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WAZA News 4/13 November 4/13 2013 ZIMS – The Dream Becomes Real | p 2 WAZA Online Professional Development Center | p 22 New: Exhibit News | p 24 ), male. | © Dustin Smith/Zoo Miami ), male. | © Dustin Dermatemys mawii Critically endangered Central American river turtle ( Central Critically endangered WAZA news 4/13 Gerald Dick Contents Editorial Dear WAZA members and friends! ZIMS – The Dream Becomes Real ..........2 After a wonderful annual conference, Has the Ark Gone Off Course? ....4 where the blurring borders between Biodiversity is us .........................7 ex situ and in situ conservation were My Career: Steve Taylor ..............9 addressed by outstanding keynote WAZA Interview: speakers, by numerous presentations Becca Hanson ........................... 12 and during workshops, I have the From the 19th pleasure to present to you the last edi- to the 22nd Century .................... 15 tion of WAZA News of this year. There Food for the Body, is a focus on the future situation of © WAZA Food for the Mind ..................... 17 zoos and aquariums between political Gerald Dick at Seaworld, Orlando. Penguin Promises – pressures and animal right lobby groups Behaviour Change ....................18 as well as on population management. “Biodiversity is us” – the biggest exter- Disney’s Corals Project .............19 The latter issue is also strategically and nally funded WAZA project ever in its financially supported by WAZA through history, is being made ready for a great Book Review .............................20 the Committee for Population Manage- start. Using modern technology, WAZA Announcements .......................20 ment. The committee has made a lot of members will receive a unique support progress during the last year and the for increased outreach, better inter- New: Exhibit News ...................24 support provided by ZIMS was not only national visibility and recognition and WAZA Training Grant 2012 an issue at the Disney conference, but is visitor service. More details about the Report .......................................26 also presented in this edition. use of the tools are provided in this edi- WAZA Projects It is also a great pleasure to announce tion and a special double issue of WAZA Forest Protection the WAZA Online Professional Develop- News is prepared for early next year. in Vietnam ................................29 ment Center (WAZA OPDC) which is on Those supporting tools for WAZA mem- Bat Research in Osununú .........30 air now on our website. Thanks to the bers shall also serve the purpose to get GRACE – Gorilla Center ............. 31 cooperation with San Diego Zoo Global the word out to decision makers, jour- Florida Bonneted Bat ...............32 and the company Cypherworx WAZA nalists, zoo critics and the wider public Belize: Wild Cats ....................... 33 can offer over 300 courses of e-learning about the mission and role of zoos and Hicatee Conservation ............... 34 to our members at a special rate. aquariums – based on successes, stories Update: A new series is started on exhibit news. and facts. International Studbooks .......... 35 New stunning and exceptional exhibits I wish to thank all members and sup- New Members .......................... 37 shall be published in future, for this new porters of WAZA for their continuous New Member Application .........40 section we need your input: short texts support. With the best wishes for the and photos, highlighting innovative ap- festive season and for a Happy proaches – hope you will enjoy it! New Year! Gerald Dick WAZA Executive Director Imprint Edition: 550 copies © WAZA 2013 Editor: Gerald Dick, WAZA Executive Office IUCN Conservation Centre This edition of WAZA News Rue Mauverney 28 is also available on CH-1196 Gland www.waza.org (members’ area). Switzerland phone: +41 22 999 07 90 Founding Member fax: +41 22 999 07 91 Printed on FSC paper. Layout and typesetting: [email protected] Print: Agentura NP, Staré Město, Czech Republic ISSN: 1662-7733 WAZA news 4/13 1 Lee Ehmke The President’s Page © WAZA Hand-over of conference flag from Jackie Ogden (Disney’s Animal Kingdom) to Bishan Bonal (CZA – India). and my 25 years of experience at the Bronx Zoo/Wildlife Conservation Society and the Minnesota Zoo, to inform my service to the Association during my term of office. The com- plex net of international, regional and national laws and regulations, including some that have been self- imposed by zoo associations, must be navigated and if possible streamlined and simplified if we are to succeed in © WAZA addressing the collection sustainabil- Lee Ehmke and Africa exhibit. ity crisis that threatens the viability not just of our conservation breeding I am excited and honored to have guidance of WAZA Council members efforts but of our core business of ex- been elected President of WAZA, and Susan Hunt and Rick Barongi, respec- hibiting animals. Linked to this is the look forward to working with Execu- tively, the Animal Welfare Strategy imperative