2015-2016 Academy Year About the WAFW͵

The World Academy for the Future of Women is a bold and daring leadership program focused on developing young women for leadership roles that will address and achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Begun on the campus of Sias International University in 2009, the World Academy grew from a one year program for 100 women to a multi-level three year program for women, and a Men’s Academy for the Future of Women, a program requested by men students, which now replicates the women’s program and prepares men to support the advancement of women。

ޣҾᆖ䲒 ц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒ᡀ・Ҿ 2009 ᒤˈᱟањѕ䉘བྷ㛶ⲴуѪᒤ䖫ྣᙗ䇮䇑Ⲵ亶ሬ࣋ษ䇝㓴㓷DŽ ᆖ䲒㔃ਸѝ㾯ᯩ᮷ॆਁኅ䇮䇑䈮〻ˈԕ㚄ਸഭਟᤱ㔝ਁኅⴞḷѪṨᗳˈ䙊䗷䈮าᆖҐо亩ⴞᇎ䐥ᶕ ᕅሬᒤ䖫Ӫࠝ⵰ྩԜⲴ◰ᛵ઼ᢗ⵰৫ࡋ䙐઼ᇎ⧠㠚ᡁỖᜣˈᒦᑞࣙྩԜݵ┑㠚ؑˈॿࣙྩԜ㧧ᗇᢰ 㜭ˈ啃࣡ྩԜᡀѪᆖ䲒ǃ⽮४ǃഭᇦѳ㠣ޘ⨳Ⲵ亶ሬ㘵DŽ ᆖ䲒Ӿᡀ・ѻࡍ⇿ᒤᤋ᭦ 100 ਽ᆖઈⲴаᒤࡦ亩ⴞਁኅࡠྲӺޡйњн਼ᒤ㓗ˈवᤜྣᙗᆖ䲒ǃ ⭧ᙗᆖ䲒Ⲵޘᯩսǃཊቲ⅑ษ䇝㓴㓷DŽ

PURPOSE: To advance and accelerate the leadership of women worldwide. ↕ᙗⲴ䘋ྣ⨳ޘ䘋઼࣐ᘛ׳ :ᆖ䲒ⴞḷ

MISSION: To empower women through the discovery of their passion, purpose, and path to success, calling forth the full expression of human possibilities through collaborative and inclusive partnerships. ᆖ䲒֯ભ˖䙊䗷ᦸᵳ઼◰࣡ྣᙗᶕ੨ᕅྩԜ᧒㍒Ӫ⭏Ⲵⴞḷˈ◰ᛵ઼䙊ᖰᡀ࣏Ⲵ䚃䐟DŽ䙊䗷ਁኅॿ ㌫ݵ࠶ਁᧈྣᙗ▌㜭DŽޣ֌઼वᇩᙗⲴਸ֌Չդ

 WAFW Structure

World Academy members commit to a year long program that requires 8-10 hours of class room and project teamwork each week. They must participate in one or more of the World Academy Projects that address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, to create their own project and team focusing on social justice, gender equality or human rights. Members do not receive university credit for their World Academy work. We believe leadership is not for credit, rather leadership is about being socially responsible and providing a service that will enable others to advance their status in life and accelerate their ability to become a contributing member of society. Today the Academy has five separate divisions comprised of members from all class levels, freshman through senior year. The division levels are: ! ᆖ䲒㔃ᶴ˖

ᆖ䲒ᆖઈ೺ᤜҶᶕ㠚㾯ӊᯟഭ䱵ᆖ䲒བྷа㠣བྷഋ਴њᒤ㓗н਼уъⲴᆖ⭏ˈྣᙗᆖ䲒Ⲵᡀઈ㾱 䇱൘Ѫᵏаᒤ䟼ˈ⇿ઘ㾱ᴹሿᰦⲴ䈮〻ᆖҐ઼亩ⴞ㓴⍫ࣘᰦ䰤DŽԆԜᗵ享৲࣐ањᡆањԕ؍ кⲴԕ㚄ਸഭਟᤱ㔝ਁኅⴞḷѪ⍫ࣘṨᗳⲴྣᙗᆖ䲒亩ⴞ㓴DŽԕ৺㠚ᐡ৫ࡋᔪޣҾ⽮Պޜᒣˈєᙗ ᒣㅹ઼Ӫᵳᯩ䶒Ⲵ亩ⴞ㓴઼ഒ䱏DŽ ࣐ྣᙗᆖ䲒䈮〻ⲴᡀઈнՊᗇࡠᆖ࠶DŽᡁԜ⴨ؑ亶ሬ࣋᡽㜭нᱟѪҶᆖ࠶ˈ㘼ᱟѪҶ⽮Պ䍓৲ ࠪ䍑⥞㘼ᨀ׋ᴽ࣑DŽڊԫ઼ᑞࣙԆӪᨀ儈ԆԜⲴ⭏⍫ൠսˈᨀॷԆԜⲴ㜭࣋ᶕᴤྭൠ֌Ѫ⽮Պаઈ


Ь ࡍ㓗ྣᙗᆖ䲒ᆖઈ˄ㅜаᒤ࣐ޕᆖ䲒Ⲵྣᙗᆖઈ˅ Ь 儈㓗ྣᙗᆖ䲒ᆖઈ˄㔗㔝ᆖ䲒ㅜҼᒤᆖҐⲴྣᙗᆖઈ˅ Ь ࡍ㓗⭧ᙗᆖ䲒ᆖઈ˄ㅜаᒤ࣐ޕᆖ䲒Ⲵ⭧ᙗᆖઈ˅ Ь 儈㓗⭧ᙗᆖ䲒ᆖઈ˄㔗㔝ᆖ䲒ㅜҼᒤᆖҐⲴ⭧ᙗᆖઈ˅ Ь 㹼ࣘ࣋ᆖ䲒ᆖઈ˄ㅜйᒤ൘ᆖ䲒ᆖҐⲴᆖઈ˅

3  World Academy Advisory Board

Members of the Advisory Board contribute to the growth and expansion of the work of the World Academy through their commitment,concerns,and connections. Their support and partnership forges new frontiers and widens our vision for new possibilities.

؅ୢஐୋ׸ճѪىЌࣙ׭㓬ޭ޼Ն ц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒亮䰞ငઈՊⲴᡀઈˈѪᆖ䲒Ⲵਁኅ༞བྷ䍑⥞Ҷ᢯䈪ˈޣ⡡઼ԆԜⲴ⽮Պ ޣ㌫DŽԆԜⲴ᭟ᤱоਸ֌ˈᑞࣙᆖ䲒ਁ⧠н਼Ⲵਟ㜭ᙗоᯠⲴᵪ䙷DŽ

Global Interactions Board of Directors

The World Academy for the Future of Women is a program of Global Interactions, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.The Board contributes leadership, vision, high standards of operation and oversight in the pursuit of program workability and participant results.

ষ֡ࢺࣁрࡗҷ՚嗋жѪ 㖾ഭ⧟⨳Ӕ⍱ޜਨᱟ 501(c)(3)䶎㩕࡙ᙗޜ⳺㓴㓷ˈц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒Ѫ䈕ޜਨ൘ѝഭᡀ ਨ㪓һՊԕަ亶㻆㋮⾎ǃᡈ⮕⵬ݹˈࡦᇊᆖ䲒䘀㩕儈ḷ߶ˈ䈳᧗亩ⴞⲴਟ㹼ᙗˈᒦⴁޜⲴ亩ⴞDŽ・ ㇑৲оᡀ᷌DŽ

Board Members ͵ճۉҷ՚嗋жѪ Jerrie Ueberle, Chair Ron Mann, Ph.D. Joni Samples, Ed.D. Cyd West

 WAFW Facilitators

Members of the World Academy Facilitator Body are volunteers who have participated in a 15-18 hour orientation describing the origin and development of the World Academy and how it works. Volunteers completing the orientation then choose to participate in ways that best serve the World Academy utilizing their knowledge, networks, and skill sets. They may volunteer to seek resources, develop programs, conduct research, become mentors, provide internships, give or get financial support, attend the Annual Women's Symposium or other significant tasks to accelerate women's leadership and the work of the World Academy worldwide.

Others choose to be a World Academy facilitator and make a commitment to travel to an Academy site for five weeks and deliver a four (4) week module of the World Academy curriculum, aligning their unique experience and expertise with the World Academy curriculum outcomes. Facilitators assume their own transportation costs and the host site provides housing and meals during their stay at the Academy site. No remuneration is provided for facilitator services. More than eighty facilitators have generously delivered the World Academy curriculum over the last seven years.

Facilitator orientations can be requested and scheduled when a group of ten or more women or men request to participate. Organizations and associations are invited to partner with the World Academy to promote the growth of the Facilitator Body or sponsor one of their members to be a World Academy Facilitator.


ц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒˄ྣᙗᆖ䲒˅ⲴሬᐸԜ䜭Պ֌Ѫᘇᝯ㘵ᶕ৲࣐ሿᰦ Ҿྣ䲒ᡀ・ˈਁኅ઼䘀㩕Ⲵᦸ䈮ษ䇝DŽྩԜ䴰㾱ݸᆼᡀᦸ䈮ษ䇝ˈ❦ਾ޽䘹ᤙԕޣⲴ ӰѸṧⲴᯩᔿᶕ䘀⭘㠚ᐡⲴ⸕䇶ˈӪ䱵㖁ˈ઼ᢰ㜭ㅹ᭟ᤱྣᙗᆖ䲒DŽྩԜਟ㜭ᘇᝯ᧒ ራ䍴Ⓚˈਁኅ亩ⴞˈ䘋㹼䈳⹄ˈᡀѪሬᐸˈᨀ׋ᇎҐˈᨀ׋ᡆ㘵ᗇࡠ䍒࣑᭟ᤱˈ৲о 䘋ྣᙗ亶ሬ઼࣋ྣᙗᆖ䲒൘ц⭼׳ᒤаᓖⲴྣᙗ䇪උᡆ㘵ަԆᴹ䟽བྷ᜿ѹⲴԫ࣑ᶕ⇿ 㤳ത޵Ⲵᐕ֌DŽ ֌Ѫᆖ䲒ሬᐸⲴਖཆањ䘹ᤙቡᱟ᢯䈪ࡠѝഭ䘋㹼ѪᵏഋઘⲴྣᙗᆖ䲒亶ሬ࣋䈮 〻ᮉᦸˈሶԆԜ⤜аᰐҼⲴ㓿শ઼уъᢰ㜭઼ྣᙗᆖ䲒Ⲵ䈮〻ⴞḷ⴨㔃ਸDŽ൘ᆖ䲒ᦸ 䈮ᵏ䰤ˈሬᐸԜሶ㠚ᐡᣵ䍏Ӕ䙊ㅹ䍩⭘ˈྣᙗᆖ䲒ᨀ׋伏ᇯDŽሬᐸԜⲴ᭟ᤱ઼ᐕ֌ᱟ ᰐᣕ䞜ⲴDŽ൘䗷৫Ⲵᒤ䟼ˈᐢ㓿ᴹ䎵䗷਽ሬᐸឧមൠᶕࡠѝഭ൘ᆖ䲒ᮉᦸ䈮〻DŽ 䘋㘵㓴ᡀˈԆԜਟԕ䈧׳ᆖᦸ䈮ษ䇝ሶᱟ⭡а㓴Ӫᡆ㘵ᴤཊⲴྣᙗᡆ㘵⭧ᙗ 䘋ᮤ׳਼ޡᡆ㘵㻛ᆹᧂᡀањษ䇝㓴DŽ㓴㓷઼ॿՊਟԕᡀѪྣᙗᆖ䲒Ⲵਸ֌Չդᶕ≳ 䘋㘵DŽ׳փⲴਁኅᡆ㘵᧘㦀ԆԜⲴа਽ᡀઈᡀѪྣᙗᆖ䲒Ⲵ



