ACCESS OF ADOLESCENTS TO INFORMATION REGARDING SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH QUALITATIVE SURVEY ACCESS OF ADOLESCENTS TO INFORMATION REGARDING SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH QUALITATIVE SURVEY Supported by: Access of adolescents to information regarding sexual and reproductive health QUALITATIVE SURVEY Publisher: Novi Sad Humanitarian Centre Arse Teodorovića 3, Novi Sad, Serbia Tel. +381 21 423021 / 423024
[email protected] Author: Danijela Korać-Mandić Research Associates: Sergej Kanazir Mira Novaković Ilin Design: Štamparija Stojkov Print: Štamparija Stojkov Novi Sad, 2019 ISBN 978-86-85715-25-9 All rights reserved. The content, analysis, opinions, and recommendations expressed in this publication are solely the views of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of UNFPA, the United Nations, or any of its affiliated organizations. UNFPA will not be liable in any manner whatsoever for the use, or any consequences arising out of the use, of information from this publication. FOREWORD Novi Sad Humanitarian Centre (NSHC) has been involved in promotion of sexual and reproductive health and rights of adolescents through providing information, workshop activities with adoles- cents and training of peer educators since 2006. The Centre’s activities were also focused on long- term field work with marginalized groups for the purpose of preventing adverse forms of behaviour and promotion of voluntary confidential counselling and HIV tests. The NSHC approach in working with young people is based on examples of good practice