Courier Gazette : January 8, 1884
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T he Coi irier-CIazette. R O t 'K I.A N l' G t Z B T T l: F.«TA 1,1.1 M l K l l 1S I1I. I IMMKI.AN'll I'll! II1KII ESTAI'.I.IM IEI) 1871.1 ®bc Press is the Avfbiine&cnn ’feber that ttlobes the fiitorlb at iHuo Collars a Hear V o l . 2 .— N ew S e r ie s ROCKLAND, MAINE. TCESDAY, 4ANCARY S, 1881. N l MBEIt 51. T H E C O IJ R IE R - G A Z E T T E President A rilu ir Inis been riqnirted THE MAGIC SQUARE. WAYSIDE GLANCES. BOOKS! BOOKS! By PORTER & FULLER. •irk, but lie insists tlmt lie is perfectly T. 11. McLain Presents a Perfect One w ell. The president ought to know. For 1884. Trade is dull. W. <). FVI.I.KIL.Ik., KDITO n Butler hn« exited. Our book oiler is meeting with intteli ■' z I: ~ i i £ ' A MODERN PAPER. FREE! favor. \V e again call attention to il Shall you keep a diary ? and invite readers to work for some of THE C.-G. WEATHER PROFIT the exeellen! books. Gen. Ilanro k is In California nml is re Be Sure and Bead This if you Want a Book ------------ ceiving mm li npplnnse. Or Every Man His Own Almanaxer Herr I.a-ker, tlie German statesman, of Any Kind. It is said that a Texas man has pine inxaur died suddenly in New York Saturday i 7 -r •* /. r c 71 r tc t i c from rending Talmage's sermons. front heart disease, lie bail engaged ' • ‘ — -* -f> C-. 51 -* JO Tt The Finest Chance yet offered to Obtain the Best Liter pn.senge for liomu and was lo have sailed 5 S js § j g ’g •« ,§ g We advise (Jen. Sherman to move liia family in a few days. out of St. Ix)iil«. It i« 1111 unlucky place ature W ithout Investing a Cent of Money. ?Iii; J j;§ 8 Thr publishers of T h e Co i u ik r -G azim : have perfected arrangement* w ith publishers The present spell of weather is ono of Matthew Arnold finds much in thia eonntrv IN JANCAI’.T W» MUTE. tliat lie doesn’t like. So sorry, you know. which cnnblc them to offer n serlcsjof Imok premiums lo Betters n|<of i lobs to this jw i«r. the coldest known in Maine for many These books are nil standard works o f the liest authors, handsomely printed mid substantially .Tnn nary h pi Icnlly a month of cold bound in cloth. years, lee men are partieularly merry We offer them to men, women, (toys or girls who may net ns our npents in scrnrbig subscrib weather. A nmntn o f Flannel. George Francis Train threatens to start a and busy, and only hope lic it the frig id ity ® § il 8 K 3 = 8 3 Z-; » 8 ers to this pnpor, ns n return for their labor. We do not offer them ns premiums lo new suli- What mat) I. there whn breathes iqain thi. sstili. paper. We knew those red sunsets jHirtended srrilierF, only to those who work lor us ns canvassers. The discounts given us liv publishers K'cn though lie liave ilia fondue.. of a tlaniel. may not |M>rtunnenlly extend to other » S ?j S it s 5 i S . something awful. permit us to offer bnrgnlns in this direction, so tlm t by n few hours' effort on the purl o f a. can Would over dure to let III. mind give hinli vasser he enn secure lirst-elnss Isooks i lint would cost him n large amount in cash. To tbonglit. tiiut he Is latter Ilnui warm flannel. stnb'H. Now Beecher threniets 10 vote tlie demo For Instance—wc would pay a canvasser 50 cents cash commission for a new .92 subsrrllicr. fRKIIICTtllXX. By our book arrangement we pay him .<$1.50. .fudge Harrows, whose term expires cratic ticket. Well, well, well,—now the <>K Try it- Two or throe subscribers me not difficult to obtain. TwoO months names nt SI January will lirgln on New Year's day ami | man is getting off. count ns one subscriber, or four 3 months nt 50 cents. Money must in nil cases neeouipuiiy the continue without intermission until alsiut thr March 2l. writes Chief ditslieo Peters names. We mention some o f the premiums which we offer: flret of February. There will la- much frigid tliat lie will decline a reappointment, 'flic matlirninilnd curiosity known ns mag A correspondent o f the Imndou .Ysirs writes weather at tic, opening of the month, which dustlee Barrows has been on the Heneli ic .