

MICROBIOME Dimensions of in the mycobiome

Kabir G. Peay1, Peter G. Kennedy2,3 and Jennifer M. Talbot4 Abstract | Fungi represent a large proportion of the on Earth and fungal activity influences the structure of and animal communities, as well as rates of ecosystem processes. Large-scale DNA-sequencing datasets are beginning to reveal the dimensions of fungal biodiversity, which seem to be fundamentally different to , and animals. In this Review, we describe the patterns of fungal biodiversity that have been revealed by molecular-based studies. Furthermore, we consider the evidence that supports the roles of different candidate drivers of fungal diversity at a range of spatial scales, as well as the role of dispersal limitation in maintaining regional endemism and influencing local community assembly. Finally, we discuss the ecological mechanisms that are likely to be responsible for the high heterogeneity that is observed in fungal communities at local scales.

Next-generation sequencing If you look closely at any terrestrial scene, you will see the ability to form a network of interconnected filaments 1 2 3,4 (NGS). A set of DNA-sequencing fungal hyphae twisting around plants , animals , soil (known as a mycelium) as primary somatic tissue. Single- platforms (including those and even bacteria5 (FIG. 1). Although not often obvious to celled fungi2 can predominate in some liquid or stressful produced by 454 and Illumina) the naked eye, fungi are as deeply enmeshed in the evo- environments13, such as anaerobic gut rumen14, floral nec- that have increased sequencing 15 16 output and decreased cost by lutionary history and of life as any other organ- tar or deep marine sediments , in which filamentous orders of magnitude compared ism on Earth. The evolution of arbuscular mycorrhizal growth may be disadvantageous. However, hyphal fungi with Sanger sequencing. root mutualisms facilitated the colonization of land by represent the greatest diversity and highest abundance of plants approximately 500 million years ago6, and the evo- fungi in natural systems3,4,17. The hyphal lifestyle means Monophyletic lution of fungal peroxidases that are capable of degrad- that fungi can perceive and respond to the environment A group of that consists of an ancestor and all ing lignin (the most recalcitrant plant wall polymer) at the micrometre scale and, at the same time, share of its descendants. Monophyly approximately 300 million years ago fundamentally resources and coordinate activity across the heterogene- is the basis for modern altered cycling in soils7. Furthermore, the influ- ous environments that are spanned by each mycelium18. . ence of fungi can be seen in the of all plants8, Owing to the size of these mycelia, the mycobiome may in the function of human immune systems9 and in the include some of the largest (and oldest) individual organ- chemistry of the soils beneath our feet10. For example, isms in nature19, with reports of clones that extend over the long-running evolutionary ‘arms race’ with fungal an area >1,000 ha in size and that are more than 1,000 has been instrumental in maintaining the years in age. As osmotrophs, fungi are efficient decom- high taxonomic diversity of plant that are found posers of organic matter and they produce a potent and 1Department of Biology, in tropical forests11. Despite the pervasive influence of diverse array of organic acids and enzymes that can dis- Stanford University, Stanford, fungi on Earth processes, we have only recently begun solve and recycle some of the most recalcitrant natural7 California 94305, USA. to appreciate the true magnitude of fungal diversity. and man-made20 materials. 2Department of Plant Biology, University of Minnesota. However, following the development of next-generation Thus, the evolutionary and ecological success of fungi 3Department of Ecology, sequencing (NGS), large-scale DNA-sequence datasets is driven by a unique combination of morphological and Evolution and Behavior, have recently become available that have revised esti- biochemical features that sets them apart from other University of Minnesota, mates of fungal diversity (BOX 1) and provided a new organisms. Considering fungal ecology in the light of St. Paul, Minnesota 55108, USA. understanding of how fungal diversity shapes, and is fungal biology is therefore a crucial step in understand- 4Department of Biology, shaped by, other ecosystem components. ing the emerging patterns of fungal biodiversity that are Boston University, Boston, True fungi belong to a monophyletic that generated from DNA sequencing of the mycobiome21,22. Massachusetts 02215, USA. diverged from animals approximately 1 billion years ago12. In this Review, we describe these patterns of fungal bio- Correspondence to K.G.P. Collectively, organisms in the fungal kingdom and the diversity, including variations in the , [email protected] that they occupy make up the ‘mycobiome’ (FIG. 1). composition and function of different fungal commu- doi:10.1038/nrmicro.2016.59 The hallmark of fungi is the presence of hyphal growth: nities, and we discuss how this biodiversity might be

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b and pathogens

d Commensal and pathogenic animal symbionts

a Wood and litter

e Marine and aquatic fungi

c Mycorrhizal root mutualists

Figure 1 | Functional diversity of the mycobiome. Fungi are most commonly associated withNature terrestrial Reviews ecosystems, | but can also be found growing on nearly any substrate on Earth, from deep ocean sediments to the human scalp. a | The majority of fungal species are saprotrophs that are capable of decomposing complex polymers, such as cellulose and chitin, although individual species can vary considerably in both the substrates that they decompose and the enzymatic pathways that they use. In both terrestrial and freshwater systems, fungi can dominate the decomposition of plant necromass. b | Fungi are commonly found inside living plant cells, either as endophytes or pathogens. Although fungal pathogens have long been known and feared, molecular tools are only now revealing a hitherto unknown diversity of endophytic fungi, which grow asymptomatically inside the cells of plant roots, stems and leaves. c | Fungi are prominent plant mutualists, with the majority of land plants forming symbioses known as mycorrhizae (‘ roots’) with fungi to increase nutrient uptake through physical and chemical means. Similarly to most other fungal functional guilds, mycorrhizal fungi are highly polyphyletic. Mycorrhizal fungi can be further divided into ectomycorrhizal fungi (shown on the left), arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (shown on the right), ericoid mycorrhizal fungi and orchid mycorrhizal fungi, each of which is associated with distinct physiological capabilities. d,e | The diversity of fungi that live in association with animals and in aquatic environments is less well explored, in part because fungi are far less abundant than bacteria in these systems. These fungal communities are often dominated by single-celled members of the and Osmotrophs phyla. Some fungal genera are found in both animal and marine mycobiomes, such as Malassezia spp. Organisms that rely on the (shown here is a scanning electron micrograph of Malassezia lipophilis). Although fungi are primarily commensal in uptake of dissolved organic animals, notable exceptions include the formosana, the fruiting bodies of which are shown compounds for their primary emerging from the host insect (part d). Aquatic environments contain novel fungal lineages, illustrated in the figure by nutrition. a chytrid fungus, that may contain clues to the evolutionary origins of fungi (part e). scanning electron microscope image in part a courtesy of E. Burns, Save the Redwoods League, California, USA. Gymnopus quercophilus Chitin A polymer of image in part b courtesy of F. Stevens, Mykoweb.com, California, USA. Ectomycorrhizal root image in part c courtesy of N‑acetylglucosamine that is K.G.P. Arbuscule image in part c courtesy of M. Brundrett, Department of Parks and Wildlife, Swan Region, Australia. an important component of Cordyceps formosana image in part d courtesy of C. Alisha Quandt, University of Michigan, USA. Chytrid image in part e fungal cell walls. courtesy of T. James, University of Michigan, USA.

