Norcott.—Col. C. H. B. Norcott, 1st Batt. — Brev.-Col., tered R.A. 1872 ; Col., 1899. Staf Service Rifle Brigade. Entered 1867; 1899. D.A.A. and Q.M.G. N. Brit. Dist., 1884; Staf Service—A.D.C. to Maj. -Gen., Bengal, D.A.Q.M.G. (Intell. Br.) Headquarters of Armv, 1884-S8. War Service—Burmese Ex., 1888-89

1S84-S7 ; D.A.A.G., 18S7-90 ; Spec. Serv., Off. (Despatches) ; S. African War, 1S99-1900. — Charles Headquarters of Army, 1892-94 ; D.A.A.G. for Norreys (Lord). Montague Inst., Aldershot, and D.A.A.G. for Aldershot, Townley-Bertie, Imperial Yeomanry. Lord is eldest son of the 1894-97 ; Spec. Serv., Ashanti, 1895-96 ; A.A.G., Norreys, born in 1S60, the the daugh- India, 1898-99 ; A. Q.M.G. (Intell. Headquar- 7th Earl of Abingdon. He married ters, India, 1899 ; Col. on Staff, S. Africa, ter of the 4th Lord Wolverton.

1899 ; Brig.-Gen. on Staff, S. Africa, 1S99. Nugent— Maj. O. S. W. Nugent, D.S.O., Maj., War Service— Ashanti Ex., 1895-96 (lion, men- King's Royal Rifle Corps. Entered 1SS2 ; Ex., 1S91 (medal tioned ; Brev. of Lieut.-Col. ; star) ; S. African 1S99. War Service—Hazara

War, ; Ex., 1891 (Despatches 1899-T900 ; on Staff ; commanding Lines with clasp) Miranzai of Communication, Natal. clasp); Isazai Ex., 1892; Op. in Chitral, 1895

(Despatches; medal with clasp; D.S.O.) ; S. seriously at Napier.—Col. Hon. J. S. Napier. Entered African War, 1899-1900 ; wounded

1867 ; Brev. Col., 1899. Staff Service—A. D.C. Dundee. 178 ; ;

Biographical Record

O'Dell.— Lieut.-Col. T. J. O'Dell, A.M.S., N.W. Frontier of India, 1897-98 (Despatches

A.A.G. Entered 187S ; Lieut.-Col., A.S. Corps, ID.G. ; medal with 2 clasps) ; S. African War,

1 Aug. 1900. Staff Service—Dep. Assist. Com. Gen., 899- 1 900; Lady smith Relief Force ; wounded Com. and Trans. Staff, 1886-88; D.A.A.G. S. 27th Feb. Dist., 1894-97. War Service—Egyptian Ex., Phipps - Hornby. — Maj. E. J. Phipps- 1S84 (medal with clasp; bronze star); 8. Hornby, \),Q., R.A. Entered 1877; Maj., African War, 1889-1900. 1S95. liar Service—Bechuanaland Ex., 1884- see Ogilvie. —Maj. G. H. Ogilvie. This officer 85 ; S. African War, 1S99-1900 (1D.C, V.C. rendered valuable service with the Royal Cana- list). This notable officer and splendid polo dian Artillery. player, born 1857, is a son of the late Admiral O'Leary. — Col. W. M'Carthy O'Leary, 1st Phipps-Hornbv. Batt. S. Lanes. Fusiliers. For career see vol. iv. Pickwoad." — Col. E. H. Pickwoad, R.A. p. 150. Entered 1873; Col., 1898. Staff Service—Adjt. Orr-Ewing.—Maj. J. A. Orr-Ewing, Imp. Aux. Forces, 1885-S9. War Service—Afghan Yeomanry. This distinguished officer, born War, 1878-79 (medal); S. African War, 1899-

1857, was the son of the late Sir A. Orr-Ewing, 1900, Commanding Brig. Div. R.A. ; Siege of and married in 1898 the daughter of the 7th Ladysmith ; severely wounded. Duke of Roxburghe. He lost his life while Pilcher. — Lieut.-Col. T. D. Pilcher, Bedford- gallantly fighting at Kheis on 28th of May 1900. shire Regiment. Entered 1879 ; Brev. Lieut.- Otter.—Col. W. C. Otter, A.D.C. This officer Col., 1899. Staff Service—D.A.A.G., Dublin Dist., distinguished himself in command of the Royal 1895-97 ; Employed with W. African Frontier Canadian Regiment of Infantry. Force, 1897-99; Spec. Serv., S. Africa, 1899.

War Service —W. Africa, 1897-9S (Despatches ; Paget. — Maj. -Gen A. H. Paaret. Scots Brev. of Lieut.-Col.); S. African War, 1899-1900. Guards. Entered 1869; Col., 1893. Staff Commanding Corps Mounted Infantry. Service—Spec. Serv., AshantiEx., 1873-74; Maj.- Pilkington. —Lieut.-Col. H. L. Pilkington Gen. Inf. Brig., S. Africa, April 1900. War (Reserve of Officers). Col. Pilkington ren-

Service—Ashanti War, 1873 (medal) ; Soudan dered conspicuous service with the 2nd West Ex. 1885 (medal with clasp; bronze star); S. Australian Mounted Infantry.

African War, 1899-1900 (Despatches) ; on Staff. Pilson.—Maj. A. F. Pilson, Royal Dublin Park.— Lieut.-Col. C. W. Park, 1st Devon Fusiliers. Entered 1888; Brev. Maj., 1897.

Regiment. Entered 1875 ; Lieut.-Col., 1899. Staff Service—Spec. Serv., S. Africa, 1899. War

Staff Service—D.A.A.G. Madras, 1892-93; A.A.G., Service—Op. in S. Africa, 1896 (Despatches ;

Madras, 1S93-97. War (Service—Afghan War, Brev. of Maj.) ; S. African War, 1 899-1 900. 1878-S0 (medal); S. African War, 1899-1900. Pink— Lieut.-Col. F. J. Pink, D.S.O., R. W. Parsons.— Col. Sir C. S. B. Parsons, K.C.M.G. Surrey Regiment. Entered 1878; Brev. Lieut.- Entered R.A. 1874; Col., 1899. Staff Service— Col., 1898. Staff Service— D. A. A. and Q.M.G.

Employed with Egyptian Army, 1883-84; A.D.C. Burmese Ex., 1887-89 ; employed with Egyp- to Gov. and Com. -in-Chief, Malta, 1884-85; tian Army, 1895-99. War Service — Afghan A.D.C. to G.O.C. E. Dist,, 1887-88; A.D.C. to War, 1879-80 (medal); Burmese Ex., 1886-89 G.O.C., Aldershot, 1889-92; employed with (Despatches, Sept. 1887, Nov. 1889; medal with

Egyptian Army, 1892-99; Gov. of Red Sea 2 clasps; D.S.O.) ; Ex. to Dongola, 1896 (De- Littoral, and Comdt. Suakin, 1896-99; A.A.G. spatches; Egyptian medal with 2 clasps); Nile

Woolwich Dist., 1899 > Col. on Staff, Com. R.A. Ex., 1897 (Despatches ; clasp to Egyptian

Curragh Dist., 1899-1900; Col. on Staff (R.A.) medal) ; Nile Ex., 1898 (Despatches, May and S. Africa, Jan. 1900, Feb. 1900; Col. on Staff Sept. 1898; Brev. Lieut.-Col.; 2 clasps to

(Assist. Insp. Gen. L. of C.) S. Africa, Feb. 1900. Egyptian medal ; medal). War Service— S. African War, 1877-80; (De- Pirie. —Duncan Vernon Pirie, M.P. This spatches, 1879 ; medal with clasp; Despatches, gallant officer retired from the army in 1898, 1881); Egyptian Ex., 1882 (Despatches; medal after having acted as A.D.C. to Sir G. Graham with clasp; bronze star; 5th class Medjidie ; in Egypt, and A.D.C. to the Governor of Brev. of Maj.); Ex. to Dongola, 1896 (Despatches; Ceylon, in which capacities he greatly dis-

Brev. of Lieut.-Col. ; Egyptian medal with tinguished himself. He is the eldest son of clasp); Nile Ex.,i897;NileEx., i898( Despatches; Mr. G. Pirie, was born in 1858, and mar-

Brev. of Col. ; clasp to Egyptian medal ried, in 1894, the daughter of 17th Baron K.C.M.G.); S. African War, 1899-1900; Deputy Sempill. Mil. Gov. of Northern Cape Colony and Comdt. Plumer.— Lieut.-Col. H. C. 0. Plumer, York W. Kimberley Dist. and Lancaster Regiment. Entered 1876; Brev. Parsons.— Col. L. W. Parsons. Entered Lieut.-Col., 1897. Staff Service—D.A.A.G., Jer- 1870; Col., 1900. Staff Service—Adjt. Aux. sey, 1890-93; D.A.A.G., Aldershot, 1897-99; Forces, 1881-86; Col. on Staff (R.A.), S. Africa, Spec. Serv., S. Africa, 1899. War Service— April 1900. War Service— S. African War, 1899- Egyptian Ex., 18S4 (Despatches; medal with

(Despatches). ; star ; 1900; clasp bronze ; 4th class Medjidie) Op. Peakman. — Maj. T. C. Peakman. This S. Africa, 1896 (Despatches; Brev. of Lieut.- dashing officer's unflagging energy in com- Col.); S. African War, 1899-1900; Spec. Serv. ; mand of the Kimberley Light Horse is already wounded. vi ell known. Pole-Carew.—Lieut.-Gen. R. Pole-Carew. Pennell.—Capt. H. S. Pennell, \$.Q., Derby C.B. Entered, Coldstream Guards, 1869. Staff Regt. Entered 1893. War Service— Op. on Service—A.D.C. to Viceroy of India, 1879; 179 ; :

