
Ecology, 87(10), 2006, pp. 2479–2488 Ó 2006 by the Ecological Society of America


1 AILSA P. KERSWELL School of Marine Biology and Aquaculture and ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland 4811 Australia

Abstract. richness patterns are remarkably similar across many marine taxa, yet explanations of how such patterns are generated and maintained are conflicting. I use published occurrence data to identify previously masked latitudinal and longitudinal diversity gradients for all genera of benthic marine macroalgae and for species in the Order Bryopsidales. I also quantify the size, location, and overlap of macroalgal geographic ranges to determine how the observed richness patterns are generated. Algal genera exhibit an inverse latitudinal gradient, with biodiversity hotspots in temperate regions, while bryopsidalean species reach peak diversity in the tropics. The geographic distribution of range locations results in distinct clusters of range mid-points. In particular, widespread taxa are centered within tight latitudinal and longitudinal bands in the middle of the Indo-Pacific and Atlantic Oceans while small-ranged taxa are clustered in peripheral locations, suggesting that variation in and are important drivers of algal diversity patterns. Hypotheses about factors that regulate diversity contain underlying assumptions about the size and location of geographic ranges, in addition to predictions as to why species numbers will differ among regions. Yet these assumptions are rarely considered in assessing the validity of the prevailing hypotheses. I assess a suite of hypotheses, suggested to explain patterns of marine diversity, by comparing algal-richness patterns in combination with the size and location of algal geographic ranges, to the richness and range locations predicted by these hypotheses. In particular, the results implicate areas and ocean currents as the most plausible drivers of observed diversity patterns. Key words: Bryopsidales; geographic range; hotspot; marine algae; ocean currents; richness gradients; species–area hypothesis.

