A Complete Bibliography of Publications in Isis, 1960–1969

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A Complete Bibliography of Publications in Isis, 1960–1969 A Complete Bibliography of Publications in Isis, 1960{1969 Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 12 September 2018 Version 0.05 Title word cross-reference +2000 [570]. −2500 [570]. 1 [722, 880, 711]. 1165 [1340]. 1305 [702]. 1519 [368]. 1540 [138]. 1548 [1087]. 1564 [753]. 1618 [292]. 1627 [336]. 1630 [729]. 1641 [542]. 1675 [161]. 1687 [162, 481]. 1692 [372]. 1694 [513]. 16th [763]. 16th-Century [763]. 1711 [499]. 1711-ig [499]. 1720 [755]. 1757 [409]. 1763 [334]. 1764 [929]. 1766 [763]. 1767 [160]. 1772 [1290, 411]. 1790 [439]. 1794 [854]. 1795 [140]. 18.Jahrhundert [32]. 1800 [652, 1311, 953]. 1803 [216]. 1805 [629]. 1809 [682]. 1820 [158, 505]. 1828 [1346]. 1830 [1353]. 1838 [1355]. 1840 [959, 274]. 1848 [1088]. 1850 [1149]. 1851 [932]. 1854 [764]. 1855 [717]. 1858 [687]. 1859 [51]. 1860 [1266, 221, 610, 1312]. 1865 [376]. 1866 [736]. 1870 [75]. 1873 [74]. 1880 [202, 760]. 1885 [848]. 1891 [1193]. 1894 [1315]. 1896 [653]. 1900 [776, 995, 971, 476, 1140, 95]. 1902 [1181]. 1904 [1326]. 1907 [485]. 1912 [885]. 1913 [1313]. 1915 [552]. 1918 [886]. 1919 [276]. 1920 [1018]. 1925 [103]. 1926 [1021]. 1927 [1161]. 1930 [844]. 1932 1 2 [340, 1246, 685]. 1935 [1056]. 1937 [305]. 1940 [721]. 1944-ig [719]. 1945 [689]. 1950 [1360, 1317, 1247]. 1951 [1041]. 1951/1952 [1041]. 1952 [1041]. 1957 [516, 268, 286]. 1958/1962 [707]. 1959 [35, 191]. 1960 [142, 78, 796, 346, 442]. 1961 [166]. 1963 [801, 1022]. 1965 [1266, 1075]. 1966 [1265, 1209, 1142]. 1969 [1325]. 19th [373, 1214]. 20th [373, 1214]. 250th [483]. 467 [1109]. 59 [165]. 7 [676]. 83 [730]. A-E. [1143]. A. [946]. A.D [1123, 476, 510, 479, 1085, 1069]. A.D. [702, 544, 565]. aan [1092]. Aaron [761, 904]. Abbe [925]. 'Abdallah [26]. Abdul [478]. Abdul-Kader [478]. Abich [1040]. Abraham [1021, 337]. Abteilung [369]. 'Abu [26, 967, 25, 918]. Abulcasis [908]. Academiae [1013, 1014]. Academician [8]. Academie [732]. Academies [652]. Academy [1056, 1246, 1178]. Accelerators [1057]. Acceptance [559]. according [603]. Account [932, 588]. Achievement [466]. Achievements [319, 890]. Acid [743]. Acidum [991]. Ackerknecht [1088]. Ackerman [472]. Act [841]. Action [885, 251, 350]. activit´e [453]. Activities [1032]. Ad [966, 26]. Ad-Dinawari [26]. Adam [219, 548]. Additional [801]. Address [146]. Adhan [908]. Administration [784, 1022]. Administrative [233, 167, 348, 79, 1022]. Admiralty [1356]. Adnan [285]. Adolf [641]. Adriaan [829]. Adulteration [1005]. Advancement [1202]. Adversus [335]. Aerial [525]. Aerodynamics [1009]. Aeronautics [784, 1022]. Aesthetics [59]. aevi [1085]. AFCRL [945]. Affair [1203]. affaire [1203]. Africa [1046]. against [1030]. Agassi [536]. Agassiz [628, 514, 343]. Age [579, 52, 418, 850, 617, 1154, 712, 1127, 1300, 613, 1084]. Ages [597, 965, 1064, 545, 68]. Agricola [70]. Agricultural [1152]. Agriculture [1284]. Aharon [549]. Ahmad [918, 390]. Air [1290]. Aitchison [278]. Aiton [463]. Akademie [160, 334]. Akademii [216]. al [1261, 406, 908, 918, 651, 388, 698, 789, 354, 390, 603, 865, 918, 135, 285, 