BibliographyBibliography 371 Bibliography

Frequently Used Collections and Digital Archives

SKQS Wenyuange 文淵閣四庫全書. Reprint, Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2003. XXSK Xuxiu siku quanshu 續修四庫全書. Reprint, Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 1995–2002. Zhongguo jiben 中國基本古籍庫 electronic database. By Beijing Airushen shuzi- guji ku hua jishu yanjiu zhongxin 北京爱如生数字化技术研究中心. German license through Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin-Preussischer Kulturbesitz (

Primary Sources (by title)

Bao Canjun jizhu 鲍参军集注. Edited and commentary by Qian Zhonglian 钱仲联. Shanghai: Gudian wenxue, 1958. Baopuzi neipian jiaoshi 抱朴子內篇校釋. Edited by Wang Ming 王明. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1985. Baopuzi waipian jiaojian 抱朴子外篇校箋. Edited by Yang Mingzhao 楊明照. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1991. Beitang shuchao 北堂書鈔. Compiled by Yu Shinan 虞世南 (558–638). Beijing: Zhongguo shudian, 1989. Bowuzhi 博物志. By 張華 (232–300). Modern edition: Bowuzhi quanyi 博 物志全譯. Edited by Zhu Hongjie 祝鸿杰. Guiyang: Guizhou renmin chubanshe, 1992. Caishu tang gushi xuan 采菽堂古詩選. By Chen Zuoming 陳祚明 (1623–1674). XXSK. Vols. 1590–1591. Cao Zhi ji jiaozhu 曹植集校注. Edited and commentary by Zhao Youwen 趙幼文. Beijing: Renmin wenxue chubanshe, 1984. Cao Zijian shi zhu 曹子建詩注. Edited and commentary by Huang Jie 黃節 (1874–1935). Beijing: Renmin wenxue chuban she, 1957. Changchun jingchen gao 長春競辰稿. By Zhu Rangxu 朱讓栩 (d.1547).Zhongguo jiben guji ku electronic edition based on the Shufan 蜀藩 woodblock print from the Ming Jiaqing 嘉靖 (1522–1566) period. Chisongzi zhangli 赤松子章曆 (The Petition Almanac of Chisongzi), . DZ 615.

© koninklijke brill nv, leiden, 2016 | doi 10.1163/9789004313699_011 372 Bibliography

Chu sanzang ji ji 出三藏記集 (Collection of Notes on the Translated Tripitaka). Compiled by Seng You 僧佑 (445–518). T55.2145. Chuci buzhi 楚辭補注. Edited and commentary by Hong Xingzu 洪興祖 (1070–1135). Taipei: Chang’an chubanshe, 1984. Chuci jiegu 楚辭解故. By Zhu Jihai 朱季海. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 1963. Chuci jinzhu 楚辭今注. Commentary by Tang Bingzheng 湯炳正, Li Daming 李大明, Li Cheng 李誠, and Xiong Liangzhi 熊良智. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 1996. Chuci tongshi 楚辭通釋. Commentary by Wang Fuzhi 王夫之 (1619–1692). Shanghai: Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 1975. Chuxue ji 初學記. Compiled by Xu Jian 徐堅 (659–729) et al. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1962. Daode zhenjing guangsheng yi 道德真經廣聖義 (Broad Sagely Meaning of the Perfect Scripture of the Dao and Its Virtue). By Du Guangting 杜光庭 (850–933). DZ 725. Daojiao yanjiu ciliao 道教研究資料. Edited by Yan Yiping 嚴一萍. Taipei: Yiwen yin- shuguan, 1974. Dongtian fudi yuedu mingshan ji 洞天福地嶽瀆名山記 (Record of Grotto-Heavens, Blissful Lands, Ducts, Peaks, and Great Mountains). By Du Guangting 杜光庭 (850– 933). DZ 599. Dongxuan lingbao shengxuan buxu zhang xushu 洞玄靈寶昇玄步虛章序疏 (Commentary on the Stanzas for Ascending to Mystery and Pacing the Void). DZ 614. Dongxuan lingbao Yujing shan buxu jing 洞玄靈寶玉京山步虚經 (Lingbao Scripture on Pacing the Void at the Jade Capital Mountain), ca. 400. DZ 1439. Dongxuan lingbao zhenling weiye tu 洞玄靈寶真靈位業圖 (Lingbao Tableau of the Ranks and Functions of the Perfected and [Other] Numina). By Tao Hongjing 陶弘 景 (452–536). DZ 167. Dongzhen shangqing shenzhou qizhuan qibian wutian jing 洞真上清神州七轉七變 舞天經 (Seven Recitations of the Divine Realm with Seven Transformations for Dancing in Heaven), Six Dynasties. DZ 1331. Dongzhen taishang basu zhenjing fushi riyue huanghua jue 洞真太上八素真經服食 日月皇化訣 (Absorption of Solar and Lunar Essences from the True Scripture of Eight Purities), Eastern Jin (317–420). DZ 1323. Fenmen gujin leishi 分門古今類事. SKQS. Vol. 1047. Gaoseng zhuan 高僧傳 (Biographies of Eminent Monks). By Huijiao 慧皎 (497–554). T50.2059. Gaoshi zhuan 高士傳 (Biographies of Eminent Masters). By 皇甫謐 (215– 282). Zhongguo jiben guji ku electronic edition based on a Ming woodblock print edition. Guanzi jiaoshi 管子校释. Edited by Yan Changyao 顔昌嶢. Changsha: Yuelu shushe, 1996.