
Earth-717: Vol 1

Chapter 10: Suicide Mission

“My, my, my! To have so many of our friends together in the same place! I know that it is under quite distressing circumstances, but still, it's wonderful to have such a congregation!”

Steve, Tasha, , Bruce, Carol, Reed, Susan, Johnny, Ben and Herbie were all in one of the hangars on board the Valiant. The One had been moved from the Senatorium to the Valiant earlier that day, and Tasha had finished installing her new upgrade to the ship. Hundreds of other pilots and officers were moving around the hangar, preparing for the battle ahead.

Herbie bounced up and down as he looked around at the group.

“To see the ready to go into battle alongside such brave and noble heroes like yourselves! It is truly remarkable, is it not, Doctor Richards?”

“It sure is,” said Reed. “You've got quite a team.”

“Put it together at the last minute,” said Tasha. “Since somebody decided that they wanted an interstellar vacation at the worst possible time.”

“Hey!” said Johnny. “Wasn't my fault! Blame these guys! I just went along for the ride!”

Ben gave Johnny a light smack on the back of the head.

“Nobody asked you, junior.”

Johnny grumbled as he tried to fix his hair. Reed laughed before looking back Steve.

“Don't suppose you'd like to tell me how I'm standing across from ?”

“I guess that a man of science like yourself would be interested in that sort of thing,” said Steve.

“It's a bit of a long story, but I'll tell you the whole thing after we finish this.”

“I'll accept that.”

A voice then came in through the loudspeakers.

“The fleet will be moving out in ten minutes,” said the voice. “I repeat, the fleet will be moving out in ten minutes. Please make all final preparations.” “Time to go,” said Carol.

The heroes all piled in to the Rogue One. Carol took the pilot's chair, and Johnny scrambled to get in the passenger seat. The rest of them took positions inside the main compartment. Herbie then floated up to Bruce.

“Doctor Banner?”


“I have been meaning to ask you . . . . where is ROB? Did he not accompany you on this endeavour?”

Bruce froze. He took a few seconds to think to himself as Herbie waited for an answer. Bruce then looked down.

“ROB . . . . I, I'm so sorry, Herbie. ROB is gone.”

Herbie turned his head to the side.


“After we left the , we went to a bunker. An Air Force base. There was a fight, and . . . . ROB saved my life. He saved Betty. He saved everyone. But he didn't make it.”

Herbie slowly lowered his head.

“I'm sorry,” said Bruce. “I know he was your friend. He was mine too.”

Herbie looked back up.

“But he died . . . . a hero?”


Herbie gently bounced up and down.


Herbie then turned away and floated over to Reed. Ben and Steve were standing right behind the cockpit seats.

“So this is that doodad you was cookin' up with the Air Force, huh, Danvers?” asked Ben. “Nice ship. Love to put her through her paces, but I definitely won't fit in that seat.”

“Just wait until you see what I can do with her,” said Carol.

Tasha stepped up between Ben and Steve.

“You know, when we were walking in here, I saw that Carol here had a little hip in her step,” said Tasha, giggling. “I think I know what that means.”

Without missing a beat, Carol gave Tasha a deadpan reply.

“I didn't see one in yours. I think I know what that means.”

Tasha flared her nostrils as she realized that she did not have a clever retort. Carol smugly smiled as she flew the Rogue One out of the hangar. The fleet that had been amassed was massive, including thousands of Nova and ships from all over the . The fleet was spearheaded by the two capital ships, the Valiant and the Executor. There were numerous smaller warships, heavy cruisers, support ships, troop transports and starfighter squadrons.

Carol took the Rogue One to the head of the fleet, placing the fighter between the two capital ships. She briefly glanced over at the Executor, where she knew Mar-Vell was currently stationed. As they waited for the final go ahead, Reed stood up and spoke.


All the people inside the ship turned to look at Reed.

“I have something I need to tell you all.”

“What is it?” asked Susan.

“If we . . . . when we win this, the Gem will still exist. If we stop Veranke, we'll have to deal with it. It's a cosmic artifact of unimaginable power, and I don't necessarily think we can entrust it to just anyone.”

Reed sighed and glanced at Susan for a moment before he continued.

