Budo Q&A 2021 March By Louis Vitalis Introduction

• Budo is more than techniques training; • Shape your character, knowledge, position within (budo)society • A pandemic shouldn’t stop us from training those other aspects • So let’s ask our highest grade European sensei!

Louis Vitalis sensei – kyoshi 7th , -- kyoshi 7th dan jodo, -- kyoshi 7th dan Guidelines for the Q&A

• MUTE! So we can all enjoy Vitalis sensei’s talk • Questions: • Please leave them till the end (no promise we have time left) • Put them in the chat (no promise we can answer) • Put them in the Google Form so we add them to the list for Vitalis sensei • Slides will be shared after the meeting, please handle with care

Enjoy, learn, train! List of Questions (1)

Your name Your dojo Your country Your question Can you explain how your Kendo teachers introduced a scientific approach to budo training and how that differed to Andy Watson Ryoshinkan UK what you experienced elsewhere? With his long experience of Budo in ; I would like to ask Louis sensei's view on the different social/financial/education/political leanings between the practitioners of Kendo, , Kyudo, etc. that he Jock Hopson Eishinkan U.K observed in Japan. Dear Vitalis sensei, How should you stand / sit during an Iaido seminar when an explanation is given by a Japanese sensei. During the Ishido cup I saw many variants. What to do when you have sat down in and the explanation takes longer than your legs can handle. If standing is allowed, how do you hold your hands? Hans Pillen Kiryoku Zoetermeer The Netherlands Has reiho influenced the fundamental techniques of budo? Do koryu contain certain body movements as a consequence of court etiquette such as the Ogasawara ryu? John Kennedy Dublin Kendo Kobukai Ireland About the name of 'Hasso no kamai'... 'Eight directions' just refers to visibility 'all around'? Or is there a theorical Xavier Kodokan Netherlands explanation for the eight directions? Dear sensei, Thank you very much for the opportunity, you gave to us, to ask questions. I would like to ask how we can further develop our perception and practice around concepts such as Reiho and . Kind regards Yannis Papadopoulos Asunaro Kai Greece Yannis Why is the side of the tsuka, instead of its edge, used to Teki in ZNKR Iai Ju Ponme - Shihogiri? My question George R. Beck Sei-Zan Kai United States has so far been unanswered at multiple seminars; so, I look forward to Vitalis Sensei's answer. Jock Hopson Eishinkan U.K how should we understand the concept of do-chu-sei and sei-chu-do in both Iaido and Kendo training List of Questions (2)

Loui Vitalis Sensei, thank you for reading a questions and my apologize for them. A question about iaido meaning in ZNKRN kata, learning mae gives us opportunity to stop to kill person (kasoteki) if he (she) would give up (in our imagination and meanings). Other kata doesn't give us possibility to stop (make person to give up) or persons to do that. With some aggressive or dangerous persons and situations we can be sure for some reasons. First question, could be techniques adapted in future to use sharp side and non lethal side (not related the beginning of kata 4, 8, 10, zuki or ...) to change situation and meaning of what we are practicing. Second, is there any techniques that have non lethal (that brings kasoteki some wound, scare, or just run away) situation. And third question, what you most loved and still care and love in Japan (not meaning of territory, but in people, in culture, in nature), what is hidden that only you and some people can see and feel there. Thank you very much for reading. Dank u well. Alexey Alchin KaiSeiKan Bulgaria My apologize for questions again. Sumimasen. Loui Vitalis Sensei. Thank you for reading a questions and I am apologize for them. In the whole history of All Japan Kendo Federation (ZNKR) how communication and interaction between schools (ryu) developed (especially inside committees)? How it was at the beginning and how it is happened nowadays? How the members of committees and all hachidan's Senseis from different schools interact to each others in cultural way? What they thought (told) and think (telling) about non Japaneese students along the whole history of ZNKR? And last question How to behave and what to do it not meeting Senseis from Japan (any advices)? Alexey KaiSeiKan Bulgaria Sumimasen. Our sensei’s, you included, make no financial profit out of your lifelong commitment to budo. Why is that? What is behind this choice? Many martial artists choose to finance their activities, or their life, by paid lessons or workshops or Inti Suarez Yushinkan Netherlands whatever financially rewarded budo-related activity that can possibly be invented. Why don’t we do that too? Over the years have you seen a change on how our three budo are being practised?