NATURE REVIEWS | MICROBIOLOGY VOLUME 14 | JULY 2016 | 435 ©2016 Mac millan Publishers Li mited. All ri ghts reserved. ©2016 Mac millan Publishers Li mited. All ri ghts reserved.


influenced by the unique biology of the mycobiome. datasets that provide insights into total fungal richness Importantly, we consider how fungal biodiversity is are from studies that examine fungi in soil or plants, partitioned across different habitats and temporal and with few high-quality NGS datasets available for exam- spatial scales. Finally, we compare the patterns of bio- ining fungal diversity in animals or aquatic ecosystems diversity of the mycobiome with those of the bacterial (Supplementary information S1 (table)) — environ- component of the , which differ in several ments that have largely been ignored by fungal ecolo- fundamental respects. gists. This research bias generally fits in with the existing perception that both fungal and diversity are Diversity of mycobiomes greatest in soils and plants, and that the greatest contri- The diversity and composition of the mycobiome change bution of fungi to the function of ecosystems is therefore profoundly across environments. Exploration of fungal to be found in these environments23,24. Indeed, based on diversity has been greatly facilitated by the development current data, fungal diversity seems to be highest in soils of NGS (BOX 1), which has enabled the identification of (BOX 1). The most comprehensive survey of global fungal fungi from thousands of DNA samples taken from all diversity to date identified >80,000 species of soil fungi4, regions of the world. The majority of published NGS and surveys of just a few grams of soil frequently detect

Box 1 | Molecular approaches to describing and quantifying fungal diversity Morphology-based approaches to understanding fungal 50,000 diversity are greatly hampered by our inability to culture Soil Aquatic most fungi isolated from natural environments, the lack of Plant Animal taxonomically informative morphological features on 10,000 5,000 hyphae and the infrequent production of diagnostic sexual structures either in culture or the environment. However, the study of fungal diversity has advanced substantially with the 1,000 500 use of molecular-based approaches, specifically culture- independent methods that rely on the amplification of

taxonomic marker sequences by PCR. The internal Number of OTUs 100 transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the nuclear rRNA operon 50 has been designated the official taxonomic barcode for Fungi113 and provides species-level taxonomic delineation. 10 Although the most commonly used ITS primers provide 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 broad coverage of the fungal kingdom, biases inherent to Number of sequences (log10) the amplification of ITS, as with any taxonomic marker sequence, result in the under-representation of particular taxonomic groups. For this reason,Nature detailed Reviews ecological | Microbiology studies of some basal fungal lineages or arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are often carried out using additional primers or gene regions, such as from the genes that encode the large or small ribosomal subunits. As taxonomic marker sequences do not correspond directly with the biological species concept in fungi, a sequence similarity threshold is used to define operational taxonomic units (OTUs) that can be used as the basis for ecological studies. The threshold used may vary between studies, genes or taxa, but is often 96–99% for ITS (and for other marker sequences from rRNA operons). However, although the use of ITS as a marker enables the accurate classification of fungi to a near species level (as opposed to the 16S rRNA marker gene that is used to classify bacteria, which is more analogous to a -level or family-level marker), in some cases a standard similarity threshold may still group ITS sequences from ecologically distinct species into a single OTU42. A second limitation is that common bioinformatics pipelines are, for the most part, not optimized for dealing with some of the unique features of ITS, such as sequence length heterogeneity. Despite limitations, the use of molecular approaches has revealed a great deal about the diversity of the mycobiome and has corrected three fundamental misconceptions that arose from the inability to accurately distinguish species based on morphological features: underestimation of the magnitude of fungal diversity, mistaken inference of cosmopolitan species distributions and skewed estimation of species abundances in communities. In addition to the more accurate estimation of fungal diversity that is provided by molecular approaches, our view of fungal communities has been further transformed by progressive increases in sequencing power that have enabled an increasing number of samples and habitats to be characterized, and at greater sequencing depth. To illustrate how molecular approaches and improved sequencing power have transformed our view of fungal biodiversity, consider the question ‘what is the true magnitude of global diversity of the mycobiome?’ DNA sequencing has shown that a previous estimate of 1.5 million species, which was extrapolated from a 6/1 ratio of known fungal and plant species in the United Kingdom114, was undoubtedly an underestimate. As a general rule, estimates of fungal diversity increase with sequencing and sampling depth (see the figure), with perhaps the most comprehensive census of soil fungi and plants to date finding a fungal/plant species ratio of 17/1, which extrapolates to 6 million species115. However, fungal/plant species richness ratios seem to decrease with latitude4,116 and may not always be correlated117, which complicates global extrapolations. In addition, global estimates largely ignore animal and marine environments, which have a greater diversity of fungal species than previously suspected23,31. However, a study that used ITS sequencing to quantify fungal communities from the same (alder forests), but located across a range of latitudes, was able to assess fungal diversity at large spatial scales without habitat specificity as a confounding factor111. In this study, ectomycorrhizal fungal richness patterns were largely consistent across nearly 100 sites, which suggests that scaling regional estimates of β-diversity in different habitats to a global scale may be feasible.

