Strategy Guide & Glossary PURGE Glossary

Attacking Unit/Commander: Refers to the Units and Commander considered the Attackers in a Battle Instance.

Battle Resolution: The very end of a Battle Instance; some effects trigger during this part of a Battle Instance.

Cancel: Cards which are subject to Cancel do not resolve or enter play and are put in their respective discard pile.

Counter/Token: An object used to represent a number associated with an ability, Token Unit, Stat or effect.

Friendly Units: Units under your control.

Nullify: Cards which are subject to Nullify do not resolve or enter play and are put back in their respective deck.

Opposing Units: Units under your Opponents control.

OPT: Stands for “Once Per Turn”. OPT means that the ability or effect associated with “Eva X” Deck “Linux Lexmada” Deck “” Deck “Infinite One” Deck “Mastermind of Time” Deck “Mastermind of Matter” Deck activation can only be used once per turn (OPT).

Regenerate: The act of increasing a Unit, Commander or Stronghold stat back to a # Card # Card # Card # Card # Card # Card previous numerical state. 1 Eva X 1 Linux Lexmada 1 Juggernaut 1 Infinite One 1 Mastermind of Time 1 Mastermind of Matter 1 Hawking Cannon 1 Capitol Ship Solaris 1 Nightmare Engine 1 Red Hand 1 Chrono Control 1 Engineered Disaster: Supernova Source: A TEK, Unit, Super Weapon, Commander, Token/Counter or Attachment located 1 Tridora City 1 New Akrom 1 Tartarus 1 Erebus 1 Ancient’s Stronghold 1 City of Twilight in any vector of play or discard pile. Cards in their respective decks do not count as sources since they have not entered play. Cards removed from the game do not count as sources. 1 Prism Tower 2 Prism Tower 1 Hell’s Architect 1 Hell’s Architect 1 Magneto Sphere 1 Magneto Sphere 1 Hell Screamer Missile Batteries 2 V-Sphere Holo Chamber 1 Reckless Defenders 1 Reckless Defenders 1 Kinetic Force Bubble 1 Kinetic Force Bubble Token Unit/Commanders: A Unit/Commander which must be removed from play 2 V-Sphere Holo Chamber 2 Fusion Reactor 2 Slag Extractor 2 Slag Extractor 2 Dark Energy Dynamo 2 Dark Energy Dynamo either upon Battle Resolution or at the end of the turn. Token Commanders do not count as 2 Fusion Reactor 2 Data Center 2 Mother Core 2 Mother Core 2 Background Radiation Collector 2 Background Radiation Collector Commanders and are considered Units. 2 Data Center 1 DARPA 2 Power Spire 2 Power Spire 2 Solar Lines 2 Solar Lines 1 DARPA 1 SKYCOMM War Room 1 Improved Chassis 1 Composite Plating 1 Temporal Halo 1 Ancient’s Gate 1 Titan Forge 1 Titan Forge 1 Memory Metal 1 Full Scale War 1 Quantum Bubble 1 Ancient’s Laboratory 1 Tank Yard 1 SKYCOMM 1 Rolling Forge 1 Hardened Exoskeleton 1 Ancient’s Gate 1 Paradox Compensator 1 Project BIOS 1 Tank Yard 1 Critical Mass 1 Rolling Forge 1 Paradox Compensator 1 Sinister Plans 1 Subterranean Colony 1 Communications Array 1 Exhaust Synthesizer 1 Automated Assembly 1 Terra-Forming Station 1 World Line Compressor 1 Flagship Orion 1 Subterranean Colony 1 Modular Assembly 1 Improved Chassis 1 Ancient’s Laboratory 1 Zero Hour 1 Flagship Titan 1 Battlefield Logistics 1 Programmed Rage 1 Fractal Designs 1 Anti-Matter Engine 1 Anti-Matter Engine 1 Aero Rail Distribution Centers 2 Quick Response Walker 1 Darkest Hour 1 Exhaust Synthesizer 1 Omni Element 1 Terra-Forming Station 2 Quick Response Walker 1 X5 Standard Walker 2 Reploid 3 Spinal Tappers 2 Shield Drone 3 Shield Drone 2 Flame Walkers 1 Flame Walker 2 Reploid Spyder 3 Reploid Hulk 2 ASSIST Drone 3 ASSIST Drone 3 City Defense Walker 1 City Defense Walker 2 Hell Dozer Engine 2 Carrier 2 Chrono Drone 3 Matter Drones 3 C37 Powell 2 C37 Powell 2 Pincer Walker 2 Pincer Walker 2 Assault Droid 2 Assault Droid 2 D03 MacArthur 1 D52 Patreaus 3 Nemesis Engine 2 Screamer Swarm 1 Mothership of Time 1 Mothership of Matter 2 SWAT Responder 1 D32 Rumsfeld 2 City Siege Engine 2 Swarm Harbinger 3 Fast Forward 4 De-Atomize 2 Helios Platform 2 D03 MacArthur 3 Forced Endurance 3 Nanite Armor 4 Lost in Time 3 Technological Superiority 3 Fade Away 1 SWAT Responder 4 3 Nanite Repairs 4 Reverse Time 3 Omnipotence 3 Fugitive Facsimile 1 XF34 Peregrine 4 Destroyer 3 Nanite Eruption 4 Slow Motion 4 Reverse Gravity 2 Carpet Bomb 1 Vega Platform 2 Core Reactivation 3 Forced Sacrifice 4 Time Stop 3 Gravity Well 2 Dangerous Doppelgangers 1 Zeus Heavy Transport 3 Skyscraper Avalanche 3 Nanite Replication 3 Sunder Time 2 Anti-Matter Annihilation 3 Alpha Assault Squad 2 Helios Platform 2 Final Blow 2 March of Machines 2 Clone Overrun 3 Enduring Human Spirit 2 Tactical Genius 3 Assume Command ZGA114, the Juggernaut 2 Pinpoint Nuke The Juggernaut specializes in bullying his 2 All Hands Barrage opponents from the start. His high and , Mastermind of Time Eva X, Alpha Clone Matriarch 2 Inspiring Transmission coupled with his OPT ability to reduce , The Mastermind of Time relies on controlling Eva X is a walking one women army. make the Juggernaut a true force to reckon the battlefield