The Transvaal War

A.D.C. to Maj.-Gen., Afghan Campaign, 1S79- in-Chief, E. Indies, 1887-SS, and 18S9-90;

; 80 ; Mil. Sec. to Com. -in-Chief, Madras, 1S84- Brig.-Maj., Aldershot, 1S95-98 D.A.A.G., Natal, 1 85 ; Mil. Sec. to Prov. Com.-in-Chief, Madras, Egypt, 1898; D.A.A.G., 899-1 900

18S5 ; Mil. Sec. to Com.-in-Chief, E. Indies, A.A.G., S.Africa, March 1900. War Service—Bur

1SS5-90 ; Comdt. Headquarters Staff, S. Africa, mese Ex., 1886-87 (Despatches) ; Nile Ex., 1898

1899; Maj.-Gen. Inf. Brig., S. Africa, 1899- (Despatches ; Brev. of Lieut.-Col. ; medal) ; S. 1900; Lieut.-Gen. Inf. Div., S. Africa, 1900. African War, 1899-1900; Siege of Ladysmith. War Service—Afghan War, 1879-80 (De- This well-known officer, born in 1864, is the spatches, Jan., May, and Dec, 18S0); Egyptian son of the late General Sir Henry Creswicke

Campaign, 1882 (medal with clasp ; bronze Rawlinson, Bart., the distinguished Orientalist. star); Burmese Ex., 1886-87 (Despatches; He married in 1890 the daughter of Mr. Cole-

C.B.); S. African War, 1 899-1 900 ; on Staff ridge Kennard. (Despatches). Rawson.—Lieut.-Col. H. E. Rawson. En- Poore. —Maj. It. M. Poore, 7th Hussars. En- tered 1872; Lieut.-Col., 1899. Staff Service— — Service tered 1S86 ; Brev.-Maj., 1898. Staff Service Sec. R.E. Committee, 1890-94. War

A.D.C. to Gov. of Bombay, 1894-95 5 employed — S. African War, 1 899-1 900 ; Commanding of with Mil. Mounted Police, S. Africa, 1899 ; R.E. Lines Communication. Prov.-Marshal, S. Africa, Nov. 1899. War Reade —Maj. C. Y. Reade. This officer rendered valuable service with the Aus- Service —Op. in S. Africa, 1896-97 (Despatches ; South

Brev. of Maj.) ; S. African War, 1899-1900 ; on tralian Mounted Rifles. Staff. Reed.— Capt. H. L. Reed, R.A. See V.C.

Pratt.—Lieut.-Col. A. S. Pratt, R. A. Entered list. Entered 1888; Capt. , 1898. War Service Inst. (Despatches; 1874 ; Lieut.-Col., 1900. Staff Service— Sch. — S. African War, 1899- 1900 of Gunnery, 18S6-91, 1891-95. War Service— S. 1D.C). African War, 1899-1900. Reeves.— Col. J. Reeves, 2nd Batt. Royal Pretyman.—Maj.-Gen. G. T. Pretyman, Irish Fusiliers. Entered 1874; Brev. -Col., C.B., R.A. Entered 1865; Maj.-Gen., 1897; 1899. War Service—Egyptian Ex., 1S84 (medal Staff Service—A.D.C. to Maj.-Gen., Afghan with clasp ; bronze star) ; S. African War, 1 Relief Force; Campaign, 1878-79 ; and to Lieut.-Gen., Afghan 899- 1 900 ; with Ladysmith

Campaign, 1879-80 ; Mil. Sec, Madras, 1881- Colenso, wounded, 21st Feb. 84; A.A.G. for R.A., Bengal, 1887-89; Brig.- Rethman.—Maj. F. J. Rethman. Com- Gen., Bengal, 1SS9-94; Comdt, Headquarters, manded Border Mounted Rifles, Ladysmith. S. Africa, 1899-1900; Maj.-Gen., Mil. Gov., Rhodes. —The Rt. Hon. Cecil John Rhodes, Bloemfontein, March 1900. War Service— D.C.L., M.A. For career see vol. i. p. 118.

Afghan War, 1878-79-80 (Despatches ; medal Rhodes.—Maj. E. Rhodes, D.S.O. Entered Insp. with 3 clasps ; bronze star ; Brev. of Maj. and 1878 ; Maj., 1893. Staff Service —Assist.

Lieut.-Col.) ; Isazai Ex., 1892 ; S. African War, of Signalling, Aldershot, 1895-97; and 189S-99 ;

JS99-1900; on Staff. D. A.A.G. for Signalling, 1899 ; Dir. of Signalling, Price. — Col. T. Price. This officer rendered S. Africa, 1899-1900. War Service—Egyptian conspicuous service with the Victorian Mounted Ex., i882(medal; bronze star) ; Soudan Ex., 1885

Infantry. (Despatches ; 2 clasps) ; Soudan, 1885-86 Pritchard. —Lieut. Harry Lionel Pritchard, (Despatches; D.S.O.); S. African War; on D.S.O. Entered R.E., 1891. Staff Service—Spec. Staff (Despatches).

Serv., Ashanti, 1895-96 ; Spec. Serv., Egypt, Rhodes.—Col. F. W. Rhodes, D.S.O. En-

1896 ; employed with Egyptian Army, 1896- tered 1873 ; Col., 1889. Staff Service—A.D.C. to

98; Specially employed, Cyprus, 1898-99; Staff Brig.-Gen. Force on the Nile, 1884-85 ; A.D.C.

Off. to Assist. Dir. of Railways., S. Africa, 1900. to Maj.-Gen., E?ypt, 1885 ; A.D.C. to Maj.- Dist., to Maj.- War Service—Ashanti Ex., 1895-96 (hon. men- Gen., Dublin 1886-87 J A.D.C. tioned ; star) ; Ex. to Dongola (Despatches Gen., Egypt., 1888-89; Mil. Sec. to Gov.,

4th class Medjidie ; Egyptian medal with Bombay, 1890-92 ; Civil Employment, Uganda, clasp); Nile Ex., 1S97 (clasp to Egyptian 1892-93. War Service—Egyptian Ex., 1884

; medal with clasp ; bronze star) medal); Nile Ex., 1898 (Despatches; D.S.O. ; (Despatches ;

clasp to Egyptian medal) ; S. African War, Soudan Ex., 1884-85 (Despatches ; 2 clasps ;

1S99-1900; on Staff. Brev. of Lieut.-Col.) ; Soudan, 1S88 (Des-

patches ; clasp; 3rd class Medjidie) ; S. African

Quill.—Lieut.-Col. B. C. Quill. Entered War, 1 899- 900 ; Attached to Headquarters — 1 1872 ; Lieut.-Col., Feb. 1900. Staff Service Staff. Assist. Insp. of Gymnasia, Aldershot, 1888-92 Ricardo. — Lieut.-Col. P. R. Ricardo. Col. ; Spec. Serv., S. Africa, Feb. 1900. War Service— Ricardo commanded with distinction the 1st

Egyptian Ex., 1882 (medal with clasp ; bronze Contingent Queensland Mounted Infantry. Entered" star) ; S. African War, 1899- 1 900 ; Spec. Serv. Rice.—Maj. D. R. Rice, R.E. 1877 ; Officer. Maj., 1896. Staff Service—Adjt. Sch. of Mil. Eng., 1892-95. War Service—S. African War, Rawlinson.— Lieut.-Col. Sir H. S. Rawlin- 1S99-1900. This officer, commanding R.E. in son, 2nd Bart., D.S.O., Coldstream Guards. Ladysmith, was "indefatigable in his exertions Entered 1884; Brev. Lieut.-Col., 1899. Staff both day and night." Service — A.D.C. to Com.-in-Chief, E. Indies, Richardson. —Col. W. D. Richardson, C.B.,

1885-86, and 1886-87 ; A.D.C. (Extra) to Com.- A.S.C. Col., 1SQ7. Staff Service— D. A.A.G,

in-Chief, E. Indies, 1887; A.D.C. to Com.- Aldershot, 1883-87 ; Egypt, 1SS9-96 ; Dublin, ISO Biographical Record

1894-97; A.A.G., W. Dist. ; D.A.G. for Sup- of both Houses of Parliament, 4th Aug. 1S79 plies, S. Africa, 1899. War Service—Ashanti and 5th May iS8r, and created a Baronet; War, 1873-74 (medal) ; S. African War, 1S77- thanked by Government of India and Gov.-Gen.

