This document is from the Cornell University Library's Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections located in the Carl A. Kroch Library. If you have questions regarding this document or the information it contains, contact us at the phone number or e-mail listed below. Our website also contains research information and answers to frequently asked questions. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections 2B Carl A. Kroch Library Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 Phone: (607) 255-3530 Fax: (607) 255-9524 E-mail: [email protected] CALENDAR 1934-1944 1934 J anuar'7 8 Tonawanda Reservation, New York Jesse Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler I IROQUOIS S~ing that he used the money sent tor PAPERS food instead ot overalls because he could JOSEPH KEPPLER not get on C. W. A. work because he is COLLE.CTION disabled with a pension pending; rpporting he can get no help trom the various veteran agencies supposed to make it available and that his mind 1s so upset he cannot work on his tather's notes and records. J anu8r7 27 Akron, Bew York Dinah Sundown to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Reporting accident ot previous June and JOSEPH KEPPLER s81ing she vas on crutches tor 5 months; COLLECTION aSking tor clothes; announcing that New Year's dances are Just over. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand) Ji'ebru8l'7 1 Lawtons, Bew York Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS S~ing he has made inquir'7 about a pig- PAPERS head mask but has located none as yet; JOSEPH KEPPLER reporting that the New Y ear Ce.remo~ COLLECTION was well attended and that Arthur Parker was a recent visitor at the Reservation r:r>.:., tJ. 4 No. "2.0 and that he had expressed approbation as to the condition of the Long House. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand) Lawton's, New York -. Nancy Bowen to Joseph Keppler t IROQUOIS . PAPERS S81ing that she has more old Indian ,JOSEPH KEPPLER COLLECTION specimens to sell and asks Keppler's aid. [Marked: Ans., "with money," in Keppler's ,.ct. 6.7.' No , hand) [1934 con.] March 11 Tonawanda Reservation, New York Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS Sqin8 he has been unable to get about PAPERS but will see about the turkey basket ver" .JOSEPH KEPPLER soon; he is not workiDg and asks Keppler ! COLLECTION for financial help; reporting record cold FO~.T~6 No.IS E) during the month of February. March 12 Lawton's, New York Nancy Bowen to Joseph Keppler Sqing she is sending the costume pieces and will leave the prices to him. The" IROQUOIS PAPERS verso carries detailed figures for each piece, with the notation "CK March 19th .JOSEPH KEPPLER I COLLECTION 1934," and "persuaded bY' Lila Jemison to kill the 'witch' (Mrs. Marchand]n all in F~~I No.2 Keppler's hand. This latter relates to I....a ~der committed in Buffalo by Bancy March 27 Lawtons, New York Fred Ninhamto Joseph Keppler (2 sheets] Reporting no further success in his hunt IROQUOIS for a pig mask but that one exists in PAPERS Canada; discussing the use of the mask in .JOSEPH KEPPLER the Gah-nee-don-gah-qe dance; sqing that ~: COLLECTION ~. recently filled out a questionaire sent FOL ri:..4 No:2-\ to blind persons in tho State between the ages of 20 and 55; asking who Mrs. W8&ner is, she Just having sent some female cloth- ing which has been distributed. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] April 6 !onawanda Reservation, lew York IROQUOIS Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler PAPERS .JOSEPH KEPPLER Thanking him for mon8,1 sent and saying the turkey basket will be finished soon; I COLLECTION he is unable to locate any brooches. F~ J:~.b No. 'S7 . -- -- --- --- - (1934 con.] Mq 4 Salamanca, New York Mrs. Fred Ninham to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS Writing from her father's home for her PAPERS husband and slqing she remain there, JOSEPH as he is ill; reporting she would like to KEPPLER sell or rent her father's place and all live ~. COLLECTION together at Newtown; requesting some yarn F~N~ No.22 for ruc--meking. (liarked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] Mq 5 Akron, Bew York Dinah Sundown to Joseph Keppler [2 sheets] IROQUOIS PAPERS SBJing she has two summer squash rattles JOSEPH KEPPLER medicine rattles for sale used in Little Water ceremonies. f COLL:CTlON (Markedl Answered, in Keppler's hand] '0.; ~.:"r No."2.\ Mq 7 Lawton t s, Bew York ,,' IROQUOIS Mrs. Walter Jimerson to Joseph Keppler PAPERS JOSEPH KEPPLER COLLECTION Sqing her mother has been ill for two , months and asking for aid. Fo~ .r.