Roadside Biomass Study Bajina Basta, 2017

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Roadside Biomass Study Bajina Basta, 2017 Study of Biomass Potential and Ways of Utilization of Roadside Biomass (“Rastinje”) on the Territory of Bajina Bašta Municipality Mr. Aleksandar Đurić, forest engineer TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................4 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................6 1.1. LEGISLATION AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK .................................................................................7 2. SURVEY RESULTS ............................................................................................................8 2.1. STRUCTURE OF THE ROAD NETWORK IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAJINA BAŠTA .........................8 2.1.1. State - Public Roads ................................................................................................10 2.1.2. Municipal roads ........................................................................................................11 2.1.3. Rural roads ..............................................................................................................12 2.1.4. Forest, field and access roads..................................................................................16 2.2. METHODOLOGY OF CALCULATING THE AMOUNT OF BIOMASS "RASTINJE" IN AREAS AROUND ROADS AND RESULTS OF THESE CALCULATIONS.........................................................................18 2.3. LIMITED CIRCUMSTANCES AND POTENTIAL RISKS OF USE OF ROADSIDES BIOMASS "RASTINJE" ..............................................................................................................................................23 2.4. ECOLOGICAL BASIS REGARDING OF USE OF ROADSIDES BIOMASS "RASTINJE" .......................24 2.5. POTENTIAL FOR THE USE OF ROADSIDES BIOMASS "RASTINJE" .............................................26 2.6. METHODS OF USE OF ROADSIDES BIOMASS "RASTINJE" .......................................................26 2.7. PRICES AND COSTS OF PRODUCTION OF ROADSIDES BIOMASS "RASTINJE" ............................29 3. CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................30 4. REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................31 Study of Biomass Potential and Ways of Utilization of Roadside Biomass (“Rastinje”) on the Territory of Bajina Bašta Municipality 2 TABLE OF CHARTS CHART 1: LAND TYPE DISTRIBUTION ........................................................................................................................... 6 CHART 2: DISTRIBUTION OF ROADS BY CATEGORY ........................................................................................................ 9 CHART 3: DISTRIBUTION OF ROADS BY LENGTH ............................................................................................................ 9 CHART 4: DISTRIBUTION OF STATE ROADS BY LENGTH ................................................................................................. 10 CHART 5: DISTRIBUTION OF MUNICIPAL ROADS BY LENGTH ......................................................................................... 12 CHART 6: DISTRIBUTION OF RURAL ROADS I ORDER BY LENGTH.................................................................................... 13 CHART 7: DISTRIBUTION OF RURAL ROADS II ORDER BY LENGTH .................................................................................. 14 CHART 8: DISTRIBUTION OF RURAL ROADS III ORDER BY LENGTH ................................................................................. 15 CHART 9: DISTRIBUTION OF FOREST AND FIELD (AGRICULTURAL) ROADS BY LENGTH ...................................................... 17 TABLE OF TABLES TABLE 1: ROAD CATEGORIES ...................................................................................................................................... 8 TABLE 2: LIST OF STATE/PUBLIC ROADS ..................................................................................................................... 10 TABLE 3: METODOLOGY OF CALCULATION OF ROADSIDE BIOMASS ............................................................................... 21 TABLE 4: QUANTITY OF ROAD SIDE BIOMASS BY WOOD SPECIES ................................................................................... 22 TABLE 5: CALCULATION OF THE COSTS OF UTILIZATION OF ROADSIDE BIOMASS .............................................................. 