(Despatches ; medal with clasp pro- in Council ; medal with clasps 78-79 ; 4 ; bronze star ;

moted Dep. Commissary) ; Egyptian Ex., K.C.B., G.C.B.) ; Burmese Ex., 1886 (thanked

1S82 (medal ; bronze star) ; Bechuanaland Ex., by Government of India ; Despatches ; clasp) ;

1884-85 (hon. mentioned; lion, and rel. rank, S. African War, 1899- 1900 ; Field-Marshal

Lieut. -Col.) ; S. African War, 1899-1900 ; on Commanding-in-Chief the Forces in S.Africa. Staff. This remarkable officer, whose labours This wonderful officer, " the idol of the army have been as the labours of Hercules, and to and of the nation, and the greatest commander whom much of the success of Lord Koberts's of modern times," was born in 1832. He is the great marches has been due, was born in 1854. son of Gen. Sir Abraham Roberts, G.C.B., and He married the daughter of the Rev. J. Ewing. the daughter of Maj. Bunbury of Kilfeacle, Ridley.—Brig. -Gen. C. P. Ridley. Entered co. Tipperary. He married in 1859 the

1873 ; Brev. Col., 1899. Staff Service—Station daughter of Capt. Bews, 73rd Foot. He was

Comdt., S. Africa, 1899 ; A.A.G. (Assist. Insp.- created a Baron in 1892, in connection with his

Gen. L. of C), S. Africa, 1899-1900 ; Brig. Gen. famous services in Afghanistan. Owing to the Mounted Inf. Brig., S. Africa, Feb. 1900. War popularity of his famous work, " Forty-One

Service— Egyptian Ex., 1S82 (medal ; bronze Years in India," the facts of his marvellous star); Miranzai Ex., 1891 (medal with clasp); career are well known, but the book being the

S. African War, 1 899-1900 ; on Staff. output of the most modest of men, it fails to do Rimington.— Lieut.-Col. M. F. Rimington, justice to the personal qualities which have Rimington's Horse. Entered, 6th Dragoons, made this great leader so deservedly celebrated 18S1 ; Col., Sept. 1900. StaffService— Staff Capt. and beloved. A few lines from Mr. Maclaren " " Remount Establishment, 1897-99 > Spec. Serv., Cobban's Life and Deeds of Earl Roberts S. Africa, 1899. War Service —Op. in Zulu- express so ably the view of the multitude that land, 1S88; S. African War, 1899-1900 (Des- it is a temptation to quote them. ''His suc- patches, May 1900). cesses as a general have not been merely war-

Rivett-Carnac.—Lieut.-Col. P. T. Rivett- like — could not be merely warlike ; for he has Carnac, West Riding Regiment. Entered 1873; an understanding and an imagination which Brev. Lieut.-Col., 1898. Staff Service — Em- compel him to look ' before and after ' —to note ployed with Army Pay Dept., 1884-89; Spec. how the necessity for war has arisen, and Extra Regt. Employ., 1896-98; Station Comdt., to consider how war may promote a more S. Africa, 1899. War Service—Egyptian Ex., secure and perfect peace. He has exhibited

1884 (medal ; bronze star) ; Op. in S. Africa, the mind of a statesman and an administrator,

(Despatches ; Brev. of Lieut.-Col. as well as of a soldier ; and in 1896-97 ; the highest medal with clasp) ; S. African War, 1S99- sense he has ever been an 'Empire-builder';

1900 ; on Staff. for he has not only made strong the borders Roberts of Kandahar and "Waterford. of her Majesty's dominions in India and S. —Rt. Hon. Frederick Sleigh, Lord Roberts, Africa, but he has also consistently maintained

K.P.,G.C.B., G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E. Entered 1851 ; and strengthened the ancient and inalienable Field-Marshal, 25th May 1895. $taff ^er - British reputation for justice and truth, kind- vice—D.A.Q.M G., Indian Mutiny, 1857-58; ness and mercy—the intangible bonds, light as D.A.Q.M.G. in charge of the Viceroy's Camp, air but tougher than steel, which bind our

1859-60; D.A.Q.M.G., Armv Headquarters, widespread Empire together. . . . And so we

India, 1860-65 ; A.Q.M.G., Bengal, 1866-67 come to the fascination of his personality. ;

A.Q.M.G. 2nd Div., Abyssinian Ex., 1867-68 ; The Commander-in-Chief is a great soldier, but A.Q.M.G. Army Headquarters, India, 1869- he is a greater man. It is in his character as

71 ; A.Q.M.G. Looshai Ex., India, 1871-72 a man rather than as a soldier that he has ; won

D.Q.M.G., Bengal, 1872-75 ; Q.M.G., Bengal, the unrestrained affections even of the army. 1875-78; Maj.-Gen. Afghan Campaign, 1S78- Since the ' little corporal,' no great commander 79 ; Lieut. -Gen. (local) Afghan Campaign, has held so entirely the confidence and devo- 1879-80; Lieut.-Gen. Madras, Com.- tion all sorts conditions of 1881-85; of and soldiers ; in-Chief E. Indies, 1885-93; Gen. Command- but, while Napoleon imposed himself upon his ing the Forces, Ireland, 1895-99 ; Field- embattled hosts as a kind of demigod, he who Marshal Commanding-in-Chief the Forces, S. is most widely known as ' little Bobs ' has im- Africa, 1899. War Service—Indian Mutiny, pressed his soldiers as a man of men, as the

1857-58 (Despatches, 15th Dec. 1857 ; 16th best, the most sympathetic, the cleverest and Jan., 29th Jan., 22nd Feb., 25th May, 31st dearest of comrades. His regard for the

May, and 8th June, 1S58 ; received the thanks soldier is so well known, that such a saying of the Gov. -Gen. of India ; medal with clasps 3 ; would be incredible of him as that which is

Brev. of Maj. ; 1D.C.) ; N.W. Frontier of India recorded of the Duke of Wellington, who de-

Ex., 1863 (medal with clasp) ; Abyssinian Ex., scribed the men who won his battles as 'the

1868 (Despatches ; 30th June, 3rd July, 10th greatest scoundrels in Europe.' It is, indeed,

July 1868; medal; Brev. of Lieut.-Col.) ; Looshai one of the rarities of history to find a success- Ex., 1 87 1-72 (Despatches); Afghan War, 1878-79- ful leader of armies distinguished by such 80 (Despatches, 4th Feb., 21st Feb., 21st March, sweetness and such gentleness of temper, such 13th May, and 7th Nov., 1879; 16th Jan., kindness and such tact of conduct and of speech.

4th May, and 3rd Dec, 1880 ; received thanks These qualities are commonly regarded as l8l ;

The Transvaal War marking the ideal character of a domestic per- 1899. Staff Service—D.A.A.G., Bengal, 1S90-95. African War, 1877-78 (medal son, of a man of peace, and in bringing them Weir Service— S. ; Ex., 1886-89 (medal with into complete accord with the triumphant with clasp) Burmese practice of war he who has been so widely 2 clasps) ; S. African War, 1899-1900. Romilly, D.S.O. known as Lord Roberts shows himself our Romilly. — Maj. F. W. " Entered ; Brev.-Maj. Scots Guards, 1894. • own ideal knight.' 1873 Egypt, 1883- Roberts.— Hon. F. H. S. Roberts, Lieut. Staff Service— A.D.C. to Lieut.-Gen., also and 1S85-87 ; D.A.A.G., Malta, 1890-93 ; Mil. Kind's Royal Rifles. See vol. ii. p. 193 ; 84, Gov. Madras, 1896-98. War Service— V.C list. Sec. to Egyptian Ex., 1882-84 (medal with

clasp ; bronze star ; Despatches ; 2

clasps) ; Soudan Ex., 1884-85 (2 clasps)

Soudan, 1S85-86 (Despatches ; D.S.O.) S. African War, 1899-1900; wounded. Ross. —Maj. W. C. Ross, Durham

Light Infantry. Entered 1877 ; Lieut.- Col., S. Africa, Feb. 1900. Staff Service —Insp. and Adjt. Gt. Indian Penin. Rly. V.C, 1S90-95; A.M.S. and A.D.C. to Lieut. -Gov., Punjab, 1898- 1900. War Service—Afghan War, 1879-80 (medal); S. African War, 1899-1900; Commanded 8th Corps Mounted In- fantry till severely wounded. RoweU. — Lieut.-Col. J. Rowell. This officer commanded the 4th Con- tingent South Australian Bushmen. Roxburghe (8th Duke).— H. J

Entered R.A. 1876 ; Brev. Col., 1894. Staff Service —Emploved with Egvptian Army, 18S3-98; Maj. -Gen. E. *Dist., Lieutenant Roberts, V.C. 1898-99; D.A.G. Headquarters of Army, 1 899-1 900 ; Lieut.-Gen. Com- Killed at Colenso manding Div., Aldershot, Jan. 1900, Div., March 1900 ; Lieut.-Gen. Inf. S. Photo by Chancellor &* Son, Dublin Africa, March 1900. War Service —

S. African War, 1S79-81 (Despatches ; of Robertson.—Maj. W. R. Robertson, D.S.O. medal with clasp ; wounded in defence

Despatches) ; Egyptian Ex. In ranks over ten years ; Lieut., 3rd Dragoon Potchefstroom ;

— clasp ; bronze star) ; Soudan Guards, 18S8 ; Maj., March 1900. Staff Service (medal with

Staff Lieut. Intell. Br.Q.M.G.Dept., India, 1892- Ex.. 1884-85 (Despatches ; clasp ; Brev. of Soudan, 18S5-86-S7-89-91 (Despatches; 95; Staff Capt. Q.M.G. Dept., India, 1895-96; Maj.) ;

of Army, D.S.O. 3rd class Osmanieh) ; Action of Staff Capt. Intell. Dept. Headquarters ; Toski (Despatches; clasp; Brev. of Lieut.- 1899 ; D.A.A.G. Headquarters of Army, 1899- of (clasp to bronze 1900; D.A.A.G., S. Africa, Feb. 1900. War Service Col.) ; Capture Tokai star) Ex. to Dongola, 1896 (Despatches —Op. in Chitral, 1895 (Despatches ; medal with ; ; medal with clasp; D.S.O.) ; S. African War, 1899- 1900 ; on promoted to Maj. -Gen. ; Egyptian

Staff. 2 clasps) ; Nile Ex., 1897 (Despatches ; clasp to Nile Ex.. 1S98 (Despatches, Robin. —Maj. A. W. Robin distinguished him- Egvptian medal) ; self in command of the 1st New Zealand Con- May and Sept. 1898 ; K.C.B. ; thanked by tingent. both Houses of Parliament ; clasp to Egyp- S. African War, 1S99- Roche. —Lieut. -Col. Hon. U. de R. B. Roche, tian medal ; medal) ;

S. Wales Borderers. Entered 1876 ; Lieut.-Col., 1900 ; on Staff. l32 ;

Biographical Record

Samut.— Lieut. -Col. A. Samut, Army Ord. Schofield.—Maj. H. N. Schofield, R.A.