INTRODUCTION reducing extinction risk, while also containing more Global-scale patterns in are one of the barriers that promote allopatric speciation (Rosenzweig most studied phenomena in ecology, and consistent 1995, Chown and Gaston 2000). The species–energy trends are repeatedly documented in both terrestrial and hypothesis asserts that higher numbers of species in the marine environments (Gaston 2000). The latitudinal tropics result from faster metabolic and speciation rates gradient of increasing species richness from polar to associated with warmer temperatures (Kaspari et al. tropical regions is arguably the most well known of these 2004). Theories that revolve around climatic stability patterns, and few taxa display contrasting patterns suggest that the tropics are a stable and relatively benign (Willig et al. 2003). Longitudinal gradients, although environment where species can specialize on predictable less well studied, can also be distinct across individual resources and persist when rare, compared to harsh continents and oceans (e.g., Jetz and Rahbek [2001] for temperate and polar regions where extinction rates are , Roberts et al. [2002] for marine taxa). However, high (Hawkins et al. 2003). The species–productivity there is much controversy about the mechanisms that hypothesis suggests that greater energy inputs will underlie the observed patterns of biodiversity, with support more individuals and promote specialization, upwards of 30 explanations for the latitudinal richness although whether the relationship between species gradient alone (Rosen 1988, Willig et al. 2003). numbers and productivity is linear or hump shaped Most theories that aim to explain the location of appears to be highly scale dependent (Rosenzweig 1995, biodiversity hotspots typically rely on logical explana- Chase and Leibold 2002). tions for why one area will promote speciation or Recently mid-domain effect models have been pro- reduce extinction relative to another. For example, the posed as biogeographic null models (Colwell and Lees species–area hypothesis suggests that larger areas can 2000, Colwell et al. 2004). Under these models, species- support more individuals and populations thereby richness gradients arise due to geometric constraints on the size and location of species’ geographic ranges within a bounded domain in the absence of environmental Manuscript received 24 January 2005; revised 31 March factors. For species with wide ranges, the geometry of 2006; accepted 3 April 2006. Corresponding Editor: M. H. Carr. the domain has significant impact on species-richness 1 E-mail: [email protected] patterns in that their ranges are most likely to overlap in 2479 2480 AILSA P. KERSWELL Ecology, Vol. 87, No. 10 the center of the domain, resulting in high numbers of with unique features, such as temperate richness peaks. species in the mid-domain region. This has been To understand how such unique patterns are generated, demonstrated both for African birds and Indo-Pacific I quantify the manner in which geographic ranges of corals and reef fishes (Jetz and Rahbek 2001, Connolly individual taxa combine to produce the observed et al. 2003). In contrast, small-ranging taxa can occur patterns. These analyses were performed on two anywhere inside the domain boundaries. Under a mid- levels—for all genera of benthic marine macroalgae domain-effect null model, they should be uniformly and for species in the Order Bryopsidales, which is a distributed across the domain; however, in nature, group of predominantly reef-associated algae that is small-ranging taxa frequently cluster in common loca- both well surveyed and taxonomically stable (Littler and tions. For example, small-ranging birds cluster in Littler 2003). While hypotheses about the causes of pockets along the margins of the African continent, diversity gradients predict a positive correlation between peripheral to the middle of the domain (Jetz and Rahbek environmental variables and species numbers, they also 2001). Small-ranging African Proteaceae also cluster contain underlying assumptions about how species’ away from the domain center in southern temperate ranges are distributed within biogeographic realms regions (Laurie and Silander 2002). Such deviations (e.g., Chown and Gaston 2000). Yet patterns in the from null-model predictions suggest the need to evaluate distribution of species’ ranges are often neglected when alternative causes of species richness patterns (Colwell et searching for processes that create and maintain al. 2004). diversity patterns. Therefore, in this study I have To date, biogeographic studies of benthic marine investigated algal-richness patterns in the context of macroalgae have been restricted to regional scales, with sizes and locations of algal geographic ranges in order to little synthesis of worldwide trends. Japan, southern gain a more comprehensive understanding of the Australia, and western Europe are consistently high- processes that determine marine diversity. lighted as regions of high algal diversity, with the polar oceans, west Africa, and southeast Pacific identified as METHODS depauperate areas (Silva 1992, Bolton 1994, Santelices A global database of benthic marine-algae occurrence and Marquet 1998). Searches for latitudinal gradients in records was compiled from 191 species lists sourced algal richness have also been performed on regional from the primary literature (141 peer-reviewed papers, scales, with the most extensive of these studies indicating 23 books, and 14 university-published scientific reports). possible temperate richness peaks along the coastlines of In total, the database contained 387 sites throughout the the Americas (Pielou 1978). There is some indication Atlantic, Indo-Pacific, and Southern Oceans, which that the most widespread red algal genera have spanned 1408 of latitude (see Appendix A for full list extremely large ranges that extend across entire oceanic of references and corresponding sites). At each site, domains (Joosten and van den Hoek 1986). Small- genus-level data were compiled for all fully marine ranging algal genera appear to be clustered in temper- macroalgae in the Classes Rhodophyceae, Phaeophy- ature latitudes along both the east and west coasts of the ceae, and Chlorophyceae and species-level data were Americas (Pielou 1978). In contrast, Santelices and compiled for all algae in the Order Bryopsidales. Algae Marquet (1998) found some evidence of increasing range were entered under the taxonomic classification listed in size towards higher latitudes along the European coast- Guiry et al. (2005). Drift specimens and records noted as line. questionable by species-list authors were excluded. The Algal-distribution patterns and regional assemblage resulting database contained 1069 genera of marine composition have been explained largely in terms of algae and 388 species of Bryopsidales. historical processes. Early studies of algal biogeography The occurrence database was interfaced with a geo- discuss present-day patterns as a direct result of tectonic graphic information system (GIS) (ESRI 1992). Each changes over geological time and shifts in species ranges site and algal were unique records, linked via as sea levels and temperature regimes fluctuated (Joosten .45 000 occurrence records. Records were