IAEA/CS/INF. 1/Rev. 1

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IAEA/CS/INF. 1/Rev. 1 IAEA/CS/INF. 1/Rev. 1 25283-October 1956-241: CONFERENCE ON THE STATUTE OF THE !NTERNAT!ONAL ATOMiC ENERGY AGENCY L:sf of Delegates (Revised) UNtTED NATtONS HEADQUARTERS * 1956 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Afghanistan 1 Albania 1 Argentina 2 Australia 3 Austria 3 Belgium 4 Bolivia 4 Brazil 5 Bulgaria 6 Burma 7 Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic 8 Cambodia 8 Canada 9 Ceylon 10 Chile 10 China . 11 Colombia 11 CostaRica 12 Cuba 12 Czechoslovakia 13 Denmark 14 Dominican Republic 14 Ecuador 15 Egypt 15 ElSalvador 16 Ethiopia 16 France 17 Germany (Federal Republic oi) 18 Greece 19 Guatemala 19 Haiti 20 Honduras 20 Hungary 21 tceland 21 tndia 22 Indonesia 22 Iran 23 Iraq 23 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Pagre Israel 24 Italy 25 Japan 26 Jordan 27 Korea 27 Lebanon 27 Liberia : 28 Libya 28 Mexico 28 Monaco 29 Morocco 29 Netherlands 29 New Zealand 30 Nicaragua 30 Norway 31 Pakistan 31 Panama 32 Paraguay 32 Peru 32 Philippines 33 Poland 34 Portugal 35 Romania 35 San Marino 36 Saudi Arabia 36 Spain 36 Sudan 36 Sweden 37 Switzerland 38 Syria 38 Thailand 39 Tunisia 39 Turkey 40 Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic 41 Union of South Africa 41 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 42 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 43 iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Pqye United States of America 44 Uruguay 45 Vatican City 46 Venezuela 46 Viet-Nam 46 Yemen 47 Yugoslavia 47 SPECIALIZED AGENCIES Food and Agriculture Organization 48 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 48 International Civil Aviation Organization 48 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 48 International Labour Organization 49 World Health Organization 49 World Meteorological Organization 49 v AFGHANISTAN *Mr. Abdul Hamid AZIZ Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations .AMey?M%e Re/trgseMfa&ve.- ^Dr. AMul Hakim TABIBI First Secretary, Permanent Mission ALBANIA .ReprgseMfofwes.- *H.E. M. ReisMALILE Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations M. Jonus MERSINI Counsellor, Permanent Mission M. Nabi AGOLLI First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Kleanth ANDONI Second Secretary, Permanent Mission *Wife present 1 ARGENTINA *Captain Oscar A. QUIHILLALT, Navy President of the Atomic Energy Commission .AMermafe Re^yesew^ahves.- *Sr. Alberto BENEGAS LYNCH Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Embassy, Washington *Ing. Ernesto Enrique GALLONI Member of the Atomic Energy Commission AdMseys.- * Sr. Jorge ALFONZO Attach^, Permanent Mission *Dr. Fidel ALSINA Department of nuclear engineering, Atomic Energy Commission *Ing. Celso C. PAPADOPULOS Information Department, Atomic Energy Commission AUSTRALIA Re/u'esewfaftves.- *H.E. Sir Percy C. SPENDER, K.B.E., Q.C. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States of America Professor John Philip BAXTER Chairman, Australian Atomic Energy Commission H.E. Mr. John Douglas Lloyd HOOD, C.B.E. Department of External Affairs .AMeywafe Re^resewfaMpes; Mr. Charles Norman WATSON-MUNRO Chief Scientist, Australian Atomic Energy Commission *Mr. Trevett Wakeham CUTTS Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Keith Frederick ALDER Australian Atomic Energy Commission Mr. William Kevin FLANAGAN Second Secretary, Embassy, Washington AUSTRIA Re/wesewfa&ves. *H.E. Dr. Franz MATSCH Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dr. Hans THALBERG Foreign Office, Vienna Dr. Wolfgang WOLTE Attache, Permanent Mission 3 BELGIUM *Professor Jacques ERRERA Permanent Mission *Baron Pierre de GAIFFIER d'HESTROY Counsellor of Embassy, Permanent Mission M. Georges CARLIER BOLIVIA RepfeseMfa&ve.- H.E. Dr. German QUIROGA-GALDO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations ./MferMa^e RgprgseMfaMue.- Sr. Carlos CASAP Secretary, Permanent Mission 4 BRAZIL H.E. M. Joao Carlos MUNIZ Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary H.E. M. Cyro de FREITAS VALLE Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations M. Carlos Alfredo BERNARDES Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission AMeywafe Re^yeseM^a&ve.- Professor Joaquim DA COSTA RIBEIRO Commander Paulo Antonio TELLES BARDY Professor Bernardo GEISEL M. Mario Abrantes da SILVA PINTO Professor Francisco Humberto Joao MAFFEI M. Miguel Alvaro OZORIO de ALMEIDA . Major Carlos MOLINARI CAIROLI M. Helio da FONSECA e SILVA BITTENCOURT M. Fernando Augusto BUARQUE FRANCO NETTO M. Octavio Rainho da SILVA NEVES Consul 5 BULGARIA RepresgKta&ues.