Allison Haynes Paula Shoup Melanie St.James

Susan Brooks Gail Marshall Alanna Levenson Suzanne Mayo Frindt



$% !H@

Kumi Ritchey

$ @



Joyce Brinton Judi Price Ginger Miller LyndaBridget Bishop Kelly

Chui QingQing Katrina Whitecavage Shirley Osborne H@

Ruth Reese

 WORLD ACADEMY FACILITATORS ц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒ሬᐸ 2012-2013

Shirley Osborne Dwight Duckins Robert Ford LyndaJerrie UeberleBishop

Cathy Adams Steven Sumner &H$8( *Ann Schubert

Eileen Brill Wagner Kevin Brown Kathy Brown Andrea Conner


Jacqueline Freeman * Joyce Brinton DwightLynda Bishop Duckins

Rachel Vidmar Steven Sumner Joni Samples Carol Dickson

Manule Guillot Catherine Jennings Ann Schubert Elizabeth Ursic

Kyna Rosen +


Jerrie Ueberle Jacqueline Freeman & Sharon Liu

G + Laura Nitsos Sunneye Phillips

ManuleJulia Curcio Guillot CatherineDave Kosanke Jennings *Ann Schubert CatherineAnn Schubert Jennings

Elizabeth$+ Ursic AnnKyna Schubert Rosen +Sheila Key Joyce Brinton  Sharyn* Mathieu *(@@ $@8! PatriceLynda RegisterBishop 2015-2016

RachelJerrie Ueberle Vidmar StevenLaura SumnerNitsos Kinsey Cooper Bridget Kelly

Bill Svoboda Denise Love Gary Love Eileen Brill Wagner

Michael Wagner  WAFW Alumni ṑ৻Պ

The World Academy Alumni in Action was established in November, 2014. It is open to both women and men who have completed at least one year of the World Academy. Alumni are bound together by the experiences shared as Academy members, we use this association to maintain and expand our commitment to our leadership and to impact others through our work, our careers and our relationships. .

ц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒ṑ৻Պᡀ・Ҿ 2014 ᒤ 11 ᴸˈࠑᆼᡀᆖ䲒аᒤᆖҐⲴᆖઈণਟ⭣䈧࣐ޕ ṑ৻ՊDŽ֌Ѫṑ৻ՊⲴᡀઈˈᡁԜ䙊䗷࠶ӛ൘ྣᙗྣ䲒ᡀ䮯ᆖҐⲴ㓿শ⴨ӂ㚄㌫൘а䎧ˈ䙊䗷ṑ৻ ՊⲴᒣਠᶕඊᤱᒦ␡ॆ㠚䓛ޣҾᨀॷ亶ሬ࣋Ⲵ᢯䈪ˈ਼ᰦҏ࣐བྷᡁԜ൘ᐕ֌ǃһъ৺⽮Ӕ㖁㔌ᶕՐ 䙂ᡁԜⲴⴞḷо◰ᛵሶՊӗ⭏Ⲵᖡ૽DŽ

PURPOSE: To empower a life-long relationship among World Academy members who have completed the work of the World Academy and are passionate and committed to accelerating the leadership of women worldwide.

ᙗ亶ሬ࣋ᨀॷⲴՈ⿰ྣᙗᆖ䲒ᆖઈѻ䰤ᢃ䙐ྣ⨳ޘ䘋׳ⴞ ḷ: ൘ᐢ㓿ᆼᡀᆖъˈᇼᴹ◰ᛵф㠤࣋Ҿ ањ㓸䓛Ⲵޣ㌫㖁

MISSION: To create a dynamic network of World Academy alumni who will: promote and contribute to the World Academy for the Future of Women movement worldwide support one another in the spirit of leadership in advancing their professional and personal growth be their word and fully expressed with generosity and gratitude widen their vision for what is possible for themselves and others on their path to successful leadership

: ㌫㖁ˈṑ৻Ԝሶޣભ: ൘ྣᙗᆖ䲒∅ъṑ৻ѻ䰤ᢃ䙐⍫࣋ഋሴⲴࣘᘱ ֯ 䘋ྣᙗᆖ䲒൘ц⭼㤳ത޵Ⲵਁኅ׳㠤࣋Ҿ ൘亶ሬ࣋㋮⾎Ⲵᖡ૽л᭟ᤱަԆᡀઈਁኅу䮯઼ᇎ⧠㠚ᡁᡀ䮯 ឧមˈᗳᘰᝏᚙˈؑᆸ᢯䈪ˈ֯⭏ભݵ┑᜿ѹоᕐ࣋ ൘ᨀॷ亶ሬ࣋Ⲵ䚃䐟кнᯝ᥁ᡈ㠚ᡁˈᔰᤃ⵬⭼ˈ᧒㍒ᯠⲴᵪ䙷оਟ㜭

 WAFW Global Mentoring Program ޘ⨳ሬᐸ亩ⴞ

The Academy members thrive on one-to-one relationships with mentors. These relationships begin when members are in the World Academy and often continue after graduation. Most of the mentoring is virtual, which means Skype, email and WeChat. All of the mentoring is meaningful, providing a bridge between age, culture and experience. Repeatedly, mentors gain as much from the experience as the members. They learn about themselves, as well as the deep reward of supporting young women and men grow as individuals and leaders.

ц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒ޘ⨳ሬᐸ亩ⴞ䙊䗷ᔪ・аሩаሬᐸᆖઈޣ㌫ᶕᑞࣙᆖ⭏ᇎ⧠ᴤྭⲴᨀॷˈ ᤱDŽབྷ䜘࠶ሬᐸᱟ䙊䗷㓯к˄6N\SH㿶仁؍㌫ᡀ・Ҿᆖઈ൘ṑᵏ䰤ˈҏሶ൘ަ∅ъਾ㔗㔝ޣ䘉⿽䖵ሬ ⭥䈍ǃ䛞Ԧ઼ᗞؑ˅ㅹᯩᔿоᆖઈ䘋㹼⋏䙊Ӕ⍱DŽ䘉⿽ᴹ䪸ሩᙗⲴ䖵ሬᱟ䶎ᑨᴹ᜿ѹⲴˈѪн਼ᒤ 㓚ǃ᮷ॆ㛼Ჟǃ⭏⍫䰵শⲴӪԜᨀ׋ҶањᶱྭⲴ⋏䙊ẕằDŽ ਼ṧˈਇ⳺Ҿ䈕亩ⴞⲴнӵӵᱟᆖ⭏ˈሬᐸԜҏ㜭ཏӾѝ᭦㧧ᖸཊDŽԆԜᗇԕᴤྭⲴҶ䀓㠚ᡁˈ ҏ䙊䗷㿱䇱ᒤ䖫Ӫ֌Ѫањ亶ሬ㘵ˈањ⤜・њփⲴཊṧᡀ䮯ᯩᔿᶕ᭦㧧ᡀቡоௌᛖDŽ

WAFW Awards ᆖ䲒㦓䂹

 WAFW Internship Program ᇎҐ⭏亩ⴞ

The World Academy Internship Program is essential to moving the knowledge and skills developed in through World Academy curriculum into action in our communities, country and throughout the world. We appreciate the companies and organizations that have provided opportunities to Academy members by providing internships that have allowed members to work in offices and programs to gain a wider vision for what is possible for them as leaders and team members outside their university environment. These experiences have been life changing for the Academy members as they create and fulfill their vision for what is possible for them in their careers. They gain an expanded ability to make choices and see multiple possibilities for their skills sets and identify their need for continuing to learn more. The experience and guidance provided by employees of these companies and organizations allowing World Academy members to move from campus to careers is an essential step in transferring their leadership to productive employment and meaningful jobs. These internships accelerate their ability to discover their purpose, their passion, and become a productive global citizen.

ц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒ᇎҐ⭏亩ⴞᱟሶ൘ᆖ䲒䈮〻ѝᡰᆖ⸕䇶ǃᢰ㜭൘⽮४ǃഭᇦ৺ޘц⭼䘋㹼 ਨㅹᵪᶴˈ䘉֯ᗇᆖ⭏ޜ䘀ࣘⲴнਟᡆ㕪ݳ㍐DŽᡁԜ䶎ᑨᝏ䉒䛓ӋѪᆖ䲒ᆖઈᨀ׋ᇎҐᵪՊⲴ㓴㓷ǃ 㜭ཏᴹᵪՊⵏ↓䘋ޕᐕ֌亶ฏᒦ䙊䗷ᇎҐᤃኅ㿶䟾ˈਁ⧠㠚䓛֌Ѫањ亶ሬ㘵ԕ৺㝡⿫བྷᆖ⧟ຳ䘋ޕ ⽮Պ⧟ຳⲴᴤཊਟ㜭ᙗDŽ䘉ӋᇎҐ㓿শ᭩ҶҶᖸཊᆖઈⲴӪ⭏ˈྩԜ൘㙼ъ⭏⏟ѝнᯝࡋ䙐оᇎ⧠ᯠ ࠪ䘹ᤙˈⴻࡠᓄ⭘㠚䓛ᢰ㜭ཊṧਟ㜭ᙗˈ᰾⺞㠚䓛ڊⲴᝯᲟDŽྩԜ᭦㧧ᴤཊⲴᢰ㜭ᶕᑞࣙྩԜᴤྭⲴ 䴰㾱࣐␡ᆖҐⲴ亶ฏDŽ ਨо㓴㓷Ⲵ䳷ѫᡰᨀ׋Ⲵ䘉⿽ᇎҐ㓿শоሬᕅᱟྣᙗᆖ䲒ᆖઈԜᇎ⧠Ӿṑഝ䎠ੁ㙼ъޜᶕ㠚н਼ ᆖ⭏ਁ⧠㠚ᐡⴞ֯׳亶ฏˈ䘀⭘亶ሬ࣋ᢰ㜭ᴹ᭸ᒦᴹ᜿ѹⲴᔰኅᐕ֌нਟᡆ㕪Ⲵа↕DŽᇎҐⲴ㓿শ ḷǃ◰ᛵᒦᡀѪঃ䎺Ⲵޘ⨳ॆޜ≁DŽ

American Chamber of Beijing BISS British Chamber of Buzz & Bloom Commerce Shanghai International School Commerce Shanghai

Chi Heng Foundation China Sports Promotions COSCO Elevate Global Limited

Global Security Global IELTS School Haosi International Group Lean in Beijing Industry Alliance Lord Corporation L'otel ParkLU Perennial Vision Property Alliance Group Raffles Medical TOMS 4 in group

 World Academy Partners and Sponsors

We are inspired by the relationships that have been developed with businesses and organizations that have led to meaningful dialogue and actions that have been mutually beneficial to the work we do to accelerate women’s leadership worldwide. These relationships have resulted in connecting our Academy members and Academy projects with individuals and groups who are aligned to promote gender equality, social justice, and improve the quality of life for others. Collaborative partnerships are essential to accelerate and achieve our goals.

