the hai " '"¦ rlghtflon* blrd, hnvln^ boen brouKht np ln way tvblttler win tben be rrnd I.y Profeaaor J. w. CbareblB, '.' tlu- kearl of Un B4***eaBt a falnt longing fnr fully beneflrlal Inltoence among Ihelr hrleaa. BBd rala I truat « nnd ¦-.¦. m lo come ild RO. 1 -111 I.-nd vou mv i»*n-,,t. BBM BLACKBALLED of Andover, Tbla win i.. i of I-, BPEAKER CRISP BNUBBED. tiv.'s. a ir aelf r.'sii.'i't glgntty ol MR TAILER followed ibe readlni ini.-r ta flppnetat* a p-eat araa wa flflaat 4 warrl. nt i m ai Ihey don Ib* blu* bia Influenee wlll reform Chat depraved Mri y.iut.-..* tba ang x>:i. bbm roaina lettera, ete., ¦ an addreaa i. eoBBtdai lils Bfl tho ni .m'i " tu'i ..'.. of 1.,,- rurate'a la the ilnglng by qmrtet, by s:irro:ini!in-s, UM piirt Ktei, BtBg* ifnrm ',i.H' th*? nta mllltary Iralnlng. parrot pteced two _:._ I. nre to bava -I'h tii.- wtebei en., and a- aoon u tbe Patteraon, ol Bew jia-i pahlre. ilnglng of oni apon viiiicii ba flBMBaaeaa, aai tha Batfaaee." ('otilhiu.-d from l'lr*l 1'age. Ai.l iheli irlbi people Immenaely pleaaed bad Wrd re- Ol'T Of THE 0OACH1NG CLUB m, ,,r thelr o* n re. .¦ n enllateo nold era "f tli become aecustomed t,, eaab other, the BEPT Whittur's iiiiia.'s i.y Mlaa Wblttlor, ¦ rriattre ol the Tii" l.'ftiiri'i' devoted itttlfl iiii!" t" Un .-.-irii.T Barttoa gularly one marked I'nited -i.,t. s .'md 'ollowfng ih" cavalry guldona. wlsli tho oM would dlo." i". t, ami another aeleetton bj Profeaaor J. W.Churcbill, ol Vnlaalra'a Hf.-. Iba Bartloa ef tba aflMrcm B*bteli tlio re-fxlocMon of Ono of ,Jmlcp Cltep- .-.¦ .-.- b, n b_m* int- d "l'i. Ihe red I lady Criap. lleuti' nni hn the Mrd r..n.*l up lits ey<-a_ OP His lr.nxivs 8X0 WHEB CI*VB* wlll ba readj for dlatrtbatton Deeember 14. "¦¦: ted the bearera w:is Um Btary f>f tba warmca. who wus recently appreaohed reci Im from the iir-t aa) i thal us .,, ,n n- they l< Whereopoa rlergyaua'i B*ja-a>BI8S terrible urni tin- gnpporten, th" t" underatand tl"' they and lu , a' eenta added Two huii.ttc- mat Bfty Invttatioaa bave been aenl Calai Btrven penecutlona aad per- "tie «.f aald to ,f langunge order*, I/'.rd:" Wllll" i-i"n: "> by ..t tho leadera tl." ln fl llme 'Wa bea.i. tl. to bear ..s, ."'*! MEB-A WELL*KjrOW*4 lo t,<- more and iiiiK'.-'iis effortt of Voltalre In hrtnilf oppoaitlon, obeyed remnrknblv well, and ahort out In nud for aeveral* out-of-town gueata. Tha exerctoea wUI ol f-mtlle*. ii that ;i' taott In tba tbat go t" make Tha _t..ry got the parllb, at th" ia.-t election lor bm Tribune oorreapondenl yeaterday pored ravorably all parUeulara snridivs u wi- ta. omlt lae l-itnny ut the T. Baffarn TaUer a t;i!,-,:t,- lo a loved hiuI bonored lellow-cltlien n band <-' uon flrtth Um b. ghborfng whlte noceaaary waen th** twentyiiv.' lui-n who voted fot Colonel Milla had aoldlerly clnir. li -, vii¦¦ -. Btt Ccachlrig Clnb aaa Mttkballetl, bb4 than a publl demonstratloo, but out-of-town peopto Iro, ps.'' -.-¦ 4 oiuii are Invltod, Senalor Patterson v\.-.- a clo*o Intentton to the <»f the indlan _.._:! lo'i .¦ kaawa to tbe oMer m. mbetfl of the cordlally appriaed liiiu of thelr aupporl One objectlon whleh the enemlea Mr. (riend ol WhltUer. Ilarrlet iTeaeotl Bpodord may AX OLD WILL CASE SETTLEI). would him Btrongly Ihelr enllatmenl 4411 thal Ihey Wlion tln- Mueom tarlaaai of tho Hronohla are aora rtr-o-t Mlatalabateni *»«- exprea*efl- TaUer, turnlsh a Speaker in ihe next eanena Tbta glve nrged ngalntt or inilnmod. Ur. -vill afTortl lla ihort poem. if eould 'i"t bc Indueed t" keep tbelr nrm- and P Jayne. upe-totant flexlaretl, waa ellgtble In every way ta beeeaae .. itTong lead among tli" old membera, even tn.-:,'- ln pn p. order. Bul even tids dinVulty aeema jiroiiij.t r.-ll-f. Kor t.r.-nklnK up a OMfl, or aubduliaf tliey ii wlll llnd ln lt a ,.-rin'.n . *. of the Caa-Mag Clab, omi a- tta had dotir W. B. O-.HK.VS 1'IIARITY lTWI). there ahonld be no turtber aceeaalona from .he lo have '.n overoome. Tha Indlan trooaart who Coiurli. you *>*a*m*m In thla THE BOOB OF THE Ai TBORS' VLUR. went \4itb ihelr whlte comrade* tn tak* parl ta the ts B-ask *- any rouag aaaa lor eeaeblng raoka of the Milla men, bnl that there wlll be reremonl*** ln Chlniiro Um aetion World'1 Falr dedlratory Whra bahy w*< .tr*. _.» jtuve ber Caat/me, lUaer memaerfl ttotighl ibal douhi -. tint (caatry, abt Tlir. COI-- gneh aeeeaaione there ean be ru. reaeonable were 10U1 Uom aa to thelr aoldlerly appearanee Uh-. tbe wn a Child. »he erled for ( a»tona, t'1 Mr. Tidicr* eleetlon woaM re* REW'TOIUI BOMOSOPATHIO MEJBCAL bul Uttle Ihe nlghl before tbe parade, and w'.-n m,,j beeaoia Mi*-, ¦-*>- tluoi ta OBateria, of tlie n.rr. oppoerd A VM.I'i: VOI.l'ME. WITH CONTI'.IIUTION"- FROM <»f conne little oi Bothing la known ol bhe ilept routren t< ib* latereatt Im .**.'.¦. Vork. L'. <:'.. ABD BOSP1TAL roae al ¦unrlae to *. I.*.***n nnd pollah thefr a wh.'n »he hai ehodreo, aba e»vi tu_-i c«»i_r__. *Dit in tajary eoaehfbg MORE THA21 A HUXDRED WR1TERS. BEBEFITCO. of ihe acventj-Dlve new Democratie Wh.-ti the Indlnn left thelr pott to proceed frtarndt In Uw Bea Vorli Coai h Tiie prefereseca eompanlea whal sj n irj Worb ou the book whlch tha Authora' Clnb i» controveray arfttng rut of tba rhnrity elBBaa l.ut it ia Ibal tbeae wlll be ,.-. th, ir frlenda were 10 dellghted at tbey florn* tnna up h« araa urged u, >oIb tiie of "ii membera, probable il .;,,,, n* to 11 ir raee Ihat they Buatfl and to ii.i!. i...s to - b a atage tba aU] of .vi'ii'im D. Ogaeo waa letUed DIED. .pjClub, wonld ba pubttah wlnter advanced lufluenead ln .. great degrce by thelr oldgr eol- demonatratl in "n t' "ir departure. **LmrTo~. Bo on* toppoted tbat there .