Los Angeles Department of City Planning RECOMMENDATION REPORT


HEARING DATE: March 15, 2018 Location: 1547-1549 North McCadden Place TIME: 10:00 AM Council District: 13 – O’Farrell PLACE : City Hall, Room 1010 Community Plan Area: Hollywood 200 N. Spring Street Area Planning Commission: Central Los Angeles, CA 90012 Neighborhood Council: Central Hollywood Legal Description: Davidson Tract, Block A, Lot 20

PROJECT: Historic-Cultural Monument Application for the FRITZ COTTAGE

REQUEST: Declare the property a Historic-Cultural Monument

OWNER: Linda L. Duttenhaver, Trustee Lindy Trust 6671 West Sunset Boulevard, Suite 1575 Los Angeles, CA 90028

APPLICANT: AIDS Healthcare Foundation 6255 Sunset Boulevard, 21st Floor Los Angeles, CA 90028

PREPARER: Anna Marie Brooks 1109 4th Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90019

RECOMMENDATION That the Cultural Heritage Commission:

1. Take the property under consideration as a Historic-Cultural Monument per Los Angeles Administrative Code Chapter 9, Division 22, Article 1, Section 22.171.10 because the application and accompanying photo documentation suggest the submittal warrants further investigation.

2. Adopt the report findings.

VINCENT P. BERTONI, AICP Director of PlanningN1907


Ken Bernstein, AICP, Manager Lambert M. Giessinger, Preservation Architect Office of Historic Resources Office of Historic Resources


Melissa Jones, Planning Assistant Office of Historic Resources

Attachment: Historic-Cultural Monument Application CHC-2018-1033-HCM 1547-1549 North McCadden Place Page 2 of 3


Fritz Cottage is a one-story single-family residence located on McCadden Place between Sunset Boulevard and Selma Avenue in Hollywood. Although the original building permit could not be located, according to the Los Angeles County Office of the Assessor’s records, the property was constructed in 1907. The parcel was originally purchased by contractor and property owner Godfrey Fritz, who most likely constructed the subject property in the Transitional Craftsman architectural style. It was originally occupied by Fritz’s daughter and son-in-law, Nellie and Raymond Vosderbosch, who resided at the property until at least 1918. The subject property was converted into a school in 2002.

Rectangular in plan, the subject property is of wood frame construction with wood clapboard and wood shingle cladding. The steeply-pitched composition shingle roof is hipped, with a front-facing gable over a raised porch on the primary east-facing elevation, and a small side-facing gable on the south-facing elevation. The gable topping the porch has a single knee brace, a double wood vent, and a flattened pyramidal front with dentils, and is supported by three square columns with decorative knee braces. The primary, east-facing elevation also features a centered single wood panel door and vinyl sliding door accessed off the porch as well as a bay window with vinyl windows. The south elevation features a bay window centered on the façade, a multi-lite vinyl picture window flanked by one-over-one vinyl windows, and three wood frame windows. There is a handicap ramp off the rear, west-facing elevation. A brick chimney is centered atop the western portion of the roof. A non-original two-story building with a roof is located at the western property edge.

The subject property has undergone multiple alterations over the years that include the construction of an 800-square foot storage building in 2000, a kitchen remodel in 2012, as well as two additions at the rear, the installation of a handicamp ramp, the conversion of the original windows on the primary, east-facing façade to a vinyl sliding door, the replacement of the original front entry door, and the replacement of many of the original wood windows with vinyl windows, all at unknown dates.

The subject property was identified as individually eligible for listing at the state level as an excellent example of a single-family residence from the pre-annexation period of Hollywood, illustrative of Hollywood’s early development as an independent city, in the March 2009 Community Redevelopment Agency Historic Resources Survey of the Hollywood Redevelopment Area prepared by Chattel Architecture, Planning & Preservation, Inc. in collaboration with PCR Services Corporation and LSA Associates, Inc.


The criterion is the Cultural Heritage Ordinance which defines a historical or cultural monument as any site (including significant trees or other plant life located thereon) building or structure of particular historic or cultural significance to the City of Los Angeles, such as historic structures or sites in which the broad cultural, economic, or social history of the nation, State or community is reflected or exemplified, or which are identified with historic personages or with important events in the main currents of national, State or local history or which embody the distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type specimen, inherently valuable for a study of a period style or method of construction, or a notable work of a master builder, designer or architect whose individual genius influenced his age. CHC-2018-1033-HCM 1547-1549 North McCadden Place Page 3 of 3


Based on the facts forth in the summary and application, the Commission determines that the application is complete and that the property may be significant enough to warrant further investigation as a potential Historic-Cultural Monument. CITY OF LOS ANGELES HISTORIC-CULTURAL MONUMENT NOMINATION FORM


Proposed Monument Name:

Other Associated Names:

Street Address: Zip: Council District:

Range of Addresses on Property: Community Name:

Assessor Parcel Number: Tract: Block: Lot:

Proposed Monument Natural Site/Open Space Property Type: Building Structure Object Feature


Year built: Factual E Threatened?

Architect/Designer: Contractor:

Original Use: Present Use:

Is the Proposed Monument on its Original Site? Yes Un


Architectural Style: Stories: Plan Shape:



CLADDING Material: Material:

Type: Type: ROOF Material: Material:

Type: Type: WINDOWS Material: Material:

ENTRY Style: Style:






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7. WRITTEN STATEMENTS This section allows you to discuss at length the significance of the proposed monument and why it should be designated an Historic-Cultural Monument. Type your response on separate documents and attach them to this form.

A. Proposed Monument Description - Describe the proposed monument's physical characteristics and relationship to its surrounding environment. Expand on sections 2 and 3 with a more detailed descrip- tion of the site. Expand on section 4 and discuss the construction/alteration history in detail if that is necessary to explain the proposed monument's current form. Identify and describe any character- defining elements, structures, interior spaces, or landscape features.

B. Statement of Significance - Address the proposed monument's historic, cultural, and/or architec- tural significance by discussing how it satisfies the HCM criteria you selected in Section 6. You must support your argument with substantial evidence and analysis. The Statement of Significance is your main argument for designation so it is important to substantiate any claims you make with supporting documentation and research.



Name: AIDS Healthcare Foundation Company: AIDS Healthcare Foundation

Street Address: 6255 Sunset Blvd., 21st Floor City: Los Angeles State: CA

Zip: 90028 Phone Number: 323-860-5214 Email: [email protected]

Property Owner Is the owner in support of the nomination? Yes No Unknown

Name: Linda L. Duttenhaver Company: Lindy Trust

Street Address: 6671 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 1575 City: Los Angeles State: CA

Zip: 90028 Phone Number: 323-463-5611 Email: www.crossroadshollywood.com

Nomination Preparer/Applicant's Representative

Name: Anna Marie Brooks Company:

Street Address: 1109 4th Avenue City: Los Angeles State: CA

Zip: 90019 Phone Number: 310-650-2143 Email: [email protected]





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Anna Marie Brooks November 27, 2017 Name: Date: Signature:

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A. Description of Potential Monument

The construction year of the Vernacular Gabled/Hipped Cottage known as the Fritz Cottage is not known. The City of Los Angeles and the County of Los Angeles both set it at 1907. It was not erected in time to make the 1907 Hollywood Sanborn Fire Insurance Map, but is shown on the 1913 Hollywood Sanborn Map. The original building permit is not extant which indicates that it was built in Pre- Consolidation Hollywood. We know that the cottage was built by Godfrey Fritz, a well-known builder of larger buildings in downtown Los Angeles, for his daughter Nellie who married Raymond H. Vondenbosch in 1907 as they were the original residents. Vosdenbosch became known as the future President-Manager of the Central Hardware Co. on Hollywood Blvd. but earlier worked as a cornice maker which may explain the more complex than usual cornices on this Vernacular cottage which this historian assumes he would have shared in constructing.

The Fritz Cottage, which is a Vernacular Gabled/Hipped Cottage is a wooden form clad mostly in clapboards. The front shingle clad gable with paired, framed wood vents which intersect the steeply pitched hipped roof has a pair of wood vents, a closed cornice with tongue-and-groove on the underside with decorative knee braces. The flattened pyramidal porch front with dentils is supported by the square columns of the clapboard clad porch. The raised porch with recently tile-clad steps and non- original centered entry door in original opening and original paired windows extended downward into vinyl sliding doors complete the porch. To the south of the steps is a bay window of original size filled by vinyl substituted windows. A fire suppression system remains from the early 2000’s when the single family residence was converted to a private school, mostly with permits. The front/east yard is paved in brick, tiles and concrete. A fence of square brick columns topped by lights and connected by tall wrought iron fence is at the sidewalk. Two California Fan Palm Trees, Washingtonia filifera, are at the front/east lawn.

The south elevation of the Fritz Cottage contains a tripartite of a picture window with a one- over-one now vinyl windows in original openings, followed by a centered gable, in the original plan with a single vent, shingle and a bay window beneath with vinyl windows in original openings within the steeply hipped roof. A chimney is at the center. A pair of smaller windows and a singular window are at the west and are original wood frame. The open cornice contains decorative beam ends and is finished with a facia. A tuck-under addition with a row of small original wood frame windows is at the west. The blue tent carport is no longer extant. The shed roof building at the rear of the parcel contained offices and storage when the parcel was a private school. Two sets of slider windows are at the south and an entry door and another set of sliders are at the north in what looks to be a former garage door opening.

The west elevation of the Fritz Cottage has a handicap ramp, an entry and some indiscernible windows. Also at the northwest is another squarish addition with no permit. The west elevation of the office/storage building is a blank wall.

The north elevation is not viewable.

B. Significance

The Davidson Tract The Davidson Tract is a sub-division located on the northeast corner of Sunset Boulevard and Highland Avenue at the east side of Highland Avenue between Selma Avenue and Sunset Boulevard. Named for pioneer Hollywood physician Dr. Thomas Davidson, and according to the Los Angeles Times, the Tract will contain 28 parcels averaging 50’ x 150’ and including, “suitable modern conveniences:” Streets…will be graded, oiled, cement curbed and sidewalked. Palms and other ornamental trees will be planted at convenient intervals in the open spaces of the streets…Restrictions …will insure the presence of desirable buildings will be enforced. The lots will be placed on sale at from $450 to $1,000 apiece.

The Davidson Tract was placed on the market July 3, 1904, by W. L. Hollingsworth & Co. In the following three weeks nineteen unimproved lots were sold to various individuals.

The Parcel Location and Erection of the Craftsman Residence

The street on which the subject parcel is located was first known as Bonita, “for the good air,” Place and the address the Subject parcel at the time of construction was 207 Bonita Place, Hollywood. Since no original building permits exist because it was built in pre-consolidation Hollywood, but it is not possible to know who the architect/builder may have been. Newspaper/journal searches yielded no results. Assessor map books show that the original owner was Kate F. McCadden who in 1908 sold parcel number 5547-020-025 to Godfrey Fritz, a building contractor.

According to the City and County of Los Angeles the Craftsman bungalow was erected in 1907. However, when this historian checked the Map Book Archive, the fact that Fritz purchased the land in 1908 it seems that the bungalow would have been built in that year or sometime thereafter. Fritz erected a perpendicular-shaped Craftsman bungalow on the parcel at 207 Bonita Place. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Vondenbosch lived at 207 Bonita Place. By 1915 the address in the City Directory becomes 1547 Bonita Place with the Vondenboschs still in residence.

The street name officially changed from Bonita Place to McCadden Place to honor W. C. McCadden, an early Hollywood developer and real estate broker, on June 27, 1917.

Famous Names Associated with the Parcel

Dr. Thomas Davidson

The parcel is located in the Davidson Tract which was introduced to the real estate market in 1904 and was named for Dr. Thomas Davidson. Dr. Davidson was born in Scotland in 1857. He received his M. D. degree at Glasgow, Scotland, and practiced there for nine years before crossing the Atlantic in 1889 to Hollywood with his wife and brother Anstruther, also a physician. He became a naturalized citizen of the United States in 1895. The brothers tandem practiced medicine in Hollywood.

Dr. Thomas Davidson developed an avocation that was profitable to early Hollywood. Like several others, he planted his un-sub-divided land in lemon trees and like them, was interested not just in growing lemons, but in making a profit from same. In July of 1895 he gathered like-minded gentlemen at the Pass School for the purpose of forming a lemon growers’ exchange. The members became very

1 successful co-operatively marketing their lemon crops to east coast markets. Christened the Cahuenga Valley Lemon Growers’ Exchange they hired a professional orchardist to tend their crops, built a warehouse at Santa Monica and Cahuenga, filled an average of 200 railroad cars with their lemons which were met on the east coast by their own representatives for sale in the east coast markets, thus cutting out the middle men at every step in the operation of the exchange. The name of the exchange became the Cahuenga Valley Lemon Association in 1897. The Association made an “enviable and lucrative reputation with their brands ‘Blue Ribbon,’ ‘Punch Bowl’ and ‘Club.”’ (Palmer, pp. 103-104). Fruit graded below these brands was labeled “Valley” and sold locally. For over 20 years Dr. Thomas Davidson’s concept and implementation of the lemon growers’ exchange added to the income of Hollywood, before and after it became its own City or in its Pre-Consolidation phase as well as post- consolidation with the City of Los Angeles.

Dr. Thomas Davidson died on November 28, 1932, at Los Angeles at age 74 and is interred at Angelus Rosedale Cemetery.

W. G. McCadden

The parcel on which the Craftsman Bungalow was constructed was known as 210 Bonita Place in 1910. In 1912 the total address was changed to 1542 McCadden Place in a wholesale street name change after several entities were consolidated into the City of Los Angeles and streets or sections thereof were matched by name. This action, in turn, was responsible for much renumbering in the address system. The person for whom McCadden Place was named, one W. G. McCadden was born in 1844 in southwestern New York State in the town of Elicott. He transplanted to Fairmont, Minn. where he married his first wife who died in 1883. In 1900 he moved to New Mexico where he spent a year before moving on to Hollywood. Here, he purchased a large tract of land and McCadden Place runs through it. The street name honors the sub-divider and developer, and it begins at Franklin Avenue and zig zags southward, where it terminates in Hancock Park. Mr. W. G. McCadden was a Mason and early real estate man in Hollywood.

McCadden married Clara Beckley of Hollywood in 1907. In the early years of the 20th century McCadden formed a partnership with his son-in-law H. W. Wood, known as McCadden & Wood. During World War I, Mr. McCadden, “floundered financially” and sold the corner of McCadden Place and Hollywood Blvd. to Charles E. Toberman who erected a four-story department store which later became Robertson’s Department Store (Williams, p. 117). McCadden regained his finances and at the time of his passing the McCadden family lived at 1356 Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills. His obituary in the Los Angeles Times proclaimed him to be a, “Hollywood Pioneer,” when he passed in 1935 at age 91.

Godfrey Fritz

Godfrey Fritz was born in Alsace-Lorraine, France, on April 20, 1853. In 1873, at the age of 20, he came to the United States.

Fritz engaged in the contracting and building business. His Los Angeles Times obituary of Jan. 10, 1923, stated, “He erected many of the old buildings on Main and Spring streets and also supervised the construction of the Oxnard sugar factory at Oxnard.” The $2,000,000 sugar plant which Fritz supervised the building of established a sugar beet processing operation which was active from 1899 until 1959. The town of Oxnard was named for the Oxnard brothers who established sugar beet growing, which began as an agricultural experiment and grew into the processing enterprise.

On August 12, 1907 the Fritz and Vonderbosch families were united with the marriage of Godrey Fritz’s daughter, Nettie L. Fritz, age 19, to Raymond H. Vondenbosch, age 23. They lived in the Fritz

2 Cottage erected by Godfrey Fritz, a building contractor.

Fritz erected the single family residence in 1908 or later, since that is the year in which he purchased the land from the daughter of W. G. McCadden. The Pre-Consolidation residence was not occupied by Mr. & Mrs. Fritz, although they owned it from 1908 until 1934 when the family sold the parcel and residence to Bernice Culver. 207 Bonita Pl. which later became 1547 McCadden Pl. was resided in by Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Vondenbosch, Mr. Fritz’s daughter and son-in-law, until at least 1918. After that date, no occupancy records could be discovered.

Raymond Vosdenbosch and Godfrey Fritz shared a patent for Furnace improvements filed by Mr. Vondenbosch on Apr. 22, 1908, under Serial No. 428,654, and granted Jan. 11, 1910, under Publication No. US945994 A.

The Perfect Kitchen Cabinet Source: The Grizzly, 1911.

Godfrey Fritz, retired contractor, along with business associates J. A. Cook, contractor and builder and W. A Frick, sewer and street contractor, all of this city advertised the Perfect Kitchen Cabinet Co. in the Los Angeles Times and The Grizzly Bear in 1911. The Perfect Kitchen Cabinet which, “resembles a sideboard and eliminates the small apartment house kitchen,” features a, “gas plate, ice box, refrigerator, bread and cake boxes, flour bin, silver and linen drawers, cupboard and china cabinet in one compact cabinet.” The founders established a manufacturing company and offered shares in the Perfect Kitchen Cabinet Co.

Fritz was active in the Builders Exchange. In 1893 he served on the Appeals Committee of the Exchange and became treasurer in 1895. A directorship of the Exchange became Fritz’s in 1901 and he was active thereafter.

Fritz was a member of the Union League Club which was the political clubhouse of the Republican Party primarily for professionals and businessmen. He was an associate member of the Pacific Coast Gas Association.


Fritz participated in gentlemen’s sports. He raced in the Driver’s Club, which even presented holiday events such as Thanksgiving races that were attended by those interested in ------racing. He was active in the Christopher Duck Hunting Club. And he bred purebred dogs garnering prizes in dog shows.

Mr. & Mrs. Godfrey Fritz had four daughters, three of whom were married at the time of Fritz’s death in 1923.

The Vosdenbosch Borthers

Raymond H. Vosdenbosch was born in Belgium in 1875. He first worked as a cornice builder. He became President and Manager of the Central Hardware Company which was located at 421 Hollywood in 1912. Later the address became 6673 Hollywood Blvd. with the address changes, and rapidly expanded to 6673-6677 Hollywood. Mr. & Mrs. Vosdenbosch were also the first residents of the Fritz Cottage at 207 Bonita Pl.

Raymond Vosdenbosch patented improvements to a hot blast furnace and assigned one-half of Patent No. US945994 A to his father-in-law Godfrey Fritz. Locally, the furnace was sold under the name Excelsior Gas Furnace through the Central Hardware Company, Vosdenbosch’s Hollywood retail hardware store.

Robert H. Vondenbosch was the bookkeeper for his brothers affairs and an investigation man for the LA Gas & Electric Corp.

Reflects the broad cultural, economic or social history of the nation, state or community.

The Cahuenga Valley Lemon Growers’ Exchange/Cahuenga Valley Lemon Growers’ Association

The establishment of the Cahuenga Valley Lemon Growers’ Exchange by Dr. Thomas Davidson in 1895 contributed to the local economy by growing lemons in Hollywood and to the national cultural and economic experience by shipping them to the markets on the east coast where a member of the Exchange sold the lemons directly to the east coast buyers for the next 20 years. Lemons were easily grown in the sunny, mostly open fields which became lemon orchards in early pre- Hollywood, Hollywood and early consolidation with Los Angeles until the growth of the business section of Hollywood overtook the lemon orchards and the shipments of Cahuenga Valley Lemon Growers’ Association came to a natural end. In 1919 the last remaining grove which had surrounded the “old rambling [Stevenson] dwelling” at 6712 Hollywood Blvd. was taken out for development. The event was chronicled in the Los Angeles Times in an article entitled: “Ancient Landmark Bows to Progress.”

W. G. McCadden, Hollywood pioneer and early real estate dealer

When W. G. McCadden passed in 1935 at age 91 he was noted in the Los Angeles Times as a “Hollywood pioneer” and early real estate leader. McCadden Place was named after the Hollywood developer. He relocated from rural southwestern New York State by way of Minnesota and New Mexico making the Los Angeles Metro his home. At one point he was in business with his son-in-law as McCadden & Wood. Mr. Mcadden was an early Mason.

4 Godfrey Fritz

Godfrey Fritz was a Frenchman who came to Los Angeles in 1873, at age 20. Fritz entered the building and contacting business, most notably in downtown Los Angeles on Main and Spring streets. Circa 1908 he erected the Fritz Cottage, a Vernacular Hipped/Gabled Cottage at 207 Bonita Place, in Pre-Consolidation Hollywood, most likely with his new son-in-law Raymond H. Vosdenbosch who at the time was a cornice builder. When he cottage was complete, Raymond H. Vosdenbosch and his wife Nettie became the cottage’s first occupants.

Fritz was active in the Builder’s Exchange holding offices and serving on the Board of Directors of same. He was also a member of the Union League Club, the political club house of Republican Party professionals and businessmen. The Pacific Coast Gas Association counted him among their members.

He had a passion for gentlemen’s sports. He participated in Driver’s Club races, winning many. He was active in the Christopher Duck Hunting Club and bred and won prizes for his purebred dogs.

Fritz, in retirement, and two business associates invented the Perfect Kitchen Cabinet the substitute for a small apartment kitchen. It resembled a side board and featured a, “gas plate, ice box, refrigerator, bread and cake boxes, flour bin, silver and linen drawers, cupboard and china cabinet in one compact cabinet.” They offered shares in their manufacturing company and advertised the product in California publications beginning in 1911.

Fritz contributed to the social, cultural and economic history of Pre-Consolidation Hollywood as well as Los Angeles, the region and the nation with his half-century of building ventures and participation in gentlemanly sports well beyond Hollywood and Los Angeles.

The Vondenbosch Brothers

Raymond H. Vondenbosch was from Belgium and was born in 1875. He first worked as a cornice builder. He married Nettie Fritz and opened a hardware store on Hollywood Blvd. known as the Central Hardware Co. That company prospered. He invented an improvement to the hot air blast furnace which he patented and named the Excelsior Furnace which he advertised and marketed through the Central Hardware Co. He assigned one-half of the patent to his father-in-law, Godfrey Fritz.

Robert H. Vondenbosch was the bookkeeper for his brother’s affairs including the patent and the Central Hardware Co.

Together, the Vondenbosch brothers made a contribution to the local and national social, cultural and economic history of Pre-Consolidation Hollywood through the Central Hardware Co. and to the state and nation through the invention of improvements to the hot air blast furnace.

Embodies the distinguishing characteristics of an architectural-type specimen, inherently valuable for the study of a period, style, or method of construction.

The Fritz Cottage is a Vernacular Gabled/Hipped Cottage erected as a single family residence c. 1908, during Pre-Consolidation Hollywood by Godfrey Fritz, a well-known builder/contractor. As such, it is one of an important category of architecture in the City of Los Angeles for it was built before Hollywood was consolidated by the City of Los Angeles in 1910. Further, it is illustrative of the street and address name changes that occurred in 1912 and later in the City of Los Angeles. Having consolidated several communities with the City, that entity found it necessary to straighten out a rat warren of street names and residential addresses. This was done wholesale in 1912, but the address of the section of Bonita Place between Fountain Ave, and Selma Ave. in which the Fritz Cottage was located

5 was not renamed until June 27, 1917. At that time the parcel which began life as 207 Bonita Place became 1547 McCadden Place.

The wood frame, clapboard clad Vernacular Gabled/Hipped Cottage was one of the smaller buildings erected by Godfrey Fritz. Much of his work was done along Spring and Main streets in 19th Century Los Angeles. In Pre-Consolidation Hollywood he erected the Fritz Cottage for his daughter Nettie and son-in-law Raymond H. Vondenbosch purchasing the land and most likely building the cottage in 1908 since the pair married in 1907.

The Fritz Cottage was originally rectangular in shape with a steeply pitched hip roof with gable insets on the east and south, covered in shingles with wood vents and decorative knee braces and a closed cornice finished in tongue-and-groove and clad in composition shingles. Steps [since tiled] to the raised porch with a tongue and groove ceiling, square columns mounted atop a clapboard porch. The centered entry door in original opening has been changed and the original paired windows have been lengthened into vinyl sliding doors. A bay window, now vinylized is at the south of the porch in its original openings. The original bones exist, with some modifications to west façade elements, all of which are easily reversible. The red sprinkler system was required when the cottage became a private school although it has been returned to its SFR usage. The bungalow had no press or journal coverage and no permit exists for its construction, although it was known to have been in Pre-Consolidation Hollywood, most likely in 1908. Thus, it is not possible to know who is responsible for the design of the residence, but it was most likely Godfrey Fritz or Fritz along with his son-in-law Raymond H. Vosdenbosch who at that point was a builder of cornices and who went on to become President and Manager of the Central Hardware Co. and who patented improvements to the hot blast furnace which he also marketed through Central Hardware.

The CRA Historic Surveys The CRA surveyed the Hollywood area in 1980, 1986, 1997, 2003 and 2009. According to page 113 of the Index to the intensive Historic Resource Survey of the Hollywood Redevelopment Area the residence was classed as a 3CS, i.e.: “Appears eligible for California Register as an individual property through survey evaluation, in the Current [2009] Survey.” No other findings are set forth and potentially relevant pages from other surveys could not be located by the CRA nor this historian.

6 Bibliography: 207 Bonita Place/1547 McCadden Place

“Alphabetical List of Patentees.” Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office. Vol. 233, page LV.

American Gas Light Journal. Nov. 9, 1908, p. 800.

“Among Owners and Dealers.: Market Shows No Signs of a Break. Sales...” Los Angeles Times (1886- 1922); Jul 3, 1904; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times, pg. D1. “Among Owners and Dealers.: Market Remains Firm, Steady and Fairly...” Los Angeles Times (1886- 1922); Jul 24, 1904; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times, pg. D1.

“Ancient Landmark Bows to Progress: Theatre May Replace Last…” Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Jul 20, 1919; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times, pg. V1. Ancestry.com Bing Maps. http://bing.com/maps/ “Builders’ Exchange Election.” Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Jan 6, 1893; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times, pg. 4. “Builders’ Exchange Election.” Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Jan 16, 1895; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times, pg. 7. “Café Owners Have a Club.: Brink and Levy Will Learn How to Shoot…” Los Angeles Times (1886- 1922); Nov 20,1904; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times, pg. B 4. “Cahuenga Valley.” Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Sep 23, 1895; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times. pg. 5. Cahuenga Valley.: The Lemon-Growers' Organization Has Been Effected. Los Angeles Times (1886- 1922); Oct 3, 1895; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times, pg. 10.

“Canvasbacks for Hunters: Flightof Royal Birds Gives Clubmen a…” Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Dec 8,1907; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times, pg. VIII 8.

Colegrove.: Annual Meeting of the Cahuenga Lemon Exchange. Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Dec 6, 1895; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times, pg. 11.

Dangcil, Tommy. Postcard History Series: Hollywood 1900 – 1950 in Vintage Postcards. Charleston, SC. 2002.

“Driving Club Races: Good Christmas Matinee.” Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Dec 20, 1903; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times, pg. B 1.

“Excelsior Gas Furnace/Central Hardware Co.” advertisement. Southwest Contractor and Manufacturer, Volume 2, Issues 11. page 18.

Family Search. https://www.familysearch.org/

1 “Fast Time at Driving Club.” Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Apr 24,1904; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times, pg. B 1.

“Find Spring Very Scarce.: Unusual Conditions Noticed Last Wednesday;…” Los Angeles Times (1886- 1922); Dec 9, 1906; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times, pg. III 6.

Google Maps. http://maps.google.com

“Great Crowd Sees Matinee.” Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Nov. 25, 1904; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times, pg. A 3.

“Historic Resources Survey Report: Hollywood Community Plan Area.” Prepared for: City of Los Angeles Department of City Planning. Office of Historic Resources. Prepared by: Historic Resources Group, Pasadena, CA. August 2011, Revised November 2011.

“HOLLYWOOD.” Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Apr 8, 1894; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times. Pg. 15.

Hollywood Directory. 1906/1907.

“Hollywood District Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps.” Vol 10, Sht. 1048.

Hollywood Pioneer Dies: W. G. McCadden Early Day Real Estate Man; Rites. Los Angeles Times (1923- Current File); Jan 10, 1935; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times, pg. A3.

“Hollywood Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps.” Vol. Hollywood, May 1907. Sht. 9; Vol Hollywood, p. 23.

“Intensive Historic Resource Survey. Hollywood Redevelopment Project Area. Survey Status Codes, p. 100.

Kimball, Bernice. Street Names of Los Angeles. Los Angeles City Department of Engineering. 1988.

“Last Day’s Bags on the Duck Ponds.” Los Angeles Times (1923-Current File); Feb 15, 1011; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times, pg. III 4. Los Angeles City Directories. 1895 – 1965. “Los Angeles City, Hollywood District, Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps.” Vol. 10, Sht. 1048. “LOS ANGELES CITYWIDE HISTORIC CONTEXT STATEMENT Context: Pre-Consolidation Communities of Los Angeles, 1862-1932: Theme: Hollywood 1887 – 1909,” pp. 56 – 81. Prepared for: City of Los Angeles Department of City Planning Office of Historic Resources. July 2016. “LOS ANGELES CITYWIDE HISTORIC CONTEXT STATEMENT Context: Commercial Development, 1850-1980 Theme: Commercial Signs, 1906-1980: Billboards,” pp. 12 -13. Prepared for: City of Los Angeles Department of City Planning Office of Historic Resources. July 2016. ‘Lunch Grew to a Feast.: Bachelors Foiled at the Builders Picnic…” Los Angeles Times (1923-Current File); Jul 2, 1902; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times, pg. A 1.

2 “Many of the Streets’ Names are Changed.: Street Names Changed.” Los Angeles Times (1886 – 1922); May 22, 1912; ProQuest Historical Newspapers. Los Angeles Times, pg. II 1. “March May Break Records.” Los Angeles Herald, Sunday Morning, March 12, 1905. Part H, p. 1.

Mc Alester, Virginia and Lee Mc Alester. A Field Guide to American Houses. New York, NY: Alfred A Knopf. 2005.

Mc Alester, Virginia Savage. A Field Guide to American Houses. New York, NY. 2013.

“Merry Folk at Matinee: Driving Club Delights an Enthusiastic Crowd.” Los Angeles Times (1886 – 1922);Dec 27, 1904; ProQuest Historical Newspapers. Los Angeles Times, pg. A 1.

themls.com “Moon Filing, Ducks Wilder.: Sport Likely to Deteriorate This Week...” Los Angeles Times (1886 – 1922); Dec 25, 1904; ProQuest Historical Newspapers. Los Angeles Times, pg. B 4. Nelson, Mike. “Oxnard's Sweet History Often Unknown.” Special to The Star Published 6:08 a.m. PT Jan. 13, 2017 “Outlook Improving for Sunset Boulevard.: Actual Work Will Be Under ...” Los Angeles Times (1886- 1922); Aug 11, 1901; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times, pg. B 3.

“Oxnard Sugar Beet Factory, 1902: Drawing.” Oxford Public Library. http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/kt6b69p11n/?order=1

Palmer, Edwin O. History of Hollywood, Narrative, vol. 1 & Biographical, vol. 2. Hollywood, California: Cawston, 1937.

Patent Images. https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/33/d2/25/08cf181c7a78a9/US945994.pdf

“Patents.” Domestic Engineering and the Journal of Mechanical Contracting. Vol L, No. 11, page 276. Photographs. http://lapl.org Photo Collection. Photographs. University of Southern California Digital Library. https://libraries.usc.edu/databases/usc- digital-library “The Perfect Kitchen Co.” The Grizzly. 1911. “Pioneer’s Funeral Arranged: Godfrey Fritz, Angeleno for Half-Century, to be Buried Today.” Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Jan 19, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times, pg. II 5. “Property Detail Reports.” http://realist2.firstamres.com/searchbasic “Reinsmen Put Up Good Show.” Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Dec. 26, 1903. ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times, pg. 10. Samudio, Jeffrey and Portia Lee. Images of America: Los Angeles California. Chicago, IL: Arcadia Publishing. 2001.

3 “Seven Races Next Matinee,: Driving Club Anticipates a Good Day’s… Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Mar 20, 1904. ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times, pg. 10. Snow, Jenna. “CRA Primary Record: 1547.” Chattel Architecture, Planning & Preservation. 13417 Ventura Boulevard, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423-3938, Jan 21, 2009. “The Squelching of Kern and Fennessy.: Labor Union Gang Overwhelmed by…” Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Oct. 26, 1904. ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times, pg. A 1. Stargel, Cory and Sarah. Postcard History Series: Early Los Angeles County Attractions. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing. Stern, Daniel, ed. “New Patents.” American Artisan and Hardware Record. Jan 17, 1917. vol 73, p. 39. “Sunset Boulevard & Civic Center Urban Design Plan & Guideline.” September 2011. CRA/LA Building Communities. Perkins + Will. www.perkinswill.com “Thanksgivng Races: Driving Club’s Meet. Los Angeles Times (1996-1922); Nov 23, 1902; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times, p. 6. Wanamaker, Marc and Robert W. Nudelman. Images of America: Early Hollywood. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing. 2007. Wanamaker, Marc. Images of America: Hollywood 1940 – 2008. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing. 2009. “Went Quickly: Canadian Capitalist Expires of Heart Disease While Closing a Sale for His Mining Property.” Los Angeles Times ( 1889 – 1922); Jan 16, 1901; ProQuest Historical Newspapers Los Angeles Times, pg. 16. Williams, Gregory Paul. The History of Hollywood: An Illustrated History. BL Press. 20005.

ZIMAS. http://zimas.lacity.org/


Intensive Historic Resources Survey Hollywood Redevelopment Project Area Survey Status Codes, page 113.