We acknowledge the work and generosity of the leaders and members of these groups and look forward to a long and productive relationship. Their recognition of the World Academy confirms our commitment to developing our leadership and expanding our global communities. What they have given to the World Academy has enabled us to give more to others through our projects and programs. They strengthen our ability to lead and to go beyond our personal and geographic boundaries. Thanks to each partner and sponsor for their commitment and trust in our leadership!


我们被与众多企业和组织深度发展的关系激励着,在这种合作伙伴关系的引导下所进行的意义 深刻的对话与活动对促进女性领导力的全球化这一工作受益良多。这些关系的展现是将学院成员和 学院项目组同多个个人和集体联系起来成为联盟来推动两性平等,社会公正和改善他人生活质量。 合作伙伴们高效的在促进我们目标的实现。

我们向来自这些团体的领导者们和成员们的工作慷慨致敬并期望有着更长远和有成效的关系。 你们对于世界女性未来发展学院的认可坚定了我们对于发展我们的领导力和拓展我们的全球化社区 的承诺。你们给予学院的种种支持使得我们可以通过我们的项目组和项目给予他人更多。你们增强 DŽ 了我们的领导力和超越我们自身和地域的局限的能力。感谢你们的承诺和对于我们的信任。

 WAFW Projects ᆖ䲒亩ⴞ㓴

Each member of the World Academy is required to engage in a World Academy Project. The Projects are designed by World Academy members based on United Nations Millennium or Sustainable Goals.

The Projects enable the Academy members to use: the knowledge and skills they have gained from the curriculum content provided by the World Academy Facilitator in their seminars. their ability to take the Academy content to action through the interactive labs. the coaching they receive to resolve or accelerate strategies as they move the content into action.

The Projects serve as an opportunity to take action on a significant issue impacting women, children or their community.

ц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒Ⲵ⇿њᡀઈᗵ享৲࣐㠣ቁањ亩ⴞ㓴ˈ䘉Ӌ亩ⴞᱟ⭡ц⭼ ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒ᡀઈṩᦞ㚄ਸഭॳ⿗ᒤᡆਟᤱ㔝ਁኅⴞḷᡰਁ䎧ᒦᢗ㹼ⲴDŽ 䘉Ӌ亩ⴞ㓴֯ྣ䲒ᡀઈ䘀⭘  ԆԜӾц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒ሬᐸՐᦸⲴ⹄䇘ՊѝᡰᆖࡠⲴ⸕䇶઼ᢰ㜭  ൘ӂࣘᙗᕪⲴᇎ傼䈮ѝᢺ൘ྣ䲒ᆖࡠⲴ⸕䇶Ԉ䈨㹼ࣘⲴ㜭࣋  ൘ᤷሬ䈮ѝԆԜਟԕᢺᆖࡠⲴ޵ᇩԈ䈨㹼ࣘᶕⵏ↓ൠ䀓ߣ䰞仈DŽ Ҿᖡ૽ྷྣǃݯㄕᡆԆԜⲴ⽮४ㅹ䟽㾱䰞仈к䟷ޣ䘉Ӌ亩ⴞᨀ׋ҶањᖸྭⲴ൘ ਆ㹼ࣘᵪՊਆ㹼ࣘᵪՊDŽ

 Big Bang Thinking ᙍ㔤བྷ⠶⛨

Big Bang Thinking is devoted to solving problems for all the projects in the World Academy. Our ultimate goal is to develop and use our creative minds in solving world problems related to social injustices, gender equality and human rights. Using the skills of brainstorming, pre-planning, potential problem analysis, and after action review, we select the best ideas for being creative, practical, visionary and getting the best results. We have worked with members in the Literacy Project on ways to collect more books in the most cost effective manner, allowing us to reach more parents to read with their children. We have worked with members of the Warm Hearts Project and found ways to collect and donate clothes to people in neighboring villages. Sharing Big Bang ideas with the project members brings about more passion, inspiration, creativity and innovation. It also promotes teamwork. ᙍ㔤བྷ⠶⛨亩ⴞ㓴㠤࣋Ҿ䀓ߣྣᙗᆖ䲒਴亩ⴞ㓴ᡰ䙷ࡠⲴ䰞仈DŽⴞḷᱟਁኅ઼䘀⭘ᡁԜࡋ䙐ᙗᙍ㔤ᯩᔿ ৫䀓ߣޣҾ⽮Պᒣㅹˈᙗ࡛ᒣㅹ઼Ӫ㊫ᵳ࡙Ⲵ䰞仈DŽ䘀⭘ཤ㝁仾᳤ˈᨀࡽ䇑ࡂˈ▌൘䰞仈࠶᷀ˈ亩ⴞਾᵏᙫ ᧒䇘䘹ਆᴰྭⲴᜣ⌅ᶕ֯ᔪ䇞ާ༷ࡋ䙐ᙗˈਟ᫽֌ᙗԕ৺䮯䘌㿴ࡂᙗˈӾ㘼ᇎ⧠ᴰ਼ޡ㔃ㅹᢰ㜭ˈᡁԜ䙊䗷 ྭⲴᇎ䐥ᡀ᷌DŽ ᡁԜо䰵䈫⿽ᆀ亩ⴞ㓴Ⲵᡀઈа䎧ԕа⿽ᴰᴹ᭸Ⲵᯩᔿ᭦䳶ᴤཊⲴҖˈ䇙ᡁԜ᧕䀖ᴤཊⲴ⡦⇽оԆԜⲴ ᆙᆀа䎧䰵䈫DŽᡁԜо⑙᳆Ⲵᗳ亩ⴞ㓴Ⲵᡀઈа䎧᢮ࡠ᭦䳶઼ੁ䛫䘁ᶁᒴᦀ䎐㺓ᴽⲴᯩ⌅DŽо亩ⴞ㓴ᡀઈ࠶ 䘋ഒ䱏ਸ֌DŽ׳ӛᙍ㔤བྷ⠶⛨Ⲵᜣ⌅ՊᑖᶕᴤཊⲴ◰ᛵˈ啃㡎ˈࡋ䙐઼࣋ࡋᯠDŽᆳҏ

Dream Harbor Ỗᜣ⑟⒮

The Dream Harbor Project Team is devoted to achieving universal primary . We have multiple goals for this project. First, we encourage primary school children to continue and complete their education through the high school level. We offer college awareness for those students who have strong academic skills. We work with all students to find their dream and pursue it. At the same time, our team encourages students to ask questions and be good thinkers. Finally, we sponsor local activities that encourage students who have dropped out of school to return and continue their education. We meet with the children whose parents work in the cafeteria at Sias University. We meet on a weekly basis on campus. We provide follow up to the parents, which allows opportunity to gain greater insight on how to be successful in meeting the needs of individual students.

Ỗᜣ⑟⒮亩ⴞ㓴㠤࣋ҾᲞ৺ࡍㅹᮉ㛢ˈᡁԜሩ䘉њ亩ⴞᴹཊњⴞḷ˖俆ݸˈ啃࣡ሿᆖ⭏㔗㔝䈫Җˈ㠣ቁ ᆼᡀ儈ѝᆖъˈо↔਼ᰦˈੁᴹᕪ⛸ᆖҐ㜭࣋Ⲵᆖ⭏Ր᫝ޣҾབྷᆖⲴᾲᘥˈᕅሬᆖ⭏৫ራ᢮ᒦࣚ࣋䘭≲ԆԜ ⲴỖᜣˈᡁԜҏ啃࣡ᆖ⭏ཊ䰞䰞仈ˈᡀѪழҾᙍ㘳ⲴӪDŽᴰਾˈ䙊䗷൘ൠᯩᔰኅ⍫ࣘᶕ啃࣡ѝ䙄䖽ᆖⲴᆙᆀ 䟽䘄ṑഝ㔗㔝᧕ਇᮉ㛢DŽ ᡁԜ⇿ઘ㓴㓷䛓Ӌ⡦⇽൘㾯ӊᯟ佀঵ᐕ֌ⲴᆙᆀԜޡ਼ᔰኅ⍫ࣘˈᡁԜҏо⡦⇽ᤱ㔝⋏䙊ˈޡ਼᧒䇘ྲ օᨀॷ⍫ࣘ䍘䟿ˈѪᆖ⭏ᨀ׋ᴤྭⲴ⍫ࣘԕ৺ྲօᴹ䪸ሩᙗⲴᔰኅሩঅњᆖ⭏ⲴᑞࣙDŽ

 Give Voice to Women 䍻Ҹྣᙗਁ䀰ᵳ We promote gender equality and empower women. We encourage women to take a stand for themselves and other women. We advocate for women to pursue their dreams and achieve equality in their home, community, and work place. The activities include: #$%*+/7$;<=$>?%7;<%?>#<7@ J+%J@+%#J *KQX$J@YK@ KKZ@J+%#JQX awareness for all of these social issues. [<%>%K@\7@@KK to share their experience and help each others pursue happiness and success in life. unique personal and professional experiences. These interviews are recorded and shown on our website. ZJZ@ KK#K experiences. These activities inspire and encourage women to find their voice and make choices in their lives.

