
Our Waterways Quality and Aquatic Vegetation outh ’s stormwater management system originated Management Water ne detrimental effect of stormwater runoff is that as Searly in the 20th century when Governor Napoleon Broward Mitigation Othe water flows, it continually picks up contaminants. introduced the first network of waterways by lobbying to drain A major contaminant is and garden fertilizer within the Everglades. After overcoming some resistance, Broward our residential communities. The stormwater becomes achieved enough support to construct a primary rich in nutrients as the nitrogen and phosphorous dissolve system which was intended to promote farming and provide and move down . a means of transportation. A secondary system This supercharged was then constructed primarily by developers throughout water can accelerate the mid-1900’s to drain large tracts of for advancing the growth of aquatic development. This secondary system has become and algae in Tamarac’s means of transporting stormwater to the water bodies, especially primary drainage systems. Tamarac’s waterways (secondary n South Florida, we face extreme weather cycles. We when it is shallow. The Keep Our Clean drainage system) has a network of and that Ispend part of the year hoping for to come and the four most common DON'T POLLUTE cover an area of 523 acres. Approximately 60% of the City’s other part wishing it would go away. We can’t control the aquatic plants found in stormwater, west of NW 64th Avenue, drains into the C-14 our waterways are hydrilla, hygrophila, vallisineria and rain, so we have to manage our water . Surface xcess rain or stormwater runoff that flows over (located along Tamarac’s northern city limits) that spadderdock. These plants proliferate more during the water relies on gravity flow for conveyance, therefore, unpaved areas, sites, , parking connects the Everglades to the Atlantic . The City has E summer months when the City must keep the canal levels swales, canals, lakes and play a significant role lots and golf courses can cause stormwater pollution by three stormwater pump stations along the C-14 canal that low and provide maximum storage to minimize flooding. in managing our rainfall while adding natural beauty to our washing nutrients, debris, , grease, and oil, into control its waterway levels during major storm events. Areas To clean the canals, the City applies herbicides approved neighborhoods. South Florida is comprised of low-lying our waterways. This pollution can be damaging to our east of NW 64th Avenue drain by gravity flow into the C-13 by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in areas that become quickly saturated by rainfall. As a result, environment, ecology, surface water and sometimes the canal that also connects the Everglades to the . a controlled manner, along with the mechanical removal standing water in streets and yards is a common part of (our drinking ). The The City constantly monitors surface water levels to ensure of underwater plants. -eating fish called grass carp . Within a few days of a heavy rain, the water will recede Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has mandated proper maintenance levels are always met and the potential have been introduced in many canals to feed on certain as it moves through these retention areas by soaking into that obtain a National Pollutant risk of flooding is avoided. aquatic plants. Unfortunately, the grass carp offer only the ground or evaporation. By catching, storing and moving Elimination System (NPDES) permit that requires a series of limited usefulness because they do not feed on every type rainfall runoff, the water management system helps programs to control the flow of stormwater pollutants into of aquatic plant. Although it may seem desirable to keep Typical South Florida prevent flooding, recharges our supplies, our waterways. With Broward County as the lead agency, the waterways clear at all times, the sub-tropical climate Drainage System DIAGRAM and ensures the water in the system is good quality. the City of Tamarac actively participates in stormwater of South Florida makes this impossible. In addition, some management programs to ensure compliance and the vegetation must be retained in our waterways to support protection of our most precious …water. aquatic life. During rain events storm water flows The City of Tamarac has implemented several effective Primary waterway systems over paved and unpaved surfaces pollution prevention measures: (Large canals water to the Secondary waterway systems washing nutrients, debris, and Atlantic Ocean and the Everglades) (local swales, canals and lakes) Rain into surrounding waterways. • Regular cleaning of the storm drainage system to reduce the amount of debris and contaminants that can flow into our waterways. • Regular sweeping reduces the amount of pollutants reaching our waterways. Gates • Enforcing strict requirements for all development to ensure that stormwater systems are Ocean constructed in accordance with best management practices (BMP’s) outlined in federal, state, and local Stormwater runoff along with regulations. Accumulated nutrients in our waterways collected nutrients and pollutants cause accelerated aquatic vegetation flow into stormwater , growth, especially in the summer months. swales, canals, and lakes. A Q A Q A Q A Q Asked Questions Frequently

Why does the canal or waterway behind my home look home my behind waterway or canal the does Why What is the ugly looking scum that floats in my waterway? Why aren’taquaticplantscompletelyremoved? rain andirrigation. from both collect will water spot, low a has driveway your if and that note Please system. the groundwater our into through filter and percolate, collect, to water allow to components drainage require agencies Regulatory surfaces. unpaved over flow sheet allow to areas and swales are system drainage a to elements important networks, most the of some drains, However, channels. and as has such conveyance components water many surface of engineering The Why ismyswaleanddrivewayfullofwater? conditions. andcurrentweather waterways Note: Variables that affect reaction time are the depth of disappears.and up breaks scum floating before weeks six to three between take can it spraying first the After worse afterIhaveseenmaintenancecrewsspraying? scum a as itself looking material. presents and surface, the it to floats material, plant the waterway,the of of bottom the from off breaks eventually decomposition the to due however, underwater, overgrowth targeted the off kill herbicides The herbicides. with sprayed recently been The floating substance is aquatic plant material that has of forms other and fish life. aquatic of types many for habitat a vegetation some that remain to help quality maintain and good provide water require agencies Regulatory

• •  • •  •  •  •  • • •  •  •  To Help? What CanYou Do All painting supplies (brushes, roller, etc.) must be cleaned be must roller,etc.)(brushes, supplies painting All near a . not especially and areas grass over supplies painting clean sinkina orarea thatisconnected sanitarytoa sewer. Never Avoid fertilizing your lawn justbeforearainevent. Avoid fertilizingyourlawn friendly cleaning supplies. Wash your over grass areas and use environmentally your maintenance. and sediment complete all you whensidewalks androadways clippingsfrom remove and drains, storm waterways, o o dpst ad at, rs cipns r ers in debris or clippings grass waste, yard deposit not Do storm drains. obstructions. cuuain f ae i yu sae n te at of waste the and precious groundwater. your in water of accumulation days tocompletetheirdevelopment. mosquitos require standing water for a minimum of 10 to 14 of species more.Furthermore,most or hours 72 least at for ponds water until breed not do Mosquitos hours. 72 to up flow. ofstormwater orobstructthepath ofswales shape and surface toandnutrientloading. contamination ground water contribute can which matter fecal animal Prune treebranchesandshrubshangingoverwaterways. constant prevent to timer system your Schedule remains water and soggy are swales if alarmed be not Do the change not Do condition. good in areas swale Maintain in present is coliform Fecal animals. your after up Pick location. Report illegaldumpingofhazardouswasteinany the into waste hazardous other or oil paint, discard Never other or debris trash, of free inlets drainage storm Keep

For questions or additional information, please call the Public Services Department at (954) 597-3700 or visit our website at www.tamarac.org The City of Tamarac Public Services Department 6011 Nob Hill Tamarac, FL 33321 Understanding the Issues the Understanding StormWater & Waterways A Guide to to Guide A