7 State of California - The Resources Agency Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # PRIMARY RECORD Trinomial NRHP Status Code 3CS Other Listings Review Code Reviewer Date

Page1 of3 *Resource Name or #: (Assigned by recorder) 1547 N MCCADDEN PL

P1. Other Identifier: *P2. Location: Not for PublicationX Unrestricted *a. County Los Angeles County and (P2b and P2c or P2d. Attach a Location Map as necessary.) *b. USGS 7.5' Quad: HollywoodDate: 1996 c. Address: 1547 N MCCADDEN PL City: LOS ANGELES Zip: 90028 d. UTM: (Give more than one for large and/or linear resources) Zone: mE/ mN e. Other Locational Data: (e.g., parcel #, directions to resource, elevation, etc., as appropriate) Elevation: APN:5547020025 *P3a. Description: (Describe resource and its major elements. Include design, materials, condition, alterations, size, setting, and boundaries) A) Property Type: residential B) Setting (general): residential area C) General characteristics. Architectural Style: Wood-frame Vernacular Plan: rectangular No. of vertical divisions: 3 No. Stories: 1 Siding/Sheathing: wood: clapboard, All Visible Roof: hipped, steep, multiple rooflines, narrow eaves Construction: wood frame D) Specific features. Porches: Partial, front Fenestration: vinyl, double-hung, front, side, alteration: yes Primary Entrance: front, single door G) Alterations or changes to the property. Retains integrity: medium, setting, location, workmanship, association, design, feeling H) Setting (immediate): mature landscaping, driveway, fences

*P3b. Resource Attributes: (List attributes and codes) HP02 *P4. Resources Present: X Building Structure Object Site District Element of District Other (Isolates, etc.) P5a. Photo or Drawing (Photo required for buildings, structures, and objects.) P5b. Description of photo: (View, data, accession #) 01/20/09 *P6. Date Constructed/Age and Sources: X Historic Prehistoric Both 1907 Assessor *P7. Owner and Address: MATUSOV,ALEKSANDR AND ALLA 1547 N MCCADDEN PL LOS ANGELES, CA 90028

*P8. Recorded by: Jenna Snow Chattel Architecture, Planning & Preserva 13417 Ventura Boulevard Sherman Oaks, CA 91423-3938

*P9. Date Recorded: 01/20/2009 *P10. Survey Type: (Describe) Intensive *P11. Report Citation: (Cite survey report and other sources or enter "none.") Chattel Architecture, Planning & Preservation, Inc. Historic Resources Survey of the Hollywood Redevelopment Area. Prepared for the Communit Redevelopment Agency of the City of Los Angeles in collaboration with PCR Services Corporation and LSA Associates, Inc., March 2009.

*Attachments: None Location MapX Sketch MapXX Continuation Sheet Building, Structure, and Object Record Archeological Record District Record Linear Feature Record Milling Station Record Rock Art Record Artifact Record Photograph Record Other (List): DPR 523A (1/95) *Required Information State of California - The Resources Agency Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # BUILDING, STRUCTURE, AND OBJECT RECORD Page23 of *NRHP Status Code 3CS *Resource Name or #: (Assigned by recorder) 1547 N MCCADDEN PL

B1. Historic Name: B2. Common Name: 1547 N MCCADDEN PL B3. Original Use:single-family residence B4. Present Use: single-family residence *B5. Architectural Style: Wood-frame Vernacular *B6. Construction History: (Construction date, alterations, and data of alterations) Year constructed: 1907

*B7. Moved?X No Yes Unknown Date: Original Location: *B8. Related Features: None

B9a. Architect: b. Builder: *B10. Significance: Area: Los Angeles Theme: Context: Residential Development and Suburbanization, 1850-1912 Theme: Annexation and Consolidation, 1895-1910

Period of Significance:1907 Property Type:Single Family Residen Applicable Criteria: A/1 (Discuss importance in terms of historical or architectural context as defined by theme, period, and geographic scope. Also address integrity.) This property appears significant as an excellent example of an increasingly rare property type. Single family residences from the pre-annexation period of Hollywood appear particularly significant as an important pattern of development, illustrative of Hollywood’s early development as an independent city. Although residential development began a few years earlier, Hollywood became an independent city in 1903. By 1909, Hollywood experienced growth on an exponential scale, with a population increase of 700 in 1903 to 4,000 in 1909 and accompanying difficulties supplying services to residents. As a result of its growing pains, Hollywood became a district of Los Angeles in February of...(continued on next page)

B11. Additional Resource Attributes: (List attributes and codes) HP02 *B12. References:

(Sketch Map with north arrow required.)

B13. Remarks:

*B14. Evaluator: Jenna Snow *Date of Evaluation: 01/20/2009

(This space reserved for official comments.)

DPR 523B (1/95) *Required Information State of California - The Resources Agency Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # CONTINUATION SHEET Trinomial

Page of33 Resource Name or #:(Assigned by recorder)

*Recorded By: Jenna Snow*Date: 01/20/2009 X Continuation Update

B10. Statement of Significance (continued): 1910. Construction history was not availble for this property.

DPR 523L (1/95) *Required Information

RIVERSIDE REDMEN WON CHAMPIONSHIP.: MADE EASY MEAT OF THE U.S.C. ... Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Nov 23, 1902; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times pg. 6

long runs galore kept the spectators Midget, W, A. Workman'; George B., highly excited from the klck-ott to the c. ·w. Bryson; Lnntern, J. H. Rey­ cml of the struggle. Lechu:;a made n nolds; Undlne, C. E. Geyer: Addle R, spcctnculn1· run ot 80 yards from the 'l'here wlll be mces ns follows:. !l:60 kick-off, nnd Magee made two beauti­ clu.ss, mile dn.sh, green race; 2:25 class. ful Co-~·ard runP, There were a dozen best two In three, trotting; 2:25, clnss, .. rum1 of over 25 Yards, and n 16-yard , best two In three, pacing; 2:30 class, buck was no unusuu.J occurrence. best two In three, mlxecl; 2:30 class, ln le$S than five mlnutes after the best two In three, puclng; !ree !or nil· secon(l hair opened the redmen had pace; tree· tor nll. . scored two touchdowns, one goal belni; The judges w!II be: Presiding, BY· klrke

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Other 13 -- No Title Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Dec 20, 1903; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times pg. B1

DlllVIliG CI.tr.a JUC1:S. GOOD CHlUST:M.AS l!AT.L,EE. The Lo: Angeles Drlvlug Clu'o wiU i;i'l"e Its la.st matinee o! the yea.:- on Chrlstmllll, :.ed. it wm doubtlen be as auccess!Ul :i.s previous events ot' the club, for tho same cl:u!s ot horl5es Ill '11etn u,. the entrY 11st. The prcie;.mme, ,..hlch mll be g!.ven at Ai;r!culr:u:-:il Park. will couiuz:lt o! nve l"t:lces, im

1 pher nnd C. S. Flemlll&', timers. , The entries nrc as follows: [ PJto. B.. b)• B:rron Er~enbreche:·; i'D3.llube, by J. C:::. -;:.;:ewton: .r..1ectm., 1.>:r W. L. Heller: I. W., b)" C. A.-Gates: Billy K~ by R.• V. Cockt; Glen. bl" !". I, L. Budl.ni;-er: Bob R. . RtiSRII. by i George H.. Bixby; :.;r1uey K.. by w. l:i. i Betty; .\thll!O, OY (;.. A,.. C:ulf1eld.; E! I l!ilont. by E. J. Delore:r: Llmonero_ by I Dr. Wlll!A:ln ?~se: Victor Platt~· ~?" E. :t. Delore~: ~capJ)()C)tW!, b:r :U. .... :MOSller; Bonoluiu· l!'nld. b)" Ralpll ~: Wood. B.. bl" C. D. Bla-ek: p .. u. by :I!. B. .)lo>lller; Gen. Boodle b;­ G<>dCreY Frtt:; :,an G&briel Prince, b:,r p, B. ll:lcb.el; G;?orge B.. by Dr. C, '\Y. Bryson: Rondo. by J. H. Sno"·dert: Bla<:k Arrow. by Wllllam Ga.rla.nt.l: ZOmbretta. b:,' L. J, Cllrllltopher. 1 ( ..J:riipie~\urfu~ ~ t:n~~ \ei:,e o~,~ , record ot Z:l!¾. :xiade at the· park. oo Tbu.nagjnng Da$". PE?::s:Et'EY------Ul'ti-171'. STRO:S-G XORTHER:S- TE-\:U. I! me LO$ Angeles High Schoo! te:)."l> dereats tbe Berkeley Hlgll: · &:boo: ele\"en 1n ·the gume here o:i Chmtma" ])a.)•, t:lle local enthusiasts !illould ~ some good i,port,, tor. tile nortll'l'rnen 11.~ doing steady . work every il.!ter• noon. The t.l as a pQllter.· hav­ lnl': 'nl:ade S<>Veral. lleld goals thi11 ~- 110n. &!:rkeley :llls Ye--'r bt,at the Oal.:• land Hie Scbool, & to o, and th" :s'aim Bin, 3:: to 0, l>Ut lOdt to tlle l.".C. tre,,1>­ men. The a.,·eru.ge wel!l:ht ot the Bttk..., ley H!s;'b School ;,layer'$ ts 1,;.; p0umt,,. SAllf llX!:GO l'OO'l'BAU,. CHRJSTll'AS DAY CO::-."TEST. The .;.s.c. eleveti ot this dt:;y wm go to &..u Diego on CIU'l1anas Day !o;o "' game with the Snu Diego AU.lttlcc Club, '1!1d the locnls ert)eet 10 11:,.ve s tol!ll'h time ot It. In a:itlelpat!()D oe this they will b;, out tor pra.c::lec a:: Pra,ger Park e,·t-rs nttemoon tills w~ek. Tll"Y ha\"e ·l'IOt t>laSe-d a pre~ sin~ tbe-y we:it aS".llnl$t th~ P.1..-erslde ~~n,.. and ::are con,;equ.,ntl)· :i. trl!lo

The t:'.S.C. IIne-up •lll be about :'IS tollowi: Le;,nox o.. Balley, en.;!•: RUTl)"On and J.[Jl!er. guard!<; D. Cruer and Brod.. ,.,..,,.,, tack!"": Bi~lot'd. c,,t,. te:-: E. Caley ,1r.d Sta!r, 'llalw:s: Gl• i;1.1ou... tu!l•back. and Sllil';, '-I!tch~::. quur:er-.::m.ci"'.... Tb~ tc:..:n that 't\"Ul re~!-~nt th~ Gr!~ers "·lU ron:.aln n 11um0tr ~! t?'t.'!' men who de!t'ate

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Other 9 -- No Title Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Dec 26, 1903; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times pg. 10

dri,ing Ath.uo. Out!oot!ng a.· pacer R.._~JNSMEN PUT \' with a trotter did Berry more good than winnini: the r:ice. though tho time Wlls !lrst class. !?:1;,. a.nd !?:16¥.,. Another r:ice or hii;h interest '\\"as Up GOOD SHOW • the !ourth, !or pacers. !?:W cI:iss. E. lJ. Delorey With a ,·ery promlslni:- bay r;elding in Victor Platte; Claud<> Black. plus Berry·s variegated ca.p. 0 DrMng Club Matinee Draiys a Big :~:~tfch a.,.:>~s r:i~1;?r :a:g:t ~::,~ lfolidail Crowd. ;?nt.,~~;,"i~; ~ioci'~ttln~;be.]:~d ./:.~ :l!osher with Sco.ppoose. her !lead pro:,pe4 out at r!ght angle,, to h~r­ ncck to stop Pt:lllns. .u:d B!lly K .. Popularity of ffarness lforse Seems ~o'~~;~"'!cs.·· -~~~;e;r:,·~~';i ""1i~.~~~ · 0 /Jnebatcd. · ~gf~~1i8~2ie::,c:~.;']~tc b~~ 1~:-o;fa~~~~ diO:erencc bec:i.use 1n t!ic first !:ea,: they were running n little· r:ice V> themsel,-es. several hundred ynrd,, to .Severo/ 6ood !laces are Decided in the rear ot .Blacl< and . Cocke, w?,,, made a very handsc,me··. heat, or· ,,. fast Time. Black bad the rail and ·a Ieni;th le:i.d; It proved to be more th:rn Cocke co:,!!! m::i.ke up, though his geld!ng respondt'."c! Tile harness horse put on his crown ;"t"!1~%tt:'i ~~;/:_.r;::n3i/}~~i,.t~';t~.;'.,:. Yesterday o.!ternoon at Agricultura.l d:lj·, time belni; :?:i::;.. The two ,Orst Park, Iooked about: him, and nelglled were ;;i.Jmo,,t within whip reach all recognition to thousands o! old•tlme, around. and the decld.lni; trip around Well-known friends. A.nd the thought the o,·al was practically the same. came into many minds that 50 long a.s thoui;ll a Uttle slower. ~ Los Angeles numbers among !ts clti- m~~w~'!,,~P ~e P:_Y0 ~t~ :ens a bOd;; or men so progressive :i.nd starters ca.me out 1n It. Dr. C. · w. so trUe in their sporcsmanship a.s to Bt;'!on appeared behind Geor;re B.. take keen delfght In showing, .,.ithout and Dr. Ralph Hai;a.n sat bthmd Zom­ cost. the paces of: tht:>lr tour-tooted bretta. a very handy bro"-n t:l!y be­ !avoritc!I to rlcll and poor 3.llke, longlni; to L. J. Christopher. which the S'POrt o! harness racing will never I :

:ind at least two races were of keen J three-heat race. The prophets w,,re Interest. Three •crotches had a : wlthln n hair's breadth or being -right.

sllgh!ly Injurious etrect upon the thlrd j ComlnS' :iround W'ltllln a stlort t085 ot nnd

present went home after the last ·race ! back until wen Into the stretch and very well ple:1.11ed with Its atter:noon•s then went out around Hagan tor the sport- , honors. 11.11d had the wire beea ten By- loci; odds the !eatare o! the day yards !a.rther he would have taken the was Boh Smith's green 11.11d i;old cap. beat. Dr. Bagan did not make his It lll"St nttll.lned tame upon his bead move until the dr:a.wi;ate w:is pallBed when be piloted :Briney K. In the and George '\\"as i;olng !Ive !eet to northern c!reuit. Yesterdn.y it again :Zombretta.'s four at th last ba.lf In 1:09- K., Into the stretch a.head of his !leld wt enough !or a youngster. twice In succession. beating as good n The summ:,.ry: gelding ns C.a.nfleld's .-\tho.lo. That "-as First nee. ::~ trot. nil two In three: Number One !or the cap. It had done Rondow. b.g.. J. H. Snowden a good day's work In ,vlnnlng Berr:Y (same) ••••••• ; ••••••.••••••••• 1 1 two iJtralght heats, but the a:Cternoon·,. Gen. Boodle. br.i;., God.!rey Fritz t:i:Ie llnd not yet been .told. (same) •• •• •• •• •. • • •• .• .. •. •• •• : :: In the tourth race, Claude Black. n Black Arrow, bUt.g., William Gar- relnsman or :i.blllty and percepUon, land (same) •• • • .• •• •• • .. •. •. •• ~ :i divined tlult he w:is ''U!> against it·· Dan, ch.g~ M. B. ltosher (s:une). ., 4 with Spooner's Wood :B., :ind scented Time, ~:3H:, :?:31. . trouble 111 .R.. \". Cocke's BIiiy K. He Second race. !!:.:?li pace: besoagbt Berry tor the c:,.p, and hi,. Electra. br. •• •• ••••• •••• •••• • 4 , merits, and 'the <:a.\'> wu secreted to Time, !?:::!, ::19¾,. prevent the nice belni; mp.de n sure Third mce, free-!or-all: , thing tor either. The result = tile Brine)· K.. b.g., w. R. Berry hottest kind o! a. session and every- (s:une) •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• .• •. .• •• 1 1 body was gre:i.tly pleued "1th the t.'\\"o Athalo, br.g., C. ,\. c:m!leld drivini; tlnlshe1'. which went to Dr. (same) •. •• •. •• . . •• .• • .• •• . . ••• 3 Hagan, possibly becaa,c he had once Harry Harst. s.g., Robert Smith 1nn\rN:1. unon th~ ea:o. (same) .• •• •• •• .•••••••••••••• : !? THE AFTER.'-00~ SPORT Time. ::1714, !!:161/.:. The atternoon·s racl;g opcn ttmt Gcori;e B., b.g.. C. w. Bryson was i;ood !or the class-::3H!: and !?:31 (same) •• •• .• .• •••• •• •• •••••• .• : !! tor both heats. Tune. :?:30¾,. !?::?:. A :?::S pace. second on the bill. '\\"Cnl to w. L. Beller·s brown mare :E:l<>ctc:1. a pertormer or much promise, "'ho succeeded In doing the tu·o mil-,,. lU'Ound !!:!?O o..nd th.,. lo.st one !:u:ter than the tlrst. :E. J. Delorey and P. L. Budln,::er ma.de bids, but wer;, nol there with the s:e:idl!'l!!S."- The third event. a fre a .. boss r..ce. .. The be

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Other 9 -- No Title Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Nov 25, 1904; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times pg. A3 GREAT CROWD SEES MATINEE.

Gentlemen's Races Run Into Dark of Erening.

Sweet ,.lfarie Sliou.·n to W. A. Clark,Jr.'s ff"agor1.

Free-for-All Trot Talmi by Berry':s Briney K.

!'>ot\\'ltbslandlng It wa:. o:,('nini; d;J}' ror the tall Season at Al'rot Park, 111>

Handsome HorsefieBh Seen at the M&tinee. _J

1 v.on. Time 3:03½. The race e.nd the I third le,r ot the Canfield cup to Klon­ 'yke Wonder. FIFTH RACE. nace ::-; o. 5, rree-tor-1111 pace, mil~ heat~. Z In 3: First heat. ::11:!dn!ght won, W. ::IL Bartel up; "·e1come Mack ~ec­ ond, E. J. Delore~· up; Toughnut th!~d. Dr. c. ·w. Bryson up: Henry N. tourtl:I, A. ·w. Bruner up; -Slivery Tip :!ltth, G. A. P~undrr up; time ~:1:;. Second heat-W~lcom~ ?,!a,,k \\'on, !lildnlght second, Toughnut third, Hen­ r~· :S. fourth, Silvery Tip Orth; time ~:14. Th,rd heat-ltldnlght won, Welcome Mack S"cvnd: time 2:14. i The rac<' any K. .st.1.rtln,r. Briney K. took d!e third. ,;odCrey Fritz up; Frank lk­ i;;r:md.•tand untll turther admittance th~ two first heal.II In 2:13~. :,1•. win• Klnney !ou-rth, Charle~ Sbaw up; Belle \':us denied b;· pollcemen, the;- n!ng the race s.nd tht> flrllt ll!g of the 311aMOn firth, Lewis :loterrltt up; Rex streamed out onto the tra<·k ;ind 11 tood cup. The wlnd•UP or the nrst heat sixth, H. !\I. Belt up: time 2::!01,:. there two and three lines deep on both brought the crowd up standing. It wu The race and first leg of the Henry sides of the wire throughout the a!to,r- n drh·lng tlnll•h; all three en.me In Berry cup to George Ander110n. bunched, Rosel! and Br!Jley K. run• EIGHTH RACE. noon, consldcrubly to the annoyance or nlng 80 <'lo•e thu.t a blanket would drl\'ers and unmindful of the protesta- 1ui.,•e conr,ed them. Berry's geidlng Race :So. 8, :::ao trot, ebanged to mlle tlona of ~everal mild-mannered blue• bur"t to the tront "-t the wire, b;!atlng duh 11ccount delay: Willet& won, Alex coat~. Rosell by a head. Rlt:l H. made a !I. Wilson up; Blg Don 11~nd. P. B. There wns som., pretty racl:111' done. J "'trong- bid, and wa"' only bested by a. Mt!chell up: Lit.um G.. third. a..,orge but la.ck of a little sharp d!sc1pline on ne~k. L. Pierce up: time !l:19½. -the part ot Starter Bruner re,mlted In · In the secon-:l heat It wa-11 Briney K. The race and flr•t leg ot Los Angeles endle•s dela,·s In getting away and so I :ill the way. .:i.nd he won by a length Driving Club cup to Willets. much time;..,, lost In !al!e sta'rts tha~ ~~~~o~!;r·.n ~!~cl~t~ht°fhJ~~hb'!;;! t?ward the end o: the card two tr~t· 1ln!shed fn~t and •trong: The mar,~ t.n.:;: race~ had to be changed to m.le waft out or the rnnnlng; ~h" "·anted to da~he,, one heat wa"' ahandonoo, and pacl'. und Byron Erkt>l!bMcher had hi~ two ht>:,ts wer., run In th,. d:,rk. Had hand~ run holding her t" the gnlt. one or two he-edles~ drivers h<'en re- R!t;~ W:IJl paced all la~t )'l'ar, wlnnln!:' pl::.ced hy the starter to en!orci, blK " numb<'r or ru~cs. Thlll ;);<"ar 11be fa ordPr~. rnuch or thli, Urt>,rom.- dlliy- beln;;- trctted. dallylni. would ha.vc been ",·ut out'" !\IJDXIGHT :IUKES f:OOD. and th<: atternoon heen e,·e:i more en- :-:~xt to the tree•fllr•all trot the free• Joya.hie than ·it ,~a11. tor-all pace, one ml!e, be~l two heat11 Ti1c f•·ature o! the matintt \':111! the ln thrtt. furnished mo•t ~nj0)7llt>nt to appearance or Sweet !\li1 : tu t!J,, bl,: <"rowd 11·1t11. words that would won, Bva,: Duncan·s J-le Del and i hav<' made a. 1"" well-bred horot- Ketchum ,ec,,nd. All'!'n Hunter·• Actor J hlusb: as !r,r Mart~. she pricked up her and :Slm:-od :hlrd: time 3:07. "" rs. ,•urv.. ttt>d a. bit. and ast«um•d an ThP rare and the Los Angele~ Drl\'· 1 air o~ ml~d lntere•t that •eemed to In• Ing Club cup to Bla<"k Jlm :rncl Bla:i< ~;~~\t;·~!i~· th;:er~ro1:!?e c!r{;.~~e Bm. ' i · ,om~w!lere." :lfr. Bruner announc,.rn!" and t:1-e i;.d,nlra:lon at the Race Xo. 4. no\'elty rac". to gulde- t:t<1':1; wor.t!~ rJoset't to l ~inr.t~: 'K!ond:rk~ \\'"on ... BRIXEY K. Wl:S:". , der. P- C'. ;..;,,l'orn,lcit ,i;,, ar,d Actor, i Th~ !,.-,.t rai,e or th<- da; "'"" t!l~ Allen Hunter u;,. tle:1. In th" runnlni; • rr~!O!"·al! t:-o~. ffllP mn... ~1tt t.r.o 1off' q! t!le dead h~at Kiond,rke '\'\""o!idc:( 1

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. MOON FILLING, DUCKS WILDER.: SPORT LIKELY TO DETERIORATE THIS WEEK. ... Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Dec 25, 1904; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times pg. B4 •Moox FILLIXG. DUCKS WILDER.


New Clubs Opening Marshes in the Peatlands Country - Teal and Spoonbills the Prevailing Birds at Present-Some Limits Killed-The Prospects.

With the fllllni,: ot the moon and long, brlghtlY-llghted nights will come the, monthlY revel or the ducks on field and marsh. so clubmen wlll face a. J)rospect o! ln!erior sport until -the early mornlng hours become dark ngatn. The eltect o! full moon on the waterfowl ill purely a mechanical one, pormlttlng them to feed nnd drink In unsllntlld plenty whUe during th\) dark nigh!$ they are forced to grope a.bout as blindly as other daylight creatures. Ha vlng tilled their lfttle cr:1:l''S by the moonlight. they go to sea at the first tire nnd sta.y there, rema.Jnlni; out until the la.le after­ noon unless rough weather drives them lnshore again. At other times they sho,v more love for the fresh­ water mar~P.S; do not lease them so readily a:s when tull to repletion, and return at a correspondingly earlier liour, thereby aft'ordlng the g11nners much better sport and enabling them to go in sooner. Th~ last midweek shoot was rea.son­ a bly successtul, and !air bags will likely be made toda1•. The prevailing birds at present are teal and spoon­ bllls. which when tat are good enough for any gunner .and well worthy ot maklni; up a bag. Limits were killed Wednesday on the Green Wing by John Hauerwa.all, and good shootlni;- was reported on the Cerritos and adjo'lnlnc clubs. The· Bn.11on11. district shooters killed a number o! ~pr!~, and made nQ com­ plaint about their sport. Sflootlng ln the Pacific and Bolsa sections was not all It might ha\"e been, though some goodly· strlngll came up on early afternoon = Wedne!!day. One r.ew club, the Chica, shooting nea.r Smeltzer station, opened Its marsh last Wednesday, and Its neigh­ bor. the Christopher Land and Wa.ter Company, expects to ha,·e Its Initial shoot this week. )Iessrs. Al Levy, Louis J. Chrlijto, :er, John Brink, C. C. :Merrill. Godfrey Fritz, A. W. Eager, E. J. St::i.nton and Cha.ties Van Va.lken­ burg are mem'b;!rs ot this club. :Moat or tlle men a.re novices In duck shoot­ ing', but they expect to have a world ot tun and be)·ond doubt wlll 1:1ot be disappointed. , The Chica Club, whl-Ch WIUI organized some little time aso by the Maler 'l>rothers and Ed. ,Colter, contains, ,Lmoni; other members. Jamee Smith, Leon EIIC:lller, R. F. Goings and E. Turner. It had a. good ~hoot last week and seems to be well situated as Tei;:a.rds the bird ll!ghL The Blue Wing club Ms been !orced to change Its 'lleeond shooting da.y back tram Sunday to Saturday, Ol''lng to the reCusat o! tb.e other clubs In that sect.Ion to m.'\kc a. corresponding ar• rani;ement.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. CAFE OWNERS HAVE A CLUB.: Brink and Levy Will Learn How to Shoot ... Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Nov 20, 1904; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times pg. B4 CAFE OWNERS HAVE A CLUB.

Brink and Lt"C!J lVill Learn Hor,· t,o Shoot Ducks.

Will Ilm:e a Prc.~cr;:c Scar 1Vcstminster ~l!ar.~h . • Lir:ely Doings and .Jluclt F-.un Promised First Day.

V?adin.t: r':.":,.,taur:1.t~ur~ may no Iongl·r ~urr~r for la(.'k of thf" re~th·e 8f)ri~ wherewith to tickle the predous pal• ate~ ot ,finnnci:tlly flush bon \'IYants who arE> actuaJly stan·ing for S\\'t:et 1norsel~ of ron~t duck .. Heretofore It has been -0nly a matter or nnswerJng the- question: ""'here ,·un we buy thc•m~" H<~reatt;-r the Interro­ gation ma)' be: "Can we hit 'em H we get a chance?" Hon· ~o'! Because John Brink. Al LeYy, Louis <'hrlstor,he:· and others h:n·e bought ninety acres or duck mar. gentlemen. together with Goll· !rPy FrHz. ha\"e already 1mrcha~~l their prospective pr~scrve, which lies betm•en the Blu the pres,mt ~·-ason i~ (1u:. thi~ dC'pendtng upon the :1mount or water the\· un<'O\'er in a WPll whieh i~ now behl;; sunk upon the property. The n~w <·!ub ma.I.le no mi}.take in it~ ~P!eC"tion If f'Xpe:-ts who ~hoot in that :,:(·.:-Uon nr<• tu~ht to hn,·e a~ f'OOd shooting :I~ any of its neighbor,,, r.es~lts or th<• opening· day's born· krrl:nent will be awalt('d wlth bated J,reath by the vetc,ran duek hunters who know th,•s(' gentlemen, pnrllcu- 1:irly the rc·iataurntcurs. ,·ery well. John· Hrlt1k ha..s been aN·uscd nt squlntltii; down a r;un barrt:I at some r('mOtt! :im<• i11 thr· r1ast. and Goufre~· Fritz once shot with the Recreation· Club, hut th<· records or t'hrli,topher aull LM'Y a re In tjll" respect spotless. Certainly It will be worth a thous.and Jollar:,; of nny rich man's monfl'y to he sitting in un adjacent blind whon Levy :wd Christopher get their llr,,t Intro­ duction to sprig a la nature. When those white-bellied blrd,i begin to clrde 011('1' their hiding placei< with anxlou,i squawklngs and enger cacklln!{>', two p:,Jn; or eager eyes will be pef'rlr:.; -out at them, and two mental prayers will beseech them to light ,;;o the execution can hr made sure. Anlu~ge o,·er what they want !or themse!Ye~ Ir the opening day Is made public, d<>pend upon It, there will be ~eYeral doz,;,n leading sportsmen hiding In the brut1h around tbe ponds to see the big sho"·· . It will beat "audevllle forty·ways ror Sundny,

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. THE SQUELCHING OF KERN AND FENNESSY.: Labor Union Gang Overwhelmed by ... Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Oct 26, 1904; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times pg. A1

eort11 rrom the wc,t end con,·lnccd him early Jn the !ott'noon that the ~Id<-_ of THE SQUELCHING ·OF battle Wall c<>lni:- agalru,t 111,n. 't\ alkrn;; del.,P.t"-" rushed 1n "'lth reports o! YlC· torlH already won only to be ord~red 1 ~,;: :elii,~ ~"ti Ward the union• KERN AND FENNESSY. by labor cang. heN!ed .Plctator Fen• neuy voted url7, a.Dd IIOl'.lle say, ott"'n. In Precinct T.: J. lf. Brewer, an old JetrensonJan Democrat. bewd the Snyder ticket. Fennessy a.:nd ::.Utch~ll Labor Union (Jang Overwhelmed by were on the Kem-Union tlcket. Thi• Pteclnct la normall;r RepubUca.n. Yes,. Popular Vote in Primarp Election. ~~~!r 'io=l&;~~;. i!na ~:t "~ttl~nS' au the afternoon In the City Snpder Sure of Democratic Nomi­ Ha.ll precinct, ~n•t tht- walking- delc• Jl'l.thews, ~publican. • enteen -With ten votes to Rpare. : SAX VS. SAM. For City Clerk-BanT .r. Lela.nde, Republican. Sam Ra.!!kln11 .,asaed an .inei.sy day. For Clty Audltol'-LouiA Sehwa.ebe, :Republlcan.. l rn his prtttn,:t his naine a.gpeQ,red on , I For CltY ~ W. B. Wor.li:lllan. Democ:a.tic: .r. s. 31::,,!rs, Re- 1, both tleket4. Sam ba.d ~ to 11tand I puhllcatl. · tor the candidate' represented by the For City Tax Collector-E. E. Johnson, :Republk:a.n. Winning ticket. Up to noon he ~ dis- + tlnctly a Kern nuu,. But du:rlng the For City AJ!lsessor-F. w. 'Wllltntt, Repttbllea.n. + !:~n.b __ ou _r ~~!t t1dn~dc•hra.nsu~r:':.d. ~~ l For (:tty En,glneer-Ha.rry St,,J!'ord, Rei>ubU~ • "- p -~-· 6 , , y.,,. "· For Ct!:Y Counc11--RepubUcan: First Ward. Fred Ford; Seevno Ward. l ~m:i~~.=s: ~.:S s;::n ..~:. Percy, V. Hammon; Third Wa.r4 · Sidney Biller; Fourt?l W8rll, Theo- f toua ha.ttle a,ga!nst hlmsel! a.nd .,ven dote Summerland; ntth wa.ru. George Smith; Sixth Ward. E. B. l ""hen tile• Polls cloaed Srun WM In Allen• Seventh Ward. ~an Lewis; Ninth WlU'd, E. .L. Blancha.rd. ::l>;~;1~t:.ri.:~~.,t•;:~ ~! Pem;.,,...t~ Flnrc Wa.rd,-F, M. Nickell; 5;,cond. W....S, ::r. E. 'Fa.I- W!UI a comr,romltr1:ma.rl"" ! . The s;e....,nlh Ward remn.tned loyal to Jlc1111 polltlc1ana of tbe ~ond Ward held to choose· d"legates to the c!t7 ' Kem, hut hy a nii.rrow margin. The yesterday morning IIUIJ'ted In to w,e the convention. Ed Kern, their -candidate , maJorlt)' or the delega.tt'l! elected In old machine metbotur,> the tor the Democmtlc l!a.YonltY 1:omfn.a. I the otllba.l>ly not ellOU£h to ~revent :-; 'ft"~u:n:~~';;;~ ll;~~~~: owed tile Councllma.nlc IICTap and lut nJght trlp,,ans to have a shade the best ot the CouncllmanJc cOlltMW. :, ·e Simons and Ra.rr!,ion White waged .& mlgirt,' battle In their n,ipec,. !Ive preclnets which adjol!I each otbet on Boyle HeJgbt& Whene\'er voting waa llla.ek 1n one ~ they would mo•e over to the othei:.- lila.eh had la.Id """'"I'll that be '"'OU!d wtn the otber'iJ Precinct. Sornc ot the rnore timid vot• ers approached the polls ~th reluc­ tance. Despite the protest or election ot:::ceni the Ol'PO!llng ward n,anagers would tollow thelr vlellm.11 Inside the ralll11g about the polling place and right .UP to lbe voting booth, Early In tbe morning Simons sbo,..ed up In a. ftn, automablle which was to be U8"d to chase the eh:slve voter, Three t!reg went llat during the tlr.,t hou:-. Th<' machine was sent away to the N!PU.lr sbo1> only to be punctured on tlle wns back to the polls. The brlck magnate dlscove~ one ot W'1.lte's 1"0rke;11 In the act ot Jamming a. pock,.t knife Into ;he tJn,. The culprit's lleetne" or foot pnwented murder being done. But It wa,; dedded rlgbt tllere that u,.., auto­ mobile Is not a. su;:cess as a \·ote g-et• to give hlm theDenlocr&tle nomlna.tlon Snyder's nornlna.tlon on the llrllt bu.I• ter nn election da;. with at least 150 · votes to 9pa.re. lot. E~oh finally won his own precinct Kern's manag,,r,i !Ut night ccn!essed Farish last night bad not :vet given and the •el""!) w"" declared a dra,.., · up hope. "Many l>attles are won n.tter rt R. G. Taylor, tbe Sixth Wly e. candidate for renomination 1· r~:-:~f i.t t~1a~i::11. :,~~u :i~ to the Co'UllcU !roat the Seventh Ward. i strength In the convention next Satul'- .A.rtbu:- Bo\\'ton. tile accidental trea.k 1 day, but I shall go before tile con• Councilman !rom the S1:!~ to any ca.ndlda.te. a,114 who a.rt' Jl;1)lng to Snyde:-. Fol'll!ler Councllmo.n ~~e i Pe!lllel w1ll prcba.bly be their choice tor i vote Ill the conventJon tor the peroon the DemocTe.tlc nomJna.tloa. · whom the)' think ,.-111 i;1ve this city With the· J'tepu~Ucan,;, there WM no th<.' c!Mneirt n.nd most efficient 41.<\m!nlo• contellt !or ::lh:ror. It belll.!l' g'!!nerally · tra.tlon." conceded thD.t Sidney A. Butler 'l'o1U S;:,;'YDER'S ESTIMATE. receive the nomtnat10n. Tile chief eon­ ::Uayor Snyder's t'l!llmate or tile re. tel!ts were over the S~t Supetintend­ sult ot the l:>attle or the ba.llota was ent and Councllmetl In the Fle1t.. Sec­ ond. Thlrd and Slnh W a.rdtl. that be would !lave at least 4:S votes Laci. or org;llllutlon among tile ln the con,·entton: :7S vote-8 are re. antl-Werdln torees save Werdln a:i quired to nominate. . "The names o! the delei;ntes return• :1n'd~torzv: ~t t':!e ~recJ"':i~~ ed as the wtnners in today's contHt kets l:n the clt:r ..-..re ucomproml~" tell their own stoey," said the 3!8.yor deleptlon.s and Dmln and Wood"':1.rd last night. "I do not th.Ink an10ne la!!I! night clalme,t to h&ve, jointly, a will que,rtlon tbat I he.ve enottgb dele· .,naJontr of tbe deiesa.tes elected to gates to glv1, me the nomtnatlo11 on tbe Republican CltT Con~ntlon. but the llrst ballot. Werdln probabl7 ha.a them beat"n. "I dNaented t~ ot the ea.tnJ:16.1gtt. the B.lller tic• to the ol)'l)Osll.lon. I hll4 conlldenee 1n kda tor Comlcllma.n "'On in alm<>llt the good JtldDnellt ot the people or every precinct In tbe Third Wt.rd. It Los Angeles. and I uevtt !or a moment was a notable victory. doubted the outcome." Results or the COllllellnui.n!c eont= Kern expres>ed gratl!l,::atJon tha.t his In the First. Second and Sixth WRd, home \C'll.1'd lt"4 stood 'by him. Fur­ /ltt still In doubt thOagh :;:'ord, :e::au,. ther than that be declined to be In~ mond a.nd Allen 1!ll!ffll to ha:'fe the lelld. te"1ewed. Tbt, other ~dlllatee haYe a llghUn,g Werdln said tha.t b.la vlciory w,u a Vietor:; ot the common t>eOple.. He m!d ~a:es CtaJ,.- CUIJms th&t the Snrdtt that the great maJorlty or the prop. tidal v:a... e wll1 ca:r-n" him. <:!ni,r, Into crty °"'1ll!n ot Ule dt:, realised that iu:lt.n.tor. cam"" out hi• avowS' tlon or pl:,eln/1' How:on's name be1'ore other Democratic CUldlde.tes tor ~t 1 his a.dmlnlstration l>eell.usf> they bad th.. Dem<><'ratlc ('onventlon t\J! a can• 1 Superintendent. 'l'bls claim la dlspat~ l:Jeen unable tv dictate tbe m&Qage. 41d&te for the Council hi, will have I DT the t'rlendS or J'a:nes Eanley, WbO 1t1ent ot bis office. to do ..., rrom t1\e ~tier;-. Bl~ neli;h• cla.frn that lllr. B≰ Is Ptaetlea.11:r Mktd for -111c llgnra the !)on ye:otma.:, 1,r..ated t11e Howtan cenaln to rece!Te the Demoernttc nmn- ltlvlnJt' '1natlon. • details or hls · al!e1t"6 Vlel.017, Werdm tlcl<"1 111 hi• P""dnct by a dccl~!,·e The only imre-enough Oounelhna."llc became non-cornmlt!.&L • ma.joclty ,ocrap ln the Democratic ranks 1"M In "Offlcel'll or ""m" or tbe ,ro.called F"}il Jnllu~ • Krau"" rNurn"d from ~.,,,. th" Ellt'hth Wt.rd. Tbere were halt a gov!'r'l'lment leagues that lutTe. been cry. York ::Vonday nli;llt and 1'ithout Chan!:'· . dozen cs.nllldatea Md along abont the Ing out "Dlnst "11' ,tldmln.lstnLtJon re- Ing hl.9 clothl/t! went out Into hit< PM'- j midd,t' or the atter::ioon th!! amol for the ll{ll:1'<11'. I # In .. f•w lnllta.ncoi< the - -n . tbe confllct l)eea.l:ne ~ 4enae that tbe J1hoot duckS tbe:v did not a.tmoa:ice -re ;restm!ay dect"'1 to both :om,o- : ,ioats ~ to broue on tile act1tps In 11 th" ~,. of tile cu, t.M:tor:r and tbe ~~eoe::..ed1i~=~he: t';.".,nW,~ I ~bleke11., went home te> roost. At a late ~ c::;~ns:.:~!:. d~~!s~~ hour Jut night 'tb., con test 'WllS !till on Toluntttr the lnforrna.t1"n m,,.nag-er,, pbcNI som, pupul&r R~ul>- and It wm probabl:, bl> contln::ied antll o! ""b<:tt m:, dll<'U a.re feeN>­ I I his He an'lv"'1 the convene !n Simpson Andltotilll:ffl clncts In the "'1U'd. but It la ela.lll',e('J o! =;>aJgn. at n~ CltY Hall ,hortly sun a;, Md re- Friday ,nornlnS' and the Dern<>cn.Uc: th&t then! ,,,m 1><, • e<>mnt before Ule aner convention Of the del~ 0:-c,m tnaln..a ln hls offlce. wbere be dfr..cte:! convention ...-ru connne In Tll~r Ball esch o! th"8e prttfnets. the battle by telephone. mi t11 the polls nn Sa.turda'.1" momlnlt. The coll&P9f! or Keni"s l:{a.yoraJt:r closed. B" an....,..""1!d m~ u tut I THE !>ELEOATES. boom mu almost pitiable.. Xern did ,.. three :uisi,t.mts could take th,.m I l"o!h:J.,..Jng .,..,. me Republle:on a.nd Mt ""31'lt to b<, the eandld Jn evcr,­ lnS' whtn th<> labor-union voteri< nN'dnet. =n"1"<1 t,y 11o'llt'd,,.; • sur<'d him that they hehl In t!>elr mlta eal!tlng :.heir ballot/I on thl!L!- -yw= to . mo~ t'Ot"" th= """"" ""st ~~, 'l"Orl<. tl>r l!1t1ror look•d a wor,1~J. WARD O~E. for th,e., ~mOC'T'tltlc tfi=k~t~ fer nil -C;,-!~­ bit .";'n1~ R;· rnidd.~7. how,v,r. "" l1a.d the con- ?!-•dnct, ;'"· 1-R<';>u~,ltan '\'{!"l:"! 'Weil m h.an~ and b·r : o·e1~ i:'l RoOI':~ '; ~lif'1a.~ ~~~~~ r K,.. kept ln u,,. b>cl<,,;,·o,,r,d a.nd K•:T: =de the ~:,,';"""" ll., Pllt ll ti? to bt,, SUI'- ;;~;,';:,;i,.;on: D.>mO<'!'!ltlc di>l~ fW'lfflfi. h~dw~y·: bu!: M soon !\.~ th~