䘋⭧ྣᒣㅹ઼ᦸᵳྣᙗˈ啃࣡ྣᙗѪҶ㠚ᐡ઼ަԆྣᙗࣷᮒㄉࠪᶕDŽᡁ׳䍻Ҹྣᙗਁ䀰ᵳ亩ⴞ㓴㠤࣋Ҿ Ԝّሬ䘭≲ྩԜⲴỖᜣˈ൘ᇦ䟼ˈ⽮४઼ᐕ֌൪ᡰ㧧ᗇᒣㅹⲴᵳ࡙ˈ亩ⴞ㓴⍫ࣘवᤜ˖ϔ Āㄉ䎧ᶕˈ䟷ਆ㹼ࣘˈਁࠪ༠丣āˈ⭡㚄ਸഭਁ䎧ˈⴞⲴᱟ໎䘋ӪԜሩਟᤱ㔝ਁኅⴞḷⲴ䇔䇶DŽྣᙗᆖ 䲒ᆖઈ൘ṑഝ䟼㓴㓷ᐑ⑨ᒦᇓ䇢㚄ਸഭਟᤱ㔝ਁኅⴞḷDŽᡁԜબ਱ӪԜᨀॷሩ䘉Ӌ⽮Պ䰞仈Ⲵ䇔䇶ᒦ䟷ਆ㹼 ࣘDŽ 䘋⭧ྣᒣㅹˈ㔉ҸྣᙗᵪՊᶕ࠶ӛྩԜⲴ㓿傼ᒦᑞࣙᖬ↔൘⭏⍫ѝ䘭≲ᒨ⾿઼ᡀ࣏DŽ׳Āੁࡽа↕ā ЬᡁԜ䟷䇯ц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒Ⲵሬᐸˈ䚰䈧ྩԜ࠶ӛњӪ⤜⢩ⲴуъⲴ㓿শDŽ䘉Ӌ䟷䇯ሶՊ൘ᡁԜⲴ 㖁ㄉкኅ⽪DŽ Ь䚰䈧ᶕ㠚⭏⍫Ⲵ਴њ䱦ቲ઼н਼㛼ᲟⲴྣᙗᶕ৲࣐ᡁԜ⇿ᒤⲴྣᙗᡀ䮯䇪උ઼࠶ӛྩԜⲴ㓿শDŽ ࠪ㠚ᐡⲴ䘹ᤙDŽڊϔ䘉Ӌ⍫ࣘ啃㡎઼啃࣡ྣᙗራ᢮㠚ᐡⲴ༠丣ᒦ൘ྩԜⲴ⭏⍫

Free Lunch ݽ䍩ॸ佀 $[/]$K@^ K@X/@JKJ =7J@ KKX$K]7@K campaigns, to assist children who do not have access to lunch in rural _/=X <K]`@ #7@ J[K]X$Z funding, nearly 2,450 warm lunches have been provided for children in the mountainous area at a cost of ¥4 for each lunch!

䭞ᙗ䰞仈ˈ㘼ᆙᆀޣݽ䍩ॸ佀亩ⴞ㓴㠤࣋Ҿᑞࣙ⎸䲔ᶱㄟ䍛ഠ઼侕侯DŽ䍛ഠ઼侕侯ᱟѝഭⲴสᵜⲴҏᱟ ᱟᮤњਇ侕侯Ӫ㗔ѝᴰᇩ᱃ਇࡠՔᇣⲴ㗔փDŽ 䘌ൠ४ᆖṑ৺ٿᒦㆩ䳶䍴䠁ᶕѪ⋣ইⴱˈ⌘ޣ亩ⴞ㓴䙊䗷ṑ޵ᇓՐᙗ⍫ࣘᶕᕅਁӪԜሩ䘉њ⢩࡛㗔փⲴ ѝഭኡ४ᆖṑᆖ⭏ᨀ׋ݽ䍩ॸ佀DŽ亩ⴞ㓴⇿ᒤ䙊䗷Ѯ࣎᝸ழ⍮ሩਧਜ㾯ӊᯟᐸ⭏ᦀⅮˈ਼ᰦҏоᖃൠ佀঵ਸ ֌ˈ啃࣡佀঵⎸䍩㘵ᦀⅮDŽ䙊䗷㌫ࡇㆩⅮ⍫ࣘˈᡁԜѪᆙᆀԜᨀ׋Ҷԭݽ䍩ॸ佀ˈ⇿ԭഋݳDŽ

 HIV/AIDS Awareness ޣ⌘㢮⓻⯵

The Project HIV/AIDS Awareness, focuses on eradicating HIV/AIDS. We create awareness for the public to learn and understand about HIV/AIDS. The team strives to educate about prejudice, by helping children with at least one parent who is living with or has died of HIV/AIDS, develop confidence and personal power by Volun-Online Program. We partner with Chi Heng Foundation, a community charity, which has helped more than 20,000 children with education and job skills. On December 1, World AIDS Day, an art exhibition, a knowledge competition, and a charity bazaar are sponsored for Sias students and the community. The goal of this project is to promote education and understanding of the impact of HIV/AIDS in Province, It is critical for college age students to understand this issue, as people under the age of 25 account for half of all new HIV/AIDS infections each year worldwide.

ޣ⌘㢮⓻⯵亩ⴞ㓴㠤࣋Ҿ⎸䲔㢮⓻⯵DŽᡁԜᑞࣙޜՇṁ・䇔䇶઼Ҷ䀓㢮⓻⯵⸕䇶Ⲵ᜿䇶DŽ䈕亩ⴞ㓴㠤࣋ 㿱ˈ䙊䗷㖁кᦸ䈮࠶ӛᶕᑞࣙ䛓Ӌ⡦⇽Ѫ㢮⓻⯵ᛓ㘵ᡆഐ㢮⓻⯵৫цⲴݯㄕˈ໎࣐ԆԜ䶒ሩ⭏⍫ⲴٿҾ⎸䲔 ᗳ઼࣋䟿DŽᡁԜоᲪ㹼ส䠁Պਸ֌ˈᆳᱟањ⽮Պ᝸ழᵪᶴˈᐢ㓿ᑞࣙҶ䎵䗷਽ݯㄕ᧕ਇᮉ㛢઼ᢰؑ 㜭ᆖҐDŽ ൘ᴸᰕˈц⭼㢮⓻⯵ᰕˈ亩ⴞ㓴Ѯ࣎⭫ኅˈ⸕䇶ㄎ䎋ˈ઼⭡㾯ӊᯟᆖ⭏઼⽮ഒ䎎ࣙⲴ᝸ழѹআ⍫ࣘDŽ 亩ⴞⴞḷᱟ൘⋣ইⴱ࣐␡ሩ㢮⓻⯵ᖡ૽Ⲵᮉ㛢઼໎࣐ӪԜሩަⲴҶ䀓DŽ኱ԕлⲴӪঐҶޘ⨳ᯠ໎+,9ᝏḃ 㘵Ⲵаॺˈഐ㘼ሩབྷᆖ⭏ᶕ䈤ˈҶ䀓㢮⓻⯵⴨ޣ⸕䇶ᱟ䶎ᑨ䘛࠷о䟽㾱ⲴDŽ Green Sias 㔯㢢㾯ӊᯟ Green SIAS addresses environmental sustainability. The project educates students, faculty and the local community members about environmental issues; with the philosophy that starting locally contributes to a global perspective for creating sustainability. Our goals are to improve students’ awareness of the environment at SIAS, and to be a strong voice to the world. such as conserving water, electricity and disposable items including plastic bags, bottles, and boxes. Green SIAS has three awareness activities. First, The Green Pledge encouraging college students to take better care of our world by signing a pledge to take action to protect the environment. Second, in The Green Sticker we offer green stickers to the students who bring us plastic bottles to recycle, so “Green” will be seen throughout the campus. The last activity, Earth Hour, a worldwide activity, encourages students to turn off the lights during a specifically designated time so that we can save energy and reduce our carbon footprint. Because we are committed to being a voice to the world, we use social media to challenge other college students to participate in these important activities to recycle and conserve. ⸕ޣᣔⲴ⴨؍㔯㢢㾯ӊᯟ亩ⴞ㓴㠤࣋Ҿ⧟ຳⲴਟᤱ㔝ਁኅDŽ䈕亩ⴞੁᆖ⭏ǃᮉ㙼ᐕ৺ᖃൠት≁Ր᫝⧟ຳ 㤳ത޵䟷ਆ㹼ࣘ㠤࣋Ҿ⧟ຳⲴਟᤱ㔝ਁኅDŽ亩ⴞⴞḷᱟ൘㾯ӊᯟ⨳ޘ䇶ˈᡁԜඊؑਟԕ䙊䗷਴ൠᯩ⍫ࣘ䙀↕൘ ᜿䇶ˈ਼ᰦ൘ц⭼㤳ത޵䘋㹼ᕪᴹ࣋Ⲵબ਱DŽֻྲ˖ᡁԜਟԕ㢲㓖≤ǃ⭥ˈ߿ቁ֯⭘ກ؍⧟ṑഝ޵ᨀॷᆖ⭏Ⲵ ᯉ㺻ǃກᯉ⬦ǃ㇡ᆀㅹа⅑ᙗ⭘૱DŽ ˗ᣔᇓ䀰ᒦԈ䈨㹼ࣘ؍Ā㔯㢢ᇓ䀰ā⍫ࣘˈ啃࣡ᆖ⭏ㆮ㖢㠚ᐡⲴ⧟ຳ㔯㢢㾯ӊᯟ亩ⴞ㓴ᔰኅҶйњ⍫ࣘ Ā㔯㢢ḷㆮā⍫ࣘˈᔰኅඳ൮࠶㊫ǃກᯉ⬦എ᭦⍫ࣘˈ䇙㔯㢢䙽ᐳṑഝ˗Āൠ⨳аሿᰦā⍫ࣘˈ䘉ᱟањц⭼ ᙗⲴ⍫ࣘˈᰘ൘啃࣡ᆖ⭏൘⢩ᇊᰦ䰤➴⚟ˈԕ㢲㓖㜭Ⓚˈ߿ቁᡁԜⲴ⻣䏣䘩DŽ 我们致力于在世界范围内呼吁环保行动,借助社交媒体来号召其他高校学生参与到节约、回收、再利用的 环保活动之中。

2113  Literacy Project 䰵䈫⿽ᆀ

The Literacy Project focuses on achieving primary education. This reading program is designed to encourage parents to read to, and with, their children on a regular basis. Each week our reading activities are held both on and off campus. Team members demonstrate to parents how to read to their children, which stimulates language development and learning. When children love reading, and parents encourage good reading habits, it furthers learning, and helps both the parent and child recognize the value of education. Books are provided by the Literacy Program and Brits Abroad, a Shanghai based ex-pat charity organization. A joint project among Global Interactions, WAFW, Henan Provincial Library and Ben Yuan Foundation has distributed more than 2,000 English books to our children!

