2015-2016 Academy Year About the WAFW͵ The World Academy for the Future of Women is a bold and daring leadership program focused on developing young women for leadership roles that will address and achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Begun on the campus of Sias International University in 2009, the World Academy grew from a one year program for 100 women to a multi-level three year program for women, and a Men’s Academy for the Future of Women, a program requested by men students, which now replicates the women’s program and prepares men to support the advancement of women。 ޣҾᆖ䲒 ц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒ᡀ・Ҿ 2009 ᒤˈᱟањѕ䉘བྷ㛶ⲴуѪᒤ䖫ྣᙗ䇮䇑Ⲵ亶ሬ࣋ษ䇝㓴㓷DŽ ᆖ䲒㔃ਸѝ㾯ᯩ᮷ॆਁኅ䇮䇑䈮〻ˈԕ㚄ਸഭਟᤱ㔝ਁኅⴞḷѪṨᗳˈ䙊䗷䈮าᆖҐо亩ⴞᇎ䐥ᶕ ᕅሬᒤ䖫Ӫࠝ⵰ྩԜⲴ◰ᛵ઼ᢗ⵰৫ࡋ䙐઼ᇎ⧠㠚ᡁỖᜣˈᒦᑞࣙྩԜݵ┑㠚ؑˈॿࣙྩԜ㧧ᗇᢰ 㜭ˈ啃࣡ྩԜᡀѪᆖ䲒ǃ⽮४ǃഭᇦѳ㠣ޘ⨳Ⲵ亶ሬ㘵DŽ ᆖ䲒Ӿᡀ・ѻࡍ⇿ᒤᤋ᭦ 100 ᆖઈⲴаᒤࡦ亩ⴞਁኅࡠྲӺޡйњн਼ᒤ㓗ˈवᤜྣᙗᆖ䲒ǃ ⭧ᙗᆖ䲒Ⲵޘᯩսǃཊቲ⅑ษ䇝㓴㓷DŽ PURPOSE: To advance and accelerate the leadership of women worldwide. ↕ᙗⲴ䘋ྣ⨳ޘ䘋઼࣐ᘛ׳ :ᆖ䲒ⴞḷ MISSION: To empower women through the discovery of their passion, purpose, and path to success, calling forth the full expression of human possibilities through collaborative and inclusive partnerships. ᆖ䲒֯ભ˖䙊䗷ᦸᵳ઼◰࣡ྣᙗᶕ੨ᕅྩԜ᧒㍒Ӫ⭏Ⲵⴞḷˈ◰ᛵ઼䙊ᖰᡀ࣏Ⲵ䚃䐟DŽ䙊䗷ਁኅॿ ㌫ݵ࠶ਁᧈྣᙗ▌㜭DŽޣ઼वᇩᙗⲴਸՉդ WAFW Structure World Academy members commit to a year long program that requires 8-10 hours of class room and project teamwork each week. They must participate in one or more of the World Academy Projects that address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, to create their own project and team focusing on social justice, gender equality or human rights. Members do not receive university credit for their World Academy work. We believe leadership is not for credit, rather leadership is about being socially responsible and providing a service that will enable others to advance their status in life and accelerate their ability to become a contributing member of society. Today the Academy has five separate divisions comprised of members from all class