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Box 2 | Diversity in the human mycobiome Current data from fungal NGS studies are con- sistent with a generally lower level of fungal diver- 118 Despite the importance of fungi as agents of disease , knowledge about the richness, sity in animal and marine environments than in soil composition and biogeography of the human mycobiome has lagged behind that of the and plants (BOX 1; Supplementary information S2 bacterial component of the human microbiome. This is largely a result of the relatively (box)). However, the total fungal diversity of animal low abundance of fungal DNA on most bodily surfaces24, which has made culture- independent analyses more challenging. However, as DNA extraction procedures and and marine habitats may be underestimated, owing sequencing technologies have improved, the human mycobiome has been better to a combination of a lack of large-scale sequencing characterized and several patterns have begun to emerge119. Similarly to the bacterial studies from these environments and the tendency component of the human microbiome, the mycobiome shows clear variation between for a lower species richness to be reported for habitats internal and external body sites: such as Candida spp. are relatively common in for which the sequencing depth is low. Furthermore, the gut, lung and oral cavity, whereas skin surfaces are often dominated by species from animal and marine habitats contain many novel lin- the Malassezia genus2,119. Unlike the bacterial component of the skin microbiome, the eages23,30, which indicates that fungal phylogenetic composition of the skin mycobiome was substantially better explained by body site diversity and function in these environments may 2 location than by site physiology . Variation in fungal community composition and be greater than previously suspected31. For exam- diversity has also been observed between individuals33 and according to health state120. ple, recent investigation of freshwater ecosystems Although the overall abundance and species richness of fungal communities does generally seem to be much lower than that of bacterial communities in healthy helped to reveal the existence of the Cryptomycota, individuals, fungi can represent a dominant proportion of the total microbiota in which is a newly proposed phylum that may repre- 30 infected wounds or in immunocompromised patients121. Ecological interactions with sent the earliest diverging clade of true Fungi . These commensal bacteria can also influence the human mycobiome. Increases in infections single-celled fungi are capable of forming flagella and caused by Candida spp. following the use of have long been known120 and, are parasites of other fungi and algae30. Interestingly, more recently, of the has been associated with changes to the the disparate habitats of marine sediments and human mycobiome in mice122. Looking forward, community transplant experiments108 will be a skin tend to be dominated by just a few genera of yeasts key next step if we are to assess how different resources and conditions influence the in the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota16. For example, assembly, richness and composition of the human mycobiome. some species of Candida, in the Ascomycota, cause thrush and vaginitis and some species of Malassezia, hundreds of fungal species4,25,26. The high fungal diver- in the Basidiomycota, cause dandruff, whereas other sity in soil is probably due to the radiation of fungal taxa species from these two genera seem to dominate fun- into an open ecological niche when terrestrial ecosystems gal communities that are associated with corals and first developed27. Although all of the major branches of marine sediments23,32. Despite these interesting find- the fungal kingdom are frequently recovered from soil, ings, caution should be exercised when interpreting this habitat is notable for a relatively high abundance of NGS data from low-biomass systems, such as marine Basidiomycota mycorrhizal fungi Basidiomycota and compared with other and animal mycobiomes, as sequencing artefacts and One of the major phyla of the fungal habitats. DNA from or contaminants can have marked fungal kingdom, which includes Living plant tissues are also exceptionally rich in fun- effects on the results. For example, sequences that cor- some of the most dominant gal species, with leaves, stems and roots of plants being respond to mycorrhizal fungi have been reported in fungal species in natural endophytic fungi 33 systems and many key heavily colonized by various , mycor- an NGS study of samples from the human mouth , ectomycorrhizal and rhizal fungi and fungal pathogens. For example, >2,500 even though mycorrhizal fungi do not actively grow in wood-decomposing taxa. Most taxa of endophytic fungi were recovered from the leaves this environment, as noted by the authors of the study. fungal species that produce of a single native tree species in Hawaii17, the Ohia lehua Furthermore, although interest in the human myco­ prominent are (Metrosideros polymorpha). The root systems of a single biome has increased (BOX 2), many sequencing studies from the Basidiomycota. tree can harbour >100 species of ectomycorrhizal fungi28 and use taxonomic markers that are too coarse to be useful Mycorrhizal fungi dozens of endophytic fungal species have been detected for the analysis of species biodiversity. Fungi that are in symbiotic from single leaves1. The dominant taxa of endophytic The notable differences that are observed in the com- associations with plant roots, fungi do not substantially overlap between leaf-associated positions of fungal communities across environments based on the exchange of photosynthates for soil and root-associated communities. Leaf-associated fun- seem to be linked to the advantage that is provided by nutrients, such as nitrogen gal communities seem to be dominated by members of hyphal growth for osmotrophy in solid substrates, such and phosphorous. the phylum Ascomycota (although basidiomycete yeasts as soil or woody plant tissue. This morphological inno- and rusts can also be very common), whereas the com- vation and the ability to form symbioses with living Endophytic fungi position of root-associated fungal communities varies plants has led to the ecological success of hyphal fungi Fungi that live asymptomatically Glomeromycota inside plant tissue. greatly depending on the type of association: in many of the new niches that were created during the dominate arbuscular mycorrhizal communities, formation of terrestrial ecosystems. Ectomycorrhizal fungi Basidiomycota dominate ectomycorrhizal communi- Fungi engaged in a common ties and Ascomycota dominate communities of ericoid Drivers of global biodiversity form of mycorrhizal mycorrhizal fungi 29 that is characterized or root-associated endophytic fungi . Increasing evidence from NGS studies suggests that the anatomically by fungal Interestingly, both root-associated and leaf-associated composition of the mycobiome is markedly affected by hyphae that wholly enclose endophytic fungi are frequently detected in soils and ecological and evolutionary factors that operate at the the fine roots of the host. many endophytic fungi are successful opportunistic scale of hundreds to thousands of kilometres. In addi- Ectomycorrhizal fungi evolved decomposers soon after litterfall; however, these endo- tion to the high local diversity of fungi in a given sample from several different lineages and many retain the phytic fungi are probably outcompeted rapidly by endog- (see above), these spatial changes in fungal composition decomposing abilities of their enous soil fungi, which have a greater ability to decompose are now recognized as a large contributor to the total saprotrophic ancestors. the recalcitrant organic matter that is found in leaves. diversity of the global mycobiome (FIG. 2).

NATURE REVIEWS | MICROBIOLOGY VOLUME 14 | JULY 2016 | 437 ©2016 Mac millan Publishers Li mited. All ri ghts reserved. ©2016 Mac millan Publishers Li mited. All ri ghts reserved.

Basidiomycota and diverse speciesfrom the mycorrhizal fungiinclude hyphal coils. Ericoid cells andtheformation of by thepenetration ofhairroot Ericaceae thatischaracterized members oftheplantfamily symbiosis withcertain Fungi inamycorrhizal Ericoid mycorrhizal fungi belong. arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi The phylum to whichall Glomeromycota of beingrusty. infected hoststheappearance reddish-brown spores thatgive and wheat,producing crops, suchascoffee, soybean many agriculturally important plant hosts. Rustsinfect cycles thatinvolve several characterized by complex life that are obligatebiotrophs A group ofplantpathogens Rusts form . pathogens andmostfungithat many agriculturally important in thisphylum, including natural systems are found the mostdominantfungiin fungal kingdom.Someof One ofthemajorphyla ofthe Ascomycota REVIEWS 438 Ascomycota phyla. | JULY 2016 | VOLUME 14

b Glacial refugium d a (red line), whereas fungi in the built environment have been shown to increase in diversity with latitude (green line). guild that are investigated. For example, fungal pathogens have been shown to decrease in diversity with latitude highest in the tropics, the latitudinal gradient of for fungi varies according to the and functional contrast to the decreasing diversity with latitude that is seen for most macroorganisms, for which species richness is the mycobiome. fungal communities. As a result, these molecular approaches have led to increased estimates of the level of macroecological patterns, such as strongly positive species–area relationships and the geographical differentiation of component of fungal diversity, whereas molecular studies have shown that high approaches to study the mycobiome. Pre-molecular studies tended to emphasize regional, diversity ( species in a single sample ( Figure 2 and well dispersed enough to have nearly global many major lineages fungal arose sufficiently early ‘everything is everywhere’ hypothesis than better the known debate about Becking Baas the debate among mycologists exhibits biogeographical patterns is a long-standing B trees across the Bering land bridge into North America. migration, genetic differentiation and, eventually, have been observed for the co-migration of fungi and host of the two populations leads to an increase in genetic differentiation along the migration route. Similar patterns of and a host tree species into two valleys that are separated by a mountain range. Over time, the geographical separation migration into a new habitat is shown, in which post-glacial co-migration occurs of an ectomycorrhizal fungal species genetic diversity in fungi is often associated with dispersal or migration into new habitats. A hypothetical example of a fungi, which have been shown to have a unimodal diversity gradient (blue line). Furthermore, the latitudinal gradient of species diversity for fungi is not always linear, as shown here for ectomycorrhizal iogeographical diversity. Relative diversity High fungal diversity Pre-molecular viewof Low α-diversity |

Biogeography and emerging views of fungaldiversity. α-diversity

β-diversity β-diversity c Region A

| The latitudinal gradient in species diversity is one of the most studied macroecological patterns. In γ- diversity). ©

2 γ-diversity 0 γ-diversity 1 α- 6

34 diversity), the difference in species between individual samples ( M , 35

Whether fungal diversity a (more long standing even b c m | Views of fungal diversity in the literature have changed with the use of molecular i l l a Region B n

P Post-glacial co-migration u

36 Relative diversity b Current viewoffungaldiversity High Low l ; i s BOX 3

h α-diversity e r s

L i ). Indeed, m i t e β-diversity d .

