The News of the Week
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• m 5* ‘V v BLIZZARD A COMPLETE ROUT. PERSONAL AND LITERARY. that Harrison received 142,<92 totes; DAKOTA NEWS. MAYTIJ* TROUBLES. DEATH IN THE Cleveland, 1D4.3X5; Fisk. 15,811. Harrison’s the British and its Gun-Hosts Bombard Cape Fifteen Lives Reported l.ost In a Fierce fin Engagement Between Mr. Van Alstyne, hwtier known grew, The News plurality, fS.lor lias Wwept Over Forres at ftuaklm The Rebels hymn Conutg of the Week. Mono Which Arab popular Haytl, Doing Much l)«in>(« to the Miss Fanny Crosby, tho Hand Charles Wililitb'*residence nt Hitugh- Caused Gales Defeated, Heavy Loss- ALLIANCE. st Suffering Badly and with FARMERS’ Town, •ml Killing• Number tot People urh —.Furious writer, wan born in IH2JJ, and has boon KKFHART * IELD, PubHsßsrs. BY TELEGRAPH AND MAIL. Ville. Ind., was wrecked no the 19lh by an In tha Mouth and Fast. and Wounded The BUSHY ißditlnm Made at th* —Tlielr Fire Krturned »nd They Are Over 400 Killed explosion of nxtural ga«, shd Mrs. Wilhite ti., Can., Dec. IS.—Canada has Slight. blind from FIFTIETH CONGRESS* Keren! Meeting la Jamestown. to Monthi! British Lose - Farced Retreat. - PAgfJTA fstaliy Injured MTT.T.ffit Was been visited by a fearful blizzard with a London, Dec. 21. Dispatches front —Mrs, Iwo C. Harby, of Houston, lew< HtnlM. Tne wife of David Harris, n Herman At the Dakota Farmers’ Alliance held Ntw York, Dec I#. —Paaaenger* on the consequence President Loucks heavy fall of snow. In the Buakim give tho details of a combined au fox., is a Southern writer, whoso tal- Monday. L>«c. 17. —to the Senate a farmer residing near Brazil, lnd., gave n Jamestown recently steamer Saginaw which arrived here re ads has been with train service on all tho tack upon the rebel position by the British jnt has hocuino known to tho Robert Savill, the man who first statement was presented from citizens of birth to three bov babes on the I9tb. The s-aa presented a gold badge. The Tueaday afternoon from Han Domingo re- here lately discussed, greatly delayed. Traius between and and forces. They stormed the Orangeburg County. C., declaring flrteen question of prohibition was port that on December 5 Legitime's men- miles, have Egyptian North through her grucoful versos In hit upon the idea of using tickets for 8. that mother It but years old. Quebec, a distance of only IN) and trenches, and after a brilliant they had been prevented from exercising Whilr handling an old army rifle which ind Anally the reeolution that “We roc- of war bombarded Cape iiayti, after grant- redoubts Eastern fares, died in England recently. been unable to get through for a whole engagement lasting half an hour drove the magazines. the right of suffrage last month, and pe- he anpposed wus unloaded, John Bluodon, immeml that u law prohibiting the manu- ing thirty-ala hours' time for Conaula and for wmmmm—rnmmm—mmmm day. Two trains which left here Que- enemy iuto the bush, scoring a complete —Mrs. Elizabeth ,J Hereford, a Texas titioning the Senate to make Investiga- of Augusta, Ha., accidentally facture and sale of intoxicating liquors other foreigners to leave the place. About at an shot and ” Monday not arrived there Franklin Fairbanks, “the scale ,n was A bec night had victory Tho British treops are now on- a tion of affaire there. The Tariff hill was killed bis twelve-year-old daughter Mug- the Territory adopted. rcaolu- fifty ahota were bred. The natives ww« passengers are suf- poetess who has recently issued vol- " last accouut", and the man." finds an outlet for his surplus further lon was adopted that the Aus- ficemg to mountains when the Hagiuu cainpcd in the rebel position. considered. A bill was Introduced gie into 19th. the «r very much from the cold. Commu ume of poemson titled "Hebei Rhymes,” milling spirits ralian of voting lering The British lost four men killed and two is csdcrisg -rorthy isstita- tw auutUh special taxes un distilled A unsxT religious revival was going rn system bo recommend- sailed. many poiuts has also is said to be a lineal descendant of Sir for the Territory." four or nication between wounded daring a gallant cavalry charge. tiona at the places where the goods are deliv- am ng the colore 1 ixiojlo of Jtfferaon- 'id Resolutions also Tho gun-boats dropped anchor the eutire day. Scott, Some ___________ been cut off during blac regiments charged Walter of Mrs. Hereford’s ered by the carrier to the vendee. In the villc, Ind, on the 19th, conducted ly a were passed calling for