䰵䈫⿽ᆀ亩ⴞу⌘ҾᲞ৺ࡍㅹᮉ㛢ˈ亩ⴞᖒᔿѪ啃࣡⡦⇽ᇊᰦᇊᵏⲴоᆙᆀа䎧䰵䈫DŽ⇿ઘᡁԜ൘ṑഝ ޵ཆѮ࣎䰵䈫⍫ࣘˈ亩ⴞ㓴ᡀઈо⡦⇽࠶ӛྲօᴤᴹ᭸ⲴѪᆙᆀ䰵䈫ˈࡪ◰ᆙᆀ䈝䀰Ⲵਁኅ઼ᆖҐDŽᖃᆙᆀ ௌ⅒к䰵䈫ˈ⡦⇽啃࣡ަޫᡀྭⲴ䰵䈫Ґᜟˈ䘉ሶᴹ᭸ᨀ儈ᆙᆀⲴᆖҐˈ਼ᰦҏᑞࣙ⡦⇽઼ᆙᆀ䇔䇶ࡠᮉ㛢 Ⲵԧ٬DŽ亩ⴞ㓴Җ㉽ᶕ㠚Ҿ䰵䈫⿽ᆀ亩ⴞ㓴઼%ULWV$EURDGˈᆳᱟањสҾк⎧ཆ㉽Ӫ༛Ⲵ᝸ழᵪᶴˈԆԜ ᘇᝯᦀ䎐Җ㉽઼䍴䠁DŽ䘉њ⭡㖾ഭ⧟⨳Ӕ⍱ޜਨˈц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒ˈ⋣ইⴱമҖ侶ԕ৺ᵜⓀส䠁Պ㓴 ᡀⲴ㚄ਸ亩ⴞᐢ㓿ѪᆙᆀԜㆩ䳶Ҷཊᵜ㤡䈝Җ㉽DŽ

Taking Care of Business ᢃ⨶⭏᜿

This project teaches the value and necessity of generating money. Projects cannot be implemented without a realistic understanding of fiscal responsibility. The Market Place Project focuses on running a successful business. This project involves the marketing of products, including handicrafts made by local, rural women. We sell these handmade goods and manage the inventory, revenue, and expenses. The Market Place team develops a business plan. Tasks are divided into four departments: marketing, planning, operations, and public relations. The development and practice of critical skills serves to enhance students’ ability to find good jobs after graduation. The Market Place Project provides funding for World Academy operations and projects.

䘉њ亩ⴞᮉᡁԜㆩ䳶䍴䠁䟽㾱ᙗоᗵ㾱ᙗDŽྲ᷌ሩ䍒࣑⣦ߥ⋑ᴹ࠷ਸᇎ䱵Ⲵ䇔⸕ˈ亩ⴞⲴᇎᯭᢗ㹼ሶᰐ ⌅ᔰኅDŽ 䈕亩ⴞ㓴у⌘Ҿ㓿㩕ањᡀ࣏Ⲵ⭏᜿DŽ䈕亩ⴞ⎹৺䬰୞ˈӗ૱वᤜൠᯩˈߌᶁྷྣࡦ֌Ⲵ᡻ᐕ㢪૱DŽᡁ Ԝআ᡻ᐕࡦ֌Ⲵӗ૱ˈ㇑⨶ᓃᆈǃ᭦ޕ઼䍩⭘DŽѹআ亩ⴞ㓴нᯝਁኅᆼழⲴ୶ъ䇑ࡂˈሶԫ࣑࠶Ѫഋњ䜘 䰘˖ᐲ൪㩕䬰ǃㆆࡂǃ䘀㩕оޜޡޣ㌫DŽᆖ⭏䙊䗷䈕亩ⴞнᯝ㓳Ґоᨀॷ㠚ᐡⲴ㇑⨶㜭࣋ˈ਼ᰦҏѪ∅ъਾ ራ≲ᴤྭⲴᐕ֌ࡽᲟྐᇊส⹰DŽѹআ亩ⴞ㓴Ѫц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒Ⲵ䘀㩕৺亩ⴞ㓴ਁኅᨀ׋ㆩ༷䍴䠁DŽ

 Sunshine Angels 䱣ݹཙ֯

The Sunshine Angels Project aims to promote the educational and social development of children with disabilities. We cooperate with Special Education School, where students are 8-15 years old. There are 12 deaf and 60 mentally challenged children at the school. Each Wednesday Academy members go to the school and conduct a project with the children. Each year a seminar, Special Education Experiences & Opportunities, is organized for teachers, professors and parents, which focuses on brain development and teaching pedagogy. The purpose is to provide an opportunity to exchange experiences and gain partnerships in learning how to integrate special needs children into society and communities. The students’ projects on Sias campus are displayed in our community and campus to encourage more people to become aware of these children and their abilities.

䘋↻⯮ݯㄕⲴᮉ㛢઼⽮ՊਁኅDŽⴞࡽᡁԜоᯠ䜁ᐲ⢩↺ᮉ㛢ᆖṑਸ֌ˈᆖṑ䟼ᴹ׳䱣ݹཙ֯亩ⴞ㓴ᰘ൘ ਽㙻ଁݯㄕ઼਽Ც䳌ݯㄕˈᒤ喴䳶ѝ൘ü኱DŽྣᙗᆖ䲒ᆖઈ઼ᘇᝯ㘵Ҿ⇿ઘйࡽᖰᆖṑᤷሬᆙᆀԜ䘋㹼 ݯㄕᲪ࣋ਁ⌘ޣ䈮仈ษ䇝ㅹн਼⁑ඇ⍫ࣘˈ⇿ᒤഋᴸˈᡁԜ䜭ՊѮ࣎⢩↺ᮉ㛢㓿傼Ӕ⍱⹄䇘Պˈ⹄䇘Պ䚰䈧 ㌫ˈᆖޣኅ৺ᮉ㛢Ⲵᮉᐸˈᮉᦸ઼⡦⇽৲࣐ˈᰘ൘ѪӾһ⢩↺ᮉ㛢㹼ъⲴӪ㗔ᨀ׋ањӔ⍱㓿傼ˈᔪ・ਸ֌ Պ઼ഒփᖃѝⲴᵪՊDŽѪᕅ䎧ᴤཊӪሩ䘉Ӌ↻⯮ᆙᆀⲴ䟽㿶ˈᡁԜԕ㾯ӊᯟѪᒣਠ⽮ޕՊྲօሶ⢩↺ݯㄕ㶽 ൘⽮४оṑഝѝᒯ⌋Ⲵሩ亩ⴞ䘋㹼ኅ⽪DŽ

Warm Hearts ⑙᳆Ⲵᗳ

The Warm Hearts Project is committed to eliminating extreme poverty. Our main activity is to collect clothes and donate them to people in poor regions. We distribute these items each fall through several primary schools. Our goal is to keep families warm and healthy throughout the winter, allowing children to have sufficient clothing to attend school. In the spring, we re-establish communication with students from these schools to give encouragement to young children. We teach them social media skills as a means to broaden their world and to stay connected with us. Our efforts improve the quality of people’s lives by satisfying the demands of basic life. Our vision is to assist people in solving problems of social poverty and improve their well-being.

⑙᳆Ⲵᗳ亩ⴞ㠤࣋Ҿ⎸䲔ᶱㄟ䍛ഠDŽᡁԜⲴѫ㾱⍫ࣘᱟ᭦䳶㺓ᴽᦀ䎐㔉䍛ഠൠ४ⲴӪԜDŽᡁԜ⇿ᒤ ᓧⲴᓖ䗷ڕᆓՊሶ᭦䳶ࡠⲴ㺓⢙ᦀ䎐ࡠн਼䍛ഠൠ४ሿᆖDŽᡁԜⲴⴞḷᱟᑞࣙ䘉Ӌ䍛ഠᇦᓝਟԕ⑙᳆઼⿻ ᮤњߜᆓᆙᆀԜᴹ⑙᳆Ⲵ㺓ᴽ֯ᗇԆԜ㜭ཏᴤу⌘ҾᆖṑᆖҐѝDŽ ᤱ⋏䙊ˈ਼ᰦҏᑞࣙԆԜᤃኅ؍ˈ൘᱕ཙᡁԜ䙊䗷ᮉᦸᆖ⭏⽮ӔჂփᢰ㜭Ⲵᯩᔿᶕоѻ޽⅑ᔪ・㚄㌫ ᯠⲴⲴ㿶䟾DŽ ᡁԜ䙊䗷┑䏣ӪԜ਴⿽สᵜⲴ⭏⍫䴰≲ᶕᨀॷԆԜⲴ⭏⍫䍘䟿ˈᡁԜⲴᝯᲟᱟᑞࣙ䀓ߣ⽮Պ䍛ഠⲴ䰞 ᓧᒨ⾿Ⲵ⭏⍫DŽڕ仈ˈ֯ӪԜ㜭ཏᴤ࣐









      ANNUAL WOMEN’S SYMPOSIUM SPEAKERS ྣᙗᡀ䮯䇪උ╄䇢హᇮ The Annual Women’s Symposium began in 2007 to recognize and introduce leaders whose work has made significant impact on their lives and on the lives of others. The mission is to have young women and men embrace new possibilities for their personal and professional lives that will bring forth gender equality, social justice and human rights to underserved populations in their communities, countries, and around the world. ᙗᡀ䮯䇪උԕĀྣᙗˈ֯ц⭼Ѫѻн਼āѪѫᰘˈ⇿ᒤᴸˈ䚰䈧ഭ޵ཆᮉ㛢⭼ˈ᭯ቺˈ୶⭼ㅹྣ 亶ฏᡀ࣏Ӫ༛䘋㹼ᆖᵟӔ⍱ˈ䗴ӺᐢѮ࣎ॱቺˈޡгⲮཊ਽హᇮ৲оDŽ䇪උ਼ᵏҏሶѮ࣎㦓䂹⇽Ӣ࠶ ӛՊˈᆖઈ䚰䈧⇽Ӣ৺ަԆᇦᓝᡀઈ৲оˈ࠶ӛᡀ䮯শ〻৺ᝏᚙⲴᗳDŽশቺྣᙗᡀ䮯䇪උⲴⴞⲴᱟӻ ࠪ〟ᶱ᭩ਈо⢩↺䍑⥞ⲴӪDŽ䇪උⲴ֯ભᱟ啃࣡ྣᙗо⭧ᙗਁᧈڊ㓽ǃ㺘ᖠ䛓Ӌ൘㠚ᡁ৺ԆӪ⭏⍫ѝ ц⭼DŽޘᓧㅹ᜿䇶ˈᴤྭⲴᴽ࣑ҾᡁԜⲴ⽮४ǃഭᇦԕ৺ڕˈᒣˈᒣㅹޜҾޣᯠⲴਟ㜭ᙗˈ໎ᕪ

