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1934-1944 1934 J anuar'7 8 Tonawanda Reservation,

Jesse Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler

I S~ing that he used the money sent tor PAPERS food instead ot overalls because he could JOSEPH KEPPLER not get on C. W. A. work because he is COLLE.CTION disabled with a pension pending; rpporting he can get no help trom the various veteran agencies supposed to make it available and that his mind 1s so upset he cannot work on his tather's notes and records.

J anu8r7 27 Akron, Bew York

Dinah Sundown to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Reporting accident ot previous June and JOSEPH KEPPLER s81ing she vas on crutches tor 5 months; COLLECTION aSking tor clothes; announcing that New Year's dances are Just over. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand)

Ji'ebru8l'7 1 Lawtons, Bew York

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler

IROQUOIS S~ing he has made inquir'7 about a pig- PAPERS head mask but has located none as yet; JOSEPH KEPPLER reporting that the New Y ear Ce.remo~ COLLECTION was well attended and that Arthur Parker was a recent visitor at the Reservation r:r>.:., tJ. 4 No. "2.0 and that he had expressed approbation as to the condition of the Long House. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand)

Lawton's, New York

-. Nancy Bowen to Joseph Keppler t IROQUOIS . PAPERS S81ing that she has more old Indian ,JOSEPH KEPPLER COLLECTION specimens to sell and asks Keppler's aid. [Marked: Ans., "with money," in Keppler's ,.ct. 6.7.' No , hand) [1934 con.]

March 11 Tonawanda Reservation, New York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS Sqin8 he has been unable to get about PAPERS but will see about the turkey basket ver" .JOSEPH KEPPLER soon; he is not workiDg and asks Keppler ! COLLECTION for financial help; reporting record cold FO~.T~6 No.IS E) during the month of February.

March 12 Lawton's, New York

Nancy Bowen to Joseph Keppler

Sqing she is sending the costume pieces and will leave the prices to him. The" IROQUOIS PAPERS verso carries detailed figures for each piece, with the notation "CK March 19th .JOSEPH KEPPLER I COLLECTION 1934," and "persuaded bY' Lila Jemison to kill the 'witch' (Mrs. Marchand]n all in F~~I No.2 Keppler's hand. This latter relates to I....a ~der committed in Buffalo by Bancy

March 27 Lawtons, New York Fred Ninhamto Joseph Keppler (2 sheets]

Reporting no further success in his hunt IROQUOIS for a pig mask but that one exists in PAPERS Canada; discussing the use of the mask in .JOSEPH KEPPLER the Gah-nee-don-gah-qe dance; sqing that ~: COLLECTION ~. recently filled out a questionaire sent FOL ri:..4 No:2-\ to blind persons in tho State between the ages of 20 and 55; asking who Mrs. W8&ner is, she Just having sent some female cloth- ing which has been distributed. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

April 6 !onawanda Reservation, lew York

IROQUOIS Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler PAPERS .JOSEPH KEPPLER Thanking him for mon8,1 sent and saying the turkey basket will be finished soon; I COLLECTION he is unable to locate any brooches. F~ J:~.b No. 'S7


------(1934 con.]

Mq 4 Salamanca, New York

Mrs. Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS Writing from her father's home for her PAPERS husband and slqing she remain there, JOSEPH as he is ill; reporting she would like to KEPPLER sell or rent her father's place and all live ~. COLLECTION together at Newtown; requesting some yarn F~N~ No.22 for ruc--meking. (liarked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

Mq 5 Akron, Bew York

Dinah Sundown to Joseph Keppler [2 sheets] IROQUOIS PAPERS SBJing she has two summer squash rattles JOSEPH KEPPLER medicine rattles for sale used in Little Water ceremonies. f COLL:CTlON (Markedl Answered, in Keppler's hand] '0.; ~.:"r No."2.\

Mq 7 Lawton t s, Bew York ,,' IROQUOIS Mrs. Walter Jimerson to Joseph Keppler PAPERS JOSEPH KEPPLER COLLECTION Sqing her mother has been ill for two , months and asking for aid. Fo~ .r.~.'; No .3

Mq 14 Akron, New York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS The turkey basket is apparent17 not yet PAPERS tinished; requesting financial aid from JOSEPH KEPPLER Keppler as his feet prevent him from COLLECTION working. [The letter is signed "Per J. J. FOL.J. 6.6 No.158 Oornplanter" and is marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand].

Mq 28 Basom, New York IROQuOIS Dinah Sundown to Joseph Keppler l2 sheets] PAPERS JOSEPH KEPPLER Pricing the medicine rattles at $8.00 COLLECTION for both. (1934 con.J June 1 Akron, lew Ybrk

LJmSn Johnson to Joseph leppler IROQUOI:> Acknowledging money eent; he will know PAPERS soon whether he can get work on the oJOSEPH KEPPlEH

Reservation Relief Project; s~ing he ~ COLL~TlON will haTe word about the turkey basket F~ ~.6No.15'3 soon. (The letter 1s signed 'Per - J.J.C.J June 2 Basom, Hev York IROQUOIS Dinah Sundown to Joseph Keppler PAPERS oJOSEPHKEPPLER Reducing the price on the 2 me41c1ne , COLLECTION rattles to $5.00. FO~ ~+ No.'23

June 5 Lawtons, lev York

'red 11nham and vife to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Thanking him for the package end oJOSEPH KEPPlEf1 announcing the StrawberrT CeremonT for J COLLECTION June 9th; Mrs. Binham has returned from Fo..- ~.:._4 No .2.3 Salamanca.

June 13 Tonawanda Reservation, Bev York

L7m8n Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Be has the turkey basket which wUI be JOSEPH KEPPl<:ri sent Boon; s~ing Mrs. Pierce, who made , COLLECTION it, is about 82 years old and cannot FelL J":~.6 No '60 work swiftly_

June 15 Lawtons, Bew York

.red Hinham to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS Thanking him for mone,r recently sent PAPrRS [for the StrawberrT CeremonT] and .JOSEPH KEPPLE"

reporting that Mose Cooper was recently , COLLECTION killed in en automobile accident. F~ ~4 No.'24 [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand) l1934 con.)

J'I1l7 2 Akron, HewYork

~ Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQU,.' PAPEPo. Be has received the money and paid for oIOSEPH KEP,'i the basket; reporting his garden not doing well because of a dr.y spell, and , COLLECTlG,j on an old costume he.has located. '0'" 'J.6.CQNo 1'1 [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

Lawtons, Bew York

7red Binham to Joseph Keppler [3 sheets] IROQUOIS PAPERS Reporting that his wife was injured through oIOSEPHKEPPLER a fall from a moving automobile; enclosing sketches of two masks he has located; J COLL.:..CTION reporting the death of Sidne7 Hurf throu&h Fo... N.4o No."25" an accidentwhile at work.

August 3 Lawton.. Hew York

Fred Binham to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS S~ing his wife is recovering slowly from her accident and that he will forward the .tOSEPH KEPPLEFi mask at once, the cheque and stamps having COLLECTION been received. F~ "'..4 No 26 [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

August 8 Akron, BewYork

L1JD&nJohnson to Joseph Ieppler IROQUOIS PAPERS S~ng the dr.y weather continues; oIOSEPH KEPPL '_. reporting the co stume is new and has COLLECTION never been worn. FO,"J.G.6 No 162. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hanc1J

August 25 Lawton.. New York

Jred Binham to Joseph Keppler IROQUOI~ Announcing the Green Corn Ceremo!11'for PAPERS August 30th; reporting the critical illness oIOSEPHKEPPLL, of Jimmie Sandy; s~ing they have a fund of COLLECTIOr. about $150.00 to entertain the Stx Bations Fo," N.4- No 27 delegates to the meeting in Bovember. [Marked: "Ans. -5.00 toward L. B. expenses" in Keppler's hand] 6.

(1934 con.]

September 14 Akron, Bew York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler

Acknowledging mone7 sent and sqing he IROQUOIS and m8n7 on the Reservation have been PAPERS buq reheara1ng f or the Page an t at .JOSEPH KEPPLER Niagara Falls; reporting the TERA allows I COLLECTION him a half ~ ot wo~ each week and F~ U:&NO. i6~ asking for clothing and other help; report- ing on the Seneca costume, overskirt and leggings for which the owner wants $7.50; announcing a coming Six Nations meeting. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hend]

September 25 Tonawanda Reservation, New York

Jesse Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler

,~... IROQUOIS annual Six , PAPERS Jnnouncingthe close ot the t Bations meetinc and reportingthat h. is .JOSEPH KEPPLER now waiting to obtain a typewriter so J. COLL~TlON that his father's teachings, now copied FO~ C.&A..No.48 in long-hand, mq be put in more legible form; asking if Keppler can procure the loan of one as he does not like to be obligated to Parker, much preferring Fenton as a collaborater. (Marked: "Ans. Sept. 29th" in Keppler's hancO

October 8 Tonawanda Reservation, New York

LJm8n Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Acknowledging the things sent: sqing .JOSEPH KEPPLE the costume will be sent on approval and with it will be some small baskets end a , COLLECTION FO~ ;r._~. No \ ~4 c8.~ing strap as a gift. ~ [Marked: Answered, in Keppler'shand]

November 1 Tonawanda Reservation, Bew York

Jesse Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler [2 sheets] IROQUOIS Continuing his hope that a typewriter m~ be PAPERS

located; describing his health end s87ing h. .JOSEPH KEPPLER has taken up archer7as a sport to keep . COLLECTION himself occupied. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler'shand] FOL.C.~ANO 4-'3 [1934 con.)

November 5 !onawanda Reservation. !lew York

Lyman Johnlon to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPER'; Sq1~ he met the woman who owned .lOSEPH KEPPLER the costume and she is pleased at ~ COLLECTION Keppler's help; reporting the first F~ :T.Ej.Ei No. 165' snow of the season.

Hovember 15 Tonawanda Reservation. Bew lork

Jess. Oornplanter to J Keppler L2 sheets] IROQUOIS PAPERS Asking for a loan until hi. $22.50 arrives. .JOSEPH KEPPLER h. having used his last cheque for winter COLLECTION clothing. [Marked: "Ans. $2.00. in Keppler's hand] FO!..C.8.4 No 50

December 3 Aleron, New York

Jess. Oornplanter to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Rep~ing the $2.00 loan requested on .JOSEPH KEPPLEA November 15th and asking if Keppler COLLECTION would like his father's turtle rattle. Fo..,C.8.4 No.51 [Marked: "Ans. MoneT returned" in Keppler's hand]

December 11 Lawtons, Hew York

Fred Binham to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Reporting the deaths of Phillip Jones. .JOSEPH KEPPLER Hatti. Steeprock and Jimmie San~; saTing COLLECTION the attendance at the Six !lations meeting Fo... N.-+ No. '28 was close to 200; reportinc that the St. Regis people are building a Long House.

December 12, !lew York

Freeman Johnson to Joseph Keppler [2 sheets] I IROQUOIS S$Ting h. has been home from Rochester for PAPERS 5 Tears; that he still pl~8 in bands and .JOSEPH KEPPLE~ orchestras as a side-line but. after working t COLLECTION for 20 Tears it is monotonous doing nothing. Fot..J~.+ No6 [Marked: Answered Dec. 15, in Keppler's hand) [1934 con.]

December 14 Lawtons, New York

Fred Itnham '0 JOBeph Keppler ,.' , IROQUOIS . PAPERS Sqing he i B sending some Indian .JOSEPH KEPPLER tobacco and acknowledging the two COLLECTION package s from Mrs. Wagner and that the clothing was diBtributed to the FO~ N.A No.'2~ most needy.



J anu8.17 8 Tonawanda Reservati on, !lew York

Jesse Cornplanter to Joseph Xeppler (2 sheets] IROQUOIS SlVing the rattle is beinc mailed and PAPERS asking for financial aid toward the atOSEPI-I KEoPLER support of the cominc Bew Year ceremonies, as a loan until his next compensation J COLLECT uN cheque i. received. ~~c. 8.4-f'I 5"'2. (Marked: .An.. 5.00. in Keppler's hand]

JanulU7 14 Lawtons, Hew York

Fred lUnham to Joseph Keppler (2 sheets] IR0QUOIS Announcing the openin« of the Hew Year PAPERS eeremony on JIIebru8.17 8th end the Li tUe JOSEPH KEPPLER Water Ceremony for February 6th; report- "OLLECT'QN ing an accident to Mrs. DellaDeer and her two daughters; sending 3 recipes for Indian corn dishes; reporting an automobile accident to the Steeprock family and some f'riends. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

January 21 Lawtons, Bew York

Fred Binham to Joseph Xeppler ~\')('\UOI!' PAPfP.S Acknowledging clothing sent to him .JOSEPH KEPPLER and his f'amily. r.OLLECTj, [Marked "Ana. Jan. 23rd" in Keppler's ,-'h.' N. 4 .C''3' hand,]

January 26 North Collins, HewYork

[Mrs.] Sophia Jones to Joseph Keppler

: ~0Ql101S Thanking him for the package; s~ing P\PEPs that Minnie Jones is seriousl~ ill and ,JOSEPH E"'''':..ER that it is difficult for the men to find u i::.CT' ,~, work this winter; announcin~ that the Hew Year's Ceremony begins February 8th. ..." T.B.~' \

J anuar;r 28 Bedrow, Hew York

Chapman Schandoah to Joseph Keppler :R0Ql,0IS Speaking of a new explosive for use in P,\PfP.s airplanes; his family is all well except .JOSEPH KEPPLER COLLECTIO>l his mother-in-law, who suffers a heart - ailment. F~ S.:S',~ 54 (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] [1935 con.]

Jlebrua17 2 !onawanda ReserTation, Bew York IROQUOIS Jesee Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler PAPERS .JOSEPH KEPPLER Bep~ing the $5.00 loan requested COLLECTION on J anu8.r7 8 the ~~'C.Jt4 NO.S'.! February 7 Lawtons, Bew York

Fred Binham to Joseph Keppler

S~ng his wife is suffering greatly from IROQUOIS a tooth but that they have no funds to get P~PE"RS into Buffalo to a clinic; reporting that JOSEPH"EPPLER the women of the Reservation are to receive ,-,OLL:::CTION about $12. a week on "rel ieftl sewing; announcing the deaths of Young Lq and Mrs. Minnie Jones; sqing that the Little Water Ceremony was well attended and that the New Year Ceremony commences the following ~. [Marked: "Ans. 5.00" in Keppler's hand]

February 20 Lawtons, New York

Fred Ninham to Joseph Xeppler IROQUOIS PAPERS JOSEPHKEPPLER Sqing that his wUe had eight teeth COLLECTIC'. and he one extracted in Buffalo; announcing the deaths of Emeline Thompson, Agne, Williams and Alta Pierce.

