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188041986.23.Pdf A LIST of the Principal Officers, Civil and Military, in England, in the Year 1704. Dutchy of Lancatter. Surrey, George Duke of Northumberland. Tho. Jay ffj; Major. On the Northfide 7%-- Tt hltnr.'surahle the Lords, and others^ e/Trent. Chancellor, John Lcvefon Lord Gower. Tower and Hamlets, Montaguc-Venables Richard Mordley, Guidon.- ef Her MayJij S Mo(i Honourable ?nvy William Duke of Deyonfhire. Attorney-General, Sir Edw* Northey Kt. Earl of Abingdon. Royal Regiment ofHorfs, 9 Troops Pusngerefs of Wind for Forefi, Council. Receiver General, John Chetwind Efq; Warwick, G'orge Earl of Northampton, 4® in a Troop. Sarah Dutchedof Marlborough. Auditor of the North, Hen. Aylojfe, Efq; Northwales, Hugh Lord Cholmondley. George Duke of Northumberland* PRince George of Denmark, Ld High War dm */New Eorreft. Auditor of the South, Tho. Gower Efq; North-Riding of York, John Duke of Sir Francis Compton, Lieut. CoS. Admiral of England. Charles Duke of Bolton. CJerk of the Council, Cheek Gcrrard Efq; Buckingham. - George Kirk, Major. Dr.Temifon, Ld Archbifhop o£Canterbury. Ranger e/Hide Park. Lord Conway. Vice-Chan.of Wm.Brennane Efq; Weft Riding of York, Charles Earl of Queen’s Regiment in Holland, 63 Sit Nathan IVrighte, Lord Keeper. Ranger of St. James’s Park. Attor. -Gen of Lane af Nich. Starkey Efq; Burlington. Troops, 36 in each, 390. Dr. Sharp Lord Archbifliop^f ttrf. fohn Lord Grandvill. Deputy, tffic. Mr. John Baker. Henry Lumley, Lieut. General, Coll. Confiables and Governors of Cafiles arA Sidney Lord Godolfhin, Ld High Treaf. v/arden of the Forrefi o/ShetWOod. Attornies, Mr. Husband, Mr. Afjheton. William Palmer Efq; Lieut. Coll. Garrifond Places. Thomas EarlofLord Prefldent. John Duke of Newcafile. Tho. Crowther Ejq; Major. $ehn Duke of Buckingham, Ld Pr. Seal. Conftable andGovermur o/WindforCattle. Judges of the Civil Law, &c. Berwick, Brigadeer Edward Maine. Brig. Gen. Windham’s Regim. 6 Troops. Prilliam Duke of Devon. Ld Steward. George Duke of Northumberland. Sir John Cooke Kr. L. L. D. Dean and Of- Brianels-Cattle, Charles Earl of Berkley. Hugh Windham Col. Charles Seymour Duke of Somerfet. Lord Warden of the Stannaries. ficial Principal of the Arches Court Beaumaris Cattle, Rich. Ld Vif. Bulkeley. Francis Palmer Lieut. Col. {ptr-fames Duke o fOrmond,Ld Lieut.offreland John Lord Granville. of Canterbury, and Vicar-General to Chefter, Prfer Shackerley Efq; Philip Chenevix Major. Charles Dtike of Bolton. Chief Secretary, William Hooker Efq; t?ie Mott Reverend Father in God D®ver, and Cinque-Ports, His Royal Col. Regiment the fam* PSTH ♦ Reinhardt Duke of Schonberg. Groom Porter, William Rowhy Lfqi Thomas Ld Archbifhop of Canterbury, Highnefs Prince George of Denmark. Charles Earl of Arran CoS, c Thomas Duke of Leeds. Surveyor General, Samuel Travers Efq; and her Majetty’s Advocate General. Deputy-Governor , and Deputy-War- George Kellum Lieut. Coll.. John Duke of Marlborough. Surveyor General of the Works. Sir Charles Hedges Kt. Judge of the High den, Charles Earl of VVinchelJ'ea. Robert Napper Efq; Major. Htbert Earl of Lindfey, Ld Great Cham- Sir Chriftopher Wren Kf. Court of Admiralty. Gravefend, and Tilbury, Major Gene- Colonel Wood’s Reginients m Holland. Cholmtmdly. berlain of England. Comptroller of the Works, Capt. Vanbrugh. Deputy Dr. George