Julia Broussard, Director, UN Women China  Li Rong, Vice President, Shanghai Women Studies Association  汤竹丽,联合国妇女署中国国别主任 黎荣,上海市妇女学学会副会长 Xiaohong Liu, Vice Present, Motorala  Judith Luther Wilder, Honorary Chairman, Sias Foundation  ࡈᲃ㓒ˈ᪙ᢈ㖇᣹ᙫޜਨࡽ࢟ᙫ㻱 裘蒂丝卢瑟怀尔德,西亚斯基金会名誉主席 David Schoch, Ford Motor Company Group Vice President and President,  Xiaoxing Li, Director, All China Women’s Federation  Asia Pacific 㩗䗮Տ⾿⢩⊭䖖ӊཚ४ᙫ㻱 李晓星,全国妇联美大处处长 Martha Burk, Co-founder, Center for Advancement of Public Policy  Yuping Li, Retired Teacher  玛莎伯克博士,美国公共政策发展中心联合创始人 李玉萍,感动中原人物 Donna Chancellor,Corporate Affairs Director, Walmart  Rebecca Williams, President, Lord Asia Pacific  唐娜默克尔,沃尔玛全球营销总裁 丽贝卡威廉姆斯,洛徳公司亚太区总裁 Vanda Vitali, Executive Director, Canadian Museum  Matthias Zeuch, CEO of HR Mnext Limited, Hong Kong  万达维达利,加拿大博物馆首位女馆长 马提亚斯佐赫,香港人力资源管理公司首席执行官 Liping Yang, Director, Henan Culture Department  Women’s Leadership Award to Catherine Confino Addor  杨丽萍,河南省文化厅厅长 杰出女性领导力奖获奖者:法国知名画家、导演凯瑟琳女士 Judy Maloni, CEO of AWE Dynamics  Lanzhi, Mao, Vice President, Xinxiang University of Chinese  朱迪马罗尼,美国AWE动力公司首席执行官 , Henan 毛兰芝,新乡医学院副校长 Yuling Zheng, President, of Chinese Medicine  Xiangying Yu, Secretary of the Communist Party Committee,  郑玉玲,河南省中医学院院长 Normal University 于向英,郑州师范学院党委书记 Huaying Zhang, Vice President, Sustainability for Coca-Cola’s Greater  Women’s Leadership Award to Andrea Conner  China & Korea Business Unit 张华莹,可口可乐公司大中华区副总裁 安德莉亚康妮,杰出女性领导力获奖者 Dabai Hu, Founder, Henan and Technology College  Rachel Hanfling, Emmy nominated TV Producer, Speaker and  胡大白,中国民办高校第一人 Medial Consultant 雷切尔汉夫宁,艾美奖提名制作人 Xuyan Li, Vice President, Association of Female Lawyers in Henan  Annette Metz, Chief representative, CONBEN Representative  Province 李煦燕,河南省女律师协会会长 Office Shanghai 安妮特梅茨,CONBEN 上海代表处首席代表 Brenda Foster, President, American Chamber of Commerce  Yanling Li, Director, International Liaison Department, Shanghai  布瑞达佛斯特,美国商会主席 Women’s Federation 李艳玲,上海市妇联外联部部长 Lian Zi, Writer  Fanghua Hao, Vice President, Beijing Normal University  郝芳华,北京师范大学副校长 莲子,中国现代知名女作家  Zhengqiang, Deputy Party Secretary, Zhejiang University  Virginia Tan, Co-Founder, Lean in China 郑强,浙江大学党委副书记 维吉尼亚,Lean in 中国联合创始人 Kimberley Kirkendall, President, International Resource Development, Inc.  Karen I. Shragg, Director, Wood Lake Nature Center  金伯利柯肯达尔,美国国际资源开发公司总裁 凯伦施瑞格,伍德湖自然发展中心主管 Angela Lock, Deputy Executive Director, The British Chamber  Wu Qing, Professor, Beijing Foreign Studies University, BFSU  吴青,北京外国语大学教授 of Commerce Shanghai 华佚,上海英国商会执行副会长 Liping Yang, Director, Henan Culture Deapartment  Jufang Zhang, Executive Director, Capacity Building and Assessment  Centre 张菊芳,倍能组织能力建设与评估中心执行主任 杨丽萍,河南省文化厅厅长 ƒ„ƒ7@7=7Z $/LLP Xiangwei Gong, Global BU Director, DSM (China) Limited   , Cadwalader 毛念华,美国凯威莱德律师事务所亚洲业务拓展主管 龚湘伟 帝斯曼(中国)有限公司亲水胶体事业部总裁 Marek Wosinski, President, Sustainability Transition  Du Cong, Founder, ChiHeng Foundation  杜聪,智行基金会创始人 Consulting, LLC 马雷克沃森斯基, 全球可持续发展研究所院长 Shuqun Miao, Vice President, Henan Literary and Art Association  Lei Fang, Vice President, Henan University of Science and Technology  雷方,河南科技大学 苗树群,河南省文联副主席 Zachary M. Walker, Head of Pedagogical Innovation and  Zhu Sha, Hostess, Child Consultation Center, ShenZhen  Development, National Institute of Education, Singapore 朱沙,特邀主持人,深圳市妇儿咨询中心和谐热线 扎卡里瓦克尔, 新加坡国立教育学院,世界教育创新与发  Catherine Jennings,Co-founder, The Focus Group Consulting, LLC 展主管 凯瑟琳詹宁斯,焦点咨询集团联合创始人  24  The 10th Aunnal Women’s Symposium May 13-15, 2016 Keynote Speakers ѫ䇢హᇮ Yang Liping 杨丽萍 ⋣ইⴱ᮷ॆ঵঵䮯 Director General of Culture Department of Henan Province

Gong Xiangwei 龚湘伟 ᑍᯟᴬ˄ѝഭ˅ᴹ䲀ޜਨ Ӣ≤㜦փһъ䜘ᙫ㻱 Global BU Director, DSM (China) Limited

Miao Shuqun 㤇ṁ㗔 ⋣ইⴱ᮷ᆖ㢪ᵟ⭼ 㚄ਸՊ࢟ѫᑝ President of Henan Federation of Literary and Art Circles

Marek Wosinski, Ph.D. ӊ࡙ẁ䛓ᐎ・བྷᆖ ᗳ⨶ᆖ㌫儈㓗䇢ᐸ Coordinator of the Global Network for Sustainability, Arizona State University

Zachary M. Walker, Ph.D. ᯠ࣐එഭ・ᮉ㛢ᆖ䲒 ц⭼ᮉ㛢ࡋᯠоਁኅѫ㇑ Head of Pedagogical Innovation and Development, National Institute of Education, Singapore

 Breakout Speakers ࠶䇪උ╄䇢హᇮ







 ! "#$%&'*&+34&78,Henan ४⽮ॆ⨳ޘㅜॱቺྣᙗᡀ䮯䇪උЬᤃኅ֐Ⲵ ᒤᴸᰕˈ⋣ইⴱᯠ䜁ᐲ㾯ӊᯟഭ䱵ᆖ䲒

 Annette Metz, the Chief representative of CONBEN  Casey Margarite Field, the CEO and Founder of the SCARF Society Representative Office Shanghai ࠟ㾯g⧋Ṭѭg⢩㨢ቄᗧ ᆹ࿞⢩gẵީঊ༛ᱟCONBEN ᴹ䲀ޜਨк⎧ԓ㺘༴俆ᑝԓ㺘 Presentation:The SCARF Swap: Sharing Stories and Sisterhood Presentation: Resilience: Acting as Ambassadors, How to Achieve as Workshop Alternative Chinese Team Members a Successful Communication with Western བྷ֯аṧᡀ࣏ᑖ亶ѝഭⲴഒ䱏ᡀઈо㾯ᯩۿ䇢ѫ仈˖തᐮӔᦒ˖᭵һ࠶ӛ઼က࿩ᛵ䈺у仈⹄䇘Պ ╄䇢ѫ仈˖ྲօ╄ ഭᇦуᇦ䘋㹼Ӕ⍱ Chen Jie, Vice-Chairman, Henan Etiquette Association  14 Ni Linjuan, the founder of Shanghai Xiangnong Juice 陈洁,河南省礼仪学会副会长 Professional Cooperative Gong Xiangwei, Global BU Director,DSM (China) Limited ٚ᷇၏ˈк⎧ӛߌ᷌㭜уъਸ֌⽮Ⲵࡋ࿻Ӫ Presentation: A Colorful Dream of a Modern Peasant  龚湘伟帝斯曼(中国)有限公司亲水胶体事业部总裁 ╄䇢ѫ仈˖ањᯠߌӪⲴгᖙỖ Presentation: Let Life Unfold ╄䇢ѫ仈˖䇙⭏⍫ኅᔰ  Cara Qiu, a senior product manager in a high-tech company in Beijing 䛡䟤⋹ˈ7KLQN7DQNᲪ೺ഒሬᐸˈӂ㚄㖁ޜਨ儈㓗ӗ૱㓿⨶ Cindy Jensen, the Founder and Managing Director of Presentation: To Be Brave to Be Diverse  BOLDMOVES CHINA ╄䇢ѫ仈˖ᆖ⵰ࣷᮒˈᆖ⵰ཊṧ ἞䘚g䂩἞ᱟ%2/'029(6&+,1$Ⲵࡋ࿻Ӫ઼ᢗ㹼㪓һ Curr Shi, a GMBA graduate of Tsinghua University Presentation: Faces of the Future, Engaging Tomorrow’s Women Leaders  ⸣㔤ᓧ␵ॾབྷᆖ㓿⍾о㇑⨶ᆖ䲒㓿⍾㇑⨶ᆖ䲒*0%$Ⲵ∅ъ⭏ “What is Shaping and Influencing Attitudes of Engagement?” Presentation: When We Talk About Feminism, What Are We ?䇢ѫ仈˖ཊ䶒Ⲵᵚᶕˈ֯᰾ᰕⲴྣᙗ亶ሬ㘵ԜҶ䀓 Talking About╄ ˛ᡁԜ൘䈸ӰѸˈىĀӰѸ൘ກ䙐઼ᖡ૽᢯䈪Ⲵᘱᓖā ╄䇢ѫ仈˖ᖃᡁԜ䈸䇪ྣᙗѫѹⲴᰦ  Li Rong, Vice President of the Shanghai Women Studies Association  Karen Shragg, the Director of Wood lake Nature Center 黎荣, 上海市妇女学会副会长 ࠟՖgᯭ⪎Ṭ 是Wood lake Nature Center的主管 Presentation: How Women Benefit When Overpopulation is On the Table Angela Lock,Angela, Deputy Director, British Chamber ╄䇢ѫ仈˖൘Ӫਓ䗷࢙Ⲵ⧠⣦лˈྣᙗ䈕ྲօ֯㠚䓛ਇ⳺  ॾ䖦ˈ㤡ഭ୶Պᢗ㹼࢟ѫ㇑  Eileen Brill Wagner, the Co-Founder of Tikkun Travel Presentation: The VOW Project 㢮⩣gᐳ࡙ቄg⬖Ṭ㓣ˈ7LNNXQ7UDYHOⲴ㚄ਸࡋ࿻Ӫ ╄䇢ѫ仈˖䃃ᝯ㹼ࣘ Presentation: Creating Global Change, One "Handshake" At A Time ˛ᡁԜ൘䈸ӰѸˈىGary Love, International consultant on environmental sustainability ╄䇢ѫ仈˖ᖃᡁԜ䈸䇪ྣᙗѫѹⲴᰦ 7 specializing in innovation in energy efficiency  Zachary Walker, Head of Pedagogical Innovation and Development, ⴆ⪎ᱟ⧟ຳਟᤱ㔝ਁኅ亶ฏу᭫㜭Ⓚ᭸⦷ࡋᯠᯩ䶒Ⲵഭ䱵亮䰞DŽ National Institute of Education, Singapore Presentation: The Changing Role of Men ᡾঑䟼g⬖ݻቄˈᯠ࣐එഭ・ᮉ㛢ᆖ䲒ц⭼ᮉ㛢ࡋᯠоਁኅѫ㇑ ╄䇢ѫ仈˖⭧ᙗ䀂㢢Ⲵ䖜ਈ Presentation: Questions for a Global Leader Denise Love, RN、MN 、Consultant Director、Hypnotherapist. ╄䇢ѫ仈˖ޘ⨳亶ሬ㘵䶒ѤⲴ䰞仈 8 Director LifeOptions Inc. Yolanda Wang, Co-Founder of ThinkTank  ˈѩቬ䈇g⍋ཛᱟ⌘޼ᣔ༛ǃᣔ⨶ᆖ⺅༛ǃ૘䈒ᙫⴁǃۜⵐ⋫⯇ᐸ ⦻䈁㩡7KLQN7DQNᲪ೺ഒ㚄ਸࡋ࿻Ӫ ҏᱟLifeOptionsޜਨѫ㇑DŽ Presentation: Safe Dating Presentation: What Do You Need to Do to Prepare Yourself for Entering the Workplace? ˛Ⲵ߶༷ᴹଚӋڊ㙼൪ࡽˈ֐ᴰ䴰㾱ޕ㓖Պ ╄䇢ѫ仈˖䘋ޘ䇢ѫ仈˖ᆹ╄ 9 Lu Min, the director of Shanghai Blueberry Research Institute  Yue Ziyuan, Presenter of Zhengzhou Economy Radio 䱶᭿ˈк⎧ᐲ㬍㧃⹄ウᡰᡰ䮯 ዣ㍛ഝˈ䜁ᐎ㓿⍾ᒯ᫝ѫᤱӪ Presentation: Using the Technological Innovation to Lead Mutual Enrichment of Peasants  Marek WosinskiˈCoordinator of the Global Network for Sustainability, Arizona State University ╄䇢ѫ仈˖⭘、ᢰࡋᯠᑖࣘߌ≁ޡ਼㠤ᇼ 傜䴧ݻg⊳἞ᯟสˈӊ࡙ẁ䛓ᐎ・བྷᆖᗳ⨶ᆖ㌫儈㓗䇢ᐸ Lu Mei, International Education School of Henan University of  Chinese Medicine Presentation: What the New Generation of Leaders Should Know About the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 䐟⧛ˈ⋣ইѝ५㦟བྷᆖഭ䱵ᮉ㛢ᆖ䲒䲒䮯 ╄䇢ѫ仈˖ᯠаԓ亶ሬӪᓄҶ䀓Ⲵ㚄ਸഭਟᤱ㔝ਁኅⴞḷ  Lv Jian, Chairman of Zhengzhou Overseas Chinese Federation  Stephany Zoo,the Founder of Buzz & Bloom 㣡Ⲵࡋ࿻Ӫޠ㚄ѫᑝ ᗀ㘬㵌Ѡט੅ࢁˈ䜁ᐎᐲ Presentation: Why Sexual Education Cannot be Separated from  Francesca Martensthe holistic independent college consultant. Female Empowerment, and it's Implications on Economic Welfare ᕇᵇ㾯ᯟ঑g傜亯ᯟKROLVWLFLQGHSHQGHQWᆖ䲒Ⲵ亮䰞 ╄䇢ѫ仈˖ѪӰѸᙗᮉ㛢઼ྣᙗ䍻ᵳᱟнਟ࠶ࢢⲴ" Presentation: Resilience: The Key to Success in the 21st Century ᙗᮉ㛢ሩ㓿⍾⾿࡙Ⲵᖡ૽ᱟӰѸ˛ ╄䇢ѫ仈˖䘲ᓄ࣋ц㓚ᡀ࣏Ⲵޣ䭞  Chrystal Zou, Formerly Programmatic Buying Manager of GroupM Worldwide 䛩䴘㡏ˈ㗔䛁䳶ഒ㕆〻䟷䍝㓿⨶ Presentation: Ask the Hard Questions ╄䇢ѫ仈˖ᨀ䰞ᴹ᥁ᡈᙗⲴ䰞仈  HONORING MOTHERS RECEPTION

