The Ukrainian Weekly 1987, No.41
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb Publishe(Tby the Ukrainian National A5s0ciati0n Inc.. a fraternal non-profit association| rainian Weekly Vol. LV No.41 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11,1987 25cents Ukrainian cleric Ukrainian clergy, laity granted papal audience event following the Sixth Congress of free countries is still fighting for its protests occupation Seek recognition the Laity of the Pomisna (Particular) religious and national identity in the of Patriarchate Ukrainian Catholic Church, which took face of assimilation, particularly of its of Afgiianistan place here in the Domus Pacis Septem youth. The cardinal also discussed the ROME - Some 100 Ukrainian Ca ber 23-27. The Fifth Ukrainian Catho plight of the Church laity in Ukraine, NEW YORK - In protest to the con tholic bishops, priests and laypersons lic Bishops' Synod was held nearly "We thank you for everything that tinued Soviet occupation of Afghanis were granted an audience with Pope simultaneously, September 21-30. the Apostolic See has done in the last tan, a deacon from the Zaporizhzhia John Paul II on Tuesday, September The audience began shortly after decade for those who were forced into 0bIast in Ukraine has declared a hunger 29, in the Vatican. noon with an address by Cardinal the catacombs in order to build God's strike beginning October 7, The meeting with the pontiff was Myroslav Ivan Lubachivsky, who said Kingdom. They had to be willing to Deacon Viktor Prusky of the village described by participants as a climactic the Ukrainian Catholic laity living in (Continued on page 12) of Novo-Hupolivka, wrote a letter on September 28 to General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev, expressing his con demnation of the war in Afghanistan and his distress over the deaths of *'thousands upon thousands" of Soviet citizens as a result of the conflict. He also informed the Soviet leader of his intention to begin a hunger strike on October 7, noting that he is willing to sacrifice his health and even his life. The letter - which was obtained via Moscow from Press Club Glasnost circles - was released in the United States by the External Representation of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group. The External Representation noted that nothing is known about Deacon Prusky, other than his place of resi dence. The full text of the brief letter (translated by The Ukrainian Weekly from the Ukrainian text released by the External Representation) follows. Mr. General Secretary: Thousands upon thousands of my brothers have died as a result of the evil Afghan conflict. The evidence of this may be seen in countless cities, towns and villages - in the cemeteries where their graves are found. Bidding farewell to their sons as they leave for Afghanistan, mothers prematurely mourn them. How much longer will our Cardinal Lubachivsky and some 100 faithful at their meeting with Pope John Paul II. brothers and sons be brought back in zinc coffins; how much longer will youth be killed? It would be better to use the funds allocated for Afghanistan to Scranton's Ukrainian faitfiful begin Millennium celebration better the everyday lot of our pen by Paul S. Ewasko together. impressive candlelight procession be sioners, practically left in the lurch by The interfaith activities began near gan. As the multiple bells of St. Mi their families. SCRANTON, Pa. - Sunday, Sep sunset at the beautifully and warmly chael's songfully rang out to the parti Mr. Gorbachev, you do not believe in tember 20,was indeed a historic day in appointed St. Michael's Ukrainian cipants sending them on their prayerful God, but I ask you, as the father of your the lives of Ukrainians of Northeastern Orthodox Church where the pastor, the way, scores of men, women and chil children, please, for the sake of every Pennsylvania. On that momentous day, Rt. Rev. Mitred Archpriest Nestor dren began their trek. Led first by the thing that you hold most sacred: have hundreds of faithful and clergy of both Kowal, welcomed all as brothers and cross, the U.S. and Ukrainian flags, mercy on the sons of many thousands of the Ukrainian Catholic and Ukrainian sisters of the same Ukrainian flesh and many colorful ecclesiastical and parish mothers who have not yet died in Orthodox Churches came together here blood. banners and the Icon of Our Lady of Afghanistan. Have mercy on the to inaugurate a series of ecumenical The clergy of both Churches en Zarvanytsia, the faithful proudly yet mothers of soldiers, wipe away their celebrations of the Millennium of circled the holy altar to celebrate an reverently sang familiar Ukrainian tears. Only then will I believe in your Christianity among the people of ecumenical moleben with St. Michael's hymns. Slowly they made their way reconstruction (perestroika). And your Kievan Rus'. Choir under the direction of William over eight prime blocks of the