“I can't explain everything just yet. I'm not even sure if I completely understand it myself. But when Herbie and I went to Satriani, when we discovered the origin of the Keystone . . . . let's just say that I know where that Gem needs to be. When we recover it, give it to me, and I will make sure that I get it to a place where no one will ever use its power to harm anyone else ever again.”

Reed exhaled.

“I hope you all can trust me to do that.”

Susan reached out and placed her hand on Reed's arm.

“Of course we can,” she said.

“I trust you more than anyone, ,” said Ben. “You know that.”

“Who else would we give it to?” asked Johnny. “Can't give it to Ben.”

“We trust you,” said Bruce.

“You seem to be an honourable sort,” said Thor. “And I trust the judgements of your associates,

Doctor Richards.”

Steve nodded.

“If you think you can rid the galaxy of the threat of the Keystone, then I say go for it. We're with you, Reed.”

Reed nodded back to Steve and then sat down next to Susan. Herbie performed an aerial somersault. Carol then looked back at her control console as the video screen lit up. Nova was on the other end.

“All ships, this is Nova Prime, broadcasting on the shared frequency. The fleet is in position and the interstellar coordinates for the Sol System are locked. Prepare for warp jump on my mark.”

Carol primed the warp core.

“Come on,” she said. “Time to go home.”


The Rogue One and the entire fleet all went to warp speed at the same time, and the thousands of ships all rocketed across the galaxy, heading straight for Earth.

* * * * On board the Exile's Intent, Veranke was sitting in her throne room, with her Keystone necklace back around her neck. The defensive matrix generated by the Cyberex Device was at full strength, and her fleet of Pariahs were in formation around the planet. Torgo was standing at her right side, and

Bishop Grixx was on her left. A holographic image of General De'Lila was in front of her.

“The last of the Pariahs are taking their positions,” said De'Lila. “I've coordinated them, and they will be ready to defend the planet from all incursions. I've received reconnaissance data saying that the and the Kree may be joining their fleet strength together and preparing for an assault. If so, we'll be ready for them.”

“Thank you, General,” said Veranke. “Alert me to any further developments.”

De'Lila gave a short bow before her hologram faded. Three then walked into the room from the far side entrance. Kl'rt and Criti Noll were there, as well as a that stood four metres tall and was wearing blue battle armour. This was Titannus, a Skrull known for his incredible strength and prowess as a .

“I expect we'll be hearing from the Nova Corps and the Kree sooner rather than later,” said

Veranke. “When the time comes, we'll be ready.”

“As you say, my Queen,” said Kl'rt.

Criti slashed her blades against each other.

“Can't wait,” she said.

Titannus roared. Grixx shook his head.

“Are you certain, my Queen?”

Veranke looked at Grixx with an unimpressed face. He then started to walk towards her front, taking a place amongst the Skrull warriors.

“The assault on failed. Two of your Military Cabinet are dead. And now there's word of an alliance between the Nova Corps and the Kree? I've watched you grow since you were a child, and

I've always tried to help you. What I'm saying is that I don't know if this blockade you've built is the most . . . .”

Veranke glared at Grixx as a beam fired out of the Keystone. It struck Grixx, and he instantly exploded into with a brief . Veranke's face did not move at all. Everyone else in the room, especially Torgo, looked at the place where Grixx used to be with shock. After a couple seconds of silence, Veranke then faced forward.

“Would anyone else like to question my tactics?”

Kl'rt, Criti and Titannus all shook their heads. Torgo remained silent.

“Good,” said Veranke.

The holographic indicator blinked again, and De'Lila's hologram reappeared.

“My Queen! I was right. There's a fleet coming. Nova Corps and Kree ships. They're here!”

Veranke smirked.

“Let them come.”

* * * *

The Rogue One, the Valiant, the Executor and the thousands of other ships in the fleet all warped into the space near Earth. Right away, they could see the human homeworld in the distance, completely surrounded by Skrull forces. The Exile's Intent was at the centre of the blockade, and it was enshrouded within a blue defensive matrix.

The rest of the blockade was formed of almost a hundred Pariahs and thousands of other Skrull vessels, including warships, support ships and starfighters. Tasha gulped upon seeing the full measure of the Skrull fleet.


Steve put his hand on Tasha's shoulder.

“Hold steady,” he said. “We can do this.”

Tasha looked at Steve and reluctantly nodded.