The Honoring Mothers’ Reception was designed to give daughters the opportunity to invite their Mothers to campus and to express their appreciation to them for the encouragement and support they have had to develop as women and to continue their education and earn a university degree. We invite Mothers to the Annual Women’ Symposium so they can hear what successful women and men who present at the Symposium say about achieving our dreams, choosing careers that match our desires to make a difference in our work, living a harmonious life, contributing to the success of others, choosing the right employer/spouse/family or making other important decisions about how to live a meaningful and fully expressed life.

㦓䂹⇽Ӣ࠶ӛՊᰘ൘㔉ҸྣݯԜᵪՊˈ䚰䈧㠚ᐡⲴ⇽ӢᶕࡠṑഝˈѪ⇽ӢԜᑖ㔉ྩԜ㧧 ᗇབྷᆖᮉ㛢ⲴᵪՊˈᒦѪྩԜᡀ䮯ѪањྣӪⲴᡰ㔉ҸⲴ᭟ᤱ઼啃࣡㺘⽪ᝏ䉒DŽᡁԜ䚰䈧ྸ ྸԜᶕࡠྣᙗᡀ䮯䇪උˈ䇙ྩԜੜࡠ䶂ᒤ⭧ྣ൘䇪උк䇢䘠ԆԜỖᜣⲴᇎ⧠ˈԆԜᘾṧᤙъ ᶕ൘ᐕ֌ѝᗇࡠ᭩ਈˈԆԜᘾṧࡋ䙐઼䉀Ⲵ⭏⍫ˈԆԜᘾṧѪԆӪⲴᡀ࣏ࣙ࣋ˈԆԜᘾṧ䘹 ˗ᤙ↓⺞Ⲵ䳷ѫǃႊါ઼ᇦᓝˈӖᡆᱟަԆаӋ䟽བྷⲴߣᇊˈᶕᓖ䗷ݵ┑᜿ѹ઼ᕐ࣋Ⲵ⭏⍫ 䇙ྸྸԜⴻࡠྩԜⲴᆙᆀᴹཊᡀ࣏DŽ

 Jerrie Ueberle Leadership Award

In honor of Jerrie Ueberle’s long and visionary work on behalf of Social Justice, Gender Equality and Human Rights, The World Academy Alumni Association sponsored the “Jerrie Ueberle Leadership Award”. The Jerrie Ueberle Leadership Award is a one-year based scholarship that recognizes World Academy members who demonstrate their leadership skills through innovative, initiative-driven leadership practices that impact the world in a positive way. By demonstrating a commitment to their families, school, community, and to their fields of study, the award-winning women will receive scholarships in the amount of $1200 from the World Academy for the Future of Women Alumni. Future qualified Academy Members will be encouraged to compete for the leadership scholarship on an annual basis, ensuring the continuity of a diverse and dynamic group of women leaders whose work inspires others to "make a world of difference".

The winners of Jerrie Ueberle Leadership Award in 2016 are: The First Division: Betsy Huang The Second Division: Felicia Gui The Third Division: Daisy Niu ᶠ⪎Ьቔ՟࡙亶ሬ࣋྆

Ѫੁᶠ⪎Ьቔ՟࡙ྣ༛䮯ᵏ൘⽮Պޜᒣǃᙗ࡛ᒣㅹ઼Ӫᵳᯩ䶒ᶱᇼ䘌㿱ᙗⲴᐕ֌㺘⽪ᝏ䉒о㠤ᮜˈ ᡁԜ⢩ሶ↔྆亩ભ਽ѪĀᶠ⪎Ьቔ՟࡙亶ሬ࣋྆āDŽ Āᶠ⪎Ьቔ՟࡙亶ሬ࣋྆āᱟ⭡ц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒ṑ৻Պ䇮・ⲴˈҾᒤᔰ࿻亱ਁˈ⇿аᒤ 亱ਁа⅑DŽ䈕྆ᆖ䠁䇮・ⲴⴞⲴᱟ㺘ᖠ䛓Ӌ䙊䗷䘀⭘㠚䓛亶ሬ࣋ᢰ㜭৺ࡋᯠⲴᯩᔿ〟ᶱ᭩ਈц⭼Ⲵྣ ᙗᆖ䲒ᡀઈDŽ 䈕྆ᆖ䠁ᙫ仍Ѫ㖾ݳˈ䍴䠁⭡ྣᙗᆖ䲒ṑ৻䎎ࣙˈᆖઈ䙊䗷ኅ⽪ԆԜሩᇦᓝǃᆖṑǃ⽮४ԕ Ⲵཹ⥞ᶕ৲о䈕྆ᆖ䠁Ⲵ䇴䘹DŽ⇿аᒤᡁԜ啃࣡н਼㛼ᲟⲴՈ⿰ྣᙗᆖ䲒ᆖઈ৫ڊ৺ԆԜᆖҐ亶ฏᡰ 䛓Ӌ⭘㹼ࣘ৫◰࣡ԆӪĀ֯ц⭼Ѫѻн਼āⲴྣᙗ亶ሬ㘵Ⲵཊṧ؍⺞⭣䈧↔亩亶ሬ࣋྆ᆖ䠁ˈԕ↔ᶕ ᙗ৺ྣᙗ亶ሬ㘵䰤ӂࣘⲴᤱ㔝ᙗDŽ

ᒤᶠ⪎Ьቔ՟࡙亶ሬ࣋྆ᆖ䠁Ⲵ㧧྆㘵ᱟ˖ аㅹ྆˖哴ਦ᱕ Ҽㅹ྆˖Ṳភភ йㅹ྆˖⢋ߠ㧩

 THE FOUNDER & CHAIRMAN OF SIAS INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY DR. SHAWN CHEN 㾯ӊᯟࡋ࣎Ӫ ⨶һ䮯䱸㛆㓟ঊ༛ Founder and Chairman, Shawn Chen, entrepreneur and visionary leader, has been a strong supporter of the Annual Women’s Symposium, followed by the World Academy for the Future of Women. His commitment to gender equality and the acceleration of women’s leadership has been the foundation for the development and expansion of these extraordinary programs. The World Academy for the Future of Women is located in Sias International University campus in Xinzheng, Henan, China. Sias International University is the first solely American-owned University in central China, affiliated with . It was developed and designed in response to the most current educational demands. Combining Chinese and Western educational philosophies, Sias aims to nurture talent and develop sophisticated and specialized individuals that can contribute to the modernization and economic development of China. To achieve these goals, Sias broadens the views of its students and encourages creativity and independent thought among both students and faculty through an innovative curriculum, diverse campus activities, all in a modern and beautiful environment. The participation of foreign faculty members and the use of English-language teaching materials also enhances bilingual communication skills among the students. All this encourages Sias’ students to explore global strategies to develop and evolve their problem-solving abilities.

