The People's Candidate for President, 1872, George Francis Train
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| | | \\\0. DESIN). * - I II inillum " II, II Hill \ . - * | | | | . *… ; * * \ - c , | - .. i. | - "RES11DENT, 1872, i THE PEOPLE's* C is in DAT 1: Fok * . GED. FRANCIS TRAIN. * - * JUSTICE TO ALL. * -vy "... .* .... - r oil, aristocracy A acknowledge, is the aristocracy Honest Labor, Antellect "Ae hat / - and - | J/orahti. G. F. V. • | WE, PEOPLE, 1, | - THE NOT THE KING. f When wilt thou save the people? God! Say" the people' thine they are, - Oh, God of mercy, when? Thy cliedren as thine angles fair; - The People! Lord, the People ! Save then, om misrule and despair | crowns, - people. | - Not thrones and | but Men 1 God save the * *- - * * G. F. i. * | - *-. -f* ti f-|| ! - - *TE LTE EPIEECDEPLE's C.A.N.D.I.D.A.T.E. For President, | - 1872, | THE COMING FRESIDENT. * T H E M A V 0 F D F S I / Wy F | F. S. T c A M P A a N G UN - WICTORY, 1872? Six Million Votes, Nov. 12, for the Child of Fate. TRAIN AND THE PEOPLE AGAINST GRANT AND THE THIEVES. Associated with Mr. TRAIN in the Credit Foncter of America, are one hundred of the wealthiest men in the country, which is the nucleus of the White House Pool to form * . the People's Ring that elects the President in 1872, … O - * * * , P I G R A M. : . –3 f * \, T H E B G U L E C A L L . \ By GEORGE FRANCIS TRAIN. \ , h, help my country save; , ! While editors and politicians sneer # fraud! t At earthquake in seventy-two, \ , my partner,£ party's Be '' not £slave. The volcan action#:of a people's cheer you God be with ! Praise the Lord! Shows that the nation's up, heart is true. people ... Wake ! Shnash the Itings f Hallelujah to Death Kings 1 Halleluja'i to Death Kings 1 up, Wake voters! Smash the Rings 1 to dead heads Church or Press, Hear that spiritual army: hark I Conventions everywhere: Death to hypocrite, thief and liar; Corruptionists in great distress; Petcr the Hermit 1 £ of | Joan Arc engaged in Preachers prayer. Cleanse the stables with prairie fire. up, people ! Wake Smash the Rings I up, people? Wake Down with Kings f party / to Down with Death Kings / . Hallelujah 1 Smash the Rings : Off guns! out flags] ring is bells! shout The storm passing ! hail the sun boys 1 Rise, a run little faster. [Hosanna | © The Rainbow circles all the sky, Help me save our noble banner; Man's God-like race is not yet run, Help me smash the party plaster. Virtue decrees that vice must die. up, people ! to ake Death Kings / party Down with Smash the Rings 1 A Hallelujah Break the Rings / up, people / Wake Death to Kings' Official rats you see are running; - Fire the Resolution gun; . - Clear the track the TRAIN is coming, w begun. - The Reformation has - * * --> up, people 1 to Wake Death Kings t -- . -- ~~- . -- Halleluj Smash the Rings; # - | Is it possible to elect a President who does not drink, smoke, chew, swear, | gamble, lie, cheat, steal, who never held public office, never played the dema | gogue, who has always been right on great national questions, and who believes he is an instrument in the hands of some mysterious power, to emancipate the people from the slavery of Party and the Fanaticism of ages, and who challenges - any one to find a blemish on his reputation? All the world talks TRAIN to-day. He holds the Press in one hand with his Fifty Thousand Dollar libel suit for calling him a lunatic, and the Pulpit already is patting him on the shoulder. A few weeks more, and both Preacher and Editor will listen to the voice of the People embodied in this Man of Destiny. The Publisher of this campaign book saw him for two years at the Bowery, Tam many, and Wood's Museum, Sunday after Sunday, hammer away all alone at the Frauds of the Sachems, when no New York paper would notice him, except to call him the infernal names they have done for years. As his speeches, pub lished in the journals of the day, are Public Property, I have gathered together all I can find in the Exchanges, to let Mr. TRAIN speak for himself. While your so-called Statesmen are retailing their dull, stupid platitudes on the Lecture Rostrum for a Hundred or Five Hundred successive nights, this collection will give the lie to the last slander, that Mr. TRAIN is always reporting himself. Here are some two score of different speeches since his return from Europe, published as I in papers. find them the- JOHN WESLEY NICHOLS, Presidential Photographer to the next President of America. Presidential Headquarters, Train League, | Broadway, * 735 New York. d"t 2," T & 3 ow THE PEOPLE'S CANDLI)ATE FOR PRESIDENT, L872, . G E O R. G. E. F. R A NO I S T RA H N. * - Ah, well, the world is discreet, There are plenty to pause and wait; But here is a man who sets his feet, Sometimes, in advance o//ale / —La Presse, France. o Ponor Francis TRAIN. lia, introducing stage coaches, railways, telegraphs, f and Fourth July Hi, Bilti-in Autting th/, celebrations. 