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. ·- --·------t ! shall Stlm!!On. J. i::. ],krnccny: !lt'mo­ ~u~He, Dr. J'vbt-1)}1 Kurtz (Snyder !-or Chcir:N: Uorlt:er~ GeoTg{' tVehr1y (Suy.. cratk del<'i;.r g.,tee. Charles ::,. \\',41ton. Wllll•u• M. rut..,,, Gl'Org~ )I. Tnornbun:. J, I,. .\le­ tor llayor.) GaTland. Gcor&-:· t;. l:ialJlchl, Walter Cllnley, W. C Wtw!lng, l'. l!:. :l,la,llccr.,,, Prr::-luct. Xo. ::-ntpubUcu11 t..l<"Je• D. Walllh. Robert ll. .\lien, B. D. H. J. l'u&-h. G. A. Lo1111"fellow; Demo• Ca.rte; · O.,m0<:r:1tlc deleg;,.1,C•. Jolm ~:. Crt·noltls, J. ~. Hartnuck, J,p;~:;~~O.G~:::::l>~~liw~it~::~~t~: Tunu•r. ~r .. J l!Urphy; !Jt"fflOl"ratiedP(t~... rich. Hlchard 1',m,r. \\', v. ,~·001w11ie f1. Harry, B. Wynn>, P. IL Slnnt~on; J;'r•t<"~,. AJ~rt 8. Forman. J. P. GOOO .. (Snyd,.r for '4:i,or.) (Snyclor tor :.\lu;ror.) · Dernocra.tk a~l",::at.,.~. J,:u,r Harr!,,. A. win. John &. *f'urnCf". l. P. lflnton. E.. I'l"<'dnct Xo. '" Republican tt tSnyu.-r for .Mayor.) btes, J • .A. ·K,..,;;;;::- J. ~=- Col'b)', W. 11:at••· W. B. R!rb,·. Fred .lt•'!1'• •. W. l':, K"m ¼.) Pr~dnct :-o. ~~Rt,publko.11 d•I..,. R Connerly, J. A• .HPrm1tul!On, W. H. Darby. A. L. Ha.tton: f:. P. C•rter, I Ruil~u.: 0.-mOCr'.tlk d,.J""g1t!M\, Gf'OJ'g~ (i.Ml'Jl'f" Pardue· OemocratJc d,.lf"S'.tltt!a. Pr,,,cln('t ~o. ~-R~~uhlkiln d~t,..J::1:l"fi. ;~~:,~ \:{. ·t ~:~7r~:· ~~ ~,p.CB~~~g~: A. C':Mbln. Fran~ W. Bunnril. ,:·. H. :\la.run B~tkn,i·~kl. J. Topham, W, J. ,:. s,,,-u. w. r:. J•trcle,, A. \'!o~.-k. Ful't'<'r, J!. ,\moltl Cohn. W. llor. 1Yonkln•, Grah;un Smith (Snyd,r for Frl<"k"' f;u• Thuniran. A. K. t,o,:eit, nu. W. B,dl<'y; t,,,mocratlc .i.. 1 ... M,llr-::m dtJe ... Jr.• l'~ F.. :Re!nk~. J-;dmund H:mlu;,. ""'~· S. L,.,·y. J. ·w. Shir<')', W. B. I A.tron A!tpn, G<'OrJ;C H. A~·dclottc &frd, 'I\', J. Htdl, E. D, Short, H. F. ,a;:atn. J. f!,.lm. ~- S. l:la,:l;,y, I~ it. !fate•. J. H. Hein,an, J. Jurrte•on, C. t~nyQ•r tor :,iaynr.) llnulton (Sll):erntlo 1 , P. >'riulre•. 1. ~I. Buttur!qutz. Hen1'Y PN"r!nct :--o. 4-R,pu!>lk•n d•lei;o.tr•. Pr<'clnct !'it>. :!S-.R,,publh:,111 de!.,. P. }'rost: o,mrycr:.tk del<,g-.ttes. C. ,\. Kearney. E. H. 1.'t'llson. T. Va.cM. D. ·'-'-' Kews J. Ruo.-11 Con!"". Thom~" ' ital.,., H. H. Bartk>tt, Herbert Burdett. , John,011, W. t'o'>IMi:~. ti. :-;. IlitrT:,', Antonell•. H., llkhn1oncl (Kern tor J. Spencer.' Frank R. Willi•. Jame~ W. I A. J. Cop1>, Jr,. F.. w. Coe. ?~ D. Ma~­ J. R. f'oli:an. Jam•• T. ?,!c!lleoly, Jullu• Jdayor.) ;-:,..11>, H. A. 0"1\'0<>d. l'hlllp A. Blair, ht1M <.lavln Cl,tl,:e, :0, Ells1''0rth. v. Kr.\UM f;;nydN' !or :Ofo;ror.) P~dnct :So. &;;-R•pub\ltan delo• 1-: I~ f'.illon: DtmO<'r~tk IIOn. Geoi;i:-e Pre~t , J. Mot"llan. E. P. Sanbma• llon1Mey u,ern tor lfayor.) ,,:tt•n:::,. H. R"""· c. F. WOO'l•. C, J\I'.. (K.-rn f,:,r ll:ay0r.) H•nry F. Da.lr I.K•m ror llayor.) Proclnct ::,:n, ~4..:. Republlcan dele- l"··~ctnt'r; DemO<'r.Uie ddt>J:at"':!l. l-L 'Precin<"t :So~ »-Rer>ublf<'an dt>t~­ PJ'<'Clnet ;-.o. r,i;._R•1>ublka11 <;lei•· ll'llte•, P. L. H•zrn, H. D. Sullh·an, K,,meaY. r:. F. Durr. 0. F. Glll,sple, i:au,~. l-I"nd~n Ho.:r,.·nra. J. R. i::ates, J. F. Holm••. J. C. Bla<:I<. l. D. Rl;,.nk John• Stine. F. )I, Park•r. J;:. G. F:,·:111,. X. I Meir,. A. s. Klni:,urk: D•moc-ra!lc d.,.t.grit.,., D. {"ronln, Pr.·cfn,:: :O:o.. 6-R~ruhtkan.d"'J(',t;Jtfl'I"~ "'on~"\\'"'.. T... ValcnUnes. U. 11, Tttornp$Ht. ,·ratio ddP,r;ttMt. Dr. <:. F. Tri11tart, , Ii. KlrKlaml, Ha,.,.)' Wright. Fred Ba• F. r. Lw,n,. w. w. Stoel.well. F::. )I. H', H. Houael. w. B.. <'orw!n. ~- E. WIiiiam A. F'l<'ld, 11... 1". OPI \'all•. WU• kt>r, D•I Wallen<, Ft'M Tu!lltld, I.. G. 1forrl.on." T. ll. Thr-dll. .luliu, )I. Rice, J. W. MorrlNlU. l"r:,uc1e B. K,•1· 11am ><. Burn•Y. E. T. Park• !SnYder Dahlhrtnk (!\.em tor Mayor.) <~.ilkln:-. Gt'Ol';:1:' (:timt,·. R. <\ t'Undnt'i, loa. laldorf'? Rapl\a.Pl. 1~. H. A. (-;nod­ for :Olayor.) Pre,:lnct Xo. /s',...R•publl,tPr. W. E. t;prlght. Goorge <~ommon, Rob• odore R. Plant, G. W. B•ntl•Y. Th<'<>• Roed•r a.nd. U"·· R. ,·. ::,wan. A, Eb<,rly. Precinct '.S'o. 31-Republknn dcle• Graham. J. R. Kendall, J. M. Delma:• Wau,on, w. n. Hoff:, Theodore Friese, T. A. 1-, JI. JI. "''"'· ~!. H. Hour•, i;a.tes. ,\. :,;, Gru;,<", :-. Cronkhlt<•: "'' (h:ern tor :'d:iycr.) II. C. C"l't:man (Kern tot Ma)·or.) A. H. Lrl,,,. .,,.. J. H. 8urnh!ll. J. E. D,,mocrnt!c tl<'lei;a!<'!', 0. W. Lord Pr<'Clnct No. i.S-Re11ub!kan '\\·n: Demorrati" dcl<'i:"J.tf's. T. (:iol"• (Sn;)'der tor )fiiyor.} i:a.t,.,.. i-::. W. Sutton, 't\". L. P.. Jc,hru,on, 1,8.tea. p;. G. comport, J. o. Ji:l'O@slen, m 3 ::,. \'\•. T, K';ndrlel<. T . .\, R•~·nolda. WARD FOUR. T. t•. lJ,.nn.11, J·une11 l". Thomp,on. fl. J. n. ll.,.t:, \\'llllum Lynch, Stephen S. ~ CoMtL•h. l',. A. El,nrr, G. W. U;,.r. :ll. Bowker. A. 'El. Da)·, Au,.,"11,t Gra• i::,·an•: V.,moernuc M. J>r-~dn('t delti:ate•, H. rlni;-ton. John 'I\". Welsh. J. J. White x(l. i:-1trnuMh.·;u1 Fl, tft>r lfti}«or. Xrrn, ':': ~nyder. 1.) ,c;at..,., H. <>. w. H. Clune; "Dt>m• St!XH:>n~ }A.. ~- H.t""Oll"'.. F''",lHA (,.irr.£11..t. (;P.Org'l' Baker. GiJbert Chlldreu, Prt-dtTN :So. ~-Reoubllcan d<'l, ir. 1t. \\"1'.nnt·m::u·b..:r (Snyd(':r tor ""Y. S. J. White. W. }1. Bow,,,.,., W. 1-l. J-. tor :,1u.yor/: Democratic delegates, .)fayor.) flo~~llo, H<'nr,• C;:trdt'II, Wll!Jam H . Grll!ln. :,;. B. Osborne. Fred Pl,rc,.. lf. Palmer. E. I'- Shrader, J. H. D,,,Je; Ed,~:ird B. Hlgi:ln~• .i;:. Vlgnoln. F. H. Pr""C1n\·t :So. ~R~~b1kan d•l~~•lP.11, Demoera.tlc d~!ei;atPS, William Dri·· Cir.on, John Shrhard, J. c. La.Chap· r·ra:ik P. Stedman. 0Rcur E:iutley: Dcni­ .A, H<"t:kmn11, 1-..:. B. Lo\~Jo, H. s, Row.. ,.n; Democrat!<' dele.i:ntes. Ji'. F. :'de• den. C. ?. p., 'l"oe. Jo•eph P.~eu. ,\. P. olle. H. Goet: (Snyder tor ll!a.yor.) ~c,atk tlclei;a.t~s. Rob·· R. J. Dlllon. J. L>-.,,·r Precinct So. 60-Renubllcan ,1,1.-. 1,ate•. H. J. Ma<,det", p, G. Seyme>ur, s. !o:- 1!:ivor.1 (~nydC"r tor lla..vor.} ·• ,. J. GIilmore. l"red. Burch; DemOCl'Btlc WARD TWO, 1 1 p,..,clnct Sn. 34-R-,pubUcan dele­ ~~:;~~~- i5'.!!::,aJ~ ~~~~,t·l · ~: c.) for l!ayor.) drlei,;1 tee. K. \'. l.Iullall)'. f'hJ!lp ,..~atP-11. P. ~c"""fflark. b;. I .. C::amr·beU. Proclne-t Xo. !;J-~publlcnn dele- Precinct ?,;o. 8:)..-Republlcan dele· ~-. Parm.,.nt~r. A. ltaml~h, Alexander i:at"11. Geor,:c Osborn. SP.th Uuct, i~ i::.tei. Joltn P. Krempel. Cla.rence B. r !or .Mayor.) •r. flell (Sn)'der tor l!,.,y,,r. l .,!; ~·. Strohm. H. L. Scherb, E. P. Rowell; P!'ednct !'io. ll-Republk,u1 Jr!.,. Prcelnet ~o. !la.-RY, Domocratl,· del<1m!e;, Th.-ollcan d~h•• J. H. r.oodello\\', H. s. G. McCiortne)·. dcr, Jolin H. H-l!~ks;y~~~'.or lta1·or.} ll""te,. w. B. Mori:-a.n, J. E. Dunn; l,'Ote,. William L. J,mrs. •: . •\. Luek• <'. 1'~. Baker•• \. J. G•rdlner. L. A. Ho\· Democratic d•legntes. Arthur Kroug-t,1. -t·nbo.1.1.:h~ A. :,Jdu""Y Juu<"~, Joh11 R. romb, M. M. Gllll'f!Ple.' TbOm"" Ga.Ha• i:h~r: Democmtlt- deleirates. Grant. · Preclnct ::..o. 63-R<>PW!l!C{ln dele• be!. T. J. Farrell. M. B. MIiler, J. E. I-lorn•:. Geor,e L. B"uml.ior. C'. ~­ s. gale!<, Guy W. Yonkln, D. H. Laul><'r• Bt!C.k. George Mlller. Martin Furlong, <.ia1r. J. "'· Pow~ll: D<"mot:r;.t:k Uc-Jr ... Geori:-e P. I:am:t.rd. J. W. :Ui:Cann. s. H. :1tcKee, J. T. Hanlon. J. Jan-,,, fthelmer, P. J. McCormlek. J.J. R~i;an; W. Butterlleld (Kern tor :Ma:yor.) ::~te•. J. A. Crnli:. 111, C'. M11n,h, J. H. DemocraUe dclei;ale!!I, Albert Rlmpau, l'rtclnct No. 91-RepubUC31l dele­ .llch·UI, l'. :=:. Oanlrll. «;. R. Barker. J.~c[~~c)'N~n~:'.R~:u~<:."·> del•· i John E. Brink. D. B. Fl•her. 'W. E. i;u.t..._ .AUred F. Webber, C. W. Sa.tell, 1;eors-e ,v. 11.t':zer, Jr. tSnyder tor BrllL W. G. Schapl)ln', H. A. :rhc-Ju.n F. O. Smith, E. B. · Rice, Ev.m lliCTMk delegnt.es, Joser,h Smlflll, W. R. Ready, Pr. :l!cyt>r, H. Shroeder (Snyder tor Buhr (Snyder t.or Ma1·or.) Evan•. H. Burnette; Democro.ttc dele­ f'. Ha:iron, Charles :,;anchc.z: (for Mayor.) · PM!clnct No. 6S-Rcpubllcan dele· i:o.te•, R. N. Walton. Joeeph Engert, ~fayor. Sn)'der, 4; l\:t'ni, :',.) Thomas Cha.m~l'll. W. H. Handley, J. Precinct ~o. 11-Republlcm, dele• Precinct :So. :15.-Repul>Ucn.n dcl•· gs.ties, A. 1'. Crot'IS, Heney ScMr•r, A. i:ates. w. W. :8rekctt. B. W. Lee. 1\1'. J<>llCl!. :Sa.cob Dietrich, A. :a. Peter· B. Higgins (for Mayor, Snyder ,¥... :a.tcs. Charles J. X1mm..,.r. J. H. Hott.. P. Johnaon. Jr.. c. l:L Humphreys, son. a. w. Wahlemruer, E. c. Moore, man. A. P. Puss1ch, P. B. Enrada. W. W. Dennlll. lt, J. McQr,,,.-, :S. 111. l:C~~~t ~o. S3-RepubUcan dele­ Calendine. J. L. C. Taylor, F. C. Francs; Democni.tlc A. c. Day. :\like B. Solo­ Kramer, Frank McCoyc. A. L. '\\.'hit• «al,es, George Spel-ce, F. Hamilton; mon. Joe Clvla: Democratlc deki:-a.tes, del<,gates. H. Aufdenka.mp. B. lit. uey, A~ Cohn. Charles Vonderkublen, Boydston. John Dormer, t'. N'. Gibbs, Democrntlc delegates, O. c. Moses, G. J. S.. Ht'don •. J, F. Gaul, S. Bodn,ro. C, H. Xlcke;v; Democratic delei;u.teo, G. Soble (1.;.) J. l3. :l{a.:cka.y, F. :1. John Lu 511!\'la, :F., Pai;:111, :M. :\!argue. .II.. E. Lembeclct,. A. R. Knell, G. :S. A. c. WOO. Elli• (K~!'ll tor )In.)-or.) RJcha.rdJ!, J. s. Allen ct So. ;;-.Rei,ubllcan ;Jele• Webber, .Edward Gtten (Snyder for i:--.1:\ll'. John Wruf. J. F'. Ballard: P. A. i:ates. J:im!\lmer-. Robert Tucker, Precinct ;:;;o. 96-Republle.a.n delegates, i:rtcb 1Soyder tor Mayor,) C. R. .Adams. W. T. 0Jterholt. D. S. w. J. KU!t,an, W. l'. Louder (Kern tor Albert G. H:1rdcr. Albert Slttel, Robert Precinct Xo. !,-Republican dele· Foney, :lla.rk Keppel: Democri.Uc del• :Mayor.) Gllke!"Bon: Democratic delegate!!, Jol,n ,...._t.,., Ho.rry c. Thom::u,, Horace l!. ,gate;,. J.C. Bright. F. A. Wclbourn~. Precinct No. GS-Republican dcle• J•n•. J. lL (keen. D. E. Lyons. Robert '1\1,ttJer. Amo, H. Pot!Jt. George lie· :Vath!• GIU'VPT, J, R. Wt.lner. w. R. go.tell, Charlei< C. Loon, W. E. D. llor• .Annls, .A. D. Roundtree. Joe Mari;a,!J! Cul!oui;h. Lewi• w. Benz: Democru.tlc ltltchcll, R. S. Bodman. rlnon. Henry Batie. Loul& Norton, (Snyder ror Mo.yo •. ) deleca:e•. J. Kuhrts. J. H. Schumo.cMr. Precinct No. .u-Republko.n o•l,:,. George P. Love; Democratic delegate,,, Precinct :So. 9,-Republle.a.n dele;:a.tes, £. A. Breu••, E. J. :Morrla, J. A. Sllep­ ,rates. George lf. A tklna. L. C. Bl::ilhur Gro.. er, J. w. JohnMn. Sr., Jo.mes Caldwell, Georl!'e Brown; Demo­ !lrd /5nyd.,,. tor :Mayor. l Jee. G, Eckdll.hl, J:uncs -<'I.. Hill, F. John Fl•hllack. James Wynn (Snyder cro.tlc delte,:o.tes, WIiliam Vua.ntll: ll'.. Precinct, :-;o. li>-Republlcan dole• E. Lowry, 'ti". H. Lyon.. .:r. H. Wlll!on, for :lfayor.) J. Poroey. Ch:u-les Skinner. X:. W. Be-~­ iratby. Ro33 CUm• i;atc•. H. D. ::11'.elm,. A. B, John80n. ter ;,. (pr-0bablY !or Snyder for M:iyor.) L. \'. Young,\·orth, T. B. Harri•. Arthur mini;.,. H. J. JllcGulre, W:,.lter de Samuel BenMtt. Robert :McGraln; Precinct Xo. ,s-Repnbllcan delegates, W~bt. '1.'. H. 1\JcFee, J. H. Goodlin; Groot. W. J. Patterson. E, B. Reed Democratic deleirnte,,, Charles Peteler. B. o. Bell. F. Endl,•F. Simon; Demo• Dtmorratlr d•leg;,.tu, R. B. Moore. l. 1Snyder for ?,Uyor.) E. T. Hade. J. B. Kevu;;h. D. R. Cur.' crauc delegat~~. A. Guenther. James i', Pinto. :II. SchU•no. Wllllam i>. Precinct No. c:-Republk:in dele­ tla (Kem for :Mayor). P. :a:. :11'.aloney, O'Donnell. M. llartlne:, Jacob Harri.•. O'Rourke. lf. ll. Shield~. O•rnr TMi>­ i;ate•, E. ~ l'aUctt~. :r~ D. Scrt,·er, J Len. Cook. A. J. ?.looni,y. Charles s. J. Escnndon. Henri,· Simon. :M. Bo!aeran •"'t, I. H. Polk. F. H. Thompson, George Arnot.· >L L. Cornl•b, A. P. Rtewa.rt (Snyder tor Ma)·or.J Kern (probably tor Sr:yder tor Mayor.) l't:nl• Taylor (Snyder ror ~fayor.) Flemtnl,', a. s. Lau1,hlln. l~. C. Ma• . delei:ntes and Snyder delei;-ates tied. Precinct :So. 9!1-Republlcan delegate!, l"Ull<'ll. F • .A. Kelly, J. ll. Dans:!,:; Pr•elnct Xo. 19-R,publlcan d,l.,. 1 Pre-clnct :,;o, ,0-Republlcan dei.,.. J. A. Xeloon, Frank Kennedy: Demo­ s:att>t, Jum~ R. Burackman. F., H. Democrntlc delega.te,,. C. A. C11nf1eld, \ itaten . dcl<'• itate~. Ca..,. Cline, Frnnlc ll. McCor­ CSTiyd~r ror ::•yor.) ,:ate$. J. E. Loh· mick. A. H. Rowleau, ,\. Etlshr,.ldo; !~:f~A.H~·r:;u~ ! J. nee,·es. Thomns l"rt'l:'lnct :,o. :o-P.epubllcan <1•1•· ti~·: ~~~t?~ m:in• .H. D. ll'cC,ib(>, F. E. Bank~. P. Democratic dele~u.tes, John R. Melfa• i::itee. w. H. r.:a,varde, H. L. l!ol\Jux. Smltll. I>. K. Trallk. li. J. Woolla- I E. Klinkenb<,ard. So.muol W<'lse!lng. D. nu~. R. L. &ucllet, w. P. Vance. :I!. Po=. o. o.,·u n, C. L. £tuckelbout. 0 k';~;;'k. tlJ~'c. ~t~o;"!:i.i i1,.~ j o. ~mll.n: Dcmocn•tle del•su1••· F. Pct, lb.ng:1r!na (Sn)·der {or l!nyor.) ,::· ~·a:.i~n·A:·Ch~m~ttt ~;i;;. 110;: Rosenberg CSn;rd•r for :Mayor.) G. Hurtlll:. J'lltne!l Cook. ~. A. BA'-'k•r. ton. l4 B. White: ~mocratlr dele, Geori;c \\'. Bu..nkl<. Jllmes I..Bes­ D:t.-~·..\la_,..,,.) Wllllam Ha.rdeortt (Snd)'ec tor Biltb~-. HarrY Lee Manin; :Democrn.tlc i::i.te,i, E. Sell)h, R. G. Wel•haar, John •elo, B. F. (;ro,•e,,, F. Case)· (probably uel•i;~les, :S. 'l'. !-41w"11, Arthur S. sin.tau. Lincoln 'Ro,:,r!I, Herb<>rt Drew. tor Snyder tor lfa:>·or.) WARD THREE. Gran,:er. Ja.me11 I.. Cn.wtord, A.. W. C. G. Kellogir:· Democratic delc;at,,,. l"r~cinct :so. lO:-Republlcan dete­ Fl•hPr 1Snyder for :Mai,'Or.) Wll11a:m B. Horne. C. H. Burchart. T. l'recb,·t Xo. ::l-RepubHcan ilele• D. Hen~. s. '.\!lt<:hell. Edward Eby i:air•. A. J. Aahon. Bt<'lnct No. ~Ri,publlca:n delt,- . Democr-.iUc delegate,,, Wll!la.m Ste\\'&rt· i:.-..tes. Pr. W. Murphey, P. W. Br•· (Kern for }fayor.) .:r. ·w. Wlloon. 1'. -c. llY•n: Democratic v.r. Pt;;(,lnet No. 73-nenubll~>in dP.!e­ son. Ed c ...... OUJI!', T. :,(,t9h, J. D. Sul!i· d•lq;it.,.. Dr. l:. W. lllll, R. L. -,, Jf, E. Rlg!IIS. C'. F. l>tnml'.. G. \ van tSnvdtr for Ma.1,·or.) Kno\\'l<.'ll. J. ll. Thoml'$<1n, D. IWnn, C. M. Giffin. ~ :Btt~ F. Nlerruuin, nt••· S. G. T)•for, A. I. "llcC1:in11lck. B, IL l"rnnkUn, Conrn,d S<:h~rer; B. W. R~d. F. L. llllll.uldln,:. H. F. WARD.NINE. ~:. .\ni,,,., Grorl:'e Crost! (Snl,'der for Hlll<'r, MeCro;; V..rnocr,,t!c dele• l:ayor.J . Dcmcrrnt!c rai:ue, Cba.rlea :a 1 1..ce: Pn,:lncf X,•. :::-ttei;,ubllcan dell!• ~mar ,Kern for lfayor.) rw. Conklin. H. R. Spa.r,,evolm (Kern Mead. Da,id Antuney. Jame• A. Con• ates. Jam.,. D"wntni:-. Louis :MUI..,., PN!c.lnct So. 4.lr-RepubUcan del~ tor :Mayor.) rnn. F. c. Brrunnrd: I>emocraue de!.,. i;. .\. l"•ck. J. T. Buma. J,unea t;'&tffl, P. W. Powcl'l!. L!!l!ter Rot>ln­ l"rt-elne• :So. 74-Republlcan d"I"" ira,e•. C. O. Ed,l:erton. Ftanlt Eng, A. \'l'h!1ty; Dem,,crutJc delen.tea. )I. C, , Mil.. Fra.nlo: Hend..,..,n, M. G. Jon"", nt.e•. '\\'. It. L:tnl(estcr. F. c. Hull. 'I\'. Verde. swam Britz, John Alvara.do "•Y•. ~-. o. :.roaher. J. A. Wa!ah. J, H. J. Slloultenr. S. T. Eldrldir•. n. C. H. lfcKeon. J. J. Shield"' E. LUpton. (.:"11yl.ler for Mayor.) ' . O. Cl~:~. John B!rd, H. D"''ldson. Dn:Dlter. Dr. Boi;.,.rl. Fred Detmel'!I; C. Tl!Omp,10n. J. W. Jont'1<, D. w. :\la• l'rt'<'lnct xo. 104-RepubUca.n dele­ Robc>rt J 011ffltocrnUc d•l<,1:'ate,c, Earl Ronro. A. loon. W. )I. Wltter: De-mocrat!c d<'le­ ~te:,, E. A. Jacob•on. R. Bned)·, .\. F. Schultz: ($n7der !o:: ar~f J. \V. Rumtt. H. lf. Jam~n. s. J. Qu!nt. n. ;I!. Fraur. A. O. P:\rk. Pr~e Duru:an, C. C. F. Hol"1 • i:111<-1'. P. B. Suani.. ll'. H, WIicox. C. Precinct Xo. · 10.'>-Republlean dele­ Vl'al'T<'n. Fr:i.ndn M. Fn1'·Jer. K F. )fr. J.,hn ~·ormard. J. C:. \"nn d•r Loh.,: l'\. Ho.iron • .A. B. C;,.tp,._ T. L. O'Brl<.'n, i:ate•. E. :II. J<'t!IUP, F. F. Sebrlver. n.. FKr!A.ne. B. l'nderwood: D~mo. O,,moeratlc c'l•lri:nttto. J. H.. Klrkpal• A. Ed"·art. H. i::. C'. ~·ebb. 1''. Lanter• F.. Wl,.,,chlnl!', John E. Osbornto, .A. B. J..,,,.,. G<'Or;:r, ,.ratk <,raUr. d<'le1t1tt•~. S. J. rhup. I'r,.dnr~ No. 1s-nepublle11n delf­ l!'atc•. GN>~ W. Campbt!II, X. T. r:. SlTllth. AndN>W ito~rt,,on. Theo• 1•01. S. Simon. Poter ltl'Xa.lly (Snyder a,,.:,-,.. Emil O•tron,, i>. \'. Okt'Y, F. A. White. ,v. H. Holmes. IS. '£. Ed-a, d..,,... La!"'Y'•tt.•. Conrod A. H1,I!, AJb,,rt tor :M.tyor.) f:haml><'n<. P<'t<'r B.e,,!; Dell!O<'l'atle <'. O. Brlt taln. F. I.. Laupton, :t. JC. H. '.Kin,:. Alllert ;11. Shoot, Le~I A. ]'n,clnct S'o. Ct-RoJ;lubllran dcl"· dele;,ttt'll. R. A. Taylor. ()al(,ar c.._. Cotctlck. F. L. l'arrlott. e. 1". Yotm,:; :5mlth; D<"mocrntk del~teo. F. K. r.HIH, J. H. C. Van dl'1' Loh!!, G"Or,::-e ,n.,r. T. Wlnten,. W. I{. Brtt,au!ln. Ch..rl.,,. R"11tner. H. nee,ml. R. . tor lbyor.) \·. cn .. .,.cx,k. :s. P. Brock GeorJe Bn.,._ .\. Crnho.m. W. T. Hlclul. J. F, F"'ley, : i;_",.;\. F~~er~ f"i--~'ci'rt!-ntui::-"£i Pn'Clnct !'-"· .:--R.,,ubllean d~I.,_ c:,.r, A. D. Jolmaton. c. L. Hoo>t. ;J. :r. J:tmes ParmOd)' 1Snyder. 6½: Knn. ', Hook'•trntten. Danit'! R.ho:,d..,.: .D<,mo­ irat~. W. Shlplf'y. W. F,. (".han,be,,._ EwrhaM:r (Kem tor !11:a::vor.)' :.,;., : ,-r.it!c delcgat8. 11'"1!Ur C. Wru;-ht. J. A!!,,,rt <:'n!.r.k. ti. R. lll.c.Donnugh. R. p,.....,Jn<."t X11. 10;'-R~publlcan d<>l.,_ •'.Prccln,:-t !'io. ::.i-nepublk:a.n :lele• : H. \'l"alll,r. t... P. Hut<:hlJ!On, ~utln G. Rober"" F. Ra. La1''n!llce (SnYder for Mayor.} dt!lei:&t...._ J-0hn R,,dmond. ~ Mc­ w. llluc,r, J_ lL Lefmann. 11'.. Fau•tt: m.,.n. J4 0. H~ll. Otis H. Helmer. G. WARD FIVE. Cal><'. R. T. Cox.. J. B. F'ttlltt. J. W. Dem<><,raUe Otl..,.. !. l'\.y't•. J. G. H...Je, D. B....,.,_: D<,mo­ LM> !!11<11. John T. C!'el&'btml (!or Precinet So. .O-Rcpublkan dele• ~raue del11hllean dol,.. ll».yor. Snyder 1. Kem 2.) , 1:0I"", C..0:-S,, N. Bladt. .Ro~rt liale, i:al('ll. H'. R. .Sm!U,. I:11)n:ooo. Prt'C'inc1 No. lBII-.Repa.bUc&n dtle­ Jo!Jn J. lfot.tnl.lllh. lrL \'.,. Donald.Ion. V. WUllam N. Hamo.ker, V. E. Ho•·a.rtl. W. w. I'- Holl'. R. l!OWltaln. E. i:;t,,n,, l:I. A. I.. WtllOd. A. lr. .M'.lt~b"ll (Sn,~ Co\\·~11. P. <:". Walker: ~tic· deJ.­ : J. H. \\'1,t,-on. C, O. Buller. W. s. dtr tcr lfa:ror.; , · a:ute"- C. H.. Whit<', J. C. Jew~II. S. F. }'. A. l!lchi,rd. Ed Smith (K..,.,, tor ,;;,.ho.limo. F. 'D. F•l1IU'll<>n, R. S. D. ;\l.a)·or.) Thi, Sn)"dtt de:~pt.,.. and WARD SEVEN. Fondcl'!IOn. J. E. Wrla'ht. P. T. sum....., Hi {Or .\,11\:l'<)T,) th~ Kern 12~1=te11 ,:acll ~red nlne­ Pr.eclnct . So. :il.-l'..t:pUblkan dcle­ P're(o!nrt Xo. ;9,-Republicn.."1 dt"l~­ tfV>n ,o~f"!. i:at"" Trurna:, Cole. C. :F. Hunter. J. ,rateo. D. J. L<'•r. r:. \Y, llurpl,y, Dr. Jo,,r;;,h Sk4'0TICh. l". Dem.•ngue:. J. H. ~:.~. ";'~onus ?a.~oc. O"'f'lrgP l{. HoJ­ I•·. R. Dltbon. Dr. 'l\'~lter Ll::dley; v.-nlt•h,.;:id. J. o_ l):.mk,,; Demn..-nulc !r,~. \\:lt:am z,,.n-.r. Jal"l<'JJ w. Lt,ns:-~ , D<>m"'-'~..!c del~~ W. JI. D,i.on. p~,.. del~tes. A. G"'l>am. ?o=tcn, P. R. lr:s z. f':r:::i,. c,1:~ A. ~. ll'.u'• , ri.. .Ii.ewe:-, Jolin li<:Cl:ltcileou, J. 'F. llalltier, P'. Go!np. F. 'W. ~:_· :