䱸㛆㓟ঊ༛ˈ㾯ӊᯟഭ䱵ᆖ䲒ࡋ࿻Ӫǃ⨶һ䮯ˈԆᱟаսԱъᇦˈҏᱟаսᶱᇼ䘌㿱Ⲵ亶ሬ㘵DŽԆᱟྣᙗ Ҿᙗ࡛ᒣㅹоᨀॷྣᙗ亶ሬ࣋ᯩ䶒Ⲵ৲оǃޣᡀ䮯䇪උԕ৺ц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒ᕪᴹ࣋Ⲵ᭟ᤱ㘵DŽ䱸ݸ⭏൘ ᢯䈪ᱟ㾯ӊᯟ৺ྣᙗᆖ䲒ㅹՇཊᶱᓖՈ⿰亩ⴞᗇԕਁኅⲴṩสDŽ ц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒սҾ⋣ইⴱᯠ䜁ᐲ㾯ӊᯟഭ䱵ᆖ䲒Ⲵṑഝ޵ˈ㾯ӊᯟᱟ⋣ইⴱ俆ᇦ㻛ഭ࣑䲒ᆖ࣑င ઈՊᢩ߶ਟԕᇎᯭຳཆᆖᵟᆖսᮉ㛢ਸ֌亩ⴞⲴޘᰕࡦᵜ、䲒ṑˈҏᱟ俆ᢩ㻛ѝഭᮉ㛢䜘ѝছਸ֌࣎ᆖ䇴ՠਸ ṬⲴ䲒ṑDŽᆖṑ⿹ᤱѝ㾯ਸ⫗࣎ᆖ⨶ᘥˈᇎᯭഭ䱵ॆޘӪᮉ㛢ˈษޫ༽ਸරᇎ⭘Ӫ᡽DŽѪ䗮↔ⴞḷˈᆖṑ൘〟 ˈᶱᶴᔪՈ㢟ᆖҐ⧟ຳⲴ਼ᰦˈ൘࣎ྭ䘉Ӌส⹰ᆖ、ˈཟᇎส⹰䈮〻ᆖҐⲴส⹰кˈᨀ׋ཊݳ᮷ॆⲴᆖҐ⑐䚃 䙊䗷ሩޘᯠ䇔⸕、ᆖⲴᆖҐˈՈॆᆖҐᯩᔿ˗䙊䗷Ӫ㝁࣐⭥㝁Ც㜭ᆖҐᯩ⌅ⲴษޫˈᨀॷᆖҐ㜭࣋˗䙊䗷ࡋᯠ 䘋׳ˈᮉ㛢઼ᇎ䐥ˈᨀ儈ᆖ⭏Ⲵᇎ䐥㜭࣋оࡋᯠ᜿䇶˗䙊䗷ࡋᔪ⤜⢩㘼৸ѠᇼཊᖙⲴṑഝ᮷ॆˈᤃኅᆖ⭏㿶䟾 㤡ᦸ䈮઼㤡䈝৏⡸ᮉᶀⲴ֯⭘ˈᕪॆሩᆖ⭏ޘᆖ⭏㔬ਸ㍐䍘Ⲵᨀ儈ˈษޫ㠚ѫᆖҐⲴ㢟ྭᆖ仾ˈ䙊䗷ཆ㉽ᮉᐸ 䈝ǃ㤡䈝ৼ䈝㜭઼࣋䍴䇟㜭࣋Ⲵษޫ֯ަࡍ↕ާ༷ഭ䱵ॆⲴ⋏䙊Ӕ⍱㜭࣋ǃഭ䱵ॆⲴ㿶䟾઼ഭ䱵ॆⲴᙍ㔤ᯩ≸ ᔿᡀѪањ䘲ᓄഭ䱵аփॆ㓿⍾⽮ՊਁኅⲴਸṬӪ᡽DŽ

 THE FOUNDER & PRESIDENT GLOBAL INTERACTIONS JERRIE UEBERLE ࡋ࿻Ӫ 俆ᑝᢗ㹼ᇈ⧟⨳Ӕ⍱ޜਨ ᶠ⪎Ьቔ՟࡙ Founder and CEO of the World Academy for the Future of Women, a bold and rigorous women’s leadership program preparing women to address basic human rights and social justice aligned with the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Founder and President of Global Interactions, Inc., a 501(c)(3), non-organization whose purpose is to connect U.S. professionals with their international counterparts to share best practices, research, and technologies that will further worldwide communication and understanding. She served as President of the Sias University Foundation Board, a 26,000 student American-owned Chinese University in Henan Province China. Other projects include Challenge:TOMORROW, a youth leadership program for 12-16 year olds to partner with Chinese students and The Institute for Social and Environmental Responsibility on Sias Campus. She was employed by the Chicago Board of Education, clinics, schools, and the Arizona Department of Education. She served as a consultant to two major U.S. Department of Education Projects of National Significance, the U.S. Manpower Project and the Comprehensive System for Personal Development. Jerrie’s academic training was in speech pathology and audiology. In 2015 she received the World Network of Entrepreneurs Award for Global Community Service and the Women's International Network Leadership Award. 杰瑞·尤伯利,世界女性未来发展学院创始人兼首席执行官。世界女性未来发展学院是一个严谨大 胆的女性领导力组织,致力于通过致力于 人权,性别平等,社会公平等方面的领导力课程培训及基于 联合国可持续发展目标 的项目活动来提升年轻女性的领导力。 杰瑞女士也是美国环球交流公司的创始人兼总裁,公司总部位于美国亚利桑那 州·凤凰城,致力 于在世界范围内实现资源信息的共享,将美国先进的教育、技 术、研究等不同领域知识与其他国家分 享,共同促进世界的进步。作为西亚斯国际学院前基金会主席,杰瑞女士在学院内开展了诸多特色项 目: 挑战明天-致力于 12-16 岁青年学生挑战自我,提升领导力;创办社会环境责任学院等。杰瑞女士 曾任职美国芝加哥教育部基金会,亚利桑那州教育部等,她也作为首 席顾问服务于美国两大主要教育 类项目:教育对一个国家的意义& 人类发展综合体 系。杰瑞的学术领域主要在领导力,演讲语言学和 听力学。 2015年,杰瑞女士获得世界企业家奖和全球女性领导人奖。

 World Academy Oath ц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒䃃䇽 As a member of the World Academy for the Future of Women ֌Ѫц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒Ⲵаઈ As a member of the Men’s Academy for the Future of Women ֌Ѫц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅ⭧ᙗᆖ䲒Ⲵаઈ I am committed to the advancement and acceleration if women’s leadership worldwide ᡁ᢯䈪Ѫᨀॷц⭼ྣᙗⲴ亶ሬ࣋㘼ཻᯇ I am empowered through the discovery of my passion, my purpose and my path to success ᧒ራ◰ᛵǃṁ・ⴞḷˈራ᢮ᡀ࣏ѻ䐟 I will be courageous and will act with honesty and integrity ᡁ㾱ࣷᖰⴤࡽˈ䈊ᇎᆸؑ I will go beyond my personal and geographic boundaries ᡁ㾱䎵䎺㠚ᡁ I will be generous with my time and resources ᡁ㾱ҀҾཹ⥞ I will honor and respect the rights and dignity of all people ᡁ㾱ሺ䟽ԆӪⲴᵳ઼࡙ሺѕ I will widen my vision for what is possible and strengthen my capacity to lead ᡁ㾱ᔰᤃ⵬⭼ˈᨀॷᒦ䐥㹼亶ሬ࣋ I will live a meaningful and fully expressed life ᡁ㾱֯⭏ભݵ┑᜿ѹ઼ᕐ࣋ As a global citizen, I will take responsibility for my action and will live my life in harmony with the planet Ѫа਽ޘ⨳ॆޜ≁ˈᡁ㾱ሩ㠚ᐡⲴ㹼Ѫ䍏䍓ˈᡁ㾱оц⭼઼䉀⴨༴ I make this oath freely and I give my word to keep it ᡁ㠚ᝯᇓ䃃ᒦ᢯䈪䚥ᆸ

 World Academy for the Future of Women teaches me to be courageous and independent. Things are pretty rough in Nigeria now and it takes lots of courage to go there. Without all the training I got from World Academy for the Future of Women I would never have had this job and stayed calm in extreme circumstances in Africa. Many Chinese workers in Africa told me I was amazing and they rarely saw female interpreters because it was too dangerous and they rarely got support from their boyfriends or husbands or parents. World Academy for the Future of Women empowered me to pursue my dreams against all the odds -- CATHERINE CHEN Be the change you want to see in the world. Dream big and be who you are, two most important things I learned from the World Academy for the Future of Women. 4 years ago, which made my life different. It was my facilitators that opened my eyes to see the outside world and dare to dream big to be an international nurse. They pushed me to be who I am when I was diagnosed with essential tremors and was told I could no longer be a nurse. The time with tremors on my hands and all the negative words was the toughest time in my life. They made me become who I really am and could really stand up again to pursue my vision firmly. Also after that, I know every day in my life could never be a worse one since I still can do something to make my vision possible -- GRACE LIANG. The Academy light up my world and changed my destiny during the dark time when an accident happened to my family, which almost made me drop out of school. WAFW opened up a new path for me to learn about myself, and a new window to see the whole world. The training helped me to be strong, and gave me the faith as a leader I could go through all the difficulties and challenges. I became much more diligent in study and various projects, and finally won the scholarship to study in the United States. I became the first one that studied aboard from my village, also brought hope to my families and encouraged us to work much harder and finally survived. As I gained lots of supports from the Academy and my research interests in communication and social change, I decided to pass on the love I have received and devote my life to make a better world by working on improving gender equality, and media literacy -- TINA REN The World Academy led me to a different world, teaches me everything is possible and to dream big. That’s what motivated me to come to UK to pursue my dream. My confidence and dream build up during my study in World Academy. Moreover, the World Academy makes me believe that we all can make a difference. Yes, we can, and yes, we will.-- CARINA GUO How lucky I am to have a such good life and the chance to get an education, how to work within a team, and how to inspire others. I have become much more confident and I believe in myself. I have courage enough to use my own voice and make decisions in my own life. I also care more about others and I’m eager to help them -- CECILIA ZHANG World Academy support me in finding something bigger than myself. After graduating from the University, I went to Finland, Germany, Czech Republic, and Poland as an international interpreter. WAFW taught me: Every girl has the right to be confident whether your circumstances are good or bad. I came from a poor family in the rural village in Henan Province, and I had never thought that one day I could travel in different countries, I can speak fluent English and talk with amazing facilitators, make friends worldwide!-- ANNIE CHANG The World Academy enlarges my eyes to see things I would never think possible. I come from a village, Courage when I often lacked confidence came from the Academy spirit and pushed me to move forward. The Academy is the source of courage so that I can stick to my dream and believe in myself. I received a scholarship and will go to America and study at Thunderbird School of Global Management!-- GLORIA PAN www.wafw.org

14 Cheryl Drive Phoenix, AZ 85021 United States of America

Sias Interna onal University 168 People’s Road East Xinzheng City, Henan People’s Republic of China 451150

info@globalinterac ons.org