Dept. Entered 1878 ; Lieut.-Col., 1900. Staff Entered 1884 ; Maj., Feb. 1900. Staff Service Service — Dep.-Assist. Com. Gen. Ord. Store —A.D.C. toG.O.O, Aldershot, 1898-99; A.D.C.

Dept., 18S5-94-95 ; Assist. Com. Gen. Ord. Store to Gen. Com. -in-Chief, S. Africa, 1 899-1 900 ; Dept., 1895-96; Ord. Off., 3rd class, 1S96- A.D.C. toG.O.O, Natal, Jan. 1900. War Ser-

1900; Ord. Off., 2nd class, 1900. War Service vice— S. Africa, 1899- 1900 ; Colenso. This dis- —S. African War, 1899- 1900. tinguished officer, who saved two guns at Sandbach. — Lieut.-Col. A. E. Sandbach, Colenso and by his gallantry should have

R.E. Entered 1879; Brev. Lieut.-Col., 1898. earned a \).Q. , was only debarred from re- Staff Service—A.D.C. to Maj.-Gen., Bengal, 1890- ceiving the coveted honour owing to the fact

92 ; employed with Egyptian Army, 1897-98 ; that being a gunner officer his actions were is Mil. Sec. to Viceroy, India, 1899 ; Spec. done in pursuance of his duty. It a dis-

Serv., S. Africa, 1899 ; A.A.G., S. Africa, Dec. tinction without a difference which many have 1899. War Service—Egyptian Ex., 1S82 (medal failed to see, in view of the decoration having with clasp ; bronze star) ; Soudan Ex., 1885 been given to other artillery officers while also

(clasp) ; Burmese Ex., 1886-87 (medal with in pursuance of their duty. Ex., (clasp) Ex., Schreiner. — Hon. P. Schreiner, Q.C., iSSS ; Hazara W. clasp) ; Sikkim 1891 (Despatches; clasp); Nile Ex., 1898 (De- C.M.G., Premier of Cape Parliament, 1898. spatches ; Brev. of Lieut.-Col. ; Egyptian medal Mr. Schreiner, son of a Lutheran missionary with clasp ; medal) ; S. African War, 1899- and an English lady, was born in 1S59. He

1900 ; Spec. Serv. ; on Staff. is the brother of Miss Olive Schreiner (Mrs. Sandwith. —Lieut.-Col. R. L. Sandwith, Cronwright) the authoress whose anti-British

Leicestershire Regt. Entered 18S0 ; Lieut.- proclivities are well known. Mr. Schreiner Col., S. Africa, March 1900. War Service— was educated in England, was called to the S. African War, 1899-1900; on Staff. Bar at the Inner Temple in 1882, and on his Sauer. —Hon. J. W. Sauer. Son of a Free return to the Cape engaged in politics and

State Landdrost ; was five times Member for became Mr. Rhodes' Attorney-General. In

Aliwal North, Cape House of Assembly ; was 1898 he became Premier, but his sympathies Secretary for Native Affairs in Scanlen Ministry, were not with the British, and his attitude 1S81-84; Colonial Secretary in the Rhodes caused him to be described as "the pro-Boer Ministry, 1S90. He was one of "the three" Premier of an Africander Government." He who broke it up in 1893. He calls himself a was married to the sister of Mr. Reitz, for- philosophic radical, and is sufficiently con- merly President of the Orange Free State. sistent to have declined a knighthood. Scott.— Capt. P. M. Scott, C.B., Ro.yal Navy, Schermbrucker. —Hon. Frederick Scherm- H.M.S. Terrible. This notable officer and clever brucker, Senior Member King William's Town, inventor of the now celebrated gun-carriages Cape House of Assembly. Son of the Hon. (see vol. ii. p. 53) has seen a considerable

Christopher Schermbrucker ; was born at amount of service. He took part in the

Frankfurt- on -the- Maine ; entered ranks of Ashanti War, the Congo Expedition, and the Bavaiian Army as a private, with the privileges Egyptian War. He has been twice mentioned of a gentleman cadet, and fought among the in despatches, and, in addition to his British Royalists during the disturbances in 1S50-52, medals, has the Khedive's star. He was pro- and gained his commission. Since this time, moted from the 4th to the 3rd class Medjidie he settled at King William's Town as German in 1890. officer interpreter to the Resident Magistrate ; sub- Scott. —Maj. R. G. Scott. This ren- sequently, after many adventures, became editor dered valuable service with the Kimberley of Bloemfontein Express, and, according to the Lignt Horse. Cape "Parliamentary Companion," he left Scott (6th Bart,).— Sir Samuel E. Scott, M.P. Bloemfontein in a hurry, and was burned in Imperial Yeomanry. Batt. effigy ; he returned to King William's Town ; Scott.— Lieut.-Col. W. A. Scott, 2nd volunteered for service in the Frontier War Gordon Highlanders. Entered 1S74; Lieut.- appointed Commandant of the Amatola division Col., 1899. Staff Service—Adjt. Volunteers, 1891- ; Vols., volunteered for service against the Zulus ; com- 96 ; Comdt. Sch. of Inst, for Mil. and manded at Luneberg; was present at the battles Aldershot, 1897. War Service. —S. African of Zlobane and Kambula ; distinguished him- War ; Ladysmith. J. J. Scott-Chis- self on the Pemvani River ; in 1880 accom- Scott-Chisholme.— Col. panied Mr. Sprigg to Basutoland to raise a holme, Imperial Light Horse. See vol. ii. p. 27. rendered police force ; retired with that Sprigg Govern- Selheim.—Maj V. C. M. Selheim ment ; elected Member Legislative Council for valuable service with the Queensland Mounted the Eastern Province, 1882; re-elected 1884; Infantry. became Commissioner Crown Lands and Public Settle.—Brig. -Gen. H. H. Settle, RE., C.B., Service Works, Upington Ministry, 1884 ; successfully D.S.O. Entered 1867; Col., 1899. Staff contested King William's Town general election, —D.A.A. and Q.M.G., Egypt, 18S5; Employed of 1888. He succeeded in raising several com- with Egyptian Army, 1886-92 ; Insp.-Gen. panies of German Colonists to go to the front Egyptian Police, 1892-94; Assist. Insp.-Gen. of in i9or. Fortifications, Headquarters of Army, 1895-99;

, Schleswig -Holstein. — Maj. H. H. Prince Col. on Staff (Commanding R.E ), Malta, Christian Victor of Schleswig-Holstein. See 1899; Col. on Staff, S. Africa, 1899; Col. on vol. vi. p. 123. Staff (Insp.-Gen. Lines of Communication), S. 183 ;; ;

The Transvaal War

Africa, 1S99. War Service. — Soudan Ex., 1S84- A "most gallant and efficient commanding 85 (Despatches ; medal with clasp ; bronze officer." Killed in action at Faber's Spruit. star; Brev. of Maj.) ; Soudan, 1888-99 (De- See vol. v.—p. 169. spatches; clasp; Brev. of Lieut.-Col.) ; Action Spens. -Lieut.-Col. J. Spens, 2nd Batt. King's of Toski (Despatches ; clasp ; 2nd class Med- Shropshire Light Infantry. Entered 1872 jidie) ; Capture of Tokar, 1891 (clasp to bronze Lieut.-Col., 1S98. Staff Service—Insp. R. Mil. star) ; S. African War, 1S99-1900 ; on Staff. Coll., 1886-98. War Service — Afghan War, Settrington (Lord). — Charles H. Gordon- 1S79-80 (medal); S. African War, 1899-1900

Lennox, Second Lieut. Life Guards ; Extra (Despatches). A.D.C. to Lord Roberts. This officer is eldest Spragge.—Maj. B. E. Spragge, D.S.O., Col. son of the , who is heir to the Imperial Yeomanry. This officer, though he 6th Duke of Richmond. retired as a Major in 1894, has seen a consider- Sharpe. —Lieut.-Col. J. B. Sharpe, R.E.— able amount of service. In the Jowaki Ex. Entered 1 S72 ; Lieut.-Col., 1899. Staff Service (medal with clasps) ; in the first Afghan War ; D.A.A.G. for Inst., Curragh Brig., 1886-91. the second Afghan War (Despatches; medal with

War Service—Afghan War, 1878-80 (Despatches; clasp) ; as D.A.A.G. in the Burmah War (De- medal) ; S. African War, 1899-1900 ; with spatches twice ; medal with 2 clasps ; Brev.-

; ; Maj. D.S.O.), has done notable military Kimberley Relief Force Belmont Enslin ; ; he

Modder River ; and Majesfonteiu. work. Sim.— Lieut.-Col. G. H. Sim, R.E. Entered Spreckley. — Col. Spreckley, Rhodesian Regt. 1872; Lieut.-Col., 1899. Staff Service—Inst. For career, see vol vi. p. 80. Sch. of Mil. Eng., 1893-98. War Service —Afghan Sprenger.—Maj. C. F. Sprenger. This gal-