levels, freshman through senior year. The division levels are: # # # R # R # ! ᆖ䲒㔃ᶴ˖ ᆖ䲒ᆖઈᤜҶᶕ㠚㾯ӊᯟഭ䱵ᆖ䲒བྷа㠣བྷഋњᒤ㓗н਼уъⲴᆖ⭏ˈྣᙗᆖ䲒Ⲵᡀઈ㾱 䇱൘Ѫᵏаᒤ䟼ˈ⇿ઘ㾱ᴹሿᰦⲴ䈮〻ᆖҐ઼亩ⴞ㓴⍫ࣘᰦ䰤DŽԆԜᗵ享৲࣐ањᡆањԕ؍ кⲴԕ㚄ਸഭਟᤱ㔝ਁኅⴞḷѪ⍫ࣘṨᗳⲴྣᙗᆖ䲒亩ⴞ㓴DŽԕ৺㠚ᐡ৫ࡋᔪޣҾ⽮Պޜᒣˈєᙗ ᒣㅹ઼Ӫᵳᯩ䶒Ⲵ亩ⴞ㓴઼ഒ䱏DŽ ࣐ྣᙗᆖ䲒䈮〻ⲴᡀઈнՊᗇࡠᆖ࠶DŽᡁԜؑ亶ሬ࣋㜭нᱟѪҶᆖ࠶ˈ㘼ᱟѪҶ⽮Պ䍓৲ ࠪ䍑⥞㘼ᨀᴽ࣑DŽڊԫ઼ᑞࣙԆӪᨀ儈ԆԜⲴ⭏⍫ൠսˈᨀॷԆԜⲴ㜭࣋ᶕᴤྭൠѪ⽮Պаઈ ᆖ䲒ᒤ㓗ࡂ࠶Ѫ˖ Ь ࡍ㓗ྣᙗᆖ䲒ᆖઈ˄ㅜаᒤ࣐ޕᆖ䲒Ⲵྣᙗᆖઈ˅ Ь 儈㓗ྣᙗᆖ䲒ᆖઈ˄㔗㔝ᆖ䲒ㅜҼᒤᆖҐⲴྣᙗᆖઈ˅ Ь ࡍ㓗⭧ᙗᆖ䲒ᆖઈ˄ㅜаᒤ࣐ޕᆖ䲒Ⲵ⭧ᙗᆖઈ˅ Ь 儈㓗⭧ᙗᆖ䲒ᆖઈ˄㔗㔝ᆖ䲒ㅜҼᒤᆖҐⲴ⭧ᙗᆖઈ˅ Ь 㹼ࣘ࣋ᆖ䲒ᆖઈ˄ㅜйᒤ൘ᆖ䲒ᆖҐⲴᆖઈ˅ 3 World Academy Advisory Board Members of the Advisory Board contribute to the growth and expansion of the work of the World Academy through their commitment,concerns,and connections. Their support and partnership forges new frontiers and widens our vision for new possibilities. ୢஐୋճѪىЌࣙ㓬ޭՆ ц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒亮䰞ငઈՊⲴᡀઈˈѪᆖ䲒Ⲵਁኅ༞བྷ䍑⥞Ҷ䈪ˈޣ⡡઼ԆԜⲴ⽮Պ ޣ㌫DŽԆԜⲴ᭟ᤱоਸˈᑞࣙᆖ䲒ਁ⧠н਼Ⲵਟ㜭ᙗоᯠⲴᵪ䙷DŽ Global Interactions Board of Directors The World Academy for the Future of Women is a program of Global Interactions, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.The Board contributes leadership, vision, high standards of operation and oversight in the pursuit of program workability and participant results. ষ֡ࢺࣁрࡗҷ՚嗋жѪ 㖾ഭ⧟⨳Ӕ⍱ޜਨᱟ 501(c)(3)䶎㩕࡙ᙗޜ⳺㓴㓷ˈц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒Ѫ䈕ޜਨ൘ѝഭᡀ ਨ㪓һՊԕަ亶㻆㋮⾎ǃᡈ⮕ݹˈࡦᇊᆖ䲒䘀㩕儈ḷ߶ˈ䈳᧗亩ⴞⲴਟ㹼ᙗˈᒦⴁޜⲴ亩ⴞDŽ・ ㇑৲оᡀ᷌DŽ Board Members ͵ճۉҷ՚嗋жѪ Jerrie Ueberle, Chair Ron Mann, Ph.D. Joni Samples, Ed.D. Cyd West WAFW Facilitators Members of the World Academy Facilitator Body are volunteers who have participated in a 15-18 hour orientation describing the origin and development of the World Academy and how it works. Volunteers completing the orientation then choose to participate in ways that best serve the World Academy utilizing their knowledge, networks, and skill sets. They may volunteer to seek resources, develop programs, conduct research, become mentors, provide internships, give or get financial support, attend the Annual Women's Symposium or other significant tasks to accelerate