Kitchen-Klatter Magazine, May, 1943
I' /\ '"... -. "! ...... ,. PAGE 2 KITCHEN-KLATTER MAGAZINE, MAY, 1943 MY PLEDGE ,--- Kitchen - Klatter I will buy wisely. I will take good care of things I Ma4azine have. LEANNA FIELD DRlll'TlllIER, Editor I will waste nothing. LUCILE VERNESS, Associate Editor DOROTHY D . .JOHNSON, Associate Editor Although we try not to waste any M. H. DRIFTMIER, Bullnes1 Manager thing we probably do in many small subscription Price $1.00 per year (12 ways. It is these small savings that Issues) In U. S. A. Foreign Countries, $1.110 per year. do not se.em important but taken to Advertising rates made known on appli gether amount to a great deal. cation. Plan the quantity of food you need Entered as second class matter May 21, 1937 at the Post Office at Shenandoah, Ia., to prepare for a meal, ver'y carefully. under the Act of March 3, 1879. If the family have not enough meat Published Monthly by to satisfy their appetites, have plenty LEANNA FIELD DRIFTMIER of bread or something else to finish LETTllR FROM LEANNA Sbenandoab, Iowa out on. Improper cooking of food, such as burning it or adding too much salt or My Dear Friends, stationed at Waco, Texas. He is to pepper, making it unappetizing, is Now that some of you are not able go to Grand Rapids, Mich., for a wasteful, expensive and unpatriotic. to hear my daily visits on the radio, course in weather forecasting. On the In the summer time the proper stor I am more than ever glad I can write compl.etion of this, he will be ready ing of food is important for much this letter for all of you to read.
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