division on seventh five miles off the shore, lying broadside to The Egyptian and k Iron Boucberville, a little below tho them brilliantly, verst* has been considered boautifut. Morning begins, terrestrial chronol- House a reaolut on was adopted providing white aeventeou old, nauie I oaratlel and calling for the next Legislature the town. The guns of the.e vessels were the trenches and carried lad years city, there comes a terr.ble story Mon- men killed and thirty Ground- reckon, thirty that a receas be taken from December 21 Harvey Smith. to call constitutional conventions and con- at first charged with blank cartridges losing two Hrot llarte, the author, is in hits oglste two hundred and day afternoon six farmers, Vian, I.a- officers injured in IP to January 7. Bills wero introduced to Tbs wifeof Dr. Myers, of Stevens Point, temning trusts and combinations. It was which were shot off as auotice of the war ed. The only the has been miles west of the coast of Chili, at fiamme, Michaud, Naud, P.che and Trudel, were Egyptians. The fiftieth year. He writing grant | ensions of 412 a month to aoldiers Wlx, sh->t herself with fatal effect on the also rccommended that the Territory loan like intention of the fleet The people fled tacking force two Easter Island. two accompanied by their wives, an I oth- placed Osman Digna’s since early in tho sixties, when ho and sailors of the late war whi had 19th Family disagreements caused her to counties, to loan to farmer* for seed, Into the hills taking with them as much of rebel loss is at F». ers by their sons, left home with team Emir of Trinkitat, aud twelvo number of poems and war reached tha sge of fifty years; to enable suic de. She wss twenty years old. wheat, where frosted out, at seven per their proi erty as they could carry. Mules nephew, the printed a loads of Christmas i roduct to bring to the captured. All are Mm Julia Rhinelander is the lat- the (aople to choose their cwn post- at Bussell, destroyed a nun ?ent interest. A resolution recommend- in great demand, and as the supply dervishes have been lyrics in the San Francisco papers. Fihr Kan , were city the frozen river. Boon tho storm great ing change to the supervisor system fifty sixty, cm wounded. est competitor for the honor of being masters; to divide the Sioux reser- her of business houses on the 19th. a was limited to or fabulous fury and the ice Previous to this time bo had been a prevailed. by came down in all its The battle was opened at 4.30 o'clock in the richest American She vation in Dakotx Into smaller reserva- Koch of the negro participants in the re- from that of a commission prices were puid for their use the began to spinster. which had but recently formed morning the man of-war Kacer, compositor. tions. A Joint resolution sva< Introduced o*nt tragedy at Wahalak. Miss., were over- wealthy residents, iu some instances fIUU the by possesses millions in Na>v York real breuk up. During the night at various the enemy’s trenches, proposing an amendment to the constitu- DIVISION AND ADMISSION. being paid use of one of the ' which began shelling —Whittier is eighty-one years old ostate. taken by armed men on the 19th, who shot for the pont* on the river heart reudtng tion defining polygamy and making it un- the three. animals for one afternoon. Those of the l'he forts joinod in and the ships up coast and is two years older than Oliver one dead and bangn I other An Kni Inis astir Mtatrhood Mass Meeting were hoard above ibe fury of the lawful at any place In the jurisdiction of I poorer mules preferred screams followed suit und landed men who Westing hoi: se, inventor of the air- Maiitix Broca's Ik use nea.' Hunting llrhl At sjAIIIFStOWIt. classes who owned w ml. No tr»oe or tidings of the unfortn Wendell Holmes, Whittier was visit- the United Biate or of any statu ton, on hiring them out to usi-ig them to save lighted fires and placod dummies in ¦ W. Va., was dei-troycd bv Arc the Over two thousand citizens of James- nate people have been found and no ing friends in Boston recently, but it. brake, once offered to sell his patent Tuesday, Dec. lA—The Tariff bill was own goods position. This had tho effect of de- 19th, and two of his children and hts town County met mass their doubts are entertained but all found a in outright for twenty thousand dollars. further discussed in the Senate. li.lls mother and Htjjtsman in At the expiration of tho thirty-six hours ceiving the enemy coming from H.iudouh. was observed thut even corn puny ho |>erished in the flames.