-iin.m.iy. after over thrat yeara ol UUgatfon. Mr. the ..m and wbea I that a g. dea ol it can now ba glven to the pubttc. a ag-nei in tl,c Ho lae Mai v an nfUcer who uted lo eung to army BABKE.Al fctaay, nn S'inday, Deeember 11, E4- Q*- -Mghtetl <.; ao*-Uon to hlm, it ts ¦._.!!,-:. a:i wood, Ent* hlm a* a raember. and almpl] II ma nnd u-fs BboaM to .nflueneea whleh art imt i, ', r ln-.'j LoulM b»Ui-.-*d w1f»* 'M rea-iv r*t-arded in a lha aa tli"> ta thelr dlacreUon spujition Mugwump nn-iit even tn .-. war *.*.lrli tti.-lr own pe«tii<-- the 10th, A., " ttaae Uu- future, permanenl home lor 1 V ll-'i. aleetlen as a fora al ate. Mr. a.-, i,is eseeatan deteated on overwbelming majority of fatf tbal the*« mea ..n- In the I'nited Btate* jv tha wblcb now baa it- rooma al Bo, tbfl Weal Cgdea appotated beertlly by rery wlB r aervleea at hor lat* raeldanee, n<*>* i3*.a, lon of iiiei:.tei> ol tba CoaeWog Club la ay Mra. hifl broth.-r ln- nn-" affordi n p-owlng guarantea thal tbera _" ii. uii ni * " waa bia afdow, Marlanaa A. Ogdap; Demoeratle iepi wntatlvea, Thia feeling wlll 2 p Uie B so ausolu:* tliat it st., wbera bouae-wannlng" meetlng be im in .I-' Indlan wart. D-v-mber «t Belfa-*.. Ir-land. .-..¦.; -. nr r 14, toc*4*fle_, and all lhal u» to Um of tt,c Um exe. it'.rs, I- «t l.'itc'n II j.- belng a* hara. U r ealldlty charity davlae, ll.iil on 'h- eoniert BOSTON l-aturda . 'itrr IO, 90. .«pi*aX_. h out one "t tne and handaome btndlng, _hirii lt daa. rlbed through th" defeat ol Colonel llllla, I"-' Uie plaoei In iht Muate Baturday evenrag (ton. ttma t n,,i'if . of Uir fui II .alioth II. _^ I *-.ill i*- oue ol tey dlatrlbutlon rlv. ,1 Mme. LlnetT-fl Bi.tefan chotr '"ntaiiei ttie Moniav, De* , Be the way lstuaiiy Amerlcan. There onl] edition, wbieh had held under Ihe Car- by trom me l,.r h of Inr_l-__-M, , ... |a IBB_ .... i. over 7 1-3 jxr cnt <">f th- itiiiontit of influenee they .". in. "f tht elub. .i'i ooplea lon. copy, tm tbe elub'a own llbrarj arho havo been many Uilnga Ibal areta a reveUUoa. it 1- billy r 12, -it i>. Frederlc Brocaon, Ibe at retary :t"d tn tbelr eredlt ns trn-t,*-.-: of the eharttj ll.-le-.M'-rri*on-Mills dynaaty, aad 'it nl-'* the t it 11 and ine tha eontenta appear ii> prini nowboro elae. The Ulua twenty yeara ilnc* the latl waa probably l!.,-t,.ii r< pl a-- '"I'v- tbe ba" *t« waen tbey wera retuniag, ilanM, ii.-i'i depotited Ihe bbbm witu u truil Bomaaay In fiilkitur ov.-r ainee. They have never aought to pap. retrlved trationa cenelet <.f hred-banda aad tall- :ir-'i effort wm ti'.ii'i" lo awakea un taterest ln Um ("iin.ii Suddenly, ,*i Bundey, th- nth Ine*., ^trtm determlne approprlato - , tatl weeb ta toward for - of a t>. early and for tbe whlch thi* elty. eoneeal their hoatilitj »nd eontempt naUonal muile of Biaala In thia eountry. In Uie \. ,.. _,, tilld ,....' 09 reai »l the rea denca -ua 11 am, then found that ¦ iu»clen1 pleeea, deelgned engraved places Al ti.i- f.ind nrr'irniil.-it'd, the vlews of the of anfl on more \\- h Id T"..- SewJara r. Mr. lalter thoy ocoupy. Baeh ai-tl.le ln eaeh copy of U.o book pii'liiiilly the preaent organtzation the Houae, lili ihe 1: .s-i.,11 aehool of eomr***teiu, t!i<:. .fi.-r. .,. baaa eaai lo keep beeame more nnd nnolly they have !. l them ._'..'- to b*- aa ".-.tii bc *v it ii aod Inh by it.. dlveigeut* tli.-m one oeeaaion thelr rcapntmenta tlcally unknown, haa acqulred a eonalderabia d ibo pap 1...1 ilgned pen . Blamm ., club, Tbe rrault ¦.iii.i" to nt'io,' eltber to deatgaate one or rn..r" niv to the of the a ic- nnd au* ,-,,. ,ki: _> <.f hei aaa, Oeerga that eln No other book ever prlnted bus tbla fcai ure. rhe op to attempt thwart policy i.r popularlty. The rtgor, ui mv llty ,..,. tan iii l. I "'. ''"" 1'"' '».*.¦ AnitA tA.0 .. waa ao -, .>r !" brtli"; ;i snlt for U Oi BfltTBl '1 "U "f Um |t tniprltlng ta frH->. tbe elub ie_orviiig the ri_:ht oeeeful factlon of thelr Wha-evet may iactt* of -'io muale of TflchallmwBky and his com- nldo i- f llartford. partj*. - . tbe fll *rj anbacriptlon prlee i>;s. -, ii thlt waj li ite. Flnally, ut the rcque-t of >lr. gbebton, p i, ll ,.t :t a rleca, it»t» to rn:s-j tt.e flgura u!i«-r tbe Biat 100 coplei be tbe reaull ef thelr efforta to depoae Speaker patrlota hav* had much to do wltb Urt- reaull. tl li a ] «'i,. begun in th,- Supreme i"iirt to force a t" beean who alao boen takea. The otipoal ataauacripta of all Ihe theae reeentn-i nta arill be likely lo g^ow mualc .: 11 rtalu qtmlHtefl whlcb appeoled FERRIS f)n VrlAtr, tho Oth la-'.. Che'l Ue B., ald -fl .v Biembei of tba K:ilrkeri'0.ner Oub, iion of Um 4\iii by Mrs. WMt4*hou»e, Mr. riap, '." artlclea ar. iniaid und wlll be bound In two .-. to met :. Amerlcao laate. Iforeover, the Intellectual il '. . ia to tha ****** »"r" hy fl .T*lu')n belng d'i daughter, Mlai Butler and tba Mlaaea Ogden leepei and Here r aa tlme paaa and be | Eaal !7-'i-t a* lf t^o-.p* .,r n: -r.- Tbeae win bc aold j- one BCtlvltlea of Kuiala ln other directtonfl have ohallenged of tbe ireatment large rofamee. s ln a like a. tn. *.!¦'¦ 12th. ^aartei n epeaklng jon, uii t.i"" "f Mr. Ogdea, aai Mr. Mccagg, oae ipirit ii.::l tbe Occldental n .saM l"t to Ihe hlgbeet bldd.r. striio ov.-r la not o| attenUon throughout i¦ i:i i.i"i; mi lat. , | ra, oivrrt. if hi.* oepbewt. .