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. SEVEN RACES NEXT MATINEE.: DRIVING CLUB ANTICIPATES A GOOD DAY'S ... Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Mar 20, 1904; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times pg. 10

EVEN RACES P!erce: Luna, John C. Cline; RlversJM ~ OOd, P ••B. l\llchel; Athelene. M. B. XEXT MATINEE. Mosher: Xeerb!rd. n. J • .Adcock: Trip­ S oli, C. W. Winters; RondO'I\', J. l\'. Snowden: Clay, Louis Keller: Otto z., J. C. Burns: Robinson. Walter Bord· well: Danube. J.C. Xe'l\"ton· Dutch H DRIVING CLUB ANTICIPATES A Arms; Glen. G. A. Pounde~: Jack' ir.: WIiii~ A. Maler: Blondie Col. W D · GOOD DAY'S SPORT. Turner. ' • •

Practice Polo Game Will be a FeatuNI of the· Program,,,-Two Cup Races are Down for Decision. The Day's Eventa and Entries. Rivenido Looking This Way.

:::\Iembers o! the I>rfvlng Club are an­ ticipating se\.'eraJ close races and the hottest of ha.rness sport next Saturday when the :March ma.tlnl!e '\\ill be brought o«. No less than seven ra.ces a.re down for decl::!lon. aml. the entries '\\'hlch closed last night assure a hard tight for the ,winners of a.t least three ot the events. A green class race will bring out se'\'eral more or less prom­ islng candidates for publlc ta.vor. The ~ntlemen who compoM! the Rlv­ emde Drlvtng Club ba.ve been ca.stmg envious eyes at the cups rec1!nt1Y or­ fered by the local horsemen. and wUI be present Saturday wlth the pick· of their stables. owners ha.vlng entered the local dnvlns- club so a.s to be eligi­ ble to -con:test for the uophles. ?did· night and Nancy W. will be the color­ bearen, of the Rlvendders. :Mldnlgl:tt wm go !or the Erkenbrecher Gup. and Naney will start In tbe :?::ti> trot for which the Drh.ing Club CUp ls olrered this month, c. D" better kno\1,'ll as "Cinch" Black, has bitten olf a. big chew In es­ .saying to drtve Otto Z. Sn the :?:30 pace, his owner, J. C. Burn11, ha'l.~g reru1r. Edmonds. B. N. Smith, Jr., &nd a. few other polo enthusluts have pe'rt'eeted thit organl.:a.tlon o! a polo club. and they \\1U furnish this pa.rt of the sport. The. polo will be played In tl'le Infield, which Is 'now well Cllrl)eted with grass. Glen and Toughnut "111 tight· out an­ othei- round of the!r argt!J'ltt'Dt In the 2:20 pa~. Their la.st meeting l\'8.11 one or the bnt races ever Witn~ by the Dl-hing Club"s patron!!. . Among thOfle entered In the eeven e,oents :1.re: Honolulu ll'.e.ld. C&pt. A. Solano: Black Arrow, Wllllllm Gar­ land; Bonnie Carlott:i... Dr. Wlll11: Gm:; Be,511, W. A. Glas....,::ock; Wood B .. J, W. Spoonel": Bill:; K.: R. Y. Cocke: Chant­ -wood. '\\: L. Yi:.~!; Chino. Georp E:u,. ton: Frank :M:.Klnney, Glenn Edmond!'; ::.raudle. El~rt Ddl'ebach: Tou,ehnut. Dr. C'. W. Bi;·t=0n: George B.• Dr. C. W. Bryson: Electra. \\·. L. l:t.,l~r; Chi· cora Girl. M. B. Xeedllam: '\\"ill,e Jib, W. H. Ber.:;; Gen. Boodle. Godf:-c; Frlt:t; :-=ell. J. H. Snowden:: Hlghba.ll. W. A. Warner; Xanc1· W •••i.lex "WII· son: :Mlcnli;ht, w. :M • .Bnrttt; Charlie :r,.,.,.,.. >=I. ... MA~·_,.: Lanra G_ (".-

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. FIGHTS ON IN NEW ORLEANS.: Gov. Sanders Intumates Game Can Be ... DIRECT WIRE TO THE TIMES. Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Feb 16, 1911; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times pg. III4 Off .\gnln, On .\gnln. FIGHTS ON IN. NEW ORLEANS.

Gov. Sanders Intimatc8 Game.: Can Be Rer:ir.:cd. ' Atty.-Gen. Gat·e Colltrar!J I Opinion ~llonth Ago.

Conley-Coulon "Go" Assured: for I?ebruary 26.

rnr ntnEcr ''tYlnB TO THC TUatES 1 :XEW ORLEA::-S, Feb. i:; -[Ex.-lu­ eh·e Dispatch J Th~re I>! agJ.in a hope ,,mongst the >,-porting fraternity oC :Sew Orlenas. It looks lll,e boxing ,vould go again and the lnw be sllenc,•d Thi> Coulon-Conley boxing bout, ,;clwd­ uled tor Februan• 26 at the w~,t S!ack to the boxmg toda~·. G!assells, .,ll~n and the r.;sr Hu,,;•, Rlvcrs went to work tn ea:rnest ves .. (Hassell. .;;hooting his t\\cent)-t.. ight terday a11d as he Is not to be both~N'd gauge PJ.rl"er, ,,.iq the Hr:,t 1nan to about making 122 pounds at the ring­ turn Into the clubhou~e with the llm1t, side. he will now go at things regu­ killed by ten minutes before S ,,·c1oc1<, larly anti allow the weight to take ear<' .ind the rest were not long behm\'ater Company, Gen. Last, Jacob Fiober and :LAST DAY'S BAGS ON John Scott had hm1t shooting. 1 Thomas l1cD Potter and \\'l!lu rd F. THE DUCK PONDS. Ch.tndlt!r got the Jlmlt on the P,.tron grountls In tho Dallono.. some 1.t•rv I 'The \\ rnclup bags in the Boh,:t. \\ 0-rc ni.ct: birsday squn,l 1ny Ryan and G•1orgc Gore plea'=~ w:rlte.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Other 2 -- No Title Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Dec 27, 1904; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times pg. A1

, come :\ln;:,k went· to the half :n 1:~¾. ~rge A,.nder,son In the Thnnksgl\•ln:. IB'n.·son) ...... :: 4 and lln!shed at 11 much · e:1..'S!e-r i;;.iit.. ' Matin~. •now hm, two \'INOrll'S In• Time. 2:lH.,:.:::l!~i,. 'ME-RRYFOLK lia.vlng glv'1J' his field· all It ca.~<1 tc. ~~d on the ·cur. and blds fair to Race .a-.Fre~... for-a.H tro: !or Chr:~­ handle long before the stN!lch \\'ll.!< en• ·take It next time out un!c:;i; some- un• toph-,r cup. terl'Ort. I.earned thl!'·honor'ot ha,'ing his name derson (Dr.· Dods:e) .• • .. .. • .. ... :: l 1 ~··. :Entli~tic.Crou:d. . :.1:tie ;;:.;:., B. ·F. ltcElhany·s b. h. Red Ray fh:~~~;i;.o:~:~~~. rM. °s~~ I et.:p"a\·l!'d, beside thO!II!' or L. P. Keller, (:.\fcElhan;-) , ...... l:::: Pl"O\'ed· to have tbe..cla11M! the event ! ~~~,~~~Ja~nJa~eii ~,;~;:n~it G!)d!rey Fritz's br. g. Gen. Boodle In hls .. ~aok: «~ldl:lg, ;Jasper Pauls!n,. ' f.Alr. to be tUled }\"ltb the Drlvln;r.Club't ,(Fri:::J ·••• · ...... :? 3:: as Much "elt,-er J. 1'.,,~eyno'lds s. l\Jlthel.lne. nor I roster before anybody wins lt; the C\11.' . Jolin X!ckeNIOn's b. g. George Ownn8hip o(Cups n. J. Ai:lcocka s ba:r. :Seerblrdi. beliut ' ts a ft:xture. · · • · · • · '(Nickerson) ...... 4 f 6 :}hie· to i:queece out a ht>at. Joe, D~· "'h l · k ", · h · 1· I . L:. P. Keller's b. m. Glennlt:i. · · in-. l)qu_bt as Et:er. m:>nd. 'ITho,mlue.d· being: the hero or· r ·.•. l ·.Croc e,t i:ot · t e -~~~so at on (Kel!er) ...... ~...... 7 :i 4 an automobile accident by a few Inch~ . flrlZe 'by .mlsdllg the mark .... a'!Cond11. J· ;\Utch~l'S' b. h. AlbuquerQue · •1 1 b d n t ;1 Kllth lf :The ·rest drove. 'ITJtb · good judg'ment.. ear. er n t e 11>"• P O e e nc. · ,· suggestfve o! automobile cl0<:ke .O!l tht (Xltti1eff .. • • • .. .. • • .. • • • .. • ... l> & :; De! all J. Y. Snodgran' .blk. g. Jasper Canfteld cui>:. rllt'ht: the-only moble w:u, that n tel· .Paulaln. (Snodsra,u) ...... 11 Allan Hunter, Actor. :!:SS: L. P. Kel­ ...... low Jn.-one ot tho,... !o~ty-honce-l)()Wl.'r. , J'. Ji; Reynolas' g, m Xa.tbellne ler, Clay, 3:ot: E. Detfenb.i.ch. Maudle, · ,Airships and foot ball m.a.y come, a.nd 'F'n<'kn~ red devtls ,rled the same : ·(Joe. neiimond) .....·., ...... 2 ! ::SI¥.:: T. Cl11rk. llazon. :::54%: · Boa: l'tunt nround the ·other end of the· .R.'J'; Adcoclt's b. m.·Nt!~~lrd (Ad· .Dun<-a.n. Rory O'Muon. !:ii3 3-4: v.·. u,_er.~ll.j"- go,:but the t>rl":lng·c.1ub's ·car at tlte ,same tlmt. Tbe te:im 11nd 1 ,eoclt) .., ...... ; •• ;,.: ...... , 3 3 A. 'Glasscock. Gray Bess, 3:0S'.4: J. ma~~~ J:O. ~rowds seemingly on. for~ aut" ml•:sed ·a <'"8.11!1 by t"·o or thrl!t' Tlmt!, !!:!l; :?:21',i, . Nickerson, Bedella, 3:12; Charles H. I e\'1!r; , . .· · Inch~: neemnnd'll vial" of' wrnth we~ · ·mice 3-:?:~ pace tor Garlsn4 Cup. Thayer, Rowdy Boy, 3:0,: Frank Ph1s- • W1Ut .1sii manirer o! otber' 11port1n,: , u~ork.-d. :ind ~ome ot the li1i111C11'.h"· 1 E.. R. Gulrado's b. i;. c:is~y. (P. B. . en.tor. Klond:rke· Wonder, 3:1,: DI". w. ~ttractlons' u.r. 'fi:om .. ·i,efd: th~ :'lt''lre the •amateur: n.lnsmen to_ ~Ir (rrtendzi ..1'1'"C't•••t: D~m9tid',(lu•rve. and that "":t"' In prevloµs years.: All ever,. tbe pro- adilvee>"I ""· 11. N'lll!'tin· why ht dl/(n•t gramme was· enJdyaole' 1ri ever., par. tn°1'<'' 'K"'h"'I.. ,.. bPRt ri· hf!tter bor,;e.

Uc11laj;-ahd"tli6se' \\'ho-i:hose to:spenJ I .G.--~;-P.-,.. na,, ... "'1th..('~n,.11,. tonper .. ,:,. . · , fit,'tl'°''" nf ••Pn'' J:ludln1:Pr'i,. wn~ the!t: ._....,,e:rn09,0 with the. tro!,tera ~ ! tho,..,.ht •o h" 1n line fnr a Re~nr.,1 ·Je11: pacers_ had no reuon.. to ~gret tbe"ll1!- , .,,, th" .r.11rt11ml r'tt-:i. mini:- ut> t.>r 'the. lect11)n. '"l'l'iey, ·were'. treated to.· a sede=s '?::?O' "11.ce-,..; hut. J•RI' B::t1'""" ~nd R:1r­ o( rai::es, -Well •worth ~au•·adnitnlon ,f.?i/: , ttt. ·th'(• <'lt1" ,,.,bt,..n'ket"rl ·n· ol).11• e'l'ehta, owl.nit . to., the ! ,bb.f!!l~~mef_A!trtr.~J!P5•. h!lll.S:.JJPt,ath!I .P~s ! y le"" ng_ .mem,,ers. some o . ~. tro­ l)!tie; having. been,. won twice b:r ~on­ ti:stimts·ln •.pN!Vfo.us mattn~s. so· th:.t another victory would .,f!nalty deter-' mine title. The !eatute 01' a. card lit· enr'IIY, s;tid'ile4 ."'Witb -treats \\"llS the~# ft.re·. tb~ tree-tor-an ,;,aee; in ·11:hicb "'ere Dr. C. ;w. Bryson an4 w .. :M: '8:ll't.ee, 'V.!!~·wltb Toug,bpqt ~nd',;Mtd­ nlglif' reepectl)·ety, lind each-eecurea t~, :leP .o.n ~the .. Er,kenbi:ecller .• Cup. The race waR Quite ·1tenerally fiRUred l!Otn!wtll!re· bl!t'W'eerr 'tM 1:)il!r. but ·onP · ol tho~e things thn.t 1lP5et the bt'St­ ,ald ~s-...oC .. poHUe!ans , antl torr J}lunF!rs :illk_e-a: dnrk bor:ie-ste:,p<'d }!,to, tint ·h<>nor!r' both heats. "'hen F.d De!D!'ey·s big !\'eldl?)I:'. v.:e1corne .:\fnck.

without aPl)al'ellt etr:ort.. ftnlshed tbe de1:ll1ve mile ln the be!Jt time of the day: !::l!>,;,. Conslder!n• track cOndJ• tlonl', · thle was ..-ecy !ast pactn_g. an~ neither 'Toughnut ·.nor Xidnlgbt c0uld hope to Hccess!a.lly contend a,p.Jnst It. Dr. 'Bql!,on ha.ti .bad llOme bud lu,::k wlth his lltable lately. and was forced U.·~ a•lame)li>rae atter the·mueh• The Merriest Crowd Was at the DriVing Club Matinee. prised cup.:TouS}:lnUt.waa.not In l!.hape · · Some of the0Holiday Rigs. to· do ·b.lmself Ot'-'b1s muter Justtce. 1t· would. be :haril to 'flnd a classier l!elcl·ot "tout' off· the Grand ctrctl1t than G. A. PoUllder"1 ch. ~ Glen (Pound• Striltl:I. team. 3::?0: Pbil Crockett. Ada• the ,.quartetu! .wl:tlcb competed· tcn- the er) ...... ; ...... ; ... '...... ,,..,.;, ...... : ! , Pa'le. 3:35: G. Woods Rlcial, O'Belle, Erltenb~'ber· Trophy. In addltlo'I to Alu. lit. Wllson'a blk. g. Willetts i 2:43. Wekmle 'Mack. Tou:pnnt .and ll.ld· C'W119on) ·•• ... • • •• • • • •• ... •• .. ••• 4 3 nigh~ A. "W. • Bruner-. drove a. ..-enr H~ry Bf!"7'11'b.. c:, Wlllle Jib (Bob i,rdlnkdn,r ~= ln, StalSton Wllk= S1?'.lth) ... : •••• ;. • ••••••••••••••• 3 4 takln,t _l!eCOlla place Wll.ll. him In the J. •••...... 11 t.'li! ba.ck ttttt:ci:l. at ·•..be ·1')h-~·H"1i:,:: .. ;: .,. V:: l'I': Bar-le~·,. b?ll:. i;. :II';~ ~~ •. ::-. ~~;: .. o:i ::ame, on ,i,:t..tln· tn thft st':"~!'c:'! ~~~ :"1.?•!~ 4 q~e·a· i:a:m'!·bl

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Builders' Exchange Election. Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Jan 16, 1895; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times pg. 7

:Suildere• Exchange Election. At a meeting held Jnnunry O, the Build­ ers' E:tchan,to electccl tlw following of­ ficers ror 1895: Prenlllcnt, ,John Rohman: first vlcc-prcahleut, T. II. \l'ltltc; ,,econd vlce•pronldent, R, G. Simon.,; secretary, , John Spiers; treasurer, G0<1!rey Fritz; di· rcctore. two yc,11r15i Jntnt.>!-\ PcdRrfCt, A. Swenson, J, McPl>erson, N. Dryden, Dan· !el Ollllcs; one year, S. C. Dodge, W, R. Pbolps, W. T, Dunwcll, S. J. Cook, W!lllam Romme,J.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. LUNCH GREW TO A FEAST.: BACHEIORS FOILED AT THE BUILDERS PICNIC. ... Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Jul 2, 1902; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times pg. A1

recipient!! o! front seats and !:rnguleh• by about n. city block. but Judges J'oe Ing glances a.II day. Kline ue,·:uld having broken through their sacks on be the principal and fre<,-for-nU din­ the home $!retch. The Executive Com­ ner: and that If he tried to carry out mittee which.. hud charge o! the plcnlc Santa Monica. the original menu privately hP ,,·ould Is compos.ed .or .. ,v. L. Daubenspeck, get pp to, but not beyond, the ~old cha!lman; F, A. Fay, K. R. Brndley, chicken• ""llllnm Wing nnd John >, ,Kline. . About two hundred hungry plcknlck­ ers o! both sexes sat down to the !!ttle dinner that "Jack" pln.nned! The vic­ All Kinds of Fun at Family tuals went down to Santa !llonlca In an express car and weighed ovet" 500 Affair of the Local pt\unds. The only exclusive dinner par· Ue" were those o! a rew families which Exchange. brought. small package;: or home-made da.lntles to supplement Uie supplles or the ma.In dinner. The limit or the d!g­ nltled little secretary's humiHatlon It was one or the happle;it tbo.ughts came when he bad to peel ott his holl· I of the seo.son that took the builders day coat and help spread the lunch and contractors to Santa Monica. yes- Uke a common kitchen mechn.nlc, terday. But the exchange paid the rre!ght. As It was slated to be strictly a Aside Crom the ra!lure ot "Jnck" family artalr, and he had been unable Kline's coup the picnic or the Build­ ers• Exchange yesterday was successful to borrow any other man's houS'ehold beyond. all e:,i:pecta.tlons. Of the many tor the day, "Jack" Kline . :lrP..\\' up banquets. excursions and like events olans to o.dd a touch ot high Ute to I held· by tha.t orp.n!Za.t!on, thls la una.nl-

If . I

( .. ,,,.,,,_.'"":-,.'.'.·,; .

mc,,usly pranouuced the most thor~ th!s Builders' Exchanll'I! picnic on hla I oughly enjoyable. Close to 300 con• own private account. tractors, architect'!. material dealer,, It was to be a "bachelon' banquet," and their ladles went to Santa Monica. exclu•l\"e a.nd swagc-er! Be wanted to The trip 'l\"a.s made by ll'l)eClal electric throw the whole a.seem::,lage Into an train•, leaving thla city at 9 a.m. e.n<2 emerald envy. Wben the married men returning at 1 p.m. The luncb wu came tr<10plng Into the pa.v(Uon, fol- aerved In tbe theater above the North Bfll.C.b bath•house, a.nd there w~ 1owf!d by their flock!! and roµnd• loads or del!ca.cles and tubs ot lemon­ ahoulderad with bukeu or "plain but ade. Not a drop of Intoxicants ot any substantial" fOOd, .rack 11&d mapped kind wa.11 pro..-ld<'d, the celebration be­ out a. crw,hlng demonstration. He lnr; strictly a ramll;- aft'alr. A ca:ored lm.aglne< and bcrnn. heavenly h,111b. · an­ ..-ere real!; runn,·. 'I'he feature was irel food. fmportie-d clgaM1 and cli;ar­ a match barn""" race a.long Oc~n et:..,,. a.nd a<,methlng Vff'Y .:>Id tor lu• ,,ew avenue bet"'·ttn ''two thoroul'h• brtc11.nt. "bnds lm;,ort.,d for the ocea.afon:• Tbe Thi• progn..mme was c.alcub.te.1 to distance ,...,..,, about halt a mile. and mnk• th" "'in•,i tempor~r,I:, 'l"ll'7 at­ tbeN! -r,, t.hr,.e h•11ta. The <'n!r11!:11 tenti~o. a..nd devotr,er'' and ''W"hlt.e, muri!'d men think or other day1".. Th<'; W!np." and fl,,. ttlnsm~. "SI- lie­ ba.~h.tor11 ..-ouJd thb:,. XeC!oJd"11 ,ne<:I U<>n• of the pcc:aalon a.nd be the ltlult 1teed !Ka• )lurpb~··a w:iu.: ft:,er, Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Builders' Exchange Election. Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Jan 6, 1893; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times pg. 4

:klulld~r11' 1-:x.ohan,ie Elaotlon. The members of the Builders• Ex· change held their annunl meeting 011 Wednesday evening, a large number being present. Reports of retiring of­ ficers were received, showing the ex­ change to be .tln;inclally, sound. The following officers · Were ele,c:t~d for 1808: ,• President, A. Nlchola; first vice­ presldent, A. F. Mackay; aepoild. v!,::4. president, C. C. Reyuolda;,aecretary, J.:ihn Spiers; treasurer, J. JJ'. Fosmlr, Directors for two years: T. H. White, Thomas Golding, James Ped­ grl!t, M. Stepan, W,,A. FTuhl\ng. Appeals ComJ11ittee: A. McNaUy, James Smith, W. R. Phelps, t,.. Sw,in­ ton, M. D~:,iien, Godfrey Fritt. 1 Directors who bold over one year: R. L. Bell, H. de Garmo, F. Ill. Green, I,', H. Powell, W. Rommel!.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. FIND SPRIGS VERY SCARCE.: Unusual Conditions Noticed Last Wednesday; ... Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Dec 9, 1906; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times pg. III6

FIND SPRIGS ·, ' ~ 1;·-....r-.:_ VERY SCARCE. ,;. ~ "

Um~ Coruliti~ Soticed L°'!1t W ed.nei:day. ----- / Ho:;; an East Wind l] psel the Bc.~t Calc1i.lr.tfon.r. --•-- Dogs on a Duck Jfa;.~h and Vsc of Pump Gu11::;.

For tho :l~! tlm,.. t"::":- <"r'l.'"o~ ,Jue~: ht::nte:s Ja!"!'t '\'\"-.~nt•,c.!a.) fu:.J"'.1 ~r•r!,::s a ~:"Cf! blr.:! 0~1 hi<-..t' nr;::r+~,!',<', unusually ~,·~·1! ....,.p .. , :""'"•·tl. th::~ far• .b.ardJy a tlu) na-t 1...... ~n re, "':-d1..~1l bu:_ th•" better shot• nn a. tluz~n ,lUT<"~· "t club-.! ~tuffled w!th l1 J}!"<"p' <'hes· t•· p~ck the!- m:u•1r :":lthr:- :han b""'· i n\'er all-t.>ic tt"-41 ,tnO ~po'Jr.l1:s t;l ...tt {·a·n,, alen,:.. L.:l~t '\Y*•Ua21rsd!l:'t" t!· vi::' duck huu.tcrs "- l'rC' at :i oonbUI>J:, .,n,I ;:::-ocn nnd c1:rn'ltnon tel\l rorJ::ii:'d 1 hl' bulk nt th(\ lrt;:- on DU thC FOU':.h••rn J)r,.'~cn•rs. ,.\Jr:i1•1l b:,.· t'!ltt- la.tc l\!ltung n1oon, tlw bu: o,ru, a.ll struc~ out for th~ oc-.,.a.n :;:,t t;''I'\ fir~: fire with the~r croJ•" run or g'".l.1:, and "t\'8.ter. Th(':(• thC')" sat In :sf1!cm•1 hU11:s, cons-re;:r-.1t,,__.tl fn ranu ma.:n .,~·r\~~ ln extcr.:. ::md uppare:,tly ~11Und :.:.,,u·fl, ,\"aitJng !or tho p.::ins~ r :inc! thirst to N~nd th~m lnin:i,i lo:,i;- ~ftcr tll<' gunners lmd quit 111 .Jl,gu,t Even the "ltlgPon st1,~>1l pat G:Vl• ·well, gen(>:-a,Jly n n,ar.,.~ duck, nnd fond or tmvelh,g I\ Ith the ,1,oonl>!lll<, wer,, ~tnmon nt prt•\"lou,;,, ~!wot$, but th~y. too~ rema.lnt-d ont ..1: :-.1.,..1, Limits, needless :o rel~te. wcce Godfrey Fri:. J. W. Morrison, and A ,W. Eager with the Ir limit bans of d11ek3 kllled on the Chriato~her Club, IJCal"Ce. T1.,ent:,.-r1\('"" \\C'r<" i::uvd b.:~ ~ ~ en'.!·r:>··wher~. :.\T.!' v , lnnamon t~.. 11 helped flOnl(\\' h,1.: to fill in th~ ;:.1pln,: pu;;.frcl J•r""'~•:•r\f"II can tmcl ~omdhln~ "'clutl \ but sk~"'"'' rapt11n .1t lt!~.1 ... 1,nm1l~!t fif anv or th,• bu~·lf; thn: .intl"'nt th"' :\Tan•; j.r,, a,1,·t~in~ Uv• uo;~ or :h,. and nn oct ~!"'ton.ti • r~tmp~, .. •• .Lt n v,uth roa~t. 'ro thos.- \', il'J J\.o,,•l ,, ill!n~ :-ixt~ '"n o<,1 • ~on.,• c. I.a Int It to h<' th.-. 1 puckc"tl U.1n~ ,,r tC',11 ut• In thr• , ioJdti: tv tu.J,..,.. n \H•t•k"•;; tr!}.1. m.u.n)~ gv

ehn.rm llf utw('rtah,t~· '"'••rt\ f,{plow.Jldl~~ hair i.rl,tgt r. by train to o~nard4 : tl1t·m. n.pparentt3-·. t01..... Tho~e who use 1J1ustrn.t"<.l ~t \\ c.,•k .rt~•) , t•'it,~riia,· wht~n Sotnc -.;pnrtc::ni.,,.n nt tho bt:-t"t ..iugar: th~rn sa)• thnt none who ha.,·e c,·e-r the moon\\.-\.~ J.t it.; ful!. ·,hiuinlo: brh:ht- mC'tro,ott"" h:n<" a club t.llf·r~". but do t.L.... t""'1 the :,Jca.su:-e~ or cutting _out J:r untH ju.st l.H.:!ui tl da,> br,•,1.k. The not <'Ont.rol u.\l th~ ta.1\d, T1w~ St: (\t'W : th{"ir blrdq cl~'ln ,-. ith a ,fxtc, n. a'; cxtenua.tln~ dr, um:-tanr-,·~ In tn,.. pr":--· of the ~..;t p)ll.("('$ In the :-ttati" !'or a~ainst the ~·lobb<"r-,h:!nor·,. w!iere .all k!ndM or sllOM· their way inland ai;uins: the storm in Ing 18 on t.i:,. ::,.;orth Is Elizabt'th Mrrled rankll. fl~·ini; much lo""r than !..ak<,, \\'lwrc big bags or mallard8 and I usual. Only too ~lad or an,.· havc-n tn c~~Vt\.Mbnckft and redhetuls nrt1t n1ad,, a. gale, the)' p!tch,•cl 011 th·• 't1s•t ll"ndH lhc claim that there l,c no Joni;erl t.bey '68W nnd only n o\ C"d on v.h,•n OPt-n ductc ll'hootlni:: ln Southt~rn 1 :.tp\·1 . %arced. to do "°· o,·cr 'the blind~ In I Cal,!ornla lo; thu~ dl~pro,·cd "1thout '!'l,nsles,1:;nreaklnp; :rcrc"?" v, the Imperial•Brawlcy 11.t .,the shot and whirling down wind i:nt~ • 'Qnly to reform an 1,,wn there l~ little npen dored way back ai;alnst It, «nJ ofln that tberc over the san1,• ,.ith ~go.lin Smull <;0 Uid nr,t br. The n~,· of ln"l'~rl­ v;onder that .ill 1 the m,•n "ho had enc~d cunn<'r« thRt :;:i.1 Ins forth ea•.'1 1 ' '\\'c,;t,-rly blinds carrlo•d hom~ ln,, hmlt, 'f~~d~~-l.:~~t',1! ~,as; n"'a,1 c,·ery duclt 01' llt lea~t rccolh'cth,n or ch.i.nces to ur., 1 i:pl<'d ' rJ'I' i~ OytJ:>Qo,. o•u, ill<:d nl" :t)'i< In tho Chko country, all th" dubs he kno\\q 11,w to hunt the to,,;! nnd or any c:onsequcnc-, h.i T.b.c Blue "\\"'lng nwmbers dhl not come. t. : bhootan?,: ,::-...i.n.•· ••, 0 :•1..r: !l1":).t ,\u;! 1