29 TABLE OF FIGURES FIGURE 1: PHOTO ALEKSANDAR ĐURIĆ FIGURE 2: GOOGLE EARTH ...............................11 FIGURE 3: PHOTO ALEKSANDAR ĐURIĆ FIGURE 4: GOOGLE EARTH ...............................12 FIGURE 5: GOOGLE EARTH ..........................................................................................................13 FIGURE 6: PHOTO ALEKSANDAR ĐURIĆ ........................................................................................14 FIGURE 7: PHOTO ALEKSANDAR ĐURIĆ ........................................................................................15 FIGURE 8: PHOTO ALEKSANDAR ĐURIĆ ........................................................................................16 FIGURE 9: PHOTO ALEKSANDAR ĐURIĆ FIGURE 10: PHOTO ALEKSANDAR ĐURIĆ ....................16 FIGURE 11: PHOTO ALEKSANDAR ĐURIĆ FIGURE 12: PHOTO ALEKSANDAR ĐURIĆ...................17 FIGURE 13: PHOTO ALEKSANDAR ĐURIĆ ......................................................................................17 FIGURE 14: PHOTO ALEKSANDAR ĐURIĆ ......................................................................................18 FIGURE 15: PHOTO ALEKSANDAR ĐURIĆ ......................................................................................18 FIGURE 16-21: PHOTO DOCUMENTATION PE "TARA NATIONAL PARK" ............................................25 FIGURE 22-27: GRAFIC PRESENTATION OF UTILIZATION OF ROADSIDE BIOMASS ...............................25 FIGURE 28: GRAFIC PRESENTATION PHASES AND AND SECTIONS OF UTILIZATION OF ROADSIDE BIOMASS .............................................................................................................................26 Study of Biomass Potential and Ways of Utilization of Roadside Biomass (“Rastinje”) on the Territory of Bajina Bašta Municipality 3 Executive summary Targeted area - Municipality of Bajina Bašta covers 67,341ha. The research and analysis of the road network was established six categories of roads in the area Municipality of Bajina Bašta. Road network of Municipality of Bajina Bašta consists of: state roads (186 km), municipal (16 km), rural (1,152 km) and field and forest roads (1,222 km) of the total length of 2,576 km. The methodology used for calculating the biomass potential: • Defining road network in the municipality by field researching and using ortophoto image, • Defining polygons covered by forest. • Calculating road length, defining road buffer zones (3 m width from both sides of the road) using GIS analysis. • Forest volume data (trees and shrubs) collected from Forest management plans and data from municipal agricultural experts. • More specifically, the reducing coefficient k (20% of the the average timber volume of management units and cadastral municipalities) was used to calculate roadside biomass "rastinje" in buffer zones of roads passing through forest areas. • Calculation of grassy biomass was based on the cultivated meadows data and reduced for specific conditions of road buffer zones. Results of the biomass calculations are as follows: • Roads passing through forest areas - 1,094 km or 43 % of roads of all categories; • The total area of road buffer zones is 654.76 ha of all roads passing through forests; • The total volume of woody vegetation (trees and shrubs) is 28,471 m3 or an average of 44 m3/ha; • The total quantity of roadside biomass by wood species: beech with 10,261 m3 or 36%, fir with 5,763 m3 or 20 %, oak 2,494 m3 or 10.4%, and other types are represented less than 10%; • The total volume of grassy biomass is 6,548 m3, or an average 10 m3/ha, and expressed by a weight measure 327,380 kg, or an average of 500 kg/ha; • The total volume of available biomass of “rastinje”, woody and grassy, in the road buffer zones in forest areas is 35,020 m3, or an average 54 m3/ha; • Rods passing through the agricultural areas - 1,482km or 58% of roads of all categories; • The total area of the road buffer zones trough agricultural areas is 755.92 ha; • The total volume of grassy biomass is 11,339 m3, and 566,937 kg (per hectare of 15 m3 and 750 kg). Risks and limits are: Study of Biomass Potential and Ways of Utilization of Roadside Biomass (“Rastinje”) on the Territory of Bajina Bašta Municipality 4 • The potential restrictions imposed by specific legal regulations in the National Park Tara; • Very steep terrain and the increased the risk of erosion on the roads and the area surrounding the roads by utilization of vegetation by the roads; • 92 % of roads are legally unclassified; • Issues with cadastral plans and owner rights; • Past and present inconsistent implementation of the laws and regulations in the area at the municipal level; • Limited technical characteristics of the roads categorized as rural, forest, field and access roads, for transporting biomass. Over one third is protected area of the National Park Tara, characterised by great biodiversity. In view of the fact that there are 705 km of roads passing through the national
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