\ aaly an eseealor or a tru-ic- The the Speakevahlp, bowever, ii.,.y**;-,.:,V'1J"..«nm, I.r I-_l__B II u-e than K'O writeri bave contrtbnted to tho work, irorld. Tbe** eo a - ond fully .aai unhtad to treat a nmn who -. ,mi maliitaln an ¦ nttraeUoo of i wiu. tbo tho inly rook- alini'l. The Kfamble for obalrman- ,. t*l_>llfh. nrtlon, oti ers ind eoniictlon toueblng tbe mhervnt beauty and \,,t te ,,f funeral bei , I do aome -e:d,.'u; poetry, othera asaaya, <* )uatlfled foi -if U rifh a manu»r. " snlt had i" i In tii" nntnre of un attaeh apoa tba .in'l deeirable eommlttee ceawlll engentler Deo»mt'<_| ¦o on. Some ol tlie artlclea ara: Fiammaiitla Moenln -iiij.- pl value of Ihe folk-mualc of her natlve huil. perraaded At i.n ,: en Clty, J.- 1; on Sunday. ana meatloned "ii it- i- -¦ " in charity clau** Um ground of invHli.iny. dtoaenaloDi and atrlfe In bol factlon ihe of ti--, Nvdney.8. Harrl* la aiet year. ^ c'.ub who 81- Mui.di." a !¦''. ilde atudy, tv lli nry M. Ald tn R Mme. Llaeff to undertak* e>.p*_fmanl glvlng Th- fiiii.-r.i aerv.coa elll be h, il _'. »'.» Church « thf || the BMBber* of tht in December, Mr. ebeMon 'li'-d, rfcorUy ,,t 'O-. oa aa lt la i«-:t Ten Mllhoua of tbe I'n rthod .\. 1800, to be generally nnderatood that ln eaae Sp .- of 1:1 -i.m folk-tongB. Het programaM Iran-tlguMtlon, 29th t. :. .,r r."th-ave., Tuo«.arj ... Rula hing lu Be* York by Mr. died. ait"-r4*:ir1 Mr. Greer, al 1" ,,'- loch. b* "Tbe Klng'? Bastard,11 hy HJal atterward fKiaag SOOO I'ri-ii's) re-election changea wlll made fn the fnaUng ln the eatreme t |:uh iry I .- bta o at I lt bj rafutli | Peultney Bigelow; and Mr*. Ogden, Um raajorlty cf the aurvlvlng ea :--¦¦,., nmr Boye__|.i; "A fteng of Nesta.*1 lyrii n_anahlpa of t!,e twa, mi st Importanl commlttcca tlraple muilc-lover aa weM ns ,;.,. mualc itudent. HWVI.IV (vl Brlck 'li:rli. N. J.. on Do.'-n-W Oth. to tb* rlnb il" I* a . HJ.rth ii u >.'. .1 wai BusceptlNe t., Um oharnui D r. iad «. It. "¦. I "¦ to 1*1 the Bjatter drop here. Butlar; "Tbe Ohoal tolaad," deelded that the eharttj ti t.) maetei ihe detalla of tbe blHa framed ln keonly Take the 1 SO p traln pata win c_.rie:on; "Genlua Illuatratcd from Burna, bj rjjndgfl Patteiaon, uf ll." iniisl". r.r l.i or fhrl tophei il Se* York. a few tba cj ,b btaekI**J*ad bla araa Invalld ai to ali of Mr, Oaflum'fl pcraon.l eataie. rn eommlttee, but triea to eut and earve in f.if. ihere were bul two featuret of the entertaln Ing >1av at Ilvd- l'ar.. ^. l nvtaibni v' Ampty "The i'_t.- <,r tba Mmh to . little of Aadraw Oaraegle; Ugl nnd of 'f all ,- and without r»_rtr.l to tne mi'iit ti.- wl dom of whlcb wni lefl open qnettlon. IIEATH-On Decembet Bth, adaolva J. H-atJi. a» i.roba'ly f-It a envlottl ii. New-Vork, Ibe prorreds ealafl ItoeriminaU'ly th" "f nrtltilc mu-c; hn.- atory of l:< man rule lu Brttoin, by Johu Deniaon Champ- ... » ¦'. une wna introductton njodern 4:r Val «*. 'i * ln eoae Ing 1 d-> n >i thl k. other landt whleh hnd been bt-uught Bew Vork ,.,-:..- of tbe public aervlce, even after they :li" "tiort to eombtne a lecture wlth 'ln- Bu it Oremwood at eoo*/ealaace er raauif. Ua; --Xo.u ln the Hllla," a poem, bj John Vaii a in tbe tn,st From ihla d< hlm r. allrol compaay. lo have - ''" thal the i. Wbe votvd -Jg-un-t depoElted 1 bave been carcfully preparcd by Bub-eommltteca, eoncert. Both fenttirei aprang from ¦ dealre Iknlv. of pne .' :--:|!'*U"_j» an osay, by ...... "iiM 10 the Geneial Term ol ,- 1 .--. **i..t_*f -¦ .¦ - Ubeney; "tkbelarahlp and FOUlka," fxi .nini mi'" of i:n--i:iti muslc made to the it r ri i---,t. v ¦!.. on Satui-ar, teai In theb i-ailot.- tbal Un-to this a deel to that be ia dlc- plain Fdeowai Ihe] ihe Baaefnl Bffect** supreme Court, -.nd court, ta ln urdei reduce total.-; l... for Iho eomplete »ucee*a of the ,. 1892 Katharlne V'ai ¦"': if WUUam Conant Church; "*C*pon >¦ w;,i 1. pie. I'nfortunately ,.. ,, ";.","¦ Vl* ',*'. i deftat. 1 belleve tbal " li'-t heM thal the clan Ir.volld i. :| ,i r of tha w _ really M. A'- down Ju'y. itorlal ari«l ,,l,-tj',:,t.-; thnt ln- BBBUmea t" ( .¦xi-.'I'li'-nt, Iher.' were a ro of peraons In the kufht' ...' RhUei 1,-," u, by Mark Twaln iuall and tl " s Polnl t-tre tomorrew, _r.d Mr. Tailer'*) pei unal pi .perty and New-York realty, 1] p i'i of the houae a Im w. re moro r ited li ltut«en huvler, of Berron ,___.__._____. another election upper -'¦ .- D w Uaia wlth Abratuui y Alban « an "C-ir aa to wbcUiei 11 aa valld or not ai 10 ti." pro eed* of lo other conimitt--* whlch bave charge ol appro- tli" antlca of a dnncT Prlvau* f,ni, ii., '¦: »¦'¦'. "" OeU oo l,;-*,.'ov, hr wouM bt alected, Kfid LlncOlo," Jaaper Uie la*. glng of the tholr and prvaented, ut Moncura Danlel Conweo -:,l"s ..r lawls In other btatet depended upon ition and «erta aU bia Influenee to muiin tiian in Mme. LlnefT* leheme t> extend iiiidi-rxtand i--t eleetlon gummer Ufa Wlanno," by and pi bflla, -v. r.o -n.l.-r l«h- .l aaalntt hlm al tbe bv fa- -!,,'.-. .i-i waa nol aftccted by the aale and Iiii; ..f Itusslan mualc, nnd appreclatlon >l the <-ir. um Mt'N>l'.V-.l,,hii lt. Un Bundar, 'iit ta n who in Defence of the Dead,'' a Vtrgtnla atory, it 'i in n, New-York iruil company. billa whleh bave boen eubmltted uftcr careful tl-" tl....- t.Inel at 1,1- lat- r-.-l n,r. Ml \V--t ,kKl-t Tuea__7« .jaajd -eertl In lavoi ol b.m depo of i'i htume* whleh flave to nnd fl ,t wurd "Tha Iiierary Dbadvantagea ef Iiv- .\s tho dcftif-nntlon of the Chicago Cnlvenlty mol tiu,i',,'i.K Lnvratig t, on by men who an al leuat riiiliii'.ti.s. un l u- ln-:-."'