Extensions of Remarks Hon.Thomasf.Hartnett
12326 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 15, 1984 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS REMARKS BY AMBASSADOR by the British, but Moses had a gift for It implies something more-compassion, a JOHN L. LOEB, JR., UPON RE business, and he built a successful career as sense of brotherhood, a feeling for human CEIVING THE ANNUAL HUMAN a merchant with a shop on King Street. He ity. ITARIAN AWARD OF THE also built a large family, and he prospered The Torah prescribes that the stranger, enough to buy a plantation called Oaks the orphan and the widow must be cared HEBREW BENEVOLENT SOCIE Plantation in Goose Creek from the Middle for. Akiba and Maimonides and other sages TY, CHARLESTON, SC, MARCH ton family. and scholars taught the obligation and re 18, 1984 Isaiah Moses was the senior trustee for wards of helping others. According to the Beth Elohim Congregation, but he ulti Mosaic prescriptions, the duty of chartity is HON.THOMASF.HARTNETT mately broke with that synagogue because enjoined not only upon the wealthy, but OF SOUTH CAROLINA he objected to the reform modes of worship upon all men and women, and not only upon which it adopted. He joined the new congre individuals, but on the community acting to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gation, Shearith Israel, was elected its first gether. Thus, from the beginning of record Tuesday, May 15, 1984 president, and led the building campaign for ed Jewish history, one finds examples of or Mr. HARTNETT. Mr. Speaker, it is the synagogue which was consecrated in ganized community relief work.
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