War, 1878-80 (medal) ; Soudan Ex. , 1885 (medal lant officer of the Cape Mounted Rifles lost his with clasp ; bronze star) ; S. African War, life during the Siege of Wepener. See vol. v. 1899-1900; with Ladysmith Relief Force; p. 67. Spion Kop. Sprigg.—Rt, Hon. Sir J. G. Sprigg, K.C.M.G. Sitwell.— Col. C. G. H. Sitwell, D.S.O., 2nd This well-known politician has spent most of Batt. Royal Dublin Fusiliers. For career see his life at the Cape, where he settled in 1858 vol. iv. p. 141. at the age of twenty-eight. He has filled Sitwell-Col. W. H. Sitwell. Entered 1880; a series of posts from 1878 to 189S. As Brev. Lieut.-Col., 1898. Staff Service—Employed Prime Minister and Colonial Secretary, 1878- with Bechuanaland Border Police, 1891-93 81 ; as Treasurer, 1884-86 ; as Prime Minister

D.AA.G., Guernsey, 1895-97; Spec. Serv., and Treasurer, 1S86-90 ; Treasurer, 1893-96; Ashanti, 1895-96; Employed with Egyptian Prime Minister and Treasurer, 1896-98, he Army, 1897-99. War Service—Afghan War, has laboured zealously in the interests of the 1S80 (medal); Ashanti Ex., 1S95-96 (star); Cape Colony. Nile Ex., 1897; Nile Ex., 1898, wounded (De- Stanford.— Lieut.-Col. W. E. M. Stanford, spatches ; Brev. of Lieut.-Col. ; Egyptian medal C.M.G. This officer commanded the East with 2 clasps; medal); S. African War, 1S99- Griqualand Mounted Rifle Volunteers, and 1900. rendered valuable service. Smith-Dorrien. —Brig. -Gen. H. L. Smith - Stanley (Lord).—Edward George Villiers Dorrien, D.S.O. Entered 1876; Brev. Col., Stanley, M.P. Lord Stanley, who was formerly 1S98. Staff Service—Spec. Serv., Cape of Good in the Grenadier Guards, and has acted as

Hope, 1878-79 ; employed with Egyptian Press Censor and Priv. Sec. to Lord Roberts. Army, 1884-87; Station Staff Off., ist'class, He was born in 1865, and is the son of the 16th

Bengal, 1892-93 ; D.A.A.G., Beneal, 1893-94 and the daughter of the late A.A.G., Bengal and Punjab, 1894-96; Maj.- . He married in 1889 the Gen., Inf. Brig., S. Africa, Feb. 1900. War daughter of the 7th Duke of Manchester. Service— S. African War, 1879 (Despatches St. Clair.—Col. J. L. C. St. Clair. Entered medal with clasp) ; Egyptian Ex., 1SS2 (merlal 1871 ; Col., 1899. StaffService—A.D.C. to Maj.- bronze star) ; Soudan Ex., 1885 (clasp) ; Sou- Gen. Ex. Force, Egvpt, 1882-83 ; Brig.-Maj., dan, 1885-86 (Despatches; D.S.O.) ; Op. on Aldershot, 18S4-87 ; D.A.A.G, W. Dist., 18S7-89;

N.W. Frontier of India, 1S97-9S (Despatches; Guernsey, 1S92-95 ; Dep. Judge Adv., London,

Brev. of Lieut.-Col. ; medal with 2 clasps) 1S96-99; Dep. Judge Adv., S.Africa, 1S99-1900; Nile Ex., 1878 (Despatches; Brev. of Col.; Dep. Judge Adv.-Gen., S. Africa, Feb. 1900. medal) ; S. African War, 1S99-1900; on Staff. Steele.—Lieut.-Col. S. B. Steele, Strath- Sondes (2nd Earl). — George E. Milles, cona's Horse. This gallant officer of the N.W. D.L., J.P., Imperial Yeomanry. Lord Sondes, Mounted Police is a native Canadian, born who is one of the gallant, many who hastened at Ontario, but his father was a Capt. in the to volunteer for the front, was born in 1861. Royal Navy. In 1866 he entered the 35th He is the son of the 1st Earl and the daughter Bait. "Simcoe Foresters." He served in the of Sir Henry Stracey, Bart. Red River Ex. under Lord Wolseley, and on Southey—Lieut.*-Col. R. G. Souther. This the formation of the N.W. Mounted Police in energetic officer, formerly in H.M. Foot, has 1S73 he joined as Troop Serg. -Maj. He was been commanding Colonial Volunteers, and is promoted in 1S85 for his share in the pursuit now Acting Staff Officer for Colonial Forces in of Big Bear's band in the Rebellion, and was S. Africa. mentioned in despatches. His courage, intre- Spence. — Col. W. A. Spence, Commanding pidity, and keen sense of duty have won him Duke of Edinburgh's Own Volunteer Rifles. the esteem of all with whom he has served. 1S4 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL TUCKER, C.B.

Photo, Raja Deen Dajal & Sons, Bombay


Biographical Record

Stephenson. — Col. T. E. Stephenson, Essex Egyptian Ex., 18S2 (Despatches; medal with

Regiment. Commanded 18th Brigade. Entered clasp; bronze star; 5th class Medjidie) ; Soudan 1874; Brev.-Col., 1899. Staff Service—D.A.A.G. Ex., 1S84-85 (Despatches; clasp; Brev. of for Inst., Gibraltar, Dist., 1883-86 ; N. 1886-89 5 Maj.); Ashanti Ex., 1895-96 (hon. mentioned;

N.E. Dist., 18S9-90. War Service S. African Brev. of ; star) ; — Col. S. African War, 1899- 1900 ; War, 1899-1900; on Staff (Despatches, May on Staff. Col. Stopford, born 1S54, is the son 1900). of the 4th . Stevenson. —Lieut. A. G. Stevenson, R.E., Streatfield..—Maj. H. Streatfield. Entered D.S.O. Entered 1891. Staff Service—Employed 1876; Maj., Grenadier Guards, 1893. Staff

with Egyptian Army, ; Railway Staff Service 1895-99 —A.D.C. to Gov. Gen., Canada, 18S3-85 ; Off., S. Africa, Jan. 1900. War Service—Ex. to Mil. Sec. to Gov. Gen., Canada, 1886-88

Dongola 1896 (Despatches ; 4th class Med- A.D.C. to Viceroy, India, 1888-91 ; A.D.C. to

jidie) ; Nile Ex., (clasp ; clasp to Egyptian Lieut.-Gov. and -Gov., Ireland, 1897 Gen. 1892-94 ;

medal); Nile Ex., 1S98 (Despatches; D.S.O. ; Assist. Mil. Sec. to G.O.C. the Forces, Ireland,

clasp to Egyptian medal ; medal) ; S. African 1S95-99 ; A.D.C. to Lieut.-Gen. Inf. Div., S. War, 1899-1900; on Staff. Africa, 1899. War Service— S. African War, Stevenson. — Col. R. Stevenson. Entered 1899-1900; on Staff; with Kimberley Relief

1864 ; Col, 1899. Stuff Service—Adjt. Aux. Force (Despatches ; Jan. 1900).

Forces, 1879-82 ; Recg. Staff Off., 1st class, Stuart (7th Bart.). —Sir Simeon H. L.

Leeds Recg. Dist., 1892-97 ; A>sist.-Insp. of Stuart, Capt. Suffolk Yeomanry Cavalry ; Com-

Remounts, 1899 ; Remount Dept., S. Africa, Oct. manding Imperial Yeomanry. Sir Simeon 1S99. War Service — S. African War, 1899- 1900; Stuart was formerly in the 5th Dragoon Guards. on Staff. He was born in 1864, and married in 1S91 Steyn. — M. T. Steyn, President of the the daughter of Mr. H. Gudge, Sec. to the Orange Free State till 1900. Advocate, 18S3- Austrian Legation.

89 ; State Attorney, 1889-93 ; Second Puisne Symons.— Sir William Penn Symons, K.C.B. Judge, 1889-93 ; First, 1893-96. Mr. Steyn, See vol. ii. p. 35. born at Winburg in 1857, is the son of Mr. M. Steyn and the daughter of Comdt. Talbot.—Lieut.-Col. Lord Edmund Bernard Wessels. In 1897 a Joint-Federal Council Talbot, M.P. Entered, nth Hussars, 18-75; was appointed (consisting of five members Lieut.-Col., Sept. 1900. Staff Service—Spec. from each Republic) to discuss questions of Service, S. Africa, 1899-1900; D.A.A.G., S. mutual importance, and it was then arranged Africa, Feb. 1900. Lord Edmund Talbot, born that the franchise should be granted in- in 1855, is the brother of the Duke of Norfolk. discriminately to burghers of both States, He married in 1879 the daughter of the 7th both States agreeing to stand by each other in Earl of Abingdon. the event of war. As a result of this agree- Teck (Duke of).— H.S.H. Adolphus C. A. ment Mr. Steyn played a prominent part Albert Edward George Philip Louis Ladislaus in the Conference at Bloemfontein in 1899. of Teck, K.C.V.O. ; Capt. 1st Life Guards.

He married a lady of Scottish descent, the Entered 188S ; Capt., 1895. The Duke, born daughter of the Rev. Colin Phraser. Like " Oom 1868, is the son of the late Duke and the late Paul" he stands six feet high in his stockings, H.R.H. Princess Mary of Cambridge, and the but unlike him, is well educated and civilised brother of the Duchess of York. He married in his customs, having inherited from his father the daughter of the 1st Duke of Westminster. (who was called "Shiny Shoes" on account of Teck.—H.S.H. Prince Alexander A. F. W. his neatness) habits of greater cleanliness and A. G. of Teck, K.C.V.O., Capt. 7th Hussars. refinement than those of Mr. Kruger. Entered 1894 ; Capt., April 1900. War Service

Stokes— Sir William Stokes. This eminent — Op. in S. Africa 1S96-97 (Despatches) ; S. surgeon devoted himself to the wounded, and African War, 1899-1900. by his skill saved many lives and mitigated Teck.— H.S.H. Prince Francis J. L. F. of much suffering. Teck, K.C.V.O., D.S.O., Capt. 1st Dragoons. Stoneman. —Lieut.-Col. J. Stoneman, A.S.C.; Entered, 9th Lancers, 18S9. Staff Service —

Lieut.-Col., 1894; D.A.A.G. Ladysmith, 1899. A.D.C. to Maj.-Gen., India, 1890-97 ; Spec.