A l l r i g h t γ s -diversity

the Northernthe and Southern hemispheres, which is splits fungal kingdom in the are from taxa between animal kingdoms, some of biogeographical deepest the on habitable all continents such as ectomycorrhizal the genera distributions. For example, most major genera of fungi, r e s e r v a e d | Diversity . , Cortinarius c d

More can be measured as the number of β Less

| - The evolution of new species or The evolution of new species or Number of fungal species α- diversity contributes to various diversity contributes to various Nearer diversity as the most important diversity as the most important and and Amanita Nature Reviews |Microbiology Genetic differentiation Distance from theequator 4 , 3 β- 7 (through amigration route) Distance betweenpopulations , 38 diversity) or total, or diversity) or total, or www.nature.com/nrmicro . As with plant the and , seem to be present to be , seem Russula γ- diversity in diversity in , Boletus

Further , ©

2 0 1 6

M a c m i l l a n

P u b l i s h e r s

L i m i t e d .

A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . REVIEWS

Gondwanan consistent with a divergence that has Gondwanan ori- Although geographically clustered patterns of fun- 39 Arising from Gondwana, the gins . However, although genera and other higher-level gal community similarity are undoubtedly due, in part, supercontinent that broke up taxa are broadly distributed, it has become increas- to spatial variation in climate and environment, NGS approximately 180 million ingly evident in recent years that most fungal species studies also indicate that dispersal has an important years ago and included parts cosmopolitan of present day South America, do not generally have distributions and role in shaping fungal communities. For example, the Australia, New Zealand and that patterns of fungal diversity at the species level are results of a study that sequenced fungi from approx- Antarctica. strongly influenced by biogeographical factors, such as imately 600 soil samples across North American climate4 and isolation3,40. In fact, regional endemism is Pinaceae forests were highly consistent with dispersal Cosmopolitan one of the most consistent results from sequence-based limitation (BOX 3), as statistical ordinations showed In ecology, a very wide 3 geographical distribution, often continental-scale and global-scale studies of fungal strong geographical clustering of fungal communities , 41 across several continents. communities . This was well demonstrated by an and community similarity decreased with increasing Cosmopolitan taxa frequently analysis of >52,000 species of fungi — with species defined distance between samples, even after controlling for cli- traverse large dispersal at approximately 98% internal transcribed spacer (ITS) mate and environment. In fact, the geographical signal barriers, such as oceans or (BOX 1) mountains. sequence similarity — present in public sequence of fungal communities in soil is so strong that fungal databases, which found that approximately 80% of these community composition can be used to identify the Endemism species were endemic to a single continent42. In addi- origin of dust samples43. Although fungal communities In ecology, a restricted tion to continental endemism, patterns of geographical overall show strong patterns of regional endemism and geographical distribution. clustering — in which spatially adjacent fungal com- dispersal limitation, long-distance dispersal can occur Endemism can occur at a range of spatial scales, from munities share a larger number of taxa in common than over short timescales through the aerial movement of a single lake or mountainside, spatially non-adjacent fungal communities — can be spores or, over longer timescales, alongside the migra- to a continent. observed at local and regional scales. tion of vegetation during climatic change (see below).

Box 3 | dispersal

105 Evolution of unique bio-geographical assemblages48–51

104 Limited gene flow leads to population differentiation47,52 103

Dispersal limitation may affect 102 species richness and colonization Introduction of invasive rate for isolated habitats37 species disrupts local Time (years) Time communities109 101 Priority effects increase spatial heterogeneity of assemblages66,67,68

100 Dispersal traits influence community assembly37

Dispersal distance of most spores37,114,116 10–1

10–1 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 Spatial scale (m)

Although hyphae can extend short distances during growth, spores are the primary agent ofNature rapid dispersal Reviews for | Microbiology fungi. In fact, the explosive discharge of fungal spores is among the fastest accelerations ever observed in nature123. Effective dispersal is a crucial process for most fungi, owing to the lack of contiguity in the temporal and spatial distributions of resources that are required for growth. The difficulty of effective spore dispersal is reflected in the diversity of spores and spore-bearing structures that are produced by fungi124. Most fungi produce several types of spores, which can vary in ecological function, sexuality, longevity and dispersal capacity. The mechanisms of spore liberation are also diverse and often involve specialized tissues and structures — such as mushrooms — to hold spores, as well as adaptations to improve wind or water dispersal or to attract animal vectors124. Several recent studies have used molecular50 and mathematical125 approaches to quantify the spatial scale of fungal dispersal in natural systems. These studies show that the majority of fungal spores move only centimetres to metres. Consequently, the deposition of spores is highly variable in space and time, and strongly reflects the identity of local fungi and environmental conditions126. Although fungi are probably better long-distance dispersers than organisms with larger dispersal units, such as seeds4, transcontinental dispersal of fungal spores seems to occur relatively rarely and often seems to be the result of human activity127. This latter pattern contrasts with early predictions that the propagules of fungi35, and other microorganisms36, are everywhere and that community composition is determined solely by local environmental conditions that select for subsets of species from this cosmopolitan propagule pool, which is an idea popularly known as the Baas Becking ‘everything is everywhere’ hypothesis. Instead, dispersal limitation seems to have a crucial role in producing the patterns of fungal diversity and community structure that are observed across a range of spatial (see the figure, solid lines (or, where speculative, dashed lines)) and temporal scales (see the figure, y‑axis).

NATURE REVIEWS | MICROBIOLOGY VOLUME 14 | JULY 2016 | 439 ©2016 Mac millan Publishers Li mited. All ri ghts reserved. ©2016 Mac millan Publishers Li mited. All ri ghts reserved.