-<|inoe, lias attracted the Attention o f inntlic- tlia t lie called ti|a>n Aratii I’neha. mid f'inrd w ill lie varied by eoldtiess all through its 21 years. It is thought. Win. I.. Pnt- inntieians for a long time. As long Ago ns him sittingon a veranda. There is something length. About tills time look out lo r snow ,nam of Portland, a democrat, will he 1GU3, this Kiilijvet wit- diseimscd in a work very singular nliout that. LIBRARY OF UNIVERSAL OOWLERGE. w ith more or less lee. Considerable wind w ill his successor. published in Purls, tint tlie example given in A Reprint of Chamber’s Encyclopaedia. lie wasted—valuable wind w lilili m ight with — *•» — Unit work was not n perfect magic square. Many New York indies furnished their new Fifteen ;Afire octavo volume* of nearly 900 pngu* each. ' opiou*ly Illustrated. It embrace* over great economy lie saved u n til the presidential Tlie peenl int ity o f these sqnitres is tlm t the year callers coffee instead o f wine. ColT.c 47,000 Tiller*, living a verbatim reprint of the latent London edition of Chamber’* Encyclopaedia (the V innlhuven Inis a new weekly paper, great, merit of which in universally acknowledged), with over 18,000 title* added covering American campaign opens. Now the liirtncr shoul I eoiiimns added verlienlly. horizontally or diag agrees with some people lietter, though their MuhjoctA, the whole under one alphabetical nrrungement. The type i* large and clear and the binding cordially ling the lire and lav bis plans for started by O. I*. Lyons and C. 11. onally, nmniint to the sntnc sum, mid columns arc heads tliat can't stand even entree. bandeoir.e and durable. Price per pet $15. Given for 12 name*. next spring’s planting, it is an excellent iilen Healey. Il will lie published Fridays. lim y lie transformed from nnv side to the oppo to let the plows and other agricultural Imple The liis t issue is full of snap and inter site one without destroying tills rotation. “ Kit as 11 ra t" is the latest Loudon slang, ments Rtny where they are, burled tin ler the Dickens's Complete Works, est and promises well for tile future. These squares nre not 11 mere elinnee arrange ami it menus that a tnuii is in tine physical snow. It Is a false Idea o f political economy condition. There is something nnwstily In 15 volume*, illuatrated. The entire works* of thi* master of Engliedi fiction. Published by the well- I l is ealled 77i, IFt/tiL may she ment o f nuinhcrs, hut nre nindc from an a rith known hou*e of E*tc« fc Lauriat, Benton. Set such as retail* at $12 and $15. to dig out a rusty plow In the dead o f winter metical series, and are in accordance with 11 prettv about English slang, doneliuktiow. liio w . W e offer it for only 8 name*. and seek to tinniest irate it in the fam ily k it law. just ns miieli ns the development o f tlie .— _ chen. Cider about this time is very ripe ami binomial theorem. Complaint Is made that men do not know Scott’s Waverley Novels, tastes good. Also the frstivc Baldwin apple. The trial of Wilkinson, who shot A form of constructing magic squares when how to liold Inihiea. Tlie complaint cornea In 12 volume*, and printed from plat/- of an edition that sold a year ago at $.'J0 a set. The volume* con* Look out for water-pipes. Take them ill at the nutnlier o f cells on a side is odd, inis been from the editress o f a wouiun's rights piurnat. lain each over 900 page* and are finely and profusely illustrated. PolicQinnti Lawrence in Hath last lull, night and hang them up behind the parlor quite generally known, lm t the ti ne method o f Wc don't know us tlie matter interests her. Given for 10 name*. was ended in tliat city, Saturday, by a stove. A new comet w ill »>c seen tills month— constructing perfect squares is o f recent date, verdict of murder in tlie lirst degree. Thackeray’s Complete Works, several o f them, in fact,—by the hired man and was discovered by lio n . Josiah Scott, It seems sad to think o f John Imngfeltow wlm goes out by the wieril light of early dawn Lnwreneti will probably enjoy the privi Sullivan getting into 11 drunken street fight in In 11 volume*, each over 800 page*. The *ct include* over 200 iUu*irationrt by the author and other Judge o f the Supreme Court o f Ohio. When artist*. The binding 1* very handsome, extra cloth, black and gold design*.