Not looking at specific techniques or kata, but for example attitude of the Japanese sensei or the atmosphere in the dojo David Smits Yushinkan The Netherlands or at seminars. List of Questions (3)

Concept of kan-kyu-kyo-jaku, how to apply it in jodo/iaido kata, and the relation with merihari. Emanuele Covino Seishinkan Bari Italy it is said that the is the symbol of "haja-ken-shou" (translation: smashing the incorrect opinion and Elaine van Ommen Kloeke Yushinkan The Netherlands announcing the correct one.). What does that actually mean? In light of times and now for 'modern' budoka? Only a few mentions are found about female samurai (bugeisha or Onna-musha). For example Tomoe Gozen, Hangaku Gozen and Nakano Takeko. The first two even being generals. How did the role of women change over time within the samurai class up till modern times? Elaine van Ommen Kloeke Yushinkan The Netherlands (I realize this is a difficult one! Any info is welcome... or a book!) I would like to ask Louis Sensei his view about how budo in Europe generally attracts the liberal/arty/left-leaning people Jock Hopson Eishinkan U.K. whearas in Japan more people seem to be the traditionalist/conservative/right of centre members of society. Dear Louis sensei, Please tell us the origin of the shogo titles (renshi, kyoshi, hanshi) , the meaning of them in the "old times" and Norbert Bota Kiryoku Budapest Hungary nowadays. Hello! Because of regarding Koryu there is always said about tradition and succession, I would like to ask about the connection between the Ishido-sensei's line and (as founder of Muso Shinden Ryu). I was asked Leonid Karavaev Kaiseikan Bulgaria about it several times, but I don't know the answer and situation with it. Many thanks in advance!

When we see different koryu lineages of the same school (in our case - Muso Shinden Ryu), we see different "main" variants of a kata (hon-waza). I would like to ask, do I understand correctly that the head of the line set the hon-waza based on his personal preference, from the idea that this particular version of waza will help his students to understand Leonid Karavaev Kaiseikan Bulgaria it better? Thanks! List of Questions (4)

As for navigating social obligations and communication in budo, I am wondering if Vitalis-sensei might have some advice regarding invitations and visits. When speaking with Japanese sensei, or Japanese budoka, how does one discern a genuine "please come and visit" (as in, they do mean you not only are welcome but SHOULD come visit, it is as near an order as it can get) from a politeness phrase (which might be more of a "we liked having you here"-comment)? The same goes for accidentally or genuinely inviting to one's own country/dojo/etc, how to communicate that sensei or budoka are welcome if they wish, but that the question is not meant as being the cause of an obligation ("please come visit this and that date" and they feel socially obliged to do so)?

I am sorry if my question is not the right one but I am not offended if it is not chosen! It is merely something I have been Amanda Gydemo Östbom Kensei Kensan Kai Sweden thinking about since many years.

Emanuele Covino Seishinkan Bari Italy Books you suggest to read about budo? Not only technical, but also about history of philosophy of budo. Dear Sensei, the term OMOTE HANAMI and URA HANAMI is regarding to the movement of a horizontal cut or is it a part of the sword or both? (Omote means when the kurigata is visible if the sword is on katanakake, or when wearing in Sylvia Hakushinkai Steinbach Germany the kurigata is outside.) Thank you very much! my question is about the origin of the jodo . The first eleven of them are basic for the execution of ZKR kata, whereas the twelfth kihon, taihazushi uchi, finds no place in ZKR jodo, but appears for the first time in ichi rei, the tenth kata of omote kata. Has Vitalis Sensei any opinion about the reason why Shimizu Sensei included this last kihon, fit for koryu kata, after the giovanni fiorucci sishinkan bari italy former eleven, fit for the twelve ZKR jodo kata he conceived?

