Rockland Gazette : June 20, 1861
IncM anh © ajettr, giroft atiij (Jub. PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY EVErfINO,BT Having made large additions to our former variety o JOHN PORTER & SON PLAIN AND PANOY Office, No. 5 <Custom-House Block, J O B T 3T , We are dow prepared to execute with nratkrm and dim patch, every dbhcbiption of Job Work, such as t e r m s . Cirouiars, BUI-Heads, Cards, Blanks, If paid strictly in advance—pet annum, S1.50 Catalogues^ Programmes, If payment is delayed 6 mos. 4‘ 1,75 If not paid till the close of the year, 2,00 Shop Buis, Labels, Auotion and Hand O ’ No paper will be discontinued until all arbbaba- B ill.. tie ., tic * o eh are paid, unless at the option of the puplisher. Particular attention paid to O* Single copies, three cents —for the office, P K lN l’l ’tG i n C O L O R S , rr?* All letters and communications to he adure a B R O N Z IN G , tic . The American Eagle flaps his Wings. A letter from a shipmaster in Boston to his was not charged, showing alack of that kind road, helpless and dying, with his head shaved lars with a section of Totton's Light Artillery Liberty aud Luion, ft'ow mid Forever TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. of ammunition. and his ears and nose out oil’. His crime was and a battalion of the 1st regiment of volun One and Inseparable."’ George Francis Train at it Again.—The ir brother in New York, under date of June G being of Northern birth.
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