“Almost within firing range,” said Carol. “This is it,” said Nova Prime, her voice being heard within every ship in the fleet. “Prepare to engage the Skrull forces on my mark.”

The Pariahs and the other Skrull vessels started to move forward.


Reed squeezed Susan's hand.


Thor took in a deep breath.


Carol furrowed her brow.


Hundreds of thousands of lasers and missiles were all fired at the same time. The Nova and

Kree warships unleashed a full barrage as the starfighters closed in and prepared to the larger enemy vessels. The Pariahs unfurled their legs to reveal their central laser cannons before they started firing into the incoming fleet.

Skrull support ships began firing their ionized lasers as the Kree warships unleashed massive salvos of missiles. Starfighters from both sides began weaving in and around the battle, dogfighting and shooting each other down. The entire area was soon completely covered with lasers, bullets, missiles and cannon blasts.

As the Rogue One closed in, Carol started firing her twin laser cannons. She quickly shot down an entire squadron of Skrull fighters, before barrel rolling out of the way of an incoming missile. As another Skrull fighter got close, Carol carefully flew through the wreckage of a Skrull support ship that had been split in half, and the enemy fighter smashed into a stray metal beam.

As Carol emerged on the other side of the wreck, she could see that the Pariahs were dangerously close.

“Time to show them my new upgrade,” said Tasha. “I took out the tactical nuke and replaced it with something better. Give it a shot.”

Carol pressed the button that used to be designated for the tactical nuke. A silver double cannon emerged from the underside of the Rogue One. It charged for a brief moment, before firing a massive pink wave beam. The beam struck the front end of one of the Pariahs, ripping through its kinetic barriers and smashing through its armour.

Everyone gasped as Tasha put on a smug expression.

“Holy crap!” shouted Johnny.

“Say hello to my new and improved Proton Cannon,” said Tasha. “Powered to ungodly levels by the Rogue One's warp core, and designed by your very own Auntie Tasha. You're welcome, kids.”

“Oh, hell yes,” said Carol.

Flying under a retaliatory laser blast from the Pariah, Carol then moved just far enough out of the Pariah's range before firing another sustained beam. It ravaged the exterior shell of the Pariah, piercing the internal mechanics. She held the beam as long as she could, and soon enough the Pariah seemed to be severely crippled.

“Finish it off!” said Steve.

Carol flew upwards before turning around, ready for another attack run. The light on the

Pariah's central laser chamber blinked on and off, and it struggled to keep moving. As Carol boosted towards the Pariah, she fired one more heavy beam. The explosion caused by the beam striking the central chamber split the Pariah in half.

Everyone inside the Rogue One cheered.

“YEAH!” shouted Carol. “The Force ain't strong with you, assholes!”

“You're magic, Cheeseburger,” said Ben, shaking his head and smiling. “Goddamn magic.”

“That's one of their Pariahs down,” said Nova Prime. “Nice work, Rogue One. Do you see, everyone? We can beat them! All warships, coordinate your fire on the nearest Pariahs.”

“Copy that, Nova Prime,” said Rhomann. Mar-Vell's voice was the next one to come through the speakers.

“Saw that from here, Carol! Beautiful sight!”

“Showing off for you, baby,” said Carol.

“Let us vanquish another!” shouted Thor, holding his hammer above his head.

The Kree and Nova warships started working together, focusing their fire on the incoming

Pariahs. While the Pariahs were huge and powerful, even they were not indestructible. Several more started to buckle and be torn apart by the sheer volume of laser fire and missile barrages that they were enduring.

However, the Skrull armada was still very formidable. Pariah laser cannon blasts were capable of destroying the enemy warships with only a couple shots, and several Kree and Nova warships were quickly obliterated. The support ships and starfighters worked to take the pressure off of the capital ships and heavy cruisers, but many of them were shot down by enemy fire.

Carol fired a set of missiles at a Skrull support ship that was targeting a Kree cruiser. The missiles caused the support ship to explode, and Kree fighters swooped in and began bombing runs against a Pariah that it was guarding. Nova and Kree fighters teamed up to launch as many attack runs as they could on the nearby Pariah.

Another squadron of Skrull fighters started chasing after the Rogue One, all of them firing their lasers. Carol dodged and weaved as much as she could, but she was unable to shake them off. The ship's deflector shields started to repel the incoming lasers.

