!Lay, 1911 N11.1
11al. XX11JJJ !lay, 1911 N11.1 Official Organ of l(appa Rappa 6amma Voluine X'XVIII MAY, 19H Number2 6oard of Editors Editor-in-Chief- Mrs. Ralph T. C. Jackson "Hearthstone," Dighton, Mass. Exchange Editor- Mrs. Howard B. Mullin . 842 Ackerman Ave., Syracuse, N.Y (!lnutruta INAUGURAL ADDREss-Virginia C. Gildersleeve . IOI FRIENDS-A Song-Cora Call Whitley ............... .. I07 THE INSTALLATION OF Miss GILDERSLEEVE-Eleanor 1\lfyers w8 PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES IN HOME ECONOMICS- Flo?'a Rose ............ ................... III THE KAPPA TouR . I I6 PARTHENON . ............... ... .... .. .... .. .. II8 TRuE PAN- HELLENISM ......... ................ I r8 A BROADER FRATERNITY LIFE ....... .. .. ... ...... I I9 WHAT THE WoMEN ARE DOING AT MICHIGAN . .... .. I20 INITIATION REQUIREMENTS . I22 PosT-PLEDGE DAY REFLECTIONS ... .. ... ....... I24 THE SENIOR's Vmw PoiNT ........ ....... ..... I25 THE BLASEE FRATERNITY GIRLS . .......... .. ....... 'I27 EDITORIAL . I 29 CHAPTER LETTERS ...... .. ....... .. ....... ......... I30 ALUMNAE AssociATION REPORTS . .. ..... ... .. ....... I6o I N MEMORIAM . 163 ALUMNAE PERSONALS . I64 ExcHANGES ....... .. ........................... I7I CoLLEGE NoTES .. .. .. .... ........ ........... ... .. .. I83 MAGAZINE NoTES . .............................. ..... I86 Subscription price, one dollar per year. Published four times a year in February, May, October and December by Georg-e Banta, Official Printer to Kappa Kappa Gamma, t65-167 Main Street, Menasha, ·wisconsin. Entered as second class matter November 3, 1910, at the postoffice at Menasha, 'liTis., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Material intended for publication must reach the editor before the first of January, April, September and November. 1J1 rateruity mtrednry ~ranll Qloundl Grand President- MRs . A. H. RoTH, 262 West T enth Street, Erie, Pa. G1·and S ecretary--EvA PowELL, 921 Myrtle Street, Oakland, Cal. Grand Treasnrer-MRs. PARKER. KOLBE, 108 South Union Street, Akron, Ohio Grand Registrar-JuLIETTE G.
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