478, 1261, 918]. al-Biruni [603, 285]. al-buldan [135]. al-Din [406]. al-Fusul [918]. al-Hasan [918]. al-Haythams [651]. al-Hindi [918]. al-Jwarizmi [390]. al-Kashi [406, 478]. al-Khwarizmi [390, 1261]. Al-Kindi [698, 789]. al-Mutanna' [390]. al-Muthanna [1261, 390]. al-Shatir [354, 865]. al-Uqlidisi [918]. al-Zahrawi [908]. Alan [158, 855]. Alani [44]. Alaska [971]. Albert [1306, 515, 1059, 417, 1341]. Albertus [1273]. Alchemy [1112, 1034, 1123]. alchimistes [99]. Aldrovandi [621, 621]. Alex [1080]. Alexander 3 [1269, 610, 105, 1274, 924, 1341, 57, 640, 1060, 1133, 758, 148, 1244, 56, 484, 55]. Alexandre [1235, 99, 363, 861]. Alexandrien [1339]. Alfred [467, 780, 813, 455]. Algebra [828, 967]. Algebre [589]. Algorismus [745]. Alhazen [1028]. Alien [1297]. Aligned [664]. alio [663]. aliquo [148]. Alistair [672]. aljabr [967]. alla [847]. Allard [121]. Alle [481]. allemand [99]. Allen [1128]. Allesandro [1252]. Alphonse [61]. Alt [1115]. Alt-Augsburger [1115]. alten [122]. altera [810]. Altholz [995]. Alvan [1277]. Alvar [52]. Alvin [577]. Amacher [964]. Ambroise [847]. Ambrose [371, 881]. Ameisenowa [225]. America [1266, 815, 1004, 1082, 221, 165, 1049, 735, 344, 634, 1202, 754, 402, 1276, 734, 688, 274]. American [647, 1216, 1266, 776, 628, 418, 300, 809, 299, 1073, 577, 970, 1076, 505, 889, 1147, 623, 976, 254, 241, 84, 695, 1321, 149, 1138, 201, 1337, 1127, 590, 1183]. Amos [71]. Amp`ere [1229]. Amphorismes [770]. Analecta [731]. analitico [1186]. Analogies [1170]. Analysis [832, 386, 252, 593]. Analytic [1021]. Analytical [1334]. Ananias [1102]. Anatomica [1340]. Anatomical [327]. Anatomie [364, 511]. Anatomy [930, 1064, 137, 138, 928, 799, 73]. Anaxagoras [1109, 806]. Anaximander [544, 507, 328]. Ancient [1177, 616, 1135, 676, 1083, 129, 726, 63, 42, 440, 668, 725, 194, 1271]. Anderson [139]. Andersson [653]. Andrade [564]. Andre [105]. Andreas [1055, 511, 847, 753, 138]. Andreas-Salome [1055]. Andrew [324, 1351]. Andrews [631]. Andrzej [225]. Angelo [1186]. Anglo [1262, 678]. Anglo-Saxon [1262, 678]. Angular [827]. Angus [643]. Animal [1135, 798, 1198, 377, 911, 574]. Animalium [336, 1068]. Animaux [331, 1191, 551]. Anne [571]. Anniversary [483]. Annotated [1149, 812, 133]. Anonymi [697]. ans [1081]. Anstalten [276]. Antarctic [274]. Anthemius [217]. Anthony [1310]. Anthropology [938, 191, 645, 556, 845]. Anticipation [1232]. antiguedad [445]. Antike [1342, 364]. Antiken [195]. antiquite [447]. Antiquity [60, 672, 440, 619, 581]. Antoine [854]. Antologia [1357]. Antoni [481, 164]. Antonio [72]. Antony [715]. 'anwa' [26]. any [148, 663]. Apeiron [507]. Apes [391]. Aphrodisias [148]. Apostolic [742]. Apothecaries [1268]. Apotheker [76]. Apparatus [601, 1311]. apparentium [1264]. apparitione [1264]. 