February 27 Steamburg, New York IROQUOIS Alice White to Joseph Keppler [2 sheets] P \PERS J08EPH KEPPLER Oomplaining that she has not heard from <';OLLECTI0N him in a long time. [Marked: Anewered, in Keppler's hand] ~...w.+' '26

March 7 Nedrow, New York

[Mrs.] Anna C. Lyons to Joseph Keppler [2 sheets) IROQUOIS PAPERS Sqing she is Jesse Oornplanter'e sister, JOSEP\-' '~EPPL~q now married to Louis Lyons for 5 yearll, CQi.LE'::'TI.)'; and requesting aid in the form of clothing. [Marked: Answered, in Xeppler's hand] (1935 con.]

March 14 Lawtons, Bew York:

Fred Binham toJoseph Keppler IROQliOIS PAPERS Announcing the holding of the Sap and JOSEPH KEPPlFR Falseface CeremoDl'. COLLECTION [Marked: lAne. Mch. 23rdl in Keppler'. hand] "C_ N.AiI No 34

March 22 Bedrow, Bew York: i IROQUOIS PAPE~S (Mrs.] Anna C. L7~ns to Joeeph Keppler oIOSEPH KEPPLER COLLECTION Aclmowled&1~ pacqge eent. FOL L. ~ -I. 'Z. March 28 Basom, Bew York:

Freeman JO~80n to Joseph Keppler (2 aheets] IROQUOIS Announcing that a Six Bations Council PAPE,'S of Chiefs will be held at the Onondaga IOSEPI-' K"PPL"" on April 23rd at which time the bel t8 C"LL1' will be read. [Marked: Answered Apl. 2nd, in Keppler' a hand]

April 8 Tonawanda lteserTation, Bew York IItOQUOI~ Je8~e Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler · PAPFPS .-alEPH KEoPL"H SaTing hie T. B.R.A. p~ 1s insufficient ~'()LLE T' for liT1ng and requesting a loan. (Marked: "5.00. in Keppler'. hand] 1'" C. 8.4 54

April 10 Lawtons. Bew York:

Fred Nlnham to Joseph Keppler IROQUO!!. DA,PF"1S Oomplaining of the del81' in hie ,JOSEPH KEPPLE~

receiTing Keppler'. letter of March 15th ;';OLLtf T -..,11/ and acknowledging the packege, the contents of which has been distributed. 4.

[1935 con.]

Apri~ 18 Nedrow, New York

Chapman Schanandoah to Joseph Keppl er IROQUOIS Sqinc he has been trying to locate PAPERS books on Old Chief Schanandoah and JOSEPH KEPPLER the early Oneida traditions; mentioninc COLLECTION a clippinc trom the S71"acuse Herald; he has been reterring to old treaties; FOL. ~ "3 No 55 thOT have BUttered a hard winter, a8 to *eather. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

April 25 BUOII, New York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler ~OQUOIS PAPF.P!I Sqinc that he has been lookinc tor 'OSEPH KEPPLER 80lle helptroll Keppler since the < nON preTioue December and a8kine tor $5.00, )L.J":~_'~: 166 as he Onl{ works 2 dq'. a lIonth. [Marked: An..5.00" in Keppler's hand]

Mq 2 Tonawanda Reservation, New York

Jesse Complanter to J08eph Keppler (2 sheets] IROQUOIS Repqing the loan requested on April PAPERS 8th; sqing he 18 workinc on Indian ,JOSEPH KEPPLER arts under T.B.R.A. auspices and that f. COLLE.CTlm; he has Just completed a mask trom a "')10" C.j3A ,; 55 picture Keppler sent.

Mq 25 Ba80m, Bew York

L7JI8n Johnson to Joseph Keppler ItOQ110lS PAPFRS Acknowledging the monq sent and JO~,EPH KEPPLER reporting he 18 verT week and DlUst COLLECTION spend part ot the time in bed; he has spent some time with relations on the .

Lawton8, Bew York

7red Binham to Joseph Keppler JWQUOIS Announcing the Strawberr,v CeremonT tor PAPERS the tol10winc ~; thanking him tor a J(\SEPH KEPPLER package sent; sqing hie wite is working cOLLECTIOi.: at the Thomas Indian School. (Marked I Answered, in J:eppler' 8 hand] (1935 con.]

Jul;y 10 Rochester, Bew York

Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Keppler , IROQLOIS Mentioning his pictorial map and P4,;'ERS disCUBsiD& work of rehabilitating the JOSEPH KEPPlER Seneca arts and the increase in the I COLLECTION

Museum'. staft thro~ 'white collar" F~ ~2 Nt' S5 (W.P.~] workers.

Jull' 13 Tonawanda Reservation, New York

Jesse Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler

, IROQUOIS Asking it Keppler has ~ unneeded PAPF~S artist materials to spare 88 he is now .tOSEPH KEPPLER ~a1nting on the !.B.R.A. project. COLLECTION lMarked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] (The Terso carri8. a pen-and-ink drawing ot aD Indian with cap-headdress b;y Keppler]

Jul;y 30 Tonawenda Reservati on, Bew York

Jesse Cornplenter to Joseph Keppler (2 sheet.] IROQUOIS Acknowledcing receipt of the artht PAPFR~ material. .ent; announcing a )lbld Dq JOSEPH KEPPLER to rai.8 mone;y for the coming Six COLLECTtO,'/ Bations meeting and sqing that Mr. Fenton 1s doing much to publicize the Fat. ~.8.4 f S7 event.

Au&ust 13 Lawtons, Bew York IROQUO~ P.o,"f."RS Fred Binbam to Joseph Keppler .tOSEPH KEPPLER Acknowledginc a monel' order and sqing COLLECTION he had paid over $10.00 to "Mr. Lq." FN. N.4 Nn :!7

September 5 Akron, Bew York

LJmaD Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS SqiDg that the work he is permitted PAH R~ barel;y .eet. hie expense. tor tood and JOSEPH "EPPLER aAking tinancial aid; reporting a coming COlLEJ'TION Six Bations meeting. Fol>.J'.6.6: \68 [Marked: "Ans. 5.00' in Keppler'. hand] [1935 con.]

September 13 !kron, NewYork

[Mrs.] Dinah King to Joseph Keppler (2 sheets] 1R0QlI0IS Sqing she is sending some corn end askinc PAPERS for clothes; announoine a meetin« of the JOSEPH KEPPLER Iroquois Temperance League "tirst TuesdaT COLLECTION in October." [Marked: "Ans.; 2.00 & clothes" in Keppler's banaJ

September II Lawtons, New York

Mr.. Fred Ninhaa to Joseph Keppler (2 sheet.] I'OQUOIS P~Pf:R<; Requestingsome buck-skin to make ,JOSEPH I(EPPLER moccasins and pocket-books for which COLLECT ION she will .end moneT on her pq-dq. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler'shand]

September 20 !onawanda B.eserTation, Ifew York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler (3 abeets)

Thanking Keppler tor his help and wondering how he could get alone .!OSEr- ,':::P"L"" without Keppler'. brotherlT friendship; COLLF"' r

he i8 now in need of more clothes: J"","~ \6'} reportinc dates for cominc Six Nation. meetinge at various points and that he hopes to attend.

October 7 Akron, Hew York IROQU~ PAPERS Dinah line to J08eph Keppler JOSEPH r

October 12 Lawtons, Bew York

rred Hinham to J08eph Keppler [3 sheets) IROQUOIS Reporting deaths of Hiram Beaver, Julia PAPFQ<; Kittle, Harkness Phillips and Simon Skye; ,tOSEPH '~"~...ER 887ine he had met Dr. Bates at the recent '.''-'',L..; State Fair in S71'acuse;menUoninc pend1nc meetings at several ot the Long Bouses; describinc the making ot a "live mask" and one of the legends concerning talse- faces. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] [1935 con.]

October 17 Tonaw811da ReserYation, New York

Jesse Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Requesting a loan enabling him and .JOSEPH KEPPLER his wite to attend the coming Six COLLECTION Nations meeting at AllsgQDT Reservation. FOa.. C. ~.+No. 58 [Marked: "5.00" in Keppler's hand]

October 26 Tonawanda ReserYation, New York

Jesse Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Acknowledging receipt ot the loan .JOSEPH KEPPLER requested on October 17th and s8linc COLLECTION that he has been practicing the Foa.. C. 8.4- No. 5~ Feather Dance.

October 29 Lawtons, !lew York

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler . IROQUOIS PAPERS Inquiring as to the price ot eagle oIOSEPH KEPPLER teathers tor a new headdress as he COLLECTION has a Job posing in an art school FOa.. N. 4- t" 40 in Buftalo. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

October 31 Akron, Bew York IROQUOIS Dinah Xing to Josepti Keppler PAPERS oIOSEPH KEPPLER S~ing she has some wampum strings COLLECTION

which Keppler might want to purchase. FOa..K.4 No.'2.6 [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

Bovember 2 !onawanda lieservation, lew York

Jesse Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler I ~OQUOIS PAPERS Makinc repqment ot the earlier loan oIOSEPH KEPPLER and reporting a good Six Bations meeting; COLLECTION s~ing that he would like to go to the meeting at Onondaga but he would be expected FOa..C. ~.4- NO.bO to st~ with his sister [Anna L7ons] and that would not be pleasant inasmuch a8 she . is ot the Christian tat th; announcinc that he i8 making a study ot his tather's religion hoping some dq to preach it.



(1935 con.]

B'o'Yember 14 Lawtons, BewYork

Fred B'inham to Joseph Keppler

Reporting on the Handsome Lake Code IROQUOIS meeting at S1TBCUse; re~ortinc the PAPER." death of Delbert Steeprock in a JOSEPH KEPPLER hospital at Buffalo: saTinc he would COLLECTION like about 34 feather. for the head- !'":!-. N.4- f;o_4 \ dress; oftering Keppler a carTed paddle reco'Yered from the ruins of the Phillip8 house (burned December 26, 1929] and encl08ing a sketch of thi. piece. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler'. hand]

lIIo'Ye.ber 27 Akron, Bew York

Dinah Xing to Joseph Xeppler 1t0000l! PAPF.R" Sqinc there are 7 wampum strines for ,IO<:EPli .-E"PLER which she wants $2.00 each. ~J' C"'T ')'. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler'. hand]

December 1 Akron, Bew York

L7JD8I1Johnson to Joseph Keppler 1t0000lS PAPr::P'-; S9T1ne he has had no answer to his .JOSEPH KEPPlFR last letter and that he is without COlli:CTION- work: asking financial aid as the Fo',

December 10 Akron, Bew York

Dinah Xing to J08eph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPER' Accepting his offer of $12000 for .JOSEPH KEPPLE" COLLECTlOr, the wampum strings and asking that a photocraph be made of her mother's FOt. K.4 '" 28 dress and her falseface. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

December 11 Lawtons, New York

'red Binham to Joseph Keppler 1t0000lS PA~P''5 SaTing he is sending the paddle for tIOSEPH KFPP C' which Xeppler maT PaT what he thinlt8 COLLE it worth. FOt. N.4 42 (Marked: DAns. 3.50" in Keppler's hand] 9.

(1935 con.)

December 12 !onawanda Reservation, New York

Jesse Oornplanter to Joseph Keppler , IROQUOIS PAPf~S S81'ing he i8 working on .. P. A. at JOSEPH KEPPLER Williamsv111e and requestin« a loan COLLECTION until he i8 paid. FOr...C. 8.4 No C; I (Marked: "Ans. Dec. 14" in Keppler'. hand]

December 17 Lawtons, New York

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler IROQlJOIS Acknowledging pqment for the paddle, P.&.PEPS IDSEPH "E~Pi..EA the amount being entire17 satisfactor,,: COLLEC, ,)~. reporting that people on the ReservatIon are makinc ho1idq wreath. whIch the7 sell in Buffalo. (Marked: "An8. D.c. 22" in Keppler' 8 hand]

December 19 !onawanda Reservation, New York IROQUOIS Jesse Oornp1anter to Joseph Keppler PAPF.RS IIQSEPH KE~"LER Acknow1edcing the loan requested on COLLE" .... December 12th: discussing the names Shago~owehgowah and Shagod7oweh. ,"" c. 8.4 62.

December 21 ledrow, New York

Ohapman Schanandoah to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS Expressin« hi. disbelief in the legend PAPff:'~ of Joshua stopping the .un to wIn a oIOSEPI-I I<'~ battle. (Xeppler sent this letter to CO~ ~.P.A. who printed its final paragraph in hi. column on Januar,v B, 1936 "',\, 5.3 S~ lranklin Adams' note to Keppler and the c1ippinc accomp&n7 thi8 letter.] (Marked: Answered, in Xepp1er's hand] (1935 con.]

December 22 Akron, Hew York , IROQUOIS Dinah Xing to Joseph Xeppler PAPERS oIOSEPH KEPPLER Thanking him for his help. COLLECTION (This probably refers to P811Dent made for the wampum strings]

December 31 Lawtons, Hew York

Fred Hinh8m to Joseph Xeppler IROQUOIS S8Ting that neither he nor his wife PAPERS are working at present because both oIOSEPH KEPPLER of them are sufferin~ from fsalty COLLECTION eyesight; announcing their son (this FOk. ~4 No.-44 is Fred Hinham's stepson) will be 16 on January 5th, 1936 and reportinc that his mother is showing her age. (Marked: .Answered, in Xeppler's hanclJ

- 1936

Hedrow. Hew York

Chapman Schanendoah to Joseph Keppler f, ~OQUOIS Giving details as to the burial place PAPERS of Chief Schanandoah and the memorial tlC)SEPH KEPPLER tablet at Oneida Castle. Hew York. COLLEcno\ (This refers to the Oneida chief John Skenendoa [or Schanandoah] who signed the Treat7 of 1749 at Canandaicua. Bew York. 5ee XGppler II. p. 34]

J anuB.l7 3 Basom. Hew York

Jesse Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler I 1WQlJ0IS Acknowled&ing the Christmas packege PAPERs Bent b7 Keppler; rep81'ing loan tlC)SEPH KEPPLt:R requestBd on December 12th; B~ing COLLECTION- he is back on the W. P. A. Indian FOt..c.8. 4 Nr to '5 Arts and Crafts project; aelting Keppler to get in touch with C. LeR07 Baldridge, 284 W. 11th Street, Hew York. for him.

January 4 Tonawanda Reservation, Hew York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS AcknowledBing mone7 .ent, the delq PAPERS being that he started work on a ,K)SEPH KEPPLER W. P. A. project at Willlamsville; COLLECTION he has been laid up for a week. however, throuch sickness; reporting the death of Yankee Spring on December 3rd. 1935; s81'ing if Keppler is plannlnc a visit, he is home on 'rid81's, Saturd81's and Sundays.

:rebruaI7 10 Lawton'.. Bew York

Mrs. Walter Jimerson to Joseph Xeppler

Asking for clothing and s~ing her I 1t0QU0IS PAPFR" mother is recovering from an illness. ,K)SEPH Kr!>PUR The verso of this letter carries a pen COLLEL Tlm~ drawing of a lynx ? or wildcat ? b7 Keppler. Fa/- J".~.S: 4- lMarked: Answered. in Keppler's hand] [1936 con.]