In the Japanese culture there are many preserved documents, teachings, stories and even myths about the influences and relationships of traditional and . It would be valuable in our recent days of inner pursuits, Vitalis sensei to shed some light on the current day representation of this traditional preserved relationship. Hristo Yordanov Shinbukan Dojo Bulgaria Bulgaria Thank you advance, Vitalis sensei Dear Sensei, how we can improve Iaido reiho and tecnics with home training for beginner as me? and which kind of Stringano Nicola Seishinkan Bari Bari, Italy exercise we can do to do it? Today’s topics

1. KATEI ENMAN 2. GEI NI ASOBU 3. SEITO & DESHI 4. Scientific approach to Budo training 5. Social background of Budo population in Japan vs Overseas 6. How to stand or sit during a seminar 7. Influence of Reiho on techniques 8. Hasso no Kamae KATEI ENMAN 家庭円満

• Katei = Household, Ones home • Enman = Peaceful • Although this is not specific Budo terminology, it’s the first concept that my Kendo teacher Edo Kokichi taught me in 1979, during my second visit to Japan. • Wether your target in Budo is winning gold medals or obtaining higher dan grades, you will not be successful unless your home situation is stable. Additional stress will make it more difficult to focus on Budo. GEI NI ASOBU 藝於游 Kodokan building in Mito City, Ibaraki Ken GEI NI ASOBU 藝於游

• Gei = Art (as in Martial Art) • Asobu = Enjoy • The Kodokan was a kind of General University, where Samurai of the Region received Education in both and other arts and sciences. This saying was favoured by the 9th Daimyo of the Mito Han, Tokugawa Nariaki (1800-1860). • By this time, Martial Arts were no longer needed to kill an enemy, but it was already shifting from to Do as we now know it. The main theme was “Bun Bu Ryodo”: The two ways of Study and Martial Arts. • Simply put, if you want to continue the study of any art for a long time, you will need to enjoy doing it. • If you can read Japanese, here is a nice explanation: https://note.com/kotofumi/n/ne84f08ca1622 SEITO & DESHI 生徒と弟子

• Seito = Student • Deshi = Disciple • According to Google translate this is the difference between Seito and Deshi. In Budo we can easily translate it as follows. • If you participate in an open Seminar, where a certain teacher is the head Sensei, or when you practice a few times at a Sensei’s Dojo, you might call yourself a student of this Sensei. • However, the Sensei-Deshi relation goes much deeper, and is a relation build on 100% trust. You can only call yourself a Deshi from a certain Sensei if that Sensei has actually confirmed that relation with you in person. • I.e. Ishido Sensei has only 6 Deshi in Europe. It doesn’t mean that a Deshi is better than a Seito, but the relation with the Sensei is built on the fact that the Sensei allows you to represent him in teaching. Budo and Scientific Research

Can you explain how your Kendo teachers introduced a scientific approach to budo training and how Andy Watson Ryoshinkan UK that differed to what you experienced elsewhere? Budo and Scientific Research (1)

• Let me start with Kendo. In Judo we had Kano Sensei, in we had Ueshiba Sensei, in Kendo we had Takano (Sasaburo) Sensei. His book “Kendo” was still written in a sort of classical Japanese, and not easy to understand by modern day Japanese. One of his senior students, Mistuhashi Sensei, was the first one who made a modern version of this book in 1972, with a kind of scientific approach which was completely new to Budo. • Because Kendo is so large in Japan, even compared to many Western Sports, there are now many Universities where scientific research is done on Kendo, but Mitsuhashi Sensei and Edo Sensei were the forerunners of this trend. • This is a page from his book, featuring his most senior student, Edo Kokichi Sensei (my lifelong Kendo teacher). Budo and Scientific Research (2)

• There are many kinds of Scientific approaches to Kendo, the main ones: • Statistical Research, ie what kind of points are scored the most, what kind of techniques are more successful. • Trainig Method Research. Comparing training methods of very successful Kendo Teams, including physical training, power training. • Medical Research. Some universities even study how the brain works during some Kendo situations! • Historical Research. There is a lot of old literature on Budo, so there is a lot of topics to do research on as well. • Bio Mechanical Research (see pic). Budo and Scientific Research (3)

