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~Oo ~'''% ;-;~,\<:;r;.C/fJJ¡"" " ;;:..¡ .11."":. , ...~oo,.- ~.~ '/,;0../'~' ",,191"'" , 4 4( <~ 11;;;~ I :.: ~Ur:m:.;A ~ , \l'; 'oCl<' í}YIroQe s;.'~~~I ',' ," ZOOLOGISCHE MEDEDELINGEN ~~~,. UITGEGEVEN DOOR HET RIJKSMUSEUM VAN NATUURLIJKE HISTORIE TE LEIDEN (MINISTERIE VAN CULTUUR, RECREA TIE EN MAA TSCHAPPELIJK WERK) Deel41 no. 13 27 juli 1966 ~_.,~~--~ HEMICYCLOPS THALASSIUS NOV. SPEC. (COPEPODA, CYCLOPOIDA) FROM MAR DEL PLATA, WITH REVISIONARY NOTES ON THE FAMILY CLAUSIDIIDAE by - e W.VERVOORT Rij ksmuseum van N atuurlijke Historie, Leiden, the N etherlands and FERNANDO RAMIREZ Instituto de Biologia marina, Mar del Plata, Argentina INTRODUCTION The discovery of a new species of H emicyclops, found pelagicalIy in Argentine coastal waters, has made it necessary for us to summarize the . descriptions of the species of H emicyclops Boeck, 1872. In the course of our ¡ i investigation, t~e results oí which are laid down is this paper, it became ! Ii necessary to construct a new key íor the identiíication oí the genera oí Ji Clausidiidae, which will be presented below. We have thought it advisable í ¡ to state very briefly the position oí the genera, basing ourseIves mainly on ~ the recent review oí this family by Bocquet & Stock (1957). We refrain, i I at the present stage, from presenting diagnoses oí all genera. Many species I are commensals or parasites of Invertebrates and the number oí known Ií species has considerably increased during the last years, a process which . seems íar from having come to an end at the present moment. The con- ceptions of generic units, therefore, are very likely to be unstable íor some time to come. CLAUSIDIIDAE Embleton, 19°1 The family name Clausidiidae has been suggested by Embleton (1901, 213) to replace the oIder name Hersiliidae Canu (1888: 792), the pre- occupied name of the type genus, Hersilia Philippi (1839: 128), being replaced by Clausidium Kossm~nn (1874: II). In this family we have, besides the type genus Clausidium Kossmann, . eont'rI .b U(:OO' C:"¡}.!.. ;~I (:. ~~ ,.", ,) ; : 7'"'" ~ r..~, f~4 ~ t", ~ !".~.".:: ~~ ~,. .~. J.,~." T l. .1' ,,;..J f..' v'. '1..,.,.. " '.., ''.~ ,l.' t ,.-.:. ,. '8A 1\1cr del Plata ArgenttnqJ, .- -- - 4"'\... 3 J N°. t .J 196 ZOOLOGISCHE MEDEDELINGEN 41 (1966) admitted the following genera: Conchyliurus Bocquet & Stock (I95T 215), Giardella Canu (I888a: 409), Hemicyclops Boeck (1872: 42), Hersiliodes Can u (I888a: 417), Hippomolgus G. O. Sars (1917: 147), Leptinogaster Pelseneer (1929: 37), Myzomolgus Bocquet & Stock (I957a: 4II), and Pseudopsyllus T. Scott (1902: 471). There are, l11oreover, three genera of '- very uneertain status, viz., Goidelia Embleton (1901: 2II), Paurocope Brady .. ',. (1899: 46), and Saphirella T. Seott (1894: 126). The generic name Hersi- liopsis has been used by Blake in the combination H ersiliopsis welshi Blake ;. (1925: 315). No deseriptions or figures have ever been published of this genus or specles; both l11ust therefore be considered l1ol11ina nuda. ~'- Clausidium Kossl11ann, 1874 , ;.. SynonY111s:H ersilia Philippi, 1839 (preoccupied by H ersilia Audouin, 1826: 114), andv . p seudohersilia Strand (19I4: 163; type: Hersilia (ClausidiulIl) vancouverensis Haddon). Type, by 1110notypy:Hersilia apodiformis Philippi (1839: 128, pl. 4 fig. 9-11) (= '-., ClattSidium testuJo Kossmann, 1874: 291, pl. 6). Further species: 0.,- Clausidium californiense C. B. Wilson (1935: 785, pl. 29 fig. 56-68); '4. ~: Binoculus caudatus Say (1818: 437); rv Clausidium chelatum Pillai (1959: 4, 62, fig. 3-4); 4- e Clausidium dissimile C. B. Wilson (1921: 427, pl. 94-95); r:;.. Clausidiul1t searsi C. B. Wilson (1937: 208, fig. 7-17); ~r' Q:; Clausidium senegalense Humes (1957: 485, fig. 1-23); C,i~ If, Claus2:dium tenax H umes (1949: 93, pl. 1-3) ; ~- o Clausidium travaJ1Corcnse Pillai (1959: 57, fig. 1, 2), and r: Hcrsilia. (ClausidiwJ/) 'vancouvcrcnsis Haddon (1912: 84, pl. 2). ;;... v ..r:: Conchyliurus Bocquet & Stock, 1957 "'" 4-.,.... Type, by monotypy: Conchyliur1tSsolensis Bocquet & Stock (1957; 218, fig. 4-5). ~v Further species: ro ¡::; ___~'h - COl1chyliurus bombasticus Reddiah (1961: 300, fig. 1-3); I Conchyliunls cardii cardii Gooding (1957: 213, fig. 6); --.1 ~l(,), Conch}'liurus cardii tapetis Bocquet & Stock (1958: 317, fig. Id, 2a, e, ct t:. 