Herder, Kollár, and the Origins of Slavic Ethnography
HERDER, KOLLÁR, AND THE ORIGINS OF SLAVIC ETHNOGRAPHY ALEXANDER MAXWELL Philosophy of Johann Gottfried von Herder thorough- Filozofija Johanna Gottfrieda von Herderja je močno ly informed ideas of a poet Ján Kollár. Nevertheless, zaznamovala zamisli pesnika Jána Kollárja. Kljub Kollár was more than merely a conduit for transmit- temu pa Kollár ni bil zgolj “odvod” za prenos Herder- ting Herder’s ideas: he selected, interpreted and trans- jevih idej, saj je njegovo filozofsko razmišljanje izbral, formed Herder’s philosophy in the service of his literary interpretiral in preoblikoval ter tako postavil temelje Pan-Slavism. lastnega literarnega panslavizma. Keywords: Johann Gottfried von Herder, Ján Kol- Ključne besede: Johann Gottfried von Herder, Ján lár, Slavic ethnography, philosophy, Enlightenment, Kollár, slovanska etnografija, filozofija, razsvetljen- Romantics. stvo, romantika. Ethnography and anthropology have contributed the history of East-Central Europe, since ethnographic ideas helped form ideas of national community, and thus na- tionalism� Specifically, the philosophy of Johann Gottfried von Herder (1744–1803) shaped the proto-ethnographic imagination of several patriots who later laid the foundations of ethnography and anthropology as scholarly disciplines� The Pan-Slav poet Ján Kollár (1793–1852), one of Herder’s most influential disciples, has not at- tracted as much scholarly attention from historians of ethnography, but his ideas also shaped the ethnographic agenda of Slavic scholars� Subsequent contributors will con-
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