verified and van den Hoek 1986). Recently, Adey and Steneck against the primary literature if a single point occurred (2001) developed a model that defines thermogeographic in the tropics when all other points were in temperate regions based on temperature and habitat area since the areas (and vice versa) or if an isolated point occurred in Pleistocene. They also define biogeographic regions any ocean basin where there were no other occurrence based on the presence, abundance, and level of ende- records (Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Ocean basins). To mism of crustose coralline algae and find that the two err on the side of caution, such records were deleted definitions produce matching regions. This suggests that unless special reference was made by the authors as to energy and habitat area play an important role in the veracity of the record (e.g., Sporochnus moorei in determining the present-day macroecological patterns Hawaii [Abbott 2004]). observed for benthic marine algae. Genus and species ranges were constructed in the GIS. The major aim of my present study was to quantify A range was defined by outlining the boundary of all global and oceanic gradients in macroalgal diversity. On sites at which an alga was reported to occur and was a global scale, macroalgae display diversity gradients plotted on an equal-area projection base map. Ranges October 2006 BIODIVERSITY PATTERNS OF MACROALGAE 2481 were not extended over vast oceanic expanses e.g., the minimize bias due to taxonomy and sampling effects in east Pacific barrier, nor over areas for which reliable the delineation of geographic-range boundaries. species lists could not be obtained, e.g., Antarctic Ocean The taxonomic status of each genus/species was (outer contours in Fig. 1a delineate the maximum range verified in AlgaeBase (Guiry et al. 2005; available boundary). The area of the geographic range (in square online).2 Older taxonomic classifications were updated kilometers) was determined for each taxon in the GIS to reflect the name assigned by Guiry et al. (2005). and ranges were partitioned into Indo-Pacific and Genus-level rather than species-level classifications were Atlantic elements for algae that occur in both oceans. used to determine richness patterns of all benthic marine Range-size frequency distributions are presented on macroalgae. Genus-level classifications were deemed logarithmic plots. Because a direct comparison of Indo- more robust to misidentification and changes in system- Pacific vs. Atlantic range sizes would be confounded by atics, and patterns identified at the genus level are often the vastly different areas of the two oceans, algal-range matched by species level data (e.g., see Veron [1995] for areas were also expressed as a proportion of the total corals). In order to directly compare richness patterns area of each ocean. The distributions of standardized between a number of marine groups, species-level range sizes were then compared between oceans using patterns were analyzed for the Order Bryopsidales. two-sided Kolmogorov-Smirnov testing (R2.0.1; RDCT The Bryopsidales were chosen due to their relative 2004). The size and location of species’ geographic taxonomic stability (e.g., when plotting the number of ranges were explored for all algal taxa by plotting the new bryopsidalean species against time, the curve latitudinal and longitudinal range extent against the reaches an asymptote around 1970, with very few new location of range midpoints. In order to clearly identify species being described after this time; only 3% of the clustering of algae, mid-point analyses are presented as species lists pre-date 1970). Moreover, when patterns for two-dimensional density plots (R2.0.1, kde2d function; the bryopsidales are analyzed at the broader genus level, RCDT 2004). the patterns are highly consistent with those generated Diversity patterns of benthic marine algae were by species-level data. explored by generating contours of algal richness. An Sampling bias is an important concern when creating estimate of diversity at each of the 387 sites in the biogeographic ranges from species lists at particular database was generated by summing the number of locations, particularly when areas of high diversity ranges that overlapped that site. Range-derived diversity coincide with areas that are traditionally well studied estimates were then used to interpolate contours of (Bolton 1994). However, very few taxa have been genus and species richness using the Inverse Distance sufficiently intensively surveyed to generate global rich- Weighted interpolator (ArcView 3.2a GIS, 0.58 cells, ness patterns based on occurrence records alone nearest neighbour technique with 12 neighbors, third- (Hurlbert and White 2005). An alternative method is order power, no barriers). Thus contours represent the to use geographic ranges to estimate richness across maximum diversity of a region, within which local sites sites. This method is recognized as generating more may have lower diversity. realistic estimates of diversity than raw occurrence data, Endemics were defined as taxa reported at only one which tend to be more inconsistent and/or incomplete location or with a geographic range size ,1 3 106 km2 (McAllister et al. 1994), and has been used extensively for genera and ,0.5 3 106 km2 for species (cf. Hughes et for analyses conducted at continental to global scales al. 2002). The above areal cutoffs are smaller than 0.5% (e.g., 80% of broad-scale studies on terrestrial , of the largest geographic range recorded for each group. vertebrates, and used range-derived rich- The location of endemics was explored by producing ness estimates [Hawkins et al. 2003] as have several contour maps of the number of endemic taxa occurring studies of corals and reef fishes [McAllister et al. 1994, at sites across the Indo-Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Veron 1995, Bellwood et al. 2005]). Since the global Contours were generated using the Inverse Distance effort of phycological study is patchy (Silva 1992, Bolton Weighted interpolator (as above). Range-derived esti- 1994), I used geographic ranges to estimate diversity at mates of richness and the number of endemics used to each site to minimize the bias associated with sampling generate contour maps are available in Appendix A. effort. Furthermore, I tested for a dependence of algal- genus richness on either the number of sites or Data quality control phycological studies in 14 regions worldwide. Linear Two major challenges in biogeographic studies are regression showed no relationship between richness and changes and inconsistencies in taxonomic identification either the number of sites (P ¼ 0.47, R2.0.1) or the and the delineation of geographic ranges from a set of number of phycological studies (P ¼ 0.365, R2.0.1) (see sampling locations at biogeographic scales. When Appendix B for regions and regressions), indicating that analyzing data on biogeographic scales, small differ- genus richness was not merely a reflection of variation in ences arising from human error are not likely to alter sampling intensity. conclusions significantly (Brown et al. 1996). Never- theless, I have implemented several strategies to 2 hhttp://www.algaebase.orgi 2482 AILSA P. KERSWELL Ecology, Vol. 87, No. 10