that zoos and aquariums tive Director Gerald Dick and his staff, and a streamlined WZACS will pro- continue to improve the level of care WAZA Council and our 334+ members vide continued evidence of the zoo provided to our animals, while provid- to forge progress toward WAZA’s community’s leadership role in the ing more meaningful and intentional ultimate vision: that the full conserva- humane care of animals and of the experiences – with tangible conser- tion potential of the world’s zoos and conservation impact derived from the vation outcomes – for our millions aquariums is realized. WAZA’s Corpo- operation and growth of zoo-based of visitors. I’m excited to work with rate Strategy, developed in 2009, sets education, research, fundraising and WAZA Council and staff to revisit our out six strategic directions that will animal management practices. Corporate Strategy to be sure that continue to inform and shape the pri- these two areas – collection sustain- orities and activities of WAZA Council Another significant initiative that will ability and measurable conservation over the next two years. Under the be publically launched in the upcom- impact – are given the attention and leadership of our outgoing President ing months is the Decade on Biodi- investment they require. Dr. Jörg Junhold, significant progress versity project, funded by the largest has been made on all six of these pri- grant ever received by WAZA, gener- As I write this, we are completing orities. However, much work remains ously provided by the MAVA Founda- a fantastic 68th Annual Conference, to be accomplished, in a world where tion. An attractive and highly custom- hosted with professionalism and wildlife and wild places are under izable suite of materials (analog and panache by Dr. Jackie Ogden, her assault, and the role of zoos and digital) has been developed to allow team and colleagues at Disney’s aquariums in combating this assault all WAZA members to make use of Animal Kingdom in Orlando, Florida. is still not as widely understood and them in order to raise awareness of A record number of attendees have accepted as it needs to be. the importance of biodiversity. We benefited from the hospitality of our will release these materials in con- hosts, and we have all been inspired At the top of the priority list is com- junction with the 8th International Zoo by Disney’s remarkable facilities, pleting two major initiatives launched and Aquarium Marketing Conference, staff and programs. The Conference during the past year: development of to be hosted by the Bristol Zoo from theme: “One World, One Plan, One a new Global Zoo/Aquarium Strategy 12–14 May, 2014. Hope” was powerfully articulated for Animal Welfare, and a significant by a wide range of presentations, update and re-imagination of a docu- As I assume the responsibility of rep- workshops and conversations. Once ment that has – perhaps to greater resenting the WAZA community as again, WAZA’s greatest strength – the effect than any other – defined the President, I look forward to utilizing unity of purpose and friendship that philosophical framework for 21st my professional background, first as transcends political, geographic and century zoological institutions: the an environmental lawyer and later cultural boundaries – was highlighted World Zoo and Aquarium Conserva- as an environmental planner special- by this important gathering. tion Strategy (WZACS). Under the izing in zoological exhibition design, 2 WAZA news 4/13 Nate Flesness – ISIS ISIS ZIMS – The Dream Becomes Real The ISIS ZIMS dream is coming true. ISIS and 813 (and growing) zoologi- cal institutions, plus 19 Association members of ISIS, are working togeth- er to fulfill the long-term vision that brought ISIS into existence 40 years ago. ZIMS, the modern, integrated, web-based vision of ISIS services and software, was envisioned a decade or so ago by leading members of our community. It took some time, and some troubles, to find the right tech- nology, partners, and funding to build this dream, but ZIMS now works very ISIS Members as of 2013 well, and it’s a powerful and growing (ZIMS users in red). tool. People all over the world find it easy to learn and use (it only took tion controls how much of the other hours and hours of manual effort and a clever one million line program, to details are shared externally and with were limited to the few percent of make things simple!). 601 zoological various staff roles and departments species covered by a studbook. Now, institutions have already switched to (keepers, curators, etc) internally in ZIMS, you or your staff, or your re- ZIMS, and more are adopting ZIMS (special thanks to St. Louis Zoo for gional association staff or WAZA, can each month. Four thousand (4000) sponsoring this feature). see how any of 13,000 species are do- zoo and aquarium professionals have ing right now in your country, your re- created ZIMS logins as of September ZIMS of course does the routine in- gion, or globally, in just a few seconds.
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