Brampfion. ral 6 Troops, 34 each, 248. Guernfey, Chrifiopher Lord Vifc. Hatton. Charles Earl of Carlifle. pari Marfbal. Fay-Matter, Thomas Lloyd Efq; Sir Richard Raines Kt. Judge of the Cornelius Wood E/^ Brig. Gmeral,Coll. “Edw. Earl of Jerfey, Ld Chamberlain. Three Kings of Arms. Prerogative Court of Canterbury. Hull,and Block-houfe, Jc&wD.of Newca- Matth. Ducey Worton Lieut. Col Charles Earl of Dorfet and Middlejex. Sir Henry St. George Kt. Garter Princi- Her Maje fly’s Advocates in the High Hurft-Caftle, Henry Holmes Efq; {(He. John Fetherftonehalgh Ejq; Major. Holy Ifland, under the Care of the Go- George Earl of Northampton. pal King of Arms. Court of Admiralty. Duke of Schombergh’s Regiment, « Vacant Clarenceux. vernor of Berwick. Charles Earl of Mayckefter. Henry Newton L. L. D. Advocate to the Troops, ^ Thomas Earl of Stamford, Robert Devenifh Efq; Norroy. Lord High Admiral. Harleigh-Cattfe, Char. Nicho. Eyre Efq; Du of honiber h Cq1 oletd^Charles Earl of Burlington. There are Six Heralds of Arms, and William Oldys L. L. D. Affiftant to the Jerfey-Iftand, Lieut. General Lumley. ChrdleyChidwr Cootp Efq;c ^Lieut. Col£ Charles Bodvile Earl of Radnor. Four Purfuivants. Queen’s Advocate for Prizes. Landguard-Fort, Colonel Jovor. Knight Harbinger. Sr. Maws-Cattle, Hugh Bofcawen Efq; Charles Sibourgh Major. Charles Earl of Berkley. Lord Windfor, Brig, GemraJ CoJ Malachy Thurfton £fq; Of the City of London, viz. The Lord Milford Haven, The Earl of Carbery., Daniel Earl of Nottingham,SeCTtt. of Stats Goodwin Wharton Efq; Lieut. Col, • Officers of the Band of Gentlemen Penfioners. MAYOR, Court o/Aldermen, Pendennis Cattle, Sir Bevil Granville. Laurence Earl of Rochefter. Chief Qfficers. Charles dela Tour Major. Montagu- Fen able s Earl of Abingdon. Charles Duke of St. Albans CuptdXR. PJimouth, and Strick Ifland, Majoi- Sir John Parfons, Kt. Lord Mayor. Re ime t Ralph Earl of Montague. William Seymour Efq; Lieut. General Trelawney. r „ ^ n of Scotland Sir Robert dmjton Kt. ^ Lord Tiveot Col. Lieut. Gen. Richard Earl of Scarbrough. Charles Fane Efq; Stand. Bearer. Portfmoutp, Lieut. General Erie. Sir William Pritchard Kt. Lord Flay Lieut. Col. Francis Earl of Bradford. Rob. Manley Efq; Clerk of the Check. ba.jdon • Cail le. Colonel Crawford. Sir Robert Gefferey Kt. George Prefton Major Henry Earl of Romney. William Smith Efq; Paymafter. Sangate-Caftle, Philip Herbert Efq; Sir Thomas Stamp Kt. "Richard Earl of Ranclaugh. Richard Reeves Gent. Armiger. Sheernefs, Colonel Crawford. DRAGOONS Sir Jofoz Fleet Kt. Lord Rabys Royal Regiment € Thomas Earl 0$Thanet. Officers of the Yeomen of the Guard of Scarborough, Anthony Dtmomb Efq; Sir William Afhurfl Kt- Aldermen Troops 54 each. "John Lord Granvill. Her Majefly’s Body. Tinmouth-Fort, Henry Vifliers Efq; Lieut. Coll. Killegrew. Major Roffiter Sir Thomas Lane Kt. J> above the Thomas Lord Vifcount Weymouth. The Marquifs of Hartington Captain Tower of London, Mont agu-Ven able s Earl Sir }ohn Houblon Kt. Chair. Queens Reg,ment, CoJ. Lloyd Brig Beneage Lord Garnfey.. Thomas Mawl Efq; Lieutenant. of Abingdon. Sir Humphry Edwin Kt. General. 