do1>.-n the night be!ore .,s 1• thyir cux-, r. r,tt1o:,·rr

j1ome with limit, "hi< ?1 fs IJS•",·.lJcr.t "':H,rt oC a winJ,· dtty. j th<"ir thtrt,.::I five,,. On the ChrL<5topllC'r, r.odfrt•,: Fritz DO(;~ V~ .. \ Dl"'r•t, lit.n:,,;a 1 and tt\"O other guns k!llcJ th,• ilmlt: Tik ur:.:um,•:it that In most ens~.,. ""Ith ~""· Fritz plckln~ mulnl) hi::,; :,. lh dO('S bh-ds and pasolng up tn•' smnll,•r trn•h I in<>rl' harm thnn A"ood b)' ch:..•ln·· all :ro."·L The shoot wns on~ of tll~ b•>,t' the bll'I• out of th<, countn· and 1':een­ e,er. On th€' Chlco, 11v1~ lhnlt ... Wt.r•~' • "' ., l'Cl)Ortcd. Gen. 1...Ult kill~J the limit j ini; ln,•om~l"' tron, coming down._micn-.:aug,• ·~ntltotal g· t~ou>,11.,ncls _,?! dog,, guns Elg duC'kc., prt,•domlnn.ted an " u1n v o t l.tch eroesl's. One "hlch Harr:,· s~o" ,J,•n · < -u ,, ' kllrlni 'e !: r' 1 ~Id excellent !let'\'lcc In r,•ccnt ;'<'ILr,; ' ~ ' 1 ng O nc O , "'"'" half ChN i,.,. en nam<"'d. '° tWt.!'PO a ttettt"r and a. curl)·•co,\tein reapln~ 1 \ 1 ',, :, •t) 1 ~ 1Lt(• h.tr·; r.·1th n do,: than h•" c;n.,•el\ <.luclt:ii. ~nd I VeFt o! duel., : oreters lo 1.. , th•• 1,e<'p<'r hrln~ out the I 1 The: Bay t "1l\ ,~1, 111. \\ 111 h ..,..1~ 1-.r .. : aninmJ.,, wh'-"n lw c-omt"f.t to pick-up pn!:ed this ><·'1~ 1, ;- t,in~ ;' l11tl~ i t,•t o.11 the ur.:umPnt !nils Ont when! ·,,tater in f:om, u. It~ pond~. •ut hJ,.; 1 :• t,~a.h>· ttr~l-clUt-q dog-,uch a. one a~ I had ~tter srH•! t ~ ith plo, (•r tlun "Ith l Jol1n H.aui."rw:iss·~ "·~ti;·· ,.., C'oncernMl. · duck!<. thu~ !,ir Pl<" •·r ar<' , •·r>· !011.1 j Thi• is a Uttle black reUo\\·, mol!ltl)' or rollo""lng ,h,..rp ,,nd find the hill• roei· •hack ju•t to I from the standard oC that breed. H" their lfklng. I~ trmned to order, do,,s not. broo.k !.!ORE S:SIPJ:: CO)ll:-G I:S I>hot, ,:el• n. duck WI Quick!)· ns poM• Snipe ha.,·,, b"<'n r.l!cl\· pl~nt!!ul on sibl" ~nd :s back a.fttl!n oul ot the • way. Such dogs are n l'l'nl help, tor all th~ man1h~• for ·' month. but or I wh, n the hunter drops a k ho late a t'lt"W flh~ht ha, C'•)mc in. an11 ,:un ... : <".t.n count the bird a.ln\0:4t a~ ~urt-lY ns 11"'.r,,( are taking !'Oint• nu,11b"r mn,• ~hot I Jr lt "'""t-e on I1ls ~trlnai:',

out t:-ito th,· hilndt- \\Ith t!lf'•m m con~ ... ! But th, nnllnar,.• cAnlnt", hnrl:lrg. QU('TI\ P ~nhoJ, \\ UJ fl\'i•rtc»o~ " tu.t: ylpt>lm: .i.n,1 )"('lllng e,·er)· tlm" he tcC"ei:i; long-hill "n"~ hr <'Olll', fh In- h, nl- ·' ,ll,.·k, ,h,hing tr-,1.nll~ull~· Mt<'r 1hough lt tJk, ...1 ;;;n,.·11'l ~th; t,t;;ct l1hn. ••V<"r~ b\)(J:-,··.,. 1'1rd..ii ancl ('tU'T\*lngo n burJt... Thi! :i:i:nlp, a.r• '-IU!1;1 lN,,1,-· pJ,•11ttrut to \~ ·;.::_/"··Ll'•r lnto th,• b11nd t+\"(llr,-· time! "·arrant <.mr> Pl t:-.1n1i,!n~ .,1,.k,ut ,wror Lno\\nurn~-:nml '-~IC'h do1,t:,c nf."\t't' n·N·,, th•! ni..&.~h .,!~1 r th••·n "h~n tlw du'-k to ,11u.lH• l.hm1ctel\"('8 until tJh,,,_. I , &!Joo:Jjut' th o:i::• b;J.g1, h.i,·,, b,•l•·, r,•portr-d u.._ t(•,\:.-rd tor · ..~re ,t.m t \\Or~~ t1\u.n nvnr• .A rr hi . - r - F:ood (I ..;- nl">' l~· judged by th•· l>U~l- c .. ort :tt t ~ JoC••,t" 1,nrt. n..-flf:..111"• it"ffi:""icn,·)· \\1th \\"h1ch h4'"' J)Pr- I:1 th• .. R.1.tu:1:-11 ,,,1 .. r.,. it I"' thP f.ft..l(hl 01~ foran,. hi~ \\,,ik. ~lh.•h know when .u to t-.h,,o .. Thu~ ... dJ,,,i; ._,nd :,,.undJ3,N '':_)0 bird 1...« hlt nK w~lt at' their m::urtcnt.. t~lr luek \\J.fl r,pnit, .l I.Pit v.t:vk... 1),,1.~· u.nd \\Utch (11\"(l"r'.\• due·, ·tth l I I tJ(..utu.rh by th, }~11r,~1ii,,n <""lub which C",-·<"- \\.hfl'n St ..~n\(•~ u'ow; \hf'~.in.. ~g hr.J ., twrt"'l b:,· re-turning ord.-r,i. ant'l then S:f!t the- hl~ittunta::nc; n1rtnbcr". wtthout u.:,y unnccf"t1'llln.~ In"" P•riodlr.all:,-a,r "pa<'<'l ... 11:,. Jr,• !,. n, n, !.11 T11,, , Ju:,s has,, Manv hu.,tPn< nr<' ohJf'<:tlng to tho 1.hc a,n.ilab!" ,,·rr!torv .,uttr "'·If tak<'n U"<' or pump A"Un8. Whl"h militate ,1p. 1.1.nd th.•,· lo"k uft~r It z•ulou11ly. aga.fnl't the. rport or <'H'l')'bore Is no Ja.w altllfnMt a man 1 "l"h!' c:ub,.. b< tw, .... n t~r- C'ltr aml Long ,c.hootlng u pump f,t'Un If ht. t":lunot ar­ :s,, ... ~;, !1.:w,• :,.., n ll•>lulni: up Hr)' "~11. forLI a. good dot1b1" 0 bArrel, In but r,-w . b!«: t)lrd::1 1n :itt~nty bt"'lng ~hot <'vcr,-· lnflllanc-e!4 iht-v U"CC r,ump gur."' "c-~k vJl Uw (',·n1lo• and Gr<>M> Wlr;;:. throu11:h hoggl•hnc~~. It they ~o. th~n -Tru·~ h•Ma1tr1on,; ..ti, bothc-1.~ ro'l .. th"' doubtC"-bWTf'\1 lf'l'j~tor Is th<: ,ntn ... ?t!~1Pr..ibiy b,~ !X'.1:1..ch, l'""lt.. \\ h".' lll(>)dom {or th..yJ,. ~•lr iL lt' ill~ hmr1• ,h•·adlY or , ...... ,.,:i;. t.J in t~ll:im; nn,trtr:;:- but ~nv"'• thlf: t\\o. Pump~ wUt l(Ul"k ::Lt 11nu.. "i, 1 "-t11n...:,., prrv,~'"lt thf" , 111br1"'n from do- """h11( tn" :1\"Prft'.:'~ mu.n C'.. 1.•1 .t> ,oot n. tn;: C'l) ,,1t~"r-a. r.-.1·m o-:' U01;"•ln•tlw·- douht("o-bJ.l"t~·t metrl" .a.cCU"',l.t.d:i, thnn a f:r.:l.U.;.N' t,u:,nr'(, that b~I\ c. n(lthtng, t,-.r pump =Ywl)' · ="· arl}' .., 11 club~ hu., ~ h•gisla:eil ;?'L~'\C}::!-t F()J! ()f"-:·~n, : nt-,-:-TE;t~ ~,n,..t !,u1111• rnnA. In m_o,:! 4:A!'I•·~ tt , 1 ~*"" .!'11 u.1nN"""~"-3.r l·::i.v.~. ~vn"' \\ho i,-. :::-·1<"n <'!° t~..:-r- ..... urm.! t.!.A'."hf'Q ~""atn· u"' fa;:11H1r.tr with o. doubl"' k'lJn turn:t. Crum .!:;.!tV!: :.&. JJ,, .. ~r,· •u ldll .1.. f(w dut'k'III with- bht f'}t-e:t'>r back to ·(ht tium.c,.. AUt'>· 1;..,.t tramp!ll;: u:,on ;:in lncloeed nna n:AUc mnr-zlne 1,uzu,., ot ca=, arc Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Other 10 -- No Title Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Apr 24, 1904; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times pg. B1

1 Bt-rrY hc:d :.he bay tu l.';1!·~:~. :,..:nLh'.n;: .. -:~t· i:1 th.C' raL"·: \\",ts :d·l1· 1t.1 1·:111.·h FAST TIME AT t."\1~Ly an of winJ J!:L<'l" 4. no\'elt;· thr("t"-minut,'" e\'ent. which ~tormL·U. up th~ :;\trett'h. So un­ wn1: by \\". L. Keller w:th Cta:--·: time ple:!.~ant wa:,; the weather that o:-:i.Jv a :.!:~1,. \Y. H. Be-rr.,· with Brinev K. ~t"C'­ 1 ~; s:nal: part f)~ :ht.· usu:.il~-at:.endan<·L-. ;\·a.s n:-r{. :::3\ D:-,; :1.: , A. f:jmol1~ t.11rd. _.; .•• ~.... E. Dt'!!'t•hach, ; on h~i.r.U. Ou: tho~e who bravt'd th~ :\I:1udi~. z:;;·P':; D!". ,v11liu:n Dod.i;.c-. : discomforts v~ the dus~ and the J:·.nmlP D. ~::.o: Go(!frt:"y Fritz. G~n. I breeze h.td littlt" cause for comrl...t.lnt Boodle. ~:,,O\::: C. G. \Ylllls. Zenut. / reg-artling tht:ir _afte:-:iooJJ':-. t·ntertain- 3:13: K. ,·. Redpath, l.onl Lo,·ell.

A Sharo Three-cornered Brush.

! mPn~. Th(' ,·ktury or Touo,hnu~ in the 3:l'S: \\'illla:ii c;.arland, Hlal'k .\rrnw. ' fr('P-for-a!l pa<'f' wa~ at'l"Omplbh'"d in 3:1~: R. c •• )!L"Cormkk, Klond,yke v;,J11- s:rai,::!lt hP;tts. the fl1~t In :!:16;4, and -d.Pr, :.::!-i: \\". \\", H.. c;1a.s::;r0<:k, 1;rt·Y

1 thr nex: b :!:17: rft'ortg that under or­ Bes..."1, ::::,ti, a::.:n Jro\'C. ' din.1:-y cond:tions \\ ouJd ha ,:c re!-ulted Flfth ral:'e, :!:30 J1a ...:e: ·wm1e Jib b. ;,;. \\". H. Berry .. 5 ,. i!l 111i1e!'- t·ow.:;id<·raU:y bett"'r than a Rh·en at fi\'e !urlonJ;S attracted i B. Flowe~ of H1ve~ide. Fln.V.-er~ and 1 1 H. \\'PISK def,ra.tcd Dr. Edmonds, B•"r• I ~~;·;~stt~~~~~~n t~~~: ~:~~~~~n~~ ~:ifi , nl~ and,T. \Ve-!~" by 6 goal:a1 to:!. The ... , th<' 1lnish. Ha!f a dozen cobb)" little reature or the poio \\'~ thP ~plC'11dld ; Wf>i,i::-ht p;u·kl'~ gJ.lloped out to !ace bla<:k pony riddt•n by H. ,YPlss. it ...... ~· __ Starter Edmonds, who. after a palnR• wa.s ah..-:~.-y~· on top or the p\as. 1 taking- effort. finally got tht:>m away turne,J like a ~hot and wa~ very qukk well bunched. In a drl\·ln,;- finish :Mr. to resramd in the scrambles after tht' R. L. Bettner of Riv,,rsid~ brought ln ball. hls bldCk i:eld!t1i:: <."ham;it~ a wlnn~r over )J. G. Burm~st~r. who ga\'c lit~s )!urphy ;1 mo~t. ,·Ji;0rous but unsue­ -41 C'C'~s~ul rid(' through the ~tretch. Bett­ n~r·s r,ntn· has ~p\·er:-ll race~ to h!s crf>dit, .r1nd app..-are~ to be th(' cla~s nf the r.1e ... thcu~h at :i quartPr 1::. L. Hilr:!el,r~nr!':-- J::T,t:,· ml~ht hrt,·e ~lvf:"n him i :0:.Jhltl. T;:11t· f)r thP th·,:i fur­ lon~~ \\",lS 1 :117:i...._-~nod cnn~it:lc>r!n,: thC' \\'f'iJ:h~ thr· li11l,· thillJ:~ ·.\.·Pre e;1rrylnc:-. Th? no,·(·lty r"c~. a~ \Yas expect~d. 1,ro\'('d :h~ !11nnlf"~~ thinJ: or thf' day. From thi::· mathematic-a! f">:tartnC"ss with ,•:hich :-r,m,~ ~lf ihP 1-ontPst:ints hit Jt 11!! a~ th"' j'>'J.:r:, ~trnnJ: Fu~p\d arm~~ !n thP :!mr-r·s !'-t:i.ndi:ii. and at onP tim,. Dr. Ha~an wa~ nn :h"' p01nt of maklnJ; a P"'=-~ona1 in\"P~~is;-atinn or Fat Hank Berr·,·s sulk,· tn a~ci:>rt:-t!n if an auto­ rr,ohi·l~ ckwk· hari not bef'll aeridPntali\' inse:tPd th"'r"in. but as Berry m!R~,..d Lll"! thr~"-minu!!"' mark by two and :1. halt' seconQ.s :tnd :11!-o lm1t th~ rar,., ~':' 't\·a~ gtw•n thf'> bf-nPfit of ~hat 1trnall C.oub~ PXJgtr--d. \\'. L. Kf"llf:'r. with r;Jttf. won ~he hrrnn:- n!' r;itlng hi~ horf'<" a mi!e in the c1o~~st i.!mP to thrPe m:n­ U';.f'!', doln~ thP tr!;, i:l :;:5S. ~rry·~ !rat was a~ eYidrnl"'r or keen judgmrnt fl! !11-;')N•tl. :i!" h,.. rl!'o,·o Brln~y K .. :1 to::,c whirh ,.. :-.n ~tej' confllde:-abty hP!­ ter ~har. a twr-nty cl:;,. ~one or th-> eit:-'\"f>!"l Ma!':£'~ mts..c,:,rj it mo:-~ than rou!'tl?"'r': S1•(·0nd!-; R. (', .:drCormtrk. wi:.h a ,,..h:!ro hnr.::i:- r·:1liPd Klnndvk .. \\"o:id(·;', h 11 th,tt i1nnor. l;i pr;ic;icl." ~p::1~ du!°!n;;.:" thr W("ek. :)t... c"'"o:-:nkk hart Jri\ .. :, ~p,·~:-al rn!lPs w!:hout ml~!lllm,i;: a 1br,·e-mlnutc> 5 ..itt mor~ tha~ a s"'r-nnii ~:1d c1 ~:ilr. and yt"~te:-day·~ effort mat!"' h!:r: :.?·H· but: o~ c-ousirlt'"1.blf" jofhing from :h()~" ln ·rhP kno,...-. Dr. J. A. Edrr.onc:s ruc.,: in his \"P:"!lat!le ..,,:o pony noo~ f():- th:-e~·mlr:.ute d'...lty. t~!nk:;;~ nil he had to do ,,,a~ to pu~h Rnb!t to :.hf..> Hrr.i: and win har.df' dn" n . .\: rh:t:. thi:a ··Fa:her or Pn1o·· Cil1 :int ~n!!=:~ lt mur-h; ::071..., w~ his timE". Thf" fr-p~-t'n:--a;l :rot !or the Polf> c·::.:.b ru;,, ".\·a~ cut out. owing to th.,. G:-a win~ n! on~ or th'1' three ~t:1.rt~!"S. ~,..n:c:i.. made a !"ac~ fmpo~~Jb:e acro:""d­ ;::h t() th<- cond:tlo:-:s... Bob'" f:m:!h 1,ro-:.:.1:"~~ out a ,·~ry !:ani1y p:t.C'f!!' )r, ('.'.l·;:i::':':- ~or the :?:20 ~,·en~. a.nd "-''O:"l. w!th h::n at. lPl!>Ure L"l ::17 a:1.d !!:!!1. ~(":r.~ :he h~3.tls o~ Glen. ~:-ge B. F,:o:-:d..,~: a:iC. E.! ):font. C1Ya!ier !! :1. t•:r:<"-~;:r•d ~~jc!!:1J; ~:,d a';'P"a~ 3. Yf"!j" h:t~~:.· :T.J.~:::(-~ f:.C~("'. ?:t! F... -:.-y f:O! a··say with 8.I':t\!.'he:­ ~= .. c{", tha::.k~ t() h~~ !i'~~!'ty i:o:: ~!i:!'! J'.D. ~·~r. a.:-te:- " b:16 t.:e;.k had ;,u: b.; :n C't:.: o! :!1e fi ~: hea.: o:- t!le :a~t. ::.::r.i~ c:;, a~C. ~C")k !:,~ 11ucce~c!~::.g two­ (''.l'.""\".:O:"lY. "·~;te·! b:-e::ik!'I ~;;;,e3.!" -:.o hv!h~~.. h!:-:i r.")("l!'t" than -:..."lO!le o! :he ;i.v'!rat"e pace:-. ~d at:.e:- his D.r!t l~s~o:1

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. CLASSY CARD FOR MATINEE.: DRIVING CLUB PREPARES FOR DAY OF FREE ... Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Dec 21, 1905; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times pg. II3

~t',A. 11"'"". 1fl1 u• ,n•tf"r l i, tn ~. ""'" (H'f",:1•\"' h. JIM: f Ht,hl•1•0" l i tn 1. ...,.. .. t'1tt•I, ftftu Prltnn, t.,; tlt,,,Hkr,I 11 to:. thlrrJ; Um~ 1 ,4,? Lubin, Htt:htfut Gr1• rl•Uo f\nd ·rt-nnr,J1'.I"" nJ•m r:iu. · l'llit turlonll'!': B0unt1ru1. 1r.; (tlm!tk~.l ~ lo :Z. ~on. Matt Ho11tnn, 1()11 , M" llrkl,.,) ll In &, •et'Ond. Alb,,M'nJtrlP, 1,14 !CIAtl<,) 4 to 1, third: tim" 1:1,. TR.m O'!'thant,.,., Crl,rll, Lurene, C'olll!ln Carrie and Eth"I Abbott alto0 ran. Mlle and tlrty yardR: Wnrte :-.kht,., it: (Radtk.. ,) 3 to ! 1<·on: Dlxl<' t,nd, 1ns 1\V. Smith,) 7 to l. """"M. F."kl'tAAII, 108 (Loa[NI'.) l:l to I\. third tlm.. 1 48'!, • .t.ucrece, Laura. F. :i.t ••ind Wigwam u.lllO ran.



Tl"Otting and Pacing Races are Evenly Divided, Three of Each Be• ing on the Pl"Ogramm-Much N­ Blood Coming Into the Club-Own• e.:S and Entries.

A. W. Bl"Uner. secretary of the Drlv· !ng Club, ha.« announe<>d a. pro,:r.,.mme or se,•en hlgh•class harness events tor the Chrlstma.s Day card or that char­ ltably-!ncllned Institution. The club's contribution to the pubuc·111 enjoyment ls an absolutely tree gate. th" tun be­ Ing a.va!la.ble to all "h.o have the means or rea.chlnl!' .As:Tlcultural Park. A crowd of 10.000 persons Is expected. Pacing and trotting will divide hon­ On< quite equally with three races tor ea.ch gait. .-\. grea.t dea.l or new blood ls com!ns Into the Driving <:lub ot la.te; a valuable acquisition Is the ""ea.lthy northern ho~man. s. s. Batley or Se­ attle. whose nnme appears tor the drst, tlme as .1n entrant a.nd driver. Many oC the newly-elected members a.re sho"ing that their hea.rts a.re In the right place by going In a.t the first opportunlt)·. Following Is the entry list. with the names or drivers a.nd owners: • The :::O pa.ee: La.ura G •• ~on:e L. Pierce (Pierce:) Dickey Doyle. R. G. Doyle (Ralph Ha.ga.n:) Siegfried. Frank B. Long (Long.) The !!:40 trot: Billy o~ A. w. Slm;,­ kln~ (Slmpk!ns:) Clay, L. P. Keller (Keller;) Billy, 'W. :lL Rayna.rd {Ray­ nn:rd:) <.<,n. Boodle, Godfrey Fritz (Fritz.) The :::i;; pa.ee: Lohengrin. Dr. wn­ lla.m Dodge (Dr. Dodge:) Henry :S•• H.: N. Hender,,on (E. J. Delore)·:) Mistake. I' J. $. Bransford (Bransford:) llld­ nlght. E. P. Bosbyshell (Bosbyshell:) Byron La.ee, R. E. Tongue (B. Mosh- 1, er:) Bill)· K., Ch:i.rlet< L. Moon (Moon;) , Lady K.. M.A. Ca.sena,·e (Ca.sena.ve.) I de~itlt.~ti>e~~~';f;fe:a~ ~;:et I s. Balley (Ba.lie.;;) Electric Malden, W. I A. Clark, Jr. (A. W. Bruner:) Ha.nit. I M. B. :Mosher (:Mosher:) Burnut, , George w. FC>rd (E. J. Delorey.) The :?:!O pace: Harry R., B. R. Smith (Smith:) Connors. G. A. Pound­ er (Pounder;) Gladys :!1,1., H. J. :\lyers {lf)·ers:) z;:.111... M. B :MOBher (:Mosh• er;) Rondo, J. w. Snowden (Snow­ den.) The !!:25 trot: Ida. :umerton. H. !S'. Henderson (E. J. Delore>,) Maggie McKinney. Curtis .ColYe-ar (Co!year;) George Anderson. W. S. :UcGlffert (l!e­ Gltrert.) Thotnall Hughes will go an exhlb!tlon mile to wagon \\Ith Welcome ::.ta.c. to beat ::U. INGLESIOE RACES, ::r:JJ:VA LEE WISS SAL\'ATOR. rrrr THI:: ASSOCIAT.EI> rru::ss-P.M.l SA.-.; FR.A!!',x:ISCO, Dec. !!0.-Seva. Lee won the Salvato handicap ea.ally trom a good field. There was an Ul)Set In the second ra.ce when Grnsseutter, the top-hea.,-y t:i.vor!te, !ailed to land inside the moneY, Wea.ther cloudy; trnek >!loppy. Results: , Selling, six furlongs: Ha.ven Run, 10:; (Knapp,) 7 to 5, won: :Malor Tenny, 1o:i (Robinson. 8 to l, !leC(>nd: Waters;,out. ' 104 (League,) 16 to l, third: time 1:17'1!,. Dotterel, Duellst. Suburban Queen. H!pponax. Ho,;:a.rth, Lady Bimbo, Lady Athe!lng and Tom Ha.wk also ran. Futurity course: Pentagon, 101 (Rus­ sell,) l!l to l, won; Suceeed. 10:: (­ tlllte,) 8 to L second; J. K. F., 106 (McBride.) 8 to 1, third time 1:14¾,. Le­ g:s,t Form, James L. M~ Tom Roberts, Rusticate and Gra.sscutter also rah. Six furlongs: Ed Lilburn, 107 (Mc­ Brldt>,) 17 to 10, won; Angleta. 95 (Radtke,) 6 to S, second: Dod Ander­ son, 10* (I,oague,) 9 to l, third: time 1:16%. Qcyrohe, Betenlel and Joyner all!IO ra.n. The Sn.Iva.to.- ha.ndlca.p, one mile:

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

Courtesy of Oxnard Public Library

Title: Oxnard Sugar Beet Factory

Creator/Contributor: Creator unknown

Date: 1902

Contributing Institution: Oxnard Public Library

.....,...... _.J ; ; i .. I • t t '. n: .,..,._ ' r I • ~ ' ' ..i.-.,...... ~ ...... ~· !.' l".2. ··" '": ;. http://articles.latimes.com/1991-03-28/news/vl-1372_1_sugar-beet-factory STRUCTURES : Sweet

History : Oxnard owes its birth to a sprawling turn-of-the-century sugar beet factory, which is highlighted in a museum exhibit.


This is a golden opportunity to secure by far the biggest and most important enterprise that has ever been offered to Ventura County, and dull indeed will be our citizens if all the conditions are not promptly and cheerfully complied with."

So read the fair Ventura readers of the Free Press late in 1897. The source of such excitement? Beets. Sugar beets by the ton, which were to serve as seeds for a new era in the developing territory near the Santa Clara River outside Ventura. Sugar kingpin Henry T. Oxnard had made an offer to build a $2-million sugar factory with a capacity to process 2,000 tons of beets daily. In exchange, local farmers were to dedicate 20,000 acres to beets over five years.

Almost a hundred years hence, Oxnard owes its birth to sugar, although sugar stopped being a viable crop there decades ago. In the beginning it was a beet boom town. Between its opening in 1899 and its closing in 1959, the factory sent out close to 40 million 100-pound bags of granulated sugar.

Oxnard has long dealt with jokes and sneers about its name, shrugging off joking references to bovine anatomy. In fact, the name refers to the brothers Oxnard, for whom sugar was in the blood. Robert, Benjamin, Henry T. and James Oxnard were the offspring of French-born 19th-Century sugar magnate Thomas Oxnard.

In 1860, the Oxnard brothers moved out West and started a beet factory in Chino. Henry T. Oxnard became interested in Ventura County through the promotions of Ventura farmer Albert F. Maulhardt, who had shown him that locally grown beets could yield better-than-average sugar content. Oxnard had originally wanted to place his factory in the small port community of Hueneme, but he met with resistance. He moved the location inland, to where the industrial area next to the "five points" intersection now sits.

On Aug. 19, 1899, a few months shy of the turn of the century, the sprawling American Sugar Beet Co. factory opened. James Driffill managed the factory and acted as a go-between for the interests of the factory and the growing community. (He later became Oxnard's mayor and is now immortalized by Driffill Boulevard, running along the old factory site.)

The factory's magnificent hum of activity and its magnetic force had an immediate effect on the still fairly barren area. Citizens of the nearby, smaller outposts of New Jerusalem and Port Hueneme literally packed their bags and their domiciles, moving hearths and homes toward this new beacon of produce, progress and gainful employment.

Soon, Oxnard's operation was one of the largest sugar producers in the country, and the factory was the nucleus of what grew into the city of Oxnard--so named on June 30, 1903. Legend has it that the city's name was a bit of a fluke. While having lived there for only a few months (none of the other Oxnards ever called Oxnard home), the all-powerful Henry T. Oxnard had wanted to dub "his" town Sakchar--the Greek word for sugar. But a bad phone connection to the Sacramento office where the name was to be documented led to confusion, and he settled on his surname. Let us now praise bad phone lines: Oxnard, at least, is easier to pronounce than Sakchar.

Oxnard is the focus of the current exhibition at the Ventura County Museum of Art and History. Titled "Beans, Beets and Babies: Highlights in Oxnard's History" and curated by Meg Beach, it chronicles the area's past by featuring artworks, vintage photographs and artifacts of agricultural and cultural life in early Oxnard.

In the exhibit, painter Ruth Newman's watercolor image of the almighty beet factory is aglow with admiration for this edifice. Cutting a heroic figure across the blue sky, it looks like a symbol of fertility and progress. Nearby on the gallery wall is Jack Miller's painting of Old China Alley, a less noble scene. The ramshackle area where Chinese workers lived and congregated became notorious as a center of vice--saloons, prostitution, gambling and opium dens--and it was eventually bulldozed.

Along with a thriving beet factory came problems. On March 23, 1903, dissatisfied immigrant workers were involved in a skirmish resulting in gunfire with local lawmen that left one worker, Louis Vasquez, dead. Vasquez could be considered a martyr of sorts. In what is a small footnote in the history of labor, a short-lived union was created by and for Mexican and Japanese workers.

Despite its auspicious beginning, the factory's glory days were numbered. By the time Henry T. Oxnard died in 1922, the factory's success was tapering off. Causes of the factory's slow demise have been attributed to the destructive encroachment of the whitefly, the increase of available irrigation water-- enabling farmers to grow lemons and oranges--and new farmers inexperienced in the growing of sugar beets.

Diversification of crops, including lima beans and grain, allowed the factory to stay afloat. After years of faltering production and stiffening competition from imported sugar, the Oxnard factory closed on Oct. 26, 1959.

You can still see a remnant of the old beet citadel, in all its squared-off, stoic brick splendor, on Factory Lane off Wooley Road. The GE Plastics division now makes its home there. In Oxnard, sugar begat plastics as one of her crops of choice. Time marches on.

In 1860, the Oxnard brothers moved out West and started a beet factory in Chino. Henry T. Oxnard became interested in Ventura County through the promotions of Ventura farmer Albert F. Maulhardt, who had shown him that locally grown beets could yield better-than-average sugar content. Oxnard had originally wanted to place his factory in the small port community of Hueneme, but he met with resistance. He moved the location inland, to where the industrial area next to the "five points" intersection now sits.

On Aug. 19, 1899, a few months shy of the turn of the century, the sprawling American Sugar Beet Co. factory opened. James Driffill managed the factory and acted as a go-between for the interests of the factory and the growing community. (He later became Oxnard's mayor and is now immortalized by Driffill Boulevard, running along the old factory site.) The factory's magnificent hum of activity and its magnetic force had an immediate effect on the still fairly barren area. Citizens of the nearby, smaller outposts of New Jerusalem and Port Hueneme literally packed their bags and their domiciles, moving hearths and homes toward this new beacon of produce, progress and gainful employment.

Soon, Oxnard's operation was one of the largest sugar producers in the country, and the factory was the nucleus of what grew into the city of Oxnard--so named on June 30, 1903.

Legend has it that the city's name was a bit of a fluke. While having lived there for only a few months (none of the other Oxnards ever called Oxnard home), the all-powerful Henry T. Oxnard had wanted to dub "his" town Sakchar--the Greek word for sugar. But a bad phone connection to the Sacramento office where the name was to be documented led to confusion, and he settled on his surname. Let us now praise bad phone lines: Oxnard, at least, is easier to pronounce than Sakchar.

Oxnard is the focus of the current exhibition at the Ventura County Museum of Art and History. Titled "Beans, Beets and Babies: Highlights in Oxnard's History" and curated by Meg Beach, it chronicles the area's past by featuring artworks, vintage photographs and artifacts of agricultural and cultural life in early Oxnard.

In the exhibit, painter Ruth Newman's watercolor image of the almighty beet factory is aglow with admiration for this edifice. Cutting a heroic figure across the blue sky, it looks like a symbol of fertility and progress. Nearby on the gallery wall is Jack Miller's painting of Old China Alley, a less noble scene. The ramshackle area where Chinese workers lived and congregated became notorious as a center of vice--saloons, prostitution, gambling and opium dens--and it was eventually bulldozed.

Along with a thriving beet factory came problems. On March 23, 1903, dissatisfied immigrant workers were involved in a skirmish resulting in gunfire with local lawmen that left one worker, Louis Vasquez, dead. Vasquez could be considered a martyr of sorts. In what is a small footnote in the history of labor, a short-lived union was created by and for Mexican and Japanese workers.

Despite its auspicious beginning, the factory's glory days were numbered. By the time Henry T. Oxnard died in 1922, the factory's success was tapering off. Causes of the factory's slow demise have been attributed to the destructive encroachment of the whitefly, the increase of available irrigation water-- enabling farmers to grow lemons and oranges--and new farmers inexperienced in the growing of sugar beets.

Diversification of crops, including lima beans and grain, allowed the factory to stay afloat. After years of faltering production and stiffening competition from imported sugar, the Oxnard factory closed on Oct. 26, 1959.

You can still see a remnant of the old beet citadel, in all its squared-off, stoic brick splendor, on Factory Lane off Wooley Road. The GE Plastics division now makes its home there. In Oxnard, sugar begat plastics as one of her crops of choice. Time marches on. http://www.totallylocalvc.com/oxnard-sugar-beet/ Oxnard’s Sweet Relationship With The Sugar Beet

Sugar beets played a huge role in the Ventura County area that would later become known as the City of Oxnard. Here’s how it happened.

By Kat Merrick on Mar 3, 2013 | Comments Off on Oxnard’s Sweet Relationship With The Sugar Beet This is a golden opportunity to secure by far the biggest and most important enterprise that has ever been offered to Ventura County, and dull indeed will be our citizens if all the conditions are not promptly and cheerfully complied with.

— The Free Press Paper Ventura, circa late 1897

What was this opportunity they were so excited about for our area? Sugar Beets! Sugar beets would become the seeds of change in developing the territory near the Santa Clara River outside of Ventura. This area would later become known as the City of Oxnard. The seed of a growing idea

In 1897, ranchers Albert Maulhardt and Johannes Borchard believed that sugar beets could be a profitable crop for the area. So they invited sugar mogul Henry Oxnard to come to the area for a meeting at which they shared their idea for building a factory to process the sugar beet crop. Oxnard laid an offer on the table which outlined plans to build a $2-million sugar factory with a capacity to process 2,000 tons of beets daily. In exchange, he asked our local farmers to dedicate 20,000 acres of their land to growing sugar beets over a five-year period.

The Oxnard sugar beet processing plant, late 1800s

Excited by the prospect and the agreement from our local farmers to grow the sugar beets, construction began on the factory right in the heart of our rich fields. Believing that the new plans for the future would be successful, even Southern Pacific Railroad got involved. In the spring of 1898, they built a railroad station right at factory site so that shipping the processed beets could be accomplished more efficiently. The Oxnard factory operated from August 19, 1899 until October 26, 1959. Oxnard owes its birth to this then state-of-the-art, turn-of- the-century sugar-beet factory

The construction and operation of the new factory required a large labor force. The availability of jobs and easy access to the area because of the new railroad spur attracted Chinese, Japanese and Mexican workers from all over the country. So, with the rapid growth in population and commerce, it did not take long for a town to spring up near the factory. Henry Oxnard intended to name the settlement after the Greek word for “sugar” (zachari) but, frustrated by bureaucracy, he named it after himself! The area continued to grow, fueled by the success of the sugar beet plant. Oxnard was now starting to take its shape as a city and, in 1903, the City of Oxnard was incorporated. Ironically, Henry Oxnard never actually lived in his namesake city, Today’s Oxnard

Agriculture continues to be the major industry for Oxnard. The amazing fact that there still remains an acre of irrigated farmland in Ventura County for every acre of city is a tribute to our farmers and the area. The Sugar Beet is no longer a large crop for Oxnard as many of our local farmers have worked to diversify their crops and grow for demand.