Jebruary 14 Basom, Bew York

Jesse Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler

591'il1& he is waiting for his World War ~OQl'OIS Bonus and taking Keppler to task for PAp<:R.'s reminding him ot earlier unpaid loans II08EPH KEPPLER when he makes no such requests tor COLLECTION rep~ent to others who have received money; reporting he 1s still working FaIoiC.8.4 No.G4 on the Indian Crafts project and requestine sketches ot masks. (Marked: "Ana. Febr. 27th. Cancelled old debt.- in Keppler'. hand]

February 28 Akron, New York

(Mrs.] Dinah King'to Joseph Keppler ~OQUOIS Describing her mother's dress and P,'PF,.tS

~iT1DC her mother'. Indian name oJOSEPH -

Karch 11 Tonawanda. Reservation, Bew York

Jesse Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler

Continuing the discussion ot his earlier debts to Keppler and thanking IWQUOIS him for hie generosity in cancellin& PAPI':RS all of them; reporting on his mask "08EP~ KE"PLEH carving and turther requesting sketches COLLEC "" of some ot the very old ones; complaining that he still sutfers nerToue spells FOLC.SA'I, 65 from being gassed and shell-shocked. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] [The verso carries a memo, al80 in Keppl er' shand]

March 24 Akron, Bew York

Arnold Sundown to Joseph Keppler IIIOQUOIs , PAPERS .I08EPH KEPPLER Asking it Keppler canfind a market COL...EC' for his silver work. (Marked: Answered Apl. 2nd, in Keppler's han~ [1936 con.]

April 24 La,wtons, NewYork

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler (2sheets]

Reporting that his wife has suffered all winter from the effects of an infection IROQUOIS in her hands, that being the reason for PAPERS his not commtU1icating wi th Keppler for JOSEPH KEPPLER so lon~ a time; sqing that the spring COLLECTIO,~ floods have been somewhat severe; report- ~ N.A No 45 ing the deaths of Mrs. Peter Green, Sarah Warrior, Eli Jacobs, Sr., Anson Jimerson, Clara Thompson, Mar,rbelle Hutf, Levi Ground, lrancis Kenjockerty, Clarence Plummer, Dorotq Harding, Helen Tallchief, J'anI17 Jones, and Rosaline Scott. [The verso carries penciled memoranda in Keppler's hand] [Marked: Answered, in Keppler'. hand]

April 27 Akron, New York

Dinah King to Joseph Keppler

Acknowledging the photograph of her I I1OQU08 mother's dress; sqing there have been PAPERS many deaths on the Reservation and that IIOSEPH KEPPLER she is sending him a cornhusk mat as a COLLECT1\)~ 1?resent. LThls letter is not siened, but Keppler has identified the writer and marked it: answered.]

April 28 :Basom, New York

Jesse Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler r~ PAPER! Sqing the bank: at :Batavia has refused .JOSEPH KEPPLER him an advance on hi s War :Bonu8 and C~LLEC;'ON asking Keppler if he will make it. [Marked: Answered; in Keppler's hand]

Mq 12 Nedrow, Bew York

Chapman Schanandoah to Joseph Keppler t I'iOQUOIS Anticipating a visit from Keppler; PM'ERS sqing theT are -preparing crops for JOSEPH KEPl't.ER COLLECT ION next winter's larder; reporti~ death ot Adam Jones. 1"01..S. '3 I () 58 [1936 con.]

Mq 18 Tonawanda Reservation, Bew York IROQUOIS Jesse Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler PAPERS .JOSEPH KEPPLER Thank1nC him for the loan of $5.00 COLLECT ION and discussing the recent Indian "'~c. ~.4 067 adoption of Jean Hersholt.

Mq 19 Lawtons, Bew York

Fred Binham to Joseph Keppler [ 2 sheets] IROQUOIS Sending thank. for a recent gift of PAPERS money enabling them to get their plowing tIOIEPH KEPPLER done and to repair their roof; announcing COLLECTION that Mq 7th will be mother'. [Eliza FO~ N.4 No.46 Phillips') 81st birthdaf. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

June 8 Lawton_, Bew York IROQUOIS Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler PAPERS tlQ8EPH KEPPLER Announcing the date of the Strawberry COLLECTION J'estival as June 13th. ~ N.4 No 47 [Marked: Ansvered, in Keppler's hand]

June ro Akron, Nev York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS .I08EPH KEPPLER Asking if Kepp1 er will help him COLLECTION financiallY' so that he mq shin~e hiB house at a cost of $290 14 Lawtons, New York

! IWQUOJ:5 Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler . PAPERS .lQ8£PH KEPPLER Sqinc theY' are living on "Welfare" COLLECT'" and that theY' would appreciate 80me clothing. Fo~ 1'1.4 48

Aug\18t 21 Lawtons, Bew York

Fred Binham to Joseph Keppler ~ IROQUOIS . PAPERS Acknowledging a package of clothing and tlQ8£PH KEPPLER announcing a coming Indian Jlield D8l' with COLLE-LoTION games ot all kinds. For:.~.4 NO4' (1936 con.]

August 26 Akron, Bew York

Arnold Sundown to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Giving lIore information about hie sUver dOSEPH KEPPLER COLLECTION

work with prices he charges for certain ,,- articles. F~S.8.,2 No '2. (Marked: Answered, in Xeppl er' s hand)

Aucust 27 Lawtons, Bew York

~red Binham to Joseph Keppler IMOQVOIS PAP£RS Aclmowled«1ng a moneT g1ft from Keppler dOSE PH KEPPLER to the Little Water Soc1et7. (The COLLEC ,J:, verso carries a penciled memo in F.,b, N. "" ,I" 50 Keppler'. haud)

S8ptember 4 Lawtons, Bew Tork

~red Binham to Joseph Keppler ~

September 13 Akron, New York

(Mrs.] Dinah King to Joseph Keppler I~OQUOIS PAPERS Sqing she is sending corn which is 108EPH KEPPLEP scarce becau8e of the dr7 sammer and COLLLC., ask1n« for old clothing to be unravelled and used in making rugs. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler'.hand]

October 9 Akron, Hew Tork

Dinah Kint; to Joseph K8ppler L2 sheets] I ~OQUOIS Thanking him for moneT sent and asking PAPERS Keppler to procure customers for her I08EPH KEPPLF.R husk dolls. Mr. John King. Dinah's COLLECT'Oh husband. want. "'er,y much to meet Keppler. Fm.; K.4 '33 (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand) 6. [1936 con.]

October 10 LawtonB. Bew York

Fred B1nham to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Requesting a loan for the coming Six JOSEPH KEPPLER Bations meeting to help them entertain COLLECTION vi s1 tors. Fo~ N.4 No. 5'2. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's handJ

October 27 LawtoDB, Bew York

I IROQUOIS Fred U1nham to Joseph Keppler PAPERS .JOSEPH KEPPLER Slq'ing the7 had Beven people in their COLLECTION home during the meeting and thanking Keppler for the mone7 sent. Fo!.. N. 4 No S:!>

December 14 LawtoDs, Bew York I IROQUOIS Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler l2 sheets] PAPERS IIOIEPH KEPPLER Acknowledging the bear 011 and asking COLLECTION for clothing for his wife. Fat,; N.4- No. S4

December 30 Lawtons, Bew York

Fred Binham to Joseph Keppler IItOQUO'S Announcing a Little Water Ceremon7 on PAPERS Janua17 16, 1937 and the opening of the .JOSEPH KEPPLER COLLECTION Bew Year Ceremo~ on the 17th and Bq1ng he is now working, as are a number of men FO~ N.4- No 56 on the Reservation. [Marked: "Ans. 2.000 in Keppler's hand]


--- 1937

[f] Tonawanda Reservation, New York

Jesse Coruplanter to Joseph Keppler

Di8cus8ing some of hiB earlier letters IROQUOIS which, now, he wishe. he had not wii tten; PAPERS sqi~ that he has been at the Buffalo JOSEPH KEPPLER Historical Society sketching masks; s~- COLLECTION ing he hae spent hie Bonus money wisely and making repqment of an earlier loan Fo!..c .8.4 Nob~ by Keppler.

J anua1"7 5 Akron, New York

Lyman Johnson to JOS9h Keppler IROQUOIS Sqint; he has been out of work since PAPERS December 8th and a sking financial aid; .JOSEPH KEPPLER COLLECTION reporting the becinning of an Art s and Crafts project on the Reservation. FOL.J:'.6 No 173 [There are some names and the marking "Ane. 5.00" in Keppler'8 hand]

J anu81'7 7 Tonawanda ReserTation, New York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOl5 PAPERS S~ing he fell and sustained an injury JOSEPH KEPPLER to his arm and asking for financial COLLECTION help. Fo!..:T.6.b Nn 174 [Harked: "2.00 Ans." in Keppler's hand)

Akron, New York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS JOSEPH KEPPLER Acknowledging the money sent; sqing COLLECTION he has been ill wi th an a t tack of ngrippe" and aeking financial aid. FOL.J".EO.6 No I is

Jebruary 1 Rochester, New York Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Keppler

Discussing the Treaty of 1794 as it IROQUOIS pertains to the annual distribution of PAPERS goode among the New Yo~ State Indians; JOSEPH KEPPLER reporting the complete loss through fire COLLECTION of the building of W.P.A. Indian Arts Fo!.. P. '2. No S 6 Project and announcing that they have a "new school building near the Tonawanda Council House; hoping that Keppler can attend the lqing of the cornerstone of the new $45,000.00 Community House to be 9pened near Akron. LMarked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] ------

[1937 con.]

Jebru.ar7 4 Tonawanda Reservation, New York

Jesse Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler

Reporting both he and his wite ill with '>'\r'LF.oS mild case of "flu"; discussing the chen&-- J<:'SEPH KEPPLER lng lecal status of the Indian in New York; COLL.ECTiON announcing the destru.ction of the school house, in which the Indian Arts and Crafts FOb.:C-.& 4 No. 68 project was housed. bT fire but that another building has been obtained and work continues.

Jebru.ary 9 Rochester, New York

Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Keppler


Jebrua17 12 Lawtons, Bew York

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler [2 sheets]

Reportinc that Mrs. Phillips fell and IF('--';UC~~ injured her left side and that her care P',PE'I. is most difficult for his wife; asking IOSEPH K,EPPLER COLLECTION for clothing and 01d sheeting and sqing the Welfare people will do nothing for her. F).: ~ No,56 [Marked"Ans. Sent moneT" in Keppler's hand]

March 2 Nedrow, Bew York

Richmond Martin to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS SaTing that he nearlT lost his life PAPERS when the house, in which he was living JOSEPH KEPPLER with other people, burned to the ground COLLECTION December 27, 1936. Asking for clothe. FOr.; ~ 2 Nr:>.7 and sqing he feels at home on the to which he moved 4 Tears previous. [Marked: "Ana. MoneT"]

March 3 Bedrow, New York

Jred Binham to Joseph Keppler gtOQUOiS PAPr~~

Reporting Mrs. Phillips much improved but ,IOSEPH KEPPL"'P still confined to bed, sutfering from 2 , COLLEC i 10:' fractured rib. and thanking Keppler for F~ ~.:...4 Nc57 .theLMarlCed: .packagt Ans. sent k oneT"] [1937 con.]

March 10 Akron, Bew York

Lyman Johnson to J08~ Keppler [2 sheets) j ItOQUOIS PAPERS Acknowledging money sent and aslrlng further .8OSEPH KEPPLER financial aid until he can t;et his Old Age Pension. J COLLECTION [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's handJ ~ .r.6.6 No 176

March 17 Bedrow, New York . "OQUOIS Richmond Martin to Joseph Keppler (post cardU PAPERS t!lD8EPH KEPPLER Asking it he has heard from L11DanJohnson lately. ~ COLL~TION w:o.: ~~ No.8 April 19 Basom, Bew York

Jesse Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler 8OQUOI5 PAPERS Stating that this is the 18th annivers~ of his dischar~e from the ArmT: requesting ,-EPH KEPPLER a loan until the first of the month. ~ COLLECTION [Marked: IAnS. 5.00 Loan. in Keppler's hand] F~C~.4 NO.70

April 27 Rochester, Bew York

Iiita M. ]I'el tman to Joseph Keppl er

Thanking him for his contribution of books I 1K)Qt101S to the Indian Librar;y (at the Tonawanda PAPERS Community Bouse], the corner-stone of which .8OI£PH KEPPLER is to be laid on Mq 10, 1937. t COLLECTION This is on the stationerT of the City of ,~ K.3 NoA6 Rochester, Municipal Museum Commission, Rochester Museum of Arts and SCiences, of which Feltman is a member of the Division of Public Relations.

Mrq 11 Tonawanda Reservation, NewYork Jesse Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS Acknowledging the loan requested on April PAPERS 19th and apologizing for the delrq in r... .K>SEPH KEPPLER p81ment: reportin« on the corner-stone I COLLECTION exercises at the new Community Bouse and - his part in the proceedings. FOL ~ B.4- No.71 [1940 con.)

October 10 Steamburg, Bew York Whi1ie to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPER> Oommenting on the natural beauties .JOSEPH KEPPLER of antumn and sqing that she can use COLLECTION most kind of clothing. &n7 F"'. w. + 'V 40 [Marked: Answered, in Keppler' 8 hand]

Novemb'er 10 Lawtons Sta.., New York

Xelly Lq to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS P<>'!

Sqing that despite his age and .JOSEP, · infirmities he is getting along pretty COLLE well and asking Keppler if he can get Fat. L.~.'2 4- gum to use on his snow-snake. November 21 Basom, New York

[Mrs.] Dinah Kine to Joseph Keppler [2 sheets]

Sqing she has not written in a long IROQUOIS PAPERS time and that no corn was sent Keppler .a<>SEPHKEPPLE<, because the crops were 80 poor and COLLECTlO'1 asking for old clothingfrom which rag ~s can be made. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

November 25 Steamburg, New York

Alice White to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Thanking him for the package of clothing .I08EPH KfPPLFR C" lLE" ' and 8tqing that although the deer season opened, the Seneca Oouncil has banned Fat.. W.4 4\ white hunters from using the Reservation.

December 4 Lawtons, New York

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler IIDaUOIS P"'PER:) Sq1ng he is ill and in bed at the .JOSEPH KEP'LER moment; enquiring as to Keppler's luck COLI during the hunting season. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] [1940 con.]