FIG. 1. Map of the Indo-Pacific and Atlantic Oceans showing contours of (a) algal genus richness and (b) clusters of endemic genera. Unshaded areas represent oceanic expanses or regions for which reliable data were not available.

RESULTS are both latitudinally and longitudially asymmetrical. Centers of diversity and endemism The eastern coastline has higher diversity than the west, with the major Atlantic biodiversity hotspot located Centers of genus diversity for benthic marine algae along the European coastline, extending south to occur in temperate oceans. In the Indo-Pacific Ocean, Morocco (250–300 genera). Additionally, twice as many centers of diversity occur in southern Australia and genera occur in the northern vs. the southern Atlantic. Japan, each containing 350–450 genera of algae (Fig. Endemic algal genera cluster in areas of high diversity 1a). The Indo-Australian Archipelago (IAA) and south- within the respective oceans (Fig. 1b). At most of the 387 ern Indian Ocean have moderate richness of ;250–300 sites across both the Indo-Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, genera. Thus, there is a band of high algal diversity there are fewer than two endemic genera; however, this running longitudinally between 1108 and 1608 E. Rich- number increases to as many as 21 genera inside the ness attenuates to the east and west of this band, Japan biodiversity hotspot. Endemic genera comprise reaching ;150 genera in the Red Sea and along the ,6% of the flora at any site, including those within Chilean coastline. The areas of lowest diversity occur in biodiversity hotspots. the polar regions where fewer than 100 genera have been In contrast to the patterns of all algal genera, centers recorded. Algal-richness gradients in the Atlantic Ocean of diversity for the Order Bryopsidales are located in the October 2006 BIODIVERSITY PATTERNS OF MACROALGAE 2483

FIG. 2. Map of the Indo-Pacific and Atlantic Oceans showing contours of (a) species richness and (b) clusters of endemics within the Order Bryopsidales. Unshaded areas represent oceanic expanses or regions for which reliable data were not available. tropics, and species richness diminishes both latitudi- fact that many algae have very large geographic ranges. nally and longitudinally away from these hotspots (Fig. Endemics comprise a small proportion of the total 2a). In the Indo-Pacific, species richness is highest in the number of genera in each ocean (12% in the Indo-Pacific IAA, while the Atlantic Ocean center of diversity is and 7% in the Atlantic). In contrast, 40% of Indo-Pacific located in the central Caribbean. However, diversity in and 33% of Atlantic genera have ranges .10 3 106 km2 the Atlantic is low, with the majority of areas containing (i.e., ranges 10 times larger than endemics). A large ,30 species compared to .90 species in the Indo-Pacific. percentage of bryopsidalean species are also wide While Indo-Pacific species endemics occur mainly out- ranging (44% in the Indo-Pacific and 23% in the Atlantic side areas of high diversity (in India, Japan, and Hawaii) have ranges .5 3 106 km2, or 10 times the endemic most of the endemics in the Atlantic occur in the range size). In contrast to genus-level patterns, endemic Caribbean, where is highest (Fig. 2b). species are significant, with Bryopsidales comprising 23% and 20% of the Indo-Pacific and Atlantic flora, Geographic range-size distributions respectively. Range-size frequency distributions (RSFD) are left There are significant differences between RSFDs of all skewed on a logarithmic scale (Fig. 3), highlighting the algal genera and bryopsidalean species in the Indo- 2484 AILSA P. KERSWELL Ecology, Vol. 87, No. 10

FIG. 3. Frequency distribution of geographic range size (RSFD) of all algal genera and bryopsidalean species in the Indo- Pacific (a and c) and the Atlantic Ocean (b and d); data have been log-transformed.