War Service—Egyptian Ex., 1S82 (medal ; bronze Serv., Egypt, 1897; A.D.C. to G.O.C, S.E. star); S. African War, 1899-1900; D.A.A.G. Dist., 1S99; Staff Capt. Remount Estab., 1S99- Lines of Communication. 1900; Remount Dept., S. Africa, May 1900.

Stopford.— Col. Hon. Frederick W. Stopford, War Service—Nile Ex., 1897 (medal) ; Nile Ex.,

C.B. Entered Grenadier Guards 1871 ; Col., 189S (Despatches ; D.S.O. ; 2 clasps) ; S. African

Service—A.D.C. to Chief of Staff War, 1 on Staff. 1897. Staff 899- 1 900; Ex. Force, Egvpt, 1882; A.D.C. to. Brig.- Thackeray. — Col. T. M. G. Thackeray, 1st

Gen., Egypt, 1884-85 ; A.D.C. to Maj.-Gen. Batt. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. For career

Ex. Force, Suakin, 1885 ; Brig.-Maj. Guards see vol. iv. p. 149.

Brigade, Egypt and Cyprus, 1885 ; Brig.-Maj., Theron. —T. P. Theron, Member of Cape Aldershot, 1886-89; D.A.A.G., Headquarters House of Assembly. A sheep farmer, an ardent of Army, 1892-94 ; D.A.A.G., Aldershot, 1894- Bondsman, and "much envied by his fellow 07; Spec. Serv., Ashanti, 1895-96; A.A.G., Africanders for his townsman's aptitudes." He

Headquarters of Arrnv, 1897—?9 ; Mil. Sec. to was born in 1S39 at Tulbagh, elected Member

Gen. Com. -in-Chief, 1899-1900 ; S. Africa Mil. for Richmond in 1S84, and re-elected in 18S8. Sec. to G.O.C., Natal, Jan. 1900. War Service— Thomas.—Major A. H. Thomas, D.S.O., 185 The Transvaal War

(medal with clasp ; bronze star) ; A.S.C. Entered 1SS0 ; Maj., 1895. War Service Burmese Ex., i885-86(medal with clasp); Ashanti Ex., —Op. in Sierra Leone, 1S98 (Despatches ; 1895-96

(hon. mentioned ; star); Frontier of India, D.S.O. ; medal with clasp); S. African War, N.W. 189 .-1900; on Staff. 1897-98 (Despatches ; medal with clasp); Tirah, Thomas.— Lieut. -Col. Sir G. V. Thoma-% 1S97-98 (Despatches; C.B.; clasp); S. African Bart., R.A. Entered 1875; Maj., R.A., 1S92. War, 1899-1900 (Despatches). Townshend. Lieut.-Col. War Service—Afghan War, 1878-9 (medal) : — C. V. F. Town- Egyptian Ex., 1882-S4 (medal with clasp; shend, C.B., D.S.O. Entered 18S1 ; Brev. Lieut.-

star) ; clasps 4th class Col., 1896. Staff Service—Employed with bronze Soudan, 1884 (2 ;

Medjidie). Egyptian Army, 1896-98 ; Spec. Serv., S Africa; Thorneycroft.—Lieut. -Col. A. W. Thorney- Staff Mil. Gov., Bloemfontein, March, ioco. War croft. Ent' red from Militia, 1879; Maj., Royal Service —SoudanEx., i8S4-85(Despatches; medal Scots Fusiliers, 1S99. Staff Service— D.A.A.G. with 2 clasps; bronze star); Hunza Nagar Ex.,

1891- 92 (Despatches ; medal with clasp); Op. in

Chitral, 1895 (thanked by Govt, of India ; Des-

patches ; Brev. of Maj.; C.B.) ; Ex. to Dongola,

1896 (Despatches ; Brev. of Lieut.-Col.) Nile Ex.,

1898 (Despatches, May and Sept. 189S ; D.S.O);

S. African War ; on Staff. Towse.—Capt. E. B. Towse, \).G. Entered

from Militia, Wiltshire Regiment, 1885 ; Capt. Gordon Highlanders, 1896. War Service—Op.

Lieutenant-Colonel Thorneycroft

Photo by Mayall <&» Co., Loudon

Natal, 1S99 ; Spec. Serv., S. Africa, Oct. 1S99. War Service— S. African War, 1S79-81 (medal

with clasp) ; S. African War, 1899-1900. This officer, a giant in every sense of the word, who raided and commanded Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry, has made himself noted for gallantry Captain Towse and ability. He is the son of Colonel Thorney- croft of Tettenhall Towers; every inch a soldier Photo by Winter, Derby

like his father ; an enthusiastic sportsman, and distinguished in social as in military accomplish- in Chitral, 1895 (medal with clasp); Op. on ments. N.W. Frontier of India, 1S98 (2 clasps); S. Thorold. — Col. Thorold, Royal Welsh African War, 1899-1900 (Despatches; D.C.; Fusiliers. For career see vol. iv. p. 150. severely wounded). See V.C. list. Tickell.—Maj. E. J. Tick ell, D.S.O. Entered Trench.— Lieut.-Col. F. A. Le P. Trench, — A.S.C. Lieut.-Col., Feb. 1S95. Staff Service— 1S85 ; Maj., 14th Hussars, 1899. Staff Service Employed in Uganda Protectorate, 189S-1900 D.A.A.G. Scottish Dist., 1699. liar Service — ; Spec. Serv., Rhodesian Field Force, Feb. 1900. S. African War, 1S99-1900. War Service—Uganda, 1898 (Despatches; D.S.O.; Treves. —Frederick Treves, F.R.C.S. Con- S. Africa medal with clasp>; S. African War, 1899-1900. sulting Surgeon to the Forces in ; Todd.—Lieut.-Col. O. Todd, M.B., RA.M.C. Member of Court of Examiners of the Royal in at Lieut. -Col., March 1900. War Service — S. College of Surgeons ; Examiner Surgery African War, 1899- 1900. the University of Cambridge and in Anatomy at Townsend.— Col.E.Townsend. Col.R. A.M. C. the Universities of Aberdeen and Durham. 1897. W"r Service — Abyssinian Ex., 1867-68 Mr. Treves was born in 1S43, and married in (medal); Perak Ex., 1875-76, severely wounded 1877 to the daughter of Mr. Mason of Dor- has written innumerable scientific (medal with clasp) ; S. African War, 1879 (De- chester. He spatches; medal with clasp); Egyptian Ex., 18S2 works, and won the Jacksonian Prize Essay at lS6 Biographical Record the Royal College of Surgeons in 1S84. Officers Africa, 1S99. War Service—Soudan Ex., 1884-

and men are deeply grateful for the skill and 85 (Despatches ; medal with 2 clasps ; bronze

devotion he has expended on their behalf star) ; S. African War, 1S99-1900. during the present war. Vernon. — Capt. H. E. Vernon, D.S.O.

Trotter.— Lieut.-Col. J. K. Trotter, C.M.G. Entered 1888 ; Capt. Rifle Brig., 1897. Staff Entered R.A. 1870; Col., 1S99. Staff Service— Service—A.D.C. to Maj.-Gen., Inf. Brig., Natal, Spec. Serv., Bechuanaland, 1884-85; Brig.-Maj. 1899. "« r Service — Op. in S. Africa, 1896 (Cork Dist.) R.A. and Malta, 1886-90; Staff Capt. (Despatches; D.S.O.); S. African War, 1899-

(Intell. ) Headquarters of Army, 1 890-9 1 ;D. A. A.G. 1900; on Staff.

(Intell.) Headquarters of Army, 1892-95 ; em- Vialls.—Maj. H. G. Vialls. A notable mem- ployed on Sierra Leone Boundary Commission, ber of the West Australian Bushman's Corps.