December 21 Nedrow, New York

Chapman Schanandoah to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS Remarking that Just 40 ;years 8&0 his PAPERS ship was at Buenos Aires; s~ing that JOSEPH KEPPLEr: some remarks he had mad. to a news 1 COLLECTION reporter were published, and sending Faa.. s. ~ No <00 clipping. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

December 30 Akron, New York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Acknowledging mone;y sent: s~ng he JOSEPH KEPPLER suffers from a stomach ailment but COLLECTION is up and around. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] FOL.1.6.b NO.22.\

- 1941

Febru8.!'7 14 Lawtons, New York

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Announcing the death of Kelly Lay that oIOSEPH KEPPLER day and of the young baby of Reuben , COLLECTION Isaac's. [Ma.rked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] F~ ~4 No.IO~

March 3 Lawton's, New York

James Crow to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Thanking Keppler for the coat and the oIOSEPH KEPPLER "bill" with which he will bU7 the buttons COLLECTION and thread and reporting the usual floods from spring thaw. FOI...C. ~ No 4-

March 6 Lawtons, New York

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler

Saying his son was 3 years old on IROQUOIS Februa!'7 27; thanking Keppler for a book PAPERS and for the picture of Handsome Lake; .JOSEPH KEPPLER reporting that he is getting the young I COLLECTION men together for instructions in the FOL "'.,',4 NO. 104 ceremonies and songs. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

March 10 Steamburg, Hew York

Alice White to Joseph Xepp1er [2 sheets] ~i I IROQUOIS ~ PAPERS Saying that an icy winter has prevented .JOSEPH KEPPLER

her getting around much and that the , COLLECTION Hew Year Ceremony was fairly well attended. FOt. "i.:.,4 NO.4'2. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

March 17 Akron, New York

IROQUOIS L71IIanJohnson to Joseph Xeppler PAPERS .JOSEPH KEPPLER Saying the parcel is not yet received; , COLLECTION reporting the death of a niece living on Cattaraugus Reservation and that he had to FOL .T.,. ~ No "2.'2.2 stay there until the 10-dayDeath Feast was over. [Marked: "Ans. 5.00" in Keppler'shand] [1941 con.]

March 24 Akron, New York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler

Reporting that his old age pension has IROQUOIS been reduced from $10. to $8. monthly PAPERS and complaining that others, who are oK>SEPH KEPPLER able to work, are getting more pension I COLLECTION than he; s~ing that the parcel has not F~ 7..£:6 No.'2'2~ as yet come. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

March 29 Basom, New York

Harrison Ground to Joseph Keppler [2 sheets]

S8~ing that he knows nothing of goods IROQUOIS sent to Lyman Johnson; that one of his PAPERS daughters 18 now st~ing with Johnson; .JOSEPH KEPPLER that Johnson is jealous of all other COLLECTIO~~ Indians with whom Keppler is friendly and that he is writing unknown to Johnson. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler'. hand]

April 5 Akron, New York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Acknowledging both Keppler's letters I06EPH KEPPLER and a parcel he received in ~ebru&r.1 COLLECTION

containing a sheeplined coat; s~ing FOL. J'.~.6 No."2'24 he is thankful for the money sent.

April 8 Lawtons, New York

Jred Ninham to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS Reporting the additional deaths of PAPERS Josephine Kittle and infant, Lorenza .lMEPH KEPPLER Mohawk, Emily Wilson, aged 85, Boy Xittle, I COLLECTION Alfred Logan, Sr., Yankee Stevens, Pauline Fot.. N. 4 No 105 Warrior's infant, and Jim Orow's grandson; reporting on the occurrence of certain cere- monies; seying that Jim Orow has a badly swollen leg. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] 3..

[1941 con.]

April 18 Steamburg. New York , IROQUOIS Alice White to Joseph Keppler PAPERS .t08EPH KEPPLER Acknowl edging a package from Mrs. COLLECTION Wagner, Keppler's sister-in-law. FO", ~. 4 No.43

M81' 5 Akron, New York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Requesting financial assistance as he ,K)8EI"H KEPPLER must have his garden plowed and buy I OOLLECTION seed potatoes. Fot.. T.G.' No.'2'2.5 Akron, New York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler

Reporting his health to be failing very ~s I IROQUOIS fast and that it recently took him six :: PAPERS hours to get home from Akron; B~ing he ~[PH KEPPLEI"' wants a dance performed for him but this , COLLECTlO~' costs money and asking for financial aid. FOL J'.6.~ N( 226 [Xeppler has made a note in translation of an Iroquois word used and has marked the letter: "Ans. 2.00"]

June 2 Lawton. New York

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Announcing the date of the Strawberry tI06EPH KE"PLEF. Oeremony as June 7th, the Little Water Oeremony occurring on the same date. . OOLL~TlON [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] Foe.;!i:...4- No.Io~

June 6 Akron. New York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS S81'ing Keppler's contribution is not oI08EPH KEPPLr: . sufficient to 1'8;1 for a curing dance but that he is thankflll for the help. f COLL~TION [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] Fot. '7'.1).6 No2'Z.7 (1941 con.]

June 9 Steamburg, New York IROQUOIS Alice White to Joseph Keppler (post card] PAPER~ oIOSEPHKEPPLER Announcing the Strawberry Festival on COLLECTION June 14. Fat. W :...4 No.44

June 14 Lawtons, New York

Fred IHnham to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS

Thanking Keppler for his contribution oIOaEPH KEPPLER to the Little Water Society and reporting that their boarder was taken to a hospital J COLL~~moN where he died; s~ing that Robert has been F~ N::4- No 107 ill with pneumonia and is to be taken to the hospital at Gowanda.

July - Akron, New York ItOQUOIS Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler PAPERS

.IOSEPH KEPf', , Thanking Keppler for his advice and sfqing i COLLECTJ",. he has decided not ~o make the trip to the dancing contest. FOL.J. ,. 6 N('2.'2.~

July 8 Akron, New York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS Saying he had met Richard Kittle at the PAPERS recent Strawberry Dance and that Kittle oI08EPH KEPPLER had asked him to go down to New Mexico , COLLECTION for a dancing contest, all expenses paid Fat,; J'..:.~.G No.2 '2 8 and the chance of winning a prize; asking Keppler's advice as to making the trip. [Marked: "Ans. No mon8.1" in Keppler's hand]

July 23 Akron, New York

Jennie Jones to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Saying she has brooches and a pair of .rOSEPH KEPPLER earrings to sell and a.sking Keppler if i COLLECTION he is interested in them. FO~ 3'.~.4 No,3 [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's handJ 5.

[1941 con.)

August 8

Jennie Jones to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS S~ing she is sorry to disappoint him PAPERS but that her daughter wants to keep oIOSE"H KEPPLER most of the brooches but she is sending COLLECTION some and the earrings, and that she has 120 dark wampumbeads. Fat.; ~:..8.4No.4 [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

AugIlst 24 Akron, New York

Jennie Jones to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Accepting his offer of $7.00 for the .I06EPH KEPPLER Indian pieces. I COLLECTION [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] FoL.' .T.i,4- No.5

Augus t 26 Akron, BewYork

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler

IROQUOI,!! Asking for clothing as he cannot preach PAPERS at the Oouncil House in his present KEPPlF ragged clothing; he is afraid the whites lDiEPH will make fun of him as they did Elijah , OOLLECTION Davis; announcing the Six Nations meeting Fat; J'.:.~.6 No.2 '30 on September 13th. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hancU

September 1 Akron, Bew York Jennie Jones to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS Acknowledging the receipt of $7.00; s~ing PAPEPc:. she is making old style husk dolls for .K)SEPH KEPPl'" COLLECT/D," which she gets $5.00 a pair and that two of her childrenwork in Buffalo and one on FOt. 1'.8.4- No~ Long Island.

September 22 Akron, Bew.York:

L;yman Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS .Acltnowledging the clothing sent and s qing ~EPH KEPPLER he has been appointed again to attend the , COLLECTION two Canadian and the Onondaga Six Nation. FOt;.,3'..6...6 No.'231 meetings but that he has no tunds, nor proper clothes. [1941 con.]

October 13 Akron, New York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler

S~ing he has had a fire in his wood .' r IROQUOIS patch and that he cannot attend the PAPERS pending Six Nations meetings, as he lacks .JOSEPH KEPPLER funds, even though Tonawanda should be I COLLECTION represented; reporting that Mr. Coon is Fo~ J.Ei.' NO.'232 t17ing to abolish the 10 dq Feast custom and the women's right to select new chiefs, even though he no longer holds office as district attorney; asknowledging trousers sent him.

November 15 Akron, New York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler

.- I IROQUOIS Saying that he did not attend the Six PAPERS Nations meetings in Canada and at Cold tIOSEPH KEPPLER Spring,but he was sent to the Onondaga , COLLECTION meeting; asking Keppler to supply him with an oil heater. F~ J'..&:IO No.2 3 '3 (Marked: "Ans. 3.00" in Keppler's hand]

December 6 Akron, New York Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOI! PAPERS Acknowledging the money sent and asking for clothing, particularly rubbers and tIOSEPH KEPPLER mittens. ~ COLLECTION (Marked: Answered, in Keppl era s hanc.U FO~ J'-,-~_.6 No. '2?4

December 21 Nedrow, New York

Richmond Martin to Joseph Keppler (2 sheets]

Mentioning the trouble over the Selectivo IROQUOI! Service Draft and that the matter will be PAPERS discussed at a coming Six Nations meeting .I06EPH KEPPLER and asking Keppler's opinion as to whether the Government can draft Indians. He . OOLL~TION considers the chiefs of the Onondaga F~ ~, NO 2. Reservation "too dead in business affairs." Beporting visit from William Stiles during - the summer; announcing the first black-out of the Syracuse area that night. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] (1941 con.]

December 24 Lawtons. New York

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler

lieporting that his wife has been IROQUOIS confined to bed w1~h an infected leg PAPERS for three weeks and announcing the .K)SEPH KEPPLER beginning of the New Tear CeremoU1 as . COL~TlON J anuar)" 2nd (This is ev1dent17 an ~ ~4r No. 108 error in date; see following letter] [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] 1942

J enua17 5 Akron, NewYork

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler

Saying he has been ill all through ,;, ' IROQUOIS December with neuritis and that his . PAPERS grandson has been st~ing with him; JOSEPH KEPPLER he missed Keppler's usnal Ohristmas , COLLECTION present this year; reporting the Bew F~ J: b.b No. ~:!o5 Tear Oeremony opening on J anU817 12th and inferentially requesting a donation to it. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand)

J anU817 13

Yred Binham to Joseph Keppler

, IROQUOIS Reporting that his wite has now been PAPERS taken to a hospi tal because ot the intectlon in her leg; announcing the .tOSEPH KEPPLER Bew Year Oeremony opening on Janu817 . COLLECTION 21st with the Little Water Oeremony FelL ~4 NO.IO~ the same date. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand)

Janua17 18 Nedrow, New York

Richmond Martin to Joseph Keppler 'j' IROQUOIS PAPERS Thanking him tor clothing sent; IOIEPH KEPPLER s~1ng that the New Year's Oeremony . COLL~~moN is in full swing. F~~ No. 13

J anuaI7 29 Lawtons, New York

Yred Ninham to Joseph Keppler [2 sheets)

Reporting the return ot his wite from the IROQUOIS hospital and acknowledging the clothing, PAPERS which has been distributed, and a contri- IOGEPH KEp,.lEF< bution to the Little Water Society and J COLL~TION reporting on its recent meeting. FOt,;t.L..4-No.IIO [This letter carries a list ot names, probably ot those receiving clothing, and is marked "Ans" in Keppler's hand]

-- [1942 con.)

Februar,y 1 BaBom, Bew York

" , IROQUOIS [Mr..) Dinah King to Joseph Keppler PAPFRS JO~EPH KEPPLER Acknowledging the package sent and COLLECTION the mone1 and sqing she did not expect to be paid for the corn.

Febru8.r7 2 Akron, NewYork

L;yman Johnson to Joseph Keppler ~ IROQUOIS Acknowledging the donation sent and ~ PAPERS when he made the announcement ot its !f tIDIEPHKEPPLER receipt, ever.vbo~ was glad; report- ~ COLLECTION ing a successful ceremo~. ~ ~ No."Z!>E» (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

Lawton., New York

'red Ninham to Joseph Keppler , IROQUOIS Reporting that he is confined to bed PAPERS with a heav.r cold and fever and that tIOaEPH KEPPLER he is to return to Buffalo for an ere , OOlUCTION examination. FoI. N.", No" I [Marked: Answered, in Keppler'. hand]

March - April New York, Bew York

Mrs. Philip Garlow to Joseph Keppler [2 sheets)

Sqing that she is the e;randdaugh ter ot Deertoot [Lewis BennettJ her mother having .< IROQUOIS been his daughter, Martha Bennett Snow; PAPERS sqing she is endeavoring to write a ~EPH KEPPLER biograpQ7 of Deerfoot and aSking Keppler 8OLLECTION for certain data; she is just visiting in New York, her home now being on the , Lewiston, New York. [The verso of sheet 2 carries penciled memos in Keppler's hand of running records of Deerfoot.] [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand)

March 9 Akron, New York

L;yman Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Reporting heav.r snow and blocked roads and must .IOSEPH KE~PLER sqing he tries to take it easr but he . COLLECTION cut wood 80 as to keep warm. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] F~ :r. b.6 No.'2.37 (1942 con.]

March 30 Lawtons, ~ew York

Mr. and Mrs. FredNinham to Joseph Keppler

Reporting the death of Enda Huff, grand- IROQUOIS PAPERS daughter of EaiEa Jones; announcing a oIOSEPHKEPPLER Falaeface Oeremony on April 5th and COLLECTION requesting that Keppler burn tobacco on that date. F~ ':i;..4 No.II" [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand)

April 2 Akron, :RewYork

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS leportinc that the Six Nations are to PAPFRS fight the Draft Law as it applies to JOSEPH KEPPLER Bew York Indians but they have no money I COLLECTION to engage counsel; asking financial aid to have hi 8 garden plowed. Fo~ ~§..6 NO.2.3'a (Markeda Answered, in Keppler's hand]

April 6 Brooklyn, New York

Mrs. Philip [Mildred F.] Garlow to Joseph Keppler IROQul.. Thanking him for his helpful letter and PAPEI

April 18 Lawtons, New York

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler I ItOQUOI.5 PAPERS

Acknowledging money sent and sqing he .K)SEPH KEPPLE' has been appointed to supervise the . COLLECTION planting and care of a vegetable garden by the school children. F~ ~:..-4- No''3

April 30 Oold Spring, New York

Alice White to Joseph Keppler

Sqing she hears from him too seldom and ~: I IROQUOIS that she thinks of him often; announcing ~. PAPER'; that she reached her 77th birthda7 on oIOSEPH KEPPLER April 2 and that her little grandson had , COLLECTION his first birthd~ on April 29. Fot. W.,4 No.45 (The letter is so indistinctly written that Keppler has copied it in ink on the ssme sheet.] (Marked: Answered, in Keppler'" hanclJ 11942 con.]