“Could use a little help,” said Carol.

Susan stood up and entered the cockpit, with Ben and Tasha getting out of her way.

“Allow me,” said Susan.

Susan held out both of her hands, and a full spherical barrier formed around the Rogue One. The laser fire was rendered utterly inert, and Carol used the reprieve to turn around, before flying straight at the fighters like a battering ram. The Skrull fighters no longer stood a chance, and soon enough they were all reduced to scrap metal.

“Nice one,” said Carol. “Think we could ram one of the big ones with this ?”

Susan weakly chuckled.

“Already tried. I'd rather not do that again . . . .”

* * * *

Veranke sneered as she watched the space battle from her throne room window. She was also receiving a live holographic feed from De'Lila's Pariah. The Pariah latched on and dug its legs into a

Kree cruiser before firing its laser directly into it, shattering the entire ship. Looking back out the window, she could see that despite everything, her fleet was not winning the battle as easily as she would have liked.

Veranke folded her hands together and sat back in her chair. Torgo was ever at her right side, his arms crossed over his chest. While he was silent, he kept his eyes on his Queen. He had always been at her side, ever since the Royal Family of Skrullos found her as a penniless orphan in a dark alley. He had watched her change from a helpless child to the most dangerous villain in the galaxy. Torgo lowered his head slightly as he thought about all the terrible things Veranke had done.

However, a sudden sound jostled Torgo out of his thoughts. Both Veranke and Torgo looked up and around as they heard a loud crack. Looking back out the window, Veranke then gasped as she saw that the blue defensive matrix around the Exile's Intent was dissipating. Her lips quivered as the holographic image of a Mekkan officer appeared before her.

“My Queen!”

Veranke looked at the Mekkan with panic.

“What's going on?!”

“I'm here on the ground! The Cyberex Device has just been destroyed! General Paibok was there, and now no one can reach him! The city has turned into a disaster! The defensive Pariah was annihilated! We can't . . . .” The Mekkan then looked up as an AIM shuttle rained missiles down on his location. The hologram cut out. Torgo shook his head. Veranke clenched her jaw as pure, unadulterated filled every cell in her body.

* * * *

“Look!” shouted Johnny.

Carol turned her head to see the that the defensive matrix surrounding the Exile's Intent was fading away. The beam that was shooting up from the planet disappeared, and now there was nothing stopping an approach on Veranke's base of operations.

“Time to take the fight to her,” said Susan.

“All ships, this is the Rogue One,” said Carol, speaking into the ship's communicator.

“Defensive matrix around the Exile's Intent is down. I repeat, the Exile's Intent is vulnerable!”

“This is the Executor,” said Ronan. “We see it, Rogue One, but we cannot make an approach.

There are still too many Pariahs on the field.”

“Copy that,” said Nova Prime. “None of our capital ships can break through the blockade yet, and the Exile's Intent will have other defenses. We have to get through the fleet first!”

“We're going in,” said Steve. “We'll take it from the inside.”

Carol looked up at Steve and nodded before she spoke into the communicator again.

“Negative on that, Valiant,” said Carol. “Rogue One will make an approach. We'll go inside and deal as much damage as we can. If we get to Veranke, we can win this thing right now.”

“Carol, no!” shouted Mar-Vell. “You don't have to do this! You'll never make it!”

“I'm sorry, Mar-Vell,” said Carol. “This is the only way. And don't try to talk me out of it, because you know you won't be able to.”

Mar-Vell was silent for a few seconds.

“I know,” he said.

Carol took in a breath. “I'm going in.”

Mar-Vell then blurted out his next sentence.

“I love you.”

Carol smiled.

“I know,” she said.

Carol then boosted forward, flying straight through the blockade. Susan maintained her barrier around the ship, closing her eyes to focus as much as she could. As the Rogue One approached the

Exile's Intent, the defensive cannons on the capital ship opened fire on the small fighter. There were far too many for Carol to possibly dodge, but Susan's barrier deflected them.

Carol spotted an open hangar, and headed straight for it. Susan strained herself as hundreds of lasers collided with her barrier. At the last second, Susan's power gave out, and one of the lasers struck the Rogue One's right wing. The ship's flight path was thrown off slightly, and it crashed inside of the open hangar.