women's leadership and the work of the World Academy worldwide. Others choose to be a World Academy facilitator and make a commitment to travel to an Academy site for five weeks and deliver a four (4) week module of the World Academy curriculum, aligning their unique experience and expertise with the World Academy curriculum outcomes. Facilitators assume their own transportation costs and the host site provides housing and meals during their stay at the Academy site. No remuneration is provided for facilitator services. More than eighty facilitators have generously delivered the World Academy curriculum over the last seven years. Facilitator orientations can be requested and scheduled when a group of ten or more women or men request to participate. Organizations and associations are invited to partner with the World Academy to promote the growth of the Facilitator Body or sponsor one of their members to be a World Academy Facilitator. ᆖ䲒ሬᐸഒ䱏˖ ц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒˄ྣᙗᆖ䲒˅ⲴሬᐸԜ䜭ՊѪᘇᝯ㘵ᶕ৲࣐ሿᰦ Ҿྣ䲒ᡀ・ˈਁኅ઼䘀㩕Ⲵᦸ䈮ษ䇝DŽྩԜ䴰㾱ݸᆼᡀᦸ䈮ษ䇝ˈ❦ਾ䘹ᤙԕޣⲴ ӰѸṧⲴᯩᔿᶕ䘀⭘㠚ᐡⲴ⸕䇶ˈӪ䱵㖁ˈ઼ᢰ㜭ㅹ᭟ᤱྣᙗᆖ䲒DŽྩԜਟ㜭ᘇᝯ᧒ ራ䍴Ⓚˈਁኅ亩ⴞˈ䘋㹼䈳⹄ˈᡀѪሬᐸˈᨀᇎҐˈᨀᡆ㘵ᗇࡠ䍒࣑᭟ᤱˈ৲о 䘋ྣᙗ亶ሬ઼࣋ྣᙗᆖ䲒൘ц⭼׳ᒤаᓖⲴྣᙗ䇪උᡆ㘵ަԆᴹ䟽བྷѹⲴԫ࣑ᶕ⇿ 㤳തⲴᐕDŽ Ѫᆖ䲒ሬᐸⲴਖཆањ䘹ᤙቡᱟ䈪ࡠѝഭ䘋㹼ѪᵏഋઘⲴྣᙗᆖ䲒亶ሬ࣋䈮 〻ᮉᦸˈሶԆԜ⤜аᰐҼⲴ㓿শ઼уъᢰ㜭઼ྣᙗᆖ䲒Ⲵ䈮〻ⴞḷ㔃ਸDŽ൘ᆖ䲒ᦸ 䈮ᵏ䰤ˈሬᐸԜሶ㠚ᐡᣵ䍏Ӕ䙊ㅹ䍩⭘ˈྣᙗᆖ䲒ᨀ伏ᇯDŽሬᐸԜⲴ᭟ᤱ઼ᐕᱟ ᰐᣕ䞜ⲴDŽ൘䗷৫Ⲵᒤ䟼ˈᐢ㓿ᴹ䎵䗷ሬᐸឧមൠᶕࡠѝഭ൘ᆖ䲒ᮉᦸ䈮〻DŽ 䘋㘵㓴ᡀˈԆԜਟԕ䈧׳ᆖᦸ䈮ษ䇝ሶᱟ⭡а㓴Ӫᡆ㘵ᴤཊⲴྣᙗᡆ㘵⭧ᙗ 䘋ᮤ׳਼ޡᡆ㘵㻛ᆹᧂᡀањษ䇝㓴DŽ㓴㓷઼ॿՊਟԕᡀѪྣᙗᆖ䲒ⲴਸՉդᶕ≳ 䘋㘵DŽ׳փⲴਁኅᡆ㘵᧘㦀ԆԜⲴаᡀઈᡀѪྣᙗᆖ䲒Ⲵ WORLD ACADEMY FACILITATORS ц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒ሬᐸ 2009-2010 :7Q$:J Allison Haynes Paula Shoup Melanie St.James Susan Brooks Gail Marshall Alanna Levenson Suzanne Mayo Frindt 11$. `1JR WORLD ACADEMY FACILITATORS ц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒ሬᐸ 2010-2011 $% !H@ :J1 :VC:J11Q 7JR:1.Q]7JR:1.Q] Kumi Ritchey VCC77:J :%`1VV CV7 Q:J1V`VVI:J : .7%c1CQJ $ @ WORLD ACADEMY FACILITATORS ц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒ሬᐸ 2011-2012 Joyce Brinton Judi Price Ginger Miller LyndaBridget Bishop Kelly