• Is there no Scientific Research for Iaido and or Jodo? As far as my research goes, there is only one book I could find called “Iaido no Kagaku” (Science of Iaido), but this is purely based on Literature Study, not on Biomechanical or Medical research. • Also Ishido Sensei’s study in his early thirties was based on Literature Study. • However, Ishido Sensei did study how to do Physical and Power training which is suitable for Iaido, but I assume this was mostly self taught. • Some modern Iaido Sensei do use a more easy to understand way of teaching, which is influenced by modern teaching methods of Physical Education, so in that sense there is a clear influence of Science on Iaido and Jodo as well. Social background of Budo population in Japan vs Overseas

With his long experience of Budo in Japan; I would like to ask Louis sensei's view on the different social/financial/education/political leanings between the practitioners of Kendo, Judo, Kyudo, Karate etc. that he observed in Japan. Also I would like to ask Louis Sensei his view about how budo in Europe generally attracts the liberal/arty/left-leaning people whearas in Japan more people seem to Jock Hopson Eishinkan U.K be the traditionalist/conservative/right of centre members of society. Social background of Budo population in Japan (1)

• Although I lived in Japan for more than six years and speak, read and write the language reasonably well, I only practiced Kendo, Iaido and Jodo, so it’s a bit difficult for me to compare the other Budo disciplines. • The following remarks are purely based on my personal experience and opinion, there is no scientific truth in it! • Kendo, Judo and Karate all share the competitive element, with a so-called “real” free fight as a form of competition. Iaido, Jodo, Kyudo have competitions, but you don’t really fight each other. Except Tomiki Aikido (which was conceived by a Aikido Sensei who was also a high grade Judoka), Aikido doesn’t favour competition. • The top players in Kendo don’t show any interest in “Traditional” Budo such as Iaido and Jodo, and the Top Iaido and Jodo Sensei may have a grade in Kendo, but they are never in the top Kendo league. Social background of Budo population in Japan (2)

• I cannot comment on the political leanings of groups of people in Japan, but I do think there is a social and financial background difference. Kendo, Judo, Karate populations in Japan are very big, so you will find poor people and rich people doing it. You will find them in Metropolitan Areas as well as in the country side. • In my personal experience I find Iaido and Kyudo Sensei usually of a more affluent background than Kendo, Judo and Karate people, but this is not based on scientific research! • There are still many prefectures in Japan where the Iaido population is extremely small, so this will lead to a more “Elite” type of people practicing it. • Jodo is even worse, there are still many Prefecture where Jodo is almost non-existent. I.e. Ibaraki Ken, which has a very big Kendo population, has almost no Jodo people, even if they are so close to ! The reason may surprise you: “why should we import a Budo from Fukuoa Ken, if we have our own famous Kendo/ schools?” therefore you will not see Jodo demonstrations on their official Kendo Tournaments, which is a custom in most other Prefectures. In stead you will see Hokushin Itto Ryu from the Mito Lineage, which was practiced in the Kodokan Samurai School in Mito. Social background of Budo population in Japan vs Overseas (1)

• In my opinion, this can only be explained by a difference in history. The Budo population in Japan is, generally speaking, more conservative than progressive. For many young people, Kendo is old fashioned, because it is literally OLD! • The fact that REIGI SAHO (etiquette and correct manners) is such an integral part of Kendo/Iaido/Jodo, is for many young people a part of traditional Japan, which they compare to more modern European and American societies. • Another part that may influence young Japanese is the fact that Kendo/Iaido/Jodo is associated with Militaristic Japan of the 1930’s and 1940’s by some people. • However, I would not like to generalize too much. All my personal Sensei are very relaxed and openminded personalities, and certainly not old fashioned. If they were really conservative and traditionalist, they would never have taught Budo to a weird Gaijin like me in the first place! Social background of Budo population in Japan vs Overseas (2)

