
This document was created by Alex Yartsev ([email protected]); if I have used your data or images and forgot to reference you, please email me.


Lateral pectoral Anterior compartment of the arm: Biceps, coracobrachialis, brachialis Skin over the lateral forearm, once it becomes cutaneous in the cubital fossa

Anterior compartment of the forearm: EXCEPT for the ulnar part of flexor digitorum profundis Thenar muscles: EXCEPT adductor pollicis and the deep part of flexor pollicis brevis First and second lumbricals

Skin on the medial surface of arm up to the elbow MedialLateral cutaneous cord: nerve of arm ƒ Skin on the medial surface of forearm up to the elbow Medial cutaneousƒ MUSCULOCUTANEOUS nerve of forearm NERVE ƒ lateral root of MEDIAN NERVE Medial pectoral nerve and sternocostal part of pectoralis major o Medial cord forms ƒ Intrinsic muscles of the hand, EXCEPT 1st and 2nd lumbricals and three of ƒ the thenar muscles Flexor carpi ulnaris Ulnar half of the flexor digitorum profundis to the pinky and ring fingers

Upper subscapular nerve Superior half of subscapularis ƒ medial root of MEDIAN NERVE Inferior half of subscapularis AND teres major Lowerƒ subsca medialpular pectoralnerve nerve ƒ medial cutaneous nerveGlenohumeral of arm joint ƒ medial cutaneous nerveTeres of minorforearm Deltoid ƒ ULNAR NERVE Skin over the deltoid

RADIAL NERVE ALL MUSCLES IN THE POSTERIOR COMPARTMENT OF THE ARM AND FOREARM Ski over posterior and inferolateral forearm Some of the dorsum of the hand o o Latissimus Dorsi o o Posterior cord forms: Serratus anterior

Dorsal scapular nerve Rhomboids; Supraclavicular branches levator scapulae

Subclavius and Nerve to subclavius sternoclavicular joint

Suprascapular nerve Supraspinatus Infraspinatus Glenohumeral joint