Pacific and Atlantic Oceans (genera: Kolmogorov- species are centered to the western side of the domain, Smirnov D ¼ 0.1814, P , 0.001; species: D ¼ 0.150, P leaving the eastern side relatively species poor (Fig. 4d). ¼ 0.023). RSFDs in the Indo-Pacific are bimodal with The Atlantic Ocean is latitudinally highly asym- peaks in the middle and the largest size classes (Fig. metrical, with the majority of genera and species having 3a, c). In the Atlantic, the proportion of algae in each range midpoints north of the equator (Fig. 5a, c). Algae range-size class increases from left to right (i.e., from with large latitudinal extents are centered around 108 N, small to large), but decreases sharply in the largest size while latitudinally restricted genera occur predomi- categories (Fig. 3b, d). nantly around 508 N in the temperate ocean. A large proportion of small-ranging Bryopsidales have latitudi- Location and overlap of geographic ranges nal midpoints centered in the northern hemisphere There are striking patterns in the location and overlap tropics (;208 N). There is a striking contrast between of algal geographic ranges. Under a mid-domain effect the longitudinal clustering of genera and species in the null model, two-dimensional density plots of range Atlantic Ocean. The majority of genera are centered in extent vs. mid-point should be horizontally uniform the middle of the Atlantic domain, while most species of within the triangular domain boundaries (Lees et al. Bryopsidales have ranges centered on either the eastern 1999). Yet in both the Indo-Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, or western ocean margins (Fig. 5b, d). there is obvious clustering of algal ranges. In the Indo- DISCUSSION Pacific, algal genera and species of Bryopsidales with large latitudinal extents cluster near the equator (Fig. Marine biodiversity patterns 4a, c). In contrast, small-ranging genera cluster in both Latitudinal and longitudinal gradients.—Diversity the northern and southern hemispheres away from the maps of the global distribution of benthic marine algae middle of the domain in temperate latitudes (Fig. 4a). reveal distinct gradients in species and genus richness. Small-ranging Bryopsidales are spread throughout all Prior to this analysis, the documentation of latitudinal latitudes of the Indo-Pacific with a cluster in the gradients in algal diversity was restricted to small southern temperate region (Fig. 4c). Longitudinally, regional scales (Pielou 1978, Santelices and Marquet algal genera of small and large extent are centered in the 1998), leading to speculation that macroalgae do not middle of the Indo-Pacific between 1108 and 1708 E (Fig. exhibit global latitudinal gradients (Willig et al. 2003). 4b). Longitudinally restricted Bryopsidales are also The results of my study clearly show that this is not the centered within this band, however, larger-ranging case. In the largely reef-associated Order Bryopsidales, October 2006 BIODIVERSITY PATTERNS OF MACROALGAE 2485

FIG. 4. Density plots of range extent and range midpoint location for the algal genera (a and b) and bryopsidalean species (c and d) in the Indo-Pacific Ocean. Dark areas represent high concentrations of midpoints, while in white areas there are very few midpoints. Triangles indicate domain boundaries (as per mid-domain effect; Colwell and Lees 2000).

diversity peaks at tropical latitudes and decreases taxa that have diversity peaks outside of the tropics steadily towards the poles, in a manner well documented (Willig et al. 2003). for other tropical marine organisms (Rosen 1988). Marine algae also display distinct longitudinal rich- However, when all algal genera are considered, temper- ness gradients. In the Indo-Pacific, algal richness peaks ate regions consistently have higher algal richness than at the same longitudes as the richness of many other tropical areas. In both the Indo-Pacific and Atlantic taxa (Rosen 1988, Roberts et al. 2002), resulting in a band of exceptionally high diversity between 1108 and Oceans, algal centers of diversity occur in temperate 1608 E. Similarly in the Atlantic, the Order Bryopsidales, areas, with richness decreasing towards the tropics and along with many other coastal marine taxa (Macpherson polar regions. Interestingly, this trend was also identified 2002), reaches peak richness on the tropical western by early studies using more geographically restricted coastline. However, when all algal genera are consid- data sets (Pielou 1978, Vermeij 1978, Gaines and ered, the greatest diversity occurs on the eastern Atlantic Lubchenco 1982). The peak in algal genus richness at coastline. While this is not unique within temperate mid-latitudes on a global scale makes benthic marine regions (Macpherson 2002), the richness of the north- algae an exceptional group, in that there are very few eastern coast is usually significantly less than that of the