! on linvni I3tb, their * don-l alnadj s-e that Ihe] Biadfl Ecgleaton; th<* ine i" they Satur D< ¦- 'A- ia*2. Ed«rar_| the ol ..ll the partlea In Utigatlon, .'- ii "f the wlshea rl-litH "f the l'ATl-'.llsON On iy, an aaeay, by George Oarj Eggteaton; approval as ui.le la- to to exerctoe careful aml own waj ".'i.i.:'" and ,,. - - 1. ¦> .tia. Ton, Tailer la ¦ UiK Too Late," i:i t anrnmer offered tr< tettle and acc.-pi and wlllln. .' i- ,, i;,,. ¦ Mj Leulae na -i.iiri-,' l.iliitiits i,.-i i,r ihe nudlence. mattera became wniewlml oul ti. tho ¦*CoidaUaand t-e Moon,1 by Haroid Fredertc; ns nlnady made, provlde.1 thelr exp nt udicipua economj Iu euch matteia. Tliat tl,---¦ i-Io.f the pincert. Neverthele* --.n. ln Jath va ar f bia hlai loba oa m«mber*hlp .* Ihe deslgtiatl loward the '¦''"- Ofeot 12-th-rt-, oa» e; ougbt Wataon -\ Calv. ij t "f tl." bc ln b pear 8-rvl.-.-* at hl. " a by Blchaard GUder; 1,. pui, fund pald liarlty a faundation tbe Ib,. Inheri-nl ..f the nnulc of 1.n--'i i3i ,. .t ii a,', leek a. .'.- 1 and thlrt4 eig ot' pocni, -u..r .Uon mel llm complalnta have jual experibuc beauty popular Problem," by Prealdenl Gtlman, ol Johna Hopkln.; ,,, 1... ,i,¦-,",,::;.-1 by them. Thi* ,.j laal »flBi»ion are i-iaimed tully t,< deniuiiatrutt*, wa* nmply d»-ni mai rate I. tnton now te be N I*iler'i "i all ll - to ihe c n b st, ni d on Bnl tiu- "Du upprovnl pnrlli .¦ i- noi to un l'r.Ai.s.M.t, At Ulen fove, Deceml t |Oth la ilif -i -The Germana ln Anaeiica," by Parka Godwin; "f th.' lund wai mad.' reaull only pruvokc general jij al aucli iiiis'al.e th uld n,l;i\ _ detslf-nntlon nl the re«1 but _s,-ii,,u-l\ lo ivlula, eldow f Th .ma* l' ir*all -t u by Arthur bherburoe Hardy; "The t.. ti:-' New-York llom.pathlc Medleal College und cxtr.'tnc Uij-satistactinn, iuipuir N-x-. .\ ,.i_ and dnu iier ,.- the law ...i..-nl aalha ,.«l alHy," poem, 'i of nnt- ORITUAFY. tbe luo, a Harland fund or nn Jmlg<> Hi luiaii'a ilueaa.,- chalruiuti tlie l.'olo*. Ol I»-.--»I 1. fou-h," didactlc poem, by Henry -,, < ii*lo B Kiiig'a [1 -- 00, lo 1. devoted to ;iiit;.-a' iu. tnal tliere uow ap- ..- at -i l'l'ii's Hiureh, OAe* nra, ». , be regreit'd that Mr. u .' ird, P-0,( Appropriatfoii..; favor-ttl* conaideiutlon. "i siot.ey Lnaka); uEuthanaaia,*' sonnet, b] a numorlal tree llbrary at IValton, N. *i to be little ir no iik lilio id ol Iii* reapi K. 1,1, _i,- |, i m. celvtKl J. foundlnR peara CAPTAIN FBABB MOBAB*. i: :mx,- and fr!.-,,,t- ara ln\lt.d to attend lha Oin-raB (ton,. tion o! ai.y membera of Hay; "Schub-it." a poem, by Wllllam Henderaon; Mr Opfen's naUve lown. ll -.¦ ed ibal Ihe ,io matter who maj be lu 8 n Speaker, ile " ""'. b il M. i .."I UKe* a a Hltrh ¦¦.¦ on Baltlmore, Bov. 11 (Speclal)..Taptaln Frank E. .,:,,. l ifv .i.-i Ignolee," Ihe atoir of aong, by RlpL*y fund .. pitu the clalm make I ttg 1-1 iad ita .. ., IV" iMUInrn ,' ll 1,. V ./l !i-- |ii;iiiitit]s wero repiafM-ntcd Allen ,.f u -.. iu Mr. < love- II ran, wrlter und a veteran well known ln 1 .r.* cock; "Hiatory tn a Play." « lechnlcal aketcb, b] Willard l*nrker but ler, byine executon b) Uie atrength c-rtuin pm. ddlcr, .:. Dutlcr ond l.,n 1- ol 1 ,-t m.i.t tliat I .. lucomin Grand who died of al hla IMH.STOX ln .Vew-Yorh, ir i.v. the Dtfe Inrt., Bcanef n- ¦ poem, u ,. nnd and tli" other apcech Army drelea, con-umptlon ¦¦ un o'._ iMtlon, ai d Bronaoa Howard; "Judgmeni Day," hanlcl R,,llln* Mowray Wllllam*, M ., [ i- ¦.'. P orgai 011 .4 Wdltehon c .4 ,l,-ut s\ »ith b_a \ ii wa cn waa irled wlth rmn;.. of ti... wealtiij r.i-1» ol w. i». HoweUa; "The Booba ol Mj .,'.;,;,. ;'. ',. ai d'-r lloa land, mpathlzca home here Frlday nlght, to-day r, Ro.bury, » ii;::.i K "i i., ,,. Bnd j redi 111 I. 6tlmun. Whatever innj k* ibe liopeg and expectations Grand honort. lll-, life \;,s an eventful one. Tu, -,'.,¦¦. li.,. -I,' 13th, ,it 3 o'eloek. Babyhood," a j-mln-ecenoe, by inn.ui -i nnd catiuot I"- '- Army :.- oaevt t i.l.'- Pr Sprin they ll.- im In 1-11. H" eame SHII'MAN At ll-lxil--.-. XewJet- y, .ni Sat'iidny m,rn« an born In Dunnvllle, Canada, ¦¦ . for Uteim-Ui*-." eaaay aetUngftirtii .i- .-ti<..i iu were before he ¦.. .i 7« .. "Belief or |, Ifl «s-d IV. Rlv..-. orntilluj llutton, blgh they to lap, IO, 1892, Bhlpnaa, K. fetu 2 -. dead by Boasll r *;.'- Reform Club. to tha Unlted State* early In Uf" and «"tit Bew k lt, !'.::- "... m Kai e, F. the tovontton ol the "llterary Une," TEAB8 OF CHUBCH WOBB, io last night'a rp-ii'Kea at .,f \ ,-.'«a -i l rnni It T. ' nder FOUBSCOBE .,',1 ihe 44m- broke oul l"- made hla way -ui-ii.¦" dereaned, Decembae U_h_ Webb, "The Great of the WOrid," a Hlmalayau tu*ral i.'ii'-f rata in Waa Orlean*. When .( Charlei lt no clubhouse, bul ;!;,:.- ,i---l _» v.ur*. TBEIB IlIfsTOI'Ii BUItiDINO. ..i. ..¦_.. Ile i* a tremendoua energj in nnd tu al l'.i-t 77!l-t W. Bmlth 'i. Tallt-r is the onlj ton ol B. B. 'lk!l"r, i-'i-;, was wounded Ihc battle ¦- '¦' th* tymrruM suftcrn stcry. by George Paiaona Lathrop; "ln tba FlreUght,'1 wlio la no m«'ana hampere.1 palgn i;. ., u ': I :,,'... attend who ip'- i.t Ba, 11 IV* Ss|uare North. lle bearch for U tervlcei were held yeataraay In (bt Pretby- ndustry, by IVUllamabnrg. lle clalmed t be th* flrtrl nlon aoldler -rxi.-.s at Caivary L'hnrrh, Ka,,irtl,-i\-. nnd _l*t-->t._, ild, u llirvjird a-raduate ¦a poem, by Walter Learned; "My .-1.fii.1i bn ., |ack o! conll lencn ln himaelf, but il ia io a. ai. , al Weai Farma, abl h ta asno- lo 11 bre' '. *ra al Yorkl iwn, aft.