According to the Farm Bureau of Ventura County, the current top ten crops for Ventura County are strawberries, raspberries, lemons, nursery stock, celery, tomatoes, avocados, cut flowers, peppers, and greens. Over the years, Oxnard has continued to grow and is now the largest city in Ventura County. With this growth, it has still held true to its rich heritage in farming and the farmers and laborers that contributed in the birth the city.

Information sources include: the City of Oxnard, the Los Angeles Times and the Farm Bureau of Ventura County

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lUll'(iollt ll)r t lfl'. 1.-~,.... ll•i1!11\'..~ lh• AY•1t-h\l">p - (l.<,oiU-•11 T1M>,-.l.1t'llt~ 1,,_ Iii*-" ->:Nlfld 111 \hi' klo!Wf')'...r )"* 1111>,•fJ', l'l't"' i.it.• '"'11>11' .,._ ~I!"'~''"" ..... • ,,,...... , ...... ~ ., d tw ...ko lilnlllf~ t:i-f.1.. 1 Obituary 7 -- No Title Los Angeles Times (1923-Current File); Jan 10, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times pg. II5 PIONEER'S FUNERAL ARRANGED Codfrry Frit:=. Angeleno /or Half-Century. to be Buri.ed T oJ.ay

Fun•r:al llttT!cea _ tor Coe1tre7 Fritz. ploc- N914~t of I.- An­ n!.,., ,..,....., dl...S t!Uddenl7 at h1a bome at 1 'iU lncraham MrMt Sun- 4&7 mo=nc. wlll t.. !l.eld thi. aft­ ernoon. Tbe aerTlca w1lJ be prl­ wu~. llr. Fr.tz wu U 7Mft of age. He came to Loa Al>Plea tro:n Alaaec:­ I..orra!zi. fttt7 7e&n &CO, and en­ ~.,d !n the contractJac &Z1d btu!d­ lns bualo-. He eNCtecS ll'IJU17 o! tbe old bU1ld1DP oo 3'a.lo anled with !ndlceAt!OD !or .ame tlmll?. ~i.:t h~ con4!Uon oe,·er ha.cl -n though: 11H,<>:.s. He wu •U'lcl

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EBOOK - FREE 111111,i 1h,r. " fl,.,..,,.,.,,n)' f"-illn~ ~IUl)l>cr C111 oe.. , nr1a 11 r • r,...,c,.,, • rmm,1 did Jtn.-, u,.- llan"1" ,... 11 lr 11,U11:,: du,mt.. r 11 ml tlic· !)1,111u11 i,r ""Id nc,ii. Get this book in print Y tlll!IIUII 1•11 rnhll,l1lm; ,•11&11n111n lr ,11l n.n bt•nn•rn •nl!I ilnuu ,u,,1 111i,- 101~11 ot i.ald d tiwnWJt"11J lt'1111lna ch11 11+l!~r nntl M id ftu11 ~t~tll'tly.. • nit t1t1 t•.t: b.llutt llu!! ,corHlt't'h•tl ht ~Ill ••f,l\ir.Jl l tlu.i •i 1t t•~•llu l,clnw tbl' 11111 ,,r "''Iii ,c:,untm...... -· I . In II tl"ll1~0lont•r 1rnh. • frll•ll\n~, uu11 1.. rh1I f'l,1111 l11 llng !Ion ~h,. mt,f r (;f cnttmlall~ • IIIM o, a n jf ISIOIU'I~ fol' rtJAln hu1 Ml\! lllA• r. ,\ hir1111,i;,, rr1111rrJ11l ol.' 11.11 out,... t:llll-lJ114 a CIO'UJn lly l•rl11.I la 111.tu!e. u ndtr J)rt,J;fun. >Jl'"l•jw,,(I N1n11,u11 1\(lt1 tho11 J1:l'l'n.i1"'°l u·ltMtt uld outltt,r. ti !!. l tt II tHt..bDf't' ,,nu , C:"hl1 U\:O&l w 1l•'rlJllnBII! JIU11 il l't'­ -·-·-- O Reviews tll•a,! ... , •l)n"~ UQ\IIH' Q li,1 ft 11 ai, m "!lll\11 _,., .. ,.11.111:ilnlC l'fllP• • l•Ullll"II' m• trrl•I b!'!t 'I'""' MM ttrrni n11t11. MIit ff"l!l11i nt1'-"! unmln,u,,1; b!,, ,..o,e1:1 Mht rh•Jul~ fl11 (1 ,,,,, ww,m of Odlld Write review mal\!'rl" I roto,l•• Im: ,,r ur11111,u,.,l!d •llk,m. Ou«. 11 J rua,. dhlK\«"4 In ltie. 111ll)Cr 1)6r ll•)D vr ..•Id e11.1l.n1, a .•, rtti.(•Q.:11! unl1 t,11n11rh101,: " 11tu1ru rn)),,,. 11 rt • A.niJ PWllUt ellf•hll•Mu• (Ol(IIU\lnlnlllo«I ti.1~,ecfl. 1111.ld drum •llltJi1v >c Ol41~r11'11 t-uu,14Un~ 11t l;l'll1St1l1111f:!d 1111..-.;i u llll~ltNI •nt'.I Iii• 11.,,\11 or Pl1I 111,e ai.. , cb1unoor, lfflthlt1 t111o ld emuh1cH&1;i H!fOlh1t1lt lo 1:-"ll'llll!C'I wl!II uu..-. t'' l11.lui11 I) tu 11 uul l)thttr1I ln t~c Oa.&fH/o,} «11.ht aauerll l, nnd 111!•1ln .._ tM NC11h1luc ••lu11111r1~ &It.Id ui.ut11rU1) Ufllf.l•r .tli>ld lnf!' pr1<11-..11r1t.

f>.t5.0U•, '"·tllNACE, llo'i1(1.Jm It. , .,... ,-.m~l>f!JIC U, nour~ • My library woc.. 1. , t'lll., •,..l,m.ur 11( 0111!•lu11! ln tJ1.0tr,•t- r-t!u. J,O!I Allittlet-. Cat. PllNI Apr. -::ti ·~ f;;'•J1• 1 ~o 41:1-~0:,o. > My History .. ... Books on Google Play 1. ,\ (Onn.-r,1,1r f11r \l1l'(trl~ coullueto1r- c9morl11lJ1,1: n; 1riernM r h.nY11,i: 1¥"0 ,..,rc•1l1 l('r-,1no1, •""")..""+t Cor Cl(ll'I • R.. ,. ,11111 IF• . • Ollt"'tt -,r j'~ll'fol tU . t!R•1 . "l"•f't"fl'llll'Ut ltl"ffllW!r Tenns of Service 1u,1•h111 !ll~e U:rn~11,t11,, ,,...,, o)f 111'111\tb •~ huolar~ tMltl ""''I, 11n~tt,r r.. , ,,1,v,,k Cl!)mtue,,,.,. "''11111r1,..111t n ltor:m1,, r !JM lni: ,,.,., 11101tfo '"rn~l11~J..,_ ll.od a J-01111111 tfr­ - mJnnl. 1uul 1t r-,l""1•n11f11i: 1t1.,,t1\Jcr tl•'flutt t1'' 11 tcr 11Um'llli - - c,M 11f 1\'blt-11 .1,., 1p ,•ucll ill.,. "''" 111ll1tlt- lf'rniln11t wl•li" • t l11; ,u\111r \'ltlµIF>llll ~IUl••r lht1 01111:r •la dtt (1."rn:t lnn\ ,ir U11• !ln11ltl11 fflrllllOIII • \ l"tttu,,,c, ,\r f,1r t'lfl,ctrlf' Mndu.•tnrt l.'OOlptl•!n; • c1u1lt111 lu•vhu: 1t1rr" apl'.r1UI",., fw tt 11t w'blrb CJIIHIOn ('(h J, A h 1r1111:b eo11111MJ1l111 1u, l.n11t!t tltu<. • d 1111:0114!t «'UH lt>l't11ln•li, 0111, 11 r1IDJ1~rn.111,• m1m:1brJ' b11't'lt11r lll!'ff aplttll!d H'(l011 ll u hl nu~ tllt,fLU u.-1al11jllhlt11t 1:rJ UUIIUt1k11..­ t,(jratlri•.I• -o atta.ntiel!(I "• w \!OU!.r tbt- a~rum,.• 11.a~ e t:1• th11t MOr,rt1 • Id ~ ml;cr 11.t1d 1b , 1011 o t11I t,io1,1aJn of r•lt" u"' \..,It ,,.miJn•I-.. 111 td ff~ lotl u(UnDACttMi !O II •t•llf'f'-f! ut w,r­ j , A f n f"M.tl. toll)Jll'llilc• •a l.oMr dtt(', • oacntiu•Uv1, r,•nl, 111ttt " -... ,t,l)t'ni U11c fPl>flll'tl'r ft.u1n11 tn""'• , ,.rnu"•I• , cbamo•r ~tr.Ur lilUfil L• l h~ ll'Mhtli'I Of MUI Oiu. · ll flQ @ fff •hkb Ill ,11,ilblt n.ad. Ill Attl'l lllrt'O •• l'i! ~.,,er IM cb&mbf.r Ufll.Qltcd •rout1d •• ltl n"•· m*ln• •~tabll•bl.nc. n1:1r rlnr1•• 1111,I rr'lllll;it lh 1• l WO 1nnulrud,., c1t1m nn11kJ1lh1ii U.t'llf',l'tA R id d 1•.mtKtr an,, 1h" h,p 1u111 f\'l•lnH ,, m .!I nv• rrlntcd ht 01111 ou~h.. J

!I l I

•• A ..-. m .,.-,. - a:i - , "" • 2,48 PM l"'I •• [ 0 l W ,,., loil .... a;.;a W;;i V ., \.:_O, "' 11/19/ 2017 ~ Alteration History No original permit exists for 207 Bonita Place since it was constructed in Pre-Consolidation Hollywood. The City and County claim 1907, but Godfrey Fritz did not purchase the land until 1908 from the daughter of G. W. McCadden, making 1908 the more likely date of construction. 1987 Record ID: 3192304 Address change: Address to include 1547 and 1547 ½ N. McCadden Place

1995 Permit No. 1995LA31695 Replace Foundation. Type V. Owner: Thomas Day Cry Contractor: M S Construction Company

2000 Permit No. 99010-70000-03325 Build 800 sq ft STORAGE/garage building, accessory to OFFICES. 3 existing parking spaces required for existing office building plus 1 for storage building = 4 spaces. Owner: Thomas J. & Sally N. Dailey Applicant: Eric D. Porter Contractor: Westec Construction


2002 Permit No. 02016-10000-15373 Change of Occupancy from SFD to elementary school – fully sprinklered upgrade toilet rooms and structural strengthening floor framing by adding floor joists, girgers [girders?], and conc[rete] piers. Existing Use: (01) Dwelling-Single Family Proposed Use: (18) School Building Owner: Aleksandr Matusov Tenant: Alla Matusova

1 Permit No. 02016-10001-15373 Revise floor framing and foundation plans and change in engineer of record on Permit # 02016-10000- 15373. Existing Use: (01) Dwelling-Single Family Proposed Use: (18) School Building Owner: Aleksandr Matusov Tenant: Alla Matusova


2012 Permit No. 12016-20000-21499 Interior Non-structural Remodel Description of Work: Remodel Existing Kitchen at elementary school. Replace tile, drywall & equipment Application Comments: Existing school building permitted under 02016-10000-15373. Owners: Matusov, Aleksandr and Alla Agent for Contractor: Eitan Ensail Contractor: Home Top Construction & Design, Inc.

Changes without permits: A tuck under addition exists at the west of the residence for which no permit could be found. A squarish addition is at the northwest. A brick piers and open wrought iron fence exists at the sidewalk. Trees were cut without permission. The east/front yard is paved with various materials. Some windows have been changed to vinyl, but the original window openings are extant. The paired windows on the porch at the east façade were extended downward into sliding doors but could be easily reversed as the original openings are extent. The entry door has been changed but the opening is extant.


November 17, 2017 Document Report


Document Number(s)

Record Description Record ID: 3192304 Doc Type: RANGE FILE Sub Type: MISCELLANEOUS Doc Date: 12/15/1987 Status: None Doc Version: None AKA Address: None Project Name: None Disaster ID: None Subject: None Product Name: None None Manufacturer's Name: Expired Date: None Receipt Number: None Case Number: None Scan Number: None Dwelling Units: None Comments: *ADDRESS INCLUDES 1547-1547 1/2 MCCADDEN PL N. CLOSED.

Property Address(es) 1547 N MCCADDEN PL

Legal Description(s) Tract: Block: Lot: Arb: Modifier: Map Reference:

PINjkkkkk(s) 148-5A185 301

Assessor Number(s) 5547-020-025

Film RBF Type: HIST M0295; 003; 0102

******** Note: If you have any questions, please visit one of our Records Counter Section open Monday thru Fridays from 7:30 AM to 4:30 EXCEPT on Wednesdays which opens from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

Locations: Metro - 201 N. Figueroa St., 1st Floor Rm. 110, Los Angeles CA 90012 Van Nuys - 6262 Van Nuys Blvd, 2nd Floor Van Nuys CA 91401


r•·B ll!LOG, OWNER ,...__ IIPl'UCAHT /,PHONE) i,.::..J 'Ihmas Dil 1....1.:V ~.-. \213 344-()498 ,',DORESS SUITE/UNIT NO, ADDRESS SUITE/UNIT NO, ll547 N M:Qd'len '522.7 N- ~ ~lA/w CITYISTATE/ZJP CITYISTATf/ZIP lbllwnrl ca 90028 IA a\ 90041 ARCHITECT NAME ADDRESS ACTIVE STATE L/C. NO. Ct~ B,~s. LIC NO. __, • • L -- II - - ENGINEER - ( ) ' GEN. CONTR. M S ~ Co OESCR/PTION OF ,. •1 - ' • • WORK INTERIOR REMODEL 1 PATCH ORYWALIA'LIISTEII r:1 DAMAGE REPAIRa) l I I fon::lat:icn .~ ,...· w,.. ~ • .. m erar.fmt cx::nstnm to crrmlv to c:t:d: , .....


ELECT. CONTR. NAME ADDRESS ACTIVE STATE UC. NO, CITY BUS. UC NO, PHONE NO. ( ) PLUM/I, CONTR. ( ) ~ ..,__--=------'------'---'------fHVAC CONTR- ( )

'. D' PROP0SED USE OF BUILDING • , lfXISTING USE OF BUILDING (Loave bl•nk for n•w bu//d/ngs) !-=,I c :i) ·qm ,. , t , ) ~ n NO CHANGE OF USE ..,N_O_O~F~EX/=s='TIN~Gc,S""LO"'G=,S,----".OU.'-----'------'..l...l-...,,_,______,,,H~El~GH"'T""(Z"'O"'N"'IN""G""J ------,-,F""Lo"'D~R;:;A"'R"'EA=-cz=o"'N°"IN"'G"'J ---1- 0N LOT AND USE



PLAN CHECK HVAC PRMT. (13") PLIIN CHECKED IIY 73.10 SUPP. PLAN CHECK ,wO'I. INSPECTION ZONIN~- 02/'.i.'3/95 04: 14: 40Pl'I LA05 1-1248 C: 10 BLOG PLAij CHEC 73.iO EO,INSTR, RELOCATION FEE J APPUCATI!!f! APPROVED~'! SSID d .73 BLDG PERMITS R 86,00 ' ,PUii /,IA/NT. SU~ARGES • ' PRINT ~~ mvorc£ * 002413~ es ~-s 0 s1/~. EI fY 1111 o{fldl/ ecllon~td< app,ovo/ •xi*o• ~o ho/I yom off tr lho loo hos bHn pokl. T/lls , ~ oxpn1 two yoara anortho loo hu bttn p,t/(1 or 100 d~aysanor It • bta" poJd 811d "'1!SIRJC!Jon hu nol comm,nc:od; orlf 1""1< Is suspond olfoos poJd on ponnH• musl bo IIJtd v.,th/n ono p•tom ll>Oclalao/o,rphlJon lorbulldlngpom,lts Qflln/td o ~Saltly/Ste:. 22.12, 22.13 LAM,C,), a &'.S oe-a.a lttv. '1111 ~ ..,..... ' ,,. -"'""'L""" = , .._ ""~ _, ~ Jr' ,. " l.t : - '~ - :!k ,,., .. J, ~ .,. ~ "" """.. DUREAU Of' EIIGINCl!/IIN(1 ~...ttt...tt"' 'LEWERS PU.Ill/IN/I wonksHEET ND, {.,. ~ ~-~ LJ AVAl!ADlE f APPROVf!D UNDER CASE ND. ....) 0 N0TAVA1v1DLE t - - • ,~ SEIVliR IIESERVA"/101/IID •• SE:WfR CERnFICATll ND, LA/IDSCAPl!IXCRISCAPE SITE PLA/1 REVIEW :t i ADDRESS - , DRNEWAY ISEIVER FAC/LlnES CIU./IGE FIRE DEPT. ' L8V:id 2-22-95 -=-=-.,.,-,=------to NDTAPPUCADLE 0 APPROVED TITLE IP (l.11.M,C. s,•. 700 1: FLOOD CURB RAMP O DUE D HYDRA/IT UNIT D PAIO 0 OTHEfl. HIGHWAY OED. -G/li,D/1/G DtviSION DEPT. OFTRAIISPORTATI0/1 O REQUIRED D COMPLETl:O ,. B HILLSIDE NOTICE J.WLED 0 DRIVEWAYLOC,0,TI0/1 I, EXCAVATI0/1 AOJACE/ITTO PUBLIC WAY f/lLLSIDE NOTICE PDSTl:0 ., O· 0110.110. ______. D PRIVATE SEWAGE SYSTEM OK



CALCUU.T/01/S, NOTES DEPT. WATER & POWER ETC.,, " ,, ~~,,... ~--

COMPLET.E FOR RELOC/ITI0/1 PERMITS 01/LY CASH/SURETY DONO 110, MILES MOVED OL0,1DDRESS D FRO/,/ OUTSIDE l \ CITY OF I.A, _, LICENSED CONTRACTOR AND WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLkRA·TION GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING CONTRACTOR ~ I hereby 1(rlfl11, uoo•r pem1~y of perjury. thnt I 1m 1110 0000ml co11trndor nnmod on Ulo ra\.1'rsa sldo of this p.llnil I hor•b't orrm, lnld'or pan.JllY o(PQrjury, th::it I am tho plumb'-,o c.on1l:ttfbr nnmed on tho n:iwrso sldo tJlthb po-rm/I and I 11m Uccnscd uodtrlh1 provlsk>f'l!I of Chapter e. commenting with. sodlon 7000(0, D1vbk>n'3 ortne 15u,k'loss ind I 1m Kceost'd under tho provlslons er Chaptor D, commencing with Sadlon 7000. of Dfvislon 3 of tho Bus inns c,?F Prorossians Codo. Jlnd my license b In forco nnd ollod, I om rosponslbte forth11 lokwtiog Rmf PJOte,.,lons Codo, find ln full and erred, 1m r1sponsibla anty torlho pkJmtw,g pcrmll.; and run pennb• my IJCon,o ls forco I ~r'J/t DulldlnJ O Elect~cal O Plum bing O HVAC I h•rolr( 1flhm. undorponolr, or pe1/ury, ono or tho foltowlno doclarolions, , - P' • ~ 7 I he[t!bY •ffnm, undar pcn11-y arpc,fury, one ortho fclkrwklg docbrPUonst O I hiwo Rnd wlrl ma!nle1n ~leo1tl/k.nf1 of conso"t to .5olf.lnsuro (orworf1 In tho palformanco of !he wol!; for which lhl:I permit b Issued, I sh1! not emi,loy any per>on Jn shoukt-becom1,,ubjflct to lhf:. provblo.ns of Sec-. 3700 of lh• Labor COd1, l ~hnR tor1hwkft comply with those 0 ony maMer so as le bocome subjod lo the worttors' oomponsolfon lnwa of Caliromla, and agree lhal lf I p,ol/Wons 0 should t>ooorna subf1c::l to the pro\'blons of Soc, 3700 oflho Labor Code, I 1hnff fortmi.ith COl'J1rPI)' wth those lg pn,vtslons ~ _ 9... ~ fil _ S n DiltO ------0 Sign _ ~ d/CtC C. ~ 0,11 ~-2.3:-?.S-- cLECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ~ ill!Ac·coNTRACTOR J hcrwby ntlkm, Under pena•y or ~~ufY, thnl I em tho 1fectric.1I conlrador named on lho rovoise sdo of lhls porml I herob)' amnn, under ponaMy or pc~I)'. that I am tho HVAC contrnctcr named on tho rovorso aklo of this pe~ ':~. "'"-"Ind I nm hccnsed under th, prtJVt51om: of Chapter 9. oommcnclno w)th secUon?OOOtof DMslon :I oruw Bu5lnes, ' and I am rconsed undorthO pra\'l:;loRS'orchaptert, comme:nclng With SccUon 7000. of DMslon 3 ortn, Duslnoss 1:. ond Prafoss:lons Codo, nnd my ncenso b In Mr rorco and ortcct.. I 11n rospo"slblo onty for tho ofoctbl paffM~ nnd Professions COdo, nnd my lle

I havo tnd wiD' ma'k'lhrlnWork1rs' compcnsauon lnst111:inco1 as requlrod by Soc. 3700 ortht Labor Codc-l for O f have-and WiJ molnlaln wor11crs' comptn,utlon i:\suranco, os n?qulred by Soc. :1700 orth• Labor Codi, tor tho po~rmanco or the 'WOJk for WhJch lhls ~rmh b lssuod, My wo1kers' compensation hSUl'ilfJCa. tarrlor tho pcrform:,nca of Iha won; tor whkh thls pcnnli ls lssuod~ My "WOrti.ors• compons1Uon lnsur;anco carrlor Oi·· D nndpof nu~r11ro: { t • ., f ., 1ndpollcynumt>araf"C: ,. ,f' r ""'"' f¾-'\A [1.,,,..,, ""'"'"'t--. !~Wf. .f \A;. t currier' , l 1 , • • ,, ' 't'-'.> \ Policy No, _ -<_' ' _, C•riJcr .' - Polley No,~------,1 '• -· "\ ,0 1ctrtl()' th1\ lo tho porfonn.,nca or the work forwhJch this pcrmJt ls lssUM~ f\ihaU nol employan;r' l>t'lS;n,ln "o t~/fy 1t3ti, Iha. p,rlormnnco of tho work. fcr'rlhkh this pennit b issued, I 5holl not employ 1ny person ln any manner so IS to t>ocomb subjed to llie Wor11crs• eompot1S1Uon l:lws of Co~fomb, and egflo 1h111~ If I arr, m1nncr::o a:.tO t.ccomo subj'ed la tho workof3' componsotlon Jaws orcnlifomfll 1 und 1greo thet If I should tHt«ime .sut,fcd lo tho proWIGM ot Soc. 3700 of tho Lobo!' Cod•, I shaft forthwith corr.ply 'fflth tho5o shoo':f become subjed lo tha pro\1Slons of s,c.. 3700 of th• LnborCodo, I shDII tontrwrth comply with lhoso PfO\blons provtsforn: t!l Sign ______,______Dalo------~ Sign ------Dalt 1,,-,~ ~.;; ~.I -.,, 1,_ "'- WARN/NG: FAILURE TO SECURE WORkE!RSl:cR_MP!;_NSATION COVERAGE IS UNLA~sUL f'l'

1 ~ender's namo Lender's Add~s

:~3 ASBESTOS REMOVAL Dnlo ______I O I docl.iro thnl notll'ICAt!on of Mbtislos Removal is not 1ps>ncat>11 D I doelafo thot o notlr,c.otlon loner has beon sent to th1 ACMD or EPA Sign , '4 "' OWNER-BUltDER DECLARATION I hereby afllnnt und_cr ponn•y of po~ury, that I om e.ll:cmpt from lhl Contrntto~ Uairu:o u,w rnr !tie t~:!:1; rc::;.;n {~1l. 1vli,5, Susiness A f'fOIISSJons Code: Any city or county whkh rcqui(o.s • pcmut to construct, oncr, lmprovo, demoNsh, orr,p.ilr 11riy ~ln.rdcre~~.::rt3:;. :»11a,•ncw, 11iio roqui'es lhc appr.canl ror1uc.h pon~t lo r+ie • ,1gnod 11.1fom1nt thn.l ho arsho ls Uccnsed puCJu11nt ta tho pro'llsrons or tho conlr.u;:lors Uc.,n.sa Law (Ch:lp..g comroonclno WIUi sr:ic. 7000 orotv, 3 of the DusJnc.ss • Prorasslons Codt) or that tutor sho ls O.ll:ernpt thtrofrom and tho basis tor tho nno,ged exompllon, ;..riyvlolatlOn of Sec, 703t 5 by any 11ppklnt for• permit, subjods tho lilpplicafll to• CMI por11lly of nol more than llve hundred doll4rs (S5DO):

I, as tho owner or tho property1 01 mfemployees with w3gcs ns.tholcsolo compensation, will do tho work.. i:ind.the...strudura Is not Intended orortered tor nl1 (Seo. 7DH, Duslnoss I. Prntesslops code;: Tho Contr1~013 Ueons1 Law doo5 not oppfy 0 to tho owner of propcutY who butk1s orrmpro,..as thereon, DodWho doos such work hlmself 0rhef31lf Ofthrough hJS or her own 1rnployecs~ prol/Sdcd !hill such lmpro\'Crnonts om not lolendod or offo(l!d for saio • .ir1 howovorrtho bul':ftnO or lmprovomont is sold wMhln one year of complollon, Ulo ownor-bulldorwut haw tho burden of proving !hat ho or she dij not intend to lmproVI for tho purpose or s1l1) I, ns owner ot lh• propony, am 1xcJu'sivrl1 contrectlno with hc:onscd conlradors 10 eonslrud lho pro/ect (Gee. 7CM.C, Ouslness, Profasslons Code' The Conlradcrs lk:•ns, t1w does not oppfy to an owner cf propeity who bui1ds or lmp,,,ves 0 thereon, •net who conltnds fer such proJeds Wl\h o conlrador(s) Jkensod pursunnl lo tho Contmctcrs Ucons•law), !. - <- -"""*' 0 I nm O):empt uoder s, ______,, Bus.& Peet, Coda forth• follOwlngreason, ______.,..- __...., ______--~------OWNER 0411 Ji'i"" ~ /)1...k,., /M,., _ 8~ 02-/2 ~hog AUTllORIZEO AGENT FINAL DECLARAT{ON I certify that I h1v1 read this npplk:allon and slate lhol lh• above kllonnatlon ls correct, I agree to comply wllh ab city and colmtr on:Unoncos and stato laws roJatlng to bulk!log eonstrucdon, and horoby 01.1tho1ir:o reprtsontnttvos orthls crty to onterupan tho nbavo-rneotloned prop..1rty (orfnspacilon purposes. I ro1na that this pcnni b •n applk:IUOn for Intpedlon and 1h11 il docs nol •f>JXOve or 1uU100.Z• tho work speclfied h.arern, Also, lhat H. does (10( oUlhodzo or pt,rnit 0111 vfolollon or taik.1(1 lo con1pl'/ with. any appl,clble ?aw Funhermoro, mat neither lho Cll.y of Los Angelos nor ony board. dcpar1mtnl olficor_ oromp1oyec thereof, 1nali:c ony WarTDnl)', norshan bo responslblt torltio.portormante or f"Csul1s of any work doscrlbed heroin, north a c:ondrtJon of lht p,opcny nor tho soQ upon which such won< ls pclfonned, O OWNER ~ tb 11:t. ~ ~ Q -2 :> ,"'> 0 AUTHDRIZEDAOENT Pmt ~- .:~c. .!? ~ u siwn ·~ ~ ~ D•I• ~ ..:) - 7 y 'be._ CONTRACTOR ,,


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Building pennit with reference number M SLP,R,g3,3 issued on 3-C/-d:V for the job address 15If 7 ~(1.-fl: DDE/u L contained the following information that was.u.i=e- erasedlhandwritten/corrected before the pennit was received from the issuing office:

Q INFORMATION ON PAGE ONE/TWO, AREA NO. ___ WAS/WERE: Qa covered______with correction fluid Q crossed out Q cut out Q covered with paper Q not preprinted _ 0a and______rewritten O and retyped Q and pasted upon O handwritten O written in penciVred ink _

0 INFORMATION ON PAGE ONE/TWO, AREA NO. ___ WAS/WERE: 0 0 covered with correction fluid O crossed out O cut out Q covered with paper O not preprinted 0 a ______0 and rewritten O and retyped Q and pasted upon O handwritten O written in penciVred ink

0 a ____-=-~--..,.,..------INFORMATIONON ATTACHMENT WAS/Wii1l£;., ~kl: > Pi!4,aU X0 covered with correction fluid O crossed out O cut out O covered with paper O not preprinted a---.-,------o and______rewritten O and retyped O and pasted upon D handwritten O written in penciVred ink _

0 ENGINEER'S NAME/APPROVAL SIGNATURE ON PAGE ONE OF THE PERMIT WAS: 0o covered______with correction fluid O crossed out O cut out O covered with paper _ 0o and______rewritten O and retyped Q and resigned upon O and pasted upon •• o signed in penciVrcd ink _

0 ______STAMPONPAGE __/ _____ ATTACHMENTWAS: o0 covered______with correction fluid O crossed out O cut out O covered with paper O illegible O not preprinted_ 0o and______rewritten D and retyped O and pasted upon O handwritten _

NOTE: The building permit follows this notice.

