the hai " '"¦ rlghtflon* blrd, hnvln^ boen brouKht np ln way tvblttler win tben be rrnd I.y Profeaaor J. w. CbareblB, '.' tlu- kearl of Un B4***eaBt a falnt longing fnr fully beneflrlal Inltoence among Ihelr hrleaa. BBd rala I truat « nnd ¦-.¦. m lo come ild RO. 1 -111 I.-nd vou mv i»*n-,,t. BBM BLACKBALLED of Andover, Tbla win i.. i of I-, BPEAKER CRISP BNUBBED. tiv.'s. a ir aelf r.'sii.'i't glgntty ol MR TAILER followed ibe readlni ini.-r ta flppnetat* a p-eat araa wa flflaat 4 warrl. ra nt i m ai Ihey don Ib* blu* bia Influenee wlll reform Chat depraved Mri y.iut.-..* tba ang x>:i. bbm roaina lettera, ete., ¦ an addreaa i. eoBBtdai lils Bfl tho ni .m'i " tu'i ..'.. of 1.,,- rurate'a la the ilnglng by qmrtet, by s:irro:ini!in-s, UM piirt Ktei, BtBg* ifnrm ',i.H' th*? nta mllltary Iralnlng. parrot pteced two _:._ I. nre to bava -I'h tii.- wtebei en., and a- aoon u tbe Patteraon, ol Bew jia-i pahlre. ilnglng of oni apon viiiicii ba flBMBaaeaa, aai tha Batfaaee." ('otilhiu.-d from l'lr*l 1'age. Ai.l iheli irlbi people Immenaely pleaaed bad Wrd re- Ol'T Of THE 0OACH1NG CLUB m, ,,r thelr o* n re. .¦ n enllateo nold era "f tli become aecustomed t,, eaab other, the BEPT Whittur's iiiiia.'s i.y Mlaa Wblttlor, ¦ rriattre ol the Tii" l.'ftiiri'i' devoted itttlfl iiii!" t" Un .-.-irii.T Barttoa gularly one marked I'nited -i.,t. s .'md 'ollowfng ih" cavalry guldona. wlsli tho oM would dlo." i". t, ami another aeleetton bj Profeaaor J. W.Churcbill, ol Vnlaalra'a Hf.-. Iba Bartloa ef tba aflMrcm B*bteli tlio re-fxlocMon of Ono of ,Jmlcp Cltep- .-.¦ .-.- b, n b_m* int- d "l'i. Ihe red I lady Criap. lleuti' nni hn the Mrd r..n.*l up lits ey<-a_ OP His lr.nxivs 8X0 WHEB CI*VB* wlll ba readj for dlatrtbatton Deeember 14. "¦¦: ted the bearera w:is Um Btary f>f tba warmca. who wus recently appreaohed reci Im from the iir-t aa) i thal us .,, ,n n- they l< Whereopoa rlergyaua'i B*ja-a>BI8S terrible urni tin- gnpporten, th" t" underatand tl"' they and lu ,-..i.mu a' eenta added Two huii.ttc- mat Bfty Invttatioaa bave been aenl Calai Btrven penecutlona aad per- "tie «.f aald to ,f langunge order*, I/'.rd:" Wllll" i-i"n: "> by ..t tho leadera tl." ln fl llme 'Wa bea.i. tl. to bear ..s, ."'*! MEB-A WELL*KjrOW*4 lo t,<- more and iiiiK'.-'iis effortt of Voltalre In hrtnilf oppoaitlon, obeyed remnrknblv well, and ahort out In nud for aeveral* out-of-town gueata. Tha exerctoea wUI ol f-mtlle*. ii that ;i' taott In tba tbat go t" make Tha _t..ry got the parllb, at th" ia.-t election lor bm Tribune oorreapondenl yeaterday pored ravorably all parUeulara snridivs u wi- ta. omlt lae l-itnny ut the T. Baffarn TaUer a iu.tn.