-r ll 12, ind u ii ember f ibe nl n d i: icq i*t clubs HU ¦ iketeh, by HamUton W. Mable; "Tbe Trana- bureb tfie ailui'ist univcraal opinion of liia party Vb., prlv* "I lhal de- ihe x " :i. :.. lo Ml .'¦ nn nrrlcd ',1 a h__noroai aaaay, by Brander oldett church bulldlng oiatea in tho llou*_» tliat Mr. Sitringer'e abili- arni aban*lone<1 by Confedemte* under General Kin 11 r '...' Pli r:r L .::: lii'l. wa* :.. B ed. fuaton Indlgeatlon," Ihe la eniiir* are noi ol I e oi wirl 11 18.12. lle terved v v. 11 || !. ,. it.,.., raa C. ta th. a.edi .' l.o'i Hlred Girl," a bumor- !:, the clty. Durrng liea and inlity j. Bagrnder, on May I, throngh .; ¦. iii ol Inu "Miittlie -. Tlw Lea of tbe .1 --ir-. :.¦,-,..¦.. iii d Hai : '""" hafely md **full.v to ilde uud 'i \,i.. and m.i- then _J oa I.-1 WUeon Bya; "Lowefl al week* the reqiiin ttle Frirdericktburg, pro I'n i,i. .a,- invlted to attend tha funeral aer-leea and oua eaaay. by Edgw int.r.-t ti." "Mother Church" niilierintend the ureat work ol "tarifl reform I>.smber 13th. «t 4 «... at hl* lato *'¦-.« a doa . ;. ihc In moted to tii" rank of aergeaat. ta the battle Tue-dar p. be did 0--ent xuixi, Lv B. Pond; "A Beorer ol Dlapat vated a* outlinod iu Iln1 of the* Democrati He.j**ai ;«7>'. Ui i- over u he di-ovp to tht Morrla George ol Wesl Farm», 1 ple-lgcn hc won tf tecond Ueuten- daoc n-at., Brookl_ra. roach, wblch MA Bbot al a Bull Eitc of whal v 11 formerlj Ihe rtllflge wliicli were oo nnd at tlie of Chnneellorsvllle, where ' :lt I-'i, i'»rk n.*-,. ll,- baa jvu much Btlttfy to t! By General Horaea Pott-f; omltt-d 1 party, pleiljr.*- boldly of ha wa« taiee -pio->*o eopy. <¦; boi i and tba Ln of the 1 unine time boIcii renewed m laal nlght't* aney. Al Ihe battle Gettyaburg Long tiland pap«ra lect, and among*"rlden., drlvers and lovett i,-.- Theodore Itooeevelt; "Tototol, nb h'.m ln I.M .X lt \x..-:<. K. Y "ii Bundey, Do,-omber 11th. nv* li I to glva t!i"ir peopla lo Mr Johnaon, Mr. Snrlng»»r I by a BbeJl, a plere of whlcb -truck T\l Iq i-Leiii! !,_. writlnci i altrarted attentloo. Moral Oider." by Joxtab Borce; (.peeehea Accordiiia II* waa taken --¦-.. Cllaabeth Orlm*ha_*, wldow or T. Dapaw i.iu. <-»nt srtlrles of Mr. Tailer ln -Tlir Cantury" and "The "A Ttl** oX Worthle*.-,galUng.". .P0*.^bj AioruA, i-i iht analveib_ry of tii" Preabr- ¦I aa Mr. .',.-!>. ia "a auaar-coated rrote. iba lefl ":.". destmylng the -Ight. " Llinton btollaru; I i- -. tu where he waa con! .\" at* H";nl I <.n Wna up to Unte" omnindnptmm, b the Bev. tioui-t": ,.i.h ¦-. to Senator Milla, be nnd ut lilehmond, ,- a_ervieea nt h« lata reatdeaea on WtAataOty, i>&* ,i'ri de Slecle." ol he Beformed Chur. h, and, " l>uti thal Um* lle h ld3 the - (.. ... The paator toi aboul twenti m rith*. af 1 7to tn. /&.* and Coachmen." reeord - ¦ > lo tlie of alom; 14th, p. "Coaclilni J'i mln t. d I laren btedumn; -; ln b i' opie, pr. fairly open charge cowardlco,'' he waa In Ma encnpes, the laal -f whleh waa -t at 11 BO a. m. Iil,< tbe bt- t Ume lu IO hours aud ii--iuk H. btockton: "Uterature ond Phllo >phi, bj nn. imeralile otl er D 'mocrata, ut courw prlaon H" waa Ia time h'j druve a eoach four froa I'url- t Uuiy, wlth through 'ii" fnmoui Cotonel Rose tunnel. Deeamber Oth, andrew KeOeetu that and b M .V,,-,-i,i,,ii liionii-s.,,. "Joyand ihelr ( ngratutaUona. it ii11 dn !., ln v eifln-r a "coward" <>r a 16*15, «1 VxN VOORHIB Prlday, \ itx .'>. :i dL-tonr.. ot 140 tnlli-s. and "Llterutui. ln n Di r. would .iptured, but gol lil- relcase on March l, .oq of the Hon C. w. Ctthcrlne U. Dr Henry vaii Dy...*. hl itorle cbureb ls Iht R. Cbarl** ,¦., " t" de ' Mr. Tailer wh"i: evenlng Charles Dudley Warncr. ,; promoted -l -ult-'' an e»aa/, by in the "¦ .. i1 wai h Ne.\ .- .'.¦ tl lha refiital of aome of tht inemberi rl ai- Abbey, O. cyrus MoJlery, wbo to Bcareel-r leaa popular md Me in* i'n e next ,,, ;, 1,1 riiptaln. Alter tli.- he returned t ,".!.,., ,,,,,,i-imi;,,-.- Hcnrj ::,: in tli" P ,- -> .i ,-,,-'- v. i'.. rhuroh, ¦. ti-t Madlwxw .- .i.i- lt hlm th. ir >n, , Tin ,, i. or ol rc i-nr tlio l'.rii 4 rleik New-York ,.;., organlzntl kurlncer Man ia Benjamln, ... nnlc ii. tho i7'Hi--t.. on i.mber I8_a, at *| nai hla imeuti'iii to devote as much "i L moit < a- Mr. .-|n re li" i' 1:1 dn d loi U" then ,,.,.. md Mondiy, ll Aleaiuider Llaok, John li. Bonor, Arthui ., ..- wai dollvered bv lli Rev. larllf ahn ild lell tn Mr. levelai d, in. lo tii" mtereti of <<«.m hlng ln .-. Bro, i. .,..,,,;, < It i- i.i l*lii;a,l"l|.lil p, formarii James 11. bildst*. Klbrldge .f ,:.. Tremoni IT. oart ...... ol K ii ky, aa a rKeated. rninii I».nber llttl Abbb ll- Voorh-x-^ i'.' '.i,i. l.tu* byU-rtan " ,,, Mi ii'. lle wiis nl... tiiniiir-'.-r of the <'\'.'I VOORHEEfi On Ulli WUUam M '¦-¦ Carpenter. Mward nry, al West Farm* m l--'-- ll*» *>n<4 w-ll undemtn n .. llial tlir un'' ihe .,( th lat- itnlph and Ber*li \ -_?- Maurtce f.,n bia miniatry ,;':'!1- po| pnlic.i .- ,.-.,¦;. Hc inic ." Uil'lii ab ;. ii yenr daiielitct oprhjea. \\ {-,¦,;, rbeodore Loe L>e Vlnne, ',.,,.*¦ ot :.. -i'i. strugi I -.... and it im y no mean.. le I tn ' prohal wur artlcle^ 11. * |J ,..,. -i:. Moran contrlbuted many %,.r\ ..<. of h -'.st r. Mr.. B. Ve Fcan Henry B. Blllot, Ueorge to 1-11. ini ,. w it Inti or :nr YAlt: rOOTBALl TEAU ESTEBXAIXE1 01 t.flck '-, tl Ktatcamnn hn Invente ill he cvninry" and ol er 'nagnUnc*. one whl, ton-ave., .