' Microfilm Supervisor


L.Il!M:t RI.OCK LQ!lll ~ MA PREF# I! \l!C[l, ID u {Plf?I 2, IIQQK!l!A!iFJPAR!;EI, DAVIDSON TRACT A 20 MB 5-153 148-5A185 301 5547 - 020 - 025

3 P.\ll,C!;l, IHQR'!AI1Ql" BAS Branch Office· LA District Map- 148-SAISS Lot Type • Interior Council District - 13 Energy Zone • 9 1l10mas Brothers Map Grid - 593 Community Plan Arca - llollywood Fire District • I CensusTract-1907.000_~-~- Lot Size-SOX 137.5 ··------______ZOSE(S): C4-2. D / /

4. D0fl1ME1'1S _ f.} / _ CRA • Z! 1352 HOLLvwode_f


6 PRQPERTI' OWSEB, TES.\~T, APPl.lrAi'"T (;-'FO!l,"A TIQ:' - 0-.11er(J) 0 Dailey, Thomas J And Sally N 1547 Mccadden Pl LOS ANGELES CA 90028

TcnanL . Cl . . ... - . I ' '...... Apphcanl, (Reb1ionship. Agen1 for Coniractor) Eric D. Porter - 5665 W. Jefferson Blvd. LOS ANGELES CA 90016 (323) 930-1411 C'".:> 7 E~IS]:ISG (ISE l'.BQ!:2~t;D ti~!; 8 DESC!l,IPTIQS Q~' \\'QR!i; . 7 Garage - Private Build 800 sq n STORAGE/garage building. accesso,y to OFFICES. c,,.. 23 Storage Building

C 19. • Bide• on Silt & ll,e: !)OFFICE For infonnation and'or inspection requests originating \\ithin LA County, ['... I' call toll-free (888)-L.\.$BUILD: outside LA County, call (213)-977-6941. IO APPl.l!;'.ATIQS PRQCESSl'li'G l~FOR~IATIO:S For Cashier's Use Only W/0 #: 91003325 ~ BLDG. PC By: , Cora Johnson DAS PC By: OK for Cashier: Cora Jo~son Coord.OK: ':5' Signature: (k \ ;- -- Date: r'34-0v LA DePnrtMent of Build ins and Safet!:l SL 15 04 004984 03/09/00 04:17PM p. PROJECT VAl.!,!ATIO'li' & FFF. ISFOR"ATIO'li' Final Fee Period Pennit Valuation: $20.000 PC Valuation: ~~--,,.;=. ------=- --___,__...... ,.:_.....,...._..__- .....~ ------~-~ ------~------.-....._ __ --~,.__.,,...__ __.,..._ ------""- BLDG PERMIT COMM $355.2 5 $4.2 0 628.95 School District Parking Arca (6.20 EI COMMERCIAL FINAL TOTAL Bldg--New $10,0 0 Pennit Fee Subtotal Bldg--New 355.25 School District Commercial Area 197.78 PLAN MAINTENANCE 9 Pem1it Issuing Fee 0.00 ONE STOP SURCH $7.3 Energy Surcharge SYS DEV FEE $22.1 7 Handicapped Access MISCELLANEOUS $5.0 0 Supp. Plan Check 0.00 CITY PLAN SURCH $10.9 6 Plan Maintenance 10.00 SCHOOL D-COMM $197.7 8 Fire Hydrant Refuse-To-Pay SCHOOL D-PKNG $16,2 0 E.Q. Instrumentation 4.20 ------Supp. O.S. Surcharge 7.39 Total Due: $628.9 5 Supp. Sys. Surcharge 22.17 Check: $628.9 5 P!an,;,g S=h~•, F~ 5.00 . Supp. Planning Su harge 10.96 OOSL 12833 Sewer Cao JD: Total Bond(s) Due: r . 12 .\TTArfl\lE,-r\ ,, ! ' i" J -, "t; '( -I ' _\ :.1 - PlotPlan ~ - -- - '' ' ------. , t I>, SJBOCD!IE INYENn>Ry ' I l f j ·l I f l '. t·t n.ihht;'nf! ;f.' ~l ~f 7P>·i:ro'o'r ~~

J4, APtl,l~TIQSCO~l~ll:;-a!j In lhe nent that any bo1 (I.,. 1-16) is lill

15, Building Rrloratcd from;

16. cm.TRACTOR. AR(IIIT[CT. ·" l"NGINF[R NAMI: ADDRESS (I.A<;<; l.l([NSF.#~ (C) \Vestec Construction 6207 Babcock Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91606 B 668260

Unless a shonerperiod of time has been established by an official action, plan check approval e,pires one and a h31fycars aflerthc plan check fee has been paid, This pennil expires mo )Cars after lhe building pcrmil fee has been paid or 180 da)'S after the fee has been paid nnd cons11uc1ion ha.snot conuncnccd or if\\ork is suspended, discontinued or abandoned for a continuous period of 180 da}'S (Sec. 98.0602 I.AMC). Claims for refimd of fees paid mus I be filed "ithin one year from the date ofc,11irarion for pcnniis gran1ed by lhe Depl. ofBuilding & Safely (Sec. 22.12 & 22. 13 I.AMC). 17. LICENSED CONTR,\(:J'OR'S DECL.\Rt\TION I hereb)'affinn under penal!}' of perjwy lhat I nm licensed under lhe pro,isions ofChapter 9 (commencing "ithSection 7000) ofOMsion 3 of1hc Business and ofc '"license is in full force and cffecl. The follo"ing applies to B contr:ic1ors only: I undcrsland the limitations ofSec1ion 70S7 rebtcd 10 my ability 10 ta!. ·a11y trades. (For I or 2 fumil\' d\\cllings, use 1he declar:nion a11aclunen1 if scpamtc J!Cner:il, clcc1rical, plwnbin~ and/or HVAC contr:iclor's & "o~Cl};-""lll\P, LkcnscClass:.B__ Lic.No.:{o(o<:g?-C,OPrint. ~ D. f:?f2--:r::E::Js- Si 18. WORKERS' cmlPENSATIO~ DECL\R,\TIO.N \;:: I hereby affinn, w,der penalty of perjury. one of 1he follow in!! declorations: D I ha,e and "ill rnain1ain a ccnifica1e of conscn1 10 self insure for" orl.crs' compensation, as pro,idcd for by Section 3700 of1he Labor Code, for the performance oflhc won: for" hich lhis pennit is issued, C ha,e and "ill maintain workcrs's compensation insurance. as required by Scc1ion 3700 of the Labor Cod•. for the pcrfomuncc of the \\Ork for which this permil is issued. My \\Orl.ers" a compensation insurance carrier and policy nwnber arc: C:uricr ~~j f_ t:l}t:\t> Policy Number: l4 E,,S S2"-&f ~

D his p,:nnil is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as 10 become subject 10 lhc workers' compensalion 13\\'S ofC:i.lifomia. 'compcnsa1ion pro, is ions of Section 3700 of 1he Labor Code, I shall fonh" id, comply "ilh those provisions,

~}l;µ.:::..._-+-4W.IV'--'l-f-./l-l\,il~~:.:...... ::!'..\J~~------Date:~ ' r,c;/l) D Conll'llctor ~uthorizcdAgcnt D Owner


0 19. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affinn w,dcr penalty of perjury that there is a conslruction lending agency for the performance oflhe ~·or!; for which 1his pcn11i1 is ·

Lender's name:______

Notification ofasbes1os rcmo.rs nor applicable D Lencr,.a.< sent 10 the AQ~ID or EPA Sig<1.·.....::::....1,!-=-.£1+4'LA!h'-!1~--,/L,,4,+~~='1,t.-'t-1- Da1e~---:.'z'"---'''-....::- 21. OWNER-BUILDER DEC I hereby affmn under penally of perjury that I om e,empt from the Contractors License Law for 1he following reason (Section 7031.S, Business aoo Professions Code: Any city or counly "hich requires:,, pcnnit to construct, alter, impro,·e, demolish, or repair any s1ruc1urc, prior 10 its issuance, also requires the applicant for such pem,it to lilc a signed st:1lcmc:nl thal he or she is licensed pursuant 10 lhe pro\"isions oflhe Contractors License Law (Chapter 9 conunencing with Sec. 7000 ofDhision 3 of1he Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is c,cmpt therefrom and lhc basis forihe allescd escmpriolL Any,iolarion ofSection 7031.5 by any applicanl for a pcrmil subjects the applicant 10 a chit penally ofnot more than fh e hundred doll:irs (SSOO).); 0 I, as lhe owner of the propeny, or my employees "'i1h "ages as their sole compensation, will do lhc \\Ori., and the structure is nol intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professions Code: The Contrac1ors License Law does not apply to an owner of propeny "ho builds or impro,·cs 1hereon, and "ho does such work himself or herself or 1hrough his or her own employees, pro,'ided that such improvcmenls arc not intended or offered for sale. If, howe\"cr, the building or impro, cmcnt is sold "ithin one >c:i.r from comple1ion. the owner-builder will ha,·c 1he burden of pro, ing 1h:11 he or she did not build or impro,c for the purpose of sale) 0 I, as lhe o"ncrof1hc property, am cxclusi\"cly con1rac1ing with licensed contractors 10 construe! lhc project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professions Code: The Conlractors License La" does not apply 10 an o"ner ofpropcny \\ho builds or impro,cs thereon. and "'ho comraclS for such projecls with a contraclor(s) licensed pursu:mt to lhc Comrac1ors License La\\,) 0 I am c,cmpl under Sec .. ______, Dus, & Prof. Code for the follo\\ing reason: ______

Print: ______Sign:______Date: __,:__..:.. __ D O"ner DAuthorized Agcnl

22. FINAL DECL.\RATIO~ I certify !hat I h:i., e read lhis application and state that lhc abo,·e information is concct, I agree 10 comply" ith all ci1y and cour1y onlinance and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby a111horiu represcntathcs of this city to enter upon lhc abo,..,·mcntioned propcny for inspection pwposes. I realize that lhis permit is an licarion fo inspection and 1ha1 it does not approve or a111horiu the "on: specified herein. Also lhat it docs no1 authorize or pcrmi1 any ,iolation or failure 10 comply "'ith any applicable law. Funhcnno • lhot either t Cily of Los Angeles nor any board, dcpartmc:nl officer, or employee thereof; mu.e any w:uramy, nor shall be responsible forihe performance or resullS ofanv worl,: describ<:d h · n ·u, con:!i · oflhc p,my nor lhe soil upon which such work is performed. I funher affirm under penally of pcrjlll)~ that the proposed \\Ori: will not destroy or WU'Casonably • rfe with any ace long' to otbcrs and located on my propcny, but in lhe e,·cnt such "'orl,: does destroy or unreasonably interfere whh such casement, a substitute eascmcnl(s to the be ided (Sec. 91.0106.4 3,4 LA~IC). · / 3 -w , Prin~ l Sign Date: /' f D Owner D Comr:ic1or hor. Agcn1 1547 NMceadden Pl· Permit Appltcatlon #: 991110 - 70000 - 0332:S Bldg-New City of Los Angeles - Department of Building and Safety Plan Check#: SLA813 Commercial Initiating Office: SOUTH LA Back Room Pinn Check PLOT PLAN ATTACHMENT Printed on: ll/15/99 13:15:00

- .;o. 0() I j I (!') <;To~ eJU1LD1(;, I I I soo SQ., Ff, ...... ------2 t.:J Q C:! 0 c::: Ul Q ci'i I- :::i -0 0 CIJ !-z :,v:. t.:J ~ =u ' - < I= 0 < I t.:J I- er. I' 0 I c..< ·~ 0: ':'!l 0 ot w •f I- ~. :::, iii: ('\\. :::: -· 'ii c- < ~ Q 0 I- 0z ['-... i I ex 1::)r, OFF111t,E ~ .J r:,- t i II ! l I '

I \ I l i \ \ I . l i tI i I I lt i I \ ' \ I \ • ! SO,t>D




NOTE: Any change of use of occupancy must be approved by the Department of Building and Safety.

[X] -This certifies that, so far as ascertained or made known to the undersigned, the vacant land, building or portion of building described below and located at the address complies with the applicable construction requirements (Chapter 9) and/or the ~pplicable zoning requirements (Chapter 1) of the Los Angeles Municipal ·code for the use, or occupancy group in which it is classified.* (Non-Residential Uses) o-:· ,. •,.) [] This certifies that, so far as ascertained by or make known to the undersigned, the building or portion of building described below and located at the above address complies with the applicable requirements of the Municipal Code,.as follows: Ch. 1, as to permitted uses, Ch. 9, Arts. 1,3,4, and s; and with applicable requirements of State Housing Law~for following occupancies:* (Residential uses) -'' ... ·O O,s. ,-... Permit No. and Year: 99010-7000D~03325 . 0 NEW 1 STORY, TYPE II-N, 20' X 40' STORAGE/GARAGE BUILDING . . ..0 · S2 ·ocCUPANCY ,, t.n

. ('J



Issued By/Office: Bureau: Division: (LA)-VN-WLA-SP-C.D. #: (BLDG) -BCS: (GI)-MS-MSS-EQ-BMI-COMM:


Issued: 08/01/2000 BY:D.HUBKA/A.A./D.R. 08-B-95C (i.11/89)


November 17, 2017 Document Report


Document Number(s) 99010-70000-03325

Record Description Record ID: 11182888 Doc Type: PLAN MAINTENANCE Sub Type: None Doc Date: 03/09/2000 Status: ISSUED Doc Version: None AKA Address: None Project Name: None Disaster ID: None Subject: None Product Name: None Manufacturer's Name: None Expired Date: None Receipt Number: None Case Number: None Scan Number: None Dwelling Units: None Comments: Build 800 sq ft STORAGE/garage building. accessory to OFFICES.

Property Address(es) 1547 1547 N MCCADDEN PL 90028-0000

Legal Description(s) Tract: DAVIDSON TRACT Block: A Lot: 20 Arb: Map Reference:M B 5-153 Modifier:

Contact Name: ERIC D PORTER

PIN(s) 148-5A185 301

Assessor Number(s) 5547-020-025

Council District(s) 13

Census Tracts(s) 1907.000

November 17, 2017 Document Report

District Offices(s) LA

Permit Reference(s) 2000SL12833

Film RBF Type: HIST J1216; 2; 406


******** Note: If you have any questions, please visit one of our Records Counter Section open Monday thru Fridays from 7:30 AM to 4:30 EXCEPT on Wednesdays which opens from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

Locations: Metro - 201 N. Figueroa St., 1st Floor Rm. 110, Los Angeles CA 90012 Van Nuys - 6262 Van Nuys Blvd, 2nd Floor Van Nuys CA 91401

November 17, 2017 Document Report

Documents Digital Image {444b0384-5b6c-4125-b960-6b489ba11469}

Document Number(s) 99010-70000-03325

Record Description Record ID: 50069795 Doc Type: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Sub Type: None Doc Date: 08/01/2000 Status: None Doc Version: None AKA Address: None Project Name: None Disaster ID: None Subject: None Product Name: None Manufacturer's Name: None Expired Date: None Receipt Number: None Case Number: None Scan Number: 1010508200300002978 Dwelling Units: None Comments: NEW 1-STORY, TYPE II-N, 20' X 40' STORAGE/GARAGE BUILDING. S2 OCCU PANCY. TOTAL PKG REQ'D = 4; TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED =4; STD = 4.

Property Address(es) 1547 N MCCADDEN PL

Legal Description(s) Tract: Block: Lot: Arb: Modifier: Map Reference:

Film RBF Type: IDIS O0501; 02978; 0000 Type: HIST M1256; 007; 0289

******** Note: If you have any questions, please visit one of our Records Counter Section open Monday thru Fridays from 7:30 AM to 4:30 EXCEPT on Wednesdays which opens from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

Locations: Metro - 201 N. Figueroa St., 1st Floor Rm. 110, Los Angeles CA 90012 Van Nuys - 6262 Van Nuys Blvd, 2nd Floor Van Nuys CA 91401

November 17, 2017 Document Report


Document Number(s) R-10653

Record Description Record ID: 53289387 Doc Type: CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Sub Type: RE-ROOFING Doc Date: 10/15/2001 Status: None Doc Version: None AKA Address: None Project Name: None Disaster ID: None Subject: None Product Name: None Manufacturer's Name: None Expired Date: None Receipt Number: None Case Number: None Scan Number: 1020603201019920 Dwelling Units: None

Property Address(es) 1547 N MCCADDEN PL 90028-0000

Legal Description(s) Tract: Block: Lot: Arb: Modifier: Map Reference:

******** Note: If you have any questions, please visit one of our Records Counter Section open Monday thru Fridays from 7:30 AM to 4:30 EXCEPT on Wednesdays which opens from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

Locations: Metro - 201 N. Figueroa St., 1st Floor Rm. 110, Los Angeles CA 90012 Van Nuys - 6262 Van Nuys Blvd, 2nd Floor Van Nuys CA 91401

1547 N Mccadden Pl Permit#: 02016 - 10000 - 15373 ~~ Plan Check#: B02LAl626FO Printed:09/20/02 11 :01 AM t) ~"" ' Event Code: ( -·;,. Bldg-Alter/Repair City of Los Angeles - Department of Building and Safety ( [ Commercial ~ 'e APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Last Status: Ready to Issue ,c ReJ!;ular Plan Check ~ ,.. Plan Check Submittal AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Status Date: 09/20/2002 u ; J.....!BAQ BLOCK LOTCsl AB!! MAP REF# PAR!;;EL ID# (P!fil 2. BOOmAGE/PAR!;;E!,, ~ : DAVIDSON TRACT A 20 MB 5-153 148-5AI 85 301 5547 - 020 - 025 ~ «;~ ·, I J ~

" 3. PAR!;;E!. INFORMATIOI!! 11 ; BAS Branch Office - LA Energy Zone - 9 Council District - 13 Fire District - I (Entire parcel) Community Plan Area - Hollywood Near Source Zone Distance - 0.7 Census Tract - 1907 .000 Thomas Brothers Map Grid - 593-E4 District Map - 148-5Al85

ZONE(S): C4-2D /

j.d 4. D0C!1MEt!!Ji l~:y ZI- ZI 2277 ORD- ORD-173562 CPC - CPC-1999-324-lCO ""l ZI- Zl-1352 CRA - ZI 1352 HOLLYWOOD ZI - Zl-2277 CPC - CPC-1986-835-GPC ,;Ji''"' ORD- ORD-165657 CPC - CPC-1999-2293-lCO ;GJ 1~d 5. !;;HE!;;KLIST ITEMS "'.1 J tl"' llljl. 6. PROPERTY OID!!EB, !J;NANT, APPLICA!!!T INFOJ!MATIO~ Owncr(s): ::b~~ Matusov, Aleksandr 1547 Mccadden Pl LOS ANGELES CA 90028 r!.i·'I . Tenant: '·i\=':i\.j " Applicant: (Relationship: Tenant) r·· Alla Matusova - 1434 N. Poinsettia Pl LOS ANGELES, CA 90046 (323) 428-9665 ll•c-'i 1 n 1\r~t · I p, 7.EXISTll'IG USE PROPOSED USE 8. DESCRIPTJQI!! OF WORK I ..c::= ~ I (01) Dwelling- Single Family (18) School Building Change of Occupancy from SFD to elementary school - fully sprinklered upgrade toilet rooms ~~. and structural strengthening floor framing by adding floor joists, girgers, and cone piers.


19. # Bid=• on :ilt~ & U:!£: 2-SFD & STORAGE/GARAGE For infonnation and/or inspection requests originating within LA County, ~ I 10. AfPLl!;;ATIOI!! PROCESSING INFORMATION Call toll-free (888) LA4BUILD ::) BLDG. PC By: Siavosh Poursabahian DAS PC By: Wai Lau Outside LA County, call (213)-977-6941. (LA4BUILD = 524-2845) OK for Cashier: Bob Quan Coord. OK: ~ For Cashier's Use Only W/0#: 21615373 ' Project Name: Signature: /2; ~/7_)/,,PA';..---- Date: 9-~-07--- 11. PROJE!:.:! VALUATION & FEE INFOJ!MATION' Final Fee Period LA Der:>artment of Building and Safety Permit Valuation: $9,800 PC Valuation: LA 06 28 020036 09/20/02 11 :30AM FINAL TOTAL Bld2-Alter/Repair 221.24 Permit Fee Subtotal Bld2-Alter/Rep, 182.81 BUILDING PERMIT COMM $182 081 Handicapped Access PLAN MAINTENANCE $10. 00 Plan Check Subtotal Bld2-Alter/Rep 0.00 EI COMMERCIAL $2 006 STOP SU~~•;: i $3, Off-hour Plan Check 0.00 ONE 90 SYSTEMS DEVT fEE $11 069 Plan Maintenance 10.00 CITY PLANNING SURCH $5 .78 Fire Hvdrant Refuse-To-Pav MISCELLANEOUS $5 oOO E.Q. Instrumentation 2.06 ---··~------O.S. Surchar2e 3.90 Total Due: $221 .24 Svs. Surchar2e 11.69 Carr!:I Over TO Tran~ 020037: $221 .24 Plannin2 Surchar2e 5.78 Plannin2 Surchar2e Misc Fee 5.00 02LA Permit lssuin2 Fee 0.00 33439 Sewer Cap ID: Total Bond(s) Due: 12. ATTACHMl!NTS JPlotPlan ~ ,c:::::: 13. STBUCTU!Y; INV~NTORY 02016 - 10000 - 15373 (E) Floor Area (ZC) 1,580 Sqft (E) Stories I Levels (E) Width 30 Feet (P) NFPA-13 Fire Sprinklers Thru-out (E) Parking Req'd 3 #Changed 3 Total (E) Provided Standard Parking 3 Stalls (E) Total Parking for Site 3 Site Total (E)Type V-N Construction (E) Length 52 Feet (P) E2 Occupancy 1,480 Sqft 49 Max 0cc.

14. APPLICATION COMMENTS In the event that any box (i.e. 1-16) is filled to capacity, it see condition in 02000-10000-00449 for case management and prelirn plan check notes. Storage/garage building at rear is possible that additional infonnation has been captured provides additional parking under 99010-70000-03325. Modification approval for water curtain sprinker in lieu of 3/4 hr. electronically and could not be printed due to space rated assembly for window openings. restrictions. Nevertheless, the infonnation printed exceeds that required by Section 19825 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California.

I15. Budding Relocated From:

16. CONTRACTOR, ARCIIlTECT. & ENGINEER NAME ADDRESS CLASS LICENSE# PHONE# (C) Segal Construction Co 1602 Viewmont Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90069 B 445274 323-864-1220 (E) Sawaya, Rarnzy C 1426 Larkwood St, West Covina, CA 91791 S3974

PERMIT EXPIRATION This pennit expires two years after the date of the pennit issuance. This pennit will also expire ifno construction work is performed for a continuous period of 180 days (Sec. 98.0602 LAMC). Claims for refund of fees paid must be filed within one year from the date of expiration for pennits granted by the Dept. of Building & Safety (Sec. 22.12 & 22.13 LAMC).

17. LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9 (connnencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and effect If doing work on a residential property, I certify that I hold a valid certification as a Home Improvement contractor per Business and Professions Code, Section 7150.2c. The following applies to B contractors only: I understand the limitations of Section 7057 of the Business and Professional Code related to my ability to take prime contracts or subcontracts involving specialty trades. t:.· License Class: Lie. No.: Contractor:

18. WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affrrm, under penalty of perjury, one of the following declarations:

LJ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this pennit is issued.

'~I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the perfonnance of the work for which this pennit is issued. My J"'< workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier:. ______Policy Number: ______

LJ I certify that in the perfonnance of the work for which this pennit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if! should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions.


19. ASBESTOS REMOVAL DECLARATION I certify that notification of asbestos removal is either not applicable or was sent to the AQMD or EPA as per section 19827.5 of the Health and Safety Code.

ZO. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the perfonnance of the work for which this pennit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civil Code).

Lender's name (if any): ______Lender's address:. ______

Zl. FINAL DECLARATION I certify that I have read this application INCLUDING THE ABOVE DECLARATIONS and state that the above infonnation INCLUDING THE ABOVE DECLARATIONS is correct I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. I realize that this pennit is an application for inspection and that it does not approve or authorize the work specified herein, and it does not authorize or pennit any violation or failure to comply with any applicable law. Furthermore, neither the City of Los Angeles nor any board, department officer, or employee-!hereof; make any warranty, nor shall be responsible for the perfonnance or results ofany work described herein, nor the condition of the property nor the soil upon which such work is performed. I further affirm under penalty of perjury, that the proposed work will not destroy or unreasonably interfere with any access or utility easement belonging to others and located on my property, but in the event such work does destroy or unreasonably interfere with such easemen~ a substitute easement(s) satisfactory to the holder(s) of the easement will be provided (Sec. 91.0106.4.3.4 LAMC). By signing below, I certify that: (I) I accept all the declarations above namely the Licensed Contractor's Declaration, Work~rs'ensation Declaration, Asbestos Removal Declaration, Construction Lending Agency Declaration and Final Declaration; and 71l c2_> This pennit,s !fing obtained with the co~~th~ 1,a1_ owner of then ...... ,, ·//A/ (l; _.20,.... rJr} Pnnt Name: (V{ ( CH: AI L .,..:::>FCl!s1gn: ---~=-...,"'-"~"4---_____k;Yt__ I/(__,_~- Date: -~!~~ __v_.c ~tractor D Authorized Agent I ~""' 1547 N Mccadden Pl Permit Application #: 02016 - 10000 - 15373 (;jl • Bldg-Alter/Repair City of Los Angeles - Department of Building and Safety Plan Check#: B02LA1626FO ~ '"' Commercial Initiating Office: METRO () "" Plan Check Submittal PLOT PLAN ATTACHMENT Printed on: 08/13/02 12:16:10 (~· :======::::=:::;;;=::::;,;;::::;=:,==;:=----;:~:::-::::::?~;-.::":?--:::::-~"'7""~~~~~...,,...~,-----======~ ~t -~ ·.:.- .._?'.} fi:·,,·:::j.,,,._. _ :'.,?: .. i::::f::~1~i~~-~:,}jt:!?ItJJ. ir)::_··::_: hi . :· .·'" ... --,·i . C'."., r·· i t:,"h '. Q. ~ ~ ··1 ·.~. ': t:c::::-:::=:::::-:::""==~~--=--:""'"'-~--~ ~,._;,,·. ·. (,d I C) ·., . I u.J .·t I ... ~I lliil ~- (:0 -· i~ l U.J ~, ~: (;)

I•~ 2 1') 1.1.l ~ 1:t 0 dj co . ,.) 1.1.l 1,1. 1 IA') 8 1t~,o r:ll ~ 0 1~I' cl ~ 1' ~ 1'.&i= ; '' i:pe:. ~ ' l'h ~ I, u(,;: 1.1.l E- ~ I I· J.a ~ il i:i.. "~ a: I \ i' 0 Ip~ LLf ---~------c~~--, ~ ~· p:: x1 ~, ~Q ~ 2 :::, ~


COUNCIL[ 1547 N Mccadden Pl Pennit#; -02016-J.0001-15373 '11' Plan Check#: B02LA1626F0 Printed: 12/31/02 08:18 AM • Event Code: Bldg-Alter/Repair City of Los Angeles -Department of Building and Safety Commercial Last Status: Ready t~ Issue Plan Check at Counter APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT No Submit Plan Check AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Status Date: 12/31/2002

!:..lBAcr l!lJK:K !.QJ1!l AM tQ!TNTV ~I At BEE• PARO:!,. II! I !tJl'! !l l. A~SE~I! tABD.I,• DAVIDSON TRACT A 20 M B5-153 l48-5A18S 301 5547 - 020 - 025 ------·-

~- tAHtEI, ll!!EQBMAIJ2'"' BAS Branch Office· LA En~Zone-9 Council District - 13 Fire District - I (Entire parcel) Community Plan Area· Hollywood Near Source Zone Distance - 0.7 Census Tract - I 907.000 Thomas Brothers Mnp Grid - 593-E4 District Map- 148-SAISS

ZONE(S): C4-2D / 4.~!.!MEl\'ll ZI -Zl 2277 ORD- ORD-173562 CPC • CPC-1999-324-JCO ZI - Zl-1352 CRA • ZI 1352 HOLLYWOOD ~ ~ Zl -Zl-2277 CPC • CPC-1986-835-GPC CPC - CPC-1999-2293-ICO ORD- ORD-165657 .. ~

6. tRQPf;RD'. Q\\~f;B, !f;S~T, APJ::!.l~'T ISEQl!.\l,il)QI!! l , i Own

TcnanL ApplicanL (Rcbtionship. Tm:w) .) Alla Matusova - 1434 N. Poinsettia Pl LOS ANGELES, CA 90046 (323) 428-9665 ~

1 lL ~EKBlfil!!N !!E l\"QBIS 7,El!lml'!'i ! :iE PROtQSED J'SE .;~"' (0 I) Dwelling - Single Family (18) School Building REVISE FLOOR FRAMING AND FOUNDATION PLANS AND CHANGE IN ENGINEER OF RECORD ON PERMIT# 02016-10000-15373. r,.

For infomution and/or inspcctioa requests originating within 1./\ County, 19 # Bl!l&lll•lil!!fll!.!!: 2-SFD & SfORAGE."GARAGE I 10. Attl.lt:6D21'1 tl!oet:ss~~ l!!!E2&"6I!2"' Call toll-free (888) LA4BUILD BLDG. PCBy: Bob Quan DAS PC By: Outside LA County, call (213)-977-6941. (LA4BUILO'" 524•2845) OK fc,r Cashier. Bob Quan Coord. OK: {1_-e-O For Cashier's Use Only W/0#: 21615373 Signature: fl trG__ I&/,,.,. Date: J2-"? 1-a2-- 11. •w• ~L- ya• •t.a'1"tnN.a. l"ln•u~~"''l"'S flaal Fc:c Period LA OePart•ent of Building and Saf~t~ Pennit Valuation: $301 PC Valuation: LA 05 08 073963 12/31/02 08:41AM FINAL TOTAL B1d2-Alter/RCtll1ir 240.92 BUILDING PER11IT COMM $H6. 25 Permit Fee Subtotal Bld2-Alter/Rci,t 146.25 BUILDING PLAN CHECK $65. 81 Handicapped Access EI CONMERCIAL $0. 51) Plan Check Subtotal Bld2-Alter/Reo 65.81 ONE STOP SURCH $4. 25 Fire Hydrant Refuse-To-Pay SYSTENS DE\lt FEE $.12. 75 E.Q. Instrumentation 0.50 CITY PLANNING SURCH $6.·:6 O.S. Surchar2e 4.25 MISCELLANEOUS $5.()I) Sys. Surchal'Sle 12.75 Plnnnin2 Surchar2c 6.36 Total Due: ------$240 .. 92 Plnnnin2 Surch&r2e Misc Fee 5.00 Credit Card: $240. 92 Peqnit lssuin2 Fee 0.00 02LA 37466

Sewer Cap ID: Total Bond(s) Due: IIt AJTACHMl/'{(S n. STJltC'TUII.E t'!VENJOBY 02016 - 10001 - 1S373 {E)FTOOlrkca (ZC) 1,580Sqft E)StollllCS 1 Levels {E)Widlih 30 Feet (P} NFl?'A-13 Fire Sprinklers Thru-out {E)Parbng Req'd 3#Chanitcd 3 Total {E) Pron:idcd Standard Parking 3 Stalls {E) Totllll Parking for Site 3 Site Total (E)'.f"ype V-N-Construction (E}~ 52Fcet (P)E20ocupancy 1,480Sqft 49 Max 0cc.

1,. APff,llC4TIOS COMMENTS In the event lhat any box (i.e. 1-16) is filled to ca1>3city, it is possible that additional infollll3tion has bttn captured electronically and could not be printed due to sp.:icc restrictions. Nevenheless, the information print~ exceeds that required by Section 19825 of the l kalth and Safety Code of the State ofC:llifomia.

IJS, lujlljllp• RtloS!lnt from:

l~ C.01'71!A!;;I2B, ~!!!:Jl[)];cr, & t:~G!l'IEER l'i~J\IE ~ ~ ~ .tHm!1.! (C) Sc:i::al Construction Co 1602 Vicwmont Drive, Los Anitelcs, CA 90069 B 445274 323-86-i-1220 (E} B.l:lshem, Efim Bercovich 1125 16th St Unit 5, Santa Monica, CA 90403 C34313

PER.\IIT EXPIRATIOS This permit expires two years after the date of the permit issuance. This pennit "ill also expire ifno construction work is perfonncd for a continuous period of ISO days (Sec. 98.0602 I.AMC). Claims for refW1d of fees paid must be filed within one~ from the date of expiration for permits granted by the DcpL ofBuilding& Safety(Scc. 22.12 &. 22.13 LAMC). ._j 17, UCENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION r,,.... I hereby affinn Wider pcn:ilty ofpcrjwy that I :unlicensed W1det' the provisions of Chapter 9 (commcncing with Section 7000) ofDMsion 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and niy license is in full force and elfccL If doing work. on a residential property, I certify that I hold a ,,.lid cenificaticm as a Home l111>rovcment contractor per Business and Professions ,-, Code, Section 7150.2c. The follo\\ing applies 10 B contractors only: I understand the limitations of Section 7057 of the Business and Professional Code related 10 my ability to take - prime contracts or subcontracts in\"olving specialty tr.Ides. .- License Class: Lie.No.: Contractor: I&. WORKERS' COMPE.'ISAT10N DECLARATION C I hereby affinn, Wider penalty of perjury, one of the following decbrations: LJ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self insure for workers' con-.,cnsation, as provided for by Scction3700 of the Labor Code, for the pcrfomunce of the work fbr ! . • which this pennit is issued.

.,,-":_ U I have and ,..;ll maintain wort..crs'-co~ insur.mce, as required by Section 3700 of the ubor Code, for the perfonnance of the work for which this permit is issued. My - workers' col)1>Cnsation insll!'ance carnet' and policy nurrber arc:

0 Carner: Policy Number:

,,.. ~ I certify that in the pcrfonnance of the won: for which this pennit is issued, I shall not elll'loY any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' co~tion laws of California, and agree that if! should become subject to the workers' C0111>Cnsation pro,isions of Section 3700 of the ubor Code, I shall forthwith ~ly "ith those prQvisions. r,... WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS" COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNIAWRJI..._AND SHALi.. SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES "::) AND CIVIi.. FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED TifOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADDffiON TO THE COST OF COMPENSA110N, DAMAGES ASP.ROVIDEO FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE. INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. 19.ASIESTOSREMOVALDECLARATION I certify that notification of asbestos reiroval is either not applicable or w:as sent to the AQ!'.ID or EPA as per section 19827 .S of the Health and Safety Code.

10. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY DECLARATION I iic:rcby aflinn Wider penalty of perjury that there is a coostnlclion lending agency forlhc performance oflhc won: for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civil Code).

l.cn&r's mmc (if any): l..cndct's address:

JI. FJNAL DECLARATION la:nify that I have read this application INCLUDING TIIEAIIOVE DECLARATIONS and state lhat the above information INCLUDING THE ABOVE DECURATIONS is correct. I lgRe It> COl11>1Y \IID all city and COIDlty ordinances and state laws relating to bu,lding construction, and bcrcby authorize reprcscntati,'CS of this city to enter upon the a.hove-mentioned propcny for inspection puEpOSCS. I realize that this pcnnit is an application for impc,clion and that it docs not approve or authorize the work specified herein, and it docs not authorize or peimt any violation or failUR to caq,ly \\ith any applicable law. Furthcnnolc, neither lhc City of Los Angeles nor any board, depanm:nt officer, or crr.,loyce thereof, make any wamnty, nor shall be responsible for the pcribrmana: or results ofany work dcscnbcd herein, nor the condition of the property nor the soil upon \\bich such work is pcrfonncd. I further affinn UDdcr penalty of perjury, that the proposed MIiii: wi11 not destroy or unreasonably interfere with any access or 1111lity ea.semen! belonging to others and located on my property, but in the event such wotk does destroy or UDrCaSOnably interfere 'lrill such easement, a substitute cascmcnl(s) satisfattorylO lhc boldcr(s) of the ea.semen! \\ill be pro,idcd (Sec, 91.0106.4.3.41..AMC). By signing below, I certify that: {I) I accept all the declaration$ above namely the lkenscd Contracto(s Declaration, Workers' ColJ'IICOS3tion Declaration, Asbestos Removal Declaration, Construction l..ending Agency Declaration and Final Decbration; and ~ (2) This pcnnit is being obtained with the consent of the legal O\l,1lttQfrn ~.,t,.-.. l'rinlNamc: /JI/: 1/,1/l 5 £6'4- L- Sign: ' · Date: /2 3ft OZ • ~Contractor O Authorized Agent CITY OF LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA




NOTE: Any change of use of occupancy must be approved by the Department of Building and Safety.

[X] This certifies that, so far as ascertained or made known to the undersigned, the vacant land, building or portion of building described below and located at the address complies with the applicable construction requirements (Chapter 9) and/or the applicable zoning requirements (Chapter 1) of the Los Angeles Municipal Code for the use, or occupancy group in which it is classified.* (Non-Residential Uses)

[] This certifies that, so far as ascertained by or make known to the undersigned, the building or portion of building described below and located at the above address complies with the applicable requirements of the Municipal Code, as follows: Ch. l, as to permitted uses, Ch. 9, Arts. 1,3,4, and 5; and with applicable requirements of State Housing Law-for following occupancies:* (Residential uses)

Permit No. and Year: 02016-10000-15373/02016-10001-15373





Issued By/Office: Bureau: Division: (LA)-VN-WLA-SP-C.D. #: (BLDG)-BCS: (GI)-MS-MSS-EQ-BMI-COMM:


Issued: 08/06/2003 08-B-95C (R.11/89)





NOTE: Any change of use of occupancy must be approved by the Department of Building and Safety.