- t;i!,-,:t,- lo a loved hiuI bonored lellow-cltlien n band <-' uon flrtth Um b. ghborfng whlte noceaaary waen th** twentyiiv.' lui-n who voted fot Colonel Milla had aoldlerly clnir. li -, vii¦¦ -. Btt Ccachlrig Clnb aaa Mttkballetl, bb4 than a publl demonstratloo, but out-of-town peopto Iro, ps.'' -.-¦ 4 oiuii are Invltod, Senalor Patterson v\.-.- a clo*o Intentton to the <»f the indlan _.._:! lo'i .¦ kaawa to tbe oMer m. mbetfl of the cordlally appriaed liiiu of thelr aupporl One objectlon whleh the enemlea Mr. (riend ol WhltUer. Ilarrlet iTeaeotl Bpodord may AX OLD WILL CASE SETTLEI). would him Btrongly Ihelr enllatmenl 4411 thal Ihey Wlion tln- Mueom tarlaaai of tho Hronohla are aora rtr-o-t Mlatalabateni *»«- exprea*efl- TaUer, turnlsh a Speaker in ihe next eanena Tbta glve nrged ngalntt or inilnmod. Ur. -vill afTortl lla ihort poem. if eould 'i"t bc Indueed t" keep tbelr nrm- and P Jayne. upe-totant flexlaretl, waa ellgtble In every way ta beeeaae .. itTong lead among tli" old membera, even tn.-:,'- ln pn p. order. Bul even tids dinVulty aeema jiroiiij.t r.-ll-f. Kor t.r.-nklnK up a OMfl, or aubduliaf tliey ii wlll llnd ln lt a ,.-rin'.n . *. of the Caa-Mag Clab, omi a- tta had dotir W. B. O-.HK.VS 1'IIARITY lTWI). there ahonld be no turtber aceeaalona from .he lo have '.n overoome. Tha Indlan trooaart who Coiurli. you i-.-iiie.ly. *>*a*m*m In thla THE BOOB OF THE Ai TBORS' VLUR. went \4itb ihelr whlte comrade* tn tak* parl ta the ts B-ask *- any rouag aaaa lor eeaeblng raoka of the Milla men, bnl that there wlll be reremonl*** ln Chlniiro Um aetion World'1 Falr dedlratory Whra bahy w*< .tr*. _.» jtuve ber Caat/me, lUaer memaerfl ttotighl ibal douhi -. tint (caatry, abt Tlir. COI-- gneh aeeeaaione there ean be ru. reaeonable were 10U1 Uom aa to thelr aoldlerly appearanee Uh-. tbe wn a Child. »he erled for ( a»tona, t'1 Mr. Tidicr* eleetlon woaM re* REW'TOIUI BOMOSOPATHIO MEJBCAL bul Uttle Ihe nlghl before tbe parade, and w'.-n m,,j beeaoia Mi*-, ¦-*>- tluoi ta OBateria, of tlie n.rr. oppoerd A VM.I'i: VOI.l'ME. WITH CONTI'.IIUTION"- FROM <»f conne little oi Bothing la known ol bhe ilept routren t< ib* latereatt Im .**.'.¦. Vork. L'. <:'.. ABD BOSP1TAL roae al ¦unrlae to *. I.*.***n nnd pollah thefr a wh.'n »he hai ehodreo, aba e»vi tu_-i c«»i_r__. *Dit in tajary eoaehfbg MORE THA21 A HUXDRED WR1TERS. BEBEFITCO. of ihe acventj-Dlve new Democratie Wh.-ti the Indlnn left thelr pott to proceed frtarndt In Uw Bea Vorli Coai h Tiie prefereseca eompanlea whal sj n irj Worb ou the book whlch tha Authora' Clnb i» controveray arfttng rut of tba rhnrity elBBaa l.ut it ia Ibal tbeae wlll be ,.-. th, ir frlenda were 10 dellghted at tbey florn* tnna up h« araa urged u, >oIb tiie of "ii membera, probable il .;,,,, n* to 11 ir raee Ihat they Buatfl and to ii.i!. i...s to - b a atage tba aU] of .vi'ii'im D. Ogaeo waa letUed DIED. .pjClub, wonld ba pubttah wlnter advanced lufluenead ln .. great degrce by thelr oldgr eol- demonatratl in "n t' "ir departure. **LmrTo~. Bo on* toppoted tbat there .