Earth-717: Avengers Vol 1 Chapter 10: Suicide Mission “My, My, My! to Have So Many of Our Friends Together in the Same Place!
Earth-717: Avengers Vol 1 Chapter 10: Suicide Mission “My, my, my! To have so many of our friends together in the same place! I know that it is under quite distressing circumstances, but still, it's wonderful to have such a congregation!” Steve, Tasha, Thor, Bruce, Carol, Reed, Susan, Johnny, Ben and Herbie were all in one of the hangars on board the Valiant. The Rogue One had been moved from the Senatorium to the Valiant earlier that day, and Tasha had finished installing her new upgrade to the ship. Hundreds of other Nova pilots and officers were moving around the hangar, preparing for the battle ahead. Herbie bounced up and down as he looked around at the group. “To see the Fantastic Four ready to go into battle alongside such brave and noble heroes like yourselves! It is truly remarkable, is it not, Doctor Richards?” “It sure is,” said Reed. “You've got quite a team.” “Put it together at the last minute,” said Tasha. “Since somebody decided that they wanted an interstellar vacation at the worst possible time.” “Hey!” said Johnny. “Wasn't my fault! Blame these guys! I just went along for the ride!” Ben gave Johnny a light smack on the back of the head. “Nobody asked you, junior.” Johnny grumbled as he tried to fix his hair. Reed laughed before looking back Steve. “Don't suppose you'd like to tell me how I'm standing across from Captain America?” “I guess that a man of science like yourself would be interested in that sort of thing,” said Steve.
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