Mq 6 Lawtons, New York

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler

Sqing that W11lie Green is now preach- 1R0000f~ ing the Handsome Lake Code and reportiDg PAPERS oIOSEPHKEPPLER on several ceremonies recently held; COLLECTION sqing that the State is no longer plowing their lands, as heretofore. t:OL N.4 No.ll4- [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

Kq 12 Akron, I ew York IROQUO'" Lyman Johnson to J 0 s8ph Keppl er PAPERS oIOSEPH KEPI"Lt", Requesting financial help to have his COLLECTIOil ~arden plowed. LMarked: "Ans.5.00" in Keppler's hand] fo~ r..(..b No:2.3~

Mq 18 Lawtons, New York

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler IROQU()I~ PAPERS S~ing the gardens are late because of oIOSEPHKEPPL!' cold weather; acknowledging a moneY ift. COLLECTION (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hanJ FOI:.;~..:..4 No I' S Mq 20 Steamburg, New York

Al1c. Whit. to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS Reporting that there have been many PAPERS deaths on the Reservation; asking how oI08EPH KEPPLI':R the war is affecting him and sqing she COLLECTION has heard that some of the Seneca boys have alr.a~ seen action in Australia. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

Mq 22 Akron, New York

IROQUOIS Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler PAPERS oIOSEPH KEPPLER Acknowledging the money sent and I COLLECTION sqing his garden has been plowed. Fo~ J'..€.b No. "2.40 (1942 con.]

Jun. 1 Lawtons, NewYork

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler . IROQL.O'5 Announcing the Little Water Oeremony PAPER for June 6th and the Strawberry Festival oJOSEPH KEpoLJ::L on June 7th; reporting the deaths of COLLECTION Jesse Joe, aged 95 7ears, and Nick Parker, and a freight train wreck near North FO~ I';i...4 (110 1\ G Oollins. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

June 11 Akron, New York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler

S81ing he cannot walk well because of IROQUO'~ pain in his feet and that a witch was PAPERS the cause of his pain and trouble; ",OSEPHKEPPLf"'" COLLECTION complaining that all medicines are high , priced and he has no mone7 and asking F~ !£'- (110.24\ for f1nancial assistance. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

July 7 Akron, New York * I IROQUOIS Lyman J ohllson to Joseph Keppler ' PAPERS t..' .IOSEPH KEPPl r S~ing he needs a blanket and a J COLL~TIOi' quilt and asking help of Keppler. Fe\; 1,,&.6 No2.4'2.

Jul7 9 Steamburg, New York

Alice White to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Requesting Mrs. Wagner's address as tIO&EPH KEPPl[" COLLECTIO" she wishes to send her a gift of a , basket. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

July 16 Akron, New York

L7JI1anJohnson to Joseph Keppler ~ I IROOUOIS PAPER:. S87ing that, as Keppler knows, he is ,fOSEPH KEPPLER an elder17 cripplewithoutmeans of I COLLECTION support and no mane7. FOL..T...' ~o '2.4-~ (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] 6.

[1942 con.]

July 24 Akron, Bew York

Jennie Jones to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Sqing her children are all awrq work- JOSEPH KEPPLER ing and aaking Keppler to help her COLLECTION dispose of husk dol18 she has made. Fo,,"1.8.4 No.7 [Marked: Answered, in Keppler' 8 hend]

AUt;l1st 10 Akron, Bew York

Lymen Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Sqing he has received nothing ;yet .JOSEPH KEPPLER from Keppler in appeal for winter , COLL:.CTlON things. FO~!.:.i:6 No.'44- [Marked: AnllVered, in Keppler's hand]

September 4 Akron, Bew York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS Announcing the Six Bations meeting to PAPERS open September 12th; srqing a friend JOSEPH KEPPLER of his told him he knew doctors who could help him but they all charge t COLLECTION $50.00 for treatment; asking for the FOt,; 1..,,§.E, No.245 clothinC Keppler promised so that he will not look shabby when he preaches at the coming meeting. [Marked: "Ans. Quilt&' $' in Keppler1s hand]

September 8 Lawtons, Bew York

J'red Binham to Joseph Keppler .~;('. I IfM)QUOIS Giving the Indian name of Barri son .(. PAPERS Half town end its meaning; announcing .JOSEPH KEPPLER the date of the Green Corn Ceremony . COLL~TlON as September 18th and mentioning the Y:o~ N~A. No.\ \ 7 coming Six Bation8 meeting. [Marked: .Answered, in Keppler'. hand]

September 28 Akron, Bew York

Lymen Johnson to Joseph Keppler

Sqing the people want him to go and ,~;~ , IROQUOIS . PAPERS participate in the coming Six Bations oIOSEPH KEPPlr" meetings at Cattaraugus Reservation and in Canada but he cannot go as he , COLLECTlO, is wi thout funds. FOI. J'. 6.6 Nr 24<0 [Marked: Answered, in Keppler'. hand] [1942 con.]

October or November Akron, New York

Lyman J oMson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS ASking for Mrs. Wagner's address so that PAPERS he ~ acknowledge the quilt she sent and JOSEPH KEPPLER sqing he is burning tobacco and prqing I COLLECTION tor the boys who have gone into the armed services. FO'; -!.a,i;6 No. "2.<4-S [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

October 21 Steamburg, New York

Alice White to Joseph Keppler [2 sheets] IROQlJ01! PAPERS Sqing the baSket for Keppler's sister- JOSEPH KEPPLER in-law is read1' and that it will be sent COLLECTION soon and that clothes will be welcome. ~O~ ~4 No.48 [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

October 22 Akron, New York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler

IROQUOIS Acknowledging the quil t and money P4PER<; received some weeks previously; he needs JOSEPH KEPPLER a suit, rubber boots and other winter clothing; sqing he would like to go to , COLLECTION a specialist tor his feet whose fee is FO'; J'.6.6 No. '2.+7 $25.00. [Marked: Answered, in Keppl er' B hand]

November 2 Lawtons, New York

J'red Binham to Joseph Keppl er '. IROQUOIS PAPERS S~ing there were only 36 delegates attending the Six Nations meeting .JOSEPH KEPPLER although 139 people were present; J COLL~TlON announcing the death ot Page Jimerson. FOL. 1'1:..4 ~o. II ~ [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

November 12 Akron, New York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler " ~OQUOI~ PAPFPS Acknowle~1ng clothing sent but sqing some was too small tor him; reporting JOSEPH KEPPLER on what he was told by a fortune teller , COLLECTION in Canada to do tor his sickness: he FOt. .1'.'.6 No'Z4'3 borrowed money to go to Canada and is repqing it monthly. [1942 con.)

November 12 Lawtons, NewYork

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler [2 sheets)

Saying he was put off relief because he IROQUOIS bought a double window frame and linoleum PAPERS for their kitchen; explaining about the JOSEPH KEPPLER adoption of William 1. Stiles into the COLLECTION Turtle Clan the previous summer, giving his Indian name and its meaning; discussing FO~ ~ No. tL, the number of Indian bo1's in the armed services. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

November 24 Steamburg, New York

Alice White to Joseph Keppler IROQUOiS Saying she has shipped the basket to PAPERS Mrs. Wagner and that ~ere are more JOSEPH KEPPLEH hunters in the woods than deer, now , COLLECTION that the season is open. FO~ ~: 4 NO.4, [Marked: .Answered, in Xeppl er I s handJ

November 30 Lawtons, New York

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS Reporting that his wife's cousin, Charlie PAPERS Ground, has gone into the A1'JII1';announcing- JOSEPH KEPPLER visits from the falsefaces and asking . COLLECTION Keppler to burn tobacco. f'o~ ~4 No.1'2.0 [Marked; Answered, in Keppler's hand]

December 9 Akron, New York

L~an Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS Sqing he has a chance to go to Canada PAPERS but no money for the trip and that he JOSEPH KEPPLER needs Bome wint er clothing particular11' COLLECTION socks and mittens. FOL1.6 -6 No.'Z.50 [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

- -- 9.

[1942 cone]

December 15 Akron, NewYork

L;yman Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS Sqing he is glad to know that Keppler PAPERS has some winter socks and mittens to JOSEPH KEPPLER send him; reporting that after a council, J COLLECTION the chiets are going to Washington to Fo~ ~:i:G No.'25' ~rotest the drafting ot Indians. LMarked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

December 17 Lawtons, New York

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler " IROQUOIS PAPERS Acknowledging pack8&es trom Keppler and sS\V'ing he will send a list of those who JOSEPH KEPPLER COLLECTION receive the CDods. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] ,"ot:,;N. 4 No.' 2. I

. 1943

J anua17 9 Lawtons. Bew York:

Fred Binham to Joseph Keppler

Announcing the date of the Bew Year IROQUOIS Ceremony as February 9th; reporting PAPERS Jim Crow's home destroyed by fire the .JOSEPH KEPPLER

preTioue ~ in which the tribal wampum . COLLECTION wae destroyed; Jesse Logan, who was FO~ ~ No.' 'Z 'Z. st~ing with Crow, was injured in Jump- ing from an upper window and now is in Buffalo City Hospital in a critical condition; Crow is now st~ing with them. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler'. hand]

J anua.r;r 25 Lawtons, B ew York

~red Binham to Joseph Keppler

Reporting Jim Crow still with them and that Kirby Johnson, his nephew, is IROQUOIS PAPERS visiting them; announcing the death of Jennie 'l'urkeyand the date of the Little oIOSEPH KEPPLER COLLECTION Water.Ceremony as Februa17 6th; telling of the movement to ra,ise funds to build FO~ ~.~ No,I'Z~ another house for Jim Crow; speaking of a picture of Handsome Leke and a copy of the Dearborn letter, belonging to the Long House, which were destroyed in the fire at Jim Crow's house and asking if Keppler has copies they could use. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

March 30 Akron, New York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler " IROQUOIS S~ing Keppler has not answered his PAPERS recent appeal for help; explaining the 106EPH KEPPLER

clan-brother relationship existing between . COLLECTION them as the reason he alw~s feels so free F~ :r.~.6 No '2 ~'2 to call on Keppler for assistance; asking if something has occurred to make Keppler stop helping him so suddenly. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] 2.

(1943 con.]

Mq 6 [?] Oattaraugus Reservation

Fred Ninhsm to Joseph Keppler

~eBcript of an extract from letter s~ing that theT need to IROQUOIS replace the ceremonial wampumlost PAPERS in the destruction of Jim Orow's ",OSEPH KEPPLER house bT tire on Januar,r 8, 1943; ~ ~OLLECTION requestingKeppler to see if he '011;;.~ No.:r I cannot arrange to purchase some for th.. from some museum and describing the lost strings. ~o this i8 attached an extract (in Keppler's hand] of his replT saying that all museum collections are held by Tru.stees and cannot be dissipated. 1944

Mq 17 Tonawanda Reservation

Jes.e Oornplanter to Museum of the American Indian, Heye J'oundation IROQUOIS PAPERS Sqing that, although livine on the JOSEPH KEPPLER Tonawanda Reservation, he is one of ,. COLLECTION the Ohiefs at the Bewtown (Oattaraugus) Long House and that he has been asked Po.; ~ No. J" ~ to help in replacing the wampum strings lost in the destruction of Jim Craw's house.

Mq 24 Tonisgah, Woodland, lew York

J08~h Keppler to George G. Heye

S~ing that he considers Coruplanter's IROQUOIS request (Heye wrote Keppler concerning PAPERS the matter] both dignified and wort~ JOSEPH KEPPLER of consideration and stating that this i COLLECTION is a most important matter to the Long FO"; ~- No.~3 House ceremonies. Asking Heye to ~est to Oornplanter that he try to obtain some wampum from Leonard E. Schneider [at Ton~Menda) and to ask, further, the minimum amount needed, the strings mentioned by Oornplanter being out of the question. By referring to Jesse Oornplanter's file [0. 8.4 nos. 80-1) it will be obvious w~ Keppler did not care to communicate directly with Cornplanter.

Mq 26 New York, New York

IROQUOIS George G. Heye to Jesse Oornplanter PAPERS JOSEPH KEJSPLER Oarbon copy of letter carrying out ! COLLEcnON Keppler's suggestions of M~ 24th. ~o~ ~:5- NO.J'4- [1944 con.]

June 9 Tonawanda Reservation, New York

Jesse Cornplanter to Georg. G. Hey.

Acknowledging his letter of M~ 26th. lamenting the loss of so many of the IROQUOIS tribal ceremonial objects to individuals PAPERS and institutions who will not even loan .JOSEPH KEPPLER them back when th.y are needed. I COLLECTION S~ing that his previous description of FO~ K}- No. J' S the strings needed was not accurate as he had never measnred the length nor counted the number of the ones destroyed.

September 19 Tonisgah, Woodland, New York

Joseph Keppler to George G. Heye IRoQUOIS Recounting in some detail the events PAPERS transpiring at the Newtown Long House .JOSEPH KEPPLEr. on September 12th when he visited the J COLLECTION Reservation to present his people with F~ ~- NO.J'6 the wampumhe presented to them from his own collection.

- 4.

(193'1 con.]

Mq 12 Akron, New York

LJm8n Johnson to Jos~ Keppler IROQUOIS Sqinc he will have to wait another Tear pAn",,,. before he can get an Old ~e pen810n and JOSEPH KEPPLER a8kiDC for $10.00 to be used to have hi. COLLECT'011/ ~den plowed and to buT seed potatoe.. LMarked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] FOI:.J.6.G No 177

Mq 30 Akron, Nev York

L1JIIaDJohnson to Joseph Keppler ~OQUOIS PAPERS Thankinghim for clothing sent; sqing that his rheumat1e is troublesome aDd IOUPH KEPPLER COLL~GTlON that the Welfare !gencT doesn't help -. him out with food 8D7 more. FcL. ;r;G.G No178

June 12 Lawton., Bev Tork

Fred Binham to Joseph Keppler

Reportinc that Mrs. Phillips is now able ~OQUOIS PAPERS to B1t up in a chair; announcinc the date .I08EPH KEPPLER of the Little Water Oeremo~ as June 19th; COLLECTiON report1nc that RaT Kittle'. dauchter was severe17 burned aDd that hie stepson i. F()I,. 1'1 ::0 S8 now with the O. O. C. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler'. hand]

June 15 Bev TOrk, Bew York

Jesse Oornplanter to Joseph Keppler

Sqing he is in HewTork for a broadcast ,I8OQlJoIs with Carl Carme. aDd to visit Lippincott, PAPFRS the publisher; he had come b7 train with .-alEPH KEPPLER Mr. Jentone COLLECTION [!h18 i. on the stationerT of the Botel Roesevelt aDd i. marked wAns.n in Keppler' B hand,]

.A.U8'1.t 18 Akron, Bev Tork

L1JIIaDJohnson to Joseph Keppler rMOQl/OIS Sqlng he 18 not able to get work on . PAPERS account of hi. ~e and asking financial I08EPH KEPPLER aid. COLLFC I" [Marked: nAns. 2.00' in Keppler' B hand,] (1937 con.)

August 00 Rochester, New York

Arthur O. Parker to Joseph Keppler

Announcing Keppler's election to receive , IROQUOIS the first Seneca Silver Star award upon PAPERS nomination b7 Donehogaweh [Jreeman Johnson] .JOSEPH KEPPLER and that the ceremo~ will be held at Ellison t COLLECTION Park, Rochester on September 25th. Asking F~ ~- NO.c' for a photograph.

