~'''% ;-;~,\<:;r;.C/fJJ¡"" " ;;:..¡ .11."":. , ...~oo,.- ~.~ '/,;0../'~' ",,191"'" , 4 4( <~ 11;;;~ I :.: ~Ur:m:.;A ~ , \l'; 'oCl<' í}YIroQe s;.'~~~I ',' ," ZOOLOGISCHE MEDEDELINGEN ~~~,. UITGEGEVEN DOOR HET RIJKSMUSEUM VAN NATUURLIJKE HISTORIE TE LEIDEN (MINISTERIE VAN CULTUUR, RECREA TIE EN MAA TSCHAPPELIJK WERK) Deel41 no. 13 27 juli 1966 ~_.,~~--~ HEMICYCLOPS THALASSIUS NOV. SPEC. (COPEPODA, CYCLOPOIDA) FROM MAR DEL PLATA, WITH REVISIONARY NOTES ON THE FAMILY CLAUSIDIIDAE by - e W.VERVOORT Rij ksmuseum van N atuurlijke Historie, Leiden, the N etherlands and FERNANDO RAMIREZ Instituto de Biologia marina, Mar del Plata, Argentina INTRODUCTION The discovery of a new species of H emicyclops, found pelagicalIy in Argentine coastal waters, has made it necessary for us to summarize the . descriptions of the species of H emicyclops Boeck, 1872. In the course of our ¡ i investigation, t~e results oí which are laid down is this paper, it became ! Ii necessary to construct a new key íor the identiíication oí the genera oí Ji Clausidiidae, which will be presented below. We have thought it advisable í ¡ to state very briefly the position oí the genera, basing ourseIves mainly on ~ the recent review oí this family by Bocquet & Stock (1957). We refrain, i I at the present stage, from presenting diagnoses oí all genera. Many species I are commensals or parasites of Invertebrates and the number oí known Ií species has considerably increased during the last years, a process which . seems íar from having come to an end at the present moment. The con- ceptions of generic units, therefore, are very likely to be unstable íor some time to come. CLAUSIDIIDAE Embleton, 19°1 The family name Clausidiidae has been suggested by Embleton (1901, 213) to replace the oIder name Hersiliidae Canu (1888: 792), the pre- occupied name of the type genus, Hersilia Philippi (1839: 128), being replaced by Clausidium Kossm~nn (1874: II). In this family we have, besides the type genus Clausidium Kossmann, . eont'rI .b U(:OO' C:"¡}.!.. ;~I (:. ~~ ,.", ,) ; : 7'"'" ~ r..~, f~4 ~ t", ~ !".~.".:: ~~ ~,. .~. J.,~." T l. .1' ,,;..J f..' v'. '1..,.,.. " '.., ''.~ ,l.' t ,.-.:. ,. '8A 1\1cr del Plata ArgenttnqJ, .- -- - 4"'\... 3 J N°. t .J 196 ZOOLOGISCHE MEDEDELINGEN 41 (1966) admitted the following genera: Conchyliurus Bocquet & Stock (I95T 215), Giardella Canu (I888a: 409), Hemicyclops Boeck (1872: 42), Hersiliodes Can u (I888a: 417), Hippomolgus G. O. Sars (1917: 147), Leptinogaster Pelseneer (1929: 37), Myzomolgus Bocquet & Stock (I957a: 4II), and Pseudopsyllus T. Scott (1902: 471). There are, l11oreover, three genera of '- very uneertain status, viz., Goidelia Embleton (1901: 2II), Paurocope Brady .. ',. (1899: 46), and Saphirella T. Seott (1894: 126). The generic name Hersi- liopsis has been used by Blake in the combination H ersiliopsis welshi Blake ;. (1925: 315). No deseriptions or figures have ever been published of this genus or specles; both l11ust therefore be considered l1ol11ina nuda. ~'- Clausidium Kossl11ann, 1874 , ;.. SynonY111s:H ersilia Philippi, 1839 (preoccupied by H ersilia Audouin, 1826: 114), andv . p seudohersilia Strand (19I4: 163; type: Hersilia (ClausidiulIl) vancouverensis Haddon). Type, by 1110notypy:Hersilia apodiformis Philippi (1839: 128, pl. 4 fig. 9-11) (= '-., ClattSidium testuJo Kossmann, 1874: 291, pl. 6). Further species: 0.,- Clausidium californiense C. B. Wilson (1935: 785, pl. 29 fig. 56-68); '4. ~: Binoculus caudatus Say (1818: 437); rv Clausidium chelatum Pillai (1959: 4, 62, fig. 3-4); 4- e Clausidium dissimile C. B. Wilson (1921: 427, pl. 94-95); r:;.. Clausidiul1t searsi C. B. Wilson (1937: 208, fig. 7-17); ~r' Q:; Clausidium senegalense Humes (1957: 485, fig. 1-23); C,i~ If, Claus2:dium tenax H umes (1949: 93, pl. 1-3) ; ~- o Clausidium travaJ1Corcnse Pillai (1959: 57, fig. 1, 2), and r: Hcrsilia. (ClausidiwJ/) 'vancouvcrcnsis Haddon (1912: 84, pl. 2). ;;... v ..r:: Conchyliurus Bocquet & Stock, 1957 "'" 4-.,.... Type, by monotypy: Conchyliur1tSsolensis Bocquet & Stock (1957; 218, fig. 4-5). ~v Further species: ro ¡::; ___~'h - COl1chyliurus bombasticus Reddiah (1961: 300, fig. 1-3); I Conchyliunls cardii cardii Gooding (1957: 213, fig. 6); --.1 ~l(,), Conch}'liurus cardii tapetis Bocquet & Stock (1958: 317, fig. Id, 2a, e, ct t:. 3c, 4f-h, 5d-e, g). v. "C. Conch:yliurus gracilis Reddiah (1961: 306, fig. 4-6); ¡:: r: Conchyliurus fragilis Pillai (1963: 238, fig. 16-34); "'@ COl1chyliurus lobatus Humes & Cressey (1958: 926, fig. 4°-47); ¡:: .¡:s Conchyliunls maximus Reddiah (1961a: 138, fig. 1-3); (f; Conchyliurus quintus Tanaka (1961: 258, pl. 27 fig. 7-9, pl. 28 fig. 1-8, h pl. 29 fig. 1-7), and V :D Conchyliunts toro sus Humes & Cressey (1958: 921, fig. 1-39). r: e r " VERVOORT & RAMIREZ, HEM1CYCLOPS THALASSIUS NOV. SPEC. 197 ,-., m "c;j ¡... ::::> :>::: ~:> :> C!) ............:> "'O~t:: ~""" """')oo--it-f I-t ...... ..., -...... ............ .................. o S ::::>::: ............ ............ H u ;::3 V ++ ++++ ++ ...... V U") U") U") \O t-.. U") U") U") cu ~+ s:: +-' """""" """"""""" """""" "' ::a "" it'.. ;!d U --------- +++ + + + ++ + ---& U") U") U") \ñ U") U") U") U") 1"') U") '¡:: ~O ~~...... ~...... :.o tO ..........- t:: C'j :.< ('! ¡... v ++ + + ++ :.< ~~~...... .................. ...... O ~C'j ..., ..., ..., ..., o ..., v ~('! .... +++ + +++ v .....s:: ..., ..., .... .... .... + + ~~~~~~C!) "" "" '"v .... bj¡ .....C'j ('! ++ + + ++ ...... ~~...... ...... ~...... ...... ...... C!) O O O O O O t:: m b/) .... +++ + +++ ';jj ) v '1" O 00 O O O O +O + s::~ ~b/) O C'j ~~...... ...... v "'O::: 8 ~~...... ~~...... o ~...... ...... ...... ~...... ......e ¡... ...... 1"') 1"') ...... ...... """ v ++ + + ++ ............ 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O O O O O O s:: ++ + +++++ ...;::- C'j .... ..., ..., .... .... ..... ..., .... .... 10.."" + +++ 1::3 O .... .... + .... .... .... +.... ... -C'j .., ....¡:: s:: .....p.. ~4) ~~~~U) ~~¡;"eI)~fo .., O) ~- ::::: ~~~~~f .., .... ... ~f ~c::. c::. ~~O) - ... '" <:; ~""~d~c::. ~.... d ~¡¡:- ~~C!) .! ~..s ~.tJ) .;! :E ~... ~c::."" ~~tJ) --- ~¡;.,~ Q "~ ~c::.c::. ~¡;.,~ Q .~ c::. ~-g ..o ~c::..S ~c::.c::. .j! A -C'j ~.~~-e'i '~ ~- l ~ii-e '"¡¡: l ~~~",O ~....'" " ~~.~ "'O Uu~ ~~~~~3'~ ~Gu~ :J:: ....¡ ~~~~~~* el)~t:: l'¡ 198 ZOOLOGISCIIE ~fEDEDELINGEN 41 (1966) > » > ~~ »>...... »»......¡ j ~~¡ (~¡"""'¡¡"""'¡¡"""'¡¡ (~)oo-.;~P""""'It--1I-ot~H t-I I-ot I-ot ~ or; ++++++++++++++++ +++++ u "11')"11')11')"11'),,-0-0 ""11') 11')11'){'-. 11') 11') ,r¡ 11') ~- " e ¡:., ~1--i1-1r--tI-1t-1H~I-1I--1Ht--4HI-otHH ¡..-¡H t-I ¡..-¡r--t N u~ ++++++++++++++++ +++++ ~ H I-i I-i ~ I-i I-i I-i I-i I-i I-i H I-i I-i I-i ~ I-i I-i ~ - 1"""1 HHHHHI-IHI--jHHr-tHI--tHHt-I HHt-IH¡"-" ,~ N ++++++++++++++++ +++++ a tJJ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o "-\...¡ ~. "" .:::: ¡ ¡HH ~ HHHHHHHHI-otHHI--IHHHH 1-1 1--1 HHHHHHHHI--tI--1I-otI-otHHHH¡¡ ¡¡ ¡HHHHHl--tt-ll--l HHHHt-I I--tP""""'lHHr--t¡ HHI-1HI-ot ..,..,t or; --. ++++++++++++++++ +++++ (V) (V) (V) or; ~ r0 r-r¿ C'Ij ("0 ~ (V') CV) M M rr; M f'I") 4-0 C"'J '0 '0 '0 '0 e "O ~ ;;? 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