For example, frequent transcontinental dispersal has 2.7 million years ago. Migratory pathways that are been inferred in arctic fungi44, which may occur as associated with the expansion of vegetation have also a result of the exceptionally large changes in climate been reconstructed for other fungal taxa. For example, that are experienced at high latitudes and the adaptive current patterns of genetic relatedness in the Périgord necessity of long-distance dispersal to track favourable ( melanosporum) seem to mirror patterns climates. of post-glacial revegetation in the French Alps54 (FIG. 2). It is possible that greater sampling depth would reveal Similarly, the ectomycorrhizal fungi that are associated more sharing of fungal species across continents45, which with alder trees (Alnus spp.) have patterns of geograph- would mean that the pattern of endemism is less strong ical biodiversity that suggest a co-migration with their than current data suggest. Alternatively, it may be that host from Asia, across the Bering land bridge and down the pattern of endemism is even stronger than currently into southern South America55, with new species evolving suspected, as common thresholds that are used to define along each of these migratory paths. operational taxonomic units (OTUs; BOX 1) may conceal Whereas the diversity of fungal communities has important genetic variation. For example, at 97% ITS always been suspected to be high at the local scale (that similarity (the most commonly used threshold), two is, in a handful of soil or a plant leaf), the regional diver- species, Hymenoscyphus albidus and Hymenoscyphus sity of fungi is much greater than previously suspected, fraxineus (formerly known as Hymenoscyphus pseudo­ which means that the biogeographical patterns of fungal albidus), are combined into a single OTU, even though diversity are also much stronger than suspected3,4,34. We H. albidus is a litter saprotroph whereas H. fraxineus is a suggest that these patterns are best understood in the pathogen that causes dieback in European ash trees40. light of fungal biology — the unique ecological roles of These broad classifications tend to exaggerate the cosmo- fungi and the modes of fungal dispersal — and the role politanism of fungal species, whereas finer-scale genetic of dispersal barriers in the evolution of unique fungal approaches inevitably break up single cosmopolitan spe- species that occur in isolated biogeographical regions. cies into many geographically restricted species46. For example, a recently published study that shows global Macroecology. In plant and animal communities56,57, cosmopolitanism for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi47 may be the most widely recognized macroecological patterns an artefact of using a highly conserved gene locus. To are perhaps the latitudinal gradients in species rich- illustrate the potential of a highly conserved gene locus ness and the species–area relationship (SAR; that is, the to produce such an artefact, consider the effect of using predictable increase in species richness observed with an analogous locus to define mammalian species: such larger sample areas) (FIG. 2). As many factors change with a classification would combine humans, most placental either latitude (such as productivity, rainfall, area and and some marsupials into a single species48. age of the ecosystem) or area (such as habitat diversity Similarly, the litter saprotroph Thelonectria discophora and population sizes), determining whether fungi follow Saprotroph in the Ascomycota, was, until recently, thought to be a similar patterns will be crucial to understanding the gen- An that obtains classic example of a cosmopolitan species, being present eral drivers of fungal biodiversity. The examination of nutrition from dead organic matter. on every continent except Antarctica. However, multi- fungal latitudinal diversity gradients has revealed some- locus genotyping of a global isolate collection for this what idiosyncratic patterns between different fungal Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi ‘species’ revealed 16 distinct lineages, each of which has groups. For example, endophytic fungi are hyperdiverse Fungi in arbuscular mycorrhizal a restricted geographical range49. Such genetic divergence in tropical forests1, ectomycorrhizal fungi seem to be symbiosis with a plant host, is perhaps not surprising given that population genetics most diverse at mid-latitudes4 and fungal communities which is the most common form of mycorrhizal symbiosis analyses of fungi have repeatedly shown limited gene that are associated with human habitats show a reverse 46 58 and is characterized by fungal flow between continents and, when habitats are not latitudinal gradient . Some of these patterns can be uni- hyphae that penetrate plant continuous, even at the smaller scale of hundreds of fied by understanding the resource drivers for different cell walls, where they form kilometres50. functional groups. For example, fungal pathogens often highly branched structures 59 known as arbuscules. Inferences about fungal biogeography from taxo- have restricted host ranges , which means that their spe- Arbuscular mycorrhizal nomic surveys of fungal communities have been com- cies richness would be expected to increase in the trop- fungi belong to a single plemented with phylogeographical analyses of individual ics, where there can be as many as 600 tree species per monopyhyletic lineage and lineages, which can reveal the complex details of evolu- hectare. Thus, it is not surprising that fungal pathogens evolved with the earliest land tionary history that underlie patterns of local endemism show the strongest canonical latitudinal diversity gradi- plants. (FIG. 2). Phylogeographical studies have been able to ent of all fungal groups4. By contrast, ectomycorrhizal 51 60 Phylogeographical determine areas of origin , reconstruct historical migra- fungi tend to be host generalists and their patterns of Pertaining to the patterns of tion routes52 and estimate the frequency of long-distance richness do not peak in environments with the highest geographical distribution of (that is, transoceanic) dispersal events53. For example, overall number of tree species. Rather, richness is highest phylogenetic lineages. phylogenetic reconstructions for the group known as in boreal and temperate forests in which host abundance Beringia Caesar’s Amanita (Amanita sect. Caesarae) suggest an is greatest, owing to the positive effects of habitat area An area of land that includes origin in the African tropics approximately 56 million on diversity61. parts of present day Russia years ago, followed by a migration north with the expan- and Alaska and that formed a sion of broadleaf forests that occurred during a warm- Drivers of diversity in habitats bridge connecting Asia and North America during the ing period and, approximately 4–8 million years ago, a The vast majority of studies of fungal ecology have lower sea levels of the migration through Beringia to North America, with a attempted to elucidate the resources and environmen- Pleistocene glacial periods. subsequent migration to Central America approximately tal conditions that control fungal diversity in a single

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Regional species pool

Dry adapted b Local community assembly after dispersal from Wet adapted regional pool

Dispersal to a wet environment a Physiological differences among taxa in species pool Deterministic assembly Historically contingent assembly High Taxa with non-overlapping niche Taxa with overlapping niche

Range at dry site Range at wet site First First Arrival order Arrival order Last Last Physiological performance

Low Less More Water potential

Figure 3 | Community assembly and historical contingency. Variation in the taxonomic composition and diversity Nature Reviews | Microbiology of fungal communities is shaped by both environmental factors and the effect of chance events. Shown here is a hypothetical set of species, and the different types of community assembly that can occur when a new site is colonized. a | The physiological differences between species can be important in determining community assembly at a new site. For example, a set of species that colonize a new site can vary in performance along a gradient of moisture availability, one of the key environmental variables that shapes fungal communities, depending on whether a species is adapted to dry conditions or wet conditions. As in natural systems, wet-adapted species are more numerous than dry-adapted species in the hypothetical set of species shown. b | Species disperse at random from the species pool into an environment with wet moisture conditions. In deterministic assembly, the order of arrival of each species does not affect the final composition of the community. Deterministic assembly is likely to occur when there are strong environmental selection pressures and large differences in niche preference between species. By contrast, in historical contingency, the final composition of the community is determined by the order of arrival of each species. Historical contingency occurs when there is strong — such as when species have overlapping niche dimensions — and there are strong priority effects in competition.