3c, 4f-h, 5d-e, g). v. "C. Conch:yliurus gracilis Reddiah (1961: 306, fig. 4-6); ¡:: r: Conchyliurus fragilis Pillai (1963: 238, fig. 16-34); "'@ COl1chyliurus lobatus Humes & Cressey (1958: 926, fig. 4°-47); ¡:: .¡:s Conchyliunls maximus Reddiah (1961a: 138, fig. 1-3); (f; Conchyliurus quintus Tanaka (1961: 258, pl. 27 fig. 7-9, pl. 28 fig. 1-8, h pl. 29 fig. 1-7), and V :D Conchyliunts toro sus Humes & Cressey (1958: 921, fig. 1-39). r: e r " VERVOORT & RAMIREZ, HEM1CYCLOPS THALASSIUS NOV. SPEC. 197 ,-., m "c;j ¡... ::::> :>::: ~:> :> C!) ............:> "'O~t:: ~""" """')oo--it-f I-t ...... ..., -...... ............ .................. o S ::::>::: ............ ............ H u ;::3 V ++ ++++ ++ ...... V U") U") U") \O t-.. U") U") U") cu ~+ s:: +-' """""" """"""""" """""" "' ::a "" it'.. ;!d U --------- +++ + + + ++ + ---& U") U") U") \ñ U") U") U") U") 1"') U") '¡:: ~O ~~...... ~...... :.o tO ..........- t:: C'j :.< ('! ¡... v ++ + + ++ :.< ~~~...... .................. ...... O ~C'j ..., ..., ..., ..., o ..., v ~('! .... +++ + +++ v .....s:: ..., ..., .... .... .... + + ~~~~~~C!) "" "" '"v .... bj¡ .....C'j ('! ++ + + ++ ...... ~~...... ...... ~...... ...... ...... C!) O O O O O O t:: m b/) .... +++ + +++ ';jj ) v '1" O 00 O O O O +O + s::~ ~b/) O C'j ~~...... ...... v "'O::: 8 ~~...... ~~...... o ~...... ...... ...... ~...... ......e ¡... ...... 1"') 1"') ...... ...... """ v ++ + + ++ ............ 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" ~~.~ "'O Uu~ ~~~~~3'~ ~Gu~ :J:: ....¡ ~~~~~~* el)~t:: l'¡ 198 ZOOLOGISCIIE ~fEDEDELINGEN 41 (1966) > » > ~~ »>...... »»......¡ j ~~¡ (~¡"""'¡¡"""'¡¡"""'¡¡ (~)oo-.;~P""""'It--1I-ot~H t-I I-ot I-ot ~ or; ++++++++++++++++ +++++ u "11')"11')11')"11'),,-0-0 ""11') 11')11'){'-. 11') 11') ,r¡ 11') ~- " e ¡:., ~1--i1-1r--tI-1t-1H~I-1I--1Ht--4HI-otHH ¡..-¡H t-I ¡..-¡r--t N u~ ++++++++++++++++ +++++ ~ H I-i I-i ~ I-i I-i I-i I-i I-i I-i H I-i I-i I-i ~ I-i I-i ~ - 1"""1 HHHHHI-IHI--jHHr-tHI--tHHt-I HHt-IH¡"-" ,~ N ++++++++++++++++ +++++ a tJJ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o "-\...¡ ~. "" .:::: ¡ ¡HH ~ HHHHHHHHI-otHHI--IHHHH 1-1 1--1 HHHHHHHHI--tI--1I-otI-otHHHH¡¡ ¡¡ ¡HHHHHl--tt-ll--l HHHHt-I I--tP""""'lHHr--t¡ HHI-1HI-ot ..,..,t or; --. ++++++++++++++++ +++++ (V) (V) (V) or; ~ r0 r-r¿ C'Ij ("0 ~ (V') CV) M M rr; M f'I") 4-0 C"'J '0 '0 '0 '0 e "O ~ ;;? 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    The Journal of Threatened Taxa (JoTT) is dedicated to building evidence for conservaton globally by publishing peer-reviewed artcles OPEN ACCESS online every month at a reasonably rapid rate at www.threatenedtaxa.org. All artcles published in JoTT are registered under Creatve Commons Atributon 4.0 Internatonal License unless otherwise mentoned. JoTT allows unrestricted use, reproducton, and distributon of artcles in any medium by providing adequate credit to the author(s) and the source of publicaton. Journal of Threatened Taxa Building evidence for conservaton globally www.threatenedtaxa.org ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) Short Communication First record of ghost shrimp Corallianassa coutierei (Nobili, 1904) (Decapoda: Axiidea: Callichiridae) from Indian waters Piyush Vadher, Hitesh Kardani, Prakash Bambhaniya & Imtyaz Beleem 26 July 2021 | Vol. 13 | No. 8 | Pages: 19118–19124 DOI: 10.11609/jot.6109.13.8.19118-19124 For Focus, Scope, Aims, and Policies, visit htps://threatenedtaxa.org/index.php/JoTT/aims_scope For Artcle Submission Guidelines, visit htps://threatenedtaxa.org/index.php/JoTT/about/submissions For Policies against Scientfc Misconduct, visit htps://threatenedtaxa.org/index.php/JoTT/policies_various For reprints, contact <[email protected]> The opinions expressed by the authors do not refect the views of the Journal of Threatened Taxa, Wildlife Informaton Liaison Development Society, Zoo Outreach Organizaton, or any of the partners. The journal, the publisher, the host, and the part- Publisher & Host
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