Chui QingQing Katrina Whitecavage Shirley Osborne H@ Ruth Reese WORLD ACADEMY FACILITATORS ц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒ሬᐸ 2012-2013 Shirley Osborne Dwight Duckins Robert Ford LyndaJerrie UeberleBishop Cathy Adams Steven Sumner &H$8( *Ann Schubert Eileen Brill Wagner Kevin Brown Kathy Brown Andrea Conner 2013-2014 WORLD ACADEMY FACILITATORS Jacqueline Freeman * Joyce Brinton DwightLynda Bishop Duckins Rachel Vidmar Steven Sumner Joni Samples Carol Dickson Manule Guillot Catherine Jennings Ann Schubert Elizabeth Ursic Kyna Rosen + 2014-2015 WORLD ACADEMY FACILITATORS Jerrie Ueberle Jacqueline Freeman & 7JR:1.Q]Sharon Liu G + Laura Nitsos Sunneye Phillips ManuleJulia Curcio Guillot CatherineDave Kosanke Jennings *Ann Schubert CatherineAnn Schubert Jennings Elizabeth$+ Ursic AnnKyna Schubert Rosen +Sheila Key Joyce Brinton Sharyn* Mathieu *(@@ $@8! PatriceLynda RegisterBishop 2015-2016 RachelJerrie Ueberle Vidmar StevenLaura SumnerNitsos Kinsey Cooper Bridget Kelly Bill Svoboda Denise Love Gary Love Eileen Brill Wagner Michael Wagner WAFW Alumni ṑ৻Պ The World Academy Alumni in Action was established in November, 2014. It is open to both women and men who have completed at least one year of the World Academy. Alumni are bound together by the experiences shared as Academy members, we use this association to maintain and expand our commitment to our leadership and to impact others through our work, our careers and our relationships. ц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒ṑ৻Պᡀ・Ҿ 2014 ᒤ 11 ᴸˈࠑᆼᡀᆖ䲒аᒤᆖҐⲴᆖઈণਟ⭣䈧࣐ޕ ṑ৻ՊDŽѪṑ৻ՊⲴᡀઈˈᡁԜ䙊䗷࠶ӛ൘ྣᙗྣ䲒ᡀ䮯ᆖҐⲴ㓿শӂ㚄㌫൘а䎧ˈ䙊䗷ṑ৻ ՊⲴᒣਠᶕඊᤱᒦ␡ॆ㠚䓛ޣҾᨀॷ亶ሬ࣋Ⲵ䈪ˈ਼ᰦҏ࣐བྷᡁԜ൘ᐕǃһъ৺⽮Ӕ㖁㔌ᶕՐ 䙂ᡁԜⲴⴞḷо◰ᛵሶՊӗ⭏Ⲵᖡ૽DŽ PURPOSE: To empower a life-long relationship among World Academy members who have completed the work of the World Academy and are passionate and committed to accelerating the leadership of women worldwide. ᙗ亶ሬ࣋ᨀॷⲴՈ⿰ྣᙗᆖ䲒ᆖઈѻ䰤ᢃ䙐ྣ⨳ޘ䘋׳ⴞ ḷ: ൘ᐢ㓿ᆼᡀᆖъˈᇼᴹ◰ᛵф㠤࣋Ҿ ањ㓸䓛Ⲵޣ㌫㖁 MISSION: To create a dynamic network of World Academy alumni who will: # promote and contribute to the World Academy for the Future of Women movement worldwide # support one another in the spirit of leadership in advancing their professional and personal growth # be their word and fully expressed with generosity and gratitude # widen their vision for what is possible for themselves and others on their path to successful leadership : ㌫㖁ˈṑ৻Ԝሶޣભ: ൘ྣᙗᆖ䲒∅ъṑ৻ѻ䰤ᢃ䙐⍫࣋ഋሴⲴࣘᘱ ֯ 䘋ྣᙗᆖ䲒൘ц⭼㤳തⲴਁኅ׳㠤࣋Ҿ # # ൘亶ሬ࣋㋮⾎Ⲵᖡ૽л᭟ᤱަԆᡀઈਁኅу䮯઼ᇎ⧠㠚ᡁᡀ䮯 ឧមˈᗳᘰᝏᚙˈؑᆸ䈪ˈ֯⭏ભݵ┑ѹоᕐ࣋ # # ൘ᨀॷ亶ሬ࣋Ⲵ䚃䐟кнᯝᡈ㠚ᡁˈᔰᤃ⭼ˈ᧒㍒ᯠⲴᵪ䙷оਟ㜭 WAFW Global Mentoring Program ޘ⨳ሬᐸ亩ⴞ The Academy members thrive on one-to-one relationships with mentors. These relationships begin when members are in the World Academy and often continue after graduation. Most of the mentoring is virtual, which means Skype, email and WeChat. All of the mentoring is meaningful, providing a bridge between age, culture and experience. Repeatedly, mentors gain as much from the experience as the members. They learn about themselves, as well as the deep reward of supporting young women and men grow as individuals and leaders. ц⭼ྣᙗᵚᶕਁኅᆖ䲒ޘ⨳ሬᐸ亩ⴞ䙊䗷ᔪ・аሩаሬᐸᆖઈޣ㌫ᶕᑞࣙᆖ⭏ᇎ⧠ᴤྭⲴᨀॷˈ ᤱDŽབྷ䜘࠶ሬᐸᱟ䙊䗷㓯к˄6N\SH㿶仁؍㌫ᡀ・Ҿᆖઈ൘ṑᵏ䰤ˈҏሶ൘ަ∅ъਾ㔗㔝ޣ䘉䖵ሬ ⭥䈍ǃ䛞Ԧ઼ᗞؑ˅ㅹᯩᔿоᆖઈ䘋㹼⋏䙊Ӕ⍱DŽ䘉ᴹ䪸ሩᙗⲴ䖵ሬᱟ䶎ᑨᴹѹⲴˈѪн਼ᒤ 㓚ǃ᮷ॆ㛼Ჟǃ⭏⍫䰵শⲴӪԜᨀҶањᶱྭⲴ⋏䙊ẕằDŽ ਼ṧˈਇ⳺Ҿ䈕亩ⴞⲴнӵӵᱟᆖ⭏ˈሬᐸԜҏ㜭ཏӾѝ᭦㧧ᖸཊDŽԆԜᗇԕᴤྭⲴҶ䀓㠚ᡁˈ ҏ䙊䗷㿱䇱ᒤ䖫ӪѪањ亶ሬ㘵ˈањ⤜・њփⲴཊṧᡀ䮯ᯩᔿᶕ᭦㧧ᡀቡоௌᛖDŽ WAFW Awards ᆖ䲒㦓䂹 WAFW Internship Program ᇎҐ⭏亩ⴞ The World Academy Internship Program is essential to moving the knowledge and skills developed in through World Academy curriculum into action in our communities, country and throughout the world. We appreciate the companies and organizations that have provided opportunities to Academy members by providing internships that have allowed members to work in offices and programs to gain a wider vision for what is possible for them as leaders and team members outside their university environment. These experiences have been life changing for the Academy members as they create and fulfill their
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