habitat (BOX 1; Supplementary information S1 (table)). availability of moisture, such as annual precipitation Generalizing across diverse habitats can be challenging, and potential evapotranspiration4,64. although the availability of moisture seems to be one In addition to moisture, nutrient resource availa- of the most important environmental conditions that bility is a key driver of fungal diversity, and in most determines the diversity and composition of myco­ ecosystems this is determined by the accessibility and biomes62 (FIG. 3). The availability of adequate moisture is quantity of plant-derived carbon. For example, fungal crucial for the maintenance of the turgor pressure that diversity often decreases with soil depth, owing to the is necessary for hyphal extension and for the diffusion decrease in the availability of organic matter25. The and uptake of resources through the cell membrane. lower horizons of the soil are often dominated by a For example, a human mycobiome survey found a small number of fungal species that are able to access median of 40–80 fungal genera in the warm, wet con- recalcitrant carbon, such as carbon in lignin or tannin, ditions that are provided by the human foot2, but only and by mycorrhizal fungi, which are able to access a median of 2–10 fungal genera on core human body photosynthate from the plant roots65. Similarly, the sites such as the back and the forehead. Similarly, in a most diverse communities of marine fungi seem to be survey of tropical rainforests, the frequency of samples those in association with corals31 or sponges66, which with culturable fungi from leaf surfaces increased by may provide sources of labile carbon. For example, 50% along a gradient from the sun-rich environment more fungal taxa were reported from deep sequencing of the upper canopy to the moist environment of the of a single coral reef in Samoa31 (5,410 taxa) than from lower tree canopy, and the number of fungal species open sea and the sea bed in a global ocean survey67 that were detected increased from 8 to 21 (REF. 63). At (2,200 taxa). Interestingly, fungal species richness is larger spatial scales, the diversity of endophytic fungi relatively insensitive to increasing temperature17,68 or Evapotranspiration (REF. 69) The sum of evaporation from is highest in tropical rainforests and large studies of increased levels of atmospheric CO2 , even in the surface of the earth and soil fungi have found that species richness is positively cases in which the composition of fungal communities plant transpiration. correlated with climate variables that are related to the changes along these gradients.

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One of the most remarkable patterns in studies of Deconstructing functional diversity fungal (as well as other microbial) communities is the Interpreting the biological implications of diversity pat- large amount of unexplained variability in diversity terns that are revealed by NGS studies requires knowl- and community composition between samples that are edge of the key functional attributes of different fungal taken from the same habitat, such as when comparing species. Typically, species are grouped into saprotrophs, individual soil samples, leaves or plant root systems. mutualists and pathogens, and then each of these trophic Although some part of this variation is certainly due to groups is divided into functional guilds of species that small-scale variation in resources and environmental have different growth strategies and nutrient-acquisition conditions, an important additional contributing factor capabilities73 (FIG. 1). For example, functional guilds of is historical contingency in assembly of local communities saprotrophs and pathogens may include white rot and from regional species pools (FIG. 3). Several studies have brown rot, whereas functional guilds of mutualists may demonstrated that when a resource becomes available include arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and ectomycor- at a new site, such as a leaf, the first fungus to colonize rhizal fungi. This type of functional information can the site often has a strong competitive advantage and predict how species will both respond to and affect their may exclude fungi competing for the same resource that environment13,74. For example, anthropogenic nitrogen arrive later70. When these priority effects are strong, the deposition75 decreases nitrogen limitation and thus the winner of the competition for resources is determined value of ectomycorrhizal fungi, which exchange soil

Historical contingency solely by the order in which taxa disperse to the new nitrogen for plant photosynthate, to their plant hosts. When the current state of an site. When dispersal is a stochastic process, the order in Consequently, ectomycorrhizal fungi decrease in abun- ecological community depends which species arrive varies and community composition dance when traditionally low-nitrogen systems are sub- on the precise sequence of is contingent on the history of dispersal at each new site. ject to large inputs of nitrogen. The increasing number prior events. Historical The identity of fungi that arrive early can also influence of sequenced fungal genomes and studies of extracel- contingency is contrasted with determinism, in which a single overall community composition, diversity and function. lular enzyme activity have rapidly improved our ability end state will occur regardless For example, varying the identity of the first species to determine function from environmental sequencing of past events. of wood fungi to arrive led to changes of data76. For example, fungi that are plant pathogens often up to fivefold in community richness and threefold in have expanded families of secreted effector proteins, Propagules 71 Any biological unit that is community respiration . As the success of dispersal is which determine virulence, encoded in their genomes capable of propagating an linked to traits such as spore quality or overall repro- and necrotrophic pathogens often have an increase in organism in a new location. For ductive investment40, some fungal species have evolved the number of genes that encode -degrading fungi this may include sexual strategies that confer an advantage when competing for enzymes77. However, knowing the key functional fea- and asexual spores, as well as the colonization of new sites. tures of fungi from the species lists that are generated hyphal fragments. Some evidence suggests that historical contingency by sequencing single taxonomic markers, such as ITS, Forest stands may attenuate at larger scales of space, time or commu- is challenging, as taxonomic assignments are often A contiguous area of forest in nity organization. For example, the effects of historical uncertain65 and most fungal species have not been cul- which a characteristic species contingency were greater for individual species than for tured. Furthermore, for most fungal species, no data are composition and demography enables it to be distinguished the community-wide characteristics of experimentally available for relevant ecological traits such as expression from other areas of forest. assembled communities of wood decomposers, particu- of extracellular enzymes, efficiency of nutrient use, larly when considering immigration from a larger pool dispersal ability, growth rate or combative ability62. Guilds of species72. Despite this attenuation, it seems likely that For those species that have been cultured, genomic Groups of species that use priority effects could operate at large scales, reinforcing sequencing is revealing substantial variation between similar ecological strategies to exploit a common resource. biogeographical separation between regions, in terms species that belong to the same traditional functional Species are grouped into guilds of both ecology — by increasing the difficulty of local guilds, causing a shift away from these classifications irrespective of whether they establishment, particularly when only a small number towards more continuous, trait-based approaches for are taxonomically related. of propagules arrive — and evolution — as most open understanding fungal activity13,62. For example, the clas-

White rot niches have already been occupied. As such, determining sic distinction between white rot and brown rot has been Historic classification of certain the spatial and temporal extent of historical contingency called into question by genetic and biochemical evidence wood-decomposing fungi. The is an important question for future fungal research. that these fungi fall on a gradient of decay capabilities78. classification is based on the Other than resource availability, environmental Furthermore, not all fungi that are classified as white rot white colour of the wood that is conditions and historical contingency, one other have lignin peroxidases, and species of fungi that are clas- generated by the enrichment of cellulose that occurs when explanation for the seeming lack of predictability of sified as brown rot vary substantially in their ability, and powerful oxidative enzymes the composition of fungal communities from a given mechanisms used, to break down and take up plant sug- that are produced by these habitat may be related to the spatial distribution of ars78,10. Similarly, certain mutualistic fungi are now known fungi breakdown lignin. fungal individuals at small scales. Given the relatively to have the physiological capacity to act as decomposers:

Brown rot large size of fungal individuals, environmental samples many ectomycorrhizal and ericoid mycorrhizal fungi Historic classification of certain may sometimes be too small to adequately represent can release extracellular enzymes, break down various wood-decomposing fungi. The the community or environment that a species inhabits. plant biopolymers and use the resulting products79,80. For classification is based on the As a result, species composition may seem to be highly example, Paxillus involutus releases proteases and several brown colour of the wood that unpredictable with respect to environmental conditions redox-active enzymes, including laccase, tyrosinase, phe- is generated by the ability of these fungi to extract that are measured at the centimetre scale, but stable and nylalanine ammonia lyase and enzymes for siderophore polysaccharides while leaving predictable when samples are pooled at the scale of forest metabolism, when exposed to nitrogen resources that behind lignin. stands or tree canopies73. require enzymatic breakdown prior to consumption81.