• I have noticed big differences in Budo Groups in Japan. For example Kendo at Police, Army, and some traditional Universities are quite strict and old fashioned. But many Universities and Companies with Kendo Clubs are much more open and relaxed. Guess which kind of Kendo Clubs I always went to? • The Iaido population in Japan I find more conservative than Kendo, just look at the many old fashioned customs that still exist among Iaidoka. • As a contrast, the Aikido community in Japan is much more on the “Alternative” side of things, and if you study Ueshiba Sensei’s philosophy it’s easy to understand why. • The Budo population outside Japan is first of all made up of people who are curious to look into other cultures. You won’t find many hard core nationalists in this group. • I would not generalize Japanese Budo population and Overseas Budo population in Right Leaning vs Left Leaning, but I would argue that there are more old fashioned people in Japanese Budo groups than in overseas Budo groups. How to Stand or Sit during a Seminar

Dear Vitalis sensei, How should you stand / sit during an Iaido seminar when an explanation is given by a Japanese sensei. During the Ishido cup I saw many variants. What to do when you have sat down in seiza and the explanation takes longer than your legs can handle. If standing is allowed, how do you hold your hands? Hans Pillen Kiryoku Zoetermeer The Netherlands How to Stand or Sit during a Seminar

• My first advice would be: don’t draw the attention of the Senior Sensei, especially when they are Hanshi from Japan ☺. • Personally I never sat in Seiza during an explanation from a Japanese Sensei (are they ever short?), but if you do want to remain seated, just make sure your feet are not sticking out to the front, with your hands on the floor! You can do that on the beach, but not in the Dojo. • If you stand, don’t cross your arms and don’t lean on your . • The pic shows a ZNKR seminar in Japan, some people are standing, some are sitting. Do you recognize the Sensei? (山崎) Influence of Reiho

Has reiho influenced the fundamental techniques of budo? Do koryu contain certain body movements as a consequence of court etiquette such as the Ogasawara ryu? John Kennedy Dublin Kendo Kobukai Ireland Influence of Reiho

In many Iaido schools Seiza is very common. If you look at the older Schools that still survived, you will not find any Seiza, because that is not suitable for the battlefield. Ogasawara Ryu of Reigi is actually from the (1336-1573) and was later formalized in the (1603-1868). It is not Court Etiquette, but Buke (Samurai) etiquette, according to Japanese Wikipedia. Influence of Reiho

• So there is no doubt that the Seiza position is a kind of artificial Ogasawara Ryu way of sitting, which leads to sword drawing techniques which are unique to Seiza. • Even in modern Japan, Ogasawara Ryu Reiho is still widely known and if you don’t know anything about this in practice, you’ll surely never make a big career in a Major Japanese Company! Hasso no Kamae

About the name of 'Hasso no kamai'... 'Eight directions' just refers to visibility 'all around'? Or is there Xavier Kodokan Netherlands a theorical explanation for the eight directions? Hasso no Kamae (1)

• Hasso does not refer to eight directions, but when you look from the front, both arms are simply looking like the Japanese figure 8: 八. • Hasso no Kamae according to ZNKR is fixed, but it used to be very different according to the Ryu one belonged to. • According to Takano Sensei’s explanation, it is in between the “Moku no Kamae” , whereby Moku means Tree, from the Itto Ryu, and the Hasso no Kamae from the Shinkage Ryu. • Please see Takano Sensei’s Hasso no Kamae, of about 1930. It’s very different from the ZNKR one. Hasso no Kamae (2)

• Hasso no Kamae has various other names, but depending on the Ryu the explanation differs. • One explanation that I liked personally is that with Hasso no Kamae your arms don’t get so tired as with Jodan or Chudan. Especially on the battlefield this seems to make sense. Also, this Kamae is easy to use in a crowded battlefield, or in case you wear a traditional Kabuto helmet or when there is not enough space above your head to take Jodan. • According to Takano Sensei, Hasso no Kamae is not an attacking position, but a position from where you can observe your opponent, and quickly change to an attack if needed. • The pic on the right is the Hasso no Kamae from Yagyu Shinkage Ryu also called Kasumi no Kamae.