1853–Nov. 5–Declined Presidency s# Australian Republic tendered by Ballarat Revolutionists—Refused “1830–March 24–Born Boston. seat in Legislature for Marysbor 1834—Father, mother, three sisters ough—First letters Boston Post, died yellow fever, New Or New York Herald, Hunt's Mer leans. chants' Magazine. 1842—Five years college life in 1853–Attended grand St. Patrick Holmes' grocery store,Cambridge Dinner Smith O'Brien and John port, Massachusetts. Martin—after Meagher and Mit 1844–Clerk Enoch Train & Co.'s chell's escape. Boston and Liverpool Packets, 1855–Nov. 5–Grand banquet from growing up McKay clipper with citizens on embarking first voy ships. age round the world. 1849—Established Liverpool firm 1856–First book published, by Put Train & Co.; and organized pre nam, New York—Sampson, Low paid passenger business and & Co., London—“Young Ameri ca. small bills of exchange through Abroad.” Europe out and America. 1857—Published “Young America in 1850—Admitted partner, having man Wall Street.” “Young America agement on Slavery.” “Spread Eagle # Boston house. Married October 5th, Louisville, Ky. ism.” 1853–May 3–Established house 1858–Negotiated bonds Atlantic and F. & George Train Co. (having . Great Western Railroad, receiv one hundred thousand tons ship ing one hundred thousand- dol ning vearlv), Melbourne, Aastra: 4. '''“: Târs commissions. 4 THE PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT, 1872, 1859–Built first street Railway in ists over Union Pacific R. R.— Europe at Birkenhead. Built Cozzens Hotel, Omaha, in 1860–Built street Railways, London, sixty days—Ten houses Credit Staffordshire Potteries, Darling Foncier land. Made Nebraska a ton. State. 1861–Gave banquet to Parliament 1867–Escorted Congressional and ed and Press—Lionized by aristoc itorial parties to the Rocky Moun- . racy—Espoused Union Cause— tains. Obtained nine thousand Hundred debates – Established votes in Kansas for women. London American—Found guilty 1868–January—Gave Susan B. An of nuisance—Railways destroyed thony fifteen thousand dollars to ==Sloman's Sponging House and start the Revolution. Embarked White Cross street jaii—Union for Europe. Arrested at Queens speeches throughout America, Pe town—Ten months in three jails terson publisher—Grand testimo —Half a million claim. Libera nials, Boston and Philadelphia, ted Nagle and Jacknel men. In- . Republicans epigrams. Special from and- Demo vented corre - crats. spondent World. Declined Con 1862–June–Tried for manslaughter gress. – Distinguished men, Sunday 1869–Commenced, Jan'y 5th, 1,000 t breakfasts—Embarked for Boston public addresses—People's candi Occupied date for President. Tenth of -— Madison Avenue- mansion, New York. May on first train over the Pa - 1862–Ovation on landing at Boston cific Road. Twenty-eight suc —Five hundred lecture invita cessive speeches at San Francis tions—Knocked down in Faneuil co—Eighty on the Pacific coast. Hall, July, Sumner meeting — Newport villa erected. Debate, Cassius M. Clay—Shot 1870-–Continued Presidential cam at in Dayton—Arrested at St. paign. Embarked second voyage Louis by Curtis—Escaped assas round world August 1, from San sination, Alton—Bayoneted, Da Francisco-—Arrived at Marseilles venport—Commenced Japan, China, India, Kansas -Pa zia and Suez cific Railway. Canal, October 20th. Made chief 1863–Gold speculations, Wall street Ligue Du Midi. Recalled Cluse —Organized Union Pacific Rail ret. Narrowly escaped assassina road–Obtained original capital, tion. Secretly incarcerated at two millions—Passed Bill, Con Lyons by Gambetta. Poisoned gress, with Democratic votes— in the Bastile. Liberated No Broke ground, Omaha, Dec. 2, vember 26th. Mission from Gam 1863. (See Pick in Co.'s office.) betta to England and America. 1864–Organized Credit Mobelier, capi Gladstone correspondence on tal $10,000,000. Obtained dona American Fenians. Arrival in tion of Land Grants for Company America on Christmas. Impris at Omaha. Delegate Chicago oned at Chicago in March. Jail Convention — Refused admit reforms. tance, and carried Pennsylvania. 1871—Ovation at Memphis, April 5th. through Council of Eagles. Ova Six hundredth and seventieth tion from Republicans. Presidential mass meeting, Wood's 1865–Organized Credit Foncier, with Theatre, N. Y., June 25th. Em one hundred millionaires copart barked, s. s. “Atlantic,” with ners. Addressed first Fenian family, for Europe, July 1st. Convention, Philadelphia, “Pay Grand ovations, Lectures, and or Fight” Platform. Bought Independent Public Meetings, in five thousand lots in Omaha, one Ireland, England, France and thousand in Council Bluffs, seven Switzerland.—Accused of burn thousand in Columbus. ing Chicago through Internation 1866–Escorted Senatorial excursion als—spreading Small-Poxthrough - * GEORGE FRANCIS TRAIN.