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Various species in ectomycorrhizal genera such as Suillus, example, decreasing nitrogen availability may increase Piloderma, , Amanita, Inocybe and Russula the species richness of fungi through interactions with can produce large amounts of these and other extracel- both host plants and competitor bacteria by increasing lular enzymes in culture, depending on growth condi- the importance of mycorrhizal associations to tree nutri- tions82–84. Although ectomycorrhizal fungi typically differ tion and by increasing the competitiveness of decom- in the levels of extracellular enzymes that they produce poser fungi over bacteria. The competitive advantage of compared with free-living saprotrophs, gene expression these fungi under conditions of low nitrogen may be profiles and laboratory experiments suggest that these derived from fungal hyphae, which enable fungi to forage plant symbionts have retained the ability of their sapro- for sparse resources over large spatial areas, and from the trophic ancestors to break down complex, recalcitrant generally higher C/N ratios in fungi than in bacteria99. forms of carbon in soil to release mineral nutrients, using Several species from the same functional guild are both traditional white rot mechanisms and, possibly, alter- often observed to coexist in single samples3,4, which may native oxidative mechanisms that are reminiscent of those either be a result of niche partitioning or because com- used by brown rot80,85,86. petitive exclusion occurs at scales that are smaller than Using a trait-based approach to measure enzyme activ- sampling units. To determine which of these possible ity directly will be particularly important if it becomes evi- explanations best accounts for coexistence in functional dent that many taxa do not fit neatly into current notions guilds will require exploration of the traits and activities of of functional guilds. For example, endophytic fungi of the individual fungal species that make up communities roots, leaves and stems have historically been considered at different temporal and spatial scales. asymptomatic inhabitants of plants, but recent research is reshaping our understanding of this guild, revealing sev- Community structure–function relationships. Studies eral benefits of endophytic fungi to the physiology and of whole community function often show that non- functioning of plants. Some endophytic fungi have been overlapping assemblages of species in the same habitat found to protect plants from pathogens87, herbivores88 and function very similarly, which suggests functional redun- challenging environmental conditions89. By contrast, other dancy3,100,101 (FIG. 4). For example, most soil samples that endophytic fungi may facilitate disease in the presence of were taken in a study of North American pine forests more virulent pathogens90. For example, pre-infection of shared few fungal taxa in common but often had nearly cottonwood (Populus spp.) leaves by some common endo- identical levels of cellulase activity3. Functional redun- phytic fungi, such as spp. and Alternaria dancy is a common structure–function relationship that spp., caused up to an 85‑fold variation in the severity of is observed for taxonomically distinct communities in a rust disease91. Similarly, increasing evidence suggests that single habitat or environment, and probably arises as a communities of endophytic fungi contain wood decom- result of high local taxonomic diversity and the conver- poser fungi that are present in a latent state prior to plant gent evolution of common functional guilds. However, in death. For example, a quantitative PCR (qPCR) survey some cases, functional contingency — in which the rates of 11 common wood decay fungi found evidence that all of fungal-mediated processes depends on the composi- of them had latent propagules that were present in living tion of the community — can occur instead, as a result sapwood of a wide range of tree species92. of priority effects and historical contingency (see above). Functional classification of fungal communities should In contrast to functional redundancy and functional increase predictability in fungal ecology studies, as many contingency, which are structure–function relationships samples that share few species in common may be quite that apply to taxonomically distinct communities, the similar in their functional composition93. For example, structure–function relationships that can occur between quantifying the richness and abundance94 of ectomycor­ similar communities of fungi are functional plasticity and rhizal fungi in soils improves predictions of oxidative functional conservatism. Functional plasticity arises when enzyme activity95 and one study found that hyphal mor- taxonomically similar communities function differently phology changed more consistently than community — for example, in response to changing environmental composition across a large gradient of nutrient availability conditions. However, functional conservatism, in which and water stress in soil96. Similarly, the diversity of each taxonomically similar communities have similar functions, trophic group of fungi is driven by a unique set of factors4. seems to be much more common than functional plasticity For example, the diversity of mycorrhizal fungi increases in field studies3,101. Functional analysis of more fungal com- with the relative abundance of host plants, which is prob- munities may shed light on why functional plasticity seems ably a proxy for the total size of the habitat or the quantity to be a rare outcome and what factors increase the relative of resources that are available. In a study of an Amazonian importance of each structure–function relationship in forest in which host plants for ectomycorrhizal fungi were fungal communities. relatively diverse (nine species) but not abundant, only Moving forward, it seems that the functional classifica- 38 species of these fungi were found97. By contrast, in a tion of fungal communities should better predict the rates South American rainforest with host plants that were less of fungal-mediated processes than species composition diverse (three species) but locally abundant, 120 species or environmental data alone. In addition, as the study of ectomycorrhizal fungi were observed98. The effect of of quantitative traits improves13,74, it will be increasingly resources other than host plants on fungal diversity may possible to deconstruct aggregated community functions be more complicated and depend on the guild in question into the individual contributions from different species. and competitive interactions with other organisms. For Knowing whether there are key taxa or traits that cause

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a Comparing functional diversity b Comparing functional diversity c Empirical range of structure–function across similar communities across different communities relationships in a study of decomposing wood

Within-community Across-community Sample A Sample A (α) functional diversity (β) functional diversity 0.6 Functional Functional plasticity contingency Versus Versus 0.5

0.4 Sample B Sample C 0.3 Functional Functional conservatism redundancy 0.2 Difference in function Difference A > B A > C 0.1

1 No difference 1 No difference 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 A < B A < C Difference in community composition Function of A relative to B of A relative Function to C of A relative Function Functional Functional Functional Functional plasticity conservatism contingency redundancy Figure 4 | Deconstructing structure–function relationships in fungal communities. Several different structure– function relationships can occur between fungal communities. a | Functional plasticity and functionalNature Reviews conservatism | Microbiology are structure–function relationships that can occur between taxonomically similar communities. In functional plasticity, communities function differently, despite similar species compositions, whereas functional conservatism describes taxonomically similar communities that also have similar functions. b | Functional contingency and functional redundancy are structure–function relationships that can occur between taxonomically dissimilar fungal communities. In functional contingency, the rate of a fungal-mediated process (that is, function) changes in response to community composition, whereas functional redundancy describes communities that function similarly even though they are taxonomically dissimilar. c | Structure–function relationships from fungal communities that were sampled from 270 decomposing Melicytus ramiflorus branches in New Zealand101. Each point represents a pairwise comparison between structure and function in two samples, with structure shown as the difference in community composition (x‑axis) and function shown as the difference in percentage mass lost during decomposition (y‑axis). A key area for future research is to understand why particular structure–function relationships are common (such as functional redundancy) and others uncommon (such as functional plasticity). Species-level functional traits should enable a priori predictions of which structure–function relationships exist between communities.