Augus t 21 Rochester, New York

Freeman Johnson to Joseph Keppler

Announcing Keppler's selection to receive IROQUOIS PAPERS the first Seneca Silver Star and enclosiDg clippings. S~ing that the date of the ,JOSEPH KEPPLER COLLECTION pre.entation is the 11th anni versa17 of his - elevation to the Donehogaweh sachemship. F~ "<;-,-,-0No.0 , (MarkedZ "Ans. 22" in Keppler's hand]

AU&Ust 26 Rochester, New York

Arthur O. Parker to Joseph Keppler

Explaining the "order" of the Seneca Silver IROQUOIS PAPERS Star. Mentioning the group of IroqQois living .JOSEPH KEPPLER in or near Rochester and s~ing that Joseph COLLECTION Brant's great granddaughter is a clerk at the - .3 Rochester Museum. FOb. K."3 No D [Marked: "Ans. Sept. 6ft in Keppler's hand,]

August 26 Akron, Ue" York

L7JIlan Johnson to Joseph Keppler . IROQUOIS PAPERS Reporting a fractured wrist suffered from I08EPH KEPPLER a fall. ~ COLLECTION (Marked: "Ane. 1.00" in Keppler's hand] Fat. J':6.6 No 180

September a Lawtons, NewYork Fred Binham to Joseph Keppler

i IROQUOIS Announcing the date of the Little Water PAPERS

OeremoDTa.s September 18th and that the Green .lDlEPH KEPPLER - Corn CeremoDTwUl be held assoon as the group f COLLECTION of lacrosse pl~ers returns from games and an induction at Pittsburgh; reporting hisstepson FOIl.N.+ No 55 returns from the O.C.O. camp that night; asking for a loan and s~ing this hi. wife expects to become a mother in Februar,y. (Marked: nAnsl- n in Keppler's hand]


[1937 con.]

September 6 Akron, HewYork

L7JDanJouson to Joseph Keppler IItOQUOi.s . PAPE"', Acknowledging two letters and reporting the .JOSEPH KE:' ilJ,.H COLLEC r Six Bations meeting opens the follow111f dq. [Marked: whs. 5.00" in Keppler'. handJ FOI;.J'.6.E- 18\

September 20 Akron, Hew York

Lpan Johnson to Joseph Keppler ItOQVOIS S~1ng he has been told by a fortune teller PAPF:RS that all hie ill luck is caused b;y men working ,8OSEPH KEP' I " against him bec8nse he won't drink with the.; , COLLE", ~I he cannot attend coming Six Nations meeting as he lacks funds. For.; J:&.6 I 8 ~ [Marked: "Ans. 5.00" in Keppler' 8 hanaJ

September 21 Lawtons, Hew York

Yred Ninhem to Joseph Keppler [2 sheets] ~OQUOI~ Reporting on his trip to S;yracuse, the recent PAPf'? 5 Green Corn Cere.on;y and the trip of the dancers JOSEPH KEPPLER and lacroase plqers to Pittsburch; s81'ing that COLLECTION Frank lenJocket;y 18 planning to take a group to Europe; discussing a live mask; announcing the Six Nations meetings at Onondaga Long House [Canada] on October 9th, at Cold Spring on the 16th and at Onondaga [Hew York] on the 23rd. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

September 27 Rochester, Hew York

Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Keppler ~OQUOIS PAPFRS Sending newspaper clipp1n~8 covering the 108liPH KEPPLEr pre.entation ceremon;y and sqinC that he I COLLECTlO'-~ had to hurr;y awq as his wite had been injured in an explosion and was taken to a FOIl.K. "3- ,.(,1) + hospital.

October 4 Roche.ter, Bew York

Freeman Johnson to Joseph Keppler I ~OQUOIS Acknowledging his letter of September 27th: PAPERS Bending a picture taken at the presentation oIOSEPH KEPPLER COLLECTION ceremonies. -S [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] F~ K~3 No.D [1937 con.]

October 12 Tonawanda Reservation, New York

Jesse Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler

Requesting some hides for costumes if IROQUOIS Keppler gets aDT deer this autumn and s~ing PAPERS he will pq for them in small installments; JOSEPH KEPPLER

s~inc that he will present Keppler with an J COLLECTION autographed cop;y of his book to appear the ~~~.4NO.73 following Februal7. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

October 26 Tonawanda Reservation, New York

Jesse Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler I«>QUOIS PAPERS S~1nc he cannot help tak:i~ on weight JOSEPH KEPPLER and agreeing to a price of '4.00 per f COLLECTION skin for tanning the buckskin. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] F~ C..&.4-No.74-

October 26 Lawtons, Bev York

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler , I\OQUOIS Announcing the death of Albert Jonas; PAPERS B~inc that he and his wife attended the IOSEPH KEPPLER Six Battons meeting at the AllegaDT ~ COLLECTION Reservation. F~ 1.1t+ No.CO I [Marked: Answered, in Keppler'shandJ

November 7 Akron, New York Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler .:~.:. I IROQUOIS - PAPERS S81'ing howglad he was to see Keppler on his recent visit; he needs mone;y and .JOSEPH KEPPLER J COLLECTION clothing. " [Marked: "Ans. 2.00 in Keppler's hand] FOL: So ,",' No. I g \3

November 12 Lawtons, New York

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler

Requesting a loan; s81'ing that he is .;{, ~ IROQUOIS makiuc an addition to their house; report- ,.:.\- . PAPERS .' IOSEPHKEPPLER - ing the death of George Jimerson, run down b;y a train, and John Armstrong of Allegany, hie i COLLECTION wife's grandfather, in his 87th ;year. ~ ~4 No.C;;"2. [Marked: "Ans. 5.00" in Keppler's hand]

-~- 8.

(1937 con.]

Bovember 16 Tonawanda Reaerve.tion. Bew Yolic

Jesse Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS

Requesting a 10811to aid in the purcha.e ot oIOSEPH KEPPLER a second-hand automobile upon which he won J COLLECTION a prize ot $50 toward the purchase price. [Marked: "Ana. 5.00" in Xeppler'. hand) f:~C44No. 75

Bovember 19 Tonawanda Reservation, Bew York

Jesse Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler

Discussint; buck8kina and askine that the1' IROQlOl~ be 8ent to Artur C. Parker in Rochestar who PAPER' w11l have them tanned; sqing he is caine oIO~EP'"I KEPPI:ER to :Buff'alo that ~ to choose a car; out- I COLLECTION liD«1ng a plan tor an I Indi811 Tradin,; Postl ,:~ CJ!.4- No'76 near Irvine on the Oattara~8 Reservation. [Marked: Answered, in (eppler's hanaJ

December 3 Tonawanda Reservation, Bew York

Jesse Oornplanter to J88eph Keppler IROQUOIS Sendin,; a psplent on account of' a loan PAPF'" [November 16J and enclo81nc an announce- .8OSEPH KEPPLER ment of his coming book and 41SCU8s1nc COLLECT ON the contents of' this volume and pro~ected sequel. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler' 8 hand]

December 6 Lawtons, Bew York:

Fred Binham to Jos~h I~ler

Acltnowledginc a package and sqing how happ1' the1' are looking forward to the coming tIOSEt'H KEPPLER bab1': reportine an unknown Indian from the ( COLLECT'ON O.C.O. camp being killed b1' a hit-and-run ~ ~~4 No.63 driver; saying a series of sOCial8 are being held to raise monies for the Long BOuse. [Marked: "Ans. 1.00" in Xeppler's hand]

December 20 Tonavanda Reservation, New York

Jesse Oornplanter to Joseph Keppler IROQUOI~ Discussing his troubles over the cover Pi "n design of his book "Legends of the Long tIOSEPH '

[1937 con.]

December 22 Akron, New York

[Mrs.] Dinah King to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS S~ing there was no corn to harvest and '" .JOSEPHKEPPLER that she has an old wooden ladle-sppon to 8ell. ~; f COLL~TlON ~. FoW,~.,~ No.34 [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] ~.

December 30 Nedrow, New York

Ohapman Schanandoah to Joseph Keppler

Reporting his having reached 67 years of ,., I IROQUOIS PAPERS age; that he has sent the soup and that his pension has been restored and now tlDSEPH KEPPLER amounts to $60. a month. t COLLECTION [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] F~ ~.L3 No. 5<3


- --- 1938

J anu.a.ry 23 Akron. lIew York

L;ymanJohnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOI~ He i8 still unable to use his arm; PAPER' acknowledg1nc money which was uaed to oIO$EPH KEPPLER buy food; complaining that the deer COLLECTION which come to the Reaervation are killed ~ J.~.6 No '84 at once and that the;y should be allowed to breed. [Marked: 'Ans. Coat. 2.00" in Keppler'_ hand]

J anua17 24 Lawton., Bew York

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler

S~lnc it i. difficult for his wife to care for 'mother' and the housework aa ~OQt.;OIS p.~,PEP" her deli Ter, time is quite imminent and oIOSEPH KEPPLER anno1111cingher 38th birthdq as be111C COLLECTION the following ~; announcing the New lear Ceremoll1' &s beginning on Jlebruary foG'" N. 4 No. '"+ 5th and the Li tUe Water Ceremoll1'for the 10th. (Marked: "Ans. 1.00" in Keppler'l hand]

J 8JLU817 28 Rochester. B. Y. Arthur C. Parker to Joseph XepN,er IROQUOIS Saying they are st~ing in town throuch PAPERS the winter and that the leighborhood ,roSEN, KEPPLER Indian Society are planning to make COLLECTION costumes copied from authentic pieces; f:~L. P. '2. No.5 8 expressinc great pleasure in hi. work and the progress of the Museum.

:B'ebruar;y 4 Akron, New York

LJman Johnson to Joseph Keppler ItOQUOIS PAPERS Acknowledging the coat and money sent oIOSEPH KEPPLER and sqinc he can get no relief from COLLECT: 'Yi

the State. FOI.. ;r.~.6 11/0 185

J'ebruar;y 4 Akron, lIew York

Dinah King to Joseph Keppler [post card] I ~0QU0I3 PAPFA3 IOS£PH ,:EPPLER Accepting his offer for the spoon. GOL,-,~CT:JN [Marked: "Ans.; 1.50" in Keppler's hand] [1938 con.]

'ebrus17 21 Akron, Hew York

Lyman Johneon to Joseph Keppler IROQU01~ Reporting he has commenced work in the PAPERS woods on a 'eberal project but that he .JOSEPH KEPPLER will get no p~ for three weeks and COLLECTION a.kine financial aid. FOIl. 1".~.& N'1. , 810 (Marked: "Ans. 2.00" in Keppler'e hand]

J'eb1"U8r7 22 Lawtons, Bew York

'red Binham to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS P.APERS Reporting tho Hew Tear CeremonT well tlOSEPH KEPPLER attended and that his wife enters the COLLi:.CTlo:_

hospital the following week. Fat.. N.4 Nr, 105 [Marked: Answered, in Keppler'. hand]

'ebrua17 28 Lavtons, Bew York

Fred Hinham to Joseph Keppler 1R0Ql;0IS PAPERS Announcing tho birth of a son the previous .JOSEPH KEPPLEP Sun~. COLlCCT!O:i (Marked: "Ans. 5.00' in Keppler's hand] FOL. N.4 No 66

Karch 8 Akron, Bew York

LJm&n Johnson to Joseph Xeppler ~OQtJOIS Sqing that he worked on the J'ederal PAPER:, project for only 5 d~. when he was .JOSEPH KEPPLER laid off because he had no wife nor COLLECTION children to support, and aaking financial aid. FOt,. J."'.6 Nr,/87 [Marked' "An.. 2.00" in Xeppler'. hand]

March 12 Lavtons, Bew Tork

'red Hinhaa to Jos~h Keppler

IRCXJUO,,s Reporting that his wife and their infant pl,PERS Bon are now home from the hospital; a oIOSEPH KEPPLER post-script say. that dancing dolle, COLLECTlO:.. once used in the Little Water Ceremony, are no longer employed. FO~ N.4 No.6'7 [Marked' Answered, in Xeppler's hand] [1938 con.]

March 28 Akron, New York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROCUOIS PAPERS Acknowledginc mone7 sent; sending Keppler ,JOSEPH KEPPLER some sasatra8 with instructions as to C\JLLEC TlO~ steepin& it; aBkin& financial aid. [Marked: "Ans. 1.00. in Keppler' 8 hand]

April [1] Akron, Ifew York

L7JII8nJohn80n to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Acknowledging Keppler' 8 letter; sqing .lOREPH KEPPLER he is now receiving Old Age Relief, COLLECT: ON $10.00 a month - Just enough for food but not clothinc; a8king financial aid. !"'Oll. 1.6.6 No.' 85 (Marked: DAnS. 1.00. in Keppler'. hand]

April 15 Bochester, N. I. ItOQUOIS Arthur O. Parker to Joseph Keppler PAPE'<5 tIOSEP\- I

Je8se Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler ItOQUOIS

PAP"" ' Requestinga loan for a trip and to no r07alt7 .-osEPH ~F'<"PL.F meet some of his debt8; (;0,1- 'T" on hi8 book can be expecteduntil October; announcing a visit to several bookstores throudlout the State at Lippincott'. expense to stimulate sales of the volume. (Marked:'Rec. after ~ return from B.I." in Keppler's hand]

Mq 9 Akron, Ifew Iork

LTman Johnson to J08eph Keppler

Acknowledging the mon81' sent; asking

financial aid toward having hi. garden .IOSEPH KEPPLER plowed and for an old suitcase, hi. ('.aLLE ,. iON being worn out. - ", ~.'.6 ' '. "0 [Marked: I An.. 5.00" in Keppler' 8 hand) 4. (1938 con.]

Mq 9 Lawtons, Bew York

Fred B1nham to Joseph Keppler 1R0QL.0IS FAOFF" Reportin& 'mother' (Eliza Phillips] .JCSEPH KEPPLER as criticallT ill and that her 83rd COLLECTION birthdq occurred on ~ 7th. F01.. N ',4 No.6 8 (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

Mq 13 Basom, New York

Jesse Oornplanter to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS Sqing he has Just returned from a PWEP , he met IIm~ trip to Alb~ where JOSEPH KEPPLER notables'; telling Keppler to dis- COLLECT ION regard his request fcr a loan as he'd starve waitin& Keppler's action. [The verso carries rough draft of what, probably, went into Keppler's reply]

Mq 18 Tonawanda Reservation, Bew York

Jesse Oornplanter to Joseph Keppler ~OQUOIS Sqing that he m~ be ignorant, hot- f'A->: .F. headed or crazT but he will sq what ,.tOSEPH KEPPLEH he wants to whether Keppler likes it CCLLEC IIO~~ or not. In a handwritten postscript he writes "Destroy this. Reply not needed." (Marked: "I.B. either drunk or mentally derangedl" in Keppler's hand]

Mq 23 Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Keppler Rochester, N. Y. Discussing in detail the probable basic reasons for the attitude of Jesse Oornplanter and condemninc him for JOSEPH KEPPLER being so ungrateful to Keppler, who COLLECT!ON has done so much to help him and hi B FOl;.. P. 7.. ~.n '- 0 people through ~ years.

Mq 23 Akron, New York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler t ~OQUOIS Acknowledging money Bent and sqing , PApl"',~ the Welfare Agency gives them seed ,JOSEPH KEPPLER so that he Qan now do his planting. C~UEC"'')'' (1938 con.]

Mq 30 Ldtons, Bew York

'red Ninham to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS p \r~p<; Reporting 'mother" st111 confined to ';OSEPf KEPPLER bed and saying she cannot last much COLI:.CTION loncer; requesting a loan. "'.4 t 61} UKarked: "5.00' in Keppler's hand)

June 9 Lawton., Bew York

'red B1nhaa to Joseph Keppler

Sqing how sad th8J are without "Mother" ~OQUOIS (Eliza Phillips died June 5th; c.f. rile p' .,~..,<; under her name] and reporting her death '''IE.''''' i

June 18 Akron, lew York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS P 'F., Sqing the garden i8 doing well; he is ,JOSEPI' KEPPLER hard-up again, even with his Old Age CQi.-LECTION pen.ion and that hil clothing is all worn out.

June 21 Lawtons, Bew York

rred Binham to Joseph Keppler ~OQUOI~ Thanking Keppler for his recent letter pAprp!" of condolence and acknowledginc packages; IfQSEPH "'EPPLER disculsing a ceremonial doll which no one ::-C...lf C I Ji~ seems to know about and which, he thinks, JIIlBthave been somewhat different frCID the recu}ar corn-husk. [Marked: Answered, i,n Keppler' B hand]

Jul;v 21 Lawton., lewYork

Fred linham to Joseph Keppler

Acknowledcing a package and sqing that I ~OQUOIS their bab;v lon, Robert, is growing rapidl7; p.APER:. sqing that Jim Orow ne"er saw the doll .OSEPH KEPPLER used in the Idos ceremonies but it was (('Lf T ~., very sacred; announcing a lield »~ on Jul;V24th. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] 6",

[1938 con.]

August 12 Akron, I ew York

LJman Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Sqlng his roof leaks and asking .JOSEPH KEPPLER Keppler's advice as to what to do; COLLECTION he needs winter clothing. [Marked: "Ane. $3.00" in Keppler's hand) F~ J~G No.'93

August 29 Lavtons, Bew York:

Fred Uinham to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Announcing the Green Oorn Oeremony on September 1st and the Little Water JOSEPH KEPPLER COLLECTION Ceremony on the 3rd; sending a photo-

graph taken during the Indian Field FOL. N '_"" NO.7 \3 Day. [Marked: "1.00 Ans." in Keppler'. hand)

September 14 Lawtons, New York

Fred Uinham to Joseph Keppler

Announcing the deaths of Jane Patterson , IROQUOIS and HatUe Two Guns; reporting that the PAPERS Long Bouse and cook house are being .JOSEPH KEPPLER painted; asking for a photograph of COLLECTION Keppler to be hung in the Long BoUB e and making inqui17 about Indians working at Foa.. N.4- No.74 the Uew York World's Fair the fOllowing lear. LMarked: Anewered, in Keppler' 8 hand]

September 28 Lawtons. Uew York

Fred Uinham to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Acknowledging the picture and monel' .JOSEPH KEPPLER COLLECTION from Keppler: announcing the Six lations meeting as commencing on October 29th. FOL. "".4- No.iS [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand)

October 10 Akron, Uew York

L7J!1anJohnson to Joseph Keppler -

Sqing he has been appointed as delegate f IROQUOIS to the Six Nations meetings in Canada PAPERS and at Oattaraugus but he has no fund. oJOSEPH KEPPLER wi th which to travel; askinc help. COLLECTION [Marked: "Ans. 5.00. in Keppler's hand) ---

(1938 con.] October 22 Akron. Bew York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOI5 PAP~T q Acknowled8iDl; moneT sent and s~iDC JOSEPH >:EPPlER he will be looking for tJee parcel. COLLECTION (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] F~ J'.~.6 NO.I~5 Hovember 15 Lawtons, New York

Jred Ninham to Joseph Keppler IR

November 16 Nedrow, Hew York

Richmond Martin to Joseph Keppler (2 sheets] IROQUOL! PA"; .. SQ7ing that first 8now fell the ~ Je.SEPI-/ -£PPLtR preTious; asking Keppler if he will see COlLi:.C1 iON to it that some clothesare sent. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

Hovember 18 Akron. Hew York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler

Acknowledcing the package sent; ~~OIS sQ7ing that the cash sent hi. bT Pf~RS Keppler made possible hie trip to the IIOSE.PH KEPPlER Six Nations meetincs in Canada at which COLLECT!v" he worked verT hard. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] 1939

J enuary 16 Akron, Bew York

L7man Johnson to Joseph Keppler

Sa7ing he is suffering from a general IROQUOI." P\P~' lameness allover his bodT and that he would like to get a new cook-stove as JOSEP'1 KEPPLER COLLECTiO~ his old one smokes; announcing the opening of the New Year ~eremo~ on January 25th. [Marked: "Ana. $" in Keppler's han4J

Janusq 16 Lawtons, Bew York

'red Ninham to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PA,PEP, Announcing the Little Water Oeremo~ JO!'lEPH ,F PPLr. on Jaanar.r 28th, the Bew Year Oeremo~ COLLE v" beiinning the 25th; asking for some financial help to entertain visitors ,.,,~- N..4' 77 fro. the Tonowanda Reservation.

Februa17 3 Rochester, N. Yo ~OQUOIS Arthur O. Parker to Joseph Keppler P.,,'''R:.

JOSEf'!-~ :<~_-P~LEP Acknowledging the "Puck" cartoons COt. v'..' sent for the showing of Keppler's father's work. P.'Z. (,;\

1!'ebruaq 4 :8asom, ]Iew York

[Mrs.] Dinah Kine to Joseph Keppler

S8T1ng theT have a new home to which ~OQlO'S theT mOTed the preceding autumn; that 'P.\rE" his Tounger Bon is at a 0.0.0. camp; "OSEPj~ KE "'PLH1 askinc for clothes as their income 1. ~O~ ~. ,>. not sufficient to purchase ~, and i'L K.4 36 s~ing she i8 sending a photograph of new house. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] [1939 con.]

lebrual7 10 Lawtona, NewYork

Fred Ninham to J08eph Keppler (2 sheets]

Beportinc a large attendance at the lew Year CeremonT and a successtul IROQUOIS P"'PI7"S Little Water Society meeting, and JOSEPH :

lebruary 11 Nedrow, New York

Richmond Mart1n to Joseph Xeppler IROQlOb P'~' i' Asking for blankets, clothing, etc. .JOSFPH "~PPLER to be distributed to the needy, and COLL" i! requesting that all parcels be sent F ':_ M.'2, :',' '0 to hi. present address. (Marked: Answered, in Xeppler's hand]

J'ebrual7 14 Rochester, N. Y.

lRcx.tL.~ . Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Keppler PAPFP IOSEPH "!"', ~ressing thanks for Xeppler's decision COLLE-I:': (to allow the Rochester Museum to retain several ot his father's cartoons].

Akron, lew York

LTman Johnson to Joseph Xeppler IF~l.,- 'IS Sqing he continues in poor health and , 'F C that his pension is not sufficient for oIO$EPH ' IOr',.,' r him to live on. I,.;OLL' .~I (Marked: IAns. $" in Keppler" hand]

. ------

[1939 con.]

March 27 ~ron, New York

LTman Johnson to Jo.eph Keppler [2 sheets]

Reporting a series of councils on the ii- c' ,.... new Law doinS awq wi th the tribaJ. P' elections each June; announcing a JC~;Ef'''~ (' "PLER comin« Oondolence OeremoD7 at Onondaca COLL, ~ T 1(;1\1 to choo.e a successor to Ohief Gibson i"CL..1'.6,6: I')~ who died some 3 weeks previously; s~lng he vill need 80me financial help this Sprinc to ptq for plovin,; and seeds. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

April- Akron, liew York

LYman Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROC' p' , His ill health continues; he would .JOSE"," ~'Lf'f1 :.~OLLr: I like Immediate financial help in order that he can get his garden plowed. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

April 13 Akron, New York

(Mrs.] Dinah King to Joseph Eeppler

and Sending the promised photograph JOSH c. announcing that one of the chiefs, t~OLl::. Eli Baily, hung himself on Mondtq, April 7th. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

XIV' 15 Akron, NewYork

LYman J ohn8on to J o8eph l:epp1 er IRO,,' 015 F \r; J, Acknow1edt;ing the money sent; discussing the feeling toward the JOSE"'., """coLER COLi.c. TlU', State Law on the Reservations; r.portin« the dedication of the new Oommunity Hous.. ------.

(1939 con.]

Mq 29 Lawtons, :RewYork Mrs. :rred Ninham to Joseph Keppler [2 sheets]

Apologizing for the delq in writ1nc, jR()Q"OiS due to her suffering a sore finger; p'pr":' announcinc the date of the Little Water JOS!: I'd I<"'PPLEfi Ceremony as June 3rd and the one year <;:OLLE, i 10rt memorial feast for Eliza Phillips on June 5th and requesting a loan. (Xarked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

June 9 Akron, Bew York

Lyman J omson to Joseph Keppl er

Requestiuc financial aid and .qing he JOSI:.i'H" . p, 1s too old to get e:rq ki:Dd of work; COLi..i.. asking for clothe.. (Marked: "Ans. 2.00. in Keppler's hand]

June 19 Lawton., New York

Fred :Rinhaa to Joseph Keppler [2 sheets] . 1ft')QiJ01 '. RequestiDC a loan and complaining of P,,\t-'~ ~,~ his ability to make e:rq appreciable "OSEPI~ "'''-1'1':''' GC~LLEv ~ mone,r picking strawberries: describing his garden. F"'_ 1'1.4-' 80 (Marked: "Ans. Loaned 10.00. in Keppler's hand]

June 23 Akron, :Re.., York

L7M&nJohnson to Joseph Keppler

Acknowle~ing money sent and sqinc that JOSEP'i

July 5 Lawtons, New York

. 1ft0C',.101:: :rred Blnham to Joseph Keppler P.\F ..

JOSEPH i'" p. Acknowledging receipt of money sent by Keppler. [1939 con.]

Jul7 15 Akron, Uew York

IROQUOIS Lyman Johnson to Jostph Keppler r.,\nr Requesting financial aid and sqinc JOSEPH KE. L."- some of his fami17 visited him and he I COLLECT(' 4 had to ~ a lot of food. Fo\. ;1'.6.6 ',r- 204 [Marked: wAna. 2.00" in Keppler's hand]

Akron, Uew York

L1JDanJohnson to Joseph Keppler !ROO, )1$ P".Pc "" "OSf "''"I K' Acknowledging mone7 sent on Jul,. 19th; eOL' .. regretting the present illness of Mrs. Keppler. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler'. hand]

Auga,st 16 Akron, New York

L1JDanJohnson to Joseph Keppler J{OC .~ p J('~"<' <, Hoping that Keppler can visit him soon caLl and announcing the Six Nations meetine on September 16th. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

August 17 Rochester, New York

Arthur C. Parker to Jos~h Keppler lRoolJ' p.',nrp .lOSH.t-j 'E' Acknowledginc a contribution b,. COL.i...i Keppler to the Neighborhood Indian Societ7 and brief17 outlining its program for the ,.ear.

Aug\1s t ., Rochester, New York

Ben17 P. Sutton to Joseph Keppler IROQlJO..' FAPEe." Acknowle~ng Keppler's contribution turned over to him by Parker, and inviting Keppler to attend the celebration on September 24, 1939 at Ellison Park, F"I. K.. 3 Rochester. This is on the statione17 of the Neighborhood Indian Societ7. of which Sutton was president. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] [1939 con.]

September 5 Akron, NewYork IROQUOIS Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler PAPERS

.." JOSEPH KEPPLE:, Acknoledging" money sent and hoping Keppler's COLLECTION visit is to be soon. FOt..:r.6.6 No'207 [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

September 25 Akron, New York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler

Reporting Six Nations meetings at IROQUOIS Onondaga, October 7th; St. Thomas, PAPERS October 14th; Canada, October 21st; and .JOSEPH KEPPLER Alleg~, October 28th and s qing he has COLLECTION been called upon to attend and take part FOI...T.6.6 No"2.0~ in all of them; asking financial aid. [Marked: "Ans.5.00" in Keppler's hand] [There is a sketch by Keppler of an eagle's head on the verso.]

October 9 Lawtons, New York

Fred Hinham to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPFRS Hoping that Keppler arrived home safely .JOSEPH KEPPLER and sqing that the tobacco is being I COLLECTION forwarded. FO~ N.4 NO.82 [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

October 16 Lawtons, New York

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppl er IROQUOts PAPERS S~ing he is sending the bark tipiand JOSEPH KEPPLER asking what Keppler will pq for an old COLLECTION pestle originating in the Genesee valley; aSKing for clothing. Fot.. N. 4 No. 8"3 [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

October 20 Rochester, New York

Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS Acknowledging receipt of money sent for PAPERS the Neighborhood Indian Society and sqing .JOSEPH KEPPLER - that this ;rear Mr. George L. Tucker, formerly COLLECTION of Buffalo, was selected as the recipient fat.. P. "Z. C;3 of the Silver Star, the decoration also received by Keppler two years previously. [See file under Keppler for a report ot . this award, pictures, etc.] [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] [1939 con.] October 30 Akron, NewYork

L7JnSDJohnson to J08eph Keppler IROQUOI~ Oomplaininc that he was not treated p.\p. DS properly on the log-house sal. because JOSEPH ~ fPPL~;~ the man who sold i t (Bailey] has no use COLLL{. nON for him nor the other chiefs who are in authority. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hSDd]

November 6 Akron, New York

LYman Johnson to Joseph Keppler

Discussing the serious matter of his )ROO\" 01." P>l.PFR having lost his "horns' of chieftain- ship and sqing he must have some JO~EF" , [PPL'" wampum at once and not as a loan, as it must be in his possession at his . :r.6.6 '2\0 death. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

November 6 Lawtons, New York

Fred Binham to Joseph Keppl er ~O($",(;Ir. pc. n SaTing that Mrs. .lone. wants $5.00 for ~_;OSfU.; . ;.'PL..E.t- her corn-husk moccasins and that Mrs. '.:0,., Phillips wants $30.00 for her old pestle; acknowledginc a parcel; announcing the . N.4 84 Harvest Ceremony on November 8th.

November 8 Lawton8, liew York

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler [2 sheets]

ReporUng that his faUure to pa88 a ~OQUOIS p~sical examination means that he will get no work and that he has scars on oIOSE""i KEPPl.Er both corneas and asking Keppler to burn "'~I ...,IT .. some tobacco; describing the pestle from N.+ 8S the Gonesee valle,,; inquiring a8 to the ~rice of eagle feathers. LMarked: Answered, in Keppler' 8 hand] 8.

(1939 con.]

November 10 Lawtons, New York

7red Ninham to Joseph Xeppler It()Ql.OIS ", 'F'

Saying they had a good attendance at tIOsr ' K"f' 'Co"" the recent ceremony and that the fals.. C ..LLC; face. will visit on November 12th. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

BOTember 15 Lawtons, New York

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler

Sqing he has taken the money to Mrs. ItOQLOI~ Jones and discussing the translation p.'" s ot certain Indian words; he will be ,JOSEPH \(""LFR glad to get the elm-bark, the best time being thelatterpartof~: '" N.~ 87 reportingthat Jim Orow is IIIIlCh pleased with the things sent by Keppler. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler'shand]

November 20 Akron, New York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROOUOI~ Discussing the matter ot his obtaininc ""p' a wampum string, all white, about 2 ,108EPH K'Of'PLE.P inches lo~ and explaining its importance (,.::,)L',E'"! " in the everlasting lite ot his chieftain- f ~:. 3'.6.6: '21\ ship; asking tor winter clothing. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

Bovember 20 St, eamburg New York

Alice White to Joseph Keppler

Thanking him for the photographs and sqing that the moccasins she sent had IDSI , r been returned probably due to incomplete COL~ address; reporting that she met Je8se F'L. W. 4 2.7 Oornplanter at the Six Nations meetinc. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] 9.

(1939 con.] November 26 Tonawanda Reservation, New York L1D1anJohnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS S~ing he is glad tha.t the log cabin PAPERS cost nothing lsee letter October 30] tIOSEPH KEPPLER and that he thought the man was too COLLECTION mean to give anything aw~; mentioning FO~ 3'.f). b No. '2.12 the wampum string.

November 28 Lawtons, New York

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Discussing certain Seneca words and ,JOSEPH KEPPLER their meanings and announcing the COLLECTIOr~ the death of Mrs. Wilson Stevens. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] Fo!;. N. 4 t, 88

December 1 Steamburg, New York

Alice Whit. to Joseph Keppler (2 sheets) IROQUOIS PAPERS S87ing that the moccasins vill be re- ,JOSEPH KEPPLER mailed wi th this letter and that she COLLECTlO,. is glad Keppler ha.4 so successfula hunting season. Fo!;. W.Ar ~1C''2..8 (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]

December 9 Akron, New York L1D1anJohnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS Acknowledc1ng the clothing sent and PAPERS the wampum string and expressing his ,JOSEPH KEPPLER deep appreciation for it. COLLECTION (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] POL.T.6.6 r 213

- 10.

(1939 con.)

December 10 Nedrow, New York

Richmond Martin to Joseph Keppler (2 sheets)

Sqlng that he is only a month returned IROQUOIS from a O. O. O. 8amp near Malone and PAPFRS that he is now assistant instructor of JOSEPH KEPPLER a similar group doing road work near (;OLLE(;TI...,'~ the Onondaga Reservation; that his wife ~oL. M.~ N,.,1\ weighs 220 lbs.; asking for clothing which he promises to distribute; announcing Oondo1ence Oeremony on December 16th to elect a head chief of the Six Nations. (Marked: Answered, in Xeppler's hand)

December 11 Lawtons, New York

:rred Ninham to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPER!') Announcing the date of the New Year .JOSEPH KEPPL Oeremony as January 14, 1940; requestinc COLLfn a loan to be repaid from land owned Fo!..1'1.4 8, by his wife. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand)

December 14 Lawtons, New York

IROQUOIS Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler PAPERS .JOSEPH KEPPLER S~ing he will turn the box bein,; lent OOLLE.CiIC'! by Keppler over to the committee for dis tri bu tion. FOt. 1"-1,4 ~O

December 15 Steamburg, New lork

Alice White to Joseph Keppler [2 sheets] IROQUOIS PAN PS Thanking him for photographs and hoping .IOSEPt--f KEPPLER that the moccasins fit him; saying that CCL' r I the people received their anD'lity monies and goods but the former was not s'lf'ficient to meet their needs. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand) 11.

[1939 con.)

December 26 Lawtons. New York

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler IROQUOI:' PAPERS

Reporting on two falsefaces for which .lOSE PH KEPPLER the owner is asking $8.00 each and COLLECTION acknowledging money sent by Keppler. [Marked: Answered. in Keppler's hand]

December 26

Alice White to Joseph Keppler [2 sheets]

Thanking him for his Ohristmas card. a IROQUOlt photograph of To-nis-gah at Woodland. PAPERS New York; sending him some candy; .JOSEPH KEPPLE, announcing the coming New Year Oeremony' t., COLLECTIOt on January 14. 1940; reporting tho death FOb; w.4- :50 of Ohar1es Gordon. of tho Oornp1anter Reservation. [Marked: Answered. in Keppler'shand]

- 1940

J anua17 9 Lawtons, New York

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler

Thanking him for mone7 and the mittens; ..- IROQUOIS announcing the Little Water OeremoD7 PAPfRS forJanua17 13th; reportinc the illness JOSEPH KEPf'L ':. i of his brother in a Buffalo hoepi tal; ~ COLLECTIO;j reporting a suicide [a clipping of which Fot,; ~.4 No ~z. i. on the verso] and the death of Alex Olute. [Marked: Answered. in Keppler' 8 hand]

J anua17 15 Buffalo, NewYork

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler (2 sheete] lRo«e.)I<: P,\('E" , Reporting that he ie in Buffalo attending ,JOSEPH KEp,'l r:-: hie brother who is ~e1ess17 ill and f COLLF':T requesting a loan to tide over the necessar,y expenses of remaining in Buffalo. 901)!~ N. + 93 [Marked: Answered. in Keppler'. hand]

J anua17 17 Buffalo, New York

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler IROQl O,~ PI\t,'HS Reporting the death of his brother the JOSEPIi KEPPL"'r; previous day and that he is to be buried COLLECTI~ ~~ on the Tonawanda Reservation. [Marked: ".Ans. 10.00" In Keppler' 8 hand]

J anua17 26 Steamburg, New York

Alice White to Joseph Keppler [3 sheets] IROQtJv.; P.\P' RS Reporting the deaths of Harve7 Jacobs .JOSEPH "~PPLE and Mrs. John Jacobs; sqing the winter eOI-LECT! Is extreme17 severe. [Ms.rked: Answered. in Keppler' 8 hand) --- --

[1940 con.] lebrua17 1 Akron, New York

L;rman Johnson to Joseph Keppler

Askin& for financial aid even though he IROQUvl~ remembers what Xeppler said about his P-\i'Ro; many similar appeals; hie stove is cracked .JOS8>H ~EP"~-' and he must have another and he haa COLLECTIO'i borrowed food from the neighbors which he must pq back. [14arked: "Ana. 2.00. in Keppler's hand]

Februa17 12 St,eamburg New York

Alice White to Joseph Keppler ~IOI.:. PAtcc-, Reporting the general good health of oIOSEPHKEPDLER all people on the Reservation and sending ~ eOI-LE, an enclosed "valentine." (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] "'1!L.,'W.-4- 3"2.

Februsry 13 Akron, New York

L;rm8D.Johnson to Joseph Keppler IRO<.!' Reporting his health to be poor and that r-,\t J: there is considerable sickness on the tIOSEr'~ '~nl'" Reservation; aCknowledging the money sent; GOLi..~v [The verBO carries a note in a different F~". .T.Ei.EI 2.15 hand reguesting Keppler to ~ him an axe handle.J

:rebrua17 18 Akron, New York

L;rm8D.301m_on to J08eph Keppler IRO'}' 01< PAPdS Complaining of an attack of neuralgia .JOSEf H KF'" Lr : a:f'fecting his face and that he cannot I COLLECT):. get ahead financially because he can get 1"01.;1.~.6 r:J Z' CC; no work to augment his pension.

April 1 Akron, New York

L;rman Johnson to Joseph Keppl er IR OQli 015 PAP; c; Reque sting financial aid and sqing he JOSEPH !

April 2 Steamburg, New York

Alice White to Joseph Keppler [2 sheets] IRQQliOIS PAPERS Reporting th6 Allegany River at flood .r'SEPH KEPPl r .\ stage and that this is her 75th birth- COLLEl, ~I'')N day; saying she will send some corn for Indian 80up. FI..W.4 No 35 [Marked: Answered, in Keppler'shand]

April 27 Lawtons, New York

Fred Ninhem to Joseph Keppler IWQUOIS PAPEP' Saying he has been spending much time .IOSEP'j .~r ".: ~ ~ in :Buffalo trying to get work and that ~:'~LEL I his wife has injured an ankle. Fo: "".4' ~s [Marked: "Ans. Ma"v 11" in Keppler's hand]

April 30 Steamburg, Hew York

Alice White to Joseph Keppler [3 sheets] IWQVOIS PA' '1":':' Reporting that the count17s1de looks JOSEPH K£PPLFR very springlike; acknowled8ing the COLLECTION receipt of a package sent; sending him 1'(11, W.4' 34 some prepared corn for soup.

May 1 Rochester, New York

Arthur C. Parker to Joseph Keppler 1R000;u":~S PAP:' , Acknowledging a clipping from Keppler; JOSE?'i KEpPLER mentioning the heavy snow through the COtL<:rT!. winter; reporting continued activity at the Crafts Project on Tonewanda Reservation.

May 8 Lawtons, New York

Reuben Isaac to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAP,"., Acknowledging Keppler's letter; tIOS"."H~EP!>U R

announcing death of Jacob Jack and L.\-,L~-"'~ -1- r" saying that all of Keppler's letters and money contributions are turned Fl'. I. ~.I over to the Lodge.

May 13 Akron, Hew York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUoIS PAP"',S

oIOSFrH0 "PPLCIl Acknowledging money sent which haa ,_,.L,. been used for plowing his garden; - discussing Mrs. Keppler's illness. Fc~ 3".'.6 218 [1940 con.]

Mq 13 Steamburg, New York

Alice White to Joseph Keppler [2 sheets] ~UQ; ;.;,~ P \PFk" fhanking him for a package and saTing .JOSEPH KEpr, ., that spring i8 now really here. COLl!:.;'! I [Keppler has noted in ink the explanation of a term used in the letter]

Mq 17 Lawtons, Bew York

Fred Binham to Joseph Keppler , JROQl'{J!S PAPERS DiscusBin~ the matter of procuring ,JOSEPH KEPPLER elm bark Lfor the Seneca cabin on COLLECTION the Annex grounds of the Museum] and staUnc that the amount required Fo!... 1'01.4 No, ~6 would cost about $60.00

Mq 31 Steamburg, Bew York

Alice White to Joseph Keppler [2 sheets) JROQlJOIS P4.PERS Sqing she is glad that the Indian corn JOSEPH KEPPLER reached him safely and discuBsinc the COLLECTION older corn foods. [Marked: Answered in Xeppl eres hand]

June 4 Akron. Bew York

Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler 1R0\.i~OIS PAprcRS Detailing the expenditure of the money .JOSEPH KEPPLFR sent in preparing his garden and ~ing COLlE(; , , seed; sqing he is feeling his advanced years.

June 12 Lawtons, Bew York

Fred Binham to Joseph Keppler I IROQUOIS PI-,PEP "' S~ing that the elm bark: was shipped in accordance with Mr. Heye1s instruct- .JOSEPH KEPPLF.R Cf\LLI:.I ,) ,. ions and asking for pqment. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] ------

(1940 con.]

Jul7 23 Lawtons, New York

Ired Ninham to Joseph Keppler

~CiJ~_.\..~!S Reporting the death of John Britton, P'\~E: ,; Sr. and on a cominc lield Dq; sqing IIOSEPH "'Ef'PL~R that Jim Crow wants to dispose of an COLLL{, i ;'.)., old falseface and a rattle for $30.00; - aaking tor clothing. T'";t., N.4 " 98 (Marked: "Ans. Send on approval" in Keppler'8 hand]

Augnst 2 Lawtons, New York

Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler ItOOUOIS Reporting that Jim Crow vill accept P-\ "FRS $25.00 tor the telseface and that he IOSEPH KEPPLER has been requested to supply a lot COLLECTiON ot data about himself in connection with his blind pension. (Marked:Answered, in Keppler's hand] 13 Lawtons, New York

Ired Ninham to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS Sqinc he has completed the necessary PAPERS family record tor his pension; announcing .8OSEPH KEPPLER the Six Nations meeting on September 7th COLLE{, 1"10 ~4 and the LitUe Water CeremorQ"on the 14th; reporUng they made $146.00 on their Field Dq. (Marked: Anlwered, in Keppler's hand] 14 Stesmburg, New Yark

Alice White to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS Announcing that the Wolf Clan on AllegaDT PAr'FR<; Reservation is to induct the Governor of JOSEPH K'-P<>,'" Pennsylvania into the Nation on August 24 COLL~ and that she, being the matriarch, is to FOL W. Ar "37 name him. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] 6. [1940 con.)

September 2 Lawtons, Bew York

Jred Ninham to Joseph Keppler

Acknowled«ing a money contribution to I IROQUOIS the Long Bouse and reporting on a trip PA'E,i") to the Cornplanter Reservation where .JOSEPH KEPf"LER Governor James of Pennsylvania was made COLLECTION

a member of the Seneca -ation; s~ing I"N. "".4 NC' 10\ that a series of socials are helping to increase the Long House fund.

September 6 Steamburg, :flew York:

Alice White to Joseph Keppler (2 sheets]

IR('>QCOIS Reporting on the Green Corn 'estival p,.A,P:""s held the previous week and the induction .tOSEPI-/ KEf'pl .- of Governor James of Pennsylvania into COLLE the Wolf Clan, she having given hi. her son's name; she is going to send pictures of Cornplanter later. [Marked:Answered, in Keppler'shand]

September 14 Tonawanda Reservation, New York

Lyman Jopson to Joseph Keppler IROQUO:S Acknowledgi~ clothing sent; reporting P""'r.R<; a successful Six Bations meeting and .tOSEPH KEPPLER sQ7ing he has been chosen to attend the COLL!:." "'i comin& meetings at St. Thomas and Bea"tford in Canada but he cannot got Fot.. J'.~.6' 2'20 as it would cost about $6.00 and he has no money.

September 20 Steamburc, Bew York

Alice White to Joseph Keppler (2 sheets]

SQ7ing the weather is very warm and IROQUOIS PArERS enclosinc the promised picture of Corn- oJ08EPH J(H'Pl'-" planter, a copy of that presented to the COLLE;~TI.' Cornplanter Indian School by the Warren [Pennsylvania] Historical Society. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler' 8 hand]