[X] This certifies that, so far as ascertained or made known to the undersigned, the vacant land, building or portion of building described below and located at the address complies with the applicable construction requirements (Chapter 9) and/or the applicable zoning requirements (Chapter 1) of the Los Angeles Municipal Code for the use, or occupancy group in which it is classified.* (Non-Residential Uses)

[] This certifies that, so far as ascertained by or make known to the undersigned, the building or portion of building described below and located at the above address complies with the applicable requirements of the Municipal Code, as follows: Ch. l, as to permitted uses, Ch. 9, Arts. 1,3,4, and 5; and with applicable requirements of State Housing Law-for following occupancies:* (Residential uses)

Permit No. and Year: 02016-10000-15373/02016-10001-15373





Issued By/Office: Bureau: Division: (LA)-VN-WLA-SP-C.D. #: (BLDG)-BCS: (GI)-MS-MSS-EQ-BMI-COMM:


Issued: 08/06/2003 08-B-95C (R.11/89)

AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY - AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER 1547 N Mccadden Pl Permit#: 12016 - 20000 - 21499 Plan Check #: Bl 2VN 11419 Printed: I 0/25/ l 2 09:21 AM ' Event Code: Bldg-Alter/Repair City of Los Angeles - Department of Building and Safety Commercial • Last Status: Ready to Issue Plan Check at Counter APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Plan Check AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Status Date: 10/25/2012 !.I.R.iCI filJll:K lJllul .aBll comm: MAI! BEH l!ABCt;!. IUltL!!UUl l.. A§§t;S§OB l!ARCEI. It DAVIDSON TRACT A 20 MB 5-153 148-5Al85 301 5547 - 020 - 025

!. PABCEI, !l'.ifQBMAIIQN Area Planning Commission - Central Census Tract - 1907.00 School Within 500 Foot Radius - YES LADBS Branch Office - LA District Map - l 48-5A 185 Thomas Brothers Map Grid - 593-E4 Council District - 13 Energy Zone - 9 Certified Neighborhood Council - Central Hollywood Fire District - I (Entire parcel) Community Plan Area - Hollywood Near Source Zone Distance - . 7

~ONES(S): C4-2D ( i. UOCJIMEl'.jJS ).. Zl - Zl-1352 Hollywood Redevelopment ZI -ZI-2423 Hollywood Community Pia CRA -Zl 1352 HOLLYWOOD CPC - CPC-1999-324-ICO

I ZI - Zl-2277 Hollywood Redevelopment ORD - ORD-165657-SA90 CPC - CPC-1986-835-G PC CPC - CPC-2003-2115-CRA ZI - ZI-2330 Hollywood Signage Suppl l ORD - ORD-173562 CPC -CPC-1997-43-CPU CPC - CPC-2005-6082-CPU i: ZI - ZI-2374 LOS ANGELES STATE El ORD-ORD-182173-SA4:IB CPC - CPC-i 999-2293-ICO CDBG - LARZ-Central City l.1· I : ~ Cl1ECKl,1SI ITEMS Std. Work Descr - Interior Non-struct. Remo i'' ., j (~; I-' I ~ PRQl!ERIX QWl'.iF.B, mm. Afl!UCAl'.iI 11'.ifQBMATION l\1 Owner{s): 1 · :: Matusov, Aleksandr And Alla 1547 Mccadden Pl LOS ANGELES CA 90028 1,:.-• 1,;c, Tenant: (':) Applicant (Relationshiµ Agent for Contractor) (:f Eitan Ensail - (818) 262-5665

:Z. EXISTING JJS!\ PROPOSEU HSE L llt':§CB!fIIOl'.i Of WORK ( 18) School Building REMODEL (E)KITCHEN AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL REPLACE TILE, DRYWALL& EQUIPMENT. I I2. It l!ld2ua Sile & l!K.. For inspection requests, call toll-free (888) LA4BUILD (524-2845). Outside LA Counly, call (213) 482-0000 or request inspeclions via !l!. APP!,ICAI!QN PROCE§§INI:, fNt:OBMAIJQN www.Iadbs.org. To speak to a Call Center agen~ call JI I or BLDG. PC By: Jin Kang Tan DAS PC By: (866) 4LACITY (452-2489). Outside LA Counly, call (213) 473-3231. OK for Cashier: Steven Kim Coord. OK: . ,----"";:='=~-=-~ For CashiW's Os'tOnb'.lent of Build i 11\V/lr1f! ti'62f499 Signature: ~---·-- -- , · " Date: I c/2 Vin- VN 07 16 322733 10/25/12 o0 ~~5~H !!. PRQ.JECT VXUJATIO:S &~RM.ill!lli Final Fee P

li.~TIQN COMMENTS· In the event that any box (i.e. 1-16) is filled to capacity, it is (E) school building pennitted under 02016-10000-15373. possible that additional infonnation has been captured electronically and could not be printed due to space restrictions. Nevertheless the infonnation printed exceeds that required by section 19825 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California


A§. CONTRAC!QR, ARCH!IECT Ii ENGINEER NAME ~ ~ .!JJ:.ENS.E It (C) Home Top Construction & Design Inc 693 I Van Nuys Blvd #307, Van Nuys, CA 91405 B 939788

PERMIT EXPIRATION/REFUNDS: This pennit expires two years after the date of the pennit issuance This pennit will also expire if no construction work is perfonned for a continuous period of 180 days (Sec. 98.0602 LAMC). Claims for refund of fees paid must be filed within one year from the date of expiration for pemts granted by LADBS (Sec. 22.12 & 22.13 LAMC). The pennittee may be entitled to reimbursement of pennit fees if the Departmnt fails to conduct an inpection within60 days of receiving a request for final inspection(HS 17951 ).

11. J.JCENSEQ CONTRACTOR'S QECJ ARATION I hereby aflinn under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under the provisions of Chaplet) (commencing with Section7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and effect The following applies to B contractors only. I understand the limitations of Section7057 of the Business and Professional Code related to my ability to take prime contracts or subcontracts involving specialty trades

License Class: B License No.: 939788 Contractor: HOME TOP CONSTRUCTION & DESIGN INC

ll. WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATIQN I hereby aflinn, under penalty of perjury, one of the following declarations

~ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self insure for worker'scompensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the perfonnance of the work for which \ this pennit is issued

~ have and will maintain worker~ compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the perfonnance of the work for which this pennit is issued My workers' /'fompensation insurance carrier and policy number are

Carrier: State Comp. Ins. Fund Policy Number. _1_9_7_7_2_1_6 ______

~ I certify that in the perfonnance of the work for which this pennit is issue\!! shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workerscompensation laws of California, and agree that if[ should become subject to the worker~ compensation provisions ofSection3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions


J.2. ASBF:S!QS REMOVAL DECLARA!JQN l LEAD HAZARD WARNING I certify that notification of asbestos removal is either not applicable or has been submitted to the'\.QMD or EPA as per section 19827 .5 of the Health and Safety Code Infonnation is available at (909) 396-2336 and the notification fonn atwww agmd goy. Lead safe construction practices are required when doing repairs that disturb paint in prel978 buildings due to the presence of lead per section 6716 and 6717 of the Labor Code. Infonnation is available at Health Services for LA County a(800) 524-5323 or the State of California at(800) 597-5323 or www dhs ca goy/childlead

.g. CONS!RJICTION LENDING AGENQ'. DECLARATION I hereby aflinn under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the perfonnance ofhe work for which this pennit is issued(Sec. 3097, Civil Code).

Lender's Name (If Any): Lender's Address:

ll. FINAL DECI ARATIQN I certify that I have read this applicationINCLUDrNG THE ABOVE DECLARATIONS and state that the above infonnationINCLUDING THE ABOVE DECLARATIONS is correct. I agree to comply wit~ all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building constructi0Jl3lld hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the abovementioned property for inspection purposes. I realize that this pennit is an application for inspection and that it does not approve or athorize the work specified herein, and it does not auhorize or pennit any violation or failure to comply with any applicable law. Furthennore, neither the City of Los Angeles nor any boarcj department officer, or employee thereof, make any warranty, nor shall be responsible for the perfonnance or results of any work described herein, nor the condition of the property nor the soil upon which such work is perfonned I further aflinn under penalty of perjury that the proposed work will not destroy or unreasonably interfere with any access or utility easement belonging to others and located on my prope~ut in the event such work does destroy or unreasonably interfere with such easemen,ta substitute ersemen(s) satisfactory to the holder(s) of the easement will be provided(Sec. 91.0106.4.3.4 LAMC).

By signir.g below, I certify that: (I) I acctpt all the declarations above namely the Licensed Contractols Declaration, Workers' Compensation Declaration, Asbestos Removal Declaration/ Lead Hazard Warning, Construction Lending Agency Declaratio11 and Final Declaratio~ and h (2) This pennit is being obtained with the consent of the legal owner of the property

Print Name: Cf",•"" r ~,!("'9 / ; Sign: Date: ,,, /-,. lj '/J- D Contractor D Authorized Agent I 154 7 N Mccadden P~ Pennit Application#: 12016 - 20000 - 21499

Bldg-Alter/Repair City of Los Angeles - Department of Building and Safety Plan Check#: B12VN11419 Commercial Initiating Office: VAN NUYS I Plan Check PLOT PLAN ATTACHMENT Printed on: 10/24/12 12:03:39


r I L~ &...._._ --



..' • .. IA I f. ----I -• (

{ I fy!/ 'I (' COLlNC!L DISTRICT: 13 INSPECTION DISTRICT: 8IGJM2 PT (IT PT A }..T ,A TT /t f"""U\ AC...T'T" 1547 N Mccadden Pl Permit#: 12016 - 20000 - 21499 Plan Check #: Bl 2VN 11419 Printed: I 0/25/ l 2 09:21 AM ' Event Code: Bldg-Alter/Repair City of Los Angeles - Department of Building and Safety Commercial • Last Status: Ready to Issue Plan Check at Counter APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Plan Check AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Status Date: 10/25/2012 !.I.R.iCI filJll:K lJllul .aBll comm: MAI! BEH l!ABCt;!. IUltL!!UUl l.. A§§t;S§OB l!ARCEI. It DAVIDSON TRACT A 20 MB 5-153 148-5Al85 301 5547 - 020 - 025

!. PABCEI, !l'.ifQBMAIIQN Area Planning Commission - Central Census Tract - 1907.00 School Within 500 Foot Radius - YES LADBS Branch Office - LA District Map - l 48-5A 185 Thomas Brothers Map Grid - 593-E4 Council District - 13 Energy Zone - 9 Certified Neighborhood Council - Central Hollywood Fire District - I (Entire parcel) Community Plan Area - Hollywood Near Source Zone Distance - . 7

~ONES(S): C4-2D ( i. UOCJIMEl'.jJS ).. Zl - Zl-1352 Hollywood Redevelopment ZI -ZI-2423 Hollywood Community Pia CRA -Zl 1352 HOLLYWOOD CPC - CPC-1999-324-ICO

I ZI - Zl-2277 Hollywood Redevelopment ORD - ORD-165657-SA90 CPC - CPC-1986-835-G PC CPC - CPC-2003-2115-CRA ZI - ZI-2330 Hollywood Signage Suppl l ORD - ORD-173562 CPC -CPC-1997-43-CPU CPC - CPC-2005-6082-CPU i: ZI - ZI-2374 LOS ANGELES STATE El ORD-ORD-182173-SA4:IB CPC - CPC-i 999-2293-ICO CDBG - LARZ-Central City l.1· I : ~ Cl1ECKl,1SI ITEMS Std. Work Descr - Interior Non-struct. Remo i'' ., j (~; I-' I ~ PRQl!ERIX QWl'.iF.B, mm. Afl!UCAl'.iI 11'.ifQBMATION l\1 Owner{s): 1 · :: Matusov, Aleksandr And Alla 1547 Mccadden Pl LOS ANGELES CA 90028 1,:.-• 1,;c, Tenant: (':) Applicant (Relationshiµ Agent for Contractor) (:f Eitan Ensail - (818) 262-5665

:Z. EXISTING JJS!\ PROPOSEU HSE L llt':§CB!fIIOl'.i Of WORK ( 18) School Building REMODEL (E)KITCHEN AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL REPLACE TILE, DRYWALL& EQUIPMENT. I I2. It l!ld2ua Sile & l!K.. For inspection requests, call toll-free (888) LA4BUILD (524-2845). Outside LA Counly, call (213) 482-0000 or request inspeclions via !l!. APP!,ICAI!QN PROCE§§INI:, fNt:OBMAIJQN www.Iadbs.org. To speak to a Call Center agen~ call JI I or BLDG. PC By: Jin Kang Tan DAS PC By: (866) 4LACITY (452-2489). Outside LA Counly, call (213) 473-3231. OK for Cashier: Steven Kim Coord. OK: . ,----"";:='=~-=-~ For CashiW's Os'tOnb'.lent of Build i 11\V/lr1f! ti'62f499 Signature: ~---·-- -- , · " Date: I c/2 Vin- VN 07 16 322733 10/25/12 o0 ~~5~H !!. PRQ.JECT VXUJATIO:S &~RM.ill!lli Final Fee P

li.~TIQN COMMENTS· In the event that any box (i.e. 1-16) is filled to capacity, it is (E) school building pennitted under 02016-10000-15373. possible that additional infonnation has been captured electronically and could not be printed due to space restrictions. Nevertheless the infonnation printed exceeds that required by section 19825 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California


A§. CONTRAC!QR, ARCH!IECT Ii ENGINEER NAME ~ ~ .!JJ:.ENS.E It (C) Home Top Construction & Design Inc 693 I Van Nuys Blvd #307, Van Nuys, CA 91405 B 939788

PERMIT EXPIRATION/REFUNDS: This pennit expires two years after the date of the pennit issuance This pennit will also expire if no construction work is perfonned for a continuous period of 180 days (Sec. 98.0602 LAMC). Claims for refund of fees paid must be filed within one year from the date of expiration for pemts granted by LADBS (Sec. 22.12 & 22.13 LAMC). The pennittee may be entitled to reimbursement of pennit fees if the Departmnt fails to conduct an inpection within60 days of receiving a request for final inspection(HS 17951 ).

11. J.JCENSEQ CONTRACTOR'S QECJ ARATION I hereby aflinn under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under the provisions of Chaplet) (commencing with Section7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and effect The following applies to B contractors only. I understand the limitations of Section7057 of the Business and Professional Code related to my ability to take prime contracts or subcontracts involving specialty trades

License Class: B License No.: 939788 Contractor: HOME TOP CONSTRUCTION & DESIGN INC

ll. WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATIQN I hereby aflinn, under penalty of perjury, one of the following declarations

~ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self insure for worker'scompensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the perfonnance of the work for which \ this pennit is issued

~ have and will maintain worker~ compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the perfonnance of the work for which this pennit is issued My workers' /'fompensation insurance carrier and policy number are

Carrier: State Comp. Ins. Fund Policy Number. _1_9_7_7_2_1_6 ______

~ I certify that in the perfonnance of the work for which this pennit is issue\!! shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workerscompensation laws of California, and agree that if[ should become subject to the worker~ compensation provisions ofSection3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions


J.2. ASBF:S!QS REMOVAL DECLARA!JQN l LEAD HAZARD WARNING I certify that notification of asbestos removal is either not applicable or has been submitted to the'\.QMD or EPA as per section 19827 .5 of the Health and Safety Code Infonnation is available at (909) 396-2336 and the notification fonn atwww agmd goy. Lead safe construction practices are required when doing repairs that disturb paint in prel978 buildings due to the presence of lead per section 6716 and 6717 of the Labor Code. Infonnation is available at Health Services for LA County a(800) 524-5323 or the State of California at(800) 597-5323 or www dhs ca goy/childlead

.g. CONS!RJICTION LENDING AGENQ'. DECLARATION I hereby aflinn under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the perfonnance ofhe work for which this pennit is issued(Sec. 3097, Civil Code).

Lender's Name (If Any): Lender's Address:

ll. FINAL DECI ARATIQN I certify that I have read this applicationINCLUDrNG THE ABOVE DECLARATIONS and state that the above infonnationINCLUDING THE ABOVE DECLARATIONS is correct. I agree to comply wit~ all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building constructi0Jl3lld hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the abovementioned property for inspection purposes. I realize that this pennit is an application for inspection and that it does not approve or athorize the work specified herein, and it does not auhorize or pennit any violation or failure to comply with any applicable law. Furthennore, neither the City of Los Angeles nor any boarcj department officer, or employee thereof, make any warranty, nor shall be responsible for the perfonnance or results of any work described herein, nor the condition of the property nor the soil upon which such work is perfonned I further aflinn under penalty of perjury that the proposed work will not destroy or unreasonably interfere with any access or utility easement belonging to others and located on my prope~ut in the event such work does destroy or unreasonably interfere with such easemen,ta substitute ersemen(s) satisfactory to the holder(s) of the easement will be provided(Sec. 91.0106.4.3.4 LAMC).

By signir.g below, I certify that: (I) I acctpt all the declarations above namely the Licensed Contractols Declaration, Workers' Compensation Declaration, Asbestos Removal Declaration/ Lead Hazard Warning, Construction Lending Agency Declaratio11 and Final Declaratio~ and h (2) This pennit is being obtained with the consent of the legal owner of the property

Print Name: Cf",•"" r ~,!("'9 / ; Sign: Date: ,,, /-,. lj '/J- D Contractor D Authorized Agent I 154 7 N Mccadden P~ Pennit Application#: 12016 - 20000 - 21499

Bldg-Alter/Repair City of Los Angeles - Department of Building and Safety Plan Check#: B12VN11419 Commercial Initiating Office: VAN NUYS I Plan Check PLOT PLAN ATTACHMENT Printed on: 10/24/12 12:03:39


r I L~ &...._._ --



..' • .. IA I f. ----I -• (

{ I fy!/ 'I (' COLlNC!L DISTRICT: 13 INSPECTION DISTRICT: 8IGJM2 PT (IT PT A }..T ,A TT /t f"""U\ AC...T'T" Fritz Cottage: 1547–1549 McCadden Pl.: originally 207 Bonita Pl., then 1547 McCadden Pl., Los Angeles, CA 90028 ~ Built: c. 1908 ~ Original owner: Godfrey Fritz ~ Architect/builder/contractor: Unknown, likely Godfrey Fritz ~ Photographs: © Anna Marie Brooks Nov. 2017.

East façade: Hipped roof, front gable/porch roof w/ shingles; framed paired vent; decorative braces; flattened peak with dentils; square columns; raised clapboard clad porch; substitued entry; origianl paired windows extended downward into current French doors; tile & railings added on steps. Original bay widow replaced with vinyl, view west.

East façade: Paved yard; added brick columns, metal fence. South elevation: South driveway; overhanging roof/decorative beam ends, facia; vinyl replaced picture window w/sides; bay window; rear added shed roof storage building, 2000, view west. Fritz Cottage: 1547–1549 McCadden Pl.: originally 207 Bonita Pl., then 1547 McCadden Pl., Los Angeles, CA 90028 ~ Built: c. 1908 ~ Original owner: Godfrey Fritz ~ Architect/builder/contractor: Unknown, likely Godfrey Fritz ~ Photographs: © Anna Marie Brooks Nov. 2017.

Rear shed roof office/storage building, added 2000. Residence: South elevation with ornate beam ends and facia; east façade, view northwest. California Fan Palm Trees (Washingtonia filifera).

Shed roof building at west. Residence: South elevation with tuck-under addition at west; centered shingled gable within complex hipped roofs, bay window beneath; original one-over-one wood frame windows at west, vinyl at east. Chimney at center, view northwest. Fritz Cottage: 1547–1549 McCadden Pl.: originally 207 Bonita Pl., then 1547 McCadden Pl., Los Angeles, CA 90028 ~ Built: c. 1908 ~ Original owner: Godfrey Fritz ~ Architect/builder/contractor: Unknown, likely Godfrey Fritz ~ Photographs: © Anna Marie Brooks Nov. 2017.

Detail: East façade, shingle clad gable end, paired framed Detail: East façade, north end of porch; fire suppression vents, overhanging eave with facia, closed by clad in system extant when residence converted to private tongue & groove as is raised porch ceiling supported by school which it is no longer. East lawn paved in brick, square wood piers on clapboard clad porch with flattened tile and cement, view west. peak/dentils & decorative braces. Original door replaced; paired windows extended downward into current vinyl slider doors, all in original openings. Steps tiled, east yard paved, view west. Fritz Bungalow: 1547 – 1549 McCadden Place, Los Angeles, CA 90028 ~ Built: 1908/soon after ~ Original owner: Godfrey Fritz ~ Architect/builder/contractor: Unknown, likely Godfrey Fritz ~ Built: 1908/soon after ~ Photographs: © Anna Marie Brooks Nov. 2017.

Bing Maps: East façades: Residence; carport & offices/storage, Bing Maps: West facades: Offices/storage added 2000; carport added 2000. Two California Fan Palm Trees in east yard, and residence. Two California Fan Palm Trees in east yard, view west. view east. Fritz Cottage: 1547–1549 McCadden Pl.: originally 207 Bonita Pl., then 1547 McCadden Pl., Los Angeles, CA 90028 ~ Built: c. 1910 ~ Original owner: Godfrey Fritz ~ Architect/builder/contractor: Unknown, likely Godfrey Fritz ~ Photographs: © Anna Marie Brooks Nov. 2017.

Bing Maps: South elevations of 1547 McCadden Place. Tuck under addition to rear/west of residence, date unknown. The office/storage building at west added, 2000, view north.

Bing Maps: North elevations of 1547 McCadden Place. Tuck under addition to rear/west of Residence, added in unknown year. Blue tent is a carport. Blue with shed roof is office/storage, added 2000 when utilized as private school, view south. Fritz Cottage: 1547–1549 McCadden Pl.: originally 207 Bonita Pl., then 1547 McCadden Pl., Los Angeles, CA 90028 ~ Built: c. 1910 ~ Original owner: Godfrey Fritz ~ Architect/builder/contractor: Unknown, likely Godfrey Fritz ~ Photographs: © Anna Marie Brooks Nov. 2017.

The Perfect Kitchen Cabinet Source: The Grizzly, 1911. Godfrey Fritz, n. d. Fritz Cottage: 1547–1549 McCadden Pl.: originally 207 Bonita Pl., then 1547 McCadden Pl., Los Angeles, CA 90028 ~ Built: c. 1910 ~ Original owner: Godfrey Fritz ~ Architect/builder/contractor: Unknown, likely Godfrey Fritz ~ Historic material.

Illustration for R. H. Vondenbosch patent for Hot Blast Furnace. Application filed April 22, 1908. Patent No. 945,994; granted Jan 11, 1910; assigned one-half to Godfrey Fritz.

The above patent called the Excelsior Gas Furnace was sold locally by Vondenbosch at his Central Hardware Co. in Hollywood. Source: Southwest Contractor and Manufacturer, Vol. 2, Issue 11, p.18. Fritz Cottage: 1547–1549 McCadden Pl.: originally 207 Bonita Pl., then 1547 McCadden Pl., Los Angeles, CA 90028 ~ Built: c. 1910 ~ Original owner: Godfrey Fritz ~ Architect/builder/contractor: Unknown, likely Godfrey Fritz ~ Historic material.

Specification of Letters Patent 945,994, page 1.

Fritz Cottage: 1547–1549 McCadden Pl.: originally 207 Bonita Pl., then 1547 McCadden Pl., Los Angeles, CA 90028 ~ Built: c. 1910 ~ Original owner: Godfrey Fritz ~ Architect/builder/contractor: Unknown, likely Godfrey Fritz ~ Historic material.

Specification of Letters Patent 945,994, page 2.

Fritz Cottage: 1547–1549 McCadden Pl.: originally 207 Bonita Pl., then 1547 McCadden Pl., Los Angeles, CA 90028 ~ Built: c. 1908 ~ Original owner: Godfrey Fritz ~ Architect/builder/contractor: Unknown, likely Godfrey Fritz ~ Historic Materials.

Oxnard Sugar Beet Factory, 1902. Courtesy Oxnard Public Library.

Oxnard Sugar Beet Factory, n. d.

Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps

Hollywood Sanborn Fire Insurance Map: May 1907, sheet 19.


Hollywood Sanborn Fire Insurance Map: January 1913, sheet 23.


Los Angeles Sanborn Fire Insurance Map 1906-Jan 1950, Vol. 10, 1919, Sht. 1048.


Los Angeles Sanborn Fire Insurance Map, 1906-Jan. 1951 vol. 10, 1919-Nov. 1950, Sheet 1048.

5 City of Los Angeles Department of City Planning

2/6/2018 PARCEL PROFILE REPORT PROPERTY ADDRESSES Address/Legal Information 1549 N MCCADDEN PL PIN Number 148-5A185 301 1547 N MCCADDEN PL Lot/Parcel Area (Calculated) 6,875.0 (sq ft) Thomas Brothers Grid PAGE 593 - GRID E4 ZIP CODES Assessor Parcel No. (APN) 5547020025 90028 Tract DAVIDSON TRACT Map Reference M B 5-153 RECENT ACTIVITY Block A Adaptive Reuse Incentive Spec. Pln- Lot 20 Ord 175038 Arb (Lot Cut Reference) None

Map Sheet 148-5A185 CASE NUMBERS Jurisdictional Information CPC-2016-4927-DA Community Plan Area Hollywood CPC-2016-1450-CPU Area Planning Commission Central CPC-2015-2025-HD-ZC-MCUP-CU- Neighborhood Council Central Hollywood SPR Council District CD 13 - Mitch O'Farrell CPC-2014-669-CPU Census Tract # 1907.00 CPC-2005-6082-CPU LADBS District Office Los Angeles Metro CPC-2003-2115-CRA Planning and Zoning Information CPC-1999-324-ICO Special Notes None CPC-1999-2293-ICO Zoning C4-2D CPC-1997-43-CPU Zoning Information (ZI) ZI-1352 Hollywood Redevelopment Project CPC-1986-835-GPC ZI-2277 Hollywood Redevelopment Project ORD-182960 ZI-2330 Hollywood (CRA Area) ORD-182173-SA4:1B ZI-2374 LOS ANGELES STATE ENTERPRISE ZONE ORD-173562 ZI-2452 Transit Priority Area in the City of Los Angeles ORD-165657-SA90 ZI-2433 Revised Hollywood Injunction ORD-129944 General Plan Land Use Regional Center Commercial VTT-73568 General Plan Note(s) Yes ENV-2016-1451-EIR Hillside Area (Zoning Code) No ENV-2015-2026-EIR Specific Plan Area None ENV-2014-670-SE Subarea None ENV-2005-2158-EIR Special Land Use / Zoning None

Design Review Board No Historic Preservation Review No Historic Preservation Overlay Zone None Other Historic Designations None Other Historic Survey Information None Mills Act Contract None CDO: Community Design Overlay None CPIO: Community Plan Imp. Overlay None Subarea None CUGU: Clean Up-Green Up None NSO: Neighborhood Stabilization Overlay No POD: Pedestrian Oriented Districts None SN: Sign District Hollywood (CRA Area) Streetscape No

This report is subject to the terms and conditions as set forth on the website. For more details, please refer to the terms and conditions at zimas.lacity.org (*) - APN Area is provided "as is" from the Los Angeles County's Public Works, Flood Control, Benefit Assessment.

zimas.lacity.org | planning.lacity.org Adaptive Reuse Incentive Area Adaptive Reuse Incentive Areas Ellis Act Property No Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) No Transit Oriented Communities (TOC) Tier 4 CRA - Community Redevelopment Agency Hollywood Redevelopment Project Central City Parking No Downtown Parking No Building Line None 500 Ft School Zone Active: Hollywood High School 500 Ft Park Zone No Assessor Information Assessor Parcel No. (APN) 5547020025 Ownership (Assessor) Owner1 DUTTENHAVER,LINDA L TR LINDY TRUST Address 6671 W SUNSET BLVD STE 1575 LOS ANGELES CA 90028 Ownership (Bureau of Engineering, Land Records) Owner DUTTENHAVER, LINDA LA KRETZ LINDY TRUST Address 6671 W SUNSET BLVD STE 1575 LOS ANGELES CA 90028 APN Area (Co. Public Works)* 0.158 (ac) Use Code 0100 - Residential - Single Family Residence Assessed Land Val. $1,082,259 Assessed Improvement Val. $216,451 Last Owner Change 05/15/2013 Last Sale Amount $1,200,012 Tax Rate Area 200 Deed Ref No. (City Clerk) 939282 8-454 731817 634336 60765 1269425 1061161 Building 1 Year Built 1907 Building Class D6 Number of Units 0 Number of Bedrooms 2 Number of Bathrooms 2 Building Square Footage 1,872.0 (sq ft) Building 2 No data for building 2 Building 3 No data for building 3 Building 4 No data for building 4 Building 5 No data for building 5 Additional Information Airport Hazard None Coastal Zone None Farmland Area Not Mapped Urban Agriculture Incentive Zone YES Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone No Fire District No. 1 Yes Flood Zone None Watercourse No Hazardous Waste / Border Zone Properties No This report is subject to the terms and conditions as set forth on the website. For more details, please refer to the terms and conditions at zimas.lacity.org (*) - APN Area is provided "as is" from the Los Angeles County's Public Works, Flood Control, Benefit Assessment.

zimas.lacity.org | planning.lacity.org Methane Hazard Site None High Wind Velocity Areas No Special Grading Area (BOE Basic Grid Map A- No 13372) Oil Wells None Seismic Hazards Active Fault Near-Source Zone Nearest Fault (Distance in km) 0.71274432 Nearest Fault (Name) Hollywood Fault Region Transverse Ranges and Los Angeles Basin Fault Type B Slip Rate (mm/year) 1.00000000 Slip Geometry Left Lateral - Reverse - Oblique Slip Type Poorly Constrained Down Dip Width (km) 14.00000000 Rupture Top 0.00000000 Rupture Bottom 13.00000000 Dip Angle (degrees) 70.00000000 Maximum Magnitude 6.40000000 Alquist-Priolo Fault Zone No Landslide No Liquefaction No Preliminary Fault Rupture Study Area No Tsunami Inundation Zone No Economic Development Areas Business Improvement District None Promise Zone None Renewal Community No Revitalization Zone Central City State Enterprise Zone LOS ANGELES STATE ENTERPRISE ZONE Targeted Neighborhood Initiative None Public Safety Police Information Bureau West Division / Station Hollywood Reporting District 646 Fire Information Bureau West Batallion 5 District / Fire Station 27 Red Flag Restricted Parking No

This report is subject to the terms and conditions as set forth on the website. For more details, please refer to the terms and conditions at zimas.lacity.org (*) - APN Area is provided "as is" from the Los Angeles County's Public Works, Flood Control, Benefit Assessment.

zimas.lacity.org | planning.lacity.org CASE SUMMARIES Note: Information for case summaries is retrieved from the Planning Department's Plan Case Tracking System (PCTS) database. Case Number: CPC-2016-4927-DA Required Action(s): DA-DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT Project Descriptions(s): PURSUANT TO SECTION 12.32, A ZC AND HD CHANGE FROM PURSUANT TO SECTION 12.24-W.1 AND 18 TO ALLOW 22 CUBS FOR ON-AND OFF SITE SALES OF ALCOHOL AND TO ALLOW DANCING, PURSUANT TO SECTION 12.24-W.19, TO ALLOW FAR AND DENSITY AVERAGING AND PURSUANT TO SECTION 12.27, A ZV TO ALLOW Case Number: CPC-2016-1450-CPU Required Action(s): CPU-COMMUNITY PLAN UPDATE Project Descriptions(s): UPDATE TO THE HOLLYWOOD COMMUNITY PLAN Case Number: CPC-2015-2025-HD-ZC-MCUP-CU-SPR Required Action(s): CU-CONDITIONAL USE MCUP-MASTER CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT HD-HEIGHT DISTRICT SPR-SITE PLAN REVIEW ZC-ZONE CHANGE Project Descriptions(s): PURSUANT TO SECTION 12.32, A ZC AND HD CHANGE FROM PURSUANT TO SECTION 12.24-W.1 AND 18 TO ALLOW 22 CUBS FOR ON-AND OFF SITE SALES OF ALCOHOL AND TO ALLOW DANCING, PURSUANT TO SECTION 12.24-W.19, TO ALLOW FAR AND DENSITY AVERAGING AND PURSUANT TO SECTION 12.27, A ZV TO ALLOW Case Number: CPC-2014-669-CPU Required Action(s): CPU-COMMUNITY PLAN UPDATE Project Descriptions(s): COMMUNITY PLAN UPDATE/GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT Case Number: CPC-2005-6082-CPU Required Action(s): CPU-COMMUNITY PLAN UPDATE Project Descriptions(s): Data Not Available Case Number: CPC-2003-2115-CRA Required Action(s): CRA-COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Project Descriptions(s): First Amendment to the Hollywood Redevelopment Plan Case Number: CPC-1999-324-ICO Required Action(s): ICO-INTERIM CONTROL ORDINANCE Project Descriptions(s): Case Number: CPC-1999-2293-ICO Required Action(s): ICO-INTERIM CONTROL ORDINANCE Project Descriptions(s): INTERIM CONTROL ORDINANCE. Case Number: CPC-1997-43-CPU Required Action(s): CPU-COMMUNITY PLAN UPDATE Project Descriptions(s): COMMUNITY PLAN UPDATE FOR HOLLYWOOD WHICH IDENTIFIES AND REDEFINES OUTDATED LAND USE ISSUES AND INCONSISTENT ZONING, REVIEWS POLICIES AND PROGRAMS, AS WELL AS REVISING AND UPDATING THE PLAN MAP AND TEXT Case Number: CPC-1986-835-GPC Required Action(s): GPC-GENERAL PLAN/ZONING CONSISTENCY (AB283) Project Descriptions(s): PLAN AMENDMENTS AND ZONE CHANGES FOR THE HOLLYWOOD COMMUNITY PLAN REVISION/ZONING CONSISTENCY PROGRAM Case Number: VTT-73568 Required Action(s): Data Not Available Project Descriptions(s): VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT PER SECTION 17.03 FOR THE DIVISION OF LAND INTO 5 GROUND LOTS AND 41 AIRSPACE LOTS. Case Number: ENV-2016-1451-EIR Required Action(s): EIR-ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Project Descriptions(s): UPDATE TO THE HOLLYWOOD COMMUNITY PLAN Case Number: ENV-2015-2026-EIR Required Action(s): EIR-ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Project Descriptions(s): PURSUANT TO SECTION 12.32, A ZC AND HD CHANGE FROM PURSUANT TO SECTION 12.24-W.1 AND 18 TO ALLOW 22 CUBS FOR ON-AND OFF SITE SALES OF ALCOHOL AND TO ALLOW DANCING, PURSUANT TO SECTION 12.24-W.19, TO ALLOW FAR AND DENSITY AVERAGING AND PURSUANT TO SECTION 12.27, A ZV TO ALLOW Case Number: ENV-2014-670-SE Required Action(s): SE-STATUTORY EXEMPTIONS Project Descriptions(s): COMMUNITY PLAN UPDATE/GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT This report is subject to the terms and conditions as set forth on the website. For more details, please refer to the terms and conditions at zimas.lacity.org (*) - APN Area is provided "as is" from the Los Angeles County's Public Works, Flood Control, Benefit Assessment.


DATA NOT AVAILABLE ORD-182960 ORD-182173-SA4:1B ORD-173562 ORD-165657-SA90 ORD-129944

This report is subject to the terms and conditions as set forth on the website. For more details, please refer to the terms and conditions at zimas.lacity.org (*) - APN Area is provided "as is" from the Los Angeles County's Public Works, Flood Control, Benefit Assessment.

zimas.lacity.org | planning.lacity.org City of Los Angeles ZIMAS INTRANET 2014 Digital Color-Ortho 02/06/2018 Department of City Planning

Address: 1547 N MCCADDEN PL Tract: DAVIDSON TRACT Zoning: C4-2D APN: 5547020025 Block: A General Plan: Regional Center Commercial PIN #: 148-5A185 301 Lot: 20 Arb: None

Streets Copyright (c) Thomas Brothers Maps, Inc.