¦, Tueaday, UM 1-itBi FoulKe, Wllllum Hamill been inii.ii'-. '' taU-ri. ('f 'I"' o fnm Vale Will,...i. l- Jamea B. kenyon, lo I with the BTfliil and aweeplna reviaion uul ,d th" f;.ii* "-'i.i b> tunnel IntVt.. al k p. m. Tb* ¦embert of tht *letoi_aifl Cnlvara-ty K,',,, Kee-o, l; ur- wbo were preaent, and u in un next r in. Whlle ln Nev» York !." wai maater of " '"r ia.-'u!, Klrtcland, Perdval Lowell. Jam>*« M. l.u.i i-.i-i.n t" I"' pl in'.-ii j- he lertaken WKKD-At >¦ Blnf, X. X., 1" lay. ln'h_ ata tha of th* Colambfa Col- Kln of ibe church, .¦i ,-n-; ,.-.. ¦,.;,. of Ma Bueata low Albert Mathewa, Wllllam .-. Mayo, n.lore 11 .ir^-Mii'i "ii the 1.r"-. |.odge i.sF- Dramatle Club ln tMi elty oa Batarday ei Head Bdwln Wllson Morse, Jame. Hei \- ther Roiiiplir.itinn whlch threatena i- nol I','!r':, l« U tlt*., -.I.*** the Vale l-. !' (llV. It '.< .. 11 ,\- ol Colnmbta mea eteorted i>. .-.-,, i ¦-.,;:¦:. Hemard O'Connor, i-1 new, hiil ihete are Indiratlona thal lt M. P. .. u. 11 R.-v. Ira ¦¦*",-. entirely WIl.l.lAM IIF.XRY CROSS, [.odfnrd. N. T. .. -. Davld I- K. ,-n .:.- .- \ .. rn* '¦' Mui . ere II Perrin. 11. De. KeV. A. m iy reate n *n ne iatu nm p tha opy. partj John '. ¦'¦ ". < - i. '.- **. r II. Wllllam Benry ross, " .' ,. :!" '."r " Blaeb Cr. ok." 1 il url llenry Pltelps, iv ,.'i-'"i B in 1, .ii-1 B. ¦,.;. r,' If <'.-rt:,:'.:' '..¦ ill ii ll riiall t-'eome nn London, \\ 111 Ll -,'K ":, :.h ai » boxea Tbe - ,.|.. Lancai ter *>nnl(1 . \ .- John IIilil :. ol Mon I*. i-l.-tia.-ti* iu tln- *;,,-,'-. ennteat. If i- thfl t"- 4t. !.. ,i. d. Mr. roa wn tl eM il on nf VI*- ... Uort fl. ne, < ol imMa r-l,ii> --a wltb Vela and WUUam -l. ancl H«»ve> bloddnrd, ". l .. An <,f draped !>',,.¦. ?- \iv,il of thfl deijijiiul that r.h.iirmanahins and com ,., (,. c. B. ii" ":i- born ln 1857, ln - Henn rhayer, John (*. Van wi nl lo the Columbla _trnu<- . a*hole party Stephen - ', ri-ii.iit.-.l tli-- I' iho :" :''i!«urd P. ¦ ¦' 1-- the Woedlawn BUtlon (2ith ..;..,,' Lamb, grrlptlon 'i he A I¦'¦ ln 11 : Uie r- murk Ini *-. * ere -, itunlay i-v, and tho r.iu'-s ,¦! i.tli hrtlona, f»ne of L. .,,. 1.;,"' Flfteenth-rt., Mr. tillder thei . 1- ..:. Ai.l-1' BM1TH. .: ii. BradOT, John IJtrd, Boberl Morrell, ni lon , s,, ,. Ud ... I- achenie laal BEXED1CTIXE wo« Im r«t«_1 In I--T. i' I'riap'* iii'-trl.-. in di*-cu_»ing Iho nnd the raafeflaloaal par* lived. It orp iimeiit. wh , waa wendell loUowlng n!i«.st« Of Mr, Olldi Mr. John*on, ^ li." week. will: Itome, Dec, 11..Abbe KenedlcUne Smlth, Xoticco. coupel] lli" which - Edward Bugene ¦A.,\ , li.,i|.|i:,i" liffht I'n--ki'iri'l .,> want* t> leave tho tariiT to Mr fljiccial r**4*eiicb Bond, Harrlgan, Henry Tliayer, secrctary: John Denlson Cliampli-i, bltberi.Iy hun« in dark and omlnoua ciouoa ui known In Amerlca, hai died of i leumonla. ,.,... -,, Burki. Georgt Oregoiy arid -amtael \. .(.: iivi.-f. Charles de Kay, Noah U ii,.. have Mr. levelnnd appnint Herl/crl Mor*. and Rdmund Clarence Sted i" BV, tl.. Hoiiie ramm rt»*e alao' He could then Hx I iiil.ri.U < . »t:iiM.I K\ .-, ,-imrv l'i,ir. I.II.I I- rep irted ABTON TUORB ICHTEN. ,....,. |, ¦.. rv. iC. he would nol Ihe .-..!,ii'ii't.-. - nn W - Bnd Meana, Appropria .. wera w.iiiam Maffltt, ,-__»- ,,,.,, 1 Invlted iFalrchlW) .-!.. w AI.I. bl ., SEW VORK. At Bat**] Baenl Captaln waa e and and - on i)"''. 11 Anton T-ormniVea. W. J. I, and the benator from New-York tions. Colno-ie, llni Cnrrflney. BBwaukee, (Sperlal).- rmlck, i'. T. SUIroaa, 0. Wekok, A CTTVEl " ,111.: t.'v .,, ." .,* th aainfl ever*. Iaa C0X8ECRATI0* OE IjfiioreU., i iii hlmself, tim phmai the well-known German poet, dropped dead F. A. J. C. ls at" ti"- I'o-lolll. ¦<. Nollro. A BeCrea, W. C. Wlnter. HlBekey, ' lllll know* -where he Jtul Sucli I-n a-onld hnve mnnife*! advan- ii,. entered i beer hall whlcb ls beadquartert i Dee. 13..BL Mary'l B t* reveal that im '¦- ¦.¦ l* ot -¦ i n'»* a>, Laarfa T. BUaa, C. I>- Bllat, Hearjr S. Conn., i.i,:, baa fnlled Thflre i- f-flno ,' VVhe.*-ler, ol Vlahama, foi H Id ii A iri n w. il thia wa I.m '.hers. 'il"' l"-t. Bdifr. "'¦ for tbe ikal pUyer*, and whlle In the ael uf drink .',; i .. .'¦ ' of tlu- li, ave., ity, t n who for yeara haa i-eilized thal mtrle* ii"*l n .t ipecui e aad Bawyer, would iiidi'iit,' thnt li" I. ft, WiiBhington rxnmple. a i-'ii'-* of beer he fell dead. Mr. Thormachti n I ated bv Btohop Lawrence Btepben McJlalM ' .'''' tr\- i:<*-,i- him a- a memher >l the Waya aml Inb -, Autttn ':.. u ' " -....: team; Qeorg* Morriton, trnlnSew-I tlil ,',."' nf tbe b"st known German*. in Ihe clty nnd 1- <|. -::.,! to «-l.d du ¦' ' tbe dloceac ol Hartford lo-day, aaatotcd by many os..| ln I'H.i Moatis Commlttee. Mr, Cleveland mljrht nol II ; J m Mllne Bugant L. I>nle, Ihoraat Q. eniraci-d v.ns ll" waa born In oldenburg In 1830. Oll.llie l>-'1"8 Griuncll, al 8 30 ii.i. tl.ltr.-s to hl* W8| ,,i:,,,. hlm hui ho eonld eom*ole hlm t»3 popular. CUnton prieata. The conaeeiatl'Jii aenieea began tbe iMtf.s Wldrll Wlll JUBip there, ii-- can.-¦ lo Mllwnuk .. in 18*0. Ul hard Barker, Fraacla Wllaoa, x tbe Ume ,\ jn one of hla ii iemla n ¦. ¦., offlce. |, 11 ''Ul o'clocb Uils mondng and laated three hours. when proper _«____., ,. x- .¦ ol dl l. ... Roberi C. Sanda, .lo.'.ti C. Travla, Benjntnln On, "i 11 ¦.' 'f> Iy pn I' ''." Bklrmlihea "Then there i« f'olonel Qat**-, ..f Alahama, x I:, Bll i- I a,io waa admitted exeepl the ofllclatlnf prlext, in n ¦¦. ¦.' i ,- f A.m ii '. WaU. r L. i,!.. mi] force* to the turfaee tvnlght who. belna -' oth man pi r. favora th. mi i.i.r.i:. Moxi'.iV \t 12 m. ._ Denkard, liogert, opp< john ... > McMal in bleaaed tho ohnroh, both outalde .