FIG. 5. Density plots of range extent and range midpoint location for the algal genera (a and b) and bryopsidalean species (c and d) in the Atlantic Ocean. Dark areas represent high con- centrations of midpoints, while in white areas there are very few midpoints. Triangles indicate domain boundaries (as per mid-domain effect; Colwell and Lees 2000). 2486 AILSA P. KERSWELL Ecology, Vol. 87, No. 10 tropical Caribbean. That is clearly not the case for algal (Kaspari et al. 2004). Competition with corals is genera, further highlighting the exceptional nature of commonly cited as an explanation of lower algal global algal-diversity patterns. richness in the tropics relative to temperate regions Size and location of geographic ranges.—Patterns in (e.g., Fraser and Currie 1996, Miller and Hay 1996). the size and location of geographic ranges can provide However, bryopsidalean richness peaks in the tropics in insights into the mechanisms regulating diversity that a manner very similar to corals (compare Fig. 2a with are unavailable solely from examining variations in coral-richness patterns in Roberts et al. 2002). Bryop- species numbers across a biogeographic realm. Endemic sidales are predominantly reef-associated algae and are algae occur throughout the Indo-Pacific and Atlantic likely to be in direct competition with corals for space Oceans and yet represent only a minor element of the (Littler and Littler 2003). total flora at any site. This is in stark contrast to many While the nature of the productivity–diversity rela- terrestrial systems, where diversity hotspots are gener- tionship is highly scale dependent (Chase and Leibold ated largely by an accumulation of endemic taxa (Myers 2001), there appears to be little evidence for productivity et al. 2000). Furthermore, in the Indo-Pacific, bryop- as a driver of macroalgal diversity at a global scale. sidalean endemics tend to be clustered outside of the Phytoplankton net primary productivity (NPP) is great- Indo-Australian Archipelago (IAA) hotspot, in more est at high latitudes in the northern hemisphere, along peripheral depauperate locations, which is consistent western continental boundaries, and in the subtropical with patterns documented for coral and reef-fish convergence zone, due primarily to enhanced nutrient endemics (Hughes et al. 2002, Paulay and Meyer 2002, availability associated with major oceanic upwelling contra Mora et al. 2003). (Field et al. 1998, Behrenfeld et al. 2001). While the three It is also important to consider the observed size and centers of algal-genus richness are all located within location of ranges in comparison to an appropriate null these areas of peak productivity, areas of high NPP also expectation. Where deviations from such an expectation encompass regions of both moderate (e.g., southern occur may provide further insight into mechanisms that Africa and California) and low (e.g., Chile and New regulate diversity patterns (Colwell et al. 2004). For Zealand) algal richness. Moreover, oceanic productivity example, in the Atlantic Ocean, large-ranged taxa are is very low in the Caribbean basin and the IAA where clustered in the center of the ocean and small-ranged bryopsidalean richness is greatest. taxa on the eastern and western boundaries. The The species–area hypothesis can explain some, but not geometry of the Atlantic Ocean does not allow these all, of the global patterns of algal richness. Bryopsida- taxa to be located anywhere else, and thus no other lean species-richness patterns closely mirror those of explanation of richness patterns need be invoked. corals and reef fishes, suggesting a common regulatory However, algal ranges are located predominantly in mechanism. Recently, the area of coral reef has been the northern Atlantic, and in the Indo-Pacific large- shown to account for a large proportion of the variation ranged algae are clustered within tight latitudinal limits seen in coral and reef-fish richness patterns (Bellwood et in the middle of the domain while small-ranging taxa are al. 2005). Within temperate areas, regions of highest disproportionately clustered away from the center in algal richness also coincide with large areas of suitable temperate areas. A similar clustering is also evident for habitat (Silva 1992). However, while the species–area Indo-Pacific corals and reef fishes (Connolly et al. 2003) hypothesis can account for the location of peaks in both and such distributions of range locations can be algal genus and species richness, it cannot explain why generated when environmental gradients are incorpo- temperate hotspots support more genera than do rated along with geometric constraints in process-based equivalent tropical regions. models (Connolly 2005). Thus, identifying deviations Major ocean currents may play an important role in from patterns generated solely by geometric constraints determining the location of algal-richness hotspots provides a basis from which to assess environmental through propagule dispersal and alteration of oceanic drivers of species- richness patterns. conditions. Ocean gyres flow clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the southern hemi- Causes of biodiversity patterns sphere and, as a result, surface circulation in tropical A consideration of patterns of algal richness and regions is dominated by westward flowing equatorial range size and location indicates that the climate- currents. These currents leave the tropics, travelling stability, species–energy, and competition hypotheses poleward along western ocean boundaries and back are unlikely to be major drivers of algal richness towards the tropics along the eastern edges. If currents patterns. The key assumption of the climatic stability are influential in determining richness patterns through hypothesis, that specialization in benign tropical habitat dispersal, then the greatest richness of tropical algae leads to a decline in range size towards low latitudes should occur in western ocean regions along with (Steven 1989), is clearly not reflected in either genus- or depauperate tropical floras in the east. Furthermore, if species-level patterns of algal range size. Furthermore, equatorial currents extend the geographic ranges of overall algal richness is not highest in the tropics where tropical algae into temperate regions, then high overall metabolic processes are thought to enhance speciation algal richness will occur where tropical and temperate October 2006 BIODIVERSITY PATTERNS OF MACROALGAE 2487