- *Dr. Peter G. VOUTOV Minister Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations Professor Georgi NADJAKOV Vice-President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Director of the Institute for Physics with Atomic Scientific Experimental Center *Mr. Barouch M. GRINBERG Second Secretary, Permanent Mission .Aavtser. *Mr. Bogomil D. TODOROV Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Secretary; Mr. Grigor PAVLOV 6 BURMA *H.E. U WIN^ Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dr. Freddy Ba HLI Acting Director, Union of Burma Atomic Energy Center U THAN HLA Counsellor, Embassy, Washington *U PAW HTIN Consul Secretary, Permanent Mission U KYAW MIN Third Secretary, Permanent Mission 1) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States of America BYELORUSSIAN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC RepreseMtaMves.- Dr. A.N. SEVCHENKO Professor, Member of the Academy of Sciences Mr. A.E. GURINOVICH Deputy Chief of Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. F.I. FEDOROV Professor at the State University .AaMsey.- Mr. Y.G. VARNAKOV Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs CAMBODIA Repi'eseH/a&ve.- M. LY CHMLY First Secretary Charge d'Affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission 8 CANADA J! e/wes ewfahues .- Mr. M.H. WERSHOF, Q.C. Assistant Under-Secretary of State and Legal Adviser, Department of External Affairs Mr. WJ. BENNETT, O.B.E. President of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Mr. Sidney POLLOCK Department of Finance Dr. J.D. BABBITT Scientific Attache, Embassy, Washington Mr. W.H. BARTON Department of External Affairs *Mr. M.A. CROWE First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Donald WATSON Secretary, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Mr. D.H.W. KIRKWOOD Department of External Affairs Mr. G.G.J. GRONDIN Department of External Affairs Mr. J.L. GRAY CEYLON .Re%TeseMfa&ue.- *H.E. Mr. R.S.S. GUNEWARDENE Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations AMewMie RepygseMfa&ves.- Mr. A. BASNAYAKE First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Y. DURABSWAMY Second Secretary, Permanent Mission AHuMer. Dr. George Alexander DISSANAKE CHILE *Sr. Oscar PINOCHET Second Secretary, Permanent Mission .Aautser. Sr. Enrique LACKINGTON 10 CHINA *H.E. Dr. Tingfu F. TSIANG Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations *Mr. Yu-Chi HSUEH Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations *Dr. Hsioh-Ren WEI Adviser, Security Council Affairs, Permanent Mission Mr. CHENG Hsl-Ling First Secretary, Permanent Mission COLOMBIA Re^yesewfahve.- ,. *H.E. Dr. Francisco URRUT1A ' Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations .AMeinafe Represew^ahues. Dr. Carlos VESGA DUARTE Dr. Tulio MARULANDA 1) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Untted States of America 11 COSTA RICA Re/wesewtaMues.- *H.E. Dr. Alberto F. CANAS Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Sr. Gonzalo J. FACIO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States of America AthMser.- Sr. Raul TREJOS FLORES Alternate Representative to the United Nations CUBA RepfeseK/a/tue.- *H.E. Dr. Emilio NUNEZ-PORTUONDO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations Alternate Re/tyesewiahue.- *H.E. Dr. Carlos BLANCO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Mission .AdMsey.- Dr. Marcelo ALONSO Y ROCA Professor at University of Havana, and Secretary of Nuclear Energy Commission of Cuba 12 CZECHOSLOVAKIA *H.E. Dr. Pavel WINKLER Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ministry of Foreign Affairs AMefwafe RepyeseMfa&ves.- *Mr. Jaroslav PSCOLKA Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dr. Ivan ULEHLA Member of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Dr. Vratislav PECHOTA First Secretary of Embassy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Dusan SPACIL Third Secretary of Embassy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Veroslav SOBEK Ministry of Foreign Affairs 13 DENMARK RepyesewfaMves.- *H.E. Mr. Karl I. ESKELUND Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. H.H. KOCH Permanent Under-Secretary of Ministry of Social Affairs, Chairman of the Executive Committee of Danish Atomic Energy Commission Mr. H. MAEGAARD NIELSEN Assistant Head of Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs AMerwate Representative. Mr. Ole PEDERSEN Head of Section, Danish Atomic Energy Commission TecToMcaZ Aaviser. *Mr. Anker HANSEN Scientific Adviser, Permanent Mission Secretary of Delegation. "Count C.A. MOLTKE AttacM, Permanent Mission DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Represewtatn;es.- *Brig. General Alexander KOVACS Major Rafael B. GONZALEZ MASSENET *Major Alfredo F. VORSHIM 14 ECUADOR H.E. Dr. Jose V. TRUJILLO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations .Alternate RepreseM(a&ue.- ^Dr. Alberto BARRIGA
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