-f T.-.\a-. i- !!¦ ." Btthop statemenl mad* by ex-Oovern-ir Rayrea, oatioua ol diatrihiitlns phalrmanshlna, nn -. u.. nu I'.'ii .il I '.*]... C.»n-*r«'«*. plan b .,nd I.. rin ,i .,. r ln 2.1 p.iici.i,,.-p-i", Dee. 11..John MBler, formerly .' -- -¦ suu* B, i.y 11. and ln, proceaalen paaalng Repreaentntlve -:. who f,.r yeara hu** know that Ihe puhlifl t |.,.,-. r and male, poi id Jamei Gerard. MorBmei Mr. Crlsp." 1.aid, wlll be Ihe n*xt, man of this bal wbo for xx,,.. N-xx.-a- .-. A. Hnv. church aeveral Ume*, and al ti,<- llme tha maln altar tl tl Iia ahould he cliairman o| Ibe well-known bualnen clty, froni Il< ... Ila-hcll, Tlieodore r the llouae, ... mntter whal Ih. really reqiilred in -:>.-, V.At l'J a. 11 .<" a m.j " .."'im- .!' ftee Mr f'leveland nol .,,-.,. m been ¦ ooromerelal traveller. aitd nlary ... .;.-.' 'l K-llv. Ri waa In the altar ti ^'»u Cumn miftht um, *>»vltzi Ir.. 11, j Iln, waa conaecrated there depoaltod 1... and you ma* Quit. me ns aaylng 10. may Judiciary [,,., ',,. i ,:, r, i: ¦. un i\> thi rlatid ilatid, :-¦ but rould t wu-i 4. il known aii over th Btate, died on Sat* ¦¦ r. " Iou- rd Klp, .\::"-."i La Montague. trai iti frcol ot Uv e o amall i,|.., r. lv' upon tli" f-i.I'lll -.' iiive hlm tlio pl*airi lanahip, aay who [Ul] Ki»lii r rl .-"il. .lu-trla, Turl j H C. A. \V« direetly wl 'ifl. --...I.-i, >i",| per -¦ -- J:.-'. Ua nn M GI11, N. Beynai, of of ed II, ., j-. Une mt- i'-i '.1 Mr. Cleveland and him: 'There i- V«»ii lionlavllle hrother-in-lnw iy. Xorwav Kuaala, two " x-,- r r other f n Wi,!), Frank < Warn b ,\ oontafntng Ihe reltoa martyra pa hl nnd nnU." v.i ,t< nn fnteratate Com. t,,:, mi ii parta -:i;.'i ui tht Adn trul whom yon uppolnted Eiirono 1,,,,-t b. dl. -" .! "ber Trave")! ut l p. >.,. fot j r wltb a upon whlch la tbe record .. kmwn Cont-nl Bt Man afea, .parchment VVhen ii-i"-! about g< :. penchanl misaioner: 1 will appolnl him A. M. BPAULDIBO. por t. t. iccano. by tbe i.i -, ' cavlty ror tt,.- lliil tii.ti-n tu* e_-Oov*rnor wlnked and ,-)i.-st.-i- V- ii -¦ how ,-;'sv it would he for Mr n*KDNK_*UAi ii ii¦;¦ -i h.-i,'-.*¦.¦¦¦ 12 m. loe B4raate I. 11..A. M. Bpmae-ng. a eom- at 10 _J aed bfcMn<" j WEDD1X0. < Seni , . "I 'I" not think thnt merchanl of thlfl (miiipl. j,- i,:',. pontlllcal mom waa lebrattd al 10:^) «..,'..i:.,i- atntement means one ot iwo body. N'o." he pontinuerl, !-., -ix. -. IU, vla Cura: "¦ ot' s .>. \ no. u a " Sayrea'a t|;,- ,,... iv li" had terved aa .vd--in.ii edBor of Th* ht. Paai of the d it menni thal luis been atnlen awaj llie eauena plan woiihl work. No memher nf ,,r forty year». :-f. i* ror thi r Hr I "P>-r maaaglng io :;. wlth Blahop Mattbew Harktna, ti.ii.-.. Crlap 8 '" f-r ¦ board.* llou-.- v«t«> himself a al the 'aii pnd -id' in the Coran I. Be wai rieeted Veue/uola" at 11 a fm n'mry 12 P n i." <.f st. l'aul th* lliil I'liinr'. and Ims ellmbed upon the would place nnd p: of ,¦ AasUn, - .-' -'.,-x -. i«i. \ i.l, t.i-. relebrant. Blahop Thomaa Beavln*. n \* r -. e. '»»¦¦.. tli I,. <>r. whnt more Hhely, lt mi the «'ommittr. .eonatle* or Mllltia, when hi ,.,,,¦ ,- f late bul mi- forord to Kurope '. ,,i tb" St. DenB ll..t<*l on Saturdny even deHvered the aennoii. |nnd of eleetlon, ,,.,.. ,1 ¦- r .| ¦-,.. i Clt. uf !'-' ¦ f'-r l the dtoceae of Kpringfletd, nre another ti ahilitlfla .-itiM.-l hlm fo lir-t oi .. :, \ ' 1l1.1t mii uud Sh, ban Intent knew thai hi* .- aceoiit ol lll b, .-,..:, -. .: f '!'" upon pi mltb, i' People' -; ral >..- were eelebrated al 7tH0 o niove i.v whleh wlll a.-eure Ihi Rpeakershln, _,-,,.n.l on or Waya and pldai ll !' r 1 p pei they " place Approprlatlon3 '. ol . ... \ r* .: led The v.U: lic was qulel iiii.i;. wlth Blahop McMahon w el< ¦ui.,.,1.1- '1 no," by holding eml InducemenU Mean hand Ant* :,.;.- ¦ Ml_* .ib'.Vf kind Iti Ihi _ i OLONBL JOHN SOMMER. ,:,r. ti i- :¦ Noordland" al l p ir. i-* Cuhe. ramllj. I lt i- oiw x ' / ... nrch la bolH atone, and M r .-. ¦¦ u:,. -i Mlll mnn ln Ihe laat Rpenkersnlp .--,.- ii 1 Som- . - Mlai Ali'- Auttln, e. ln ¦',.,.', m i'.i- now m* in I Rl FERS S »T TO T.V1 R Baltlmore, l>.-'. n (Speclol). Colonel John and St Tl Kl \, ,,l ihi clmrch edilli tho Crlap may MR CRlSr ....,-. .,. r. f..r " eare tn te Mr. well known .,¦ wn* bi.n for Ita conatrnctlon uhder Un niiii.. ,t vi *»V old Idler aud RepubMcan r .in.und ¦. ni: 11 iT ""in f -XQt'ET B I-, HE ' 1I1 man "f ll Waya and Menn ll- * - »l« yeara old. t i,4 her BK'tl-cr, :. r. a Smll ln Fel rn iry, i- 7 night. scventj '' nJltt, ¦. and Crl :. wlll l*c foreed |o plaee MimetHidy "mv I!' in_ ''l'i'.1' Tlll IISDIV.Al I p in. 'U"' " 10 p B ) - - tfl TO wai an nrtlst. He waa ¦ veteran \ ¦. i: M ,ov t ,. eha young*.-] ne i aa l iU !¦.¦ B U F_rla(l In Julj ,.] in t ui Imr* rt.-inl pn lilon if tbe IT.1 Idenl I5j ,. ,T - -. \A) p. m. foi New- v - -Tir. Il-unlln. Mn been Ihl ll ':' nlare. W r.t. Ri Mexlcan IVar. He waa commlaidoned colonel year. ." < ''¦.'¦ -t ¦ ' -Uvjp. t, o K ihe lliil men i'l eed In onvlni Ina ls back In ,i,. Cnlt.-d t< i Volun KKIIJAV t I 11 two aeeounl of ,, hlal s. liool haa al 11. Criap lf ',i Reglment, , montln, ..' ,,i: 1,1 -,- ronvi 1".-!. Wa hlnaton, Tme Speaker Mnrybmd a. ». I'.l Calla t i J .T-i". ,;,. 11 rlap i.f.n « '". entered per i pi. Bailth, i'-i-- :i per* n il ibOlll t'i" wbol*Ihe*italB Ile nol Inrllned to dl u for pu -;., Mini.. t"-2. bul :-|. 'I v ,11 1 And Woxhlnflon. " rslilp favali ¦"! 