'Appennino [878]. Application [911]. Applied [426]. Appraisal [1288]. Approaches [1299]. April [142]. Aquinas [808, 10]. ar-Razi [25]. Arabic [388, 918]. Arabische [1342]. Arabo [965]. Arabo-Latin [965]. Arabs [26]. Aram [197]. Archaeology [580, 725]. Archeological [1120]. arch´eologique [724]. Archimedes [207, 965]. Architect [742]. Architecture [539, 300, 1083]. Archive [1292, 532]. Archives [257, 669, 945, 461]. Archivi [1013, 1014]. Archivist [244]. Arctic [516]. arcu [1264]. Arcueil [1354]. ardente [786]. Argentina [531, 531]. Argles [932]. Arguments [1030]. Aristarchus [185]. Aristoteleos [335]. Aristoteles [450]. Aristoteliciens [335]. Aristotelis [1011]. Aristotle [615, 808, 1238, 1344, 618, 906, 282, 405]. Arithmetic [918]. Arithmetics [86]. Armenia [1102]. Armin [1090]. Armitage [643]. Armstrong 4 [355, 516]. Armytage [952]. Arnald [941]. Arsbok [1142]. Art [1145, 201, 28, 224, 1332, 795, 471]. Artes [1067, 195]. Arthur [625, 754, 841, 1194, 270]. Articles [440]. Artist [1086]. Artists [1277]. Arts [1047, 472]. Arzt [281]. Arzte [1046]. Asa [686]. Ascanio [792]. Ascribed [506]. Ash [438]. Ashmole [1124]. Asimov [718, 756, 756]. Aspects [1211, 1114, 516, 199, 170]. Association [720]. Astrofizik [774]. Astrologia [1173]. Astrological [462]. Astrology [1066, 916, 603, 427]. Astronautics [784]. Astronom [774]. Astronomical [367, 1261, 588, 509, 407, 849, 462, 390]. Astronomicas [390, 583]. astronomie [760]. Astronomique [363]. astronomische [1115]. Astronomischen [443]. Astronomy [996, 40, 613, 1169, 1042, 603, 427, 346, 416, 503, 762, 1072]. Astrophysics [1110, 942]. Asylums [1275]. Atlantic [104]. Atlanticus [743]. Atmosphere [862]. Atmospheric [1070, 943]. Atom [1063, 960]. Atomic [689, 662, 1218, 1134, 1089, 1229, 657, 707, 826, 980]. Atomism [1026, 559, 492, 442, 693, 1349]. Atoms [1012, 1077]. Attempt [262, 351]. Attempts [741]. Attitudes [165]. Attributed [1291, 528]. Audubon [410]. Aufklaerung [296]. Auger [453]. Augmented [1012]. Augsburger [1115]. August [142, 374, 1161, 1174]. Augustis [1158]. Aurel [1133]. Aurele [1189]. Aurora [1065]. ausgewahlt [369]. Ausgew¨ahlte [70]. ausgewahlten [814]. Auslegung [369]. ¨ausserlichen [116]. Austin [505]. Austrialia [1017]. Auswahl [369]. Autenticidad [390]. Authenticity [390]. Authorities [564, 564]. Authority [681]. Authorship [1070, 635, 528, 943]. Autobiographical [955, 1124, 1219]. Autobiography [421, 307, 1160, 1091]. Automata [1322]. Automation [617]. Automotive [301]. Autos [301]. aux [1191]. avant [1016]. Avenue [1313]. Aviation [1164]. Avogadro [1229]. Award [521]. Axel [1003, 474]. Axiomatization [834]. Aydin [273]. B [778, 1347, 654, 337, 568, 430, 303, 1245, 971, 594, 194, 121, 509, 1333, 1040, 802, 487, 1344, 1180, 505, 26, 515, 327, 847, 307, 933, 510, 889, 1147, 1162, 812, 963, 1326, 927, 856]. B.C [544]. B.C. [1109, 131]. Babbitt [957]. Babini [58, 58]. Baboons [391]. Babylon [613, 668, 320]. Babylonian [1035]. Back [36, 80, 107, 144, 168, 179, 205, 234, 238, 308, 347, 380, 422, 456, 489, 519, 553, 595, 632, 660, 691, 738, 785, 822, 859, 891, 912, 936, 974, 1024, 1061, 1094, 1097, 1130, 1166, 1195, 1221, 1225, 1248, 1280, 1318, 1361, 1365]. Background [909, 411, 678, 1114]. Bacon [586, 290, 867]. Badawy [1083]. Bagrow [714]. Bahnbrecher [685]. Baird [628]. Bakelants [511]. Bakr [25]. Balbin [531]. Baldasar [138]. Baldner [561]. Baliani [1242]. Ballenegger [719]. Baltzer [552]. Band [587, 810, 369, 1156, 1240, 484]. Bank [1279]. Banks [526]. Banse [55]. Baptiste [1242]. Barbara [1019, 1311, 1040]. Barlow [1312]. Barnabas [1187]. Barnett [585]. Barometer [384,
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