city to the entire nation will believe. This marked the very first time that Roditski singing the responses. Sung in Byzantine-styled St. Vladimir's Ukrai I consider it a great embarrassment Ukrainian Orthodox and Ukrainian both Ukrainian and English, the mole nian Catholic Church where the Rev. D. and evil that I live in the Soviet Union Catholics jointly participated in a ben invoked the Holy Spirit to continue George Worschak is pastor. and am its citizen — a citizen of a public religious event in the moun enlightening all Ukrainian Christians in Throughout its route the procession government that violates elementary tainous Northeastern quarter of the furthering mutual understanding and drew much attention from the commu human rights, that conducts an evil war. state. Parishioners of three Orthodox love for one another as brothers and nity, including the press and television As a sign of protest against the Soviet and at least 12 Catholic congregations sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ. media. As the faithful continued on (Continued on page 12) prayed, marched, sang and broke bread Upon conclusion of the moleben, an (Continued on page 11) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1987 No.41 A GLIMPSE OF SOVIET REALITY New details reach West about harassment of Lithuanians Soviets to publish historian's NEW YORK - Further details of and driven to a forest, where he was also the reported harassment of Lithuanians threatened with death. After a few who took part in nationalist demon hours, the Rev. Puzonas was released defense of Russian autocracy strations in the Baltic country this and reportedly told that if he ever dared summer have reached the West, accord to mention the Molotov-Ribbentrop by Roman Solchanyk nized and best examples of our native ing to the Center for Democracy based Pact in his sermons, he "would face an historiography." here. even sorrier fate," reported the Center Russian patriotic and nationalist Mr. Shurtaicov returned to the defense In an open letter to the procurator for Democracy. circles in the Soviet Union have scored of Karamzin's "History" at the last con general of the Soviet Union, dated another significant victory. According gress of RSFSR writers convened in September 1, five demonstrators re to its official publication plan for 1988, December 1985, maintaining that Push counted how they were terrorized by the Moskovskii Rabochii publishing Official warns against kin had read the work over and over KGB officials following the mass pro house will issue the first Soviet edition again and that the Decembrists Ryleev test in Vilnius on August 23. of Nikolai M. Karamzin's 12-volume and Mikhail Bestuzhev had asked for it The letter, signed by Nijole Sadu- nationalist protests "History of the State of Russia" in while incarcerated in the Peter and Paul naite, Robertas Grigas, the Rev. Rokas 100,000 copies. ROCKVILLE, Md. - Anatolijs fortress. No one should fear that Soviet Puzonas, Algirdas Masilionis and Karamzin (1766-1826), who was Gorbunovs, secretary of the Latvian readers would somehow be "infected" Vytautas Bogusis described the abduc appointed official court historiogra Communist Party Central Committee, by Karamzin's "naive, Utopian views," tions on three separate occasions of Ms. pher in 18Й3, is described in the Soviet maintained Mr. Shurtakov. has warned that anyone participating in Sadunaite, Mr. Grigas and the Rev. Historical Encyclopedia (Moscow, a proposed nationalist demonstration More re;cently, the philosopher Ar- Puzonas. 1965) as "an ardent defender of auto in Riga on November 18 will be treated senii Gulyga, noting that Karamzin*s Ms. Sadunaite was reportedly de cracy." His "History," which was as an anti-Soviet element. "History" was to be published in Prague tained on August 28 and driven through commissioned by the tsar, appeared and Leipzig, remarked bitterly: "So, we Mr. Gorbunov warned: parts of Lithuania and Byelorussia for between 1816 and 1824, and reflected are to read the 'History of the State of "...journalists; you should explain to 30 hours by two teams of KGB officials. the views of its sponsor. Russia' in Czech and in German." all, clearly and unequivocally, the She reported that she was threatened For Karamzin, the history of Russia Academician Dmitrii Likhachev added reality of November 18. And then let it with death by her captors. was the history of its state, and the his influential voice in support of be thus, let each and everyone clearly According to the letter, Mr. Grigas history of the Russian state was the Karamzin in his speech to the USSR display his true political face; let only was also abducted on August 28. He history of autocracy. Within this scheme Writers' Congress last year, describing those who are against our socialist was reportedly pulled from the car he there was no room for what modern the "History" as "a magnificent and system go to the Monument of Freedom.