6 Troops <T4 each ** Henry Lord Bilhop of London. Richard Uphill Efq; Standard-bearer. Hpner Cattle, Col. Edward Haftings. Lieut. Coll. Major Francis Child Gore. Kelly. Thomas Ld Wharton. Robert Ld Lexington. Ambrofe Meers Efq; "7 Sir Kt. lile of Wight, Lord Cutts. Sii Richard Levett Kt; Earl of Effiex’s Regiment, 8 Troops- Will. Ld Dartmouth. RobertLoxd Ferrers. George Davenant Efq; 5 Exempts. Windfor-Cattle, George Duke of Nor- Sir Thomas'Abney Kt. 4? each. Tho. Lord Coningsby. John Lord Povolet. to her Majefiy. thumberland. Lieut. Col. Major Equerries -Sir WiUiam Gore Kt. Hawker. Holdgate. John Levefon Lord Gomr, Chancellor of Hugh Chudley Efq; Governours of her Majefiy*s Territories Sir Samuel Dafbwood Kt. ^ the Djtchy of Lancafer. Will. Duncomb Efq; George Balding Efq; in America. Foot-Regiments in Englijh pay. ’ Sir Salathiel Lovell Kt. Recorder. Sir Edw. Seymour, Bar. Comptroler. Theop. Oglethorp Efq; New England, and New Hamplhire, Firtt Regiment of Guards, 28 Com- Sir Thomas Cook Kt. Reregrine Bertie Efq; Vice Chamberlain. Colonel Jofeph Dudley. anies 60 Richard Hill Efq; The 12 Mafiers in Chancery. Owen Buckingham r r T, P > in each. Henry Boyle fLCq Chanc. of the Exchequer. Lord High Treafurer of England. Sir Kt. Virginia, Francis Nicholfon Efq; Earl of Rumney Col. Secretaries, George Clark Efq; Six John Trevor Kt. Sir Thomas Rawlinfon Kt. Sit John Holt Kt. Lord Chief Judice. Sidney Lord Godolphin. Lieut. Col. Col. Withers Lieut. Col. Jo fas Burchet Efq; Sir Lacon-VVilliam Child Kf. Aldttmen Maryland, Seymore, Sir Cha. Hedges, Secret, of State. Secretary; William Lownds Efq; Sir Robert Bedingfidd Kt. below the Barbados, Sir Bevill Granville. Coll. Shrimton Major. Sit John Franklin Kt. William Withers John How Efq; Officers of the , relating to Capt. General of the Forces againft Spain. Sir Kt. Chair. 'Jamaica, Vacant. Coldftream’s Regiment of Guards 1#;. Exchequer Sir Robert LegardKt. Sir John Trevor, Mailer of the Rolls. ; the Difpofal of Her Majefiy*s Revenue. Meinhardt Duke o/Schomburg. Sijr Charles Duncomb Kt. j Leward Iflands, Col. Matthews. Companies, 60 in each. Dr. \ohri Edit bury.' Sir Jeffrey Jeffreys Kr Lord Cutrs CoS. Lieut. Gen. SirTho.TrevorKt.Ld.Ch.Juf.of the Com. Pi. Henry Boyle Treafurer of the Navy. Bermudos, Benjamin Bennet Efn; c The Hon. Efq; Chancellor, John Methwen Efq; - Sir Samuel Garrard Bar. <4/ ft CL. Sir George Rooke, Kr. Sir Tho. Littleton Bar. Htidfcn’s Bay, William Matthews, Efq; Lieut. Col. and Under-Treafurer. Samuel Keck Efq; Sir Gilbert Heathcot Kt. Sir Edward Northey, Attorney General. Comptroller, Sir Richard Haddock Kt. New York and New Jerfey, Lord Vif- Major, Vacant. Chamberlains of the Exchequer. Sh Richard HolfondKt* Sir Robert Beachcroj't, Kt. Sir Simon Harcourt, Solicitor General. Surveyor, William Fuzzard Efq; count Qsrnbury. Royal Regiment. Sit-Nicholas Steward Bar. Thomas Fit Efq; ^ Sir Richard Hoar, Kf. Clerks of the Council. Clerk of the A6ts Charles Sergifon Efq; T Major General. Coh- Charles Cole Efq; VVriter of the Tallies, Thomas Gen Efqv Sheriffs John White Efq; Lieut. Col. Sir John Nicholas, Knight of theB^. Comptroller of the TreafurCrs Ac- William Rogers Auditor of the Exchequer. Efq; Six Gilbert Heathcot, Kt. Commiffioners for Greenwich Hofpital. Andrew Flamilton Efq; Major. William Blathwaiie Efq; counts, Demis Lyddal Efq; Charles Lord Halifax. J. Hiccocks, Efq; jofeph Wolfe, Efq; Prince George of Denmark. Lieut.Gen. Lord Portmore’s Regiment;, Edward Southwell Efq; and Secretary of Comptroller of the Vi&ualling Ac- r Clerk of the Pells, Henry Pelham Efq; The Six Clerks.
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