1895-96 ; A.A.G. S. Africa, 1S99 ; D.A.G. S. Vincent.— Sir Charles E. Howard Vincent, Africa, Jan. 1900. War Service — Bechuanaland K.T., K.C.M.G., C.B., M.P., Lieut.-Col. 13th

Ex., 1S84-85 (hon. mentioned) ; S. Afiican Middlesex V.R.C. Sir Charles Howard Vincent War, 1899- 1900; on Staff. who, in spite of his numerous duties, so patrio- Tucker.— Lieut. -Gen. Charles Tucker, C.B. tically hurried to the front rest — with the of the Entered 1855 ; Maj.-Gen., 1893. Staff Service gallant volunteers, has always kept in touch

Col. on Staff, Natal, 1891-93 ; Brig.-Gen., Natal, with military affairs. He was born in 1849, 1S93-95; Maj.-Gen., India, 1895-99; Lieut.-Gen. and spent the years from 1868 to 1873 in the Inf. Div., S. Africa, 1S99. War Service—Bhootan Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Later, he joined the

Ex., 1865-66 (medal with clasp) ; S. African Berks Militia, and afterwards became Lieut.- War, 1878-79 (Despatches, April and Aug. 1879; Colonel of the Central London Rangers. He

medal with clasp ; C.B.); S. African War, 1899- has filled with distinction many important

1900 ; on Staff. Gen. Tucker, born in 1838, is a posts. He was Director of Criminal Investiga-

son of Mr. Tucker of Ashburton and a daughter tions, Metropolitan Police, 187S-84 ; Member of Mr. Hayter, Painter-in-Ordinary to Queen of Metropolitan Board of Works, 1888; Founder Victoria. a practical, resourceful, rough- As and of United Empire Trade League, 1891 ; Chair- and-ready soldier, he has no equal. He was man of National Union Conservative Associa- rewarded in 1896 for "distinguished and meri- tions, 1895; Member of London County Council, torious" service with a "good-service" pension. 1889-96. He has been M.P. for Central Sheffield Tullibardine.—Capt. the Marquis of Tulli- since 1885. bardine, D.S.O., Royal Horse Guards. Entered 1892; Capt., 1899. Staff Service — Specially Waldron. — Lieut.-Col. F. Waldron, R.A. employed with Egyptian Army, 1898. War Entered 1873; Lieut.-Col., 1S99. Staff Service Service—Nile Ex., 1898 (Despatches, May and — D.A.A.G., Canada, 1890-95. War Service—

Sept. 1898; D.S.O. ; Egyptian medal with 2 S. African War, 1S99-1900.

clasps) ; S. African War, 1899-1900. Walford.— Col. Walford. This officer ren- Tunbridge.—Maj. W. H. Tunbridge ren- dered meritorious service with the British S. dered valuable service with the 3rd Contingent Africa Police. Queensland Mounted Infantry. Wallack.—Col. T. E. Wallack. This officer rendered splendid service with the Tasmanian Umphelby.—Lieut.-Col. C. E. E. Umphelby. Corps of Imperial Bushmen. For career see vol. iv. p. 104. Wallnutt.—Maj. Claude C. M. Wallnutt, D.S.O. This gallant officer entered the army Valentia (nth Viscount). —Arthur Annes- in 1881, and became a Major in 189S. He had ley,M.P. Lieut. -Col.Oxford Yeomanry Cavalry, distinguished himself in the Soudan, in the Assist. Adjt. Gen. Imp. Yeomanry. Lord Chitral Relief Force, and on the N.W. Frontier Valentia, born in 1843, succeeded his grand- of India, including Dargai and the Operations father in 1863. He retired from the 10th in the Maidan. He was killed in the Boer Hussars in 1872, and in 1878 married the widow attack on Waggon Hill, Ladysmith, on the 6th of Sir Algernon Peyton. of Jan. Vandeleur.—Maj. C. F. Sevmour Vandeleur, Ward.—Col. E. W. D. Ward, C.B., A.A.G., D.S.O. Entered 1889 ; Brev.'Maj., 1899. Staff Natal. Staff Service—D.A.A.G., Headquarters, Service Employed in — Uganda Protectorate, Ireland, 1892-95 ; D.A.A.G., Home Dist. ; Spec. Spec. Extra Regt. Serv., 1894-96; Employ, 1896- Ashanti, 1895-96 ; A.A.G., Natal, 1899. 97 ; employed with Egyptian Army, 1897-99. War Service—Soudan Ex., 1885 (Despatches; Spec. Serv., S. Africa, — 1899. War Service medal with 2 clasps ; bronze star promoted ; Unyoro Ex., (Despatches; medal) Assist. 1895 ; Nandi Comdt.-Gen.) ; Ashanti Ex., 1895-96 Ex., (Despatches; 1895-96 D.S.O ); Op. on the (hon. mentioned ; star) ; S. African War, 1899-

Niger, 1897 (Despatches ; Brev. of Maj. ; medal 1900; on Staff. This remarkable officer, born with clasp); Nile Ex., 1898, wounded (De- in 1853, who was one of the prime actors in the

spatches ; 4th class Medjidie ; 2 clasps to gallant defence of Ladvsmith, is the son of the

Egyptian medal) ; S. African War 1899-1900. late Capt. J. Ward, R.N. Verner. — Lieut.-Col. W. Willoughby Cole Warren.— Lieut.-Gen. Sir Charles Warren,

Verner. Entered ; Lieut.-Col., 1896. R.E., 1873 G.C.M.G., K.C.B. Entered 1857 ; Lieut.- Staff Service—A.D.C. to Maj.-Gen., Gibraltar, Gen., 1897. Staff Service—Inst, in Surveying

1877-78 ; D.A.A. and Q.M.G., Egypt, 1885 ; School of Mil. Eng., 1880-84; Maj.-Gen. D.A.A.G. for Inst. S.E. Dist., 1S85-92 ; Prof. (local), S. Africa, 1884-85; Maj.-Gen. (local), It. Mil. Coll., 1896-99 ; D.A.A.G. (Topog.) ; S. Egypt, 18S6; Col. on Staff, Straits Settle- 187 ;

The Transvaal War

merits, 1SS9-93 ; Brig. -Gen., Straits Settle- of Army, 189S-99 ; Lieut.-Gen., Natal, 1899- ments, 1S93-94 ; Maj.-Gen.. Thames Dist., 1900 ; Gov. and Com.-in-Chief, Gibraltar, July Inf. Div., S. Africa, War Service Indian (medal) 1^95-98; Lieut. -Gen., 1900. — Mutiny ;

1S99-1900. War Service—S. African War, 1S77- Afghan War, 1879-80 (Despatches ; medal with

clasp Brev. of clasps bronze star ; Brev. of Lieut. -Col. 79 (Despatches ; medal with ; 3 ; ; \i).C.

Lieut. -Col.) ; Egyptian Ex., 18S2 (medal ; bronze C.B.); Soudan Ex. 1884-85 (medal with clasp;

class Medjidie); Bechuana- bronze star) ; Burmese Ex., (thanked by star; K.C.M.G. ; 3rd 1885-89 land Ex., 18S4-S5 (G.C.M.G.); S. African War, Govt, of India ; Despatches ; K.C.B. ; promoted

1S99-1900; afterwards Mil. Gov., N. Cape Maj.-Gen.) ; Op. of Zhob Field Force, 1890

Colony. Sir Charles, who was born in 1840, is (Despatches) ; Op. N.W. Frontier of India the son of the late Gen. Sir Charles Warren, (Despatches); S. African War, 1899-1900; K.C.B. He married in 1864 the daughter of G.O.C. Natal Field Force. Sir George White, Mr. Haydon, Guildford. born in 1S35, is the son of Mr. J R. White Watermeyer. — Capt. Watermeyer, Cape and the daughter of Mr. G. Steuart. He married Town Highlanders; A.D.C. to Field-Marshal in 1874 Miss Bayley, daughter of the Arch- Commanding-in-Chief. deacon of Calcutta. Before the Afghan War Watson.—Maj. J. K. Watson, D.S.O., A.D.C. General White was comparatively unknown, to Lord Kitchener. Entered 18S5 ; Brev.- but after that date honours rained thickly upon Maj., 189S. Staff Service — Employed with him. From the outset Lord Roberts had noted Egyptian Army, 1894-99. War Service — his splendid ability, and in " Forty-one Years " Burma, 1891-92 ; Ex. to Dongola, 1896 (De- in India he showed his readiness to recognise spatches ; D. S. 0. ; Egyptian medal with 2 how much of the success of the victory of clasps); Nile Ex., 1897 (4 ,Q class Medjidie; Charasiah he owed to his gallant subordinate. clasp to Egyptian medal) ; Nile Ex., 1898 (De- The following passage serves to show the spatches ; Brev. of Maj. ; 2 clasps Egyptian generosity of the one, and the gallantry of the " medal) Nile Ex., other : Major White explained to me his part medal ; ; 1899 (Despatches) ; S. African War, 1899- 1900. This distinguished in the victory of the previous day. From my officer, who, in S. Africa as in the Soudan, has inspection of the ground I had no difficulty in performed a vast amount of valuable service coming to the conclusion that much of the with little display, is the son of Gen. J. K. success which attended the operations on this Wit son (late 60th Rifles). He was born in side was due to White's military instincts, and, 1865. at one supreme moment, his extreme personal Wauchope. — Maj.-Gen. A. G. Wauchope, gallantry. It afforded me very great pleasure, C.B., C.M.G. For career see vol. ii. p. 184. therefore, to recommend this officer for the WaveU. — Maj.-Gen. Archibald G. Wavell. Victoria Cross, an honour of which more than

Entered 1863 ; Brev. Col., 1894 ; Maj.-Gen. one incident in his subsequent career proved Inf. Brig., S. Africa, 1900. Staff Service—Fort him to be well worthy." In the prosaic Gazette the "supreme Adjt., King William's Town, 1868-70 ; Spec. language of the London

Serv., S. Africa, 1879 ; Staff Officer Volunteers, moment" is thus described: "Finding that

Cape of Good Hope, 1880-81 ; D.A.A.G. and the artillery and rifle fire failed to dislodge the for Inst., fortified hill, which it was neces- D.A.A.G. Scottish Dist., 1894-95 ; enemy from a A.A.G„ for Recg., Headquarters of Army, 1S98- sary to capture, Major White led an attack 1900. War Service — S. African War, 1S79 upon it in person. Advancing with two com-

(medal with clasp) ; S. African War, 1899- panies of his regiment, and climbing from one

1900 ; on Staff. steep ledge to another, he came upon a body Wells-Cole.—Capt. H. Wells-Cole, D.S.O., of the enemy, strongly posted, and outnumber-

York Light Infantry. Entered 1884 ; Capt., ing his force by about eight to one. His men 1892. War Service— Op. on N.W. Frontier of being much exhausted, and immediate action