-iin.m.iy. after over thrat yeara ol UUgatfon. Mr. the ..m and wbea I that a g. dea ol it can now ba glven to the pubttc. a ag-nei in tl,c Ho lae Mai v an nfUcer who uted lo eung to army BABKE.Al fctaay f.tv, nn S'inday, Deeember 11, E4- Q*- -Mghtetl <.; ao*-Uon to hlm, it ts ¦._.!!,-:. a:i<i ls .'.:¦:. died ln 1878, und hy the lerau af bll aill tradltl ti il it the i-T""d Indlnn waa a dead x-url Baaki. oae ..co hi*t ealled Bciiptorum," publl Oae of the obetaciea to tl.e move- only nt Mt. Kt-"-i Cliurch »t IS wa* weteatad te ibe membert weeb devlaed 7 i_ per rent of hl* entlre eitute lo lu-- antl-Criap Indlan haa been ponverled by the *j£ht.of the** trlm Punoral aervleea I*_*.«hyterlan th> <iub for its own beneflt. The aum realtoed from "f iu- Thtfr rommandera ,,', ;,,. k. ,,n Tvaaday, Deeember u. f r ot dl*appr-val, i.i- rrtendt al e-ccutora, lo be devoteg to sui.h eharttabl* inont ifi the feeling thal it owea mueh Ita well dlaclpllned red ravalrymea. smi.-nv appreval tha aale of tha book wlll probablj go to a. by Ihem belleve that mn«.l nf them wonld b* lovtU to the fl re i;i;i.i. Buddenly, of l, m faiiure, at F.nfr>wood, Ent* hlm a* a raember. and almpl] II ma nnd u-fs BboaM to .nflueneea whleh art imt i, ', r ln-.'j LoulM b»Ui-.-*d w1f»* 'M rea-iv r*t-arded in a lha aa tli"> ta thelr dlacreUon spujition Mugwump nn-iit even tn .-. war *.*.lrli tti.-lr own pe«tii<-- the 10th, A., " ttaae Uu- future, permanenl home lor 1 V ll-'i. aleetlen as a fora al ate. Mr. a.-, i,is eseeatan deteated on overwbelming majority of fatf tbal the*« mea ..n- In the I'nited Btate* jv tha wblcb now baa it- rooma al Bo, tbfl Weal Cgdea appotated beertlly by rery wlB r aervleea at hor lat* raeldanee, n<*>*mt.er i3*.a, lon of iiiei:.tei> ol tba CoaeWog Club la ay Mra. hifl broth.-r ln- nn- -..ni." affordi n p-owlng guarantea thal tbera _" ii. uii ni * " waa bia afdow, Marlanaa A. Ogdap; Demoeratle iepi wntatlvea, Thia feeling wlll 2 p Uie B so ausolu:* tliat it st., wbera bouae-wannlng" meetlng be im in .I-' Indlan wart. D-v-mber «t Belfa-*.. Ir-land. .-..¦.; -. nr<t reerecy 1.1" in ii. *-iici.i"ii, of his ol . _. HLA, K ¦BmUmolr, tXh. thelr|« atteaded laal law, Ctttoago; bephew, doubtedly be itrengthened hy the oeeuneBcea <,f MflMa K BlmB, .*_« ..".- dete ii.ti" tba 'i."t.iiei- eaat largaly Thuraday evenlng. Uiiiiiini 0. E. of raheth D., helevrd trU* C.P to *pm Tite eolume, the Bral ever tosued by tha elub, is » B'heeler; General WlUlan stronj, !.,-' ni.lit. Tbe movement, however, had Ita BVS8IAB lor.K 80BG.
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