floras overlap. This will be most prominent on the diversity gradients generally assume a straightforward western ocean margins where both tropical and temper- positive correlation between environmental variables ate floras are species rich compared to the eastern and the number of taxa found at sites along that margins where tropical floras are depauperate. Current- gradient. However, underlying these theories are funda- driven richness patterns should also result in distinct mental assumptions about the relationship between the patterns of range size. Ranges of tropical algae centered environmental variables and the size and location of at low latitudes are expected to be large and the ranges species’ geographic ranges (Stevens 1989, Chown and of algae that originate in temperate regions small, as Gaston 2000). Yet patterns of geographic range size and temperate to tropical dispersal will be restricted. location are rarely considered as evidence for or against The richness and range-size patterns observed for the various hypotheses. When they are, we gain addi- algae in the Indo-Pacific Ocean are consistent with those tional insights into the drivers of richness patterns that predictedinanocean-currents-drivensystem.An would have been unavailable from analyses of species exception is the high diversity of tropical Bryopsidales numbers alone (Lees et al. 1999, Connolly 2003). This in the eastern Indian Ocean, which is unexpected under study explicitly quantifies both richness gradients and an ocean-gyres model. However, the coastal east-Indian the distribution of range sizes and locations that give rise Ocean is not dominated by the northward flowing to those gradients. By conducting such analyses, Indian Ocean gyre. Rather, the tropical Leeuwin especially for a group of organisms with exceptional Current flows from the equator towards the south pole richness gradients, important inroads have been made along the east-Indian ocean margin (west Australian into gaining a more comprehensive understanding of coastline), on the inside of the northward flowing Indian how richness gradients are created and maintained. Ocean gyre. Furthermore, the Leeuwin Current flows ACKNOWLEDGMENTS directly into the south Australian temperate hotspot from equatorial regions. Similar mechanisms have been Many thanks to S. Connolly, T. Hughes, M. Kosnik, and three anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments on the suggested to influence richness patterns of corals and manuscript, as well as to W. Huber for GIS advice. reef fishes (Connolly et al. 2003). Thus currents in the Indo-Pacific appear to play a role in creating and LITERATURE CITED maintaining algal hotspots in temperate regions, where Abbott, I. A. 2004. Marine green and of the tropical and temperate floras overlap. Hawaiian Islands. Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Algal richness is low throughout the southern Adey, W. H., and R. S. Steneck. 2001. Thermogeography over Atlantic, however, unlike the southern Indo-Pacific, time creates biogeographic regions: a temperature/space/ the influence of equatorial currents is only modest time-integrated model and an abundance-weighted test for compared to sub-polar currents and upwelling systems benthic marine algae. Journal of Phycology 37:677–698. (Pickard and Emery 1990). In the tropical Atlantic, Behrenfeld, M. J., J. T. Randerson, C. R. McClain, G. C. Feldman, S. O. Los, C. J. Tucker, P. G. Falkowski, C. B. Bryopsidales species richness is highest in the western Field, R. Frouin, W. E. Esaias, D. D. Kolber, and N. H. ocean (Caribbean) as expected, however, overall genus Pollack. 2001. Biospheric primary production during an richness peaks in the northeastern temperate regions. 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APPENDIX A A summary table of the algae-occurrence database (with species-list references) (Ecological Archives E087-150-A1).

APPENDIX B A figure demonstrating the independence of richness estimates from sampling efforts (Ecological Archives E087-150-A2).