India, 1897-98 (Despatches ; D.S.O. ; medal being necessary, Major White took a rifle and, with 2 clasps) ; S. African War, 1899-1900. going on by himself, shot the leader of the Western. —Col. C. M. Western. Entered enemy. This act so intimidated the rest that

Royal Artillery, 1869 ; Brev.-Col., 1899. War they fled round the side of the hill, and the Service — Afghan War, 1878-79 (medal); S. position was won." The "gallant and ever- African War, 1SS1. foremost Major White " was again eulogised Westminster (2nd Duke of). —Hugh R. A. by the conqueror of Kandahar, who wrote in- Grosvenor. The Duke of Westminster, born in spiritingly of the intrepidity with which he 1879, joined the Royal Horse Guards in Aug. and the dauntless Gordons dashed themselves

1900. He has acted in the capacity of A.D.C. against the one remaining entrenched position : (extra) to Lord Roberts. " It now became necessary to take this position White.—Gen. Sir George Stewart White, by storm, and recognising the fact with true D.C., G.C.B., G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., G.C.V.O., Col. soldierly instinct, Major White, who was lead- Gordon Highlanders. Entered 1S53. Lieut.- ing the advanced companies of the 92nd, called Gen., 1895. Staff Service—Mil. Sec. to Vicerov, upon the men for just one charge more, 'to

India, 1S80-81 ; Spec. Serv., Egypt, 1885 ; A.A. close the business.' The battery of screw guns and Q.M.G., Egypt, 1885 ; Brig.-Gen., Madras, had been shelling the position, and under cover

1SS5 ; Commanding Brig., Burmese Ex., 18S5- of its fire, and supported by a portion of the

86 ; Commanding Upper Burmah Field Force, 2nd Gurkhas and 23rd Pioneers, the High- 1886-89; Maj.-Gen., Bengal, 1889-93; Com. -in- landers, responding with alacrity to their Chief, E.Indies, 1893-98; Q.M.G. Headquarters leader's call, dashed forward and drove the 188 ,;

Biographical Record enemy from their entrenchments at the point Eng.), Xatal, April 1900. War Service—Soudan of the bayonet. Major White was the first to Ex., 18S4-85 (medal with clasp; bronze star); reach the guns, being closely followed by Sepoy S. African War, 1899- 1900. Inderbir Lama, who, placing his rifle on one Wood.— Lieut.-Col. C. Wood, Essex Regi-

' of them, exclaimed. Captured in the name of ment. Entered 1872 ; Lieut.-Col., 1900. Staff " ! the 2nd (Prince of Wales's Own) Gurkhas ' Service—Adjt. Militia, 1887-92. War Service White.—Lieut. -Col. H.White. This officer —S. African War, 1899-1900. rendered conspicuous service with the British Wood.—Maj. -Gen. Elliot Wood, C.B. En-

S. Africa Police. tered RE. 1864 ; Col., 1889. Staff Service— Williams.— Col. W. D. C. Williams. This A. D.C. to Inspector-General of Fortifications, officer rendered meritorious service with the War Office, 1880; Spec. Serv., Egypt, 1884; New South Wales Army Medical Corps. A.A.G., Royal Engineers, Headquarters of Williams.— Capt. W. de L. Williams, D.S.O., Army, 1889-94; Col. on Staff (Commanding

Hampshire Regiment. Entered 1891 ; Capt., R.E.), Malta, 1894-99; Col. on Staff (Com- 189S. Staff Service —-Spec. Extra Regimental manding R.E.), Aldershot, 1899; Maj. -Gen. Employ, 1S98-99. War Service—Op. on N.W. (Chief Eng.), S. Africa, 1899. War Service—

Frontier of India, 1897-98, severely wounded Egyptian Ex., 1882-84 (Despatches ; medal

(medal with 2 clasps) ; Africa, wounded clasp ; W. 1898, with ; bronze star Brev. of Maj. ; 4th

(Despatches ; D.S.O.) ; S. African War, 1899- class Medjidie ; Despatches, March, 2nd and 6th severely 1900, wounded. May, 1S84 ; 2 clasps ; Brev. of Lieut.-Col.) ; Wilson. — Surgeon Gen. W. D. Wilson, Soudan Ex., 1885 (Despatches; 2 clasps; C.B.); R.A.M.C. Col. R.A.M.C., 1894; Army Me- S. African War, 1899- 1900. dical Staff, 1S9S. War Service—Afghan War, Woodgate.—Maj. -Gen. Sir E. Robert Prevost Woodgate, K.C.M.G, C.B., C.M.G. For career see vol. iii. p. 116. Woodland.—Lieut.-Col. A. L. Woodland, 1st Batt. Durham Light Infantry. Entered 1867; Lieut.-Col., 1896. War Service — S. African War, 1 899-1 900. Wools Sampson.— Lieut.-Col. Wools Samp- son. This dashing officer commanded the splendid regiment of S. African Colonials, the Imperial Light Horse. Wright. — Lieut.-Col. A. J. A. Wright, East Lancashire Regiment. Entered 1870; Lieut.-Col., 1899. Staff Service — D.A.A.G. (Musk.) Bengal, 18S3-95; Adjt. Militia, 1890- 98. War Service—Op. in Chitral, 1895 (medal

with clasp) ; S. African War, 1S99-1900. Wyndham-Q,uin.—Maj. W. H. Wyndham- Quin, M.P. Major Wyndham-Quin, who was formerly in the 16th Lancers, is another of the patriotic number who went to the front with the Imperial Yeomanry. He was born in 1857, served in the Boer War of 1SS1, and married in 18S5 the daughter of the 6th Earl of Mavo. Wynne.—Maj.-Gen. A. S. Wynne, C.B. En- terred Surgeon-General W. D. Wilson 1863 ; Col., 1891. Staff Service—Spec,

S. Africa, 188 1 ; employed with Egyptian Photo by Heath, Plymouth

Army, 1SS3-85 ; D.A.A.G., Headquarters of

Army, 1S80-88 ; A.A.G., Curragh, 1891-94 ; 1878-79-80 (medal); Egyptian Ex., 18S2-84 D.A.G., Malta, 1894-98 ; Aldershot, 1898-99 ;

(medal ; bronze star); Soudan, 1884 (De- Assist. Mil. Sec, Headquarters of Army, 1899 ; spatches ; 2 clasps; pro. Surg.-Maj., ranking D.A.G., S. Africa, 1 899-1 900 ; Maj.-Gen. Inf. with Lieut.-Col.), S. African War ; P.M.O. Brig., S. Africa, Jan. 1900. War Service — Winchester (15th Marquis),—Augustus J. Jowaki Ex., 1877 (Despatches; medal with H. B. Paulet. For career see vol. ii. p. 186. clasp) ; Afghan War, 1878-79 (Despatches Wolseley-Jenkins.— Lieut.-Col. C. B. H. medal with clasp ; Brev. of Maj.) ; S. African Wolseley-Jenkins, 19th Hussars. Entered War, 1 88 1 ; Soudan Ex., (Despatches 1884-S5 ; 1874; Lieut.-Col., 1897. War Service—Egyptian medal with clasp; bronze star; Brev. of Lieut.- Ex., 1882-84 (medal with clasp; bronze star); Col.) ; S. African War, 1 899-1 900 ; on Staff; wounded (Despatches ; 2 clasps ; 4th class with Ladysmith Relief Force (wounded, Feb. Medjidie; Brev. of Maj.) ; S. African War, 22). 1899 -1900; Commanding Cavalry, Lady - Wynyard.— Capt. E. G. Wynyard, D.S.O. smith. Welsh Regiment. Entered 1883. Staff Service Wood.— Col. C. K. Wood, R.E. Entered —Adjt. Volunteers, 1899; Inst. R. Mil. Coll., 1872 Col., ; S. Africa, April 1900. Staff Service— 1899. War Service— Burmese Ex., 1SS5-87 (De-

Adjt. Volunteers, ; Col. on Staff 1889-94 (Chf. spatches ; medal with clasp ; D.S.O.). 189 The Transvaal War

Yarde-Buller.—Capt. Hon. H. Yarde-Buller, bronze star) ; Burmese Ex., 18S6-87 (medal with

Rifle Brigade, A.D.C. Entered 1884; Capt., clasp) ; Op. in Chitral, 1895 (Despatches ; Brev. 1803. Staff Service —A. DC. (extra) to Gov., of Maj.) ; S.African War, 1899-1900; severely

Bombay, 1S87-88 ; A.D.C. (extra) to G.O.C., wounded ; Commanded 3rd Battalion Imperial

Aldershot, 1896-97 ; A.D.C. to Maj.-Gen. Inf. Yeomanry throughout Lord Methuen's opera- Brig., S. Africa, 1899; A.D.C. to Lieut. -Gen. tions. Inf. Div., S. Africa. War Service—Waziristan Yule. —Col. J. H. Yule. Entered 1865; Ex., 1894-95; Nile Ex., 1S98 (Egyptian medal Col., 1S99. Staff Service —Maj.-Gen. Inf. Brig., with clasp; medal); S. African War, 1899- Natal, 1899. War Service—Afghan War, 1879-

1900 ; on Staff. 80 (medal); Burma, 1SS9-92 (medal with clasp;

Younghusband. — Maj. G. J. Younghus- Brev. of Lieut.-Col.) ; Op. on N.W. Frontier of band. I.S.C. Entered 1878; Major, I.S.C., 1898. India, 1S97-98 (Despatches; Brev. of Col.;

Wa r St rvice—Afghan War, 1S78-80 (medal with medal with 2 clasps) ; S. African War, 1899- clasp) ; Soudan Ex., 1885 (medal with clasp ; 1900 ; on Staff ; action at Dundee.