'ata. lle BATI'ltDAl lf 2:30 a ..¦ f b . rl-ind t both brM* and of "\ir:i lon hlngea up m lhal point. ti,,,. iti.-i'i-rt- mm.led wilh the Refoni l-'ii.[*ai flfler lli aar he ' '' ,.ntil November, II ' " i:i' ,hmI -o St, I'i-i.1. fi. 'ti l: iltimore, Ii: I. ., m for 1 fteen y. in In tba eustom hou*. ill fhi ii ¦.,'.!,. SOTES 01 TBE 9TA0E l,...;n''t. replj i,,M po^iii ' I. <. IPPEASED nut A TTME. r. he 11! ''"."¦ ...... IY. porli _*- 10 30 -, ..: A "M "f u"' Pref-*atonal aad I n -tln . in New York beea all r '" _Xo i...|. « nt, iho pr, of t'.. country .. , I '¦: n-ta.-.x n I , ,,u t-, i--,,,i " ,,, |,,,,, j .... i- .mkhi be - 1 ¦¦ .¦M.. : II a. ni. for < .,,.',. j 1 ¦' I" Inqnlr. ¦¦* f" HAIE Ki lUinllii "ib recelve on ¦.-.¦¦ Tmvel nnder ml P OF .'.'.' RDWtX rRETJOU. ... , :. .-, hl.-nder. none. "¦ - polnted H ,{ wna an Inv II-. »|»«*akcr at the hanqu. t. from .,. Tamp o an '1 -,- |_m (1 t«-l >'i on tb* who died fladdenly ¦ *, Dr Bdwln Dale Frellgb. ¦' .- d'l f ? nrmed mj .',,' In a Iva State xi.i \ noi iu-. Ited lo ipi*a 1, bul |n but bome, Bo. n We*t Thlrty fourth :i i :, ) ,, death iii,. ..v 1' g,, v 6 iv, I r¦¦' Bon ,,,.,. be ill >n. II l Inw lb lUt. o ihould np born ln ftaugertlet, rNt-r O '.nr:: ,, wlfo x-.i- tt ln i x ni. f r fi iul in. iVBILEE WERE or .1 BBOOELTX ., hli ! ''¦' '. .' ' ' to .... -. -. - oul the ii .. :. not P pi _. i.;;,. ii,- a Dr. MarUn '.« ..: l \.'".'l':' '. ]., '" '¦. l nf tli* ;l,,. |n, .,,,|.,| m rntlol upon -i] he .-:i ".*'."d. x A. M. A*.:...--r. ,,f ehoee oropany M y,: IB." Uy .. ''.. .. j ierd iy n . M ,i-7 ni. xli I!. n Church, ln FronkUn, r.eur Myrtlenve., n [, -. aronla. It I* n ,1 Irue tb il h fl tl t1" ,,., . ,,,. | _. .,.,.,, hla .'! icatlon al Bl Inebeek Bio 4. wlth rlal -.; N tt .'.,¦. ll-ll II i. l.-rday l* .; iu I'..: -.. .: I*a :i,, j,, ,tj _-.,;. N ml th. . ' 4. .l -M. Rl InelMK-k, Y., completed ' \ ., '. l '.'' IIIV "' " ' '"'' "''''' P -N.i hn, been | Sl'XDAV-A ¦. K .- !-. i-r I. i. :¦ " " i' ., .- *-'- [.: ¦I 4Vii* b momi nt. ioh room. Tl li -i .r 'in "Id New- '. ,,; H 30 I qutet l^,,, n.. f: th* ..... I K- -. l>r. Cborl" 1 i,:,ll iu,'l v. I,T> p .7 l_.-i.--fu ylven «Itbto Ihe oi it Uu " .1 t ;. ¦..!.¦. tho bonqui I8fi0 and al one* began acttve ''a " il o* tbe clty Y, rk MedJ nl College In Mall* for A ,f t .. to I .15 ai ..I Di ii-i .- f.clf :-. ' ' wlth bia .- ¦'¦ !¦ i ' < li. nl ih. 'inub1 t,, n.^. I ii m .>!:. for ;ll !.. ,,'s are i|- r. >Aa regardi Implled 44".i:.¦ in- Uclne i- Blao toofc a eotu-a In I- ;, -1* ,% itudytng ' an lll be .* mcetl ..- .... i>.- en,b«r .' .- .- tl," trj c ri fron s-iii Krm thleh addjasaea wlll i,. mad* t». the Kev. mathun ,-,, ,,, i. Ume ' ' |,:i:,v arlll i| ,...*-.- .: ,,,.i a -"l'" dlploma In Hi Mi -. S '" /. ll.nd. Ha* and the Kev. Jnmea *.¦ N ¦ 1' . 1 .. tb it lei otei j la ley, Penn., i.'-t lli t-i rsoni Mr. ns ii inli,-ml.'-'st. 1»:-. Frelll . f . 4i.i:i.«n .., ,-...'. t ''0. N. :.: . 11 much for rallroad fart that I- to ¦,.,[ '..,:¦!!. 1;|. .]., bOtfa Of WhOfll ' !¦¦: und waa not .,, -.¦ \ r.Yori .... II'»thnl*_ . :i ttn tlrely I lon, oronanlvi wlth . 7 ln f t \ .¦ \ '! i* i. wh ap |. Ia ll,.¦ <\:"lr. ii Wlll Ih' 811 ,.-i. i : I. -. 11,.. -...-.,. r and .-...- *i iit-, i.-n ..f Kcml ,1 *,?.". BO- ni _Ui i-oiiclv.-a t-. b_ a p nenit r M anl ;¦ at hl i. i" l 1....1 imllpimilon ihi-y ; I, 'M, k,.. i urange hav* ij'"*1 . -miiir ¦ on. Ai 11 i' -al -. mall' i, . » --. ii :hi< oBl da.'lj B 10 r 'r- there «lll be lubll** ert, do !-. i,.t.i..i-,| .liRlii. ludf. pleted, im the burlal wUl ba In !¦ *.'¦" .¦ i im.- nnd M'.i.'Mi Mu-" on I .. i* . a .1- lo ''.. n In uie 1 -, l.i.oMi md th bf 100 Kll '-- ton, N- Y. - * *** 'i-i there * 1*1 be ;, .m.-- ¦. id on _ x r. :i -eiviii"" |.-i ),. I.,.- Bev. Dr. "eloklnf. i .'.'.',7..'. '//./. o: 1 Ol.TAlHE. , Ukc Ji*'i * oi.'i.'a !. : ,. ,' ihe I'nlvary Pr.-»bj lerlari Cbureb, ,,V. ll.h TMl OP / POBUIXQ I' \BR01 .... ^. ¦' " I" .a The T:: adway Theatre waa erowded ln rm arorl ¦--'' '¦>'¦> . '« u. Ing for lon J nrnnl. Tr -n T" I"''' hurg Chi grapb. ... ;, ...... io ln nlonel Itoberl Ingi tn V, : . ii .¦,.,,, -;. nt a part ol laal aummer , .'. B/7T/BI m: r..xi:i:i i > :.i,i.. on \- Hall.*. i lecturer U*gan bj f nll t-i'- '¦,""' idlj dlaturbfd ' . the i t li a t B i ¦.,r 1.. :.! <*4 ,.. Mate ol " ,...... ' nl ., :..:!-!, ln !'¦ iittne*: .1'-; H l' tl" the deplorable 00 rvi a ten " Ammtmrf, Hai D**e. loartng la oflirlal II 1 |d,,, Indv ¦' >: ,t lown owi -.1 i parrot, whlob daj - .1,1. ,\ v '-.. .' r' ": "..¦ »'": -. 00 n nt* foi r«.ii , d»v ... r lii'-iii'.iiiil ,-\fi. ls. -. |o I" ,,! ihe . '.' i¦¦. ll. for id tbe .. .,.. il ol obaervlag clvl l/< '¦ nro -,, ai.agr.* Mppletnontar. M« ,1 ". the i.l- r- of lalfl r,.-. ,,, .,,¦,,. i:,,'. been ("hl llanli d, nol " -X ..'1,1, ¦.l.¬ ¦' i .,-..!, .,r ¦..'..,- 17 :,t Am. IV. H. II. Currfer, '.'if II'I '.f .. J, ..- ,. .1 11,. II, Itll ll ll' .., Tr»nrh nf 'I ll"' I'" ii- Id .I-. ' ''* * i frl.-nd |UI ,.-,i-.' Ihe ('iilonel, .... II Coanly edltor and llfelong ....i wn r. wh lo xx r ". ihe blrd'a *poke .(-., uutll :i,,:, M ho al mm uffl .-.I lt. na f -' ' ' s .'"IT '*'-'!.* .' I. A -li'.lt In I'lin,, .' ., "I i iller." renlled Ih* i,,|;\'! i.r VAN l*o«tm«et«f AltdoVI Ibem V '.' IA»2. -x 1 ..,', intral 1 ave u, unl b.- N a | l\,..,,:.:,-e, i(t t rht .". e wfll be Imi ibi 11 mproi .1 ..n.iiii.ii on ler *cit Uhf beaata. >>«. \oa Central. .» Ha JJ.n.rliii: I'l,ill,.-,r..,,ii|. A pt> ... Ol ¦iv- ,,,,ii i>"..!'- treatod