functional contingency, or whether there are instead many pH seems to be the single most important driver of com- ways to build functionally redundant communities, will munity structure in soils at large spatial scales104, whereas greatly aid in predicting the rates of those ecosystem fungi are typically more sensitive to regional climate or processes that are mediated by fungi. other variables4, although pH can nevertheless constrain both fungal diversity and community structure47,73. Contrasts with the bacterial microbiome Similarly, although marked evolutionary divisions seem Fungi are often considered to be a component of the to exist between communities of marine and terrestrial microbiome, but most generalizations about the micro- bacteria105, marine fungal communities that have been biome are based primarily on observations of bacterial surveyed thus far are not as evolutionarily distinct from communities102,103. This discrepancy is largely due to the their terrestrial counterparts, with many of the dominant lag in large-scale sequencing studies of the mycobiome marine fungi seeming to be derived from terrestrial lin- compared with those of the bacterial component of the eages of Ascomycota and Basidiomycota23 (see above) or microbiome, together with the specialization of most to occur in both marine and terrestrial environments. microbiologists in the study of bacteria. Fortunately, as For example, 50% of the fungi that were detected in a sequencing power has increased, microbial ecologists survey of marine wooden substrata were classified as are more commonly able to simultaneously analyse terrestrial fungi that were facultatively occurring in a several taxonomic groups, even lineages as evolutionar- marine habitat106. ily divergent as Bacteria and Fungi. Consequently, it is In terms of overall diversity, a reconstruction of a becoming evident that the diversity patterns and com- comprehensive tree of life found that the domain Bacteria munity dynamics of the mycobiome differ from those generally seems to be more diverse than the kingdom of the bacterial component of the microbiome in several Fungi107. The comparative diversity of bacteria and fungi important respects. For example, compared with bacte- in terms of species richness in individual communities ria, fungi are more able to tolerate acidic conditions and varies according to habitat, but always seems to be higher are less sensitive to changes in pH100. Indeed, for bacteria, for bacteria than for fungi. For example, in soils, species

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richness is generally 2–3 times higher for bacteria than landmasses. Dispersal limitation affects fungal diversity for fungi25, even though the diversity of fungi peaks in at all scales, maintaining regional endemism and influ- this environment. In marine105 and animal systems108, encing local community assembly. At local scales, fungal fungal diversity seems to decrease by 1–2 orders of mag- communities are highly heterogeneous, with large (and nitude compared with soils, whereas bacterial diversity often unexplained) differences in diversity and composi- can remain relatively high. Compared with bacteria, fungi tion across samples from the same site or habitat. This is a also seem to show greater heterogeneity25,109 at the local result of high functional redundancy and strong historical scale and less taxonomic overlap at the global scale42,110. contingency in fungal communities. Interestingly, even for bacteria and fungi with similar Documenting the patterns of fungal biodiversity has , some important differences can be observed. required improvements in molecular tools, but making For example, different primary factors control both sense of how fungal diversity interacts with other eco- taxon richness and large-scale biogeographical patterns system components and processes will require the iden- of bacterial and fungal root mutualists (nitrogen-fixing tification of traits that can disentangle species lists into bacteria of the Frankia alni species complex and ecto­ functional groups or trait values, as well as the identifi- mycorrhizal fungi, respectively) that co‑occur on alders as cation of the appropriate scale at which we can predict host plants111,112. Specifically, the species richness of ecto- features of the mycobiome. For example, taxonomic mycorrhizal fungi was significantly associated with the composition can be determined by dispersal limitation concentration of calcium in soil, whereas the community at continental scales and even at local scales through richness of the F. alni species complex was not influenced priority effects. By contrast, functional composition is by this or any other soil-related factor. Similarly, biogeo- more deterministic and may be well predicted by local graphical clustering differed and community composition environmental conditions regardless of large-scale geog- across sites was not significantly correlated between ecto- raphy. Therefore, although the analysis of NGS data has mycorrhizal fungi and the F. alni species complex111,112. substantial potential for the discovery of diversity, the The fact that fungal and bacterial components of the ability to accurately interpret these data from a functional microbiome have different community dynamics may perspective requires curated databases with genetic data complicate the process of making predictions about the from known organisms as well as some knowledge of the microbiome and the integration of such predictions into function of sequenced genes and the natural history of the the management of animal and plant diseases. However, organisms21,22. Even the sequencing of functional genes, as it reinforces the need for the development of unifying opposed to taxonomic markers, using metagenomics or ecological theories that make accurate predictions across transcriptomics does not always generate data that cor- different taxonomic groups. relate well with ecological processes, and thus requires An important caveat to these comparisons of species contextual knowledge to accurately interpret22. Looking richness and biogeographical diversity patterns between forward, maximizing the potential of NGS data to inform bacteria and fungi is that the 16S taxonomic marker that the study of functional diversity will require a parallel is commonly used to study bacterial communities tends effort to elucidate the basic biology of fungi through tra- to group species together and thus, in contrast with ITS, ditional culturing approaches and to sequence individual emphasizes higher-level taxa (that is, genera or families) fungal genomes in conjunction with studies of natural with broader geographical distributions that probably history. reflect conserved physiological features (BOX 1). Therefore, Understanding the fungal dimensions of biodiversity it is possible that differences between bacterial and fungal is not solely an academic exercise; it also has direct impli- communities would be less pronounced for data that are cations for the welfare of human societies. The rates of derived from other taxonomic markers. globally important processes, such as decomposition of organic matter and nutrient uptake by plants, are deter- Conclusion mined by fungal community dynamics. Anthropogenic Recent studies have revealed a mycobiome that is greater activities that change the composition and richness of in diversity and complexity than previously imagined. fungal communities may fundamentally alter these This diversity is highest in soils, in which fungi obtain a cycles. Similarly, the deaths of billions of plants and ani- large proportion of plant derived carbon, and lowest in mals that have been caused by fungal pathogens over the marine environments and animals, and arises both from past two centuries are largely the product of human eco- the ability of numerous fungal species to coexist at small nomic activity that has enabled these fungi to overcome scales and from the large degree of turnover in species long-standing biogeographical barriers. Using NGS, we composition across habitats and spatial scales. Similarly have now scratched the surface of the mycobiome; how- to plants and animals, the species richness of fungal com- ever, the high level of diversity that has been uncovered by munities exhibits strong biogeographical patterns that are doing so has shown that much more work remains to be related to climate and to historical connections between done in elucidating the fungal dimensions of biodiversity.

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