by reducing the number of Mastermind of Matter Although she may be the weakest of all the with. Throw the Juggernaut at your opponents attacks opposing units have and by cancelling Your game plan as the Mastermind of Matter Commanders, her ability to clone herself can Linux Lexmada, Emergency Earth Stronghold each turn. Forced Endurance CSX13-the Infinite One OPS cards which might otherwise do harm. is simple: destroy everything in your path. quickly lead to a solid victory. Eva’s OPS cards Coalition Commander and Rampage can turn the tide of any battle Keeping your units alive and healthy is the Expect any game with the Mastermind of Time The Mastermind of Matter is a heavy hitter are geared at putting token copies of your The Overlay ability on Linux allows him to and give the Juggernaut great sustainability. key to victory with the Infinite One. Your to be a long one. Get your Super Weapon, when it comes to his OPS cards. Almost all Commander into battle. The vicious ability, jump to Unit to Unit and “overlay” his stats Use Destroyer to pick off your opponents Commanders OPT ability to reduce the cost Chrono Control, out in play as soon as possible of them deal vector, Battle Instance or global Pyrite Rounds, allows Eva to melt away Units onto a unit. This unit is not considered a units and Core Reactivation to revive the of a Unit can mean, in some cases, free units. and start removing your opponents Units from based damage. De-Atomize is a great way to and deal more over time. Eva’s TEKs allow Commander and still may be target by OPS Juggernaut should he fall. Make sure to get Get Swarm Carrier out as quickly as possible the game. Time Stop is also an effective way to pick off high units while Reverse Gravity her to absorb more damage than normal and cards, but once Linux jumps into a Jet or Rig Hell’s Architect, Darkest Hour and Memory and start producing token units you can use get neutralize of Rigs and Dreadnoughts. In the can decimate units grouped together in one increase her Resource Attachments energy class unit, the game quickly changes. Metal into play quickly to capitalize on their in attacks as attackers or meat shields. Keep slow war of attrition, the Mastermind of Matter vector. output. your units healthy with Nanite Repairs. will always win. Linux excels at using his OPS cards to grant abilities. Play units and keep your Stronghold Make sure to utilize ASSIST Drone and Your game plan should be to keep your extra , bestow the Cloaking ability, and deal well protected- or use your units as a Once the Fractal Repairs ability is unlocked, Make sure to get Magneto Sphere, Anti-Matter Ancient’s Laboratory to reduce the cost of opponent guessing where you will attack direct damage. Linux works well with small, secondary wave of assault. the Infinite One starts to truly become Engine and Temporal Halo into play quickly. OPS cards for even more devastating effects. next and keeping their number of units to a elite groups of units. Instead of one large The key to winning with the Juggernaut is terrifying. Acting the Fractal Repairs ability Terra Forming Station is also a solid card to play Matter Drones and Assault Drones are minimum. If you opponents Commander gets attack, utilize Linux’s Ops cards to attack to keep your opponent pressured. Killing does not count as an Action, meaning you in early turns in order to capitalize on its ability. great ways to whittle down your opponent’s weak, Alpha Assault Squad is a great way to multiple times with different units. Linux off units and attacking your opponents can return units form your discard pile back to Once you have unlocked the Chronometry Stronghold . Once your opponents take him out. Once you have unlocked the TEK’s are geared towards unlocked multiple Stronghold each turn is key. Once your play without expending an Action! Once you ability, Chrono Drones and the Mastermind of Stronghold is low enough, end the game Clone DNA ability, do not be afraid to send Unit abilities, and Linux has no shortage of opponents Stronghold is around 12 , make have unlocked Dreadnought, play March of Matter can go on the offensive and cripple your with Anti-Matter Annihilation. If your opponent Eva head long into a suicide mission with her specialized Tanks and Rigs. Once your army your assault with the Juggernaut & Nightmare Machines and steam role any opposite with opponents attack force. Always make sure to manages to fend off your attacks, unleash the sister clones- only to have her resurrected is in place, play Inspiring Transmission and Engine Super Weapon and issue the Final sheer force. Remember, tokens do not count have a Shield Drone or two at your Stronghold most devastating Super Weapon: Engineered and ready to fight again! launch an assault unlike any other. Blow to seal the victory. towards your Supply Cap! in case of any surprise attacks. Disaster- Supernova. An instant game winner!

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