~.'; No .3 Mq 14 Akron, New York Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS The turkey basket is apparent17 not yet PAPERS tinished; requesting financial aid from JOSEPH KEPPLER Keppler as his feet prevent him from COLLECTION working. [The letter is signed "Per J. J. FOL.J. 6.6 No.158 Oornplanter" and is marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand]. Mq 28 Basom, New York IROQuOIS Dinah Sundown to Joseph Keppler l2 sheets] PAPERS JOSEPH KEPPLER Pricing the medicine rattles at $8.00 COLLECTION for both. (1934 con.J June 1 Akron, lew Ybrk LJmSn Johnson to Joseph leppler IROQUOI:> Acknowledging money eent; he will know PAPERS soon whether he can get work on the oJOSEPH KEPPlEH Reservation Relief Project; s~ing he ~ COLL~TlON will haTe word about the turkey basket F~ ~.6No.15'3 soon. (The letter 1s signed 'Per - J.J.C.J June 2 Basom, Hev York IROQUOIS Dinah Sundown to Joseph Keppler PAPERS oJOSEPHKEPPLER Reducing the price on the 2 me41c1ne , COLLECTION rattles to $5.00. FO~ ~+ No.'23 June 5 Lawtons, lev York 'red 11nham and vife to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Thanking him for the package end oJOSEPH KEPPlEf1 announcing the StrawberrT CeremonT for J COLLECTION June 9th; Mrs. Binham has returned from Fo..- ~.:._4 No .2.3 Salamanca. June 13 Tonawanda Reservation, Bev York L7m8n Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Be has the turkey basket which wUI be JOSEPH KEPPl<:ri sent Boon; s~ing Mrs. Pierce, who made , COLLECTION it, is about 82 years old and cannot FelL J":~.6 No '60 work swiftly_ June 15 Lawtons, Bew York .red Hinham to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS Thanking him for mone,r recently sent PAPrRS [for the StrawberrT CeremonT] and .JOSEPH KEPPLE" reporting that Mose Cooper was recently , COLLECTION killed in en automobile accident. F~ ~4 No.'24 [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand) l1934 con.) J'I1l7 2 Akron, HewYork ~ Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQU,.' PAPEPo. Be has received the money and paid for oIOSEPH KEP,'i the basket; reporting his garden not doing well because of a dr.y spell, and , COLLECTlG,j on an old costume he.has located. '0'" 'J.6.CQNo 1'1 [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] Lawtons, Bew York 7red Binham to Joseph Keppler [3 sheets] IROQUOIS PAPERS Reporting that his wife was injured through oIOSEPHKEPPLER a fall from a moving automobile; enclosing sketches of two masks he has located; J COLL.:..CTION reporting the death of Sidne7 Hurf throu&h Fo... N.4o No."25" an accidentwhile at work. August 3 Lawton.. Hew York Fred Binham to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS S~ing his wife is recovering slowly from her accident and that he will forward the .tOSEPH KEPPLEFi mask at once, the cheque and stamps having COLLECTION been received. F~ "'..4 No 26 [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hand] August 8 Akron, BewYork L1JD&nJohnson to Joseph Ieppler IROQUOIS PAPERS S~ng the dr.y weather continues; oIOSEPH KEPPL '_. reporting the co stume is new and has COLLECTION never been worn. FO,"J.G.6 No 162. [Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hanc1J August 25 Lawton.. New York Jred Binham to Joseph Keppler IROQUOI~ Announcing the Green Corn Ceremo!11'for PAPERS August 30th; reporting the critical illness oIOSEPHKEPPLL, of Jimmie Sandy; s~ing they have a fund of COLLECTIOr. about $150.00 to entertain the Stx Bations Fo," N.4- No 27 delegates to the meeting in Bovember. [Marked: "Ans. -5.00 toward L. B. expenses" in Keppler's hand] 6. (1934 con.] September 14 Akron, Bew York Lyman Johnson to Joseph Keppler Acknowledging mone7 sent and sqing he IROQUOIS and m8n7 on the Reservation have been PAPERS buq reheara1ng f or the Page an t at .JOSEPH KEPPLER Niagara Falls; reporting the TERA allows I COLLECTION him a half ~ ot wo~ each week and F~ U:&NO. i6~ asking for clothing and other help; report- ing on the Seneca costume, overskirt and leggings for which the owner wants $7.50; announcing a coming Six Nations meeting. (Marked: Answered, in Keppler's hend] September 25 Tonawanda Reservation, New York Jesse Cornplanter to Joseph Keppler ,~... IROQUOIS annual Six , PAPERS Jnnouncingthe close ot the t Bations meetinc and reportingthat h. is .JOSEPH KEPPLER now waiting to obtain a typewriter so J. COLL~TlON that his father's teachings, now copied FO~ C.&A..No.48 in long-hand, mq be put in more legible form; asking if Keppler can procure the loan of one as he does not like to be obligated to Parker, much preferring Fenton as a collaborater. (Marked: "Ans. Sept. 29th" in Keppler's hancO October 8 Tonawanda Reservation, New York LJm8n Johnson to Joseph Keppler IROQUOIS PAPERS Acknowledging the things sent: sqing .JOSEPH KEPPLE the costume will be sent on approval and with it